xt737p8tdp95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt737p8tdp95/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2003-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 2003 text GLSO News, August 2003 2003 2003-08 2019 true xt737p8tdp95 section xt737p8tdp95 N.
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"52*? ORGANIszN
Lexington. Kentucky August 2003
A publication 0F the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service OrganiZation
Volume 18 Number 8
The works of local artisan Vira Newly-crowned monarchs Empress 22
McGeorge will grace the walls of The Pride JD Vaughn and Emperor 22 Larry Stanley
Center starting in mid-August. Opening will kick off Reign 22, The Reign of the Big
reception for her exhibit of oil paintings will Cats with Investitures. The Cats Begin 1
be Tuesday, August 12th from 7-9 pm. Both Their Prowl at Club 141 Wednesday, ‘
originals and prints will be available for pur— August 13. Doors will open at 8:30 pm and
chase. The GLSO cordially invites you all the ceremony & show will begin at 9:30.
to attend this free reception, whether you Members of the male and female lines
are looking to add to your collection or if of descent will be named including Imperial
you just want to bask in the beauty that is Crown Princess 22 Lady Marmalade,
art! The exhibit will run through the end of Princess Royal Jenna Jive, imperial Crown
September. Prince 22 Jeff Henken and Prince Royal JC .
Ms. McGeorge grew up in the moun- Lewis. Members of the organization will !
tains of southeastern Kentucky, where she also be granted honorary titles for Reign
learned an appreciation of the natural world 22. Admission is a $5 donation.
that is reflected in her art. There is a artist Upcoming Court events include the
statement by her on page 2. Closet Ball on September 24, The Divas of
Hazard on October 8 and Divas of
Wlshlnu IIIIalI‘ BI] ralaasn fluncart Darkness pageant on October 29
Vlfishing Chair will be releasing their lat— Applications for membership in the
est CD, Dishpan Brigade, with a special, Imperial Court are available at any Court
"Re-Tree Lexington" concert at the event. Membership dues are $5 per year.
Carnegie Center, on Friday, August 8th, at ...for more court news see page 2
8 PM. The CD, a collaborative effort With I‘ fim‘m
award-Winning instrumentalist Kara
Barnard, features Wishing Chair originals, Sponsor of the {g}
Kara instrumentals and traditional tunes, Month
done up in an untraditional way. Just what
, you'd expect from three sassy gals. Local Debra Hensley E
growers and representatives from local %
environmental groups will participate in Insurance %
giving away trees to help replenish the
growth which was lost in this past winter's 276-3244 3
ice storm. ...continued on page 2 l
£31" -. . . . ’. .’,>t".‘./‘.; ,.. .. .-. f)". . --®7??& '

 imperial Court Reign 21 Donates To Local Charities .
_'_‘j.__;,. GAY and More than $22,700 has been donated to local organ- l
LESBIAN izations including Moveable Feast Lexington, the GLSO l
,0 WC]: and AIDS Volunteers Lexington. The figure represents
‘2. ORGANIZATION 92% of net proceeds from the highly successful Reign 21.
Lexington. Kentucky 2004 CALENDAR PROJECT ‘ ,
Fairy Tales will serve as inspiration for the Imperial ‘
TGLSO NEWS Court's 2004 calendar. Transylvania University Art :
Volume 18 Issue 8 Professor Kurt Gohde will portray local entertainers as .
heroes and villains of cherished fairy tales. Beautiful ,
published monthly by princesses, three bears, some ugly stepsisters and a big I
The Lexington Gay Lesbian bad wolf or two promise the most amazing calendar yet. I
Service Organization Gohde created the Court's hugely popular 2002 calendar \
389 Waller Ave. Femme Fatale. Calendars will go on sale in November. .
Editors Wishing Chair continued Joining US for the I 1
Mary Crone show will be Mother Jones and WAG, Lexington's
Clayton Dobson Women Artists Group, debuting a new art show, hung :
Jackie Cobern espeCIally for this occa5lon. Tickets are $10 and are on I
sale at the Carnegie Center, downtown on Second St.
Board Members Seating is limited so get your tickets soon. '
Terry Mullins, President in June, at the OutMusic Award ceremonies in New I
Jerry Neff, Vice President York,Whishing Chair received two awards, Best CD by a 1
Mary. Crone, Editor band or duo and Best Songwriting for Crow. We're also :
John Ridener, Secretary featured in this month's issue of Arts Across Kentucky, a ‘
Joan Branoln great article by Kopana Terry, and the lyrics for The -
Thri'fiaififiiiéns Ghost of VWI Harbut are featured. .
Bill Chandler Concert: Aug 2 - Louisville, KY, Rainbow Cafe, 2530 '
Clayton Dobson Frankfort Ave (at Gait), $5. Doors open at 7 pm. l
SBa rahSMallrtin Artist Statement: Vita McGeorge l
en a ers
y My work is ever informed by my search for the self.
GLSO Annual Dues & Most of my current pieces are about the self-figure, a
Newsletter. figure anchored in self-portraiture which can also be
Individual . $15 about past or future selves. To this formal structure, r
Couple . $25 which I have learned from Van Gogh and Frida Kahlo, l r
often add mythological elements to enhance the search .
w, for identity. 2
. _ ’ . One of my current series is based on the north- l
Opinions expressed in the GLSO . . .. .
News are those of the authors and western Native American tradition of totem animals. l t
don't necessarily represent those of engage my personal totemic animals with a deepening c
wjlcfnfingfig riggxfssfifrgfi of the borders of the self. This also reflects my ecologi- i
to edit submissions and advertise- cal and spiritual views of the interrelatedness of all liv- (
glifisgisongeg'r:Zvéhgsggnhén:Fete“ ing things. Vira’s art will be on display at the Pride [
Center from Aug 12 through the end of the month. C
W” '

 Z I
_ . Community JVews
) l
5 Miss 859 and Beautifue SisterSound Begins llev Season
1 The Bar Complex, 224 E. Main Street Mark your calendar and plan to attend
. 255-1551, will be hosting the national pag- SisterSound's Holiday Rock Concert on Sat,
" eant and shows of Miss Gay Big & Dec 20 at the UK Singletary Center for the
t Beautiful 2003’ "Goddesses On Parade." Arts. If you just can't wait until then to hear
5 This 3-day event will be held on Mon, Aug. the music, then why not 10th the chorus.
' 18th (Prelim Round), Tues, Aug. 19th (Our SisterSound is a non-audition chorus
3 Not To Miss Show or Stars) and Wed, and welcomes any woman who enjoys
' Aug. 20th (Top 10 & crowning) All events music and singing. Ourfirst rehearsal for the .
r will be in The Gilded Cage Cabaret. coming season is on Sunday, Aug. 17th
2 Over $2,000 in cash and prizes will be at 5 pm at the Landsdowne Cumberland l
3 won! Winner a|so receives jewe|ry set Presbyterian ChUTCh. We WI“ then have
; i from Roxy Dame Designs. Starring in this rehearsals regularly on Sundays 50 it YOU
g pageant: The Reigning Miss Gay Big & are interested, come join us any sunday.
1 Beautiful and Miss Continental Plus, For those whose talents are not vocal,
t. Victoria Parker; Your MC & hostess, the helping With our auxiliary COUtd be the per-
reining Miss National AT Large and Miss fect way to showcase your talents! For
v Big 8, Beautiful 2000' Chelsea Pearl, other more information contact Patti at 806-0243
a former Big & Beautiful title-holders, CoCo or Toine at 2760753: email US at sister- .
3 Star, The Lady Deception, Erica Marinez, Sound@hotmail.com. or check OUt our web ‘
a l Victoria LePaige, and special guests Site at www.geOCItles.com/Sistersound.
3 Tiffany Onet, Ashley Kruz, Dana St. Klng's Island Pr|de N|ghf
James. Don’t miss this show! Sorry, no The Gay Lesbian Community Center of
3 reservations accepted, seating Wt“ be on Cincinnati is again sponsoring Pride Night at
"first come, first serve" basis. For info King’s Island on Friday, Sept 26. Tickets are
please contact Marc Sumner or Chelsea $37 and can be purchased at the GLSO
Pee” at (859) 881-5466 Pride Center at 389 Waller Ave. The Pride
I Center is open from 10 am to 3 pm, Mon
M EN 3 SDB'AL CLUB through Sat. Call ahead to reserve yourtick-
We are p|anning some events over the etS, 253-3233. If you order tiCketS on line
next few months including re-starting the your ticket will include a surcharge, so visit
men's movie night on Friday, Aug 15th. the Pride Center and save money!
Join usat 6 pm at the Pride Center. We
are also planning to go as a group to over 50’s Group
King’s Island in late September and to We have several events planned. We
Dining Out for Life in Oct. We are Open to will see Robbie Bartlett at the Coach House
other ideas SUCh as a camping trip. We on one Friday night and we are going to see
invite other men to attend events like K.D. Lang in Louisville. On Aug. 16 we will
Gayme Night and the Wednesday Night attend the Woodland Art Fair. Our next
Discussion Group. For more information meeting is Sunday, Sept. 14 at the Pride
call lggie at 492-9904. Center. ’
' GLSO page 3

 SOUIFOI'CQ LexDGA is a peer discussion group for
. . anyone who transcends gender norms and

Soulforce Lexmgton has biweekly who wishes to socialize with other like
meetings on the second and fourth minded people or discuss issues they face.
fisgiaszzgéaaznggh 8a5t9 2:38—5a6tzghe Family members and supportive communi-

' _ _ _' ty members are also encouraged to partic-

Soulforce has been negotiating With ipate. We are not a therapy group. For
Ca'VeW Bapt‘StChU'Chfmsevéra'months information email or call: kellindel@hot-
They are asking to present a film, Journey mail.com, or call 859 273-0785.

To a Hate Free Millennium, to the congre-

gation. This film presents several faces of lEX 1'0”: lEATIIER/IIVI CHIC
hate, including the creative strategies of . _ _
GLBT people and friends who blocked The Lexington Lyons '5 a somal CIUb
Fred Phelps from being visible at Matthew for those interested in the. leather/levi
Shepard’s funeral, the aftermath of the lifestyle. . We are celebrating our fifth
James Byrd murder (dragged to death in year anniversary thismonthl We will
Texas), and the Columbine school murders. be meeting at the Phde Center on the

If the Church does not agree to some second Monday, Aug 11 at 7:30‘ _
form of dialog, Soulforce will mail a packet .The Lyons have become the hrSt
of information challenging church teach- Pride Patrons. For information call
ings on homosexuality to all church mem- Thomas at 272'0408'
fhers :nnohuncing their plans to vigil outside Men Of All Colors Together

ec urc .

This is an example of the work KY Men of all Colors Together (MACT)
Soulforce does. They continue to asks for is a local chapter Of a national gay multira- 1
discussions with church organizations that cial organization WhiCh fosters a supportive
they believe teach negative messages environment where friendships and part—
about GLBT people. They do not protest nerships can be celebrated free of racial
publically until they try other avenues. and cultural barriers.

Soulforce follows the principles of non- We meet monthly at the Pride Center,
violence practiced and taught by Gandhi To confirm meeting date and time or for
and Martin Luther King, Jr. to confront information, or transportation call 859-351-
“spiritual violence” against GLBT people. 4453 (Jon) or email macetky@aol.com.
For information or directions, call Jamie at Web site: www.mactky.com
859-230-5625 and check out our web page ,
at www.SoulforceLexingtonorg. Movement Class Fundraiser

Meriah Kruse is offering a movement

[BIL ”“353 all" Eflflflel‘ Alliance class for women at the Pride Center on

http://groupsyahOO-com/grOUp/IexDGA Thursday, Aug 28 from 7 to 8:30. The $8

LexDGA is a group formed for and by cost will be donated to the Pride Center.
transgender, drag king, drag queen, cross- Meriah structures her classes for women
dress, butch, femme, effeminate men, mas- of all sizes and abilities to help women
culine women, transman, transwoman, develop body awareness, flexibility, and
transsexual, androgynous, intersexed, gen- regain strength. Adventures in Movement
der queer, and gender questioning people. classes are fun and you are encouraged to
We meet the first Saturday of each month. move at your own pace. call 276-4962

GLSO page 4 ...continued page 6 _

p Where diversity, faimess, and respect are valued
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f: Life Disability
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 PRJDE aemen News .
fi' 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 10 - 3 $ 3.
LESBIAN VIDEO NIGHT monthly Xena-fest at the Pride Center.
Heat up the summer with Lesbian Join us on Saturday, August 16th at 1pm.
Video Night in August. Women and men of Bring a friend,_and a snack to share. For
all ages are invited to join us at the Pride more '“fOTmatP” or to be added to an
Center Friday, August 8 at 8 pm. for direc- email reminder list, call the Pride Center at
tor Deepa Mehta's controversial film Fire. §59‘253'3233 or contact Jane at lady-
This 1996 film, which was banned in Janeky@yahoo.com.
India, tells the story of two Indian women, _ _
married to two brothers through arranged D'SCUSS'On GrOUp
marriages. One woman has been suffer- The discussion group meets every
ing in her barren marriage to her celibate Wednesday night at the Pride Center, 389
husband for years, when the younger Waller, from 7 t0 9- It is an open group,
brother's new bride joins the famny. everyone is invited. Our discussions range
Both men have interests outside the over a large variety 0f topics and we are
family, so the women turn to each other for always open to new people and new ideas.
companionship and discover more. This For information call 253-3233, or email
1996 film is well acted and visually mes- Jane ladyianeky@yahoo.com-
merizing. It was primarily filmed in English
although there are a few parts that are in Andrew's C1111)
Hindi with English subtitles. Andrew’s Club, a social support group
for GLBT folks in their twenties, will meet
GAYMES NIGHT on the 2nd and 4th Saturday each month
If you’re looking for something to do on at the Pride Center at 7 pm. in July we will
a Friday night, stop by the Pride Center be marching with Fairness on the 4th, and
Friday, August 22 at 7 pm. for Gaymes meeting at the Center on 12th and 26th. To
Night. All genders, ages, etc. are invited participate in this group we ask you to be
for an evening of games and conversation. at least 18 for legal reasons. If you are
We play cards, board games, or group older than 29 you might fit injust fine.
competitions such as trivial pursuit. Bring The Pride Library article is on page 8
a snack to share or your favorite game. .
Book Rewew on page 14
. - . CdaiS‘tO 3 COMM Pet Sitting / Exercising / Transporting
There were so many villains that Xena Certified in Pet First Aid by ARC.
and Gabrielle came up against in their Member Pet Sitters International
afiventurzs but none compares to Callisto. -' Lag?” , Robyn Stockweli, Owner
is e o ' xiii-115;???
blackni:;thre‘3ru:’nlij riLillraeiinalaoirdnfazeifcilw: in call 859 273-7202
. ,, f toll free 1 877 332-8958
affectionately to many fans as Psycho (pi ,
Barbie." This month Callisto will make her Licensed-Bonded-lnsured
return to the small screen during our www.petsit.com/members/rainbowwatchers
GLSO Page 6 .-

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 Pride Center Library Highlights: MCCAN Pflr‘t‘NAV PART 7
Children's Books Bi 0"
By Jane Minder ‘1 5 51¢

This time last year I was writing about a _ Mabon '8 named after the GOd Of YOUth'
new family, Taylor, Michael, Tristan, Jacob 't '5 the AUtum“ Equ'mxi the 530°“ her-
and their fathers, Michael Meehan and vest festival and occurs around Sept. 21.
Thomas Dysarz. Wellthe Quads are nowa Once again day and night are equal,
year old and to celebrate we are highlight- poised as the God is ready to leave his
ing the few children's books we have in the body and journey in the unseen to prepare
Pride Center Library. From the classic to be reborn of the Goddess.

Heather Has TW°_ Mommies: *0 Sissy Mabon is also called Alban Elfed
D.”°k"“.9’ by p'aywr'ght and a°t°r Harvey (Caledonii) Vlfinter Finding (Teutonic) which
Flersteln, these are books meant to be . . .
shared by moms and dads, aunts and spans from the Equinox until Winter Night,
uncles...with the children they love. OCt 15' the Norse New Year. Mabon
marks the First day of Autumn when the
Daddy's Roommate by Michael WlllhOite hours of sunlight and darkness are equal,

(F N” D121) in perfect balance. Mabon is the chcan
Duke Who Outlawed Jelly Beans and Other day of giving thanks for all we have.
Stories by Johnny Valentine (F Vale D877) Each fall, nature declines, drawing back
Heather Has Two Mommies by Leslea it bounty and readying for the winter, its
Newman (F Newm H441) time of rest. The Goddess knows that in
Name on the Quilt: A Story of Remem _ the weakening sun the God wanes. The
brance by Jeannie Atkins (F Am N174) fire burns within her womb and she feels

. , the pressure of the God and his need to be
Rainbow Zebra (F Raln R154) reborn.

Sissy Duckling by Harvey Fierstein (F Fier Mabon is associated with the harvest-
8623) ing of corn and other plants before the first
Uncle What-ls-lt is Coming to Visltll frost arrives. The last of the herbs and
Michael Wlllhoite (F W“ U54) other vegitables you wish to store for win-

_ _ ter uses should be harvested now.

AS you can see our collection 0f Ch'l' Celebrate this time of balance by taking
dren's books is small. All books, videos, stock of your self. Are you living a bal-
and audio recordings in the Pride Library anced life? Can you give as well as
are donated by generous members 0f the receive? Are your hours of rest and work
community, like you. lfyou have any GLBT in balance?
affirming children's books we would love to A simple way to celebrate Mabon is to
add them to the collection. Donate a book walk in wild places and forests gathering
m the name 91:3 Ch'ld you '9ve- seed pods and dried plants (a traditional

All donations to the lerary are tax- practices). Dried herbs and other vegeta—
deductible. Just bring them by the Pride tion can be use to decorate your home,
Center and ask that a tax receipt be sent to season your food, or for herbal magick.
you. These and many other books and Next month I will be writing about
videos can be checked cm from the Pride Burning Times. You are interested in learn-
Center Library located at 389 Waller ing more please call me at 492_9904_
Avenue, open Monday-Saturday, 10—3. Blessed Be.

GLSO Page 8

 , ‘2

7 Figures of the SELF :

An Exhibition of
Ith. ,-.r"*;f._;ig_=- - : . 1
ar— Opening Re caption '7'" "-
21. Tuesday, fiugust 12 ‘ ~ w
lal, 7:00 — 9:00 pm i
are . 4% ” ;_
:an - hufiV‘cu-‘uifi i ~ .
ick Self-Figures by Vira McGeroge
its at Lexington GLSO Pride Center
: in August 12 - September 30, 2003 »
els 1
mo! . g: .52" «3.904.: at Le Marché .
'in‘ ‘3 x’r Raiiroaci b’creei: Midway, KY v; ,
i ‘ (859) 8.46-4688
ing ‘ , j f j
.3..- cafe & coffee ;
as ' _'_ i
ark Fine Coffees £1 Teas ‘
to 2} Deiicious Lunches Luscious Desserts
:3 inside and Patia Dining ‘
i: Tues. - bat. iOa ~— 5p bun. Ha — 5p ._;
. Now WEN flat asAT. , 5p: ~- epv . -
rn- ' ' 7‘ Eforsaup's. appetizers.’baVerag’es 5 desserts H ‘ > j
— GLSO Page 9

 l l
Swami gummy
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!~ INTEGRITY
A New Church for Lexington! Integrity, a group for GLBT Episcopalians
The word is out that a new type of and friends, continues to meeton the second
. . . . sunday of each month at St. Michael’s epis-
church is coming to Lexmgton. This ,
Church called the Orthodox Catholic copal Church at 2025 Bellefonte St. in
Church’of America is very gay friendly Lexington. For information contact Rectors
. ' . . . ’ David Boyd or Sandy Stone at 277-7511 or
supportive of gays in ministry and the email Stmintegrity@yahoo com
blessings of gay unions. The OCCA is ' '
also ve woman friendly; the have and
will corriiinue to ordain worn/en to the unltaflan Uhlversqlislt Chum“
orders of Deacon, Priest, and Bishop. The Unitarian Universalist Church wel-
The Church is also open to married, comes visitors any time. There will be servic-
divorced and single individuals, welcom- es every Sunday during the summer at 10
ing all persons regardless of the bless— am. There are also many groups that meet
ings or problems of their lives. The that are open to non-church members. A
church is, of course, free of all racial prej- small Buddhist Meditation Group meets
udice and has an open door policy for all every Wed. night at 7:30. For more informa-
who wish to come and pray - regardless tion see www.uucl.org.
of religious background or lack there of.

The OCCA is a mixture of the tradi- WOMWS STIR-[WW
“”3 and ”Story 0“ the onhOdOX and The uu. Church's Women's Spirituality
Catholic faith traditions. lts Sunday ritual Group will be meeting Friday, August 1 and
is a celebration of Hebrew and Christian possibly August 15 and August 29 The
Scriptures culminating in the celebration group, which is open to all women, meets at
Of the Lord's Supper and the reception 0f 6:30 pm. for potluck and 7:30 pm. for a
HOW Communion. The Church cele- program. In August we will continue watch-
brates the seven sacraments and offers ing videos. The Burning Times explores the
as its core beliefs the anCIent Nicene witch burnings in Europe during the 15th
Creed. It is a church willing to question through 17th centuries, and Full Circle
itself and applauds those members who examines the modern resurgence of god-
raise 0'9”th about faith and understand- dess-based spirituality. We will be meeting
ing. It '5 a Chum“ on Journey ' aiourney at the home of Davina Warner, call (859)
to better connect W'th G°d m order to bet- 338-5402 for directions or more information.
ter connect with the world and its needs.

Watch for further announcements or call Jubilee Fellowship
338-1195 for information. The local parish The Jubilee Fellowship is a Christian
community WI” be called 9" Mychal the group that gets together for Bible Study and
Martyr remembering the gay FranSiscan Worshi eve Th d . ht C t t
priest who was the first fireman victim of p ry urs ay nig ' on ac
the 9/11 terrorists attacks in New York. Beverly or Corina at CWBM121893@aoI.com

or call 264~7006 for information or directions.
GLSO page 10

 m can umm mm... 252-3014
A Charity Organization
lis- 2008 Pride Monti! Sponsors
Jrs Scott Ackerman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (voice) 294-2055
or For all your real estate needs (mobile) 338-8483
TheBarCompIex ..........................255-1551
1 224 East Main Street
fol: Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . 859-806-4114
10 Promoting equality for all people
(2 Pride Patron
'81- Lexington Lyons Levi/Leather Club. . . . . . . . . . 272-0408
_t GLSO News Sponsors 2002
nd SisterSound..................................243-0243
he Diverse music for all women
2 Richardson Vision Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .278-4201
:h- 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
f‘e TeresaWagoner...............................494-1831
’fh Russ Dunn Real Estate
3 e
,d_ Unitarian Universalist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223-1448
ng Seeking a Diverse Congregation
:31) Debra Hensley Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Road
WindyKnoIlFarm 2997410
an Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
:Ct Lexington Men’s Chorus ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255-1974
.m Rehearsal every Sunday
- -——————“——————Gtso—pagew

 can number m August 2003
Directory for Location.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10 -3pm
(Call for place) 8 pm LDGA meeting
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 am UU Church Services 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Sistahs in the Life 7 pm Discussion 6mm 7 1,," Lesbian Alamo Pride Center Open 10-3pm
7 pm Dignity Call for place 8 pm AA Step Study pc 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Night Pride (mm. 7pm Andrew’s Club-
(Call for place) (Call for place) ” ’ . ' Pride Center
7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
. (Call for place)
10 11 12 13 15 _ . 16.
10 am UU Church 7:30 pm Lexington Lyons 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 5 Pm Men’s Mowe Night Pride Center Open 10-3Pm
2 pm 50... pride Center Pride Center 7- 9 pm Vlra McGeorge Pride Center Pride Center . 1-4pm m _ p C
6 pm Imperial Court pC 8 pm AA Step Study Art Exhitit Open House 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
7 pm Dignity (Call for Place) (Call for place) Pride Center (Call for place) (Call for place)
7:30 Soulforce
1 7 1 8 1 9 - 20 22 23
10 am tJU Church Service 7 pm GLSO Board 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 7pm Gaymes Night- Pride Center Open 103W"
5 Pm Sister Sound Meeting, Pride Center TBA Miss Big & Beautiful Pride Center Pn'de center 7pm Andrew’s Club-
8 pm AA Step Study The Bar 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Prlde Center
(Call for place) (03“ i°r We”) (Call for place)
TBA MISS Big & Beautiful TBA MlSS Big & Beautiful
The Bar The Bar
24 25 27 28 30
6150 am 00 Church Service 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Adventures in Noon-3 pm Folding
pm imperial Court P' 8 pm AA Step Study Pride Center - '
6 pm Sister Sound (Car. for mace) 8 pm Gay/LesbIan AA Movement - Pride Pride Center
31 (Can for place) Center Fundraiser
6 pm
———————-————-—_——___—._—_—_ ————————————————_————_————_—
GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13

 Pride library 300K REVIEW growing up different without words to
Trans-Sister Radio by Chris Bohjalian identify the feelings emerging inside, the
by mary crone pleasure in finally being able to wear
h 'l t th' _ l clothes that feel appropriate, and the
AS t 3 me sugges 5’ '5 '5 a_ “we difficulties in communicating with family
about a M2F transsexual and the impact members
She haSs on a smgll communfitlyrir; VE’WF’“: Allison has to decide if, as a heterosex-
Dana IteveIIns,a ro essctiro {3 ory,is:1us ual woman, she can be happy with a
bliginningt :IprocesBs 0k ranSLioninng in woman as a lover/partner. She and Dana
S e meetsh llsim :n SAI: Ni“: :e- have to deal with a range of reactions in
menftalrly 5‘? (I30 each ‘3' ISO: Dm S 6t: the small town including harassment, hate
:6” aDing m 0Y6 W'th ana, :2 aIna Wlt mail and the possibility that Allison may
ellr' Iana WEI”? per 89:] a” ' t7: ong o lose ajob she loves.
te AHISOZZV ats up w't/ 'lr'th( ”id/pro} There are numerous discussions
nouZIuse d ysontie peope m e m/ e 0 among the characters about gender identi-
ourAIIIjgen' er 5y: erg) d Wll d 't ty, how it is formed, what it means and the
isons X' US an ’ I ' . oesn social pressures on all of us to conform to
approve of the match, and thats before . .
_ _ , _ certain gender expectations. Carly says
anyone knows that Dana is tranSitioning. . ,, .
Th f tth thl t'll ll h' f ,f atone pomt ldothinkwe all wantto cross
.. e :IT' a , lb's ' l ca ts hl's 9rmb§lr wrte over a lot more than we realize. We all
my Itlslon IS IS: cfue (:1 IS '2': my 0 want to be...other."
somfitjhete'z :epafiehronm tenfnh‘? 0 men; She is not talking about being trans-
léfn Pat" Iugs e e ou 0 '8 presen sexual, but about being free to be our—
w' elNlla ”CI: _ bl' d' d C l h' selves in ways that our culture may deem
' d AIM", 8;” puhtic rat I: an , arty, b'S inappropriate for our gender. Gay, lesbian,
an isons aug Ier, '5 eginning _° e and bisexual individuals “cross over” those
interested in a Similar career. During a . . . .
, , lines conscrously and unconscrously, and it
summer internship she helps produce a . . H . ,, . .
. , _ is often this gender bending that is a trig-
National Public Radio story on transsexual- . . .
, , _ , ger for homophobic reactions directed at
ity which happens late in the time frame of . ,
, . _ _ us by others and, to often, directed by us
the novel but pieces of the radio interViews at each other .
are sprinkled throughout, thus the Radio ' . . .
, The short pieces written as if tran-
part of the book title. . . . .
E h h t fth b k’ tldf th scripts from the NPR interVIews prowde
_ tacf C ap efro eftfio fls o Iromh e additional opinions and information. For
poln o View/1o onézI e Iourrfnain (t: ar- example, a physician comments that
“5:? prow ingta ”:5 'ayer-ilnhg 0 :210 ions “Clothing is infinitely more important to a
an iverse PM?“ V'ew', eau orcer- transsexual than to a transvestite. A
tainly succeeds in challenging assumptions . . . .
transvestite is merely usmg clothing to play
about love and gender. . . . .
, _ . a role. A transsexual is usmg it to define
Bohjalian obVIously researched trans— . . ,,
, , himself or herself as a human being.
sexuality and is very successful at present— . . . .
, _ _ . . This is a fun book to read, written With
ing the emotional, medical, somal and polit- . . . .
. . . great compas5ion and inSIght. The informa-
ical issues involved. Through Dana we . .
. tional aspect was of interest to me but for
learn some of the many nuances of being . . .
t l , l d' th f _ I most readers, Trans-Sister Radio Will be a
ranssexua incu ing e con ”8'0” 0 engrossing story they will not soon forget.
M -
GLSO page 14

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