xt737p8tdp1g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt737p8tdp1g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1915-03-11 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 24,  March 11, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 24,  March 11, 1915 1915 1915-03-11 2015 true xt737p8tdp1g section xt737p8tdp1g Best Copy Available
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{ University of Kentucky
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tml tu nts num "’»¢”   S ”A“T S atnnnnnwn m um   SATE W HDRA WS tamu annum nm
_ A Slr Dan ('upld worked overtime at I ——··  
r w[$[[m |j$$|[$ ,,,0     M.,   ,, , VAIISIIY [|[[]A][||$       vB,B       $[}}|[|][|[[ A||||]|]m][|]
\ msu]; Og ms actgymcsl mpeg engage. fled that lt would be reinstated ln the
mants have been nnnwnum . . . K. I. A. A. alter a suspension since
Victory Gives Them Stl°0Dg M", Sm., gwqgsrt Lyne. , student Contest:   be   }n Unl-}June. 1912, at a meeting of the Assolwlll be Held May 12, 13, 14
Claim f01‘ Slllté at the University last year, wlll be versity C1}“P°1 Fmday ·”l¤*l¤¤ held 8* the Ph0¢¤l¤ Howl. and 15 on Stoll
V Honors. married in Juno to Mr. Jan Shep, Nlght. Tuesday, and immediately slgnllled its  
· . —-—- Md Milner. of 1·<>¤i¤vi1¤¤· 'l`he nm debate ofthe Kentucky an- ‘“'°““°“ °1 "“*"1"“"1“8· ——
. The State ce-eds def¢•¢¤¢ UN K°¤· Miss Josephine Denton, a tormer te,-couegmt, pebmng A,,0cg,m0n for Wh*1° *1**** °·°“°¤ °‘ *1*** K- 1- A- A- Dr. William L. Anderson, who will
  tucky Wesleyan lullél U! l |¤°l'• °t student, will be married in April to me yam- wm bg hgld in the Unqveysqty will “°1 1*1 my WW *111****1 me **1111**11c have charge of the Interscholastic
  18 to 9 in the Ilnsl fn! ¤f \h¤ |•¤°¤ Dr. Edmond C. Couman, ot Lewis-Iphaml F,-may mgm at 8 p_ me between **'*“°*'°“ at *h° U¤1"°”“Y· md" "°*¤‘ Tournament this year, announced yes.
  Blttlfdl!   Beth t•°·m·   bum, 01110. DI'. COHIDID {I I PYOHIL (}g0r8g[0wn and Kentucky State Un]. statement and withdrawal as member [€|"d8Y that H10 [0l1l'l’lBl’[l0I1l, would be
  an excellent IMD! Mid it VN W9 M nent young dentist of Lewlsburl, and ye,-s|ty_ The cgntggtantg gpg prepared ln $°°d 1’1““d1“8 wm 1`°m°v° '· most held as usual on Stoll Field May 12,
g the |••t••t |’l!’l|’ !¤¤•| |••¤ it UW ls n graduate ot the Ohio Coll•|e of gm- me fray and wm uphold me mc. ““f°1`111“*1° 111*11 (mm 111°11` W"- 13. 14 and 15. Doctor Anderson has
i Auditorium thi! I0\|0¤· Dental Surgery and a member of the Ord of [hg gggocjgugn in dgbgt_|ug_ 1"-’c°1`d· Ibeen quite successful in his work as
• At thefnd of thi! Mit hd! D°°t°*' Psi Omega fraternity. The quggtlgn gm- discuggjon gs_ ··R8. K°“1“°1‘Y 81*16 w" ““’p°11d°‘1 111|physlca.l director ofthe University this
‘ *rlgsrt’s bunch had a two·polnt lead on Thg mgrriggg of mn gn, awww, Solved, Thee me sate et Kentucky 1912 trom the K. I. A. A. for alleged l yea,. and has taken e deep interest in
V the W•Il¤!l¤ Ill'}! NN thi! NNY m' to Mr. Walter W. Fitspatrlck, ot Clem- ghougd Adopt a Unicgmgrigl Sygggm gf "1°1“·11°11“ 01 1118 °11$1b1111Y rubs °1 1116 . athletics throughout the State.
crusod to seven ln the se•¤¤d lull bY Iggu College, Sgqth Cgrgunge yu] 5, Gevemmemj, Bute debeeen wm up association in playing Burrlss and PNL Charles P_ weve,. wm have
11*1*1 p1‘Y111'· °°l°b*`M°d ln the °“'1Y 'P*'1¤U• ML hold the attlrmatlve. The team ls Park °° 1h° b°°°b°" 1°°m· T11°°°lrlmrge of the oratorlcal and musical
For the State goal-shooters Mins Fltgpgtrigk lg B -13 graduate in the eempeeed ef Menu S_ S_ Comb-, C_ men were accused of protesslonnllsm events, which wm be held in the my
Tnulwn able to locate the b••k•t lu Conan of Agygcunqpg gud 4. nw gn. W, Belly md J_ N_ Farmer. George but the charges were not substantiated Auditorium, Woodhnd Park, en the
IIC? old um, ·t,l° ·¤d Mil!   m6d ln the §0V$IIlDO¤l· xmxs II `town Collage, rgprgxutgd by Mg··rg_ lbefcre the S'   A' A' and   was BVCDHIKB of UIC BLIDG  
I played ID 6!¢8U6¤¢ 8|¤\• it 8“Ud· State Dalrymm ot South Carolina. |_]_ T_ Nos], R_ Hubba-;] gud E_ w_ po,. allowed 1° may 1119 nut yur Mwr 1·11° All high schools have been divided
Masses   Heller and Innes per- .......•..Y— Men wm defend the ueeeuve University had been reinstated ln the mm No clneem A md B_ eecerdmg to
termed tn their usual good manner as     n | On lest yeer Georgetown wen from Southern Association but the K. 1. A. me me of the wwe and were wm be
did M||| Gqllel, F0! [H6 Vllll'»0|‘| MIB! Irrrsnsylvunia and State defeated Cem I A- has never seen nt- until the present, mggtg for gg}; of {hg two clgggggr ggd.
j DIY Blvd 0¤• if UN bm 1¤d1'1d‘1’·1l tmp Alma 10 "°1"’1“1° K°111“ckY· l ing with an lnter-class meet.
‘ ‘ nm;. svg; pan here. Miss Porter, nm     ·l~,.m,8y]vanm and Central will meet! _______•______ The schedule of the tournament, as
• ¤1¤° P•'!°"¤•d "°“· at Danville some time during the! announced yesterday follows:
Th. u°°":  _ month of March,   List and order of track events—0ne-
8tl»l0·-·Uil|•| H¤8h°|• TW] md D€f88tS Every TCBIII Pl8yGd’ M; s_ D_ Bogggl gf Qgntygl, pp";.] hundred-yard hurdle (hurdles 3 tt. 6
. G°1'°1• 1°""“"1'? H1" 1’1°11°'· °°“°°'°’l and Beaten by All EX- dent or the association, wul preside. in.) (trials); pole vault; 100-yard-dash
Mines Innes and Wood, guard!. 1 cept One. The judges have been chosen by the _       (trials); twelve-pound shot; 120·yard
w°‘°Y“1"'M1““ B“11°" md D°y’ ——— Zcommlttee but have not yet been an- hurdle (11*1*1**19 100*YVd d¤¤h (n¤¤]¤)i
forwards; Miss Porter, c6¤t0!'; Missesl Tho 86**011 Jun 11111.11*1 by u1°{u0u¤c°d_   1half-mlle run; 220-yard dash, (trials);
Cooper and Courtney. sand`-.- Qstute     tctm was one of they   _           yunnlng broad jump; 440.ya]·d dash,
pwd G°.;,..m“ Hughgg 2, Mus most unique the BMW ¤·¤d www h“l“A KENTUCKY BELLE), Wins Decision Over (finals); running high Jump; Zwyard
'Iaul 3, lib! Ilmtl I. Mil! W0°d L °""1` “p°1`1°11°°d· Thu d°1°°1°di ViSjt0rS_ dash, (tlnals); 220-yard hurdle (hurdle
Miss Butler 1. Mill POTW? 1- every 1°°m ¤l•Y°d md w°r° b°°'t°°l     ° 2ft. 6 in.) (trlalsl; one-mile run; 220-
Free Throws—1ilss Tuul 1. Ml¤¤`bY each ¤¤i¤*°*· °¥°°P* M°*'Y'111°·} ··A Kentucky Belle/’ presented bl" In a doubts debate Saturday nishtlya"1 ‘1‘“’1‘· ‘11““1“)? °“‘*“11'° "°1“·y
. H°"°" 1* M1" my 5' lwnh which only one game Wu pmyoa l 11*1 1'°“11$ “'°“1*’" "1 1116 P1‘11°“°p111'1“Ithe law schools or Kentucky State andl ”°"·
Umpu.,__K¤,m,_ of Ganga], l'l`he>· 10¤t GVGFY 8¤·m° P1*Y°‘1 °“ 111"’,society at Buell Armory last W¤d¤¤¤· Ugiygrglty or umelnnatl, each won a1 "`1‘°““ 1*111 1"` 1“'° °°'11°“1“ 1** |’“1’11°
"`“¤° °' *’°'1°"°"1" “""“1°‘· •°""°"“'““` °°°” “‘°' “’m‘ °“° °x°°°`=·*¤>’ ¤*¢*¤*· p1°““°‘1 **1** 1“1`$° ¤¤d*°¤°° mtsleu. one debate was new lnlS¤···¤k¤¤g· we M *>¤v¤ ¤¤¤ <>¤¤ for
This victory 0V6¤‘ W6|l¢!¤¤ SiV°|]11°"· “'°“ *’"“`Y $111111* p1°y°d °° 1'h°lund all united in saying that it was chapel here wd mother it the nmolglrls. Prizes will be awarded to win-
the State girls a strong claim to Statelhome iioor. The basketeers ran up aeme er me beet pedermeeeee met hee time at Cmcmmm' Each homo uminere ef nm end eeeend in eeeh com
<=¤¤¤¤vl¤¤¤¤iv ¤<>¤<¤¤~ TM ¤¤*Y °*h°’ : *°*°1 °' 311 ”°‘“‘“ ‘° “‘°1' °1"’°“°“‘“ i<·v+¤· *><>·>¤ sim ¤* me U¤*v¤¤¤**~v· luphsm me amrmtmvs sms ot me ques- *68*-
possible claimants are the Unlversity[296, a lead of 16 points, which ls al- A feature of the play was the pen mm and the visiting team the Hogg-. There wm be contests in music ee
of L0ulIVlll0 wd T¤'¤¤¤YlV9·¤l¤» b0*h:m°¤* as much as 1111111 m°1°ri1y in t’h°,trayal of the male characters by theltive and each home team lost a de, follows—Vocal: solo and quartette; in-
0f which YBNBI NW9 b09¤ l·Wi°9 69*, 11111`Yv111° 8“m°• 111° °°1y mam migirls, which was well carried out, al- cieien Istrumental: piano and violin. Prizes
feated this SBMOD- T!19 $¢¤i6 8h']s.“'h1°h l·h°Y 111*1 “°1· 1°“° °* g°m°‘ ithough. perhaps, they lacked some of 1,,10 subbct of me debate wee ,,Re_|awarded to winners of llrst and second
have lost only one game and that to Captain Ralph Morgan lead ln scor- the lmpemeue ]eve_mekmg enemies of ` l"‘ Th1 t h S I t [ th   it dim eeeh ease
the Unlverslty of Louisville ln a pre-  ing by a wide margin with Tuttle and e areal men], ;° ‘("·1· R 1* 11 ° was gl; Msumgueai Medela wm be awarded winners of
vlous BBIIIB. Bild C0¢¢h TIKGN NYU if z"r1°“ °1°°° 1°g°m°r‘ The IDEA has not space enough to.`;a?1` E em: rtw Ana [ ul G t each event in the track events.
9 they had shown their usual style in Next year’s captain has not been enumerate the strong points of thelxalry q-uu ov ly" 0 d he rea I The school securing thelamest num-
thls game. tb6Y W0\11d UWB W0¤ GWUY- 1*’1€c1"‘1· 111111116 11°°°' will pmbubly members of the cast, but each carried] Mums otfmle \ or d. tslmtbatzmpou-{ber of polnts ln the tournan1ent will
lu al previous Kuna, uw quintet defeat, go to Zgrfggg, Gumbcrt or SBIVBT. her part with much skill and graca Iqefaluee Ob tl; afgggxenuuum? Sizzglbg awarded {hg championship cup,
Gd the Louigvillg squad, which glves` State's 1915 record tollows; · Misses hm Dunn and Martha vu_‘se•.ur c e ia h lwmch it Shan www one year, The
tho two html U1 9V0¤ b|'°¤k· ' 81*119 37· M°'ryvm° C°u°‘° H' non had the leading roles and scored shomd not ma num mc B muy. tschool wlnnlng lt for three years shall
Although the ¤e&¤¤¤ i¤ <>V¤¤‘» C°¤·*’h| $1**1** 18· U“1"°"’11Y °1 1*°“1“"u1° 1* immediate hits. In spite of the uct that one of me retain tt permanently.
Tlgert has announced that the teaml State 35. St Andrew's 15. ______•________ "1“"“b°" °1 uw fincguuatt   tus The game wm etert promptly et 2
wlll mm my gtrnv mm ln the State! S*¤*¤ 2¤’·· U¤**¤*•**¥ 0* '*`•¤¤°¤°°° ANNOUNCEMENT BY Z y°;“gt1“:1'el?: mr¤°`“b°;;`S   tn-mtu tn me summon.
for tht! ¤h¤¤‘lD|0¤BbiD. U16 third 8’•m°·#36•     CT _i an :1: 1 E ed t B Da Sagem All contestants are requested to re—
should one be ¤•c•¤I•1'Y. to U6 l>l¤·Y€d| $1**18 22· U¤"°”111 01. T°°°°"°° ·—·— e nk mm ' comms 0 l l I port to clerk of course to recelve their
e on s uw".! Mor. 25. The editors of the University Bullet l·. A. Harrison and J. D. Chamberlain, numbers and dmssmg assignments not
The sm. bunch su defeated every. Stew 33. V¤¤¢•r¤¤* 39- "" “"“" '° ‘“" “‘“‘ “““°““°"“‘°"‘“ ‘1° “'°“ "‘°‘1°°1“i°" by “ "’° °° °°° "°t°° I mer than 1:30 o'<·l0ck ln the um.
tum it hn moe um anon with me State 36, vudabut M_ not come to them by lntultion. They The (`lnclnuutl team `lncluded Ztilssiuoon of me games-
’ exception of Louilvillor     State 22' University of Tsnnessoe do not   to leave any notices out of NROIHI RuSinBky' L. L. (0uw·y and lt ls ll€t`€SBl.ll`)' llldl. XUU \\ t'all` YOU?
they hid an even break, md Louievme 11· the bulletin, but, lt ls impossible for Weudull Keyser. number. Comesmms um um stun
declines to play a third game. Un- State 20, University of Tennessee thern to 8% ¤V0¤'Ylhil1l; by Calling up, .»\ large uudlenee heard the debate without it-
.,l,..,d mm sm at- mute me as- xs “" "“"‘“”*“ °“ "‘° °“‘“*’““ ““‘1 '“““’{""‘"‘”· """‘“" "“’ “‘“°"‘“ff‘ “"“‘ "°“· t·n,.—kt ttm .....t., me .-me ml- tm.
me •¤·•¤·· ¤¤·¤¤· ¤<>·· ·¤¤ ¤··•· ·=¤·¤¤- S*··*·· *¤· 8* *¤°*·*’• °°· °' "‘° "'°'°““°"‘ "?1 """ "” ""’,"’   "‘°   »·..nm» .0     l., ,,.,.-.
mommy- State 15, Unwenuy of Loulyma 26_ Student promoters of clubs and so- et the team were. For Kentucky Mm when Home or mule uw assigned
Under Doctor Tigert's coaching in State. 311; opponents, 296. *‘:¢’:l¢*¤ ¤h•::1ld Dihtllclsr grins r;;>tl<·cUof   \T;1;¥;l¢;6 hl··TU:::01::;j  l`it;·J“_Hl result in dmluuunwmmsl Vom-
_ _ _______ l ll‘ l' {DOG D8! ll 0 0 OUPDB tllll 8- ' ¢‘.` ' · •- ` ` ' __ V
;::,.p:::¤?:r yous may have lon only L"'- °°K" HUP it Blum AYWOYY SKF partment on Friday afternoons be- I clunati, ll. E. Werner, J. M. Bearman V    liscgjcuxiilcjromu1:;;;.:“;:K
urdw uisht. March 18. 8 to 12 v- m. tween the hours of 2:so mm mo. und nnvm Rosenberg. The guages. _
`—_-_°•‘-__- U¤¤’t ferret to ree "her" and wake Then no one can complain or nelng`»~·•~rt· wor. sl. A. cmnmy, 1;. x..l`°‘“`1‘°“‘ "`“1'““"" "'b1’”"‘ ""“· wm
Yon mngt get one of tl10I0 KGB- r l ———-—t—····———-—— —— —  
ache". that date. left out. .Quarles aud Judge Samuel Wilson. I (Continued on Page Three.)

 ` I
g T H E I D E A , •
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the ?0’s G0. (
”°°‘ IHE ORPHEUM IHEAI RE °"""°"“°
Mc At Admission 10c h
FIRST-CLAS! IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. ITAMPIR, Jr., Own•r and Mann •r. OPEN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. W
lmlf are working their "profs." so they 1
THE [DEA I ‘ "
u ·CALAGIS 8: CO "
‘ - k thi th h. 1
u published every Thursday throughout the College you by th• atudlont. body ium mn B 6 r way mug 2 Successor to IARRII A C0. • • • tl
of un State University of Kentucky, for the benetlt of tho un •r- u v_ -······—· 1
A D A M   0 E   graduates, alumni and tsculty or the institution, l lhe hoard of education has resolved . 107 W. Mlln St, "
‘ 1 ——-—~-—-~»—-——·—T ··— -———~———-—-—»—»-———— » ———» ~·— ~ u- r·——»- —— ;·— —-;-: to erect a building large enough to ncl -E°T SGDA FQUNTMN IN TH. S
gup[|{||)|] yA|||)[Y|[_|_[ 5 wma: mm as me official ¤¤w¤p•p¤r or me uulvmm. n n luuod wml mm,,,,,,,,,t, M, h,,,,d,,,d ,,u,,,,, u,,,u.._ ¤•TY- FW! ¢AN¤|l| n
tthe view or furnishing to its subscribers all the college neva of Kentucky, __ ' u L _ _u __ ___   ____g___ ul
ltogethor with • digest of Items of interest concerning the universities 0t`>*'°¥`*"¤ Mill -N¤w¤ hem- In "°"" ` S
2       %°W°" |“t“ md C*¤*d*·· lparison with this, the Slx-One Cluhl   N
` ' `'P` W U bllvlon. u U
•u••cn•r1·n0u ou: ¤ou.An nan van. nv: cnn rn c0rvl""""" '"'° ° . • •
.. .. 3 · , , u ...... Unnversnty ~
l2¤t.•r•d at Lexington Post Otllco u second c an mal matter. Hwhv IH It that when R follow mm K
Y _ @*-*7 $7;: A_A;;—T¤;T3R|ALr·TA#F’ 161+1.16. -1 V I VN illlkél l'llB bélt [ll'] to H10 l.llGBU'€, ll?   S
      CLYDE P. TAYLOR ................. . ..................... Editor-ln·Chlet ‘*"'*‘ “*`*m‘ behind “ Wu °" “ '“°u"“
loc Mun 20c xmmmrn moms ................. . ................... Managing manor ¤*°*¤*‘° b°°*h¤·" ¤¤*‘** $*****8**- *¤ *'*°   h·
1. owns nmwnoms ............... . .................... A••m•¤t mmm 1 *"*"“* S*“d°"*· T**°'° my b° “‘°“‘°" . . 4 ¤<
F nn MB madnam mm Hom Offers free tuztwn in all depart- * C,
    Auuln, Ed;g°,·•_  
umm Enilnly luv l••ug•m•nt lJEANET'I`E BELL .... Patterson Hall J. E. BOLLING ...... Mech. •nd Elm} The Hopkinsville student who ments to the g ra d u a t ° ' _
`A. li. LEIBOVITZ ........... At,h10tic||G. C. ROGERS ............... Mlhlltliwnlked nineteen miles to take an ex- of K€HtlICl(y     WIIO
  —»-»—-  i— l Il. \\’. RUTH .....,....... Agriculture FLORENCE HUGHES ..... Exchange gmlmmou lg the kind of lad who puts I
C [ ....._...   ln 29 hours every day in hard study are prepared to enter the Frank I
O € € I LESTER W. GRLDY ................................... Bu•ln••• M•.¤•|•r   and the mst of me time in umm man Clash
}   T. GEI.DER...u ........ u.t...uuA..i.; ............. Snbsoriptlon   A {Orme,. president of the Kansas Each county in th. But. u I
' —` A `VPV   N C- A W li W A HM n ————— I
0 l Sixty men at the University of Chi- entitl
uk M » wee—--e ..... as as ee”--br-e ed to send FREE ot tui-
L.—.., . . -.-...;-*0..- ,, W,. ,,_,.. 1
_‘ lcago have entered their annual mus-
1·Et_|_•N¢; 5Mu·r·rv 5·r0m53_ Etache race and at the end or the month HOD, matriculatiou, llbctltoty
en ——; ,the winners will be chosen by the, and other fees one or mor. · •
There is one man whom every self-rnpecting college student or profes-`S6¤i0¥` W0¤10¤- TUB 11168% will D¤`0b· _ ' 4
sor in State University should hold in contempt: The man who profnnes'8blY offer DTU08 f0¤‘ U16 !¤0¤t ¤·¥'U¤U<*· pomtecs-
[his mother tongue. dishonors the name of the one who suffering brought him me most m¤·¤]Y» the stubblest and mel
. ’ Necessar modus '
Arc       Into this world, and pollutes the atmosphere in which he moves like tl1elU¢kll¤89Bt· y expenses h` "
cancer eating at the very vitals of a human body. T, {DPA ii hi d I FOP full i!If0l'lDItl01l l‘¢|ll'd•
That man is the one who dares to touch the minds of his associates b L le d It : Us anu 02 Im; f` mg appointees courses of ltud,
\* wnth a touch more terrible than that of Ieprc•y—THE SMUTTY STORYIT u We 0 ry 0 wp er up n B ye` ’ °
- lr -. uM··—--__ I u _
{L-.;   ..’_·?fv  * Not vontent rto keep his imaglnings to himself, he sometimes sinks to thejyou vs nomfed ttizat 8; springf sp 00St of board, etc., apply to
} A '* '*"> _,€`·‘__“,'.  debasing degrte ol'_not only whispering his foul thoughts to others, but takes , FMT; BB' wi vo Ti eubo son? 0 Er H S BARKER
· [ ,,.:2 ` Y j / _ ·
    it u.uuu.uuu ul- ..uu.u...uuuuu boys usually ,-uuuuuu than himself ,and unloade l““ ° "“'“;""““ “· “‘ ‘"° '“‘" ‘ j • s
  on them even at banquets the Hlth and rottenness of his soul. Thanks to me ;t mz ng her wg". the hem 0   _
_ V the growing sentiment for clean manhood, the decent students and professors ‘ hw   his ve inchfs a Ovehthi ground Igxiugtug, Ky,
.    ?· Inf this institution have rome to regard such an imbeclllc character within t G other ash on mee an cs 8“g·'_ ;_ _;__ (
[ { I `disgust. {gat" · · 1
·¢·` ,,· , ' We ran readily see that his intellectual resources are too scant to deliver , ----1--
· ,   F
~$. I themselves of uplifting thoughts. ignorant, superficial and bereft of con-} S€nl0rS’ ordcr yolgr cqpsl OR PENS AND  
·   Istruetive ideas he resorts to staining the souls of his hearers, belching forth _ and gowns at the Unlverslty TABLETS AND FINE
' z. without restraint or restriction his vulgarity, simply as a cover for his shal- I   Store Ht HD early date.! s'['A’['[0NERY
) lowness. When he resorts to filthy stories, he has tagged himself. He is  
\ ignorant, uninformed, mentally weak, morally depraved, religiously stupid, ——-——•·••——— I JOHNSTONG CANDY
Q ¤ socially eheap, and unreservedly low-born and ill—bred. Not being able to    
` · reason think analyze express vocalize and articulate in a decent faahi ` ·‘·"— `
• -_` • v 1 y OH j ` ,
¤(°' \   he tells smutty ntoriu. ’l Order your commencement invite.- Wm• E•  
no Everyone within hearing, in his own mind, "i• no better than hc." He is   Hons at University B°°k Store before} 30. W"` Mnn str"` i
To inspect the new Spring not aware that General Grunt, when hearing an officer begin a story witInlM"·""h ll S¤¤¤v1<*S are ln and Orders l
the statement "l see there ure no ladies around," ordered him out of hlslmust U6 mkml b"f°"° “Xl’l"”·ti0“ of _ { `
SIYICS 211 presence with "Yes, but gentlemen aren" j¤b0V9 d¤t€· 5 l U I
H "’l`lm>:¢· things which proce•·d out ot` the mouth come forth from thel COMMITTEE- H
at8• llenrl; und they dctile the mun. l·`ur out ul' the heart proceed evll thoughts,} A d°p°s"· is mqulrad with all ¤r¤·>r¤~l AVE YOUR  
  murders, adulteries, l`ot1i¢·utl0ns, thefts, false witnesses, blasphemiesl *··—·•·•··~———· -   ’
, ’ THESE ARE THE THINGS THAT DEFlLE." Mutt. 15:18, Prot`. (‘. R. Melcher, of the Modern FOR TH
Shrrts, l ——;——-—+——————-——   Language Department and president I §AI§éNAr1gCKIAN _ I
t th B d I E i , l b { `
  ·|· ·|• ·I· •I· ·|· 1* ·I· •I· •|• •|· O O 1*, "Sophomores Give Charming Dutch 0 Q Oar 0 ducm on ms eenl Q • l
, `elected to the presidency of the As- · ,
+ HUM OF THE GADFLY •|· \\'hirlerverein"—headlines in ex· l     S u l0 ‘
, • Q soclated Charities to till the vacancyl
  t     ·|· ·|· ·I· ·I· ¢I• O Q ·I· O ·I· ·|· O ·|·,change. How are the "Ags" going tol . _
Y ` -;-1- know what the article is about" lcaused by the resignation of Deanl   w` lam st' P.0“1635`l
“ ‘Robert K. Mussle. 1
I • 1 An honor student at a Northern vv- _ I
nlm s an sun; V“"°’   i" """' '““‘ “"`"‘° S··*···¤*   ~~¤· ··· M1 M ·¤·¤¤»¤·¤= WHERE AM 1 como? • • ·
· . " Two Points each sixty "€"°“d“? with women‘s handbags. He was not 1
2 Had. to nm". '“;“*" The Annual's finger points to you, [Satisfied with taking honors alone- To
So sign up while it beckons, | ,
I ~ l u L t D C
Graves, Cox Tfl ”““°;°°’“ 9* ;°‘;“‘*“j°j 1 l · A tu.-uuuu uuuuluuuu of uu, Kansas €XlUg OH YU Om an
.;()()59G l'(;,*€:`V\00 OY: le r ew en Isla", Normal School Wl10 Bald il c¤1~
  ‘ O B0?   teflnessee. lege educalton WHS W0l`[ll   H, day,   _ J
n s o "we"—-
• failed to make mention of the number ·
Next year vou wlll need "her,' _ N "
I .
*·°·········· l ‘ M “·y~ A WELSH & MURRAY ‘
The €¤¤¢z¢ F¢ii<>wS’ Sh-1> The faculty uu Vandy rules um   ..M R,_e,m_ mm l {
—_"`__v— A A That "°“hi“ UVB me "d°"“U m*‘· have been improvised in champagne -
I , C, C A farmer State '“wd°· °“° Frank <·el|ars." A good many American col- •  
  fgaf O, (»0¤¢h» leglans may decide to flnish their ed- lncononldg ·   • 1
‘|°•|'P0|’• Has taken for himself a wlfe. ummm abroad ` I I
Manufacturer! of ln minor studies Washington grads ,
HAND-MADE CIGARS No examsare taking. Fnnerslty or xvashlngton wells   R • h N •
  '1`he "}’hi|osoplt" have taken up bowling. 'l`hey go to e   t     ]
13. WEST MAIN UTREEI _ IB COII1pOB€d ot thu alleys oat-ll week and Show thgjp   l ·· ·
tlood actors in the making. chuperones how easy it ls to mlss I
UR- J- D- KISER _.. uuu. they uuu uu. ,
cv:. :AnéP»;%?{Lr:$ vH¤<>A1* * ~~····¤···‘ if ¤ Sirk w¤·~¤· ¤ fellow COLLEGE WORK A SPECIALTY
with a promising mustache kisses her,' Une-half the students ut the Univer-
m::g•::r;”%:3d3":°r' Ifeels n little down in the mouth.~Unl-lsity of l‘hl¢·ugo are working their way     N   L t Le i K l '
‘ l » u _ . M · 0I' IIIICS 0l`I¢ X
°m“'”•M “·_x ·“|“”“ "•_x versnty ot' Llnelnnatl News. through; the majority of the other n n, ,°
. · §·
{ x

 ` I .
· • ....--_.“..- .............._................T£1”_._.'l" *.... ___ •
' ‘ ' I OUT} Qi`! S f
-——-— ('. A. Kueblo-r, 'I0, Dayton llopreson- • • • • • • m • • • • • • g P    
A nmwtlng of the Mountain (llnll, lnllvo of the \\'o¤t|ngnonoo pllootrlp Tho l•`oun lmould ——__ l‘Ill\lI`lDU,Il of the board of examiners.   prlng uns an Op Coats
hold a serles of social meetlngs at Pat- Mr` ROIHB l`°”t°r‘ U' ( °H°g° of ;..... V Q And other High-gratle Clothes
‘ [anon HNL The date, are to be dB_ Mlll€B and M€t8·llllrKY. WHS li l'l¤lt0l'i In the report of Flre Inspector NIuIr,| lo _ _
° omod moo at the University Monday. Rolllo hltlllotl Maron •s, state Ilnlvorslty ls m·—n». $ Z'50 U) $';" 00
‘wlth the Wisconsin Steel Cornllnny. Btitloned as having its buildings in per-I o _
 ,Benham, Ky., and says that he llkesifpm pnndluon and using every Soho! NEW Shlrts. New Neckwear. New (`ollars and gl] the
tho work tb6l'€ V€l`Y mll<*ll· H6 lll guard for the protection of students. I other New Things for young men.
  foreman of the coke yard. On Satur-' ___,
  dll?. March 20, he will address the gtwl Jllll Park loft for mg home near
A |demS of me Mining Department Onllllchmond, Saturday, on account of K .
P   n sickness. He has been lll for several     CO•
,,· com Making. l n
4. * 3|•• I lweeks and has returned home to re·
u :°_- Dean Norwood has announced thelcupemta
  following as subjects for the theses of Eighteen members of the Strollers -—-——~———~ — ·- E . s .. , t N _o__ r_M
T.- NEWIST tho S¤¤lor¤= will carry the parts of the extra play- W  
· g R, 0 W- H- H¤·nl€Y and Un (7- R08€l‘¤¤ ers in George Arllss ln "Dlsraell." at P I-I O E N I X I-I O T E L I
"The Rehsbllitatlon ot the lndlan the Ban All Friday and Saturday, ac,
0 A Creek Coal Co.`s Nllne at Indian Head, Cm-ding to an arrangementv made by » ’ · — - e s   _
  *;J··°‘"°;;‘“;;“u*;fS"’V°i‘ “;;‘0b‘:":“   lllo Mlvolloo osonl or the company Club Breakfasts from I5c to 60c
4   U on ace? Q with the Strollers‘ stage manager. The
  I   I PPMUCBI E¤8ln6€l'lll8-" players have already been selected   Luncheon 40C to 55c
W- H- NWI llllld H· L- Nook "A and wlll report at rehearsal tomorrow 7 W it "**"” **7*- "i;—""‘_T·=-‘
  I- T.   Study of Mine Ventilation ood the El- afternoon. The new Grill is the most beautiful room in Central Ken-
4 o root of Humldlflcation on the Power t- tucky, decorated with Rockwood Pottery.
127 Cheapsvde Rsqunsa tor Producing the Air cur- M o moollos of tho oxooullvo oom- )
Hoon 8 o_m_ oo 8 om. Phono 86o_x rentsf _mlttoe of the Kentucky Intercollegiate —_>" · ·—;-
1..._..•...__. Athletic Association, which was held —————;————.;.—.;..__. 
`         at the Phoenix Monday, lt was decided X ’   l \
-, s . a o s n
(   It i od b oh t n t i cello hold the annual track meet at   S Dc     l
  qa y Soma ltleorgetown. The basket ball ellglbles p B
I · . ~;s»€·;ses»·=-. .. 1* the ourtaln was rung down on the ca-lwam discussed and E ust of the phy
    mers of Henry Irvlng and Rlchsrd`€rS eligible in each School Wm be is ` SEE KAHN FOR. FRESH SUPPLIES l I
’ ` Manslield has an audience witnessed a sued soon by the secretary John L Q     l
. '_ ?   C ' rp performance that could apnroach that Hm Oo Georgetown ’ . Suppygg for Parties Ban gets Etc
U- R, . NEXT' I0! Mr. George Arliss ln "Disraell," ` I ` ° q ° °
s   · tv --... · . g ———— l’l¤o¤• 483 or 1690-y- can rar Solicitor
"' §;l{5' " "; ·¤€ll6dlll6d for tha M9! 9¤89·8€m°¤t At another conference between
  \5o   \ lhere at the Ben All Theater, Friday lwosnn-M H_ 5_ Barker, p_ p_ John. —»-.-i—...;t.-- .-. ..____.;_______ _ _
l¤o(,_,-Y $A;U¤DAy_•o D and Saturday and Saturday lnaune€•'St()Xl, JI'., 11 Hl8IIlb8l' of th0 Board of  
’ TURKBH SHOWER oo pLA|N \ under the munhgéméllt of 016 I-·l6bl€l' Trustees and the City Commisslolwrs
; ¤   *’ _" C0mD8¤Y- `ln regard to the widening of Winslow J- J. Graddy Nlck Ryan T. C. BradI•y Jn. T. McCarty
[ ·· M   ·l‘*l "»**’·>' ****"*·‘°"r"' * "Di¤r¤o1i" doolo with tho ¤l¤lo¤- street, lt developed that me nmvsr- T T
` _ un man‘s successful endeavor to gain con- my uuthormoo hovo no logo} outhop      
1 I Ionkort { Fotsch. Pr¤pr|•t•r• uol °f uw Suez Coool for E¤Kl¤lld· ll ily to enter lnto such a contract unless    
· work ln which he meets wlth the se- gn appropriation has previously been Incorporated
I       rret opposition of dlplomatlt: spies. umd., and n_ may take A gpgclgl not PA.n,ER·ON’ RYAN   QRADDY ‘ BRADLEY
Q 107 swan um••t¤n• wm rlltlru lo oollsouuonrlol lntrlsuo which or tho ¤.sgn1attn·s to enable them to · · · . .
. ooooono ooo ,oooo,o Hom Nook   4 H Furmshmgs, Shoes, Clothmg, Hats and Tallormg
as been softened by a love story and ( rr Ou heir 1
tt y tt pans.
uxlnagqn Ky, I PNN W3 140 Wat Main Street
’ G ARANTEHD il glimpse of Dlsraell's home life. The (  
} Ml". M. An., oh G.¤• n the period, the early 70's, lend the play] SCHEDULE ANN°UN°E°
Q o unique plctorlal qualities, Mp Ar.'(`0ll<‘ll€B. trainers, rubbers, etc., will
  S liss’ company includes Ernlta Las- ool bo “u°w"d °“ uw truck- I I Ihc I    
ol" do , wal uid GOOD ‘t·ellos, Margaret Dale, Florence Arllss,l No *"'*‘“'” wlll bo Nm 0H “¤l°“ 5
I • u . !IAma (`umpbem Chula! Harbury. ViH— the"` am fo"' "¤"`l"“· ‘”“`°l’tmg the Corner LIm••ton• and Wlnalow.
. lay races.
Hd chocohh Cmd, md [¢“ tent Sternroyd, Arthur Eldred, Henrylm I _
, • · • Ivoovol and Dudley Diggoo I Starts are made by plstol. A secoudl   LINE of   Slld  P 
E ..;..•.,_._... shot at time of startlng means no race. LUNCH CQUNTER
Dr• I-   GOrdOn| HENRY CLAY SOCIETY. ln the long runs, a. pistol shot denotesl =
DENTIST W. H. Townsend substltuted Judge!-qos; mph E8PEclAU—Y ON $UNDAY·
Lailferty on the Henry C18.)! Sooloty In the hurdle races, knocking down W ‘ ,
M¢CI•ll•nd Building ooogrooo Mooooy ovooloo with o me mm or more hurdles mqumues mol . F. ICUICUTI Grocery C0.
ao To address on the value of giving I:\lt9¤· contestant.
o tion to the work of the soclety and to Spike ghggg Us ¤u0w,d_ .;......1 __
, '     sto.-c)th6 pl‘u(‘ll4‘B C0lll't. of U18 law t·0II6gB.l ln [hg relay rgcgg only [hg winning
, Next to Poet Offl¤• ,_ , l ' i
A |Mr. lownsends talk was enthusiastic t team wlll be awarded a cup.
o     Stationery! Swagand interesting and the boys vlljuyéd} llelays—'l`em11s of six men are to 8¤·»
Wgtq, Cntkty, HKS llld Cigars lloarlng the promising young urlornoy.   ter, four to run one-quarter mile oooh.? SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARES T0
. ‘—"""‘j"‘—"—"‘—"' I The president of the society an-ilu spot-{ul pblayg {Ur ward oonool
_ j , Kiokooo Cool Co   .... ... ......   t......m.,.,..           ..,   .., .0; F|_,()R]|)A.(jUBA.NEW ORLEANS
. O · ° lar-gurnentatlon desired to come over';·n¤ 220 you-ds noon In polltxgg events AND 1-0 ALL OTHER RESORTS OF THE SOU1-H_
1 ADthI8¢lt¢ Bhd BIEIIIIIEIIOUIE March 22 and see a regular trial t·ou-|-“;.;,m·.;,_,,, not wS"·ict,,d_ TICKETS ON SALE Dim-‘EEmL RETURN UM",.
COALS I"""‘“" ““ " "‘ “°“"· T*"’ *"`°“'“'“ l·¤ uw u¤<·l< ··u··u~ uw ··l¤¤¤   nvomtsu-; sror>-ovr-za muvu.scss.
t'()lllIIll[t(*B was directed to tlrrlilllw for svllooln will nn-t on l~‘rlday, Mkt! H· —~·
Lexmgton, - Kentuckyltn. mn and t...n..n.. nt.   tp. Tm, c.u,,,, ..,,» ,,..,,00,, M., ..,6.,.   EQUIPMENT, SERVICE AND SCENERY IINSURPASSED
- _ ,polnt four students for counsel und snttndly Mny 15
‘ ‘ ‘ ` F Put! ular l t An '
\ a TIIE cmckln TEACHERS, AGENCY Mnubmit s cus of interest. 'l`lw trlul t>nt.ot·.town t·ontt·stnnts are lnvitod °.;o¢k•o;‘ :Ap:;d° Y
I Thl>R$|PT—BorL;:A8l;.E-hg`!lolhNI‘U tpromlses to be not only an Interesting to mak,) th,. y_ M_ ty A_ mon- hood.   nl: or T ·
To: Ngfto'? wo; o§f‘,°Mi3§‘,g°$§o;'Q louo llul otrlol oourt nroooduro wlll vol tnnn-t.~t·s during then stay In the clty. ROUTE H. C.   P18! l' lllll Tltktl MCI}
. ' Allin y_ P·°··T' ph_·_w_°|g_) Nan lollovwtl and the case will be fought lol information o.0m.,rm1ng hotels and 10] E·,t Wn sto, L•x{n'g°no Ky_
l .°"“°°*°° w°°"“’ nu" °M°°°°‘ "'*‘ md- boarding houses gladly furnished.     __,___._...._.
• l t*
t x

 | T H E I D E A ·
l(‘lVIl, ENGINEERS lDEAN ANDERSON’S ` °°°°°“°•••“•
cAg3$¤§Lg8ll;%l;ET8 ASSIGNED ·l·Hl·;slcs FATHER l·AssEs AWAY.    
    As their theses work, De-an Walter _,' “·_ A,,,k,,.,,0,,' nm, ,,0, flthm, Of` ’
OUR SPECIALTY   ,ll°t“"` Il;“;‘l “‘:""';"d (l’|"‘2;`""*"d ”;':‘ Dean P. Paul Anderson, and manazerl Do YOU know that the SPECIAL RATE of 50
"" " ° " ‘°‘ * °“ °' l " " °“ ° of the Studebaker Wagon Works, of
KELLER; Fl0dSt• lmen are now at work on tllelr toplcs. M,,,,,,e' ,,,_ ,0,, m·,,,, Yun dm, ,,,` per cent DISCOUNT goes 0E on Merch lst? If
.236 I. mln Sl. Phono 354 i The suhlerrs and the Seslors who ,,,,,, my Monday ·,,,,,,,,00,,_ uno,. · YOU l\8V€ I\Ot already arranged f0l‘ Fotos YOU IUU8t
  ‘“"l"'T:::“‘:l;1p;;::’(I:l*0;*:;;.m. Qmmmy long Illness due to hls advanced age. do BO Bt OI\¢¢, OT YOU will lose thé ODPOl'tU¥\itY· _
State Uniwmtyl ' ` U · · He ls survlved by hls wlfe