xt737p8tc373 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt737p8tc373/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-03-27 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, March 27, 1987, no. 500 text The Green Bean, March 27, 1987, no. 500 1987 1987-03-27 2014 true xt737p8tc373 section xt737p8tc373      `    G           B  A    
No. 500 March 27, 1987
March 27 Gallery Series: Dr. Michael Harris, UK College of
Library and Information Science-—"The First
Amendment and Extremist Speech: ALA's Position on
Intellectual Freedom Revisited"
March 30 Vincent Van Gogh, 1853 - 1890
March 31 Rene Descartes, 1596 - 1650. "Father of modern
philosophy" and utterer of those immortal words,
"I think, therefore I am."
April 2 6 Hans Christian Andersen, 1805 — 1875
April 3 Gallery Series: Collegium Musicum Medieval and
" ‘ Renaissance Ensemble
April 3 ' Fire alarm test, King Library North and South.
April 5 - ll National Library week
April 6 Raphael, 1483 - 1520. Italian painter and
architect, born Raffaello Santi.
April 9 Civil War ended on this date in 1865. `
April 10 Joseph Pulitzer, 1847 — 1911. American journalist C ’“
and founder of the Pulitzer Prizes  
April 10 Gallery Series: Piano recital--Mina Miller
Next issue: Friday, April 10, 1987
Deadline for inclusion: Friday, April 3, 1987
i Production staff: Kerry Kresse, editor; Scott Lutz, typist;
Cecil Madison, printer.
Ina Newsletter of the Umversnty
of Kentucky L1brar1es’

 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK important role in the
Collection Development
Well, here it is at last! Department, especially through
Our 500th issue! In honor of her special interest in
this auspicious occasion, Brad applying the-microcomputer to
Grissom has written a brief li rary needs. Her work for
history of the GB, entitled the Kentucky Review Committee
"Stalk1ng the,w1ld`T§reen Bean," in conver lng manuscripts to
which is included in this mach1ne—readable composition is I
issue. Brad has done extensive especially noteworthy. She
research, including in his continues to interact very ·
storyalist of editors and the successfully with the A
real story behind the name. bibllographers, selectors, and
Also in this issue is our with Gifts & Exchange in
` first entry of outstanding carrying out essential support
activities by a staff member. work. Her constructive outlook
See it in Staff Activities. and willingness to confront
An unusual Book Has been problems logically make her a
recently received · ln King valuable member of the staff.
Library. It is Campus of the
Future: Con erence on
Information Resources. It is LS2000 LIBRARY STAFF FORUM
the proceedings of a meeting
held in Racine, wisconsin, in The next LS2000 Library
June 1986. The conference was Staff Forum will be held on
co-sponsored by the Johnson wednesday, May 6, at 2:00 pm in
Foundatlon (of Johnson wax the Peal Gallery, King North.
fame) and OCLC. OCLC published The topic will be selected -
the work. The call number is authorlty files and how they
LB1028.43 .1540 1986. relate _to each other,
especially /CR and /CN. This
forum is given in response to
STAFF CHANGES the OPAC Staff Training Survey, _
in which 14 people requested
Jeff Frey has moved from this topic.
Circulation to Online —
  Forum for librar atrons will _
The School of Music will be held Tuesday, March 31 at
present a recital in memory of 2:00 pm in the Peal Gallery,
Adelle Dailey on Thursday, King North. The topic will be
April 9, at 12:30 pm in the "Troubleshooting and Advanced
Peal Gallery of King North. Search1ng." we're asking
Everyone is invited. patrons to bring us their OPAC
searching problems and we'll
devote an hour to answering
. STAFF ACTIVITIES their questions. If there
aren't enough questions, we'll
Julie Stone has played an go over some advanced searching
2 .

 techniques. editorial message also refers
Please publicize this to "this green sheet'"
patron open forum ln your (confirming perhaps that a
department or branch through healthy supply of paper of that
signs and word—of—mouth. Ask color was at hand) and promises _
them to call the Reference weekly delivery. The first
Department at 257-1631 to bulletin is boldly designated
reserve a place. (Submitted by No. 1.
Patty Powell) A note in issue no. 5
(6/22/73) briskly informs that
"someone on the staff has
dubbed the Bulletin ——- the
An Informal History of regular weekly issues later
the Universit of Kentuck (no. 29, 12/14/73), that title
L;LErar1es' Newsletter appears on the masthead, and
(By Brad Grissom) the newsletter is officially
rechrlstened with a brief
The green Bean ls the editorial announcement. Paul
newsletter of the unlverslty of Willis, who was at the time
Kentucky Libraries; so it has settling into his role as
styled itself ln its subtitle acting director of libraries,
for most of a history that now remembers that a specific
encompasses some 500 issues. incident sparked the name
_ The Bean commenced publication change. An issue two weeks
on May 25, 1973 as the previous, (no. 27, 11/30/73)
"Bulletln — University of had contained an attempt at
Kentucky L1brarles" and was an humor in questionable taste;
idea of Thomas P. Marcum, who it punned on imaginary acronyms
was at the time-—the final days like RAPE and SHAFT. The
o f S t u a r t F 0 r t h ' s article prompted letters of
d1rectorsh1p———asslstant protest from staff, which were
director for administrative acknowledged in the next issue,
services. (Marcum today gives but one offended reader sent a
much credit for the idea of the copy to Lewis Cochran, then (
newsletter and the actual vice president for academic
compilation of its early issues affairs. Cochran was not so
to his colleague in the much concerned over the poor I
d1rector's office, Deanna joke as he was surprised by the .
Hudson, speclal assistant to revelation, ln another article, l
the head of technical services that many librarians did not I
Bill Gardner. Marcum and understand the promotion and (
Hudson were married in 1974, tenure process as lt applied to ,
after both had left the them, even though the
University of Kentucky.) procedures were clearly spelled
Marcum saw the bulletin as a out in the Un1verslty’s
vehicle of "informatlon about Administrative Regulations.
our library system and its Marcum gave the newsletter its (
people" and asked, in otherwise whimsical new name ln an
unattrlbuted prose, that attempt to represent it as
A contributions from the staff be something more informal than an
sent to him. This first official publication of the

. library system or library Pat LLOYD (4), 10/6/78 —
administration. 10/20/78. #246 — 248.
The name endured, and Rebekah HARLESTON, 10/27/78 —
survived campaigns in ensuing 8/24/79, #249 - 288.
years to change 1t_to something Terry WARTH, 8/31/79 — 9/26/80.
more dignified. David Farrell #289 — 339.
reported in his first issue as Nancy BAKER (5), 10/10/80 —
editor (no. 108, 12/12/75) that 7/28/81. # 340 - 361.
an effort to rename the Toni POWELL, 8/21/81 — 7/30/82.
newsletter had been voted down #362 - 386.
A at a recent faculty meeting. Gerry WEBB, 8/13/82 — 9/16/83.
Looking back to the organ's #387 — 414.
beginnings, he wrote, "Old Rob AKEN (6), 9/30/83 — 9/6/85.
timers report that the name was #415 - 463.
bestowed in deference both to Kerry KRESSE, 9/20/85 - date.
the tinge of the newsletter's #464 — .
paper and to the pride certain
Kentucklans take ln their Notes `
vegetables." Beyond these (1) Marcum's edltorshlp
speculations, nothing seems to emerges only indirectly from
be known about the origin of the text of the early numbers
the title; it is one of those of what was called "Bulletln —
adventltlous facts that one un1vers1ty of Kentucky
simply accepts, albeit with L;Lbrar1es" for the first 28
bemusement. Subsequent issues. The official name came 1
" recorded attempts to rename with no. 29, 12/14/73.
occurred at the annual staff
Christmas luncheons in 1983 and (2) In this lnterregnum, a
1986, and were defeated; "llbrary publication board"
certain reactionary staff comprised of Dottie Green,
members wore real legumes Anita Morse, and Suzanne
pinned to their clothing to O’Neill published, five issues
lobby for the preservation of of the GB. Items were sent to
the status quo. As Farrell had O'Ne1ll"5t the Medical Library.
said of the earlier outcome:
The Green Bean's title does not (3) Farrell recommenced the
vary...mucH. [Ed1tor's note: numbering of the newsletter
It seemed to others that the with N0. 108, but the existing
reactlonaries were those who _G;B_ backfile in University
wanted to change the name....- Archives, which appears to be
KK] complete, shows that lt should .
properly have been no. lll. .
Editors of the Green Bean For other numbering
Tom MARCUM (1), 5725/73 — irregularities, consult the GB
12/21/73. #1 — 30. calendar, compiled by Brad
Suzanne O'NEILL, et al (2), Grissom, located ln the
2/22/74 — 4/26/74. Archives.
Gail KENNEDY, 6/7/74 — 12/5/75. .
David FARRELL (3), 12/12/75 - (4) Lloyd edited these three
9/9/77. #108 — 194. issues, and no. 250, as "Guest
_ Claire MCCANN, 9/16/77 — Edltor." Other named guest,
9/29/78. #195 — 245. acting, assistant, or stand—1n

ed1tors have included Mrs. WORKING EFFECTIVELY IN A
Lloyd, Alice Morgan, Cla1re CHANGING ENVIRONMENT
McCann, Terry warth, Peggy
Lew1s, Allison Arnold, Emily [Ed1tor's note———On February ll
L1han1, and Ann Ricker. and 12, 1987, the Staff _
Development Committee held a
(5) Dur1ng Baker's tenure, the seminar. "Work1ng Effectlvely
GB settled :Lnto the more or 1n a Changing Env1ronment," 1n
1_éss biweekly frequency of conjunction w1th Gaye Holman of
publication that continues to Human Resource Development.
the present day. (It had been The followlng 1s a summary of
weekly to that po1nt.) Near that workshop.]
the end of her editorshlp, Mrs.
Warth had warned that budgetary The agenda for th1s
exigencies might force the _Cg3_ workshop was change 1n the
to become a monthly, w1th one workplace. The reason was
copy per department, but stress among our peers and the
fortunately th1s d1d notcome purpose was to acqu1re tools
to pass. . and sk1lls to be more effective
. in dealing w1th th1s stress.
(6) After Farrell's t1me, the The general format lncluded ·‘
ed1torsh1p came to be three hours of presentation
considered a faculty committee with Qroup participation, some
assignment of one year's role—play1ng, and a relevant
· duration, but both Aken and film on the topic. The f1lm we
Kresse were persuaded to serve saw was about change, roles, _
terms of two years. and communlcatlon 1n the
To Be Continued. workplace. It` also explored
. various management techniques
STAFF DEVELOPMENT NEWS and styles. Some of the major
points were: 1) 1f the boss's
Do you know how and why attltude 1s a good one, the
OCLC and SOLINET were formed? employee•s transition (6.g. a
Do you know the difference promotion or change of
between OCLC and SOLINET? Do respons1b1l1ty) w1ll be smooth;
you know why we are members of 2) managers may not be experts
these organizations? Have you but w1ll improve 1f they try to
ever wondered how our LS2000 treat people fairly and
database was created_ and understand human relations; 3)
developed with these subordlnates have d1fferent .
organlzatlons? John Bryant perceptions of managers or
w1ll answer the above superv1sors——1f all partles
questlons, as well as others lnvolved in a matter can be
you m1ght have when he presents brought together, 1t can save
"OCLC, SOLINET, and LS2000: An c o u n t l e s s h o u r s o f ·
Overview and Historical m1sunderstand1ng; 4) wlth a
Perspective." Join us for what promotion, a person often feels
should be an 1nterest1ng and euphoria at flrst, then
1nformat1ve talk on Thursday, d 1 s o r 1 e n t a t 1 o n a n d
April 2 at 2:00 pm in the Peal disconnectedness. when a
. Gallery of King North. person 1s new on the job, they
(Subm1tted by Roxanna Jones) are not aware of the pol1t1cs

 and pressure groups of a give and take ln spite of not
situation, nor do they know having sufficient resources or r
what questions to ask, much personnel. 3)Inev1tab1l1t of ;
less the answers to those Change——change is usually slow ;
questions, and others can be an gradual, but often ,
unsympathetlc. One solution, rlelvoluticinlartyli twe live évlth  
according to the film, ls to c ange a e ime. I we ’
take on small projects. The resist gradual change we will {
person should test themselves, be faced with revolutionary I
re—establ1sh1ng equilibrium by change. A final word of wisdom 3
succeeding with these small from Ms. Holman had to do with l
projects; 5) the people who thi fear oi changethantd the I
work for the person in a new un nown. S e sai a some
position will be responsible people feel "the certainty of
for their success or failure-- misery is better than the
so they should work with their misery of uncertainty." Our A
employees; 6) the successful thanks to Gaye Holman for this _
manager is not too proud to ask learn:Lng—to—cope experience! y
questions lf he/she doesn'1: )
know the answers; 7) finally, i
we all have a tendency toward MICHELANGELO EXHIBIT IN THE l
central fixlty, the fear and ART LIBRARY ;
difficulty of letting things )
` go, the security that comes Now on exhibit in the Art g
with the familiar. On the Library are some very special  
other hand, given the reproductions. They are froma  
opportunity, people can rise to portfolio of prints contained A
the challenge of change in in The Vatican Frescoes of ;
their environment. Miche an e o, a se o oo s ?
t Some of the major a inc u e, in all, 378 color  
discussion points of the plates which reproduce  
workshop were: 1) Chan es—— Michelangelo's paintings in the ,
they bring about emo lonal Sistine and Pauline Chapels. Q
responses. Learn to understand The books were produced using g
them. For example, people the latest techniques in 5
generally feel that, although photography and printing to  
computers will be helpful, they obtain the truest colors and {
doubt that they will be able to the most dettall posslbge. Storge ;
to learn how to use them. 2) of the pla es repro uce e E
Power Relatlonshlpse- paintings in their actual size, f
computerlzatlon can create and there are some really  
uncertainty about job roles and impressive close—up details in  
constantly changing procedures the actual size of the .
to clean out bugs. LS2000 is a paintings. The Vatican Q
prime example of this. There Frescoes of Michelangelo was  
can be new jobs replacing old purc ase w un s provided ;
jplgs, new routénes rleplgclng py til? nonpvan Txéusté jr-1é·1;3,(c€E; )
o ones, an a ac o o s va ue an r r g
coordination ln training. In edition was limited to 600 ‘
our situation there ls, in copies), it is housed in g
‘ spite of pressures, positive Special Collections. The  
support from our peer groups; exhibit ln the Art Library will .
6 3

 continue until April 30th. SOLINET or FEDLINK. June 5 at y
Murray State University; June
9 at University of Kentucky.
_ Introduction to DBASE III Plus ]
Federal law enacted in A one-day session '
1986 removed age 70 as a including hands—on experience I
mandatory retirement age. with PCs, also covering setting 1
while the University has not up, inputting, and retrieving
yet amended its retirement data. Cost =· $100 for SOLINET L
regulations, it is important members and non-members; $50 -
that all of our employees for MSIG members. June 9 at A
understand there no longer is a David Lipscomb CoIIege in j
mandatory retirement age for Nashville. 1
University administrators and ‘
staff employees with the Introduction to LOTUS 1-2-3 }
exception of individuals A one-day session on this .
considered to be bona fide popular spreadsheet software #
executives. This - category featuring hands-on experience. Q
y generally consists of the Covered topics lnclude ·
President, Vice Presidents, printing, saving data on disk, y
Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, recall and edit, bar charts,  
Associate and Assistant vice ple charts and line graphs. Z
Chancellors, and Deans. Cost ·· $100 for SOLINET members Q
__ Under the federal law and and non-members; $50 for MSIG é
’ current University policy, members. June 10 at University ;
tenured faculty members will be of Kentucky. {
required to retire no later ° I
than the end of the fiscal year Introduction to PC/MS DOS f
in which they attain the age of A one-day session Q
70. Mandatory retirement for designed for beginners on the Q
faculty will be abolished by disk operating system for and  
federal statute on January 31, IBM PC and the OCLC M300. ;
1993. Hands-on experience provided. ;
Cost == $100 for SOLINET members  
and non-members; $50 for MSIG ?
SOLINET/OCLC WORKSHOPS members. June 4 at David  
A Lipscomb College in Nashville 3
Several SOLINET/OCLC workshops and June 8 at the University of é
will be held in Kentucky and Kentucky. i
Tennessee in coming weeks. You ;
should use registration forms M300X'I‘/MICRO Enhancers
found ln a recent issue of the A one-day session I
CEKOUG Newsletter or call Kerry covering the basics of i
at 257-5954 for a copy. microcomputers wlth emphasis on 1
the OCLC M300XT workstation, .
Books Format and the cataloging and ILL 1
A one-day session for micro enhancers. Designed for l
beginners, covering the most staff from libraries which have  
commonly used OCLC/MARC recently received the M300X'I‘ or f
formats. Cost = $40 for those with plans for ordering I
` SOLINET members; $60 for non- it. No microcomputer ;
7 !

 _ background ls expected. Cost ·= information, please contact
$40 SOLINET members; $60 for Lillian Mesner at 257—8369.
members. June 4 at Murray (
State University. SPEC KIT FLYERS 1
==>All SPEC Kits are held in the j
Sou h. I
Easlly one of the most
difficult indexes to use, Retros ectlve Conversion in ARL 1
Soclolo ical Abstracts, is not L1 rarles, #130  
any easier o use on ine. On This kit ls based on )
Wednesday April 29, there will information and documents (
be a one—day workshop on gathered as part of an April 2
Soclolo ical Abstracts, Social 1986 ARL Recon Project »
P annln Po lc & Develo ment Questionnaire, supplemented .
Abstracts, ang Linguistics & wlth additional interviews and ‘
Lan ua e Behavior A s rac s. materials gathered throughout
Attendees will receive a the year. One hundred and 3
detailed handout and will have three libraries responded to {
an opportunity for online the original questionnaire, and (
. practice, The cost of the detailed data is given from ,
· workshop ls $20 per person, and tabulations of forty four {
the registration deadline is libraries. 1
" April 15, 1987. For further j
information, please contact Collection Development ”
f Michelle Blackman at (619) 565- Q__r_gan1za_t1on an Sta lng, #131  
  6603, or Bonnie McNeely at T e Co ec on  
* (606) 783--2147. For a copy of development function ls one of ;
· the flyer, please call Kerry at the stable features of research ;
257-5954. llbrarles, yet they show A
tremendous diversity in ;
staffing and organization. (
KQLA TOURS This SPEC Kit is based on ARL 3
Libraries as of Fall 1986.  
The Kentucky Chapter of Fifty three libraries responded (
Special Libraries Association to the questionnaire. ;
presents "KDLA: A Special'  
Visit: What Can KDLA Do For i
Special L1brar1es?" This half- TRAVEL THE WORLD WITH ACRL  
day tour is on Friday, April J
24, 1987, from 12:30 — 4:30. ACRL and the Greater New I
Martha Gregory, Public Services York Metropolitan Chapter I
Branch Manager, will give the presents Summer 1987 (
tour of KDLA at 1:00. At 2:15, International Seminar Series
Linda Reel, Executive Director, for LlblIé\K`lBHS and Educators.
will speak about the Kentucky This year you can vlslt the I
Library Network. Linda Stlth, Pgoplegg Republic of China from
Aud1o··vlsual Supervisor, will Ju y 3—26 or July 31 — August {
_ talk about the ALA Video 23. Total cost for this trip t
Magazine at 3:00. For more (lncludes land and airfare) ls
8 .

 $3430. If the Brltlsh Isles CALIFORNIA
are more to your llklng, you
can travel through En land, Assistant Director. Unlverslty
Scotland and Ireland from July of Cal Lfornla. Salary:
30 - August 15, 1987. For a variable. Deadllne: none
real steal, $1962, you can see given.
the Ring of Kerry [one of my
favorite places.. »-KK], Cataloger. Unlyerslty of
Waterford, Dublln, Inverness, California. Salary: $24,012-
Edinburgh, London, and Oxford. $27,792. Deadline: none
Also available ls a tour to the given.
land of the midnight sun-—see
Scandinavia on either July 18 - Library Personnel Officer.
August 1, 1987 or August 1-15, Stanford University. Salary:
1987. For $2295 you will visit $36,500-$53,300. Deadline:
Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm, May 8, 1987.
Helsinki, and take a two day
cruise from Stockholm to CONWMHECUT
Helsinki. For a copy of the
brochure, please call Kerry at Preservation Librarian. Yale
257-5954. University. Salary: $22,500
minimum. Deadline: March 31,
· If you want to go to KLA
on April 9 & 10, call Carol English Librarian. University
A Ranta or Paul Wlllls at 257- of Illlnnols at 1$rbana—
·Q 3801. Please call by APYll 3- Champaign. Salary: $25,000
V » minimum. Deadline: April 15,
;· 1987.
University High School
, p ALABAMA Librarian. University of
. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Systems Officer. University of Salary: $15,000 minimum.
Alabama. Salary: $22,500- Deadline: April 15, 1987.
l $28,500. Deadline: April 15,
1987. ~ INDIANA
Head, Business Library. Associate Librarlan or
University of Alabama. Salary: Librarian, Head ef Arcnares and
$26,000 minimum. Deadline: Special Collections. lndlana
April 4, 1987. University-Purdue Unlverslty.
Salary: $20,000 minimum.
Head, Circulation Department. Deadline: April 10, lss?.
University of Alabama. Salary:
$22,500 minimum. Deadline: Assistant or  F;s&3:?:t11lS1;@
April 15, 1987. Librarian, Head or
Acqulsltlens, Indiana
. University-Purdue University.
Salary: Sli 500 minimum.

Deadline: April 10, 1987. Santiago, Chile: Instituto
Chileno—Norteamerlcano de
KENTUCKY Cultura. Lecturer in Library T
Data Entry Librarian. ·
University of Kentucky. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia:
· Salary: variable. Deadllne: University of Malaya. I
none given. Establish postgrad program in
_ Library Science.
MASSACHUSETTS Jakarta, Indonesia: National y
Library Development Center. ,
Cataloger. University of Train librarians in collection
Massachusetts. Salary: up to development and reference.
$27,000. Deadline: April 15.
1987. Ankara, Turkey: Documentation _
Center of the Higher Education ‘ .
OKLAHOMA Council of Turkey and the
Hacettepe university School of
Business/Economlcs Reference Library Science. Teach online l
Librarian. University of searching. .
Oklahoma. Salary: variable.
Deadline: April 24, 1987. Helsinki, Finland: University
of Tampere—Department of
Head, Catalog Department. Library and Information y
University of Oklahoma. Science. Teach American _
Salary: variable. Deadline: Studies bibliographic and ;
April 22Q 1987. search techniques to library 2
science students. 1
Head, Acquisitions Department. i
University of Oklahoma. Amman, Jordan: American Center A
Salary: variable. Deadline: of Oriental Research.  
ApmU.29,1987. ,. Acquisitions, cataloging, .y
‘ bibliographic instruction. .
wAsHrNGTON - l
New Delhi, India: India Law - l
Executive Director, washington Institute and New Delhi Law
Research Library Consortium. School- Law librarianship.
Consortium of Universities of
the washington Metropolitan Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: John F.
Area. Salary: variable. Kennedy, Addis Ababa
Deadline: April 30, 1987. University. Integrated library
Nairobi, Kenya: Moi .
Bra=ilia, Brazil: Brazilian University. Book publishing
National Publishers curriculum in library school. I
Association. Promote ,
translations and use of *ALl of the above posithxw
, American textbooks. have an application deadline of y
April 15, 1987. No salary is X