xt737p8tc33r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt737p8tc33r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1973-07-20 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Bulletin, July 20, 1973, no. 9 text Bulletin, July 20, 1973, no. 9 1973 1973-07-20 2014 true xt737p8tc33r section xt737p8tc33r COM9-   ll .      
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?OWELL: Tue Kentucky Qorence anj Technology
$K£Elssicn, within the Kentucky Department of UHSVERSETV UF KENTUCKY
Commerce, has asked Russell Powell (Enginoerieq ;3ERAR§§5 _AA_
Librarian} to prepare a statZ:orYthe~art
report on scientlfic and technical libraries July EG, 1973 No. 9
in Kentucky. Too purpose of the survey is to . .
develop at overview at these library collection{i:i;;iiTMm*’—*—*“-m”w— A
in the state by ioontiiyinq the oajor subject A, A ~_mm“”M*—“~M—-M
areas of each collection as well as the total number of volumes and approx-
imate rate of growth. any information you may have that would contribute
to the success ti the survey should be rorvardei to Russell Powell, 355
Anderson Ball, Campus. The study wlll be completed by Ootobermlgi 1973.
QEQQQQEQQ: "Department heads, assistant department heads, and supervisors
at Brown University Library have been oroerei to attend everg~other~day
sensitivity training sessions for the month of June, reports one angry
member of the staff. The action by the University admlzlstration followed
the successful election of 1 union to represent the interests of library
personnel." (LJ HOTLINE, 2:1, June 18, 1973)
Eggggggz Postage rate increases are upon us with a vengeance. The following
table shows the projeoted increases for materials being mailed at library -
Year 72 ?3 74 75 76 77 78 79 BO 81 ·
Step l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lC
First pound (¢) 6 5 7 Y 8 8 9 9 l0 l0
Each additional pound (¢) 2 3 3 3 Q 6 4 4 5 5
Until the present freeze goes off (or somewhere), we are in Step l. The
way it looks is: there will be a 67% increase in the first pound rate and
1dO% increase in the additional pound rate over the next 9 years. Look at
it this way: for each 5 pound book mailed by the library today the rate
ls léé, in l98l the rate for that same cook will be 3G¢ —~ a llét iucreasei
(ALA Washington Newsletter, 25:4, July 3, l973)
  Appointments: Pam Collrgs, claesified, Bindery;
Susan Qarler, classified, Agriculture; gaoora ggann, classified, Acq.
POSITION OPENINGS: Map Dept., new claeslfled VI, open now, see Jim Minton;
Flol5§lEHl"€EleEces, new professional, open now, see Bill Lee; CirculEtl$H,
professional, open now, see Mr; Gordon; Circulation, olaselried VI, open `
8/ll/73, see Bill Lee; Cataloging, classified lll and V, both open now,
see Ms. Env. §g}t§;*Kdministratlve Services, classified V, open now_ see
147 days to the BIG MCVE .