xt737p8tbs38 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt737p8tbs38/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1933-09-15  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1933 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1933 1933 1933-09-15 2013 true xt737p8tbs38 section xt737p8tbs38 ti


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15, 1933





8 O'clock

!.:e Shows and Floor Show
Will Add to Entertainment of Students


thering of education in Kentucky should communicate
with E. O. Sulzer of the Publicity bureau. These sets will
be used in establishing listening centers in the mountain
regions of the state. Seven
of these centers, made possible by gifts, are now in operation.

cial evenU cf the coming year
$i the University will be opened

TiiJay night with the annual gala

CoiVge Night which will be held
Winning at 8 o'clock at the Alum-"- i
(ymnasium. under the sponsor-o- f
the Y. M. C. A. and the
V. 'V. C. A. who have planned a
px"?ram of floor shows, and danc-y- .i
which will be open to all stu-the University.
runs to make thia the best Col- -,
Night since Its beginning years
as a country fair have been
ex-- v
i .r pleted and a large crowd is
id. The affair will be held in
Km Alumni Gym this year as it
, t. lieved that the Training school
will not be



College Night will have three dis-l- ii
features this year. Bide shows,
i.ncliT the direction of Betty Ann
pen: dngton and Dan Shacklett, will
.iwiude such novelties as the forty
teller's booth, a puppet show,
a f.l amber of horrors and a shoot-i- v
jallery. Mrs. Bernle Shively
have cnarge oi me iracuuonai
pond sponsored annually by
University Woman's club. AH
lese side shows as well as the
jo i of the features will be free of
,re. A floor show will be given
Linkr the direction of WUdan
Tho.'nas and will include much collet t talent as well as some outside



vldan Thomas and Marjorio
piAtll will give a tap dance, snd
n'lr.i novelty dances will be gtven.
S L. Henrv.
will be on hand to perform
some of his numerous tricks.
LtJicing will feature the latter
jv." of the evening. An orchestra
tx u: 'jeen procured for the evening
and dancing will be enjoyed until
clock. In order to get the
inv ents better acquainted, circling
be used in some of the dances.
.lice Lang Is chairman of the
Other mem-tpi jRram committee.
of the committee are James
finer, Betty Ann Pennington, Ju-and Sara
i Cox, Joe Relster,
i;nttinghill, assisted by Augusta
n .ioerts, secretary of the Y. W. C.
A and Bart Peak, secretary of the





Y. M. C. A.

refreshments will be served by
Members of the Y.W.C.A. and the
" M.C.A. during the evening.
J. B. Dicker, superintendent of
the Engineering shops, has been in
condition for the past five
.4 critical
v.r, s at the St. Joseph's hospital.
I t, condition today was reported as
is A thanged.

lebel is dead! A ier spending
pleasant summer in the lake
r ijions of Michigan, the faithful
i g returned to his native soil,
.t ere to die.
familiar figure to Lexington-v:i- s
and particularly to students
,l- the University, the
collia which Dean Boyd rais-from a pup died peacefully
' 'onday night.
According to his
,s master. Rebel had appeared
.. perfect health and his death
me as a surprise to all.
Many anecdotes relating the
.i.telligence possessed by the dug
r ive been told.
It is said that
:ii even observed traffic lights
hen crossing the busy streets
. r downtown Lexington.
His fa- jrite resting spot was on the
orth steps of McVey hall where
e could be seen at nearly any
:ine when school was in pro4








of ir



ices matters.





Plans for the second annual
Greek conclave and dance will be
considered at the first regular bimonthly meeting of the
council at 6:15 p. m., Monday, September 18, at the Alpha
Sigma Pill house, and at this time
committees will be appointed for
the year.
council was
organized last year to replace the
council. It is
composed of representatives from
the various fraternities, and was
organized to deal with matters of
Interest on the
T. T. Jones, dean of men, and
Lyle W. Croft, assistant dean of
men, will meet with the council on
Monday. The officers of the council for the year are Gordon Burns,
president; H. V. Bastln,
Lucien Connie ton, secretary;
and William Couley, treasurer.
Inter-fraterni- ty



first-nighte- rs

on October 16. The season will consist of six plays, four popular and
the remaining two classical and
The, prize play contest sponsored
by the Guignol and produced at
the end of the season attracted
attention last year, and
Mr. Fowler has received Inquiries
from countless places asking the
general plan involved both in selection and production.
Last season was distinguished
from previous ones by the fact that
it produced the most successful
play m the history of the campus
little theater, Cassello's "Death
Takes A Holiday." Perhaps the
stage crew beat their record also,
for the set used for the production
was excellent.
The farewell play of the last
season, "Mid - Summer's Night's
Dream", produced with the Mc
was highly successful. The comedy
was produced again during the
summer with four of the original
cast. Among the four was Harlie
Smith, playing
role of "Bottom".
McGurk, as "Snug", was also In the
summer cast. His acting during the
"play" staged for the royalty was
Director Fowler has been spending the summer In Pasadena, California, where he visited the Pasadena Community Play house, said
to be the best little theater in the
country. The director stated that
many new ideas are to' be installed
In the Guignol theater due to this
visit, and he expects a very successful season for 1933-3Student patronage should be
this season, for with the
majvitty of the productions being
popular plays, one might easily
predict a capacity crowd at least
three nights during a week's run.
Work in Improving the production efficiency and the appearance
of the Guignol has not been forgotten by any means. Men have
been at work on the playhouse all
summer making Improvements,
both noticeable to the patron and
the production staff, and it is with
greater knowledge, new ideas, and
an appealing selection of plays that
the Guignol theater greets the city
of Lexington and the University on
October 16.
Director Fowler has announced
that Guignol tryouts will be held in
the Guignol theater Monday from
3 to 5 p. m. Everyone who is in
terested in acting, costuming, ush
ering, stagecraft, or any of the
phases connected with theater work
is invited to be present at that
time to tryout for a position.

This Year

wtl hold its first meet-o- f
tf. "t jr In White hall Mon- -.
at a
m. All members are
prsent to discuss
fc'ed to b

Director Frank Fowler announced
yesterday that the first production
of the year for the Guignol theater
will be presented for

Plans for An- 'other Greek Conclave

O. D. K

i- .-


Will Discuss



Prize Play Contest Is To Be
Again This Year
Ry the University Little

Will Meet Monday

t...t at 4 p. m. Friday, September
i in Memorial hall.
"resident McVey has stated that
has sou hlng to say v mo
...ulty and s alf. He requests that
'f.ry memtf be present. Registrar









in the base- Men's gym Tuesday at
meintx ", must uc pr

Inter-fraterni- ty


inter-fratern- al



Student Body

Anyone who has a complete
battery set or a part of one
which he will give for the fur-

Annual Gala Event Slated
To Re Held Tonight


McVey Greets

Have You
Any Radios
In Your Attic?


At Convocation

New Dean of Men


Plans for Improvement In
Campus Traffic Situation
Are Announced
Registration of all cars driven by
the University faculty and students
and assignments of regions for
parking will be made during the
week of September 25, In order to
facilitate orderly traffic on the campus, according to a statement made
by Pres. Frank L. McVey at the
first convocation held at 10 a. m.
Thursday In Memorial hall.
According to the plan, which will
go into effect as soon as it is approved by the Board of Trustees,

meets on Tuesday, Septemno motor cars will be allowthe campus except those
by persons who have registered their cars, or by visitors.
At the general convocation. President McVey welcomed new students and introduced the deans of
the colleges, the dean of men, and
the dean of women. He then gave
a short address on the opportunities
which a college education offers for
training the student for living. The
program of music which was offered
by members of the freshman class
included the general favorite, "On
the Road to Mandalay," a baritone
solo by Carl Harris with Miss Jose
phine Parker as accompanist, and a
violin solo by Lee Crooks, violinist,
who is already
to music
lovers In Kentucky. Elizabeth Hardin played the accompaniment.
The Phi Beta Kappa award of
books to the freshman of last year
with the best standing was presented to Elvis Jacob Stahr, student In
the College of Arts and Sciences.
Prof. George Roberts, president of
the Kentucky chapter made the
An announcement of the activ
ities of the music department which
are open to all students was made by
(Continued on Page Ten)
ber 26,
ed on


U. K. May Receive

Government Aid
Board To Consider Possibility
Of Obtaining $2,000,000
Federal Loan
The possibility of obtaining
for the University from the
federal building fund will be considered by the Board of Trustees
at a meeting which will be held at
the University Tuesday of next
week, according to a statement
made by Pres. Frank L. McVey in
regard to the announcement made
by Federal Engineer R. V. L. Wright
that this sum possibly would be
available to the University for re-

modeling buildings.
President McVey further stated
that there were several aspects of
the matter that would have to be
considered and that no further procedure toward obtaining the loan
could be announced until after the
meeting of the Board of Trustees.
The board members will meet with
President McVey at 10:30 a. m.,
Tuesday, in the President's office in
the Administration building.
The statement concerning the
fund was made by the federal engineer in answer to a question by
Prof. F. Paul Anderson, dean of
the College of Engineering at the
University, concerning the probability of the University securing a
lean from the federal government.
Mr. Wright said that he is ready to
receive the application for a loan
for the University at any time the
trustees see fit to submit their

Student Union Ruildinjr To
Be Major Project Of

Last Day To Register
Is Set For Sept. 25th;
Total May Pass 2500




First Meeting Will Re Held
Monday To Formulate


Plans for an
for funds for the Student Union
building were considered at a meeting of the executive committee of
Delta Kappa Tuesday
night and will be presented for discussion and completion at the first
meeting of Omlcron Delta Kappa,
campus leaders organization. Monday at 5 p. m.. In White hall.
The purpose of the first meeting

Contributions to Student Union

Omlcron, Delta Kappa, $50.00
plus $1.00 of each Initiation fee
until completion of payment on
Kentucky Kernel
Prof. Enoch Orehan . . .
Judge R. C. Stoll
Prof. R. D. Mclntyre, $25, yearly until completion.
Alpha Sigma Phi, Delta Tau
Delta, Phi Kappa Tau, Tau Beta
PI, and Kappa Kappa Gamma
$1.00 of each initiation fee until
Dean W. 8. Taylor
Dr. J. S. Taylor

to draw plans for the drive
which will be conducted In early
October and to select from the
faculty a board of eight or nine
trustees who will be In charge of
all funds for the student building.
All organizations on the campus
will be asked to fall In line with
the program to provide funds for
the erection of the student building
and to pledge contributions.
Pledges of contributions to the
fund last year totU $20,895, which
will be paid wkhin the next five
years. In addition, the remainder
of the fund from last year's senior
class will be given to the Building
fund, according to a letter which
has been received by the president
of ODK from Russell Gray, president of last year's senior class. The
total amount of this contribution
will not be known until the end of
the month when the accounts of
the class have been settled.
Other business which will be
considered at the meeting of ODK
on Monday will Include arrangements for a Joint meeting of Mortar Board, senior women's honrary,
to discuss plans for the Student
building and the arrangement of a
permanent schedule for the regu
lar meetings of ODK throughout


Mortar Board, senior women's
honorary group, has not yet held a
formal meeting, nor have any definite plans for the future been
made.' However, members of the
board assisted Dean Blanding in
caring for new students at the
during Freshman Week.
The tea, given annually for Junfor next
ior women, is scheduled
spring. As has been the custom in
the past, a cup will be presented
the freshman girl having the highest standing for the year at the
A set of book
W. A. C. banquet.
ends will be awarded to girls with
the neatest room In Patterson hall.
Unl-verst- iy

r. t.




Dr. Theodore T. Jones who was
elected Dean of Men to succeed
Prof. C. R. Melcher, emeritus, takes
office with the beginning of the
current semester.

Changes Made In
U. K. Personnel
Since Last Year

will be

the year.


Catron Jones, Political
Science Head, Granted
Year's Leave

There have been several changes
In the personnel of the University
since the close of 1932-3- 3 academic

staff member is John Lew- Jr., Winchester, who has taken
a position as Instructor in music.
He will be In charge of the UniverA new


Summer Session Figures
Were Slight Decrease
Over Last Year

Registration figures available late
yesterday at the close of the fourth
John Lewis, Jr., Winchester, day's enrollment of the University
students disclosed that 2,240 freshTo Replace Prof. Sulzer
men and upper classmen had regisWho Will Continue
tered for the fall semester
Other Work
number shows a decrease of 116
from the total that matriculated
last fall at the corresponding time.
John Lewis. Jr., Winchester, di Many others are expected to regishlgn ter before the end of the period,
rector of the Winchester
school band, will replace Prof. El- September 25. A total of 2,500 Is
of the expected.
mer G. Sulzer as director
University bands this year. The
Although Dean T. T. Jones had
change will be made as a result of tabulated 625 freshmen during the
the pressure of duties in the Pub- first day of special registration for
licity bureau and the increased wort that group, the total Is expected to
in radio extension stud.o of WHA8 reach 600 before the end of the
which is directed by Professor Sul week. At the corresponding time
last year 562 freshmen had matricThe new band director attended ulated for the first semester, showKentucky Wesleyan college, Win ing a loss of only 37.
The decrease' was much smftller
chester, and has been In charge of
the Winchester high school band. than had been expected in spite of
charge of the the economic conditions which have
He will continue in
band at Winchester and will begin prevailed during the past year.
The late registration fee of one
his duties at the University Friday
when the first rehearsal of the band dollar went into effect yesterday
and will Increase at the rate of one
is scheduled.
The complete program of appeai - dolar a day until the end of the
ances of the band for this scholastic fifth day. Students registering late,
however, will be charged no more
year Is not yet ready for publication. According to a preliminary than five dollars.
September 25 will be the last day
count more than 50 students hae
already signed for the men's band. that a student can add or drop a
new subject for which he has signed up.
The enrollment of the 1933 sum
mer school session showed a decrease over that of the summer session of 1932. The total enrollment
of 1932 was 1,932, while that of
1 739.
Nine Sororities Will Be !l -- of 151wns ti.- - "niaifi' sion. decrease

resented in Ai
mony in Memorial
1 p. m.


sity bands. Prof. Flrr pt SilVci, who
has directed band work for several
Bidding of new girl.1, to tiie nine
years will devote his entire time
to the University publicity activities. National
Other appointments for this will be conducted under the direc- Applications
school year are Robert Broh Kahn, tion of the Women's
May Be Made Every Day
graduate assistant in bacteriology; association of the University at 4
Miss Susan Miller, Henry Clay High p.
Next Week from 3 to 5,
24, in
m., Sunday, September
school librarian, part-tim- e
Room 54, McVey Hall
science; Miss Lucy Memorial hall, following a period
tor in library
Gragg, University Training school of a week and a half of formal
for the 1934
assistant in li- rushing under the rules of the Pan- - Staff members selected within the
librarian, part-tim- e
will be
brary science; D. B. Palmeter, and
next two weeks and work on the
Lee P. Hutchison, graduate assis Hellenic association.
As . in loAnJir seats," the preXer- - yearbook will begin
tants in mathematics; Andrew
according to a statement made by
graduate assistant In English eficial- bidding, system.-ijil- i
.Rtrls from the various so- - George Vogel, editor.
language and literature; Dr. E. E.'
for positions on the staff of the
Maxwell, part-tim- e
instructor in rpritietf-mos- t
every day next
o. clock jon annual may be made
bacteriology; J. H. Haynesworth, Jr., ciean of .v omen, before,-week from 3 until 5 p ,m. in room
graduate assistant in physics; K. D. Saturday... night, September "23. 54 of McVey hall.
Eacli g!r!.who." receives a. bid to a
part-tim- e
graduate assistant
None of the positions on the
In physics; and Miss Bernice Fox, sorority- - to.il: be. summoned by the staff have been filled yet. The busi
office of the dean of women to
assistant instructor in
will be
in Memorial hall at 4 p. m. ness manager of the annual
biMiss Elizabeth Gay, of the EngSunday when the bids will be glv-- n selected by the editor and miut
lish department, resigned during
out. The girl indicates her first approved by the Board of fatudent
the Slimmer. Dr. J. C. Jones, head
It Publications.
of the department of political sci- three choices of sorority bid of ifher
A system of awards for exception
ence, was granted a leave of ab- is po ssible is given the
al work by members of the annual
first choice, and if that is impossisence for one year.
awarding of
ble, is given the bid of her second staff will include the
Several departments at the Uni- choice. The acceptance of these ten Kentuckian keys to Individuals
versity have added new courses for bids is binding for a period of one who render most service on work
term. A thirty hour semester, while the official pledg- on the yearbook.
the 1933-3- 4
curriculum in professional courses ing of sororities is final for a perPlans for the 1933 Kentuckian inusual sections devoted to
in library science, planned especialiod of one year under the rules of clude the
topics of interest to faculty and stu
ly for the school librarian, is offernational
dents of the University. The theme
ed by the department of library
Rush week opened Wednesday, which will be developed throughout
science. Advanced courses in referSeptember 13, with the formal the book is the portrayal of a typi
ence, bibliography, book selection,
tea held from 4 to 6 cal Kentucky scene, a horse race.
and cataloging will be added in this
department of library science for in Patterson hall. All rushees coun- The subdivision pages and division
the guest of the
pages will carry out the plan. The
the second semester of the 1933-3- 4
cil. In addition to the members color scheme which will be carried
of the council, assistant hostesses out In this year's annual will be
The tutorial courses, a new plan were five representatives from each
green and silver. The book will
of study providing for comprehenprobably contain about 300 pages
for seniors in of the sororities.
sive examinations
Following the tea on Wednesday, according to the present
their major field, will enable the
student to prepare for these exam- each sorority was allotted a day on Following a precedent established
inations under directed teaching. which a formal tea might be given last year, photographs of class
Departments adopting the compre- at the sorority house during Be- members will be used in the junior
section as well as in the senior sec
system are remainder of the first week.
hensive examination
mathematics, ginning next week each sorority tion.
physics, philosophy, geology, and may ntertain on each day from
3 to 6 except on Saturday when tti
The Patterson Literary society time is from 12 until 6 p. m. Men
course is a new course established may out be invited to any party
in the department of English. It which a sorority gives in honor of
No sorority woman may
course for the pro- rushees.
is a
girl except
mulgation of high literary taste. speak to a
Prof. L. L. Dantzler will be the in- during the hours provided lor rusn-m- Oldest College This Side Of
and during rushing season sostructor.
Alli'uhenies Has Prospect
rority girls living in the halls have
Louisiana State university will moved from the halls to the var
of Record Year; WIN Uuild
make an Important change in its ious sorority houses.
and Remodel
curricular system this year.
All first year students will be re
quired to elect studies within a cerEND SATURDAY 6 P.M. of Many students at the University
tain type of general freshman curKentucky do not realize thnt
all special
riculum, reserving
T. T. Jones, dean of men, has Lexington, fortunutely, is the home
courses, vocational and cultural, to
made only one rule in connection of another school of higher learnupperclass years.
for the ing. Transylvania, oldest college
with fraternity rushing
present semester which states that west ot the Allegheny mountains,
rush week shall start Monday is also located here, and further
morning, September 11. and end adds to the desirability of the town
Saturday, September 16, at 6 p. m. as an institutional center.
This year, according to advance
An announcement from the ofAll members of The Kernel
fice of the dean of men further reports, Transy will have the larg
atstafT are requested to
slated that scholastic standings of est student body in tne nistory oi
tend a meeting to be held at
the fraternities and sororities on the school. An increase of approxi2 o'clock tills afternoon in
mately 70 per cent over last year
tiie campus have not yet been reroom 50, McVey hall. Also,
leased but the grades are being has been noted in freshman trananyone wishing to try out for
compiled, and results will be given scripts so far received at the busireporting or other work on
out as soon as possible. The delay ness office. If the number of new
The Kernel Is acked to be
in obtaining thebe statistics Is due students is in ratio to the tranpresent.
to the change in the personnel and scripts on file. Transylvania may
tiie moving of the dean's office to this year reach its maximum for
the basement of the Aiimliustra- - learning with the present stall of
faculty members.
4 turn building


'Pan-Hellen- ic



Ken-tucki- an





ap-tpe- ar




Last month local Kappa chapter first time in 1905, at Northwestern
of Phi Beta won the National university, and its activities are
award for being the most outstand- confined to music and dramatics.
ing chapter in the United States. Kappa chapter, here at the UniverThe award was sent in the form sity, was organized in 1925. It has
of an ebony gavel, which has been done well to earn the National
used for the lust six years, since award twice in the eight years of
the interstate contest was first its duration, for no other chapter
launched. The five National officers has won the award more than once.
got together at Nashville last Au- There are now 24 chapters in the
gust 18, and voted on the Lexing- United States.
ton Phi Betas, repeating their acPhi Beta patrons and patronesses
tion of two years ago, except that number among the dignitaries of
this time, the Kappa chapter was the legitimate stage and concert
unanimously voted the
world. Probably the best known of
in its class. The officers were: these are Miss Ethel Burrymore,
Roband Mr. George Arliss. Among the
Hazel Nollau, president; Lois
Elisabeth patrons of the Kappa chapter are:
Hardm, historian; Mary Anne O'- President and Mrs. McVey, Dr. G.
Brien, secretary, and Mary Hopper K. Brady. Frank Fowler, Professor
Laytham, treasurer.
and Mrs. Lampert ,and Prof. R. D.
The basis of the award consists Mclntyre.
This year the Phi Betas are planin the activities of the chapter. You
may recall that the Phi Betas gave ning to luunch a contest for speaka Vesjiers program lust year, bring- ing. Tiie final provisions for this
ing the Witherspoon Singers to Lex- fete are indefinite at present, but
ington; or, the radio program they it will probably center around a
sioiisored every Friday. They also contest for the high schools of the
conducted a contest among the state state.
Elizabeth Hardin Is president of
high school girls' glee clubs, offering a prize of ten dollars to the the Phi Betas tins year, with Lois
winner, and they collaborated with Robinson,
the Ptil Mu Alphas to present a Lykins, treasurer, Jean Fox worth,
secretary, and Elizabeth Montague,
program to the McDowell club.
Phi Bt'ta was organized for the historian.











� Best






Phone Ashland




hostesses to the new women students of the University.
Yesterday, the Delta Delta Delta,
Kappa Delta, and Delta Zeta sororities were hostesses at their respective houses, entertaining with formal teas. Today, the Alpha Oammn
Delta, Kappa Kappa Oamma, and
Alpha Xi Delta chapters will entertain in a similar manner. Saturday will also be a tea day, with the
Zeta Tau Alpha, Alpha Delta Theta,

Nothlna holds yog back from prourm
Except yourself;
Nothing hold you back
From a iucces
Except yourself;
Tor a person may create


h wishes.
And accomplish whatever
He sets his mind to:
ny path
He may follow
He chooses to the

Dear Mom and Dad:
I hated to leave Dad to sucker
that tobacco for he's too old
now to do a strong man's work. If
he were thirty Instead of forty. I
wouldn't mind. You Mom ought to
have me there to milk Tootsle, she
will kick you If you aren't careful.
I'm what they call a freshman. I
thought they would make me a
sophomore right away because I'd
been In high school five years and
knew so much more than these
"city slickers" as you called those
men who sold you oil stock.
But when February comes and we
have to stand In line again to pay
them money, they won't get any
unless they put me up a year.
Everybody Is nice here. I'm wearing my straw hat as you said I
should and wherever I go people
smile and I always say "HI".
I've got a swell roommate. He's
a sophomore and he says for you
to send my diploma right away. No
one else brought theirs so we are
all writing. He says they won't let
me come to class without it. You've
got to show it to every prof. That
Is what they call a teacher here.
My roommate has been helping
me a lot. He got me up at two o'clock In the morning of the day we
were to register and told me where
to stand In line so they could get
my name.
I was the first one there and
waited until eleven o'clock for the
doors to open. I must have gone
to the wrong building. It was my
own fault, I would have been In the
right line, but I guess they changed
the building since last year. My
roommate was very sorry.
Didn't have much to do yesterday,
so after having dinner (they call it
luncheon here) I came back to the
dormitory and my roommate said
I should go over to the office of the
Dean of Men and congratulate him
on being elected this year.
He showed me where to go and
waited outside when I went in. I
went right by the girl at the desk
and went into his office.
I stuck out my hand and said,
"Congratulations Mr. Dean I'm glad
you were elected and want to welcome you to the University," Just as
I was told to do.
He smiled and thanked me and
asked how things were on the farm
and whether I thought tobacco
would pay more this year. I was
proud he could tell I raised tobacco.
We talked a long time, or at least
I did. He is a swell fellow. I could
tell he was thinking a lot about

and Chi Omega sororities as hostesses.
Next week, Tuesday, Thursday,
and Saturday will be party days,
while Wednesday and Friday are to
Prefaced by the above challentte, be date days when rushees will be
It Is with pleasure that the society dated by members of the sororities.
staff of the Kernel dedicates its Bid day will be Sunday, Septem-'be- r
24. Bids will be given at 4 p.m.
first column of the year to the students who are entering the Univer- in Memorial hall, the service being
sity for the first time. It will be under the direction of Dean Bland-inour purpose to report the social activities of the campus faithfully and
accurately. In order that this may
Kappa Delta Tea
be done we are asking the cooperaEpsilon Omega of Kappa Delta
tion of each student In obtaining entertained with a tea from 4 to 6
the particulars of stories. All com- o'clock yesterday afternoon. In the
munications addressed to the So- receiving line were Miss Madlyn
ciety Editor and delivered to the Shively, president; Mrs. T. A. Steb-bln- s,
Kernel office will be given considhousemother; Miss Elizabeth
eration and will be greatly appre- Jones, social chairman, and Mrs.
by the staff.
Dan E. Fowler, alumna.
The house was beautifully decorDelta Zeta Convention
ated with garden flowers, and the
sorority tea table was covered with a lace
The Delta Zeta social
held Its National convention at the cloth and the centerpiece was of
Windmere hotel In Chicago this crystal. Delicious ices were served
summer from June 26 to June 20. which carried out the sorority col- Oayle Elliott, official delegate, ac- Vrs, green and white. A hundred
by Margaret Tartar. guests were welcomed during the
Alumnae attending the convention afternoon.
were Jane Lewis, Louise Tiley, Margaret Alice Smoot. Gertrude ColMarriage Announced
lins, and Margaret Doty. The CenCol. and Mrs.
B. Tanner,
tury of Progress exposition was vis- Chicago, Illinois, Inos
and Ludington,
ited by the convention delegates.
have announced
marriage of their daughter, DoroKappa Delta Convention
thy, to Mr. Mathew A. Cabot,
The Birchmont Beach hotel In Brooklyn, New York, on July 31,
Bemedji, Minnesota, was headquarters for the National convention of St. Peter's church, Lexington,
Kappa Delta social sorority from
Mrs. Cabot,
June 26 to July 2. The University University, wasa graduate of the
chapter was represented by Made-ly- n editor of the
Kernel. Mr. Cabot
Shively, official delegate.
was a student in the engineering
college, and was prominent In
Tea at Maxwell Place
He is at
President and Mrs. Prank L.
were at home to freshmen from present connected with Mr. Hugh
two to four Tuesday afternoon at Merriwether.
their home on the campus. Max- Ashland are at home at 190 North
avenue, Lexington.
well Place.
The host and hostess greeted