xt737p8tbd4s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt737p8tbd4s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1963 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 34, 1963 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 34, 1963 1963 1963 2012 true xt737p8tbd4s section xt737p8tbd4s iw
O Alumni Seminar 4
I T c   O ('Kk Nobel Prize \Vinner 8
O Reimien Ayjlairs 13
ALUM N US MAY ww v<>wME ><><><·V
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1   Published quarterly by the University ot Kentucky on the campus oi the University at Lex- `
. I; ington. Subscriptions to non-members, $7.50. Membership lType Al in the Alumni Associa-
  tion includes subscription to the Alumnus. Member of National Editorial Association. Ken-
. g   tucl-cy Press Association, American Alumni Council.
, -,5    \’OLUXlE XXXIE
  Ada D. Rcfbord   .....   .... . ..... . .... .. ........,. . ......   . .   . . .. Editor
t r'r;_  .
    Helen G. King ..   .. ...,. . .. .. .... . .......   . Managing Editor 2
  Ken Kuhn . . . .. ..... .   .... . .i....   ....... .. ..     Sports Editor ISSUE
ii      Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Lexington. Ky., May 1. 1952. under the
  i act of Aug. 24, 1912. Edited by the Alumni Association.
( ‘ , MAX 196:3
      ALUMNI SEMINAR .................................................................................... 4
    "MIRACLES, I963" ...................................................................................... G
 ifjg i UI<’S NOBEL PRIZE WINNER ................................................................ S
  E CHEMISTRY-PHYSICS BUILDING DEDICATED ............................ 9
    UK ALUAINUS AIRPORT PLANNER .........................................,.,........ 10 I.l·l‘l"l`l·l1tS lt) ‘l`Ill·Z l·1l)l‘l<>l _
    UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS .............................................................................. 11 mlm lslwlx 1,,
gr  Z.- ; _ l)t·ar Miss lung;
  i TO ALUMNI ....................................................,.................................,... 12) I I
. ,2‘i—_`ii. i _ , , lt is one time to ic ;il»lt· to ;-
  I - GRADUATE SCHOOL OBSERVING .>OtIi ANN IVERSAR1 .............. 14 . ._ A
 ._   liut it is not oltcn that one ir.·..
            .............. ........ . ..... . ..... ...........· ........... r   $l]('l] gl HUQ l{‘tt(_‘|` ()t` ;}p1)l`(’(‘lglllii[;  
  i ABOUT THE ALUMNI .............................................................................. 16 did iroin you in ¤<>i¤ii¤·<·li<·ii iiidv
  i , _ _ . · · . (jr -- IF  
  - sci1EDt»1.E or EVENTS—REUNION WEEK-END .......... Back Cover ;"‘;F""";‘¤ thi *‘*““l ‘I““l I
g  rg - ` iu ion wo more years. imzt
.   »   *ll’l"`°t`lt*tl“` tllltl “`*‘“t ttl *t"l‘   ”
  ment from the busy ;1eti\‘iiit·s ~i ic
  EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 196:2-63 \trS·p§li;io{9g£l}>. Pnrir Pike. Loxingion (Torrn tltl}' ttlltl tllillllt )'0ll~ `
 X,  CX X9
’   james A. Sutherland, President, Bloomfield, Ky. GUY   Huguelet, ]r., 1469 Lakewood Drive, I l:Ct‘l tllllt illly lllt‘;lSlII‘t‘ ill ~‘l. "
·   { Richard E. Cooper, Vice President, Somerset, Lexington (Term expires 1965) · . _ _ I   _,
  Ky. DrLRalph J. .-tggelucci, 2101 iiicholasville Rd., tllilt I llil\i‘ €ll]U) Fil tllllllli ll’ »» »
  D.l~l. _·C.D h. ,1 ·d‘t PtP '- ·xin·ton(lcted.B.l T ·t )   .._ ,, . .=. `.
 .._,   . td .... .jf‘g,,,.,,.,,§_“,§;} ‘“““ {“ 8 as “’“ .......5., ir. rr.ii..'i....,-.., °£riii.‘A.....§Ei   ><—ii> li·i> ¤oiii~ —ili<~ni lil ilk   V
    ; B·b·;;iv;l:;;'6fT12iE$s;; Athletics D€P¤i'tm€¤t- ,Vb'$;:g;f’,t‘   gicirrmtcgiguonnl edge I was lortunaittr (‘ll()ll!'ll 1 ¤
 F   Helen G· King. Director of Alumni Aiiairs. Bnnk. Lexington (Lilo Monibor. Honorary) quire at the L'nivt~rsitx· of l»t~:¤i‘i·
`""' I it I C RCOUCI1%%S;91(gl§nSUItl?nGUK,LSixmg1m’Ky. This tontiiliuti >n is i sm ill ntl"`
tl   . . BI E, OU 1'€€¤ ., BSQOW, . ' ` ( .` i .` Q ` i· I
 k   K . (T nn x ' S 1963) APPOINTIVE MEMBERS _ »  
 far pg I wiiilrm iii. éagilemaranic mag., Owensboro, ‘ dood ol llio ginliliiI  
lleacli. lil ..    
Q alile in Q ; }  
it one uic. . ~
IpI`t.’(‘l;1IiI¤i;   ' · , I
,(.tim, “i;}_· In O1`Cl€1' to COUIIIIUG to gl`O\\' and to leam, a mans educational program I I
Y l?‘I""l ‘“*` should not conclude with the granting of an undergraduate degree but {
‘s. air: Z. ~'
to stop   · » should continue, with vigor and imagination, throughout his lifetime. ,
,ctivitir·s ~i if
sure oi   Because your Alumni Association is dedicated to this principle, the Sixth ll
tln~onuIir~;: if Annual Alumni Seminar will be held on campus May SI and ]une 1. ,  
liv the Ic ¤ !
enough 3   A
v- ol Kt~iit·;.- Each of the past five seminars have been stimulating and exciting experi- i, 1
“‘I"‘;ll]l;`l;.l°_I   ences in learning for those who have attended. The sixth, announced in this II *
IO ( I, .. {
issue of the ALUMNUS, like the preceding Five, will deal with an important Q
'°ll"£li" ._ issue of thc day: “COMMUNISl\I: \Vave of the Future or of the Past?”  
]_ I ,·\1IlII*.   I·I
Distinguished lecturers and panelists of national stature will participate. I
It is impossible to force such a program upon a stagnated mind, but we  
~ believe there are those among you who possess a deep desire to continue   `
to grow and to leani. The 1963 Alumni Seminar is for you.  J
I I i
ALuMNU ”FIQ`l`Lllll of 1`t‘St‘.llt‘li till  
    counteracted most effectively through the intelligent use major issues of U. S. foreign policy. llc served at ; l
    of factual and authentic knowledge concerning its aims advisor to Secretary of State Cordell llnll at the Klint- l
  _:_4` · . and methods, its strengths and its weaknesses. Conference in 1943. lle has published nninerons .i;;; Q4 i
  This is lndeed 3 tinlely Subject and ll Penen-ating on Russian history. on the internal and foreign p.l;.is
    objective, discussion of communism and should pi-ove to Of iiiv Soviet Union. and on L`. S. foreign policy. lit Q;
  { be an illuminating and Challenglng experience ln these visited the Soviet 1`nion twice in the past two )r·.ii’>.
    who participate in this Sixth Annual Alumni Seminar Four UK faculty mcmbcrs will speak during it 1*.. . 1
  3 i sponsored by your Alumni Association. All alumni and afternoon seminar at thc Medical Center. The slit.} ·~
`   i the general public are cordially invited to attend all and their subjects are: Dr. C. Max Milam. assistai.:   The S4
  sessions of the Seminar which will begin on Friday, May fessor of political science. "Marxism As a Socio—l’ii;‘..i  M ll ty
  31, in Room MN 663 of the Medical Center. The Satur- Theory; Dr. Stanley _l. Zyzniewski. assistant proft~~‘ f  , `
i   , day morning session will be held :ttSpindletop Hall on the liistory. "Evoliitioii of the Soviet t*iiioi.{‘ iii-. j.}; T ‘°"i‘l’*‘P
  Iron \Vorks Road and will be followed by the annual Masten. professor of economics. "The Soviet lCt·r· I  iiiliilnl
    alumni picnic and meeting of the Alumni Association. System;" and Robert M. llodcs, instructor in the 1‘.iii-.~i  Opcrati
 \i   i' Principal Speaker-S \Vill be DL \(\/alter   Iuddy fom]-ley S('ll()Ol of l)lpl()lllil(`}' 2l.I1(l l1ll(‘l`l1llll(lllill (iUlllllll'iif`l'-    S50(*l;l{j(
      U. s. Coiigressmoii from Minnesota, and Dr. Philip E. Swirl-·\is··=·¤i·inU¤·i  0 all K
 gl? lll, Relations and adjunct professor of international relations School, will moderate a panel discussion follouiiii Ti?  ll€_H“_
_-   at the Russian Institute, Columbia University. ]udd speech. Participants will be Dr. .·\nn·y \`aniiuoi-sou se-1.,,,,1; xi,-_ n.,.j,.$_ pl, yl;   illlliite
 l   ` Moves to a Climax” at the opening session of the seminar $l*l llllll l)l'· Mllfllll  mliifni
    4 at 9:30 A.M. Friday, May 31. A physician by profession, An open forum will follow Di-, j\iost—ly`s spcecli li il°ll<*ll$
      ~ j Dr. ]udd has served ten terms as the representative from President Frank C. Dickey will give the opcniiii ·—?·l  il icclm
    r" . ~ Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District in Minneapolis, closing rcinarks of the seminar. cli its l
 y   Q ‘ Minn He lived in Chinn for len Yenls as 8 melllclll llll$‘ Members of the Seminar (Ionnnittee are; Miss lll ieij(·c_ ll.
    (Il E ` $lOI`|HI`y and is fl 1'\3.tlOI`lt`l.lly I`€COg1]lZ€(l 2`|.Lltl`lOl'lty OI]     (;jl`fOI~(l, Cllllil-ln;ll·l7   LJn“»l·CnCli   'l`ll()lnpeOll_ l)iittiU  lm. C0
      , f<>¤·€ig¤ POiiCY· of Libraries. Dr. \\’i1liam jansen, Associate I’r<>l¤‘*>·‘?i  l ll ii
    `H A Dr. Mosely will speak on “Khrushchev’s New Strategy; English, Dr. Vandenbosch, Dr. Wasserman. Dr. fi/iil*`1`·’n    lll C
  T  jj    Challenge to America?" at the l-trial session of the seminar Mi-, 12oaoS_ ima Miss {icio,] c;_ Kim; jygm-ii,.· of ilini  iii"‘¤ li
    l on Saturday moming, june I, at Spindletop Hall. As Affairs.  llnlllllili
2   Li
Z   = r i
    l " THE Krurucxy ALUMNU HEK
-1 . §. Til

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we   » DH. l’HlI.II’ lf. .\[(lSEI.)` DR. \l`.¤\LTER H. [CDD  
, . ii. <. ii. 1<.u.,ra. -., ,;,..1 sii.izii.~i.. x r I
lllll.;_ .. .
lllv `Q ~
. ~¤~*¤`i· ` lite School of _louin.ilisni will pie- lfciicc and Kastlc llalls are in the A new method of diagnosing tuber-  
‘ l . .- . . , _ i
N"- = ,  Lg _, ;“,,_,,i.,]s ,,,,,,`,. ,,,, ups,. ,,, process of lweuis; remodeled. lhe (`lIl()S1S—\\`l`11L‘ll reveals only active in- ,
fil    i,._,_,,,,,),_,.§ ,,, ,,_,,, ,-,,,“,_,,,),,,·» ,,,,S huildings. more than .1 half century fection, has lieen tested and proved `,
ll ~ ____,,,,_ ,,_,m, ,,,, ,_ N \ ,,,, ,, old. formerly housed the chemistry valid m a kentuclqv hospital. DR. l
·  · ····. ‘ ic ii. \ iv . _ _ Q _
wl l _ ‘ , _ , and phi sics departments. After their MORRIS BCHERAQO. director of a
n tin l   "l"l·‘l""‘ at l "` l"*"'l"*'l*‘ l""“` ii·no\.ition_ they will he used to house YK research team which developed l
»iui,i¤·‘ ·  $*·*¤l—l¥¤<>¤¤ and the l fx follcue of ilu- dep.u·unents of psychology, po- the test under a $-15.800 grant from gl
'·l*  iZlZt`.rIlo]1_ llllig t·(ii|r5q· xxill lu- iylypyi litioil $t‘lt*llt‘t‘. Sticltiltlg}`. ;lI]fl1I`Upt)lO§}` fll€ Ntlfltlllill lHStltlllZ€ of H€Llllll. llL`iS  
ii the l   ii _i]] K,.,,,,,,.k\ ,,._,,.,,,.,.s ,,,,,| Wm and \jt’tlQI'.\l)l1}`. and the Patterson indicated that further study will be =
t·~ll~ ‘`·'‘ s  iii-; im, ],,,,,,., U, Q,. ,,,,, ,,,. U,. ,,,,,,,_,. $<‘l¤<><>l of l)ilil~>iii~icx‘ and International made to find ways of simplifying the ,,
.· \'.ui·°`  , ,,,,, ,_, A ` Vt, _ ,_ tonuncrcc. method so that it can he used in l
_ -=¤..eci·· ~ ·- -,_ . . . ·
t_ l>i / , _ Ul lll `I 'll lmllll l NH diagnostic laboratories. l
 l¤‘<·'1¤xtf1<>ii. l`oiies will hn hide the ¤ ¤ ¤ is i
l ,
.5 `,_,,,,, g minus of i1e\\sp.1pcrs, news-u.itliei> ° ° ° °  
o ope il L  l¤l¤‘¤‘l1¤¤i<‘€`11 §i‘l1<‘l‘¤t<‘ r~-»  my mu
  rn ccnccrn {Or thc Idcclcgy Whlch at dns mcmcnt Sccms bcst institutions of higher learning and torrner studeut~   » lernn fu
  rj.; 4 Sulted tc {rec mens mmds for pursuit and recognltlon Of ts a miracle endowed with great power to proxrtit _. · uhrr
  4~ truth Qur geographic djgcrcnccs mc cvcrccmc by the interpretation, students and voluntary grits to rrr? -~.’~ -  Om,}. r
 ir   . - fcrccs \vhich make the p;u·tS_ Wcuk inhcrcntly Whcn Stund_ these marvelous man-conceived institutions for serr1~¤—  awful
_·   r i ` ing alone, interdependent with balanced strength taken P"€S€`“t Hutt fululc t$*"“°"i‘l“"‘“- (miner] f
t   r · as awhole. These positive and precious fibers which bind And then. there is the miracle called you. tltt   `obig?
’ t‘* ?€l  is ‘ . . . . . ._  
·   · 4 us together seem at times to be drawn precarrously close fessronal alumni worker. In a very short tune tlrr> »·   ]>(,I.]rr
{   ‘ to the breakin oint. But the have revailed and that ence will end and von`ll return to your res ueetitt t—-Y 0 , ,
.  . X . . mt otl
t  ,‘ Yr.- i ~ . . . _ -r.. 
 V   »g>t ~ _ puses. Almost immediately, your daily challenges \‘ll··*‘ to thc d
r  __   , ` i ° Ed1t0rsN0te: The American Alumni Council is a national mid tw }0u· (·lt—t¤<per‘ntir¤! l"‘*?l  qmiiu- 0
l     i i and independent Sgwndlmj School mcmlmm A member of the faculty will call to say how rrrrl1tt‘¥"‘   l I
L     3; t This address was delivered at the District Ill _ I “ ' ` · ` I " · I I _i,..r.   ml"` (il
 *.:_». Q _ _ ·. A, ·\. °·,·°.,' e -i·¤ ,r.M-· ,
r   rr r Conference Of the Council held m Atlanta, Gm is .1 wont the treatment of his .utre e rn tre rtttttv l U the dun].
j   A j this past january, magazine. An important alrrrnrurs will lraye \t`t`tll“" Clei-c]un(
5  ith R V
*  Yiitiliz r
{     6 rr-rr xsurucrev ALUMt’"nri,(
., -j    ~ `
L F1 2  
.  K. f ir

ll"""‘ l‘>l*t£·l<1$t rrrerrrhers of the farnilv. The rnirrrelr; ig flint
'VVV VVV UU IHillt(*I‘ lrovv rrruelr you err. }'U|1 earrlt rrrarlie enouiglr
- * ' , . . _· V .
VVV,V lr1l%t.1lvt-s to (ll1\(‘ rrll your irientls rmav.
ij   Arnoni.{ von. there are those who do more than keep
V . .. VV V n·t·orrls. rrr¢·relv.V At least sorne are earrglrt up in i}-K. excite-
'V __{l»   . VV V VV   "';'l'l "l ¥¥*lll"l’llllé li small l1iStorv of it]1 rwlrrerrtecl adult
    .   .V vv ro has rr unique relationship with your institution. For
.;= .   =   `--. _ · _. - V V ·- V V
      V VV ·V;V   lUll· UU lttllilil l$ lllt   X U (.`·.1T(.l UI {lie (-(iI{ip|][(j]‘ {gpg; {ir
this n.rtr.. V     ..V- - l   llllmjllllll Vullld ‘1 lltll- hw flimensional thin!. l‘l41ther it has
  _VV V -   - »V ·l llllllll (llll1"Il$lUIrl tl1t‘ lrétliit tr;i(_*Q oi, gi }nigii_ V
  4 -· -‘ V   .. ] . 4 - . . . (
tht·r-1- ..r· ~     I * ,.. ,_ . Hlllll lllllmm Dll’¥£r.rrrrs that matter. perception has 1
tht- lhtllrr    *1 4   l"""" }l"'ll' (-"’l'("~'lll' l)('}")ll€l YWYTIC tems. rnenus. head -
VVVVVVVVVVV VV VVVV   V , _V . Vahlt .rrr.rnr;trnrnts.V travel plans and rnarlrrrz lists. There  
VVVVVV VVVVVVV   V, , V Vas rrrreriretl lt spirit which will perretrate to the core of `
rlrlt- ltr .     l "A -'l'll"l'l l)l"’lil‘=*lYl`lll\v rrrcrmrsetl rrmlerstanding of the- institutionls
V V °      VV •‘tl1l<‘.1tlorr.1l rnissioii
IIL .tt1~. 1 _` " "Z
*1 =" · ’ ` . ` 4, _- _ . . _
VV__VVVVVV VV   - _ Q  lVl1l)llL.tt1'1I1$ that sprint.! from the editorial architects of
VV.VV,VV_VVVVi __ .. ·- snralr rrrrrrreles reflect the dignity. restraint. and love of i
.· rnon· : , . people \\'l'tl(,'ll so thoughtfully conveys the essence of alma l
V OVVV VVVV r11.tt¢·rarrt·t.1usi- liels oflleirtlt-tl >¢“l`\l£`t` I'·lll]¢‘1' lllvlll L1 lUl· ·
VV VV.V 1 Vvrrnr loolrdr r1li.1~ lrrrns; propowtl ln _n, i.,i,N,,Hm.S _, liln-VUV) m- (.V]u(._mVVVm] building IVEVCVVVVVVOS VVVV VVplVftVVVQV l
o 1~   » .  _ · .. _. 4 · l ~
' V **V·*1.V Vin of vorn tlnlr prtsrdt nts xvrll he l.llSlIltl tht- (`\[)l’ll(‘Il(`(’ for the donors I'4ltlt€I` than inst 11 new thin! l
1 Q--r·~1 ‘ ’ ven ·vi ·_ - » . 1 . -. .· _ -_ r . _ -_   . ` ~ E
V VV VV V VV lVV VV VV11t)`. In Such 11 L-l1n141te. estahlishetl bv voir l
' ll t ' lrtri 1Vl H-   . V V V V _ · V · » V V VV · VV V V V V · ·
VVVVVVVVVVV V V  VVVVV VVVVV VV · ~ \1·V1t vi rv rlovvrr on tht 10 vnd lnn. lht and tht .1ll1tV> around you on all sides. tot.1l .1lurnnr support  
VVVV V =V V V VVVV- V < V 11t·1\ *11Qt·|’ ur pp npr \ liv- ]L)"(] l li
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1 l)I¢1'.t .- ‘ \\-IV`. I V _ V . , _ V
VVVV VVV VV 4- "‘ “l'¥ *l*’ \**'* ¤l<1 ¤l· You 1-<»r¤l·l <-.1111 mort- \\<‘ l1=1\’<* lll<`ll~ .1 rcgcrrer-rrtrve interqrt-ring netvv-Oi-lr; of 1
VV VVVV   V rt; Von .rnoth¤r·t·»rr·r» NlllltV\\lltIt. ll.rrdl\ .111) of \Ull wt-r-e lhillou. \\1tl1 its st-p;1r;1te parts r1141gr1etier1llv attrxretetl to  
V _ VV‘l"‘* llll }`<1\H‘ rol>. \\l1o 1-vt-n rrrr¤‘¤l·ll million of lllL‘IU—\\ l1o dont Inn-p nr but (10V l
’ ‘ ll 1- ··`· ·.— . . ·. _ · _ - . l . . .
VV]V.VVi VVV.,.,...  Plnii Nrtntts. .\s .l$\l§l.lllt professor lrorn tht- Lnglrsh s\\1 ltlllmil lll lllli \\`01`l€l of GUYS. l `
lv ranrrnrrns ri 1 fl - · ·· ` · .. ‘ · . . . . -· — - i
VVVVVVV VVVViV,·1» CVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V VVl V" F"'ll *·ll‘ll-ll *·lllll‘·ll1i¤1 111 l).rlVl.rs. or theres rr rrrrrxrelt- here heerruse runong those rnvriad  
· Ul l< llltltllll. .*\11tl your rt‘t-ortl (-lerlx \v1ll {intl iiriiiilwi-5_ voir niiilgg Vi (lifl`Ci·CnL·L»_
A L U MN lH[ K E
A L U M N U S 7 V V

  A l
  l D   H M irlutatit
 ; I'. OITIQIS Ll1'1C Ofgélll, rin- r.
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  UK’ N b 1 P ` W` ` M d" ` "" ‘‘‘‘ ’
l   y S O C I’1Z€ 11'111€I' 11'1 C 1C1I1€ I, (... ra
  5 By Hmunsitr P. ltnazv mm (
    Department of Botany llis rn;
g z;   University of Kentucky llre est.
    nl thc t
  One of Kentucky’s most famous students. and the stimulation of a Kentucky. Harvard, 1leitlell>eig__.;` 1111****]
    alumni is Dr. Thomas Hunt Morgan. scholarly