xt737p8tbd36 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt737p8tbd36/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1945 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 16, 1945 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 16, 1945 1945 1945 2012 true xt737p8tbd36 section xt737p8tbd36 —»   ‘ ”   R R
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  Alumnus, Trustee and Friend z- '
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 ; V0lume XVI FEBRUARY, 1945 Number 1 ,J 21 _`
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 1   W F /  l
l Les! 6 wget  
—   A or
February 3, 1945 ‘
Former men students in Service .,.........,......,»,»»,._.,4............. 6,354 $
i Former women students in Service ....s.,.....,.t,., . ..,...,...,. 298 I  
'l`otal Students __....,.......,.. . .,,....t..,.t, . .v.t..,,.t.. . t...,,   ....,,t.. 6,652 _
Staff members in Service .t..tV..,.....,. . ........... , .,,,.tt.....,t..,, . ..,. 178 J  
l 1 6,830 H
Duplicates ......,...w.,.... . ,..,..,.......tt...st......,...._,_...,t....____.,._ . ,,__,__,__,_ 107 T O U3;
__   l'S .
R 67723   l'nive1
, ,   to I E
olxstnu1rl1cs—169 -- (TH ’°_
. ·> cer
Rose, Earl Bonner. Jr. Lexington Killed in action, ltaly, 9-30-44 L and {U
Alfrey Malcolm P. Lexington Killed in aetion. China. S-233-44 ` in _
- Duff iVilliam Howard, Jr. Hardy Killed in aetion. Europe, _ _ lm)
_ i . ,. . . - ill lo.
Moore, Carleton C., Jr. il€Xl1l{Ii0ll lxilled in aetion, England, lll-lo-44      
styles, Joseph A, Vilorehester, Mass. Plame crash   "‘l"l* ll
Payne, Joseph H., Jr. l·l‘Xi1lg1‘ioll Killed in action, France, 4-28-44   (late u
Ellig (}por<>~a· Samuel Stanton Killed in aetion. l<`ranee. 9-14-44 ;;_  Connm
Littrell, Illini Glenn \Vlll(?ll<‘Si€’1' Killed in action, Belgium, 10-25-44 ‘ lm.,,,S
\Vis)l(>l·, Oscar Evans i)?|ll\'lll(’ Killed in aetiou, 5-5-44 I,
)[€lbmu-ng, John \V_ l Georgetown Killed in aetion, France, 9-11-44 - l-  Ul1_].d (
(focus, lgmolas M_ Lexington Killed in action, (lerniany, 11-20-44   “~llCl·l
(_;l·;iySml, llenyy T_ Lexington Killed in aetion, ll-21-44   leifc lll
(iilliaun, ('lyde S. Livingston Killed in action, ltaly,   ()“·,,,
Turner, llenry F,. Jr. Paducah Killed in 2lt¥ilO]l,l*l1'2l11l‘(’, ll-24-44 J  onlv f.
‘ Fish, John W. I»0lllN\'illl" Killed in action. S. Paeitie.  , umm (
_, Baker, \lVm. llarold LeXill{z‘l0u Killed in action, En;;·land   ll
(llore, John Greenwood Prospect I Plame accident, Georgia, 12-10-44 Q dllellll
Parrish, Rhodes S. Paris Killed in action, Europe, 5-27-44   lllll tlu
, Hulilein, Frederiek E, Louisville Pneumonia, ltaly, 11-11-44   numlm.
T ()](l}mm_ Robpyl M_ l,exing·ton \Vounds received in action. i. eelulilot
4 Yew Guinea 11-2%-44 i l il
Y rj _ j » W-·  - (a * _- .
[ Greenwell, (lharles E. New Haven lxlll-ed ln aetion, branee, 11,-230--L-L  5 frog `fu
* Jones Bryant (K), ]l€Xl11*l't()ll \V0llll(lS received, in (lermany, l2-lll--l-l   l` ° ll
Masters, James Edwin Lexington Killed in action. (lermauy, 12-14--L-l   ]`°`l'l`*¤ fl
l Gard, Richard Ernst. Lexington Killed in action, England, 12-15-4-L -_  0l‘ller of
, Sanders, Jesse A., Jr. Nieholasville Kllltlll ill lellfllllll, lllllill, lll-37-44  Q T|,,,,.,,
_ MeNash, Capel \Veems Lakewood, Ohio Killed in action, _  d_l\_._
\Valker, St, Clair Lexiniyton Killed in action, German_v, 1-1-45 ,“  (fh lll
Q Karr, Edmund Powell Lexington Killed in action, lielgium, 1-(S-45  fj mlall ll<>~
1 (Yole \Villiam Robert Hazard Killed in action   illll leneo
Cantrill, Lewis Franklin , Greenslmre Killed in action), Belgium, 1-7-45  illly ai ,,,1
_ Jones, Kenneth llyron Yosemite Killed in action, Belgium, 12-20-4-1-  -mir)-V iw,
· Blumer, Philip Edward Lexington Kiled in action, india. 5-20-44  :05 the
\\li]son, \\'illiam Clark, Jr. . Lexingxton Klllell lll lll’llllll> llllzlllh l"l5  gicui (ii
Mattingly. Spencer E., Jr. Versailles Killed lll action, Luxeinbourg, 1-2-I--l-5   ‘ll'*ll
3-niuliaws, (`ihureh M,-all Maysville Killed in aetion, llollanul, 12-18-44  , l"`“lll<*·i‘
Parker, Samuel Fletcher Somerset illness (Tenn.) 2-6-45  éllle iuvm
` (Continued on Page ·l»l)  éwllliain
.  ,§,
- I .u1\.»1.1u ana;} l{5\$‘•‘ A

  Mg [@11 my/qi A/mm;
1 5
Q The first 0bgg]·`·afjO]] Of FO]]l](l-   Lglgl (/'ullis ])1‘GSl(l€(l_ klt Tll€ ()1'g2lll 1
 » @1-S Day 011 the campus of the     mia il llaritoiie s o 1 o. "H i   11 I
‘  . . 252%s€z5z5s5s5;5z5;€§=  ....2.._.§&§2§s§2¥s$F=?=5‘ '‘`‘ ‘  =2€§¥§;¥i?*¥ ? ? ?*Ffiiéiéiéiiééifi5§S§€;2§:§:§¤§%;&§;§2§2§ . . ..
  Ulll\'€1‘S1T}' was Hll G\’€11t 1101; S0011   ‘».V‘  ¤g§.f=§2§$§i§$§i§§§i§;§;§;§;f;§— l*l1g·l1t" was sung; by M1'. Robert
  . ¤2;s;2;2;2;2;2;2; .  ·.·.-.;. .:;¤=¤;1.¤:@;¤:%=#2=2Eisieisé2§2§252§2§éé2§e;:iziz;2;z;;;..§.;.*;2;§ `  -¥%éi§é§é§¥§¥§%§féé5§¥§*§€§¥£f§ ·
  to be 1‘<>1·;2o11e11. Tl1€ 1:<;=¢+   §:··· §§§};gEgE;§‘5gEjEgEiEgE;'·. . y · · ,
I C0l11lllO1l\V€Hllll a 0 0 12 p T e cl the ii-¤’:1-_¤..¤ ,111 , , 1 3%·1¤·25si·$§i·5=..`**ei;.¤ of I\€’11IU¤k}`· 7 The lull text Of
, . ,  1.* .1»,»—  ¤§s§2§5. .:;.;.;2; ; ; ;.;.= gi -   ··.:=‘.`-’3'i=:..‘{.  Y ~ · ,·
1 I€1'111S 01 the Justin A. Morrell -; ·,,_,.   · ‘-=¤2;;3 ..-_-   D1-. )Ie\ ey s azlclress 1s ]1ll11I€d
. .    "¤525252izfsfiFiiii§5EES?252?2?2?2&:;é2:2§’* ? "  . *i?5"§* · · · : I . ·
. _ ag1·1e11lt111·al and meehaiiieal col-   ’=“..1.» ;    “ ''-_ · _.__ A iiiessage from The ST11(l011t
lege in Kentucky. ‘   I I    `*   body was eouveyell by Miss Bélfy
F OWi11g To war time eoiiditioiis ` ·___ °  _,__,.  I · Amie Gl1l()i‘(‘lll(l,21 Jlllll1>1'SIll(lt‘llt
i 011lY lcE1C1llI}’, Sl'll(lGllIS local al- ~   `*__ ,  _.-~     .‘i.   111 the lY“l"€‘1`“lIY· “'h" Sl"’k° for
 1 11111111 2l]](l 11e31·-by f1·j@11(lg Could -— "'Y*·°`?"" »-·  ·`       " 1 her fellow Sl`ll(l(’]lIS 1ak111g‘ IOP l1€F
:8I1€11d the exercises of the day, G0V·BSIME?1;S·kWILLIS subgeet, A‘C01ll`(‘l1l1)(>1'ill'§' B111ld-
· 311 ll€ 63 CI' __ 1
but Illey were l‘l1e1·e 111 goodly q P GIS. l
-1111111bC*1‘ see111111g· to rejoice lll the   _____ , _,_,_,:,:_;,,m_,;?Z,,,._,_,.:,:  ____   Misses Mary l*`1‘z111C(>s Hvlllllck, »
. . , . »—;s·2·2·.·£;=;§;; ._.,.,.;.;z2§2§%ES°  _»..‘.    iiA-§~§*j:E%§%1%ff§€ZEi . . .   . · · ·
iC€l€`bl°Hl`lO}l of ElllOIllG1' g`I`€21’D llOl1-   BQTI) Ilzllllh RIINNGH dull ANU 1
.  .1gg;;;s§zizisia§s§;§;g&g1;    A , .- . . , ~. · 1 -‘ ‘
_(la)’ such as was done 111 years  ,1z;5§z§isigQ2z§2§;§2§s%2;s;g;g;g;;§  ‘·  Egziziivi  (`0“3lll~ **1] ~1¤¤<1<¤1~ Ot the Mubm  
.25:3;:;%1;§2;1§;§$i§E§5§§j;§5;iz:. _. . ‘·;_ ·: :_.j `·‘=i=’=§§§;;;=Z;S3ag;§iQIiz§2Q=Faiii2§S;3¤£;£;§;E;§;5;§2§2;  _ _ 1 7 · ..·. .
Q`0ll€ by when a p1·0g·1·a111 and E1   ])°l)‘Utm""l (ll, the [ mvcmlty `
n . .  -2;  __ _ _   ..¤ _ . · .>> .
 YEQQSS IPOD] SCllO0l (lllllés \\'i1S fl]€  ;g-§.5.Z,`   ·j.;·‘..;:;: ;  mlllg ROQPIS lll€ LAST SUIIQ, ·
 f°1‘f111€ day.   `li’`   =··1<1 1** <"<*****#‘ 1*“*""*“`- *"° N1 . ‘
· ,   1‘_.. ; ..1 .=.;   · . I ,— - 111- the    
V Tl11*1‘0 were four parts To H10   _.__‘.   {mus: Amhtlmi {uni? ' M.! 1 ( I .3;;%
.· 5525E¥¥%§?§€E%§=;&e5§£§i§5§5: ,=i§$ "‘i=*¥?:€€§5§5i§i§§§€§2§2i:;:  _· · 1 ·- .· · 1y I 1ss . 11 1‘0( ·
 jd?1) S })I'0,Q'l'2llll. From lil a. 111.   Tm fl MN U "
I  · . . Yzsiéeiafefsisisiiéiaéié .255%;,.  -  
_ UUTII 110011 111 Me111o1·1;1l Hall the   " “1` ·l ‘ I _ I T . I
‘ · . .   .   1 .· H ·.·1<>‘ 1 J 1‘€\’<‘i1
?111‘ *1* the l1""'°“1`““1’ “'*‘S
` ( pl °=—1‘lm» 1(l) (te \\1 1 ( le   ~i·<>'i~:?:.·:·1-'-f-?·iii;¥;ki·¥‘·’·:·l%&%i:2¥>:-:-2-2-Z-Z·Z·Z§1;Z:»:>$:_§·:*:2-Z¥t·Z;Z;i;!;Z:$:¥;· .· » •
· 1. ·   }ll'l'i|Il"'(’(l 011 the larst floor oi: the — ·
im M l>¢‘*1111X and G0111111G111<>1‘11111‘€   . " -.
 of the · ·- · ‘ - - - 1   l11l.11·a1·y 1lll(ll‘l' the ])(‘l`SUl12ll 1‘€S1]lt Of LIEUT. COL. JOE Tk LO.ET (1 I < < P I- li) I I  
.-f` 1 . _ ' » J .
.  00101%,), m the UHi\_m_Sit)_· MPS- Banquet Spea Bf (Contmued 011 aye ¤ i
11 21 11
 . I I I `
~ I
, xl
¤   E?
._ - $1 >_j
  .1 I I .
  __ _,_  .  2% - : 

 Th K k   its appearance. lt is tlie ki11d of “Kentueky” Unive
C €I’\tUC Y UmnU$ l I 1 _ _ t n H i 1.e _ Ob V
*00 { 0'le 0` ee 0 0 * H ue At the Fall meeting ot the Ken-   Ser
__ l1·111ds. l ‘llll so )l("lS0(l. tlrit *011 , - , , , ..
Q Of{i('lill Ofgilll of thi) Exllllnlll issocig- n( ne (     I t b(   tllcli} Club lll Sh1 01>01t, LH-;   t_ (
t'o \€ j e Oi? vs )e1l1e. ])1111 et A- (11_1del_7 Consultant eneologlet Of   1o11((11
_ tl11s illll9. It IS not only a beauti- Snnevenent nnd n n.1.ndnnte nf   the lt
’—’ . . . . · # ‘ 1* 1
I   11;: egigqinlql (`élinss $[g_ttg1n[;1_;' glee ful book   It IN ¢llN(l rl book ot the lT1lin,(nn_Sitn, in   read the  l \\ 315 ()
)OS \(‘€ H 4(?XlH{.§` O , .\y., . (#1 .1.4, ,' , 7 n ’ ,_' , U I _ _ _ _ _ V
102:1, 1110101- the act or Marc-h 3, 1879. “1“d0m· _1 In vntvelelt} 0011 be tolloiving lines wlncli lic had Md “‘
  proud ot it as 1t 1s proud of y011 wnmen en 11D—1 Den, guests.
’ 1\¥argu0ritc M0L=1¤ehli¤  »A—»—-r--- e --r-rrA Edit01‘ and yo111· accomplislnneiits. This `0 A re
‘ G. Leo )1c<‘lain ,....,,.......r ....Mz1nager Editor _ 1 x _.u 1 I t l_ _1 H ]u_ .3
H01011 -Ki\lg 100...001....00l.Y10.»., Associate m111101 “‘ PW _“1 ‘*‘ P 0 <‘““° 1 {Q K1gN*1·UC1{v i mm ·
_ _ _ Y University ot kentucky Press. lt _ _ V { 110011 0
OPNLERS OF THE ALUMNI . . Kentucky, with its ribboned streams — ·
ASSOCIATION will be tlie best advertisement the . . library
» ‘ -r»-·--·*—---*~-»---·4—---rr—*-r ~ . ll c { ’ r ss cou 1 1* ve .,.. - · · . .   1 ‘.
‘ Grover Creech President 'K9 tu l` P Q ll 1 I And Wooded hluee abounds. e Of `\[1
David Thornton __,,____,A___,,__,,, Vice-President Y ` _ ( Us Jeweled eltlee gleee hel realm»   V nl]
)l;1]`g'Ll€l‘i[(3 ;11·r.1111g111111 _rr____r__re_,r_ __ __v_rr_ \\e are indebted to Mrs. Mc- And work of toilmg hands re- e1l€’l<<
. ,,.......r,,,l..rl,..,..A..,,,,r E; ·1(i’ -Secretar_* Y . . re; ., , _
Helen King ___ rrr ___r4__V__ __   il(,;il:;T1.€as1ll.€i. \ ey tor the many. many hours ot S0‘mdS·   “‘**b 1;]*
` 1 worl ,·l1 l1· .· ·i 1 ` ·   ` · - . ` 0'I 0 V
. ` [§XECUT]\’E CQ)[][[TTEE { S 9 (IT g \€lrl lu d"€1“bl1]]g HEY 1'I`1OLlI"liZ31I'1 slopes grow Siklldy   Tluueg re
- · . . 1 1 1 . 1 » 1 *5 Q ( 1 e
Lnne Lnenn Bennie Slnvely }Oll1 adchesses and pape1s ..,. Oaks, n t
‘ G. Lec )It-Clain H. C. Robinson 1 ' · ~' ’ '{ 'ICUG) et
l .101111 A. \`Yl`ll[2lk€l` M1~s. E. D. shinnick (·m.din11\- \.nm.n Hel beeemee 0010 ele Ueeed with  ·§ i. 1
G. Davis Bulekner Mrs. T. R. Underwood · - ’ ‘ coal. , Slty and
L. K. Fran el Dr. George H. VVilson _ _· T]
_     Cnuen .I·_ Jeneeggenln I Hennlnn Donovan Het buried sands of peons ion?   the Mee
· G. .. E iot E. E. . u wart ‘ · ‘. <‘ ‘ V; .
Joe Asher H. Tl Palmore Yleld kip theu Store O lquld { tlOll2lt(> `
vvlllllllll \V. Blantonil. C. Everett   gold.  j ie held
    i '
VOL. XVI FEBRUARY, 1945 NO. 1 Alurnnus Heads Precious lead and zinc and spar   by Mr,
Umon Umvcrslty From sa1em’s tau1ted,mmes _1·,1e0_ 1
President Donovan Appreciates W F J G , 1 t n SUPPIY th€ gmwmg Wal S gemgnd ‘T`€})]'QSQ]]
- ` · · 011 S- l Y 9 S 1 C 9 H 0 th have re ine . .
Former Pres1dent’s Book , . 0 ,} ` Ae Seen as ey ation 11
Lampbellsville College at Camp- _ _  F
Since tlie last Alumnus was beusvillee KV, was elected by the Her soils of r1chest sandyl loam,  B1¤l11kel_
·_ · ,   , ·, . ` , . On blue grass farm an gléll  · 11ck11(»·
]lUbll*h€‘*l· "Tl¤0 Um‘€l$lt5 15 H board ot trustees of Union Lllil- , t t d  ’ I,
n , . . ,, . _ _ _ Supply the ever cons an nee > Mr (—
}]H~(*€—A Slllnt Comlnled by versity to the presidency of thc Of- craving beast and \7QlO1’Ol.lS of n` T
. ¤.,,, ,e .,0,, . . .. ,, 101
. Pldmee J°“‘u Md 05 (md 001* Baptist lnstitution on January 0. men. einnl T
. ' ’ . . 1 . . . 1 . . 1 N · ( il
tdlllllltf 11(lclusses, p¢1pe1s and Mn. Jones heme n Bnsl deennee e _ e d ne
letters written bv Dr. l\IcVey has 1 , ze . The balefoot Youth $011 nee S I _ ‘__
n I · T] l k from Georgetown College and 111 path  
1 eeme _1 em t le pleeee _ le me 1937 he received a masters degree That leads from school to home A    
· · ‘ , ·· * - , . . »  4;.] , .
1 is dedicated to Iiuvensity stud] fnnnn the Un1\.e1.nn.n._ Ho has And dreams ei W031th and peace E  env;
1 0;*t~—1>··fa*11;0~0·1{-010 “““"1 an $€l`V€(t 00 111g·11 SCll()Ol ])1'lll(jl1)&ll Ofsicmné n ne may wm ,   
1     1 . . . answere ` ·  
, we 100 ne tene >0_0¤1_¤M0;;1]1·· at Plll€\'1ll€ HIILT \V1llCll(’StG1‘ and _  
" l‘“1l *_"0";“0“ T} 006 later as s1111e1·11111»11110111 ot 0111- The 011 of 1131111s $11111S 111011111ed .    
' ’“"* _ "n__0 """‘0‘* »‘0‘“ ‘0 I ‘ s1~110010 111 P1110111110. 110 1100 Around the family 11001*004; ~    
· “‘“"‘ 0 ""· 1>1·es1110111 0t 0111111111011011110 Q01- ` N0_S001‘1f100 li 0310 t=00 g;0<;n€n_n  _ ;  
_ The f(>ll()\\'lli}! letter was \V1'1t- lem. Sixteen yemn 10 m0k0 e ee mg peee     ·
, ten by Dr. Donovan after lie rc- The WAC, the WAVE, the hardy 11d  
T ccived a copy of the book; W- A11 join a peace to gain, d ji  J `
, . Community Chest That home and freedom, ch€1‘15ll€ .; 
‘ ()1·la111lo. rlorula most 3
_, _) , Secretary On Faculty 1 n  
K 1*1/]*·Y*L`L May now and ever more 1`€‘ll0‘  
M I D we V (`lizirles F. lsaackcs, executive nw  .
*v ·1r 1*. 1 · e ’; · 1 · · ` e an ·‘  
· (e‘ ( 0 S€lfl'Ot2ll'}' ot the ( ()lilll]lll1l`tC}' \V21l' Thee egwege mash Of tueleen {ece  
,, . . . . . in s 1S on every e ‘  
. Y T 1 · » A, V 1 * h.- 1 » 1 . `1 v A1 _1
llnnik you 01 yon} ltttei ot ( best tor l1ex111;;to11'a111l hcl} ettc TO keep abreast, te fenee ehead, _Q
Dei-. :1. Xonr book. A Univer- county is now a \'lSlt`lll{1` l€QiYll1'€l.' TO keep Kentucky in thg1`HC9-   .g
sity ls A ].)i2|(f(‘—‘1\ Sl)|1'lt` ’ came lll the University s tlepartment of LP   161*1
1 yesterilay. lt is zi beautiful vol- Social \\'ork. lle will serve A- F- CYid€Y1 S01·01*0¤01"·     GI
lUll(‘. l am <·‘1‘e21tl\’ ileased with l`ill’()ll*"ll the \\'lllt(’l‘ 1 uartcr, June 61 we   P1-1
K" ¤ 2* ii Un
» .1 THE Krivrucxy ALUMNL  ; E K
A A ALA\4&.|\.r Asus! AICUB
.1 .. ·.‘.    

Unlvmy Stam Alumm   :’’   III “‘I¤i¤I¤ Ile clesell the imiwessivc
zKen-   Observe Founders Day V   I __ ‘‘’=*   program of the day. Music for   `
, La.,   , (Continued T7-0m.Paq€ J)   ·l __   ._   the broadcast was furnished by T
getliei.   °*'l‘?“ "X“"“m"lI "“'_V° m lhe "l"     ._ i   . ·;,_   A;;_ _     the Uiiivei-sity choii·1stei·s, Miss .
A. F. I l*""“‘g.““d.1"'“°"d"‘=‘*` °f dim?   .. . _.:»,:»;v·.   IIiII¤¤S II [T“d°1" Dean P. P. Boyd, and E. B. I
imand 1·epresenting· the Alumni Associ- “"I‘Id· <*I‘ et the Lgxiugtou Farris.
neil  l3ti()]l “*;,lg g()u]l)()gg(l of IL   H€l`Ell(l, 2lL‘t€(l HS tO2lSilllt1Si€l' Ell1(l   _
lam,  Fi-aiikai_ Cliiiii-iiiiiii_ G_ Davis Governor Simeon \Villis ad- Miclulfey Resumed Legal
len  Bllckllei- iiiid H_ ])_ piiliiioi-Q_ dressed the guests taking for his Practice In Lcxmgtfm
aed Q Mr. (ii-ova ci-eeeh. president t<>i>i<¢ "TIle I7¤iyel·Silv iIII`· f°I` I“'°
"al°Y°u5 of the Alumni Association. Dre- Sltltgdi TIIQ llIII"€I'SItY “v0IIIQII`¤ Years ·lu‘l¥`° advocate Ifeuewl
 isided at the first annual Found- GIG? (i`lIIlI £`lII'<° *I lII'III€· ‘   _ A''`-     ii_i   Lewis and with Miss Ruth Pace III{1`T\'Ql‘¤QlIS· IIIlIY lI€‘ I'<*IIII`II*` ll<‘II\'Q S<‘I'\'· lv
Y gm ‘ Donovan spoke ll r i e fl _v o n. ive ill }l%lI'<‘lI. lllll. S_ _
eiaégr   .» A "\\'hat is l*`o u n il e rs l) a   (`olonel. Bletluffey received an i_ ll
I ’ "(”lreelings to Kentuckians" were A.l·l. degree from the l'n1vers1ty id il
port,   P ` GROVER ·CREECH iixiii-email 1))*(l()\'(I]'|]()]'\\villl$ and in l$Il6 and the degree of lili.B m -I·
5,194lI   President of Alumni Dr. Me\'e_v gave a 4 minute talk in l$ll$l, I | I
We   I: I. zi ll
  [ I I lv
ii _ `  i . ... ·

 r iYl.vet*‘;=,`t‘ `=·`»   J2
  RSIT Y  i  E
t A p<>t·tftiih of Rhhhhfl Charles   U“t°tt Tt“““ttt C‘?"’ Kt`“t“°k*'   ti O
‘ Stoll of Lexhhiimh was Phhshhted   -¤··‘   .·.-.   h‘“° I   'i`1‘t¤hhi<>ii tiiitl 'Fftfmiiial C0., and _
to the Uiiitfeirity, tit ti shift fi·<>iii   ·‘·‘   the htxhlhthh Uhhhth C2 Ht h t f
Atiiiiiiii iiiiii frieiitls, tit tiii ti1>i>i·<>—   .   it "h"’°*‘”` °t t"° t”t"“F N“t“?"*“ ti f H
L pritite ceiemoiir of Fehi·iittt·r 22   2:‘      Bhhh hhfl Thht C2- hl Lthlhh   .  
  James Park matte the pieseiittititiii     hhh hhd tht K°“*““h>' S‘*°‘“`hh* it t   ·-»—’v *?iI€%.
tiiiii the eift wits titctrttttt hr Di-   Ch<>v¤hi rhtsitlehh ht   the t’“‘*“_°*‘}‘ Bi" A“t°"‘t‘t‘°’}·  i »  
. the Uiiivtrsitr- The evtht whs it   “‘¥‘t th? Ot M" }‘”`t‘ Btt ‘t““"“¥`  ‘ -—· · i
feature of the first Founder’s Day   ation, kentucky btalte Bar Assoei.   ‘··-····¤w—
proe·i·tim iii=iiie·iii·=tt<~>d this reef to   “t“’“ tl“`t`“"t°“t t"°‘“ ttm t"  
commemoititt the date ' °t S"“‘ Ot A‘“‘“`tt"‘“  raiiieia 1
ltiiure accepted the tei-iiis of the %  R""°h‘“""~ B°"k *‘“‘t ttttttt   with AR.
I 1V[O1`1'i]lL3l1(lGl`H1lt Aet eettiblieli- _   ``:`  TT; ‘Vif gfiiiéz  seutlieru Society of New Ytlrli, — 
ine tiii Ae:t·i<>¤iltiii·ti1 Mt=<—lit·iii<¤t¤l   V;   hhtl hihhr <>tl*°*‘ hlhhl hhfl h=lth>hhl€‘ Fhhh “°
‘~ ooiiegt iii Keiitiitkr.   _`°‘:?   hhthe he   it hhhhhhf 0* lh   tht “"‘“2
M1". Stoll, "I)iek" to his many JAMES PARK PI`G‘Sb}'t'(“l`12lll (`llll1'(jll, ~q;i1§}§;`3V;{1‘l‘ili
ttttvoted t1't°`“dSi Wah €h`2iioi·tii·y degfree of'LL.ll. iiTh9 Tale
pt`tt“t“’°· Ht this “Pp°t“t"tt to the Gus C0, He is geueriil counsel whe €‘lllt*’l`1`*’*l°‘h Mt`- Sthu "‘tt'·tt the Angyt
Y Btmttt Ot Tt`““tt°tS Ot Sttttc COL im- the Soutlieusteru Greylrouud hX the lhli"°l`hi*>' hhd ht h°°*““" of the my
' tegt "‘_tttttS tttttt hhs Cottttttttttt Lilies; evoiisolitmetl Coach (301-- it Life memller of tlie Alu11111iA~· Stew and
HS. tt gluldingt influence tot tht in- pO1'2ltlO1l; Altlbillllil Bus CO.; Soctttttttu tu   tt tttetnbttllshtp Dtl)'_tt Ilolj
stitutiou every year of the inter- _ which he has i-euewed fi11z1ilt·iiilll` New y€m_·:
l vttttttg tt“t"* "tt’t‘t’“g`t‘ t"t` tt tt`“' ._.;.i.._.,.,i;.:_._iii,_:i;_.,,i,i..,._.;.r.._i,.»......_.;.:.:.,,._.,.:.;_;_.i.:r,.:_,   ;.;.,_:_:: {  W, .,:;    .:i,    s<~v<·i·ti1 times wheii the <>l‘eh*hh"  to i-genial.
t rthh   hhfhh the hhh hh   iiiiii   iii     iiiii   ii·< »c0mba,i m
’ the h·ihhh‘>’ hh wth hhh =t hhhhhth   he W active iii the iuiiiiiiii   pwd he
‘ of the Igotutdt Ittttving been IIE-     SO(jl2:ltlOll illld \\'QS il lt(‘Chh"t being. able
I Hppolllted, he heezlnie VICE-('l]{)`|]‘j   ]cm_m_it€ when A Choke Of wwe, 1_9a]ly]m€d(
‘“*"‘ "t tt"’ ""t“"’ tt"“"‘t "t   iiitistei- Oi- etiiei--tiiiim tptiliii
i 'F¤‘ihth·f~ hi hh? hid hir htth   was matte. 1—it»ii-at ii-ieiitiii-.i·i·»~··t t ¥
` ctttttttmtttt Ot the Exttcttttvtt Com'   and humorous to i1 tleligfhtflll lh" S .
t ]Uitt(’i’ of HIC B0;lI'(tl of T;·{]gfc9g   greg zuldt nuwh Qujoved “_hOHH`  I   FECIQ
· ‘ ‘  · ·  . .ii    ··‘·   tt 1‘¤f<>llt<¤h hh hilhh $(*1*** " L . ._ 1
llllltll ('Ullld IW \\'l'lTt'€*ll Ott     {hg t‘()](1 day`, (yl] HIQ Qtllll]lU$'tt _;;I]jHi(ulm(]t
2lCTl\'ltl9S, but those cold fuetg iu   it masterful style and HS tl hlttii  erm; (it  
i his worth to the community, his   eomed. ·P(’·1‘ll?l]?S · ;;·elle'i‘fl$l1t-im;  ·H the IHS;
V pHl‘t)' or the Uiiiversityg His  ‘fJ*5  Ull&ll'?lUt€’l'1StlQ ol his t‘l1tlllr‘ ·  _ 0b]_Hm_`V 24
pl'i\'2lTt‘ I2l\\' ]ll‘21CtlC€ WHS his grvzlt PRES DONOVAN (Continued 071 Pagé? I")  A TH
`   ` E K E

 Z; `-b-t;   ,,~4 . Cel-1- A· Bm Has A 1 -
    zlv    -‘-11 . Impvrtant Job · ` .
3     ‘~·’ ’ —:V'' ‘       . `
3   · -_ =   C21pt211n Albert L. Betz., D;111- ‘ ‘
* ew  M/*`$’ 1  1 M 1 i • y · . I ' 2
  A   %__    I    V1ll€, ky., IS the GXGCHIIVG officer _, _   A 
1   , ~  V A  U   s A A for 21 ])llOlOl£{'1'2:l])lllC 1'GC()l1ll&1lSS&1I"lC€       i ’’{_ . i
’   ‘   AVVA 1 A   sqn21‘  
>· . · - ~*·*‘  1.   .,1:;     - . .    ‘ ·- - ' ‘ - -
ation   .... , »>_.A_-1..y ,-1 __.._ A   €1‘21l'l0ll ot the station and the suc- , `·’` — -  1. Y
1 -. · ’   ,.   _ “*1;j- .‘ . 1
SSOQl— ;  AY1    1 - " ~ ‘ .- ·- `’‘·   .     ‘..l I l... ._ _.... .. . . - . - · ’ ‘ 4 -
.ss<>ei— i xr   i ‘ . . _ A   i   ` ° ‘ ‘   l
A  ¢··~esa .4s,.. ..... . .... sl.- -      ~.   if    A__   [
Llplm PATRICIA PARK   "     .1‘   . · · 1
_1_i(A_m U · _     A Elizabeth J. Simpson
‘ " ; P3t1`1Cl3 Park       W-} ..
}Em,L   I L.       It 1 Red Cross In Hawau
, A   W1th ARC In France _   . _ __
\o1-ll,  H A` 1 _ `7 A 5   L El1Z2lb€ll1 J. Simpson, (l3llg`l1t€l'
t10llill  From bolyell ml; In 1;:‘m?€_       -*5. of Col. C. M. Simpson, Jr., Arling-
f the  l1.1sLc01ne {1 etteg }lOll%Y -dt11?1¢]»   ?‘ __ , _- ton, Va., has arrived in Hawaii to
lll! 1 ;2ld(}lldl9 O t *9 {lm melt? _ ~~ * ”   serve the 21l1‘11l€(l forces as 2111 Amer-
Q RW lil lgid, ll 10 ISIQIOJI (011 € UU;) 11121 · -1 A j-: A ' ican Red Cross staff z1ssista11t. U11- -
`mgi     wiilreiiogil   .. ` » til lm Red C“’““ *‘Pl’°l“t“‘€“t»
,i1_(Auh b 98 ft > "`1‘()llll(l forces will know ust when Conference for JQ4-1-45, hhs me- ·
. neet ed. ¤
-‘l<°l · l -l · t -t -`l’ tl ‘ 1* t · · · -
110* <1-Hf 11 1919 0 S U *9 19 9*19m} . 9 cepted 2111 invitation to plhv 111
1-11-11-1`  ————~———— ;l110tl]€1‘ devastntiiig- and ll ol: the 'l‘o111-11;1- ¤_
IN ‘ Feb- 17 ‘111d 1 NI l- 1 `0-lr received his Bachelor of Science `
ypll lll - b ’ 1 ‘ 0 1 - Um (U me I 1 _ " _ ’ A “ ` _ ment. The Eastern Division W
gw.; ‘ 8 l`ll?11`}’ lll, (lgfggtgd Qhjg Uni- degree 111 ]934 2111tl l11S lll2lSI€1' ot Wimwllq Wm ph" thc vicmm in N
it,. 1 t° 39 lxe11t11e1;y heat g·1,1c1,mu11 versity. Ile has been 111 the Eu- '“ °‘“’" "‘“"’" "“ MMU Id
, ` I . · L "' V Y f' ‘ , I ‘ _ )‘ , ,
{wml}-  I th? lélst g'{]]]'1Q of the Season, ygpgglll tl1@3t(¤1· Of ()I)(‘l‘5lt1()1)S s111Q0 it- lll? lllldl (‘\UllZ I0} l»¤lblxCl— Ar |_
—cbl`ll?ll')’ 24, by (55-;;5_ Jung ]943_ ball will take place March 29. I I
  HE KEN1-Ur,-KY ALUMNUS 7 ll 21 1
. I
l I i

V ji ·e r VV V 5
t gg V _ _ _    V·€
  j=__ L V   . V3 VV ·  Don
i T       V gi if 1