xt737p8tbd0f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt737p8tbd0f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1922-12-15  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 15, 1922 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 15, 1922 1922 1922-12-15 2012 true xt737p8tbd0f section xt737p8tbd0f The Kentucky Kernel






Was Former Princton Star and
Coach ; Given Authority to Select Assisting Staff.


"Injun" Bill Juneau Leaves A
Wealth of Material at Close of
His Third Year as Coach.
John J. "Jack" Winn, of Mt. Sterling, was chosen coach of the Wildcat
gridiron squad ito succeed William,
"Injun Bill," Juneau by the Athletic
Council of the University at a meeting held at the Phoenix Hotel last
Tuesday evening. Only after a great
amount of discusssion regarding various other ,promincnt mentors was
Winn given the unanimous support of
the members. The selection of his assistants will be left to Winn and it is
thought that a prominent backfield
coach will be added to the Cat advisory board.
Winn is a graduate of Princeton of
the class of 1918, and was a letter man
in football, being elected captain of the
Tigers in 1917. He later served as assistant on the Tiger coaching .staff.
fall the Athletic CounEarly
cil decided that the University needed
a line mentor and after lengthy discussions Winn took charge of the
Blue and White forwards after the
Cincinnati game. His effort soon be
came ' evident and the Cat line be
came a bulwark of strength.
factor played an important part in the
Cat victories.
Ccach Winn will have the advantage of knowing every member of his
squad, even the Freshmen, when he
takes hold of the reins next 'fall.
William Juneau, whose contract ex
pired with the ending of the present
season, closes a very successful three- year stay. The 1922 eleven was the
outstanding team under "Injun" Bill's
tute'&ge, and he leaves 'a weath of ma
tciial ior the new coach.






Tribute to Founder of Law
lege is Desired By




Since the death of Judge W. T.
Lafferty, representatives from all the
colleges of the University have made
common inquiries concerning the formulation of plans for a fitting memorial to him. The future, the near future, it is to be hoped, will see the
Law College, the Mlinerva sprung from
his brain, housed in a magnificent
building, Lafferty Hall.
But legislatures dally; so it is the desire of
all University students to see an immediate tribute paid to the memory
whose ripened
of this great jurist
years were dedicated to the advancement of the University.
Single handed he put the Law College, his creation, on its present basis.
It ranks alongside the country's great
legal institutions supported by huge
The credit of the erection of the
Education and Agrculture Buildings
is his, for his efforts were not confined
to the narrow sphere of one college,
but rather embraced the entire University. A future memorial is de- (Continued

on Page 4)

The actvc chapter and alumnae of Chi Omega fraternity
will entertain
with a charity
bridge Saturday afternoon from
2:30 to 5:30 at the Lafayette
Hotel for the benefit of a little
orphan girl whom they 'have
adopted. Reservations for tables may be made with Fannie
Summers Tarlton, there being a
charge of SOc a person or $2.00
for each table. An attractive
prize will be awarded to the winner at each table.





No. 13



Any organizations or students who have not had their
pictures made for the
may have them made
in the studio on the third floor
of the Education Building. See
Billy Williamson for date.


"Kcn-tuckian- ,"




The second "K" Dance, given
for the benefit of the 1923
will be given at the
Armory Saturday night, December 16.







Phi Mu Alpha Grants Charter to
Sigma Tau, Local Honorary

Plans Launched For Campaign
To Be Carried Out During


Coach Jack Winn, who was selected
by the Athletic Council 'to lead the
Alpha Gamma chapter of Phi Mu Wildcats in their 1923 campaign.
Alpha, national honorary
fraternity was installed on the cam
pus Wednesday, December 13. This
fraternity took over the local honorary fraternity Sigma Tau, which was
In making up the senior pages
organized upon the campus in 1918.
for the annual the staff finds
Phi Mu Alpha is a national organithat the following seniors have
zation, having 28 chapters. Its. aim
either not ordered senior pictures
is to promote musical activity in the
or else that the number of picOn its troll are the
United States.
tures was insufficent and have
names of many prominent musicians
been taken by other organizaamong .whom are John McCormick,
tions: Jerome P. Durham,
and Caruso.
L. Langsfortl, Harvey
Those who were taken into the fraStedman, P. R. Wathington,
ternity from the chapter of Sigma
Katherine Pennington, Marion
Tau are: Prof. Carl Lampert, Silas
Brown, Gale Crutchfield,
Wilson, Earl Baughman, Raymond L.
Dorothy Eversole, C. S. Foley,
Kirk, E. M. Heavrin, Robert B. Clem,
McClelland Galbreath, Edyth C.
Elbert DeCoursey, Catrl Lipe, Jack
George, Peter T. Gentry, Martin
Derringer, Dan Baugh and William
Gregory, Mrs. F. M. Heath, WilWilliams, Jr.
liam HickerSon, Eva M. Howell,
The University is especially fortuElizabeth Jackson, J. H. Johnnate in obtaining this honorary frason,
F. Z. Monarch, Virginia
ternity on the campus. It is an orReeves, Sam Royster, Daugh
ganization of great merit and its aim
Smith, M. J. Summerville, Una
will be to put musical affairs in a
Varden, Nancy Williams, John
prominent place in the University life.
R. Bayes, Elmer Dixon, Gilmour
Keown, R. T. Kintbrough. WilMINING ENGINEERS WILL
liam Kirtley, Owen Lee, George
W. Meuth, James B. Nickell,
Ray Shehan, Wilbur Pickett, W.
SigA chapter' has been granted by
H. Smith, Earl Winter.
ma Rho to a petitioning group of stuThese people are requested to
dents in mining and metallurgical of
see Allan Cammack immediateEngineering College.
ly if they desire to have a picSigma Rho, a national social and
ture in the senior section.
mining and metallurgical fraternity
Each fraternity is requested
founded at the University of Michito have its chapter roll in the
gan in 1892. The chapter is to be inKentuckian office not later than
stalled here December 30, 1922.
Monday. All organization picFratres in Collegia C. S. Crousc,
tures must be mounted and in
Professor of Metallurgry.
the hands of the Kentuckian staff
before the holidays.
Petitioning group: Roscoe Little,
Gilmore Bobbitt, C. H. Mahoney,
P. C. Knirath, Ray Saner, Moss Patterson. II. M. Clay.
Installation will probably cover a
period of two days, beginning DeAll individual pictures for the 1923
cember 30, initiation and several so- Kentuckian are here for distribution.
functions and lectures will be Representatives of social fraternities
held during this time. Prof. Crouse and campus
organizations are rewill entertain the chapter and install quested ito call at the Kentuckian ofing officers wth a dinner party at lit s fice at once and get their pictures. Card
board for mounting the cut prints can
be obtained there also.
POSITIVELY all group work
mist be mounted and returned to the
The Agricultural Club Stock Judg-'n- g office before the holidays. Order exteam of Georgia stopped at the tra prints from A. B. Cammack or
Experiment Farm of the University Charles Graham.
of Kentucky last Wednesday to inOrders for individual pictures can
spect the stock of the Experiment be placed with A. B. Cammack, camFarm. They are on their way to a pus representatives of the firm of
Compeitive Stock Show to be held Cuufield & Shook. Prices are reaat Chicago, where 21 teams will par- sonable. Pictures ordered this week-wil-l
ticipate in the contest.
be delivered before the holidays.

Organization Composed of Speakers to Advertise Work and
Growth of University.






Journalism Men May Be Asked
to Join and Aid Orators With
Their Pens.
"A state is no greater than its state
university." This will be the keynote
of a message to go out into ithe state
through the instrumentality of an organization that took definite form in
President McVey's office last Monday.
It is held by this organization that
the achievements or failures of the
university will affect the people out in
the state both directly and indirectly
and that these facts should be known
by them.
They should know the
problems of finance their state uni
versity must face. They should know
how far behind in the race of progress
their sister states arc leaving us in
the matter of higher educaton. For
the purpose of carrying this message
to the people this organization, as yet
without a name, has been formed.
The suggestion for the idea emi- nated from the student body while
President McVey and Alumni Secre
tary Herbert Graham heartily approv
ed the plan. They held that a message
carried to the people by their own
sons and fellowtownsmen would car
ry more weight than a veritable
phalanx of
A temporary organization was af
fected about two weeks ago but it
was not permanently organized until
last Monday at which time a perma
nent chairman ad secretary was elected. The
President also appointed
three faculty advisors as a commit
tee on arrangements with himself as
member. The committee,
(Continued on page 10

Since the founding of the
Circle in 1920, one of its chief objects
has been student extension work. It
is the belief of the organization that
the most extensive advertising a university can get is through its student
If every student will keep
foremost in mind the idea of building
up a high appreciation of 'the University of Kentucky, and work to that
end upon all occasions, at home and
elsewhere, our success will be unlimited.
During the past two Christmas holidays the Circle has launched a campaign through the high schools of the
State lea dby representative students
here at the University. It is their aim
and desire to carry on the same campaign this year, only on a much wider
scale. Every student here in school
can help in this drive. Locality clubs
are especially prepared to do good
work. What we want as this: visut
your high school while at home, say a
few words to the senior and junior
classes about what a great university
we have here. Get a list of the senior class and indicate any outstanding
high school prospects, both boys and GIRLS' DORMITORIES ARE
girls. In fact canvas your high school,
get a complete record of the present
conditions there, turn this record in
Circle, upon your return after
to the
.Eurglar Infested Area Now Being
Bulletins and pamphlets containing
Patroled by Special Police
information and advertising matter
concerning the University of KenA. B.
tucky can be obtained from
Burglaries have been occurring with
Cammack or through the Registrar's increasing
frequency in and around
the sorority and dormitory zone of the
Persons that can spare a few hours University during the past two weeks.
of their time during the holidays in Four men were seen on the pretu-sethis work are requested to see A. B. of Smith Hall about 9:30 on the night
Cammack, chairman of Student Ex- of November 30, two of whom were
tension Commttee, and get further in- apprehended by the police after a gun
structions. No matter how large or battle. It was later found that all the
small your school may be, it turns b;rs on one side of the Hall had been
out good material each year. We removed.
want them at Kentucky, and you can
Last Friday night an unlooked-fo- r
help get them there. Join the Circle's s unt" was added to
movement and boost Kentucky.
by an invasion of Beta Sigma Upsil-on'- s
particular section of "No .Man's
Land," following a successful burglary next door. Sunday night an atNOTICE!
tempt to enter Boyd Hall was frustrated by Miss Rosemary Kauffnun,
Monday afternoon at 3:45
who led a pajama-cla- d
parade out on
the second meeting of the
the front roof to give a resounding
James Club will be held in
room 206 Neville Hall. Prof. C.
While nothing has been definitely
C. Anderson will describe
ascertained, it is generally thought
use of an educational test in
that the same man is at the head of all
teaching agriculture hi the elethe above operations. This theory has
mentary schools. This will raise
Seen materially substantiated by the
the general problem of tests of
'ctimony of the two negro boys

Co-e- d




Page Four)


Page Two

Alumni Secretary
V. T. Lafferty,
University is Mrs.
whose accomplishments for the Student Loan Fund arc notable. Through
her private endeavor and through lectures delivered throughout the state
she has raised for tin's purpose $1,113.05
from a total of thirty-on- e
Many women's clubs and other
civic organizations have become inter
ested in the I niversity and its various
through Mrs. Laffcrty's
Mrs. LalTerty has returned to
her old home in Cynthiaua.

Schenectady, N. Y., Jan.
Evening, home of Mr. and Mrs.
Llewellyn Hardesty, 225 Sanders
Ave., Scotia, N. Y.
Sonicrst, Jan. 5. (First Friday)
Regular Evening meeting,
New York, Jan. 9. (Second
Tuesday Regular)
stag lunch- con at the Harvard Club,
Buffalo, Jan. 13. (Second Sat- urday Regular) luncheon at the
Ellicott Club.
Jan. 13. (Second
Saturday Regular) luncheon at
12:15, Lafayette Hotel.
Detroit, Jan. 17 Fourth Satur-- .
day Regular) dinner at 6:30 at
Dixieland Inn.
Frankfort, Jan. 30. (Last Tues- day Regular) evening meeting.










Betwixt Us


Kentucky is shaking herself. The
lack of knowledge charasteric of
earlier days may be displaced by a
keen apprcciaton of potential advantages. It seems that resources wholly
neglected may be developed and that
there will be less exploitation by "foreigners."
It is quite probable that a deal will
be consummated whereby millions of
tons of coal from the Elkhorn district
will go to Detroit to be used by Henry
Ford in his manufacturing enterprises.
Thus would Kentucky be exploited
instead of having her natural wealth
used in manufacturing within her own
8he average citizen must be educated before there will 'be an appreciation
of Kentucky's opportunities and the
proper safeguards thrown out. In 1910
in Kentucky there was one college
man to 793 of the population. Today
it is one to 448. The average for the
country is one to 200.
The state's annual budget is
The assessed valuation is
more than two billions of dollars. The
state's business is big business and
yet in the last few decades the law
makers and the administrators have
not been required to show any par
ticular business ability.
There is a movement on foot to
put trained men, every one of them
chosen for this reason in state offices
and in the legislature. College men
and women are the logical leaders in


Kentucky is shaking herself,

Schenectady Organizes Club
boasts a U. K. Alumni Club. Twelve
of us met for dinner Thanksgiving
night and after feasting suptuously
vc had a business meeting which ended with the following results: Presiresidence
dent, R. C. Wilson,
844 Union St.;
L. C.
Hardesty, '12, 225 Sanders Ave.,
Scotia, N. Y.; Secretary-TreasureD. Fend ley, '22, Glcason Apts, 104 Jay
Street. We have a live bunch here
and expect to have some- great times
together." S. D. Fendley.
cx-1- 0,



Lexington Club Elects
At the regular luncheo nand annual
business meeting, held Saturday noon
at ithe Lafayette Hotel, the following
officers were elected for 1923:
President, W. D. Hamilton '14, 706
MarTrust Building;
guerite McLaughlin, 226 E. Maxwell
Street; Secretary, Ed S. Dabncy '20,
709 Security Trust Bulding; Treasur
City Hall.
er, J. White Guyn,

Donald T. Wright, special in jour- in 1920, now publisher and
editor of the Waterways Journal, 419
Chemical Building, St. Louis, spent
last Sunday at Maysvillc, Ky., and is
now on a business trip to Ohio river
cities. He will spend Christmas at his
home in Oil City, Penna.
new subscribers to the Waterways
Journal arc W. L. Mapother, president
of the Louisville and Nashville
and C. H. Markham, president
of the Illinois Central System.
was a visitor in
Jack Lewis,
the alumni office last week.
R. M. Guthrie
was in the city
last week and spent some time on
the campus. Rollic is sccretary-man- a
ger of the chamber of commerce, Glas
gow, Ky., and reports that town as a
"live one."
is deputy
R. Carey Graham
sheriff of Franklin county, and is living at Frankfort, Ky.
is finan-cOrvel W. Crowder,
engineer with the Stonecretc Co.,
609 Commonwealth Ave., Pittsburgh,
Penna. He writes: "I do not want to
miss a Kernel, so send me notice each




Forensics is Popular
Renewed interest is being shown
on the campus in forensics.
has been a marked revival in debate
and in oratory n the last two or three
This calls attention to a strange
situation .existing in collegiate circles; for the most part hours spent
outside of class and study arc devoted
to athletics or social affairs. Discussions of deeply intellectual subjects
are rare when optional.
Some observers profess to see an
impending change. The growth of lit
Friends of J. Madison Graves, who
cray societies is a fair indication,
has been wth the Duqucsne Light
Company since 1903, will be glad to
know that he has recently been promoted to the position of general man- Executive Committee Will Pass on All iger of this company, with offices in
Appeals to Alumni
he Philadelphia Building, Pittsburgh,
Matters concerning the entire body Penna.
of alumni, especially those calling for
the soliciting of funds from individ"Have always read the Kernel witli
uals and alumni clubs, will be considered in detail by the Executive Com- a great deal of interest and enjoy it,
especially the alumni 'notes, giving
mittee of the Alumni Association.
Attention of the committee had been doings of those whom I knew way
called to miscellaneous requests reach- back in 99, 1900, '01 and '02. If any
ing alumni clubs without sufficient of the old boys, especially of the class
Thhe Stu- of '02 care to write I would be pleased
explanatory information.
dent Loan Fund is one of the enter- to 'swap' tales of our experiences durprises already approved by the com- ing the twenty years which have inmittee. The University Committee, tervened. My heart has always longheaded by Professor W. S. Webb, '01, ed to be back and join in a reunion
has raised a considerable sum among but my work is such that I am too
alumni and is increasing the total busy to get away in June. With love
for my old Alma Mater." W. F. Hart.
Highway Engineer, U. S. Bureau of
Public Roads, 415 Funke Bldg., LinMRS. LAFFERTY IS LEADER
coln, Nebraska.
E. C. Evans, who has been with the
Student Loan Fund is Notable BeneAmerican Blower Company for many
ficiary of Her Activities.
Prominent among the workers of the years, is manager of the Pittsburgh

ex-1- 8,


office of that company nt 2135-3- 6
ver building. A cheery letter

Alumni Notes


Andrew Sudduth, Elmer Ellsworth
"I enjoy reading the Kernel and Tartar.
him occasionally adds to the happy don't like to miss a single issue."
spirit at the alumni office.
Mrs. Levi J. Horlachcr
Virgil Alexander Habbagc, Harry
Thomas), 039 Maxwcllton Court, Lex Benjamin Dobrowsky,
Donald Ma'03
ington, Ky.
goffin Gaithcr, Robert L. Gregory,
Frederick H. Evans, who has been
Eliza K. Spurrier is Supervisor of Carl Emil Laucr, Thomas Leonard
chief engineer with the Ransom & Attendance, Hoard of Education, Lou Pcarre, Seneca Clairborn Routt, HenRandolph Company, Toledo, Ohio, is isvillc, Ky. Her address is 1618 So. ry Wolf Schocing, Hcrschcll Russell
now chief of training, U. S. Veterans' Second Street.
Shclton, Graham Allen Smith, Harry
Bureau, Washington, D. C. Address
Floris Witringhill, who has been Nctherland Woodson.
1315 Clifton. St., N. W.
teaching in the public schools at
Atclona, Montana, is teaching now in
Esther Mae Bailey, Jeaucttc
Winnett, Montana.
Bell, Logan Bcntlcy Donohoo,
"We drove to Lexington for the
Alvin Ko'hn, who had been with William Perry Drake, Elizabeth Fcarn
Centre game but did not stay long the National Tube Company since
Eldridge, Zachariah
Picrrcc Hamilenough to sec many friends. 1 en he graduated, has joined the Highway
ton, Mclvin Hays Judd, John
joyed the game and especially the Construction Company, Elyria, O.
Ligon, Brilla May Lloyd,
spirit shown by the students.'
Samuel Edwin Love, Younger Evans
Eugenia McCulloch Kricgcr, 2304
O'Neal, Archie Xavicr Pfcffer, Thomas
Alta Avenue, Louisville, Ky.
"Yea Kentucky! The Wildcats have Hart Robinson,
Clarence Barbour
had a remarkable season. I congratuShoemaker, Newell Pcmbcrton Smith,
late on ithcir great victories. Please Elizabeth Elinor White.
Warrcif T. Green, who has been send the Kernel in care of Merit Man16
manager of .the Jersey City Branch of ufacturing Co., Mayficld, Ky., and
the Jersey City Branch of the Mcngcl hack numbers if you have them."
Scwcll Stanley Comb, Norbcrto
Company has been transferred to the II. H. Bennett.
Dcvara, Sue Hunt Frost, Logan
Louisville plant of that company. He
Green, Mrs. Bessie Fogle,
"I would rather have the forty beers Noursc
married Miss Grace C. Decring, Octo- you suggest but can't find any so am Judd, Charles Frank Kumli, George
ber 14, 1911. Warren T. Jr., eight enclosing check for .two dollars. Will Page Neagle, Homer Lloyd Reid,
years old, a future wearer of the Blue be in Louisville after December 15 Dudley H. Stearns.
and White, has a sister, a fair
and would like to have the Kernel
of five years Margaret Anne. Resi- sent to 213 Franck Avenue." Neal
George Marvin Ferris, Benjamin
dence address 2014 Cherokee Parkway, W. Knight, Engineer, The Pitometcr
Franklin Foster, Ronald Hutchison,
Co., 50 Church St., New York City.
Lee Stephens Moore, Floyd Wellman
"Reuben Miller Holland, Jr., sevenPotts, Clovis Ray Wlilkey, Burton F.
teen months old, is greatly interested
in the Kernel, and expeots to belong
"Sorry I am late, but enclosed is
to the Alumni Association just as
goes farther than
Morgan Marion Atchison, George
soon as possible," writes R. M. Hol- the two dollars that
I ever hope to
land, attorney,
offices in Masonic any equal amount
Clifton Bradley, Constantine
CENbuilding, Owcnsboro, Ky. Miss Hol- spend. We arc going to BEAT
Sara Winn McConnel, Minnie
TRE next year That is just how Evelyn NeVille, Tudor Nicholoff,
land was Miss Christinia Pence, '08,
supremacy is
Lucy Erwina Robinson, Frances Boyle
daughter of Professor M. L. Pence, NEAR FOOTBALL
Kentucky. With the undying Spencer,
class of '81, and teacher in Physics for aid
Alec Julius Zimmerman.
spirit of the Wildcat so manifest as it
was in the Alabama game, THEY
Cecil Normal
Baitsel, Ruby Karl
SHALL NOT PASS Will foe engraven
on the hearts of Kentucky football Diamond, William Whitfield Elliott,
Joseph Bryan Shelby went with the
G. Proctor,
men for years to come." Fred K. Homer
General Electric Company immediatePerry Elmo Thomas, Cafrl Albert Tim- Ausburg.
ly after graduating, and was in the ofDorothy Caldwell Walker.
Robert W. McMeekin, a special mer,
fices of that company at 30 Church
student of Architecture, Massachusetts
street until he left to serve this coun
Eldon Stears Dummit, Commodore
Technology, is spending
his Institute of
try during the world war. Since
the Christmas holidays with his par- Bascom FSsher, Jay Cook Grimes,
return he is a sales engineer with the
Hiis Bositon ad- Herbert Proctor Haley, Ruth Phyllis
ents in Lexington.
Driver-Harri- s
Co., of Harrison,. N. J.
Hoag, Harry Lee Hounchell, William
dress is 33 Bay State Road.
Residence address, 492 Park Ave.,
Mary Turner is teaching in Miss- Hugh McCord, Jos. Stuart Misrach,
East Orange, N. J.
Oliver, Petrus F.
issippi address care of Rev. W. T. Victdr Frederick
van der Watt, Morrs Vilcofsky.
Donaldson, West Point, Miss.
Viola Cragg, who has been on the
Gustave Berry Foster, Eugene Sher
"lost" list, has been located again at
"I remember a comment of 'Uncle idan Perry, Casey Smith, Harry Lawher old home, Somerset, Ky., where
Enoch's' about what Presley At ins rence Thomson.
she is teaching in the public schools.
R. B. Poaguc received his B. M. would have to do when he took over
Bailey Bales Baxter,
E. degree in June, 1913, and for two the Pineville Sun but 'he didnt tell
Brown Herring.
years held a fellowship in the Univer- half the story. So far as I know, I
sity of Illinois, doing research work am ,the only country editor in the
in railroad engineering.
After leav- state who not only does all the outing the University he was connected side work of news gathering, solicwith the Rock Island Lines, Chicago iting advertising and alll (inside office
office, and in 1916 entered the em- work, but also sets lip 'his entire pa- Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity will hold a
ployment of the American Brake Shoe per on the linotype I have been forc- Christmas bazaar on Monday, DecemRe- ed to make quadruplets out of myself ber 18, at Kaufman's Clothing store.
& Foundry Co., Mahwah, N. J.
cently he was transferred to the Chi for the past month. Some day the The proceeds will go for clothing and
cago office of this company, 332 S. missus and I hope to get back to Lex schooling of their newly adopted .orMichigan Ave., and is living at 1545 ington but this business of running a phan.
country newspaper is about as lucraEast 60th Street.
Pi Sigma Alpha Fraternity
tive as a peanut stand in a cemetery
and I'm for repeal of the
Pi Sigma Alpha, an organization of
"I have been following wifth great law." Joe T. Lovett, editor and pub- students of political science, has askt,
Bened for recognition of the Student
pleasure this season's football results lisher, The
Council of the University of Kentucky.
and it goes without saying 'that they ton, Ky.
"Sure am glad to know that the
Those in the group are: Misses
I 'have been at
are satisfactory.
Camp Meade, Md., since the first of football team has done so well this Sarah Blanding, Anne Hickman, LouSeptember with ithe tank corps. Will year." Courtland L. Short, student, ise Connell, Laura Bennett, Mabel
Address Alpha Coates; Messrs. S. Neal, H. A. Taylor,
go back to my regiment at Portland, Cornell University.
Maine, next June." James1 Moinroe Sigma Phi, Rocklcdge, Ithaca, N. Y. Meyer Fryman, Roscoe Cross, James
Wm. D. Futrell is with the Western Darnall and J. C. Mertz.
Morris, Capt. 5th Inf. U. S. A.
Electric Company at Hawthorne Station, Chicago, 111. Address, 3441 IrAlpha Zeta Banquet
The fraternity of Alpha Zeta enter"I always enjoy the Kernel, espe- ving Ave.
"It's awfully cold and foggy in tained with an informal 'banquet in the
cially when Kentucky wins from Alabama Best wishes for the work of the Westinghouse alley at 5:30 a. m. when pirivate dining room of the Lafayette
Association." Rebecca W. Smith, de- the night shift quits work. Guess I'd Hotel on Wednesday evening. The
partment of English, Texas Christian better get in the 'corral' with the other event was in honor of the alumni mem'good 'bosses.' Would like to hear bers who were attending the County
University, Ft. Worth, Texas.
Fred A. Harrison, an attorney at from anyone having time to write. Agents Conference at the University.
The guests for the occasion were:
Williamstown, Ky., wa srecently elect- Boeu Gibson and I "are living together
county. U. K. at 920 Franklin avenue, Wilkinsburg, Thomas Cooper, W. S. Anderson, Wiled Judge of Grant
alumni and former students are out- Pa. Yours for a 'greater' Kentucky." liam Collins, O. B. Jesness, J. B. Hut-soG. W. Baumgarten.
C. U. Jett, E. N. Fergus, W. D.
standing in business, professional and
Mary T. Gordon is teaching home Valleau, G. C. Rout, Ralph Kenney,
political circles in the state and this
is as it should be. Success to the new economics in the high school at JenGray Sellards, R. E. Stephenson, L.
County Judge.
Mrs. Harrison was kins, Ky.
J. Horlachcr, L. C. Brewer, F. J. BenS. S. Gregg is with the Carbondale jamin,
George Robert's, Wayland
formerly Marguerite Webb.
Machine Co., Carbondale, Pa. He is Rodes, RicharU Scearce, P. E.
living at the Y. M. C. A.
Berley Wanton, J. W. White-hous17
C. A. Hollowell,
Marie C. Becker is now convalesThomas
Baird, Andrew Quarles, Z. L. Gallocent after an operation for appendicitis
way, William Finn, C. M. Wade, P.
on November 6. She is at her home in
W. Miller, J. H. Atkerson, E. M. JohnLouisville, 1703 Tyler Parkway, and
Mrs. William E. Cookson (Annabel son, Herchel Weil, J. A. Hodges, J.
will not return to Carrolltou until af-Acker), Alvin Hovey Colbert, Fred F. Freeman, R. T. Bell, and Harold
the holidays.
L C. McClanahan is a sales engineer Farris, Shimegoro Kurazawa, Ray Enlow.
with the Buffalo Forge Company, nnis Matthews, Showdy Elbert Puck-ct- t,
Yandall Ragan, Luella Marton
Buffalo, N. Y. His address is 93 Well
Now we know why Columbus landSchaffer, George Atwell Scott, Watson ed in Cuba first.
ington Road.

co-e- d


Additional Society




Kar-rake- r,







(With apologies to Poe.)


OUT Oh, hail, nocturnal reveler,



Page Thre

MISS HOLLAD AY ' Ssheaffers pencils
fine stationery,

tfUUd If dlCI theme paper,

Thou who, upon my window sill,
With waitings dire my sleep dost stir
Harold Enlaw to Coach Mat When all tcrrcsti.il life is still.
Men This Year; Schedule
Dcsigncst thou not to leap
Nearly Complete.
Thence till ithc dawn glial I creep
Into the cast? Or when wilt thou perThe opening practice of the wrestmit
ling squad for the ensuing year found
Me to my troubled sleep?
scantily clad athletes as- Forever wilt thou sit
about thirty
"My boy," said Farmer Brown one
sembled in the mat room ready for
Upon that ledge that wretched noise day. "I'll let you go to college. You've
work, under the tutelage of Harold
to spill?
served your .time at pitching hay, go
Enlaw. The prcv '.ratory work-out- s
forth and seek some Knowledge." Old
completed and the weeding
have been
Farmer Brown sold off his flocks and
first of Whence came that melancholy wail?
out will commence about the
sold the
shay. He sold off
next week. The outlook for 'the year
What good, what chance, what dire all the Plymouth Rocks that would
is exceedingly bright for only two let-t- e
not sing or lay. "My lad, you'll not
rmen of last year's team were lost. Doomed thee it' expound that mourn- be old and bent from hoeing corn like
will be scheduled with sevContests
ful tale?
me; but be the nation's president, and
eral prominent institutions in VarThat thou forever should'st lament full of wisdom be."
ious parts of the country, chief among
With incantations dread
Young Jake quit courtng Sallic
which arc Iowa, Ohio State, Indiana,
Like the moan of the dead,
University, Cincinnati and one Or like the mingled dolorations drear Snout for the sake of education, and
caught the noon-da- y
local out stocked
prominent southern school. The first
That forms the burning bed
up with aspiration. The neighbors
meet of the year will probably be held
The imps of Satan hear
shook their knowing pates and offered
(Continued on page 9.)
Or bad accommodations and the renit. hunks of kale, that larnin' soon would
take young Jake into the county jail.
Now Farmer Brown had not the
Oh, beast .infernal, tell me, pray,
knack of repartee or blow; but got a
Wherefore that melancholy strain? mortgage on the shack and sent young
Why dost thou hold such a lay
Jake more dough. Well every dog
cadences of pain? does have .ts day, and Farmer Brown
Oh, hie thee hence, I say
had his. He sailed into the General
Away and yet awayl
The entire student body of the UniStore with glee upon his iphiz. "By
versity mou