xt737p8tbb9m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt737p8tbb9m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1963-06-apr26. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1963-06-apr26. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1963-06-apr26. 1963 1963-06-apr26. 2011 true xt737p8tbb9m section xt737p8tbb9m 

        Minutes of the Recessed and Adjourned Session of the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky. April 26, 1963.

        The Board of Trustees of the University met in the President's Office
on the campus of the University of Kentucky at 11:00 a.m., Eastern Standard
Time, on Friday, April 26, 1963, pursuant to recess and adjournment from the
statutory meeting held pursuant to KRS 164. 170 on April 2, 1963. The following
members of the Board were present: Governor Bert T. Combs, Chairman, Dr.
Ralph J. Angelucci, Vice Chbarman, Dr. R. W. Bushart, Dr. Harry Denham,
Mr. Sam Ezelle, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Mr. Gilbert Kingsbury, Dr. H. B.
Murray, Mr. Clifford Smith, Judge J. A. Sutherland, Mr. Floyd Wright, Dr.
Aubrey Brown, and Dr. Lewis Cochran.  The following representatives of the
University administration were also present: President Frank G. Dickey, Mr.
George Kavanaugh, and Mr. Clay Maupin. Guests included Dr. H. L. Donovan,
Dr. Frank D. Petersan, Mr. Charles Landrum, Mr. C. W. Grafton, and Mr.
Spencer Harper, Jr.

        A. Meeting Opene4

        It having been determined that a quorum was present, the Chairman
called the meeting to order and requested President Dickey to pronounce the

        B. Charges Filed Against Dr. Peterson

        In response to a request for a motion by Governor Combs, Mr. Clifford
Smith made the following statement and motion:

        Mr. Chairman, I think the matter of first and prime importance at
    this time is the action that the Board should take with respect to the report
    or the opinion of the Attorney General, dated April 24, 1963, and of the
    interim report, or preliminary report of Peat, Marwick, & Mitchell under
    date of April 23, 1963. 1 am advised that copies of each of these documents
    have been supplied to each member of the Board. I am further advised
    that-the members of the Board have not had an opportunity to thoroughly
    study or review either of these reports and would like to have an opportunity
    to thoroughly review each of them before determining what action should
    be taken.  The opinion of the.if ttorney General, dated April 24th, addressed
    to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees makes certain specific findings
    of facts or charges and consists of a number ofpages.  The same is true
    of the preliminary reports on the special investigation dated April 23, 1963,
    by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company; therefore, I make the following

       (1) that each of these reports be filed as a part of the permanent records
   of this Board,


            i'2) that the Vice President for Business Administration, who by
       order of this Board has been suspended pending the final report of
       Peat. Marwick, Mitchell and Company, be given an opportunity to pre-
       sent his side of the issues or the charges embraced in these two docu-
       ments and that in the meantime, the suspeznsion order of the Board
       heretofore adopted be specifically applied to include the suspension from
       all positions of the Vice President for Business Administration with
       affiliated agencies or organizations by reason of his office as Vice
       President for Business Administration.  In other words, the suspension
       will be construed to apply to all other positions which the Vice Presi-
       dent has by virtue of his office as Vice Presidertand that he be directed
       to cease and desist from further activities during the suspension with
       respect to those offices and records.

            (3) That these reports above referred to be treated as charges
      against the Vice President of Business Administration and that a corn
      mittee of five members of the Board be appointed by the chairman as a
      hearing committee with that committee instructed as follows: (a) to
      give to Mr. Peterson a full. opportunity to appear before the committee
      in person and by counsel to present any facts or defense or any witnesses
      to present his side of those issues; ib) that the members of the committee
      provide for a public reporter to take all of the hearing and transcribe
      all the notes fully and completely of any hearings heard before the
      committee and the full and complete transcripts of these hearings to
      be furnished to Mr. Peterson and to his counsel and to each member of
      the Board- and fc) that the committee conclude its hearings as early as
      consistent with giving Mr. Peterson a full opportunity to present anything
      he desires tc- present. and that after it has furnished Mr. Peterscn and
      his clunsel and each member of the Board with a complete transcript
      of the hearings that he be given an opportunity to appear in person and
      by counsel, If he so desires before a full meeting of the Board,

      Mr. Landrum, counsel for Dr., Peterson, indicated the unwillingness of Dr.
Peterson toe present his case t: a committee rather than to the full Board of
Trustees,, He also questioned whether the reports of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell
& Company and of the Attorney General constituted charges against Mr. Peterson
and asked that Mr, Peterson be permitted to file with the Board of Trustees his
answer to the statements made by Governor Combs at the March 4, 1963 meeting
of the Board of Trustees,  Th*. Board indicated its willingness to receive this
material. and the secretary was instructed to file one copy as a part of the
permanent record of this meeting cf the Board, it was agreed that if, after a
hearing before a committee, Mr. Peterson still wished to present his case to
the full Board, he wculd be granted that privilege, Mr. Smith amended his motion
as follows: 'K.. .that those facts (the reports of Peat, Marw ck, Mitchell. & Com.-
pany and the. Attorney General):. if established constitute misconduct on the part
of the Vice President in office.,"



         The motion, as amended, was duly seconded and carried without dis-
senting vote.

(Note: A complete stenographic transcript of this portion of the meeting plus
the reports of iFeatMarwick, Mitchell & Company and the Attorney General,
and Dr. Peterson's answer to Governor Combs' statement, have been placed
in the hands of each member cf the Board and made a part of the permanent
files of the Board of Trustees. )

        C. Hearing Committee Appointed

        Governor Cc-mbs appointed the followingmemnbers of the Board to
serve as the committee of flve to hear Dr, Peterson's side of the charges
which had been brought against himn  Mr. Clifford E. Smith, Dr. Harry Denham,
Mr. Sam Ezelle, Dr. Lewis Cochran, and Mr. We F. Foster. Mr. Smith
was asked to serve as temporary chairman with the committee instructed to
select a chairman of its own choosing at its first meeting. The committee
was instructed to carry out its duties as rapidly as possible and to report
back to the full Board of Trustees when its work had been completed.

        D, Dr. Peterson's Position with Auxiliary Services Clarified

        In answer tc a qaest'on by Dr. Peterscrn, he was told that he might
continue to serve the auxiliary services to which he had been elected by the
respective Boards and which he did nclis serve in an ex-officio capacity. The
auxiliary services which he n:w serves as a duly elected treasurer are:
Kentucky Research Foundation, the University of Kentucky Athletics Association,
and the Thomas Poe Cooper Foundation,

        E. Approval of the Minutes

        Upon moticn duly made, seconded, and carried the Minutes of the
meeting of the Board of Trustees of April 2, 1963, were approved as published.

        F. Financial RepcT.rt

        President Dickey presented the following financial report covering the
nine month period ending March 31, 1963:


April 11, 1963

Dr. Frank G. Dickey, President
University of Kentucky

Dear Dr. Dickey:

I am submitting herewith the Financial Report of the University of Kentucky
for the nine months ended March 31, 1963. This report contains a balance
sheet and related financial statements which present a complete financial
picture for all funds of the University.

The Current General Fund budgetary operations for the period reflect income
realized for educational and general purposes in the amount of $ 22, 319, 217.80
or 86. 3% of the budget estimate of $ 25, 869, 807. 62. The expenditures, including
encumbrances outstanding amount to $ 19, 022, 621. 87. This represei1E 73. 0%
of the total Current General Fund Appropriations of $ 26, 061, 412. 98.

Respectfully submitted,

Clay Mat
Director of Accounting and Budgetary Control



University of Kentucky
  Balance Sheet
March 31, 1963


I. Current Funds:
      A. General
             Cash in Bank
             Available Balance, State Appropriation
             Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer
             Deferred Charges
             Accounts Receivable
             Accounts Receivable -Hospital ( Net)
             Unrealized Income

             Total General

B. Restricted
      Cash in Bank
      Petty Cash Advances
      Accounts Receivable ( Net) ( Medical Fund)

Total Restricted

Total Current Funds

II. Loan Funds:
              Cash in Bank
              Notes Receivable
              Due from Federal Government

$   615,966.57
  2, 755, 191.73
  2, 065, 103.23
    432, 290.96
    655, 859. 16

              $ ].0, 082, 764. 80

$ 1, 308, 686. 64
     38, 050. 06
  3, 898, 715.01

5,465,459. 87

$ 15, 548, 224. 67

$    41, 196.45
    805, 934. 17
    26, 500.00
        474. 93

Total Loan Funds                                        $    874, 105. 55



University of Kentucky
  Balance Sheet
  March 31, 1963


I. Current Funds:
      A. General
             Reserve for Departmental
             Requis itions
             Reserve for Inventories
             Other Liabilities
             Appropriation Balances
             Unappropriated Surplus:
             Division of Colleges       $
             Medical Center
             Agricultural Experiment Station
             University Hospital
             Agricultural Extension Division

$ 2, 192, 125. 65
    432, 290.96
      7, 666. 20
  7,038, 791.11

( 155,

866. 48)
568. 36
283. 00
796. 00

             Total General

B. Restricted
      Outstanding Check Liability
      Reserve for Accounts Receivable
      Restricted Fund Balance

411, 890.88


$    17,510.30
  5, 227,941.41

Total Restricted

Total Current Funds

II. Loan Funds:
        Principal Balances-
              National Defense Educ. Act 1958-
              Federal Government           $
              University of Kentucky
              Accum. Interest Income NDEA
                     Total National Defense
                       Education Act. Princ. $
              University Student Loans
              University Special Student Loan
              Expendable Balance

5,465, 459. 87

$ 15, 548, 224. 67

722, 746. 91
80, 305.20
  2, 188.00

805, 240. 11
29, 694. 80

23, 465.00  $    858, 399.91
                    15. 705. 64

Total Loan Funds

1   874, 105.55


University of Kentucky
  Balance Sheet
  March 31, 1963


III. Endowment Funds:
      Cash in Bank

$     14,588.56
     277. 864. 81

             Total Endowment Funds

IV. Plant Funds:
   A. Unexpended Plant Funds
      Cashon Deposit, State
      Available Balance, State

         Total Unexpended Plant

B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds
  Cash in Bank-Due State
    Treasurer                 $      17,514.50
  Cash on Deposit, State
    Treasurer                       451,409.77
  Cash on Deposit, Trustee         170,475.43
  Investments                     1, 138,172.63
  Unred ized Income                  16,147.57

         Total Retirement of
           Indebtedness Funds

C. Invested in Plant
  Construction in Progress

$    292, 45Z


8, 626,387.08

$ 11, 719, 562. 25


$  4,188,527.29
  66, 872, 163.73
  16,645, 722,34
  14, 049,752. 97

             Total Invested in Plant

             Tdt al Plant Funds

V. Agency Funds:
      Cash in Bank

101, 756, 166. 33

$    161, 763.88
       5, 967. 19

Total Agency Funds

$ 115, 269, 448.48

$    167, 731.07



University of Kentucky
  Balarc e Sheet
March 31, 1963


III. Endowment Funds:
      Principal Balances
      Expendable Balances

$    280,432.50
      12. 020. 87

Total Endowment Funds

IV. Plant Funds:
   A. Unexpended Plant Funds
      Reserve for Plant Requisitions $
      Plant Appropriation Balances

4. 727. 922. 25

         Total Unexpended Plant

B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds
  Fund Balance               $   1,793, 719.90

         Total Retirement of
         Indebtedness Funds

C. Invested in Plant
  Bonds Payable
  Due to Other Governmental
  Net Investment in Plant

$ 11,719,562.25


$ 21, 141, 000.00

   3, 905, 073.51
   76, 710, 092. 82

             Total'invested in Plant

             Total Plant Funds

V. Agency Funds:
      Agency Fund Balance

101, 756, 166. 33

$    167, 731. 07

Total Agency Funds

$ 115, 269, 448. 48

$    167, 731. 07


$ - -292,453.37


           Universi;ty of Kev.1ucky
     St"atement of Unrealized Income
For -t,.he Cu-rret.- Fiscal Pe--iod Whic. Began
Jul 1, 1962 and Ended March 31, 1963

  I. Educational ard Gene~ral
         A. Student Fees
               Incidental Fees and Tuition
               Trair.ing School Fees
               Adult. and E,'-ens'on Education Fees

                      Ta al Studert, Fees

        B. Statte Approp-uiP-.-o-rs
               DrVs-o7n of Cofleges
               Medical Ce-ter-
               Geological Projects
               Agricuitu-.ral Expe-riment Station
               Agricult;ural Ex-enssoni Service

                      T&,.al State Appropriations

        C. Federal Grar-s
               Division of Colleges
               Agricultural ExperiLment Station
               Agrr'cult Aral Ere.sic.i Service

                      To-al Fede ral Granl-s

        D. Endowrmez.- I- come

        E. Sales anad Services of Educat.iona, l
               Divlso:o- of Colleges
               Agrccuii'xal Experimezti Station

                      Total Sal.es and Services of
                      Educa,."ional Depar'iments

                      Total Educarional and
                         Gener- al I

Ilo Serv;ice Eyt'erp r lses
               Post Office and M2dcal Ce,',rer

IIIo GG.fts and Gr.ts-Ketnicky Research.

IV. Hospiital

                     Tot-al General Fund
                       :oincome             I
 1. Realized ii" E-Kcess of Es;1.~ma-e.



Estim rat ed   Realized       Unrealized

1S 557, 414. 00 $ 1, 819, 810. 12 $ ( 262, 396. 12) 1
     17, 500. 00     14, 535. 00    2, 965. 00
     148, 000. 00    109.7 62.89    38,237.11

$ 1,722,914. 00 $ 1, 944, 108. 01 $ ( 221, 194. 01)1

$ 9,595,201.00 $ 8, 176, 9 76. 00 $ 1, 418, 225. 00
  E, 125, 000 Q00  4, 79 7, 000, 00  1,328,000.00
    640000o00       626,00000       14,000900
  1,325 540. 00   1,127.725.00    197,815e00
  1907 000. 00    1, 300, 500. 00  229, 500. 00

  19, 215, 741 00 $ 16, 028, 201. 00 $ 3. 187, 540. 00

    303, 071.62 $   260, 682. 46$  4-2, 389. 16
  1, 028, 254. 00   813, 106. 00  215, 148. 00
  2, 251 842, 00  1, 775, T75, 41  473, 066. 59

  3, 58 3, 1672. 62 $ 2, 852, 563. 87 $  730, 603. 75

     38 ,600.00 $    38, 667. 99$       67. 99) 1

     30,000.00 $     46, 600.2 11 $ ( 16,600.21)1
     i70, 000. 00   -533, 307. 71  166, 692. 29

   730, 000. 00    5779, 907. 92 $  150,092,08

$25, 290, 422, 62 $ 21, 443, 448, 7 9 $ 3, 846, 973. 83

     $ 5, 500, 00 $  4, 265, 16 $   1, 234. 84

     26, 725.00 $    13, 362. 50 $  13, 362,50

   54' 160, 00 $   858, 141, 35$ I 310.981.35) 1

25, 869 807 62$223192. 80 $ 3, 550 589.82




             University of Kentucky
  Statement of Departmental Appropriations
  For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1963 and Ended March 31, 1963

I. Educational and General:
  A. General Administrativ

  B. General Expense
       Student Services
       Staff Welfare
       General Institutional

           Total General




                                     Outstanding      Unencumbered
$  449, 882. 14 $  437,698.04      $     7,145. 84   $     5, 038. 26

$  570, 051,54  $  345, 324,16    $   24, 305. 86  $  200, 421. 52
   283, 000.00     190, 091. 09                          92, 908.91

   590, 728.28     464, 225. 00        73, 646. 34       52, 856. 94

$ 1, 443, 779. 82  $  999, 640. 25  $  97, 952, 20  $  346, 187. 37

C. Instructional ( Including

College of-
  Agr. & Home Ec.
  Arts and Sciences
  Graduate School
  University Extended
  House Staff

$  539,698.06
3, 024, 936. 20
   350, 388. 18
   313, 892. 19
   756, 760, 65
   158, 824, 31
 2, 147, 265c 95
   177, 244. 69
   139, 350. 00
   36, 820. 48

   743, 866, 07
 , 145 429 02

$ 373,556.40
2, 120,900.23
   256, 014.19
   486, 246. 88
   541,128. 50
 1, 271, 373.32
   93, 499. 63
   22, 841. 34

   538, 256.51
 , ,103,395-58

$   17i, 355.48
    65, 908. 34
    3,256. 98
    9, 915.09
    21, 835,23
    9, 545.21
    5, 331.45
    64, 338. 32
     2, 173, 32
       241. 60

    20, 654. 74
    '.,..t I   4

$  148, 786.18
   838, 127. 63
   91, 117.01
   108, 480, 70
   180, 770.69
   206, 086 94
   34, 003. 09
   811, 554. 31
   52, 912. 75
   43, 677. 05
   13, 737.54

   184, 954. 82

Total Instructional
( Including Departmental
  Research)   $ 9, 223, 328. 60

$ 6, 245, 991. 22

$  221,095.23    $ 2, 756, 242. 15

Da Act. . ities Relating to
     Educat..onal Departmer-ts
                         73, 608. 38 $   45, 794. 78    $     7, 610.10   $    20, 203.50

E. Organized Research
     University Res,    $   321,111 10   $  224,376.76       $   47,958. 78    $   48,775.56
     Agr. Expo Station    3 03 ,094.00    1,830,218.65          199,311.76      1,000.563,59

         Total Organized
           Researcoi    $ 3, 351, 205,10  $ 2, 054, 595.41  $  247, 270.54  $ 1, 049, 339. 15



         University of Kentaccky
 S-ateme- t of Departmential Appropriations
 For t.e Curzen'. Fiscal Period Which Began
Jull; 1, 1962 and Ended March 31, 1963

F. Exvension and Public
      Ser .;7ces
      Ur v-v  E'.. arcd Public
      Se-r ices
      Agr. Ext. Services

        Tot-al Execsio. and
           Public Services

G. Libraries

H. Operation and Ma:K'enax
     of Ptysical Plant

        Total Educat.ional a:-

II. Service Enterprises:
      Pos:. Office
      Med.cal Center

        Total Service

HI, U':ir'ersv :y Hosp -al

IVo S.-udent ALd

V. Workvig Cap :al

VIu Cle     Aci. g AecoiL:is

V1I. DebW; Se:rv ce- Bonds

VIII. Deb. Sct-r .ce-ReseYs-e

       Total Depa-.mer:.al
       App:r pr~ ;1!ons

  Appropriation  Expendltures       Outstanding       Unencumbered

$ 1, 084, 989, 02 $  339, 832,45  $   546, 362.74  $   198, 793. 83
   3, ' 81 842, 00  2, 678, 014e89      38, 680.57    1, 065, 146.54

$ 4, - 69, 831. 02 $ 3, 0 17, 84?7 e34  $  585,043.31  $ 1,263,940.37

$    45, 257. 38 $  496, 091, 75  $    13, 084. 01  $  236, 081. 62

$ 2, 6e5, 59 700 $ 1,581,063.81   $    314, 891.32  $  769,41.87

$ 22, S19, 489. 44 $ 14, 878, 722. 60  $ li 494, 092.55  $ 6, 446, 674.29

$    42. 855.00 $    25. 348. 15   $       310.00   $     17, 196. 85
      95, 949.43      71L 451L35         12, 654.59       11, 843.49

$   138! 04. 43 $    96. 799, 50   $    12, 964,59  $     29, 040, 34

L2,579,300.00 $ 1,630, 523. 78    $    319,554.64  $    629,221,58

    15, 300u00 $     8, 180,001  $                 $     7,120.00

2;   90 000. 00 $   ( 73s909 63)2  $   251,531.35  $   (87, 621.72)

$      75:7R949 $    48 491, 77    $     6, 730. 10 $     14, 356.62

1_219; 000. 00 ,0 $  2219 000  00

129, 940s 62 $      129,940.62

ev0OG1 .L412 9S $ 16, 9.774 . 64   $ 2, 084, 873. 23  $ 7, 038, 791, 11

1 Overd& af`: 2 negas'ive fig u re


      U-v..X-ersity of Kentucky
 S ,atement of Plant Fund Appropriations
For :lie Period Ended March 31. 1963

I. Unexpended Plant Funds
Acquisit',ion of Land

Appropriations  Expenditures



Prestonbu-g Commaryi-

$  142, 200. 00

$  142, 200. 00

Construc;;ic n of Buildings
Consol. Educ. Bldg. Bond
  Proceeds-Cn.emr'ist-y and
  Phyysics Building         $   10
Haggin Hall
Northern Extension. Cedter        1
Norti.west Ex.-ension Center
Souti.4.eaA Et,'easion Center     1
Women's Dornm AY cL. Services
Consol. Educ, Bldg. Bond Proceeds
  M King Library                 24
Addition to Stude-,. U-ion Building  16
Alpha Gamma RdAo Frater,,-nityHse,
Sigma CL Fral.e-rnity House
Commerce Building                 2
Elizabe'towvn Extension. Cenrter  72
Addit,.on te College of Law        1
Med. Scb,. Plan-s and Specific.   2
Medical Sc';ence Building         2
Medical Ce9.7 er HospiIal Ou;-
Pati'ent. Clin-;.c               9
Medica.l Centre- Ls.: dsca.I.ng
Medical Sc'.ool Deni,al Wing
Agriculltural Researc7'/. Center  3, 87
Felnrie:.- 4-H Camp                2
Weed Resea.r.c't G.-ee-niouse
Cereal PlasiJc G-eeK.nIo.use
Swine Farrowi.g-a a..-nd Tesving Station 1
Horlicualt-ral S'Led
Beef Sexr;ice Faciliti..es
Office and Se--i'ce Bul'.ding-
Quicksand                      14
Swine Farrowing Barn-Coldstream
SwIne Tes    S'g Stai.`on
Ram Testi-i.g Bar.-. Coldstr'ea.m
Shneep Barr. Colds-team
Tlvo Plastic Green.r..ouses.. Poul~iw
Agr. Researc.I.. Cei-^.e-z- - Gree-, ouses
and Hea&douse                   16
Lath House Hor-;-culm'cuIre
Del'..a Gamma Sorori'.'y
Presto ,buirg Communtty College
Somerset Comnmu- .1y College      21
1 Overdrafvt 2 NegaAtrT.e FI'gure

8, 576. 04
4, 420.43
0, 011.90
2, 243. 66
0, 418.73
8, 47. 51

6, 022, 12
4, 606. 31
1, 184. 44
  841. 27
4,8 70. 00
2, 649. 00
6, 340. 00
4 510.67
7, 316 33

9, 8617, 26
4, 238. 01
5, 056.78
6, 471.55
1, 951, 62
  386. 74) 1
  500. 00
7, S00. 00
1, 712.43
2, 253. 00

9, 760.57
  611. 36
  590. 68
1, 699. 37
  445, 06

1, 387, 38) 1

4, 539, 34
   42, 78
   368, 6
32, 240, 00
86.200. 00


(215.07) 2


15, 681. 43

  6, 888. 32


    186. 29

$   40, 776. 66  $  67,799. 38
                      4, 635. 50
     4, 650. 00       5, 361.90
     4, 250. 00     ( 2, 006. 34) 1
     5, 669. 00       4, 749.73
                    ( 2,981.84)1

  14, 608.01

  16, 300. 70
  14, 047.00

  78,783. 59

1, 697, 640. 35


164,606. 31
  1, 184. 44
    841. 27
 24, 870 00
 706, 348. 30
 2, 293. 00
 27, 316. 33

   14, 195. 35
   4, 238.01
   5, 056. 78
1, 742, 228. 27
   21, 951.62
   ( 386. 7 4)
   17, 800.00
      834 f67


149, 760. 57
   611. 36
   590. 68
   1, 699. 37
   103. 06


( 1, 387, 38) 1

3,740. 87

1, 000.00

160, 798. 47
     42. 78
     368, 86
 31, 240. 00
 26, 200. 00





     University of Kentucky
 Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
For the Period Ended March 31, 1963

Cons.ruction of Buildings ( cont)





Hazard-Blackey Community
College                      $
Hopkinsville Community
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Zeta Beta Tau
Landscaping Commerce Building
?arking Area -Clifton Avenue
Vaveland Kentucky Life Museum
JK Med. Center Laundry and
few Dormitory Complex
Decorating Consulting- Student
Union Building
University Entrance Main Campus
Beef Cattle Shed- Mercer Farm
Poultry Farm- Poultry House
Bull Shed- Coldstream Farm
Steer Feed Shed-Coldstream
Animal Pathology Barn-Coldstream
Machinery Shed- Robinson Sub-
Dairy Center
Dean of Ag. Residence
Sigma Nu Fraternity House
UK College of Engineering
Addition to College of Education

  Total Construction of
    Buildings                  $

26, 200.00  $


$   26, 200.00

26, 200.00

26, 200. 00
5, 754. 00
20, 000.00
2, 000. 00



20, 000.00
2,000. 00


6, 066. 25

4, 600. 00
21, 200.00
3, 000. 00

20,000, 00
5, 384.00
6, 210.00


4, 600.00
4, 300.00

18, 605.53
2, 642.00
18; 603.88

2, 894.47

1, 456.87
16, 000.00


6, 000.00
14, 000.00

(300.00) 1
  339. 25

  (38.98) 1
6, 000.00
5, 384.00

6, 210.00

   3, 465.00                                            3, 465.00

6 135,095. 23  $  512,472.66   $ 2, 106, 209.99  $ 3,516, 412.58

Renovation and Improvement of
Repairs to Coldstream          $
Hort'.cultural Greenhouse
Remodel and Paint Dairy
Heifer Barn
Coldstream Beef Barn
Paint Coidstream Buildings
Repair and Paint Dairy Houses
Converc Sheep Building-
Pesticide Building
Install Commode Dairy Barn- Eden
Renovationr of Animal Pathology
Repair and Remodel Bldgs. -
C          Ndstrea e   
I1Vv-erdroaf _ 2 Negative Figsure

2, 802. 61
6, 300. 00

  402. 04
5, 736. 88
1, 500.00



   159 49

$      926.26
       121. 80



$      874.90
     6, 182.26

$    1,001.45
        ( 4.06)1

402. 04
2, 254. 34
   92. 00

2, 383.35

787. 31



153. 16

153. 16


       University of Kentucky
Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
For the Period Ended March 31, 1963

Renovation and Improvement of
Buildings ( cont )
Repairs Agr. Engr. Building    $
Hood Replacement-Home Econ.
Agr. Engr. Building       l_;
Renovation of House-Quicksand
Repair Entomology Greenhouse and

Appropriations  Expenditures

( 2,523.62)1
    105. 78
 5, 021.31)
 3, 681. 17

Insectory                           562.10
Air Conditioner Installed in Dairy Barn ( 457. 37)1
Isolation Barn                      6, 935  
Pence and Kastle Halls              7, 350. 00
Tile Roof Deck Funkhouser Bldg.     4i,,700..00
Repair Tobacco Barn-Mercer Farm     ( 103. 77) 1
Repair Animal Pathology Barn        3, 500. 00
Repair Roof and Barn-Dairy          3, 000. 00
Reynolds Warehouse Roof Repair        322. 84
Buell and Barker Hall Repairs           2. 45


( 2, 166. 80) 2

424. 33




976. 30

220. 00

6, 300. 00

4},67Z 0,0

49. 60

223. 25
621. 18


$    ( 356. 82R
       105. 78
     2, 280. 54

     (131. 27)1
     (457. 37) 1
       635. 85
     7, 350. 00
      ( 103. 77)1
      3, 227. 15
      2, 378. 82

Total Renovation and Improvement
of Buildings              $

53, 312.66  $

6, 838. 52  $   22, 453. 24  $  24. 020. 90

Acquisition of Equipment
Medical Science Activation of
Inventories                  $
Southeast Extension Center-Equip.
Med. Sch. Lib. Acq. and Supplies
Medical Center Hospital- Outpatient
Clinic Movable Equipment
Medical Science Building-Equipment
Medical Science Building-Act. of
Chemistry-Physics Building-
Chemistry Department Equip.
Chemistry- Physics Building-
Physics Department Equip.
Margaret King Library Equipment
Air Conditioner Units
Hospital Equipment Accounts
Univ. Hospt.al Patient Care-
Activation Inventory
Dental Science Building-Equipment
Rare Book Room Equipment
Physics Nuclear Equipment

  Total Acquisition of
    Equipment                 $ 2

    594. 80
 28, 664. 28

 648, 155,51
 176, 785. 82


 76, 539. 86

 26, 027. 09
 141, 890.40
 1,065 .28
 147, 751. 21

379, 158. 85
  1, 495. 00

$      711.63

    12, 962. 75

    8, 979. 70
    6, 169. 49

    17, 375. 62

    14, 315. 11

    26, 883. 30

    31, 950.64


$    9,022.58
       594. 80
     6, 426. 76

   395, 259. 16
   131, 888. 44

   57, 909. 86

   56, 847. 03
   141, 012. 02
       569. 00
    65, 881. 18

    90, 647. 58
    147, 155. 73
    1, 495. 00
    454 700 00

$   21, 267. 58

     9, 274, 77

   38, 727. 89

   200, 000 00

     1, 254. 38

     (45, 135. 05) 1
       878. 38
       496. 28
    54, 986. 73

    178, 899. 30
    231, 392. 18

300. 00

', 615, 627 41  $  119, 959. 18  $1, 559, 409.14  $  936, 259.09

1 :O-vetdraft 2 Negative Figure




      University of Kentucky
Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
For the Period Ended March 31, 1963

Other Improvements

Appropriations  Expenditures



U. of Ky. Electrical Dist.
System                        $
U. of Ky. Steam and Return Line
U. of Ky. Razing of Water Tank
Boiler Renovation
Razing of Neville Hall
Miscellaneous Boiler Repairs- U. of
Robinson Sub-Station Renovation of
Heating System in Auditorium
Feltner 4-H Camp Sewage and Water
Replace Water Line-W. Kentucky
Road-South Farm
Pumphouse and Distribution System-
South Farm
Fencing-Agronomy Area
Install a Transformer-W. Kentucky

Repair Roads - Mercer Farm
Activation of Chemistry Building
Roads- Poultry Farm
University of Kentucky Campus
Water System- South Farm
Coldstream Farm Water System

  Total Other Improvements

Contingency Reserves
Medical School Clearing
University of Kentucky Clearing

  Total Contingency Reserves

  Total Unexpended Plant

53,756.14  $       990.26

 3, 222. 92

$   38, 114.56  $   14, 651.32


346. 63
3, 132.92

829. 32


10, 803.08



2, 618. 84
1, 189. 25
10, 000.00
1, 000. 00

40, 000.00
55,000. 00


250. 00

1, 000.00

19, 000. 00

17, 928.70


2, 618.84
   939. 25
10, 000. 00

4, 284. 00
3, 071.30
55, 000.00

$  208,235.08   $   19,990.26      $   57,977.31     $   130, 267.51

$   45, 962.17  $                   $                $    45,962. 17

    75,000.00                                            75,000.00

$  120,962.17                                        $   120, 962. 17

$ 9, 275,432. 55  $  801,460.62  $ 3,746,049.68  $ 4,727,922. 25

II. Retirement of Indebtedness
Debt Services
1st PWA Issue
2nd PWA Issue
Dorm Rev, Bond-Issue
Auditorium Field House Issue

$       78.30
    18, 699. 86
    24, 095. 25
    61, 579.53

$       78.30
     9, 372. 84
     2, 362.50
     53, 043. 75

1 Overdraft 2 Negative Fiminrp



9, 327.02
21, 732. 75


       Gnix er sity of KentucKy
Statemen' of Plant Fund Appropriations
Fo. the Period Ended March 31, 1963

Debt Ser', cescon`rued        A
L-brary Building Issue         $
Stadium Add..io. Issue
Dorm. Rev. Issue ( 456 Rose,
Jo-u-aJ'.smBulidding Bond Issue
Do-rm. Rev. Issue ( 476 Rose)
Student Dorms ( 1953)
Studen. Dorm ( Kappa Sigma)