xt734t6f4p4d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt734t6f4p4d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-03-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 12, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 12, 1998 1998 1998-03-12 2020 true xt734t6f4p4d section xt734t6f4p4d  


C Iatssrooms
g0 wireless,
creates more
‘intereletion ’

By Delmar Watkins
Sit/[Ill 'I‘ItI-I

Students are getting wired by going

L'K has two grants dealing with
wireless classrooms and distance

_]IIII (iriffioen and Brent Scales are
two computer science professors using
wireless classroom technology to
teach their students.

“\Vith this technology, a student
could be sitting anywhere and still see,
hear and interact with a teacher.
(irifiioen said.

In this kind of classroom, all the
students have laptops with a wireless
network connection to a central access

The teacher has a laptop and
drawing pad. The professor could pItt
slides, audio, video and any other notes
onto the screen. called a whiteboard.

The students would be able to see
and interact with this information.

They could even add their own
notes and pictures made with a mouse.

“The process is truly interactive,
and students could have interactive
notes,” (iriffioen said.

The students can replay the class
lecture including when they added
notes, at a later time, said (irif.fioen

l he other grant, won by the
mathematics department frotn the
National Science I‘oundation. exper-
iments with taking computers to the
classroom whenever a professor
needs them. said Paul I‘iakin, profes-
sor of mathematics.

This project, currently in \\'hite
lIall Classroom Building. allows
professors to create a wireless
microlab in any class. I‘Zakin said.

Another advantage of these sys—
tems is that instead of wiring several
classrooms with network connec-
tions. there only needs to be one
central access point for modem
access, (iriffioen said.

“It's the difference in cost between
wiring only one station vs. wiring one
station foI every student," (iriffioen
. aid. I his technology could cut down
costs for wiring a classroom front K
through IZ, and also in college.

“Also, the wireless environment

-. 1,. .M‘, . _,... “v”, , hr.p‘.‘I\ei‘.aN\ ,.-. ..





big/I Ilt‘tH' ill. Clear to part/y
‘ t/OIIIII’ ItIg/I Null" 2). I’ II My

s/IIIIIy III/)IUI‘I(II.", big/.1 near 40.

BOYS 0F Wllfl'fll The ex [Wm/I

team 11‘ restless and tIyIIIg to stay but III IIIIIIII'

(despite I" I’IlIl’t’II .Sc'c Sports, I’m/c page.




makes the class more mobile. Stu—
dents and teachers could go any—
where in the building to anywhere
in the world."

The whole network of computers
runs from an access point at a central

’I‘he range on the laptops is
around 800 feet in the open. but can
usually go through three to four

walls In a building (itiffioen said.


(iriffioen s pIoIect is currently in
place in Anderson Hill the ( R\IS
building and the AS I e(.(. Building.

The project is funded by Kentucky
Information Resource Management and
the Databeain (lompany, which makes
the whiteboard program and a teaching
suite called .\IB( )Nl’. ( iriffioen said.

There were two goals for his pro—
ject. experiment with technological
needs and new teaching techniques,



Five inducted into journalism ball


HOBIE HILER [won/v1.4!

XIII/1c st/IIII'IIts (left) III/Tc
Illt' tlt/I't/H’l’k’t' (IfiZI‘IIII'I/lg
tItI‘tIIIg/I .I IL‘II'I'II'J‘A' net I
I'III.\'.\‘I'.\ Inlt‘c' It) l‘c'a‘t't’t'c‘
time [It I 'III1‘I'I'sI'tv Il/It'l'tlr
III/U tII thII'It lt‘.\'.\'tlll\ IIi'I'I'
the computer.


(iriffioen said.

The first goal was to see how a wire
install wireless systems into the new
library and other locations in the
future. saiIlJcan \Villiams. vice III'L‘sA
ident for Information Systems.

III the future wireless technoloIrI
could allow students with laptops and
wireless modems to access L K s com—




I NBlinton says No


Mare/J I 2, I 998

clam/[1m 2 DI; ‘t'I‘VUH‘ 3


l (Lint/Iob 5 Spam 5



(frontal/II 5 Ititt‘fttIIIII 4





\VASI lIN( i'l'( )N Rejecting criticism from
(Iongrcss. l’rcsident (Ilinton said \\'edncsday the
L .N. agreement for unobstructed weapons
inspections III Iraq had worked well in its lirst tesIs
and was “clearly not It se.llout “

(linton w .IIml\ conIIiaIIIl. iIeIl SIeIct in (.en
ei'. Il Kofi \nnan IoI tlic accoIIl and said he was
encouraged by the initial results. llesaid.l1owe\ 7
er. "I think we have to remain vigilant. The last si\
days are not the same as the next six months "

“But, " the preside III s.,‘1id it s all very hope.fiIl
and the secict .IIy ~IIII.1cIIlIlc-sc1\csi loi olappieci
ation from the L nited SI. tlcs \IIII. 111 agiced that
Iraq must be watched closely. “\Ve need to hold
their hand to the fire. " the secret in ~Irene i'. Il s. ”(I

\nnan's I'cb 3i Igieement with II. atI stopped
(linton s countdown on thieatcmd aiIstIIkes
\\ hile a\erting bloodshed. the accoid drew sharp
criticism in (Iongress that Iraqi President Saddam
Hussein had won important concessions from the
L'nited Nations that would strengthen his hand.

louisville salaries about average

I.,()L'IS\'II I I. 7" Salaried workeis III
louisville are paid at about the national average
and a bit better than theiI counterpatts in Indi
an Ipolis. Nashville, ( incinnati and I exington.

hc sIIIvey of II), \merican cities bv \\ illi. IIII
\I. .\Icrcer Inc. , .1 national employment- consultr
ing firm, showed that .i Iob whose salary avci rages
$31,000 nationally would typically pay $31. I)- 1 in
I ouis\Ille one that pa\s $10, (MI) nationally would
pay $10,210

lhe Iobs reviewed weIe white L42'.)IIII
executive positions.

The survey found the highest salaries on the
\\'est (loast ~ , in theS San lose, San I’rancisco. ( )ak—
land complex and in New York. lhe lowest
were in small cities in 'l‘exas and other Southern



Wayans' show canceled by Disney

I.()S .I\N(.'I",I.II',S i
brought an end to

Disney's BIiena Vista 'I‘elcvision said \\‘ednes—
day it has canceled the late-night talk show that
debuted last August in syndication.

“The bottom line is the ratings
haven't reached the levels neces—
sary to sustain such an expensive
production \Iort Marcus presi—
dent of Buena \ista lelevision
said in a statement.

\\'ayans told the trade paper
Daily Variety he was surprised by

Poor ratings have
lhe Keenen Ivory \\'I1v‘ans






the move but III III few regrets
“It leels like we did what we set Wayans

out to do with this show, and I

leaIned II lot. I \e gained much gieater respect

for the gtiys that II‘HL‘ been doing it for II), I1

_\e.IIs. he said III \\ edncsclay s edition of \ ariety.





By Mat Herron
.\'c':.".\ I’I'IIIMI'

\Vho says journalism is a thankless profes-

\ on get money. a byline, a chance to inter-
view important political figures, uncover a
scandal or two and travel all over the world.

And if you re the five journalists who will

be inducted into the L K Iournalism Ilall of

I ame, you get a plaque—mounted frame ~
complete with a mug shot and bio information
A on the wall ofthe Maggie Room, located in
the( irehan journalism Building.

\nd of course recognition for reporting

I he induction ceremony, on April () at the
Singletary (Ienter for the Arts, consists of a
\Vashington correspondent, a publisher. a
sports columnist, a retired political broadcast
reporter and the editor of a community daily
in Shelbyville. Ky.

“Kentucky has a rich and storied tradition
in journalism on the national stage. region—
ally and in the local community newspapers
that dot our state's landscape," said Buck
Ryan. director of the LYK School ofjournal~
ism and 'I‘elecomInunications. in a news

release. “'I‘his year's inductees into the Hall of

Fame represent the best ofthat tradition. "

I w as obviously verv gratified," said Billy
Reed, a sports columnist for the Iexington
IIerald Leader, who has also written for
Sports Illustrated siI1ce_Iuly IW‘IR.

Reed, an I’nglish major In college. almost

.‘ I


bucked the degree. Reed considered dropping
otit of school when current L'K Athletic
Director (I..\I. Newton, who was at 'l‘ransyl—
vania L‘niversity at the time, convinced him

’l‘hrotighout tnore than three decades in
the business. Reed said his hardest story was a
whodimit on Dancer's Image. the Derby win-

ner back in the '60s that was later stripped of

its victory because of an illegal medication
found in its urinalysis.

The act sent Reed, who wrote for the
Louisville Courier-journal at the time. and
fellow reporterjim Bolus on a chase for the
culprit, who to this day is still unknown, Reed

Reed said he hopes his nomination sparks
the induction of more sports writers.

u'l‘here are a lot of really talented sports
writers that work in this state," he said. “I’ve
always felt that some ofthe best deadline writ-
ing and reporting, was done in sports."

Likewise, some of the best accomplish-
ments cotne from adverse circumstances.

In [967, when she was Io, Duanne I’IIckett
was in II car accident that severed her spinal cord
and left her paralyzed from the chest clown.

But that didn't sto Puckett, the third-gen-
eration in her family to grow up in Shel»
byville, front doing her iob.

“I had to depend on a lot of people to be my
legs." said I’uckett, who was notified of her
induction the day she resigned as editor ofthe

See ”All. It" 2








Renovations have kept
0|) businesses spinning

By Peter Baldes


(Iercal lovers may wonder how they cram all
that graham in (iolden (irahams.

But music lovers may wonder how local
music stores (ID (Ientral and (Iut (Iorncr mesh
all that music into a space about as big as 20]
\Vhite IlIIll(IlassrooI11 Building or the King
Library Deli.

\\'ell. it ain't easy,

Both stores renovated to hold their inven-

(ID (Ientral owner Alike Baron attributes
the renovations of his I—year—old store to a
need for space and to create a better store,
located at 200 Bolivar St. for his customers.

“\\'e need to keep our customers." Baron
said. “Our renovations will make us a better
store, and the customers will come back."

I11 mid- and late—February. Baron and co-
w'orker ’I‘ony Stakelin remodeled the store
themselves. The two tore down a wall which
enlarged the store by “about half." Now it's
twice the size of a classroom.

The expansion allowed for more new and
used ( Ds to be added to the rock/pop bins
and to greatly enlarge the electronic. alterna-
tive country and folk/bluegrass sections.
\Vith more space Baron and Stakclin rear-

ranged the ( I) bins, which Baron called heavy

and said was back breaking work
“Im still dealing with the pain."
The expansion also allowed Baron to btiild
.III in—store stage. Ile hopes to one day feature



local bands.

“\Ve've been talking to some bands," said
Baron. “\\'e‘re looking forward to some live

Baron's “several thousand dollar" renovation
and rent hike may be murder on his pocket—
book, but he knows I1 bigger store is .1 necessity.

“lhe (ID business is
very competitive. It was

time to open up," ,
said. “It’s been worth it.

I ve had .1 lot of fun. and
The CD busi-

customers are giving us

716.3131!!!) (ID (Ientral's chief
company”: competition is an old
It mm. til”! t0 IIIainstay. (Iut (Iorner has
been at its long and nar—
opmup’ 1‘3” row space at ‘77 S.
be", worth “- Limestone St. for In
V vears.
mm They have an ever—
CDCnnnl expanding selection of
W (IDs, but absolutely no

space to expand. So they
made the most of what

they got.
General Manager
Mike Mann described

their situation. “H 0 hit a point where we want-
ed to have a well- stoc ked store. H e wanted to
stock ev crything. and we needed space.

()ch customers of ( III ( orner may not rec-
ognize the changes. I hey (I probably overlook

See STORES on 12






2 'I'lrrrrxday. Hurt/a I]. 19‘“. Arm/uh lurur/



. V

The Kentucky Kernel mes bard, but we ‘re not always
perfect. I 'we make a mistake, we want to correct it. If
you ’ve ound a significant error, call us at 2 57-1915.

V A outline in Wednesday’s Kernel should have said that yearbook portraits
\ are being taken at the Alumni House. For more information call 257-4005.


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hate: \l.’ ‘ I‘i“ : ‘ ‘1 ~ is
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Dissertation Title: \I t in s :

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Itissertltitirt I‘ttk‘:


‘tl. irattt ustn s of

l iii1.ii\tttscs . . -t lli'IIJ’tllll‘v
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.‘ Dale: Haiti. 3‘ Z‘W Date: \l..*t i: , l “is

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: Place:1.'.’ rmit.t...t:ti:.tii..::-.. l'ch: ..; l it :. .:. rotating


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Barbie creator sneaks (“It

By Luan Huynh
I)rll/l Brrrm

l.( )S .\N(ilil.l’,S , \\'hcn
Hillel, a _le‘\\l\ltrrcllglt)lls cetttcr,
ltosted a conference on woman's
self~illt:tgc, they chose art interest-
ittg guest: Barbie's utother.

Ruth llattdler, tltc 81—year—old
creator of tlte Barbie doll, knew
slte was ottto something good
when slte conceived of Barbie W
years ago, bttt ltad no idea that
Barbie would becoute tltc cult fig-
ure that site is today.

Blue—eyed, blonde and irregular—
ly proportioned Barbie has increas-
iitgly come uttder attack as women's
images become a heated issue.

Alauy .lewish woutett who
atteitded the conference on Mon—
day see Barbie as sotttething they
once aspired to he btrt eventually
learned that tltey could not attain.

"\Vhat people have interpreted
froru her is \ery individual," Hau-
dlcr said. She said site did not cre-
ate Barbie as art object of aspira—
tion, bttt as a doll that little girls

can project their fatttasics onto.
Handler's goal was to make Barbie
as non-specific as possible.

Handler got the idea oftltc Bar--
bie doll froitt three Lilli dolls she
bought in Switzerland for her
daughter, Barbara.

The Lilli dolls were tall, thin
and had large breasts.

It did not occur to Handler to
change Barbie's proportiotts,
because she wanted the doll to
look good in clothing. At the sattte
time, Hartdlcr said that the way
Barbie looks is “unimportant.“

In response to critics who
believe that Barbie is a source of
oppression, Handler said, “Many
of today‘s young achievers can
trace their success hack to their
days of playing with Barbie."

After all, Barbie has been a
doctor, a teacher, an astronaut,
etc; there has also been a fat Bare
hie, a dreadlocked Barbie, a talk-
ing Barbie and even a breast—
reduccd Barbie.

Handler said many women
treat her with idol status once they

find ottt that she created Barbie.
Slowly, Handler said. she rcalilcd
that Barbie was tuore than jttst a
doll; slte represents something
tttuclt rttore itttportaut.

“Barbie as an icon ltas shaped
ottr image of women," said Natak
ie Stern, .t _lewislt (Iatupus Service
(Iorps l'iellow. \llhough she
expected the conference to be .t

“Barbie bashing least," it was
tuorc than that.
Handler has survived rttarty

experiences that young wonten catt
learn front.

\Vhen making presentations,
she‘d recall to audiences that she
would ltavc to walk through
kitchens, because women were not
allowed to use the frortt door.

One year, Handler became the
first woman vice president on the
board of the Toy Association.
Traditionally, the vice president
becomes the president the next
year. However, for the first time,
the board also promoted a titan to
the vice president position. \\'hen
it was time for Handler to becoutc

president, the board chose the
man instead.

More importantly, Handler has
survived breast cattcer and was the
first to mass-market a prosthetic

in [970, Handler found ottt she
had breast cancer. After surgery,
Handler went back to work.

Notlting was said ottt loud about
her illness, she recalls; everything
was whispered. She cried at the
least instigation. .

“I had lost my image of being a
woman. 1 was trying to stay feutiniue
iii a man‘s world," Handler said.

In 197;. Handler was pushed
out of Mattel, the toy company
that she ctr—founded with her hits-
band lilliot and his friend, Harold
Manson. Handler was depressed,
until it occttrred to her to make
prosthetic breasts for women who
needed them.

The first breast to cotttc out
was called Nearly Me. It was made
ottt of contoured foam, silicone
gel and art outer-skin of
polyurethane filtu.


Five inducted into
journalism bull
Ii‘rom PAGE 1

Shelby \ ille Sentinel—News.

Puckett‘s friends attd colleagues
tell her she resembles her father,
_les‘se, the mayor of Sltelbyville who
for l.’ years volunteered his dangli-
ter to start working on the newspa<

“\thn this position carttc open,
I told them it was the first time I
pttt together a resume. filled out a
job application attd went to an
interview." said Puckett, whose
induction comes on the third
anniversary ofhcr father‘s dcatlt.

“I guess I ltave his grit," she said.

Puckett said she was over



Advertise in
the Kernel.



a 257-287



whehtted after she was selected,
primarily because ofher age.

“There are a number of edi-
tors or forttter editors of commu-
nity papers that have been
inducted into the Hall of Prune
through the years," she said. “I
am probably half the age of
those people.

“1 just never felt that l ltad
climbed the ladder that high."

Puckett had worked on the
Hall of Fame nominations for
Bennett Roach, editor of Shelby
News back iii the 1‘)-l0s arid
wrote a column for i0 years, as


community journalism is the grass-
roots ofiournalism. It's the heart—
beat. lt's what ticks in their town."

\Vhat ticks for David Nakdi-
rnett is politics.

During his in years at \\'.-\\'l5.—
T\' iit Louisville,
Nakdimen covered
se\cu uatiortal polit—
ical conventions itt
such cities as New
York, San l’raucisco
and Detroit.

I’or hint, politics
was iii the blood and
iii the family.

well as TS. Moran, who when Reed "\Vhen l was
indttctetl in 198‘), was the oldest young. I always
living journalist in Atttcrica at the would talk around the house

time. still writing a column at age

That community journalism is
highlighted sends a powerful mes~
sage, Puckett said, “that the Hall of
Pattie committee recognizes that

about politics. I took a lot of polit-
ical science courses .tt L‘K," said
Nakdimen, a 1‘)”; altttttuus who
wrote sports for the Kentucky
Kernel, tltett a weekly.

As a sports writer, Nakditttett

said he always enjoyed interview—
ing former L'K basketball coach
Adolph Rupp.

ul lc was a very fascinating
tnatt, I always looked forward to
getting to talk to him," he said.

Nakdimen said he wished all
his old journalism professors were
still alive to see his induction.

“They probably
believe it," he said.


Also being inducted are Bill
Neikirk, a LTK graduate and edi-
tor iu chief of the Kernel in
l‘)§‘)-’()0, who now works as a
\Vashingtou correspondertt for
the (lhicago Tribune; and
(ieorge (iill, forttter publisher of
the Louisville Courier-journal,
who itt l988 won a Pulitzer
Prize for coverage of the (Ear-
rolltott bus crash. Ncikirk and
(iill could not be reached for



Businesses see prime
use for renovations
From PAGE 1

the stttcll of fresh paint and the
sparkle of a polished floor to
ventttrc through the long.
(i-foot tall shelf systertt with two
sets ofshelves fttll of(ll)s.

The new fixtures, added in
February, hold dotrble the
inventory of the awkward bins
they replaced, arid Mann plans
to add tttorc titles to cater to the
college crowd.

The renovations give cits—
totncrs tttore choices, but it also
gives (Iut (lorncr employees
trtorc headaches.

“( )ur work is about 80 per-
cent done," Mann said. “Our
biggest prohlctrt now is getting
the inventory organized."

Mann plans to have a rrantl
re-opening event on Apri l to
celebrate the $70,000 renova—
tions. The event has not been
contplctely planned, btit Mann
said radio stations “XXX—PM
and \Vl‘K'llAM may be there.

(Int (Zorner's party anti (II)
(lentral's new stage are both
competitive ammunition.

Besides renovating at about


the saute time. Baton said the
two stores lt.t\e a weird compete
itivc relationship

“Customers tell me that
they shop at both my store attd
(Int Corner," he said. " They
said on sottte titles our prices
are better, .tttrl on other (Il)s.
((Ittt (Iorncr‘s) prices .trc bet»

The competition will sttrely
attract customers to both stores,
but with new stores like |)isc-
(io~Round opening. being com—
pettttvc comes just lll ttrne to

.\ veteran employ cc of four

independent music stores,
Stakeliu said tttore
entrepreneurs will start their

own utttsic stores around the
24,000 students at [K

“There will be more stores
competing with ((II) (Icntral).
'l‘hcre's no rcasort why not,"
Stakclin evplained. “In (Iincin—
nati, there are .tt least six stores
within two blocks of the univer—

Stakelin‘s boss. Steve Baron.
admits there will be more
rttusic stores around [‘K, but he
takes pride itt (II) (Zeutrttl's

“For right now, we‘re at a
good silc,u Baron saitl. "\Vc'rc
in a different situation now than
a year ago. Now we're very
competitive. ’



Grants provide way
for classes to connect
From PAGE 1

puter systems instead of having to
go to a uticrolab.

“\\'e are always catching tip
attd will never have enough labs
for the 34,000 students at L'K,"
\Villiams said.

“But with wireless technolo~
gy, we cottld be on ottr way for
getting everyone connected."

The second goal was to experi-
ittcttt with new teaching tech—
niques, (iriffiocn said.

“Thin s that were hard to do
can now te easy," (iriffioen said.
uTeachers could easily put in
audio, video or any other media.

“Also, a class studying Beowulf

could see a copy of the original
text, computer science courses
could see live processes and
chemistry classes could make
chemicals on the fly in 3-D."

“In the future, we could add
haptic, which is the ability to feel
through the computer, usuallv
through a glove," (iriffioen said.
“Ultimately, chemical or materi-
als engineers cottld feel the
chemicals or materials they are


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Makeup stylist I0 the stars

By Francince Parnes
Hie .‘lumlilu'd I’I'c'is‘

liobbi Brown's job is fast‘paced
and glamorous, but her private life
is decidedly domestic.

()n a typical day at her subur-
ban New jersey home, she gets up
early to squeeze in some time to
work up a sweat on the treadmill
before her sons, Dylan, 7, and
Dakota, 5. get up for school.

“( )therwise, I don’t do it," says
Brow n, makeup stylist to the stars.
“Then I get the kids ready for
school and drop them off, then I
run in to do a shoot with Mira
Sorvino or \Vhitney Ilouston,
then I come back to school for a
teacher's meeting."

No wonder she sweats.

After one such day, the chauf—
feuring superinoin has shed her
shoes and wrapped herself in a
green terry cloth robe. She’s cozy
on the den couch with Dakota, the
better to watch The Nets, her
hometown hoopsters.

“Mira Sorvino asked me today
to do her makeup for the ()scars,”
says Brown, who has painted the

faces of Meg Ryan, Andie Mac-
Dowell, Kathie Lee Gifford and
Susan Sarandon.

She juggles appointments in a
day planner, chockablock with
makeup assignments for celebri-
ties, magazine photo shoots ——- or
perhaps tonight’s guest on the
David Letterman show.

’l‘wice yearly at New York’s
Fashion \Veek collections, she's
backstage perfectin r supermodels
(as it), armed with er entourage
of H) makeup artists and two man-
icurists. Spare time, she’s got a
new Bobbi fragrance, and she‘s
pregnant, with the baby scheduled
to arrive this summer.

The tools of Brown’s trade are
natural-looking cosmetics, Bobbi
Brown F.ssentials.

Oprah Winfrey and Naomi
Campbell are fans of foundation
sticks No. () (golden) and 7
(almond); The Spice Girls like
pressed powder; Sandra Bullock
gets lacquered with pink sheer
polish. And (lhicago Bulls star
Dennis Rodman shops for No. 5
bronze shimmer lipstick, .\'o. 3
bronzer and No. 5. moss eye


If Rodman is oh-so glamorous,
Brown's not.

“This is my life, it’s what I've
done for the past IS years," Brown
says. “I’m happy with what I look
like, but I’m not the glamour
queen. It’s not in my bones.”

“I am definitely the woman
who wears sensible shoes," says
Brown, whose preferred uniform
is jeans, a white T-shirt and penny
loafers sans socks.

\Vhen she can get away with it.

“I used to be able to arrive
(backstage) at a fashion show in
my jeans and a ponytail, but now
every model has their own crew
and a newsmagazine following
them," Brown says. “I hate to say
I'm one ofthose people, but now
even the makeup artist has to
come with makeup done. livery-
one in the fashion business is a
celebrity these days."

Brown, 40, is married to lawyer
and real estate developer Steven
l’lofker, 41, who “actually likes
the way I look without makeup."

She was groomed for her call—
ing at age 5, when her mother

handed her makeup and paper
with instructions, “go paint." Says
Brown, “I painted my face and all
my dolls’ faces. My dad says I also
painted the walls and sink.“

After graduation from Finer—
son (lollege in Boston, where she
studied theatrical makeup, Brown
started as an assistant to a Man-
hattan makeup artist.

“My first job was for Glamour
magazine, for a black-and—white
pa re," she says. “I had to make up
a dancer's feet, which were totally
dirty, beat-up, dry and calloused."

“It was yucky, probably one of
the most disgusting things I've
ever done. Then I had to wait
about four months for the pictures
to come out. It was the biggest
thrill to see my name."

Then came bigger thrills. F.ver
hear of'l‘he Rolling Stones.:

“After I finished the makeup
(for a Rolling Stones album
cover), the stylist handed them
their clothes and told them to
change. All of a sudden, I found
myself in a dressing room with
The Rolling Stones in their
underwear. l was 25 years old."

Kmlutky Kernel, ’l‘buri‘day, .Uurrb 12. [998 8


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By tinney Strother
Stir/fill i'itei'

Aries March 21-April 20

Your partner is making you as nervous as
the gambling junkie praying for both free
throws to go in while the team is ahead by nine
points with two seconds left in the game. Mas-
sive doses onitamin B could help relieve your
anxiety. Be thankful that you are almost to the
point where love is beginning to take priority
over sex, phobias and eating disorders.

Taurus April 21-May 20

Be wary of advice concerning physical reha—
bilitation from ANY San Francisco 4‘)er fan, or
at least plot out an excuse ifyou are caught. Love
is essential for happiness. People think their star
sign is all there is to astrology. You were advised
as to what kind ofrelationship it was going to be
in advance. 'l‘here is a difference between listen—
ing and hearing. Develop trust.

Gemini May 21-June 21

Choosing the behavior that involves the least
resistance won't lead you to self—satisfaction in
the long run, but it helps with the responsibility
shirking attitudes prevalent in the Washington,
D.(I., area. Geographical cures really won’t fix
the problem. The problem can only be moder—
ated with laser surgery. Go for the tattoo.

Cancer June 22-July 22

The Crab; nurturing, patriotic, retentive,
pretentious, sensitive, and sensual. 'l‘hings
could be great or awful for the week ahead,

WHAT'Syour Sign?

depending entirely on what you make ofit. lie
honest about your virtuous faults, and make a
friend by perfecting your wisdom. You will
piss off your deepest enemies, as if they care in
the first place. Resentments can be beautiful.

[on July 23-Aup. 22

Does your adviser reminds you of your
mother saying, “lust wait until your father gets
home?" Pre-registration is quickly approaching.
Your dilemma is how are you going to ask your
parents for tuition again when you should’ve
graduated three semesters ago? This synopsis is
an atlas of your blueprints for life, unless you
are lucky enough to be involved in an accident.

Iiirno Aug. 23-8ept. 22

Your conduct is your own. Your life forces
you to decide questions of right and wrong,
truth or falsity, etc. So far, you have tested the
waters on both sides of the faucet, but your
fate is not changing until you do something
about it. The question is when, if not why?

lilll‘a 80m. 23-0ct. 22

But seriously, your priorities may be a bit
skewed. By taking the positive approach to the
situation, adapting to a few — just a few -— of
society's cultural morals, your demeanor will
be more endearing. Be aware of the forks in
the road, as the