xt734t6f4n61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt734t6f4n61/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-10-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 24, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 24, 1990 1990 1990-10-24 2020 true xt734t6f4n61 section xt734t6f4n61  

Kentucky Kernel

.Leiorigtom-Kentudty - 'Maponoentstncoten

Wednesday. October 24, 1990

Students sign petition to protest food prices

Contributing Writer

Signing a petition in support of “a
decrease in food prices at UK Food
Services,” more than 2,000 students
have voiced their dissatisfaction with
campus food prices.

“I signed the petition because the
prices are ridiculous." said Allison
Dowell, an education sophomore.
“Students are all poor, and we can’t
afford to pay what we are paying for


Paige Daniel. a philosophy fresh-
man, said she joined 2,077 other stu-
dents in signing the petition “be-
cause there is a problem, and if
there's someone out there trying to
change it, I want to help them.”

Robert Braun, director of Food
Services. said that while Food Ser-
vices does not attempt to make a
profit, it must set its prices to avoid
losing money.

“We try to set our prices below

UK takes step
toward aiding
state health care

Senior Staff Writer

The UK Board of Trustees yester-
day took a step to further implement
the rural health initiative for Eastern
Kentucky approved last spring by
the Kentucky General Assembly.

The BOT heard a presentation of
UK’s role in the program and ap-
pointed Wayne Myers to oversee
the UK Center of Excellence for
Rural Health in Hazard, Ky.

The meeting was UK President
Charles Wethington's first since his
Sept. 18 selection by the BOT.

Wethington received an unexpect-
ed vote of support from former
Gov. A.B. “Happy" Chandler in the
form of a 10-minute speech directed
at those in the University not sup-
porting Wethington.

Some of Chandler’s remarks
mentioned the poor health condi-
tions in Kentucky, possibly prompt-
ed by the report at the meeting
about the initiative.

Chancellor for the Medical Cen-
ter Peter Bosomworth outlined UK
involvement in the initiative to the

Myers will be the director of the
Hazard center, which Bosomworth
called the “umbrella” for all the ac-
tivities in the rural health initiative.

The initiative dictates that UK
must conduct teaching, research and
provide medical service in Eastern

One of the primary functions of
the initiative is to offer off—site
bachelor programs in physical ther-
apy and laboratory technology and a
master‘s program for nursing.

The education sites are in More-
head, Ha7ard and London.

“Students will not have to leave
the area to come to the University
of Kentucky,” Bosomworth said.
“What this does is to open up a lot
of opportunities for men and wom-



Live bands will per-
form at Rocktoberfest,
a party hosted by the

College of Architec-
ture 9 pm. at Breed-

ing's. Cover for the
event is $5 and part of
the proceeds will go to

the United Way.



Cats, Dogs
rivalry has
.5 ‘I long history.


Diversion .......................... 4

Viewpoint .......................... 6
C|assttieds ........................ 7

en, frequently and particularly sin-
gle parents —— who are frequently
women —— to be able to get into
these fields, because they do not
have the resources to leave the

The program will be fully imple-
mented with the start of classes in
the fall 1991 semester. Once under-
way, the initiative will receive $5
million on a recurring basis from
the state.

The initiative will give UK a
presence throughout the state.
which has been a point of emphasis
for Wethington since his appoint-
ment as interim president in Decem-

“This University has a statewide
mission and role," Wethington said.
“It's a land grant institution and it
has the opportunity to serve the
state in a way that no other institu-
tion does. I see the rural health ini-
tiative as another good way to serve
the state. especially in east Ken-

Bosomworth said the program is
getting a positive response in its
early stages.

“The presence of the program has
already attracted national attention
and there is considerable interest on
the part of foundations in adding to
the financial support,“ Bosomworth

After Bosomworth’s speech,
Chandler spoke about division on
the campus. At times Chandler was
forceful, but his speech contained
some pauses and disjointed

The former governor and US.
senator argued that people who vot-
ed against Wethington were not
supporting him.

“They have been writing notes to
newspapers and magazines reliev-
ing themselves of their knowledge

See TRUSTEES, Back page

Archaeology information
focus of weekend exhibits

Contributing Writer

To promote awareness and under-
standing of archaeology, the UK
Museum of Anthropology will hold
an archaeology discovery weekend
this Friday through Sunday.

“People are curious about the
past," said Mary Powell, curator of
the museum and coordinator of the
weekend. “This weekend is de-
signed to provide them with an op-
portunity to learn and experience ar-
chaeology in action."

The event will feature a variety of
activities, including films, lectures.
prehistoric craft and technology
demonstrations. an active dig in
which the public can ' '
and an artifact identification exhibit.

Demonstration and exhibits will
be held on the front lawn of Lafferty
Hall Saturday 10 am. to 5 pm. and
Sunday noon to 5 pm.

Ashland, home of Henry Clay,
will be the site of an active dig open

off—campus (prices) because our
main mission is to serve students,”
Braun said. “We have to do this on a
self-funding principle. Food Services
receives no university money, no
state money.”

Also in defense of prices, assist-
ant director of Food Services Dick
Clark said: “We get comments about
prices every summer from parents.
They tell us how nice the prices are
and how low they are.“

The Student Government Associa-

tion plans to respond to the student
support for the petition by drafting a
resolution calling for a decrease in
food prices.

“We’re planning to sit down this
week and write the resolution. It
should go before the Senate next
week," said Jill Cranston, freshman
senator and SGA Campus Affairs
Committee member.

But not all students object to the
prices set by Food Services.

“I think (prices) are reasonable;

they’re not great. but they're reason-
able." said Stephanie Compton. a
freshman political science major.
Other students say they believe
only campus convenience stores car-
ry unreasonably priced items. “Cafe-
teria food is reasonably priced. It’s
at the convenience stores where pric-
es are ridiculous,” said business
sophomore Markham Rockwell.
But many students agree with
those who signed the petition. “Food
Services knows you have to use your

meal card and have to come to them.
I think their prices are just too ex-
pensive." said Deanna Walters, an
undeclared freshman.

“A lot of students take (the) $550
(meal plan) because that's all they
can afford. That $550 should last
them all semester, but it doesn’t,"
said sociology senior William Pit-

Pitney added that he supports Uni-

See PETITION, Back page






' ‘ . a y...“



John Surgener, an electrical engineering senior, takes a break before class to
catch up on current events in the Student Center yesterday.




Phone books
now available
at SGA office

Staff Writer

Campus directories for the 1990-91 academic year
are now available and accurate, said Jason Vandiver,
who edited the directories.

Unlike last year‘s phone books, “everything came
out the way it was supposed to" in this year‘s directo-
ries, Vandiver said.

About 24,000 directories were printed this year and
are available in the Student Government Association
Office, 120 Student Center. between 8 am. and 4:30

Last year, two editions of the directory had to be
printed because the blue pages ._, listing faculty and
staff address, among other things -— were out of order.
A second edition was reprinted containing the correct-
ed blue pages, said Sean Lohman, SGA president.

“It was really convenient to have two phone books,"
Lohman said. “If you needed to look up a faculty
phone number, you could just pick up the small phone
book. But luckily, we didn‘t have to reprint them this
year. It was a real burden last year to have to find peo-
ple again to unload the second shipment.“

The directories list phone numbers and addresses for
students. faculty and organizations.

Each individual student entry gives information such
as the student’s school and home addresses. schotl
phone number. major and classification. SGA recent".
information for the entries from the registrar's office

Changes in this year‘s phone book include moving;
what Lohman called “important information“ g lik:
information about residence halls, SGA. Student 0r
ganizations Assembly, fraternities. sororities. religious
organizations and a campus map ~ to the front of thC

“It's an all~around better phone book this year." ‘u’lld
Vandiver, a communications junior.

Last year, SGA signed a five-year agreement With
University Directories to print UK’s phone books. The
company sells advertising and compiles the yellow
pages for the books.

SGA members are “basically the editors of the
phone book," Lohman said. “We collect all the infor-
mation and organize the pages . We correct the in-

The directories are produced at no cost to SGA or
UK. In fact. about $15,000 is made on the phone
books. which goes directly into the student government

“To make that money from the directories for stu-
dent government is good," Lohman said. "The money
goes toward student services and some good program:
for students."



department of geography, “Rock
Fences of the Bluegrass,“ Whitehall

to the public. The excavation in

progress has a heavy artifact con- Staff Writer

installed on Rose


traffic light

Jamie Langford. a business
senior, said it was hard to turn

centration and was probably a 19th
century food production area, said
Kim McBride, historic archaeologist
for UK‘s Programs for Cultural Re-
source Assessment

“lt is important to educate people
about the past and why it is impor-
tant to protect archaeological sites,“
said Richard Jefferics of the UK de-
partment of anthropology.

Bruce D. Smith, curator of the
Museum of North American Ar-
chaeology at the Smithsonian Insti—
tute, will start the weekend with his
presentation. “Farmers. Chiefs and
Warriors — Late Prehistoric Socie-
ties in Eastern North America“ Fri-
thy at 8 pm. in Whitehall Class-
room Building room 102.

Featured speakers and topics on
Saturday will be: Berle Clay of the
Office of State Archaeology.
“Mounds and Earthworks of Central
Kentucky," in Lafferty Hall room
213 at 11 a.m.; Karl Raitz ofthe UK

Classroom Building room 306 at l
pm; and Nancy O‘Mallcy,
“Ground-truthing Kentucky’s Fron-
tier History," at 2:30 pm. in Laffer-
ty Hall room 213.

On Sunday the speakers are Chris
Pool, “Aboriginal Pottery-Making
Techniques,“ at 1:30 pm. and Jef-
fcries, “Archaic Hunters and Gather-
ers“ at 2:30 pm. Both lectures will
be in Laffcrty Hall room 213.

Larry and TaMara Beane from
Bridgeport, Ala. specialists in mak-
ing prehistoric pottery. tools and
weapons will demonstrate their
skills on the lawn in front of Laffer-
ty Hall.

Tamara Beane. who uses the
primitive technology of prehistoric
man to craft reproductions of south-
east lndian pottery, will demonstrate
the making of “coil pots."

Larry Beane will demonstrate the
making and use of such prehistoric

See PAST, Back page

The “left turn must yield on
green" sign at the intersection of
Euclid Avenue and Rose Street
created headaches for drivers, as
the heavy traffic often forced
yellow light on a left turn.

But the sign recently was tak-
en down to make way for a left
turn signal. and drivers no longer
lave to chance running a red

Many students think the instal-
lation of the light has alleviawd
some traffic problems at the in-

before you go. in you get to
Elizabeth“ Burma."Bdore,you



against traffic before the light
was installed.

“It was an extremely large bur-
den (before the installation) be-
cause you usually had to sit
through two or three traffic lights
before you could even get across.
or you had to run a yellow light,"
Langford said.

UK Student Government Asso—
ciation Senator at Large Allen
Pittman and Marl: Rocker. former
senator at large, were involved in
getting the process started.

Pittman consulted Rep. Ernesto




 2 — Kmtuoky Kernel, Wednesday. October 24, 1990


College Information Network

Two of every 1,000 students
tested at 35 US. college campus-
es are infected with the AIDS vi-
rus —- the same as in a survey 18
months ago. a federal scientist re-
ported Monday.

“It‘s reassuring to know the
proportion of HIV-positive stu-
dents does not appear to be ris-
ing." says Dr. Brian Edlin. at the
Centers for Disease Control.

Infection was found in 2% of
16,500 students at 35 campuses.
Edlin told the American Society
for Microbiology at a meeting in

The blood was taken for other

Nearly all infected students
were male and over 22, which
suggests transmission is occur-
ring mostly through homosexual
contact or intravenous drug use,
Edlin says. More women would
be infected if contact were heter-

Overall figures can be mislead-
ing, Edlin cautions; actual cam-
pus rates ranged from 0 to 9%,
with more infection at schools in


AIDS rates steady
among students


“And it's like being a
little bit pregnant.
When they start rela-
tionships, young
women still have to
take precautions, par-
ticularly if there are
multiple sexual part-

Dr. Mathilde Krim


areas with high AIDS rates -—
San Francisco, Los Angeles,
New York. parts of Florida and
New Jersey.

“Overall, it’s good news," says
Dr. Mathilde Krim, with the
American Foundation for AIDS
Research, New York City.

“But where it’s as high as
about 1 in 100, that’s not a negli-
gible number,” she adds.

“And it’s like being a little bit
pregnant. When they start rela-
tionships, young women still
have to take precautions, particu-
larly if there are multiple sexual



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Kinsey director speaks on sex

College Information Network

June Reinisch has perhaps the
world’s sexiest job.

The 5-foot-2 blonde woman is di-
rector of the Kinsey Institute for Re—
search in Sex, Gender and Repro-
duction at Indiana University in
Bloomington, Ind. If she is not lec-
turing on sex or conducting sex re-
search, she‘s probably writing about
the United States’ favorite subject.

The Kinsey folks are the ones
who recently issued a headline-
grabbing report saying U.S. resi-
dents are sexual illiterates — a na-
tion of individuals who still think
women can’t get pregnant during
their periods.

The Kinsey people are also the
namesakes of the “Kinsey Report,"
the syndicated sex-information col-
umn. Reinisch gets questions about
impotence. sexually transmitted dis-
eases, menopause, masturbation and
questions in what she calls the “Am
I normal?" category.

“I never get tired of talking about
sex," says Reinisch, on tour to pro-
mote her book, “The Kinsey Insti-
tute New Report on Sex: What You
Must Know to be Sexually Literate”
($22.95, St. Martin’s Press).

“Sex is such a wide topic —— it’s
related to everything," says Rein-
isch, who is 48 and looks like Joan
Rivers‘ twin.

Before starting with the Kinsey
Institute, Reinisch held all sorts of
glamorous. offbeat jobs. most of
which had little to do with acade-

In the ’605, for instance, she man-
aged Sly Stone of the rock group
Sly and the Family Stone. She was
on board with Sly when he released
such hits as “Everybody Is a Star”
and “Everyday People."

“When I worked with him, he
never missed a concert and was
never late,” she says of Sly, who Iat-
er became notorious for such delin-
quencies. “Sometimes I’d lock him

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in a lime and take him on the high-
way to talk. It was about the only
place we could be uninterrupted and
get our talking done."

She also has worked as a rock
singer (with the little-known group
the Seagulls), a dolphin trainer in
Florida, a nightclub manager in
Brooklyn, a chauffeur and a profes-
sor at Rutgers University. In addi—
tion she is a certified scuba diver,
has earned a pilot’s license and en-
joys sky diving.

“June is a kind of explorer in
life," says her husband of two years,
Leonard Rosenblum, a 54-year-old
psychiatry professor at the State
University of New York.

Reinisch, who was married once
before and adopted a daughter six
years ago, hardly fits the mold of
the disheveled-looking, absent-
minded professor.

In the ’603, she was a master's
degree student studying psychology
at Columbia University in New
York in mini-skin and white boots
—— “on full scholarship,” she says
with a smirk.

“I did not fit Columbia Urtiversity
at all. I spoke black rock talk for the
first four months."

But obviously she did fine there;
she later received her doctorate in

psychology from Columbia.

As a 6-year-old. June Machover
Reinisch was a dyslexic pupil at the
progressive City and Country
School in Greenwich Village, NY.
There she frequently led other kids
on forbidden tours of human fetuses
stored in jars in the school’s science

“I was a serious tomboy,” says
Reinisch. “I was always dirty and al-
ways had scabs on my knees. but
wanted to be like my very feminine

“My publisher made me wear a
skirt for this interview. I usually
wear pants.”

Now, past her scabby-knee days,
Reinisch is highly regarded by many
of her peers.

Paul Pearsall, clinical psycholo-
gist and author of “Super Marital
Sex: Loving for Life” (Doubleday,
$18.95), says: “She’s an outstanding
teacher in sex education. In this field
you very often have a good teacher
with inadequate or outdated knowl-
edge or a knowledgeable person
who is not the best teacher. June Re-
inisch is a great teacher who has ac-
curate knowledge about sexuality.

Her eight years as director of the
private, nonprofit Kinsey Institute
have produced their share of contro-

versy. She was asked to resign in
1988 by a faculty committee at Indi-
ana University, where the institute
is located.

Reinisch was criticized —-— some
say unjustly —— for administrative
her tenure.

“I was here during that time, as
well as 13 other people," says
Stephanie Standers. assistant direc-
tor of the institute and a former stu-
dent of Reinisch’s at Rutgers.

“I don’t know what exactly moti-
vated it. It seemed to be a very per-
sonalized attack on June. The uni-
versity did request her resignation,
and the board of trustees did not
concur. That was the past; we’ve all
moved ahead.

The fact that June is still here
says a lot."

Since that time, Reinisch man-
aged to finish her “Report," and it
seems to be a hit.

With the exception of a blistering
Boston Globe article that referred to
Reinisch’s press conferences as
“self-righteous noises,” the report
got positive press coverage and put
Kinsey in a very positive spotlight.

The report has made the best sell-
er lists of the trade publication Pub-
lisher’s Weekly and several book-

Miami to end sports dorms

College Information Network

University of Miami announced
yesterday it will work toward abol~
ishing athletic dorms, beginning
next year.

Miami president Edward Foote
said in a press release that starting
next fall, incoming freshmen will be
housed in traditional dorms on the
Coral Gables campus. Current stu—
dentathletes will have the option of
staying in their present dorms or

“We should be guided by the fun-
damental principle of equal treat-
ment for our students,” he said.

“Although it is true that student
athletes shoulder the burden of spe—
cial demands on their time and ener-
gies, it is also true that all students,
whatever their extra-curricular ac—
tivities, benefit enormously from in»
teraction with each other.”

The NCAA has debated a recom-
mendation that would abolish ath~
letic dorms in the near future.

The measure is to be further dis-


“Some say they
shouldn’t separate us
from the rest of the
students. But what we do

separates us."
Jessie Armstead

sophomore linebacker


cussed at the NCAA convention in

“There is a tremendous amount of
education that happens outside the
classroom, especially in our residen-
tial colleges,” Foote said. “We
should be making available to our
student athletes, as to all others, the
rich diversity, special programs, ex-
tra academic offerings. speakers and
all the rest now available to other

Some Miami football players said
they will stay in the dorms.

“They should keep the football
players separate," sophomore line-
backer Jessie Armstead said. “Some
say they shouldn‘t separate us from
the rest of the students. But what we


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do separates us.”

“I will stay in the dorms,” line~
backer Darrin Smith said. “That‘s
where I’m comfortable and the guys
are there that I feel comfortable

Junior safety Charles Pharms
lives off campus, but said he did not
feel separated from other students
while he lived on campus.

“Most times during the day you
could find half the football team in
the student union,” he said.

Pharms said there could be prob-
lems integrating athletes into regu-
lar dorm life.

“At night a football player is tired
and he has to study,” he said, “and
with all the noise (in a regular
dorm). tempers might flair.”

Miami football coach Dennis
Erickson said he had “more impor-
tant things to worry about this week
(Miami’s game with Notrc Dame
Saturday) than the dorms.

“But I will say," he continued,
“the way things were in the past
weren’t that bad."

Program adopted
to help finance
higher education

Campus Brlets

DENVER — Many states are de—
veloping innovative plans that help
families save for their children’s
college education, according to a re-
cent 50-state survey conducted by
the Education Commission of the

Alabama, Florida, Michigan,
Ohio and Wyoming now have tuiv
tion programs that allow parents to
prepay college costs at state univer-
sities. Other states are expected to
develop similar programs.

The cost of the plans. based on
projected college tuition and hous-
ing figures. seem more manageable
to parents over a five- to 10-year
period, says Education Commission
of the States spokesperson Christine

“In most states it seems to be
popular,” she says. “In Michigan.
40,000 people signed up for the
program the first year alone."

The programs include refund pol-
icies for students who later choose
another university, decide not to at-
tcnd college or receive financial














Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, October 24. 1990 - 3

Coaches united on media access

Assistant Sports Editor

In the world of sports journalism,
there is always tension when a fe-
male reporter enters a locker room
for post-game interviews.

That tension came to head recent-
ly when a female reporter for a Bos-
ton newspaper claimed she was ha~
rassed by several members of the
New England Patriots football team.

The incident, and the nationwide
debate that has ensued from the con-
troversy, has left many journalists
— and professional athletes, coach-
es and management — looking for
ways to deal with the problem.

The issue at hand is the fine line
between preserving an athlete’s pri-
vacy while maintaining equal access
to players for all journalists, regard-
less of sex.

The issue affects everyone in the
sporting community, and as one
might expect, it isn‘t hard to find
strong feelings on the subject That
is especially true at UK.

“As far as privacy of the athlete is
concerned, there shouldn't be any-
one in there (locker room) while
they are dressing — period,” said
Sharon Fanning, head coach of the
UK women’s basketball team.

“...I think it is a disadvantage if a
female can’t cover that same thing a
man can. But I just think they don’t
need to have people mnning in there
on top of them while they are get.
ting dressed," Fanning said. “While
they are dressing, I don’t even hang
around in there.“

UK baseball coach Keith Madi—
son, who also has played profession—



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ally, has a simple solution to the

“I don't think any reporter should
be in the locker room," Madison
said. “ I think all interviews
should be done outside the locker

As a player and a coach, Madison
said he has never been aware of any
such incidents with female report-

“Since I've been at Kentucky,
there have been some (female) re-
porters from the Kernel and other
papers, but to my knowledge there
has been no disrespect,” he said.

Chris Cameron, spons infonna-
tion director at UK, oversees all me-
dia contact with student athletes at
the University. He must find the un-
easy balance between accessibility
and privacy on a daily basis.

“I feel strongly, and the (South-
eastern) conference does as well,
that all reporters —— male or female
—— should have equal access,"
Cameron said.

“I think there are more ways to
accommodate reporters and still al-
low players to maintain their modes-
ty," he continued. “With careful
planning, I think you can come up
with a plan to make everyone hap-

One of the ways Cameron and
UK try to ensure that players retain

their privacy is to allow them a
“cooling off” period, immediately
following games. The time gives
players 20 to 25 minutes to shower
and dress before they are met by the
onslaught of competing reporters.

“I think there are two issues in-
volved here," Cameron said. “Some
have made it totally into a moral is-
sue. But the other issue is a lot more
simple, and that is enabling repen-
ers to do their jobs.”

UK football coach Bill Curry said
he thinks the policy has been suc-
cessful. “What we want to do is de-
velop a system that nobody is sub-
ject to humiliation and every person
is able to do his or her job.”

While UK tries to keep reporters
out of the locker room during poten-
tially compromising situations,
some say other organizations should
also move away from the practice of
letting the media into the players’

“There has been a tradition of in-
terviewing players inside the locker
room, and it’s not a journalist’s re-
sponsibility to change that tradition.
It’s the owner’s and management’s
responsibility,” Madison said.

For now, as long as female report-
ers are confronted with interviewing
towel—less athletes, the tension will
continue to exist and these incidents
most likely will happen again.



Cats, Dogs go way back

Staff Writer

Can you remember UK's
biggest win in football since its
1984 win over Wisconsin in the
Hall of Fame Bowl?

Among others, your memory
should conjure up UK‘s victory
over Georgia University in 1988
at Commonwealth Stadium.
Georgia, ranked 11th in the na-
tion at the time, fell 16-10 to
UK‘s tenacious team.

The Bulldogs will return to
Commonwealth Stadium Satur-
day for the first time since that

“There aren‘t too many places
harder to play in than Common-
wealth Stadium on a Saturday
night,” Georgia coach Ray Goff

Georgia’s 1990 campaign has
been strikingly similar to UK’s.

Like UK, the Bulldogs have
had no success on the road, they

have young players that are getting
better each week and both teams
have lost to LSU and Ole Miss in
Southeastern Conference play.

Both teams have failed to win on
the road. Georgia has fallen to LSU
and Clemson, while Kentucky has
lost to Rutgers, North Carolina Ole
Miss and LSU away from home.

Both UK and Georgia are show-
ing signs of improvement. After a
devastating fourth-quarter let down
against Indiana, UK put together
four straight solid games, despite its
1—3 showing over that stretch.

Georgia got back on track last
week at home against Vanderbilt.
After having suffered back-to-back
losses to Clemson and Ole Miss.
Georgia came away with a 39-28
win over the Commodores in Ath—

One major difference between the
teams is that Georgia possesses a
winning record at 4-3 (2-2 in the
SEC), while Kentucky’s record
stands at 2-5 (12 in the SEC).

UK-Georgia ties run deeper
than the obvious surface similari-
ties ~ UK coach Bill Curry’s fa-
ther is an alumnus of Georgia.

Curry, a man reputed for his
close family ties. therefore has a
deep respect for Georgia.

“My father was a Georgia
Bulldog,” UK coach Bill Curry
said. “I remember Georgia when
it was at its pinnacle Now
they‘re budding it back to where
they want it to be.‘

Despite L'K's I988 upset, the
Bulldogs still hold a 16-4 record
against the Cats in games played
in Lexington. Georgia holds an
overwhelming advantage in the
overall series (33-8-2).

Curry doesn't think the 1988
win -~— or any other external fac-
tors, for that matter -— will have
a major influence on Saturday's

“It’s the l9‘)() Kentucky Wild-
cats against the 1990 Georgia
Bulldogs," (furry said.


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