xt734t6f4n4v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt734t6f4n4v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-01-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1988 1988 1988-01-27 2020 true xt734t6f4n4v section xt734t6f4n4v  

, ’9




Vanderbilt losing reputation as SEC
whipping boy. SEE PAGE 6.





‘Marriage of Figaro’ to kick off
UK Opera. SEE PAGE 2.



Today: Partly sunny and cold
Tomorrow: Sunny, warmer





3 Med Center J
personnel back
from Israel trip _,

Contributing Writer

Amid the destruction occurring on
the West Bank of Israel, two UK
physicians and a nurse were able to
construct some good feeling while
living in the war-torn region for two

UK doctors J. William McRoberts
and Richard C. Sadove, and UK
nurse Dori Cucinotta spent 14 days
working for an organization known
as Physicians for Peace. They re-
turned Sunday and held a press con-
ference yesterday to talk about the

The group, comprising 10 physiv
cians and nurses from the United
States and Canada. primarily per-
formed medical operations on chil-
dren from the West Bank and Gaza

area who were in desperate need of
medical attention. Some of the chil-
dren required plastic surgery for
burn scars and facial disfigurements
as well as care for urological and
general surgery disorders.

The doctors said they felt partic-
ularly needed because some of the
children had birth defects that
should have been given medical at-
tention at birth. However, due to a
shortage of doctors, many children
in Israel don‘t receive proper medi-
cal attention when it’s needed. they

McRoberts, professor and chair-
man of the UK division of urology,
said he was particularly touched by
the gratitude of the people.

“The people were so appreciative
that at first I didn‘t know how to
react — they wanted to pose for pic-




I v


I083 L. ANDEIIEN/Komel Staff

UK Med Center nurse Dori Cucinotta and doctors Richard C. Sa-
dove and J. William McFioberts discuss their trip to Israel.

tures and introduce me to everyone
in their family — I've never felt
gratitude expressed that deeply.“ he

According to Sadove, who led the
team, the group‘s main purpose was
to show the people of Israel that “we
as a group of Americans and
Canadians are concerned about the
people of the area and that with the
improvement of the quality of life.
comes peace."

The doctors said they were sur-
prised at how little bureaucracy
there was in the Israeli hospitals. In
one instance, an Israeli physician
showed Sadove a patient who had a
cleft lip and asked if he would be in-
terested in correcting it.

Sadove replied that he would and
told the physician to make the nec-
essary arrangements. While he was
standing there, the Israeli physician
stamped “admitted" on the patient‘s

See ISRAEL, Page 3


The UK Rugby team practices


Out in front

on the snow-covered ground of

the athletic fields along Alumni Drive yesterday afternoon. The

high temperature yesterday was only in the teens, but the high
today is expected to hit a balmy 25 degrees.

DARREN MOM/Kernel Staff



Sakharov says Soviets,
U.S. should cooperate

Staff Writer

The United States and the Soviet
Union should work toward common
interests as allies and try to under-
stand each others‘ cultures, a Soviet
intelligence expert said last night.

Vladimir Sakharov. a former
KGB-CIA double agent who is now a
U.S. citizen, spoke about U.S.-Soviet
relations and a wide variety of other
topics before a nearcapacity crowd
in Memorial Hall.

“The Soviet Union‘s greatest
threat is not the U.S.. it‘s regional

conflicts," Sakharov said. “The Mid-
dle East holds a lot of danger for the
Soviet Union and . . . for America,
so we have something in common.
There are about a dozen countries in
this world . . . that will be able to
subject us to nuclear blackmail."
Sakharov said that “the history of
U.S.-Soviet relations is not of con-
frontation.“ He mentioned World
War II, in which the two countries
were allies, and the Seven—Day War
in the Middle East in 1967 in which
the Soviets avoided conflict with the

See AGENT. Page 5





SAB to bring Fawn Hall to campus

Staff Writer

I-‘awn Hall will bring her contro-
versies, opinions and herself to the
UK campus Feb. 25 as part of the
Student Activities Board‘s contem-
porary affairs committee program.

Hall, the former secretary for Lt.
Col. Oliver North. who testified dur-
ing the Iran-contra hearings last
summer, will speak on “The Free-
domtoGetIt Right."

Her speech will explain her belief
that there are times when one must
do what one conflders to be morally
right, even if it conflicts with writ.

Michael Hunt. contemporary af-
fairs committee chairman, said he


(Fawn Hall’s) topical,
because the Iran-

contra affair is still hot.
Michael Hunt

felt Hall's appearance was “a good
opportunity to hear her side of the

“She’s topical," he said, "because
the Irancontra affair is still hot‘

Hunt has not signed a contract
with I-Iall, but said her agent, Carol
Buckner of the William Morris
Agency, is drawing one up for him
to sign nextweek.

Hunt said students had expressed
a “great interest“ in bringing Hall
to campus and said he was “looking
forward to a successful contempo-
rary affairs event."

Bruce Lorch, who co-chairs the
concert committee with Pete
Kambelos, said she feels this event
will appeal to a broad range of stu-

“I think they will be interested for
some students in certain areas of
the campus,“ she said.

Hall‘s speech will be at a pm. in
the Student Center Ballroom. fick-
ets are $3 for students with a valid
UKID and 85 for the general public.

Hunt said he and Buckner are still They cm be pumhmd at the Stu-


the price for nny, .9. :31: lCenter Ticket Office starting

Wednesday..lariuary27. 1988

Physics department
receives $50,000

Anonymous donor gives money
for undergraduate scholarships

Staff Writer

The department of physics and as-
tronomy was seeking funds for its
graduate research program last
year when department chair
Alan MacKellar approached an indi-
vidual in hopes of receiving a pri-
vate donation.

After he was turned down.
MacKellar turned his attention
along other avenues of raising dona—

After making several appeals to
UK alumni, MacKellar received a
letter from the same man who had
turned him down only a few months
earlier. The man said he was donat-
ing $50,000 to the department to be
applied toward undergraduate schol-

Physics and astronomy depart-
ment faculty members were both
surprised and enthusiastic about the
donation, which MacKellar said
could have a “major effect” in the
undergraduate physics program.

Unlike most contributions made to
the University, this grant was not
coordinated through the Alumni An»
nual Giving Fund.

In addition to the money being re
stricted to undergraduate physics
majors. the donor, who asked to re
main anonymous. stipulated that
eight scholarships be set aside for
entering freshmen wanting to major
in physics. Students pursuing special
emphasis degrees are also eligible.
and the departmental grant can cor-
respond with Iiniversity academic

Scc MONEY. Page 1

Internal situation,
King day face SGA

Staff reports

The Student G0vernment Adminis-
tration tonight will decide the fate of
the executive vice president. The
senate will consider an amendment
that calls for the abolishment of the
office and calls for a chief of staff to
be appointed by the president to
oversee the operations of the exec-
utive branch.

The amendment is sponsored by
SGA Allied Health Senator David
Bingham and Executive Vice Presi-
dent Brad Dixon.

Dixon. who pledged during last
spring‘s campaign to abolish the ex-
ecutive vice president‘s position if
elected. said he is sponsoring the bill
to help students know who their
leaders are.

Two vice presidents are “awfully
confusing," he said. and some stu-
dents cannot distinguish between the

Some senators have suggested the
amendment is politically motivated,
but Dixon said he‘s been “talking
about it since I've been elected."

During his term as executive vice
president, Dixon has said President
Cyndi Weaver has isolated him from
the activities of SGA. Weaver has
said the reason Dixon has not been
given a major role in SGA is be-
cause he lias not been around the

SGA office and he has not told her
what he wants to do with the posi-

Bingham said if the president is
allowed to appoint a chief of staff. it
will “lessen the possibility ol~ dissen-
tion in the executive branch and in
some ways lessen red tape. “

Other items on SGA's agenda to
night include:

0 a bill that calls for [K to ob-
servc Martin Luther King Jr.'s
birthday as a legal holiday. Accord»
ing to GA administrative assistant
Craig Friedman. who is the primary
sponsor of the bill. it would be a
"good symbol" if LK closed in rec»
ognition of King's birthday

“It's time I'K takes a stand.” said
Communications Senator Jason Wil-
liams. one of the bill's sponsor.
"This stands for an idea. not just a

UK is one of the few universities
in the state that is not closed on
King‘s birthday since it was made a
legal holiday in the linited States.
Friedman said.

- a bill passed by the Political Al-
fairs Committe allowing the Student
Lobby to work for the allowance of
commercialization of the Student

The senate will meet at 7:30 to-
night in 206 Student (‘enter

Aides say Bush ‘mugged’ by Rather

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — George Bush‘s
campaign aides said yesterday the
public backs Bush in his televised
clash with CBS anchorman Dan
Rather and they moved quickly to
exploit what they called a case of
“an unfair journalist trying to mug
the vice president."

“I don‘t want to have a big run—
ning fight with Dan Rather," said
Bush when asked about the incident
while campaigning in Cheyenne,

“He’s got to do his thing. he‘s got
to do it his way. And I‘ve got to de-
fend my record and get my case to
the people,“ he said.

However, Bush campaign aides
saw nothing wrong with crossing
swords with the CBS anchorman.
long viewed with contempt by many

“Any time any Republican gets
into a fight with Dan Rather and
wins, he’s going to come out very
well with Republican primary vot~
ers.“ said Lee Atwater, Bush‘s cam-
paign manager.

“I got powder btirns." said former
secretary of state Alexander M.
Haig Jr., when asked if he had
watched the confrontation. During
Republican presidential debates.
Haig has aggressively questioned
Bmh about his Iran-contra role.

“I think in the near term Bush
came out ahead." said Haig. “But in

In Iowa, where presidential rival
Bob Dole loath Bub in most polls,


The bastard didn’t lay a
glove on me.
George Bush,
U.S. vice president


the Kansas senator‘s campaign
chairman, Stephen Roberts, said
running against Rather in the state
was “not a bad bet.“

Atwater said that even if the con-
frontation does not boost Bush
enough to beat Dole in Iowa, it will
help the vice president in the next
big contest. the New Hampshire pri-

“And I guarantee you, it‘ll play
stronger than grits in the South,“ he

In the clash with Rather and in an
earlier debate confrontation with
Des Moines Register editor James
Gannon, what triggered the vice
president's ire were suggestions he
had not answered all questions
about his involvement in the Iran-
cntra affair.

During the nine-minute live seg-
ment on the evening news, Bush
said, “You know what I‘m hiding?
What I told the president. That‘s the
only thing. And I‘ve answered every
question put before me."

The questiom dealt entirely with
Iran-contra despite Bush‘s protest
that the network had told his cam-
filesof incandidates.

When the interview ended, CBS
sauces said Bush declared. “The

Obviously angry. Bush told (‘88
technicians in his office. "Tell your
goddamned network that if they
want to talk to me to raise their
hands at a press conference. .\'o
more Mr. Inside stuff after that . “

Tom Bettag. executive producer of
the news show. said he saw no rea
son why Rather should apologize.

“I can‘t imagine a reason why he
should apologize." said Beltag. “He
did his best under extremely diffi~
cult circumstances. I think the vice
president set the tone for the aggres~

Peter Teeley. a Bush spokesman.
said the incident set off a flood of
calls supporting the vice president.
including offers of money,

Rich Bond, who is running Bush‘s
Iowa campaign. said the state head-
quarters continued io be flooded
with calls.

“Iowa is a fair-play state." said
Bond “and what Iowans saw last
night doesn't need to be explained to
them, They saw an unfair journalist
trying to mug the vice president of
the United States."

Roberts insisted. however. that
”the result out here, barring some
thing unforeseen at the moment. is
fairly well set. . . . I think Iowa Re-
publicam have generally made up
their minds,“ a conclusion that
would forecast a Dole victory in the

Eddie Mahe. a Republican consul-
tant not involved in the campaign.
said the incident probably would
help Bush in the short run but
added, ”I don‘t know quite how it's
going to shake out long term'



UK Opera Theatre premieres‘musically satisfyin

Staff Writer

It's wedding bells for UK's Sin-
gletary Center for the Arts as UK
Opera Theatre celebrates its 32nd
year with the performance of “The
Marriage of Figaro. “

Phillip Miller. conductor of the
opera. said this comic. lively opera
by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is
well-known and will be a good per
formance to open the ‘88 season.
“It‘s the most popular of all oper-
as." Miller said. “and it's the most
musically satisfying.“

The opera shows the inequalities
and injustices of the feudal system
in a humorous way through the
greed of the Count of Almaviva try-
ing to take advantage of his serfs.
Cases of mistaken identity arise
when the serfs outwit the Count. “it
pokes fun at the aristocracy." Miller

Mozart‘s music. Miller said, is soft
enough for a young voice. such as
that of a college student.

"It is a good opera and we cast it
with lots of roles that students can



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Miller said “The Marriage of Fig-
aro" is vital, very contemporary
and is good musical theater.

The setting of “The Marriage of
Figaro” is Spain. But with UK’s per-
formance, it changed to Mexico and
Texas. Miller said this change of lo-
cale was due to the feudal system
lasting longer in the United States
than in Europe.

“It (the location) is more identi-
fiable to Americans." Miller said.

Other changes had to be made.
but these were because of the ar-
chitecture of the Singletary Center
for the Arts.

John Holloway, set designer for
“The Marriage of Figaro." said
since the Center was designed for
concerts and not for operas, they
had to come up with one unit set for
the entire production.

Holloway said the design planning
began last October with the con-
struction beginning in December.
Now the Center for the Arts has a
tracking system under the stage
floor for quick scene changes.

More money is expected to come
from the benefit performance Fri-
day night. Miller said the endow-

Student Prices
1 Visit $3.00
2 vists $5.00

5 Visits $11.50

10 VlSliS $19.00

20 VlSltS $34.00

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ment for opera is being built up at
UK since “funds are drying up. "

The benefit was Miller’s idea. but
it’s in honor of UK's vocal coach and
opera supporter Phyllis Jenness.
The benefit is therefore named the
Phyllis Jenness Opera Fund.

This benefit offers preferred seat-
ing available with a ticket purchase
of $25 or $50, but regular-priced
seats are also availble that evening
as well.


. .
. .
. .

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Erik Reece
Arts Editor

IAWAL “HAWK/Kernel Ste" ‘

In the UK Opera Theatre production of Mozart's by Lori White, the Count by Wayne Gebb and
“Marriage of Figaro," (from left) Suzanna is played Carabino by Martha Bassett.


a New







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 Reagan to seek $36 million

in mostly non-lethal contra aid

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — President Rea-
gan told congressional leaders yes-
terday he will seek $36.25 million in
mostly non-lethal aid to Nicaraguan
rebels, with $3.6 million of it set
aside for arms and ammunition but
held in abeyance pending a cease-

Under the plan, Reagan would
issue a certification on March 31 as
to whether a cease-fire was in effect
between the contra rebels and the
leftist Sandinista government of Ni-
caragua and whether other condi-
tions had been met.


Continued from Page I

The money must be spent in five
years. Faculty members are hoping
the interest in the physics depart-
ment will increase during that peri-

“I hope that it (the donation) sti-
mulates growth in the undergrad-
uate program and in the depart-
ment." said Michael Kovash, an
associate professor of physics.

A special committee, of which Ko-
vash is a member, will evaluate
scholarship applications based on
both academic merit and financial
need. Scholarships will last from one
to four years.

”This is a unique oppourtunity for
undergraduate students in the de-
partment wishing to major in physi-
cs," MacKellar said.

MacKellar said scholarship appli-
cations are due Feb. 15.

“If there is no ceasefire in place,
then I would assume the president
would feel the pressure has got to
continue to be applied for release of
further military assistance,” House
Republican leader Robert Michel of
Illinois told reporters.

The aid package is designed to
keep the contras supplied for four
months. At one time, Secretary of
State George P. Shultz had said the
administration planned to seek $270
million to cover an 18-month period.

“Now that it's down to proportion,
we’ve got good grounds to sell the
(House) membership, partly on the
basis of what happens in a worst-
case scenario when it goes down,"
Michel said. “You cannot divorce
that issue from presidential politics
in this country as we go into another

The administration maintains that
continued support of the contras is
needed to keep the Sandinistas from
consolidating a base for the spread
of communism in Central America.

Reagan outlined the package at a
meeting with Republican congressio-
nal leaders and a later session with
House and Senate leaders from both
parties. The president, who will for-

mally unveil his proposal today, de-
clined to discuss the issue with re-


But House Democratic Whip Tony
Coelho of California said, “It isn't
going anywhere. It’s just a political
ploy to gather a few more votes."

And Coelho’s chief deputy, Rep.
David Bonior, D-Mich., said the pro-
posal to place the lethal aid in es-
crow “is a trigger to a gun pointed
right at the peace process."

Past presidential certifications,
“have been simply used as a ruse to
get more contra aid," Bonior said,
noting seven such certifications
since 1984.

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-
Mass., said: “This request is the
last gasp of the administration's
dying policy of more guns and bul-
lets for the contras. Instead of nego-
tiating with swing votes in Congress,
the administraiton should be nego-
tiating with the Nicaraguan govern-

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., argued
for giving Congress a role in deter—
mining whether a cease-fire is in ef-

fect. He said the president indicated
that the idea would be considered.




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Students who will receive a scholarship in 1988/89 from the office of the Vice
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Late applications are not accepted. Undergraduate application packets are avail-
able in college dean's offices and Room 7 Administration Building. Graduate stu-
dents should go to Room 321 Patterson Office Tower; Graduate School appli-
cation deadline is April 1, 1988. All qualified students are urged to apply.

Submit by March 7, 1988 to:
Scholarship/Retention Office
Academic Affairs, Lexington Campus
7 Administration Building
University of Kentucky


Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday. January 27, 1988 - 3



OIsraeI trip proves beneficial

Continued from Page I

card, and then they walked up
stairs to the operating room and
performed the operation. The pa-
tient then got up and went home.

“The turnaround time is
around five minutes (between op-
erations), it really surprised
me,” Sadove said.

In addition to performing oper—
ations on 72 patients, the team
also conducted seminars on
newly developed medical tech-

niques. The doctors said that be-
cause of the absence of universi-
ties on the West Bank, physicians
there particularly appreciated
being brought up to date.

As a result, professional
friendships were formed easily
and plans are underway to bring
Israeli physicians to the United
States for additional training.

The nurses there were also ap-
preciative of the knowledge they

gained as


studied the

along. Cucinotta said she fondly

remembers how warmly


other nurses greeted her and
being introduced to a rich and

exotic culture.

The three said the trip was so
beneficial that plans are under-
way to bring a whole staff of UK
medical members back to the re-
gion sometime next year.


























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 4 — Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. January 27, was


SGA amendment
abolishing position
should be defeated

Although it may not be obvious to the average student,
the executive branch of the Student Government Associa-
tion probably has the greatest impact on the student body.
Guest speakers, the annual food drive during Thanksgiving
and the book exchange are only a few of the projects the
executive branch helps to coordinate.

However, if an amendment sponsored by SGA Allied
Health Senator David Bingham and Executive Vice Presi-
dent Brad Dixon is approved by the senate tonight, SGA‘s
ability to meet the needs of the students in the future will
be hampered substantially.

The amendment proposes to abolish the role of exec-
utive vice president and have the president appoint a chief
of staff to oversee the operations of the executive branch.

The motivation for the amendment is the conflict be-
tween Dixon and President Cyndi Weaver.

Dixon, who was elected from an opposing ticket, claims
he has been isolated by Weaver from the activities of SGA.
Weaver says the reason she has not given Dixon a larger
role in SGA is because he has not been around the SGA
office and he has not told her what he wants to do with the

As a result, the two have spent more time bickering
than working together, and as a result, the executive
branch of SGA has suffered. Had it not been for Executive
Director Ken Walker, who Weaver appointed to essentially
assume Dixon’s responsibilities, the executive branch
probably would have been incapacitated this year.

The idea behind the amendment is a worthy one — to
ensure that the president will have someone within the ex-
ecutive branch who will see that the job is done. But the
answer is not abolishing the role of the executive vice pres—
ident. Just because you have one year in which two exec-
utive officials oppose each other, you do not eliminate one
of the positions in order to solve the problem.

Furthermore, the idea of appointing a chief of staff to
assume the duties of the executive vice president has seve-
ral flaws.

First of all, the amendment provides no salary for the
chief of staff. If quality individuals are to be attracted to
the position and expected to put in the time and effort the
position commands, they would have to be financially com-

Even if the chief of staff was paid, the president
shouldn‘t have the power to appoint an individual to a posi-
tion that would have a salary of about $1,500 a year. Politi-
cal patronage has been much too common among SGA’s
leaders in the past.

Dixon and Weaver have proven that we should not ex-
pect future executive branch officers to be able to rise
above their petty indifferences and do what they were
elected to do —— serve the needs of students.

However, there is an alternative that might ensure that
presidents and the executive vice presidents of the future
have a more harmonious relationship than the one Dixon
and Weaver have had this year.

By requiring executive candidates to run on tickets, in-
stead of individually, and only allowing students to vote for
straight tickets, you could guarantee a president would be
elected to office with people he or she chose to serve with.

That way, if a president is unhappy with one of his or
her vice presidents, he or she will only be able to blame
themselves for choosing to run with that person.

Last year, the Kernel opposed a similar proposal be‘
cause the bill was so politically motivated it stunk. Per-
haps this year it could be proposed as a sincere attempt to
avoid future wars between exectutive branch members.

Tonight‘s amendment would do more harm than good.

The Soapbox

Former UK basketball coach Adolph Rupp once said all he wanted
from God was an NCAA championship and a parking space on this

The Baron got four championship trophies over his 42-year career,
but he probably had a more difficult time finding a place to park his

Each year. students. faculty and staff increasingly complain about
the lack of parking spaces on UK's campus.

A quick check of the parking lots around campus would probably
reveal that many cars are parked illegally because the drivers could
not find anywhere else to park it.

Nevertheless, many of the illegally parked vehicles are open season
i or either a parking ticket or even worse, a tow truck.

What do you think should be done about the parking problem?
Should more parking lots or parking structures be built? Or should the
Universny find some other alternative?

Submissions to “The Soapbox“ will be printed on the Viewpoint
page Thursday. Jan. 27.

People submitting material should address their comments to “The
Soapbox," Kentucky Kernel, 035 Journalism Building, Lexington. Ky.

Writers must include their name, address, telephone number and
major classification or connection with UK on all submitted material.

If letters and opinions have been sent by mail, telephone numbers
must be included so that verification of the writer may be obtained. No
material will be published without verification. All entries are subject


CA. Duane Bonlier
Editorial Editor

Dan Haas-rt
Editor in chief

Jay Blanion
Executive Editor

Thomas J. Sullivan
News Editor

Michael Brennan
Editorial Cartoonist

Karen Phillipa
Design Editor











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Black vs. white issues used as reminders, not sticks

As black students at UK, we are
appalled at the letter “UK not dis-