xt734t6f4m8n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt734t6f4m8n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-04-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 06, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 06, 1982 1982 1982-04-06 2020 true xt734t6f4m8n section xt734t6f4m8n —————-———.——_-__—____—_————————___———____——__———
3 See page 4 for the runrln between the 8 ‘
o- Police and Joan left at Rupp Arena lost a
'3 Sunday In their first area appearance a '
Today you may find yourself doubling here the two groups gave an awesome ”
that Spring ctcr sprung. More rain and % performance a
high winds are expected \Mlh highs rang-
ing from the iiiid 30s in low 40s and lows ulnanBO ['QJIIOJBILII” Q
in the Mid Ztls to lo“ It)» I
Vol. LXXXIV, N0. [37 My. Wt In UH'VCVMIV olKon'url-y Ion-nylon Kentucky A" Hidopondwr'x'uden' newspaper s Iiu IV" _.
‘I o o o
I Colummst Safire defends recessmn
. By JAMES EDWIN HARRIS only thing that‘s worked is putting Baker. a ”three-handed man" who ed. however. With his discussmn of I
I ‘5?“ Assistant Managing Editor the country through a wringer." is known in Washington as “a born the possible Democrat nominees. ‘
. The lecture, which annually and skillful compromiser." is one Former Vice President Walter '
y. ___.____.___.___-- brings to UK an outstanding you. of three Republicans who may re» Mondale is the front-runner. Satire .-
_' Although Reaganomics has cre nalist to meet and talk with stu- place Reagan. Safire said. said. Simply because he wants to II
ated a deep recession. William Sa- dents and to speak to the general Many are concerned. however. return to Washington -I
: fire, political columnist for The public, was also an opportunity for about Baker's ability to withstand Mondale is being pushed toward -I
'. New York Times. said the recos- the quick-wilted Satire to entertain a long campaign. with its life of the political center by Sen Ed~ '
_ sion “has been a blessing." and his audience with a “tour d'hori- “Ramada Inns, rubber chickens ward Kennedy of Massachusetts. =
. credited President Ronald Reagan zonI” an overview of the world‘s and handshakes.“ Kennedy. Satire said. “kept the .
with following an unpopular path events during which he issued George Bush. who is “assiduous- faith when the liberals were .I .
. . ' tosolving America's economic ills. forth predictions about the coming 13’ being a 800d Vice Prfildeht." against the W811" .
r/ . “The recession has been a bles- months‘ news. may become the candidate. al» Chief among Safire's dark horses _
i“ sing." Satire said at the Center for He commented extensively on though Safire said "he doesn‘t for the Democratic nomination 15 Q
' “Q the Arts last night. "What this the American political scene and come across as conservative ()hio Sen. John Glenn. “8 man fa-
=‘9I*. country needed was a good year- the 1984 Presidential race. citing enough," and he is a “Rockefeller mous for going around the world I:
I and-a-half of recession." possible candidates and humorous- Republican — a dirty word at a in a crouched position." according .
I . Safire told the crowd of 400 gath- ly noting their strengths and weak- Republican convention.“ to Safire. ..
/ ered for the fifth annual Joe Crea- nesses. New York Congressman Jack He said Glenn would be the -
/ ~ son lecture that Reagan‘s efforts The Republican party. Satire Kenp also waits in the Republican Democrats‘ standard—bearer despite .
..Im _ in bringing inflation from an an- said, will “take a bath“ this fall, wings, although his major problem his glaring lack of charisma. '
5's *II is I nual rate of 12 percent down to losing 30 to 35 seats in the House will be trying to run for the presi- “Some say when Glenn gives a f".
IInikiIicysm'». - I' ‘ around three percent at the ex— and perhaps control of the Senate. dency from the House of Represen- fireside chat. the fire goes out." V
.; e : ~ (I 3' pense of high unemployment have Reagan. despite his budget and tativos. Satire said a:
I _.: . i been necessary. economic woes and falling popular- "You ask him who his favorite He picked Kemp for the Repubh- -‘
f’ . 3t “It's the pain 0f Success." Satire ity. has governed the country well. president is. and he‘ll tell you can nomination. but covered his
I33 if said. “When you take thOSe hurt Safire said. but he warned the James K. Polk." Safire said. refer» mouth and mumbled his ch0ice for .1
3 . ~ by inflation over those out of work president may be limited to a sin- ring to Polk's status as the only the next preSident “I may be in I”.
.f , i - and those affected by Reaganom» gle term in office because of his president elected directly from the 9mm" game said in defendmg his
WILLIAM 5”“! "mm/“""uw test you “mow the greatest 800d unpopular stands. House. , I choices. ”but i am never in .1
for the greatest number The Tennessee Senator Howard Safire‘s wit became more p0int- doubt “' II
Ptt'lfd t'l'lt' l
By JAMES EDWIN HARRIS the national Engineers‘ Council for ProfesSional De- among other things. seats a student representative on "1 think the council works only when it‘s fair to all }
Assistant Managing Editor velopment. it the institutions." Richards told The Courier Journal
House Speaker Bobby Richardson had previously Senate Bill 168 adds two members to the lS—mem» "This (amendmentv Will give each institution better i.
called that situation “disgraceful" in light of mining's ber Council. and requires the Council include a rep representation."
Editor's note: the following is an analysis of legis- place in the state‘s economy. and said the House resentative from each Kentucky congressional district Currently. the Council‘s membership includes five "
lotion by this year’s General Assembly that will of; would remedy it in this session. With passage of the and an alumnus from each of the eight state-support» graduates from UK. two from Murray State and one
feet higher education. truck tax. a remedy appears closer if not certain. ed universities from Morehead State ,.
With the close of the 1982 regular session of the The truck tax package also made possible the real~ SB 168 also requires the governor to nominate to The amendment mandates the nomination of at :.
General Assembly, Gov. John Y. Brown called educa~ location of an extra $1.96 million in new money for the Council a Kentucky citizen attending on a full~ least one graduate from Eastern Kentucky. Western
tion the “number one winner" in terms of influential seven of the eight state-supported universities. Early time basis one of the statevsupported universities to a Kentucky. Kentucky State and Northern Kentucky
legislation passed in the session. Brown told the Council on Higher Edu~ one«year term each July 1. Universities and Lil.
Education may have been a winner. but time will cation its plan for spending new money in the 198284 The student representative bill. killed in 1978 and . . _ 1-";
tell if higher education can be included in that analy- was unacceptable and demanded it come up with a 1980. met the same fate when originally introduced in The (9‘1"“1' 5. makeUP “'1“ “Qt be affected by the ."
sis. new proposal. the Senate this year. Sen, Ed Ford, D-Cynthiana. also congressmnal d‘smm reSidency clause Three (01mm "
The most influential piece of legislation passed A revised propmal met with resistance from the re- attempted to make it a floor amendment. but it was members are from She “h and 6th d'smm‘ two are ”If .
doesn't directly deal with higher education. The gov- gional universities' presidents and their legislators. the initiative of Rep. Joe Barrows. D‘Versailles. that from 'h" ‘5" 3'“ 3th and 7th dim-m“ and "n" W "-I".“
ernor‘s controversial truck tax. apparently dead some however. and spurred an extensive lobbying effort by was finally successful, tacking it onto a House bill. from the 2nd (1‘5” '0‘“
weeks ago. surfaced at the endIof the session and all the presidents and their representatives. Brown It requires each of the eight universities‘ student The governor said he believes he can keep the ("I
was approved. The measure. which would bring the ended the lobbying Feb. 5 with a final compromise body preSidents deliver a nomination to Brown. who (‘ouncil baSicallv intact with the use of dual appoint- .
state some $45 million in new money for road repairs plan for the universities. . , Wlll choose one to fill the positionI I I men“ by having certain members represent both a 3;.
each year, ensures the freeing 0f funds to enable It used the CounCil's baSic compromise. but added Harry Snyder. CHE executive director. said CounCil congressional district and a university .Iy
other programs to begin. 5400.000 to four of the five regional univerSities' bud- member Evan Perkins‘ performance in his two years The bill also contained a clause mandating the I.’ I'
One of those programs is the construction of a gets in 1982-83. It also fully funded UK and the Uni- on the panel facilitated the amendments success. Speaker of the House and the presmem pm Tem of
building to house the University‘s mining engineering versity of Louisville in 1982453. and set asxde another Perkins. a Morehead State University graduate. IS the Senate each nominate one person [0 S” on the
program. School officials were elated by the gover- $1.2 million in 1983-84 for the two schools. currently a UK law student. panel. '
nor's decision to finance the $8 million in debt serv- The compromise. averting a showdown in the Leg- Perkins joined the Council in July. 1980.
ice the new school will accrue. islature, passed both houses without a hitch. and en- The clause of the bill dealing with univerSity grad- Two financial aid bills were passed to the gover it If
Brown‘s action may ensure the school is accredited sured the eventual use of the Council‘s missmn model uates was added as a House amendment by Rep. nor‘s desk Senate Bill 119. which would favor those
sometime in the future by the only group which can formula for financing higher education starting in Jody Richards. D-Bowling Green. the chairman of the students enrolling in the health professions. authorizes
do so nationwide. Currently. graduates of UK's min- 198485, House Education Committee. Richards was one of a the Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Cor- L 3’
ing engineering school cannot be licensed as mining The Council itself was altered by two measures. group of legislators which opposed the Council‘s pro— poration to make loans to parents whtisc children are 1""
engineers because the school lacks certification by one a sweeping change of its membership that. oosals for funding the regional universities. enrolled in health professions ',
- I
S t t' d' d b tl ' “ l't' l ”
A sena e mee mg a journe a run y in po 1 ma move
",.. \
_ motions that disrupt the business the immediate nature of the issue that used to surround the Student will cover a 60 pound side of pork. cardiopulmonary resuscnation to '-'.
By NANCY E. DAVIS of the meeting.“ precludes Senate consideration.“ Association has really been diffi- a chain drive rotisserie pit, beve~ be taught by CPR instructor John ' II,
Assistant Managing Editor When asked why he moved to SRC members present at the cult." adding that the “confer- rages and the usual picnic sup Woodall, The course. open to all 3r".
adjourn the meeting, Flynn said, meeting — Dinkle. Senator-at- ence" will help the new senators plies. students. faculty and staff. Wlll be , .,
__.___.___._,_.____ “I had things to do . . . it seemed Large Scott Hisle. former Home acquaint themselves with other offered Saturday. April 24 and Sun- '.I-
In what some Student Associa- like the thing to do As an af- Economics Senator Edie Rowe. members. The senate also passed a bill to day, April 25 in the Student Gen 34?; 5
tion senators viewed as a political terthought. he said “It was politi» and Madeleine and Vincent Yeh ~~ Expenses for the "conference" sponsor an instructional course in ter. .
‘ move, last night's regular senate cally motivated. you know that." passed bills that allocated $126 for
meeting was adjourned after only The meeting was adjourned the Kernel ads and handbills to solicit Ii";
45 minutes and the passage of two remaining bills on the agenda. two students interested in working with ~IleI.
bills. of which were sponsored by Prosi- SA. hf»
The motion for adjournment. dentelect Jim Dinkle, could be “The ads needed to be put in be- I Ij'.f -.
» made by Arts 6: Sciences Senator discussed. Immediately following fore the next senate meeting .'
Rodney Flynn. came immediately the senate meeting. however, Vin- (April 19) to be effective," said
after the introduction of two bills cent Yeh called a Senate Review Vincent Yeh. ' I..I'
for consideration by the senate. Committee meeting to discuss the In other business, the senate ’35.?
“Recognition of the motion by bills ignored by the senate. passed a bill allocating $233 for a . -.'.I
(Vice President 13°th Clark) was SA's constitution states, “A Sen- “year-end conference." A&S Sen» "i
(politically motivated)," said Mrs ate Review Committee shall ator Dean Garritson. sponsor of ".
. Senator Madeleine Yeh. “A proper hold the authority to exercise the the bill. said many new senators 'I .
' chair does not pay any attention to authority of the . . . Senate, when find “breaking the old-boy network $- .‘ ‘.
1982 83 K t k ' d 't chosen ‘ “‘ '
- .tv . “ .‘1 1
en uc Ian e l ors
__ the 1982 Kentuckian, UK‘s official pointed to head the yearbook in ,, ' \ .31
By ANDREW OPPMANN yearbook. the publication‘s history. said -fl;.’ I}. L», I... .'.
Senior Staff Writer LaFalce. 20‘ is managing editor Nancy Green. student publications ‘ 2......isy" .. H. I. ’r‘ J .. .
of the 198i Kentuchiun and Bevil. adviser. . . ' g.” " " Ir _;
___________I____~ 20‘ is campus section editor. “As far as I know, this the tll'St . III '
The University Student Publica- The board's decision. announced time co-editors have been ap w I.
tions Board selected Lisa LaFalce last night. is believed to be the pointed." Green said. I .. . .
. and Dewayne Bevil as co-editon of first time co-editors have been up “I think its a 800d “198- 53'd -'
. . LaFalce. a journalism junior from ’1‘
U » Lexington. ”l have no qualms . :, ’
. . .. - about working with someone else . .2 .. I~ \
a ‘ 7- Y ~it‘safine idea." I t 3 ,i 5‘ . * ~ ‘
' . ,. " "I had good competition." she ‘ g ’1 P.- ' 3 :I’
. ' said. “I sure it was a difficult de- I ii; j ’ .I .
“gm: 1 . " cision for them (the board) to . . ,; . r‘ I“ ' g I i. '
it ‘” , make." - I . . l " l I I -
. ,. ' ‘ . .~ "I don‘t think just anyone (could . ; . : . g '
‘ .. "5“ ‘ work together as co-editorsi." said i j . . , . I it I id .
. ; 7:5“ ' ' Bevil. a journalism junior from 3 . I; ‘Ié - . l? "i: '
we. a... .. .., .\ ! ..: . ()wensmm. III I . I : t ; ~ ‘3
. t . "We are going to get together .r n . .
at“ - soon and divide our empire.“ he .
.. said. . .. . a *. ‘5
‘ "",. . The board also announced the , .I ,I
to . “IA“ ~. . “Mmmem “IAndy Saulsbury. . t V “Miamisun
M "(£3)”: ‘ journalism ”no“. as the year- Mime: Joan St. John and Steve Roenker perform "My Nos. Turns '
"A“ “WM/Km Stow book: “my“ editor. le Red" in a mine presentation at Student Center Theatre last Satur~
Salisbury. 20. ”used a; “:th M'M'cry day. The performance was part of "Humor '82," the 15th annual '
m""' "V“ AND U“ ll'AI-CI section editor for 1&1 2" uc young adult and children's librarian workshop sponsored by the
‘ tan. College of Library Science.
. I I

‘ [(3%
Dale 0.Moflon
Edllol lot (duel
em nelson x... AIIIM Many m. M.- Crouch KIM "cubo- ln. “or our.
iduloi In Chief DOV who. Nancy locvle Sports Editor Arts Edna: Graphics Editor Photo (diva:
Juno. lduln Dunl-
. e m “as '0 n Am cud” u". ‘u... John unl. .M.. ‘.I“' tn“. w my N J... w
Managing Editor (09v tdum Ass-slant Managing Edllul\ As‘ls'al" Spill is (duo. Ass-“uni Arts Editor layout Edl'o' Chm Pholoqlnphol
M d t Tim S 1' ice iS not a bad idea
Let’s not take a half-hearted attitude to- Admittedly, there is a problem with man-
. - ward our selective services system. If we power in our armed forces. But draft regis- .
- " need a military, guarantee it: if we d0h’t. tration is not an answer to solving it. As it is ' , . . / , r . ‘
' . forget registration. now, it is only showing the Soviet Union that TV‘OU bl P, W: l l’) l i’l VG a lOVlj— from W' 70L'+--- ,
Recently, President Reagan decided to go nobody will show up for the next war. ”go's jmsurir/‘gp (7’ ‘FF‘OlM Wl l’i'l n 7 . ,1 , , , . , . ,
}. through with the prosecution of alleligible Some people propose raising the salaries ‘ », , .. i , . _ ,M . # ’fl’el’t"§”7v’¢’,2tl /.-'1"it/,ééé'réégtii‘f'd‘fié‘fil
; , young people who have failed to register for of people in the armed forces. ‘ \ ‘64:,3‘c’. ,z:;jf§32’{;,’a’-ff(2‘;-s “1 f V», t~~;.1‘;;€1,’ leg-.331.
- the draft. This is not a bad idea. but it leave open £1 4! ’a’” 1/ \ v
7.1.4 Reagan came out against draft registra- the possibility of having a professwnal ~‘,-_ ’4, ’46’,’ 5,1,4“ _ , \‘l‘fo‘jg'lgt'rr ";1",‘g3i\‘;,1:g:,?.".‘z
.1 ~ :_ tion during the campaign and during the army, such as those in El Salvad0r_, Guate- 9:3; \efz“”’,’¢,€’ , ‘3, / :2 ”3'12,
‘ = early part Of his term hilt later changed his mala and many Third World countries. Tins 9.3-3} \I 1 , . fl, .. 73/114 t?"ff?¢f;?§,i
. '1. mind, claiming he did not realize the severe has not worked very well and has caused ilg'1'1..*"=:.~ 3;t1:5$2z,’.-.--1’:Z%’£l.,57/ ,/ .1/§\\ ‘7, V,§:;,r,’/1uj.gt-,:;igzé1ai ’.
‘.’ trouble the armed forces are in. Also, with problems in many areas. $.1-';Z‘3“,f".i_.? Viiiggflpgif‘ifl " a,“ {it,Il1"t’;¢,1'<;‘7g’,{;gil,’\\ K . .~ ’L/‘i- figs" 3;? 1.113;; 1 ,, m5-
1 cent of those eligible did sign up. The person would either go directly from ,iggyigg‘ / ‘ i, 11,25 X: 32;”? f," 1.3’ ,1,’ 9%.;
Reagan gave these people a grace period, high school, or if they decide to go to college, '. 1,;:;?_r.;}.::.~'.;.1 _ f . _ / ‘3 _ . /. ¢5§§6’fé_':j ‘4’; " 5;:1/ / --£'§§
. . . . - ,‘z’o's-‘C p", . l; ‘1‘. -_ 4-,. 4%” =1 "9 ’4 . , 1‘: / '\ -,
~ -1 Cla‘mmg that many were umnformed that they would be exempt for that time bu‘ init‘-."‘r.:21::-‘?:- -45 " l "W x'rr”'l'zv‘{ "s'x" 1;..‘39, "‘2 / ,. 1 ‘2 ’
7 f -' they had to sign up or face the conse- would still have to serve two years once they 5,333.1.2- : ‘ , 5 9 |/' h _ 1/, ' if“ :‘EQ jy/fl—z/ixfl/ %
quences. Apparently this worked since there are out. ' , \V l( '_ ,' ‘9 1’ , (“2&4‘T 2g ., ,1 ~:__.; f 1 35"”
. is now a 93 percent rate of sign-ups. The main problem behind the past draft IS 15114,; . \ ‘ l ' '5; 3:15‘ :2: l 9?, . 1f 1. ’22:“, i
. .3 The grace period is now UP and the State the vast majority were too poor to avoid :59}; ‘v 1 \ , ‘ ‘ .'-__,1.:»\.‘ f [.1141 , 5-. g f1. ,3— 1..”
. . i . . . Q; ~_ \_«._. , . t 4 —k //I/ ., ~,_ p.31, .
, Department is trying to track down those being sent to fight. The rich would enter col- >313; w. s! #3.; . 1, , , "15—; _/, t , 1, , 7. ”l
1 . who still have not signed up. If caught, a lege and avoid having to do their duty to the ., Egg, 1, 954“] ’ x . ‘ A X i» 1,”, 52/, .7 . 3‘ 33%;???) .
. , person can be fined $10,000 and/0r Jailed for country. ii’fjd\_ . 1 Vii . .; .‘ - 3 -5: 1 7/255 131/,1 ,, . 5;." . l
- _ a maximum of five years. The United States should not be fussing E..._“';;;;;I" 7 .1 1 {M ‘ "1' ' ,/ ’1‘ 1/5. p is i, ,12
' The idea of the government chasing 18- with the difficult process of registration. In- {\w‘ a ,_ - 7/7 . [,3 ' . . ‘ ‘ ‘,,1//,;‘/1.I:',;.3},_4,., 1",“: ' ,_ 31' fifi 1
,_ -' 3 year-olds because they refused to let them stead, it should take the initiative and imple- ‘fijf'g; ‘ A lAr1 l. A _ -71 \"i,’"1’1" -... «FE-a”?
know who and where they are is ludicrous. merit a program designed to include every- %&=‘/1:.. 9/} f it}: . i , / , ~ \gifii! ,..;'e,; \fi'dil‘sléée‘ 07%
.~ -._. Putting 18-yearolds in jail for not signing one in the military. Such a step should not *jc}\‘ 77 ,. Vé '1 Ada, . , ‘ 57'". .0333“ L‘e‘ztggwfi‘l
,1 up does not make much sense. Presently. we discriminate against the poor __ include \jfi'v"; C, (25t:.;‘:::‘;x3sr$:fi_ ‘” . 1’ ,/,‘»1.'~.t". \ ,t. .\ . . ‘
do not have enough jail space to house mur- women and eliminate any possibility of “ ' .1' ' ' " ' ' ‘ - “=4;- 1 +4“. ‘ .
3' derers, rapists or robbers. But our illustrious “buying your way" out of the services. Man- 1 ll 1 . pact-42 -l A - ._, 3 ' letterappearedinthexemel. the assistance of the UK Women's tional Week with us. We think that
j, .. ’ 43 ‘ . 1 \‘ ‘ i l, ' 1\ ‘ W ‘6fi\ A Forthepast 10years,thefirst week Club and has been the most popular Mr. Ndefru will by pleasantly sur-
, i 1 i 3.11%: ,. _. 1- l , ' I , ,~ in April hasbeendesignated “lnter- featureoftheweek. _ prised with the International Week
, . . i U «1*.— "L , \ 1 , at national Week“ here at the Universi- it was originally creamed by the program this year; we invite him to
‘. Q , , ; ”\l : . I , ll 1 , ‘ i ty — a time for the entire University Cosmopolitan Club to prowde the participate more closely in the plan-
, .1 r l); -. i .7 #— y. '0 . . fl U - and Lexington communitytofocuson community with a sample of dee- ningoflnternationnlWeekfor 1933,
s "l , , _ f ”v \ ; 59 v (’N i. ' ‘7' f ‘ "LM “‘ international relatiom and tofeature serfs, music and also a certain “at-
_ j. 1, ‘ . ' ‘ ' " some aspects of foreign cultures. cus- mosphere" that was not readily avai- Dhanesh Ruparel
14 , 1 1. 50m“ 9 NM VET, {mm NU m toms, travel and study abroad. lable hereinhexington. lthnsbeenso Co—Praident
.‘ HUH 9 wow i [e am im we WWW; me CW! MT/f W W International Week is a joint effort popular that we have continued it,