xt734t6f4m24 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt734t6f4m24/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-09-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1979 1979 1979-09-24 2020 true xt734t6f4m24 section xt734t6f4m24 l . ..
K] EN 1 UCK i 'tlewsnanCt/Ylmhfil
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.’ l"nIversIty of Kentucky
VOI- LXKII. N04 27 Lexington. Kentucky
Monday. September 24. "79 an Independent student newspaper
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. 2‘ “1;, 1., ’ .- if 4 g g, 1, at!
2%,; . , >3 3,, 3 1 3
. _ ~ ~~ . . it their time and talents
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if 4 3' -4 4 h} 3’ Z 5'; {’W’US/ .mwfii' NEW Y()RK(AP) lhousands of Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. About
a h " V5 i “ti-"W's“ trimesters gathered 200 people attended the rally
-4° g 1 , ,I . . 4./../. yesterday in Manhattan to hear big- sponsored by the CrabshellAlliance.a
' 3‘44 5 I “7%; g .55" . . I fI name rock stars and activists such as loose coalition of individuals and
. I I. ”4% ,5 . ,. " . .EI , Jane Fonda and Ralph Nader In What groups opposed to nuClcar pOWCf'.
. 4 rt ~"/ . .. “a ,1 . , , 1' :1 was billed as one of theIlargCSt such About l00.000 persons gathered in
., . f ‘ / . a. g I I; f4 I. " demonstrations inthe nation‘s history. Washington in May for an anti-
: _ :71: . I'f'fijI 41 Police were geared [I0 handle a nuclear rally. the nation‘s largest such .
' 44%? sI . ,Jr‘ 4 . 3 . . i «s ”flaw. .. crowd of [00,000 at the Six-hour rally gathering.
' ». .: x" 4 - 4 ‘ I 4 t run. I ””507“ b" ”‘6 8”t": 23 Rally ‘1 he organizers said the fall)‘ and
s 4-1;; . '=I I 'I a: Committee of the Mustuans United concerts were the first events of an
- r, . y I i . ,3 " 4II . , W for Safe Energy. _ attempt to make nuclear power a
'1 ' 4 ' ,5}, . - \» _'- I“ ()thers 0" the agenda ”“1wa central issue in the I980 presidential
’ a, . _ , . ‘,. . 4- ._I t .,.r . \. “r . former Congresswoman Bella Abzug. campaigns.
4, . , i. ‘ » 4 , f" . S “443%“ . I- % ahd performers Pete Seeger. Graham Most of the money will be used for '
. 3° I, *4’4 ‘, =I. .4..mm- .. 3% .‘7’17. .. 4 .. - I . Nash. lom Paxton. Bonnie Raitt and the campaign effort and other .
' ‘ .. ”V .-"4...?_§°',IJ, a ., fi“ " 3, ,y 44 ’ _-. " JflCkSOh Browne. . activities envisioned by the MUSE
yIII I , '1?“ . . l .II hrs—an. ~2- - I I”. w I The NC“' York rally" “I35 One OI FOUndanorL which Is incorporated In
3- ,. , i , , ' 1.. ' ' about a dozen being held during the New York as a not-for-profit
- 3! DA"lllffll‘lIi/l‘9r'l'l5"" weekend from Washington state to organization. David Fenton. a co-
. II‘IfOl'matIOH please Vermont. it was the major public director of MUSE. has estimated the .
. . . CWT“ I" a “Wk 0f concerts by rock concerts should net at least $750,000
Freshmgn defensive tackle Kevin Kearns calls to the press box for Ieadingtackler With 13 solos and2assists. and teamatescouldn‘t come up musicians who donated their for the foundation.
i strategy information from a member of l7K’s coaching staff. Kearns. the With E Win against Indiana. performances to raise money for '
political activity and opponents of S h
nuclear power. urvey s ows
A coalition of demonstrators from _
0 Sponsor rOWn- unn e a Massachusetts. New Hampshire and nUCIear mIShap
Vermont gathered in southeastern
By STEVE MASSEY with Brown's camp calling Nunri's A reception will be that night at o in prevent. . a monthly public affairs VIermont I? bIOCk the entrance 0f the cost residents
Associate Editor campaign approach similar to those of the Student ( enter mezzanine program designed to represent the l"K Vermont \ ankee nuclear plant. , _
Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan. Nunn Another program. which will be community and give a perspective of . “I19 Vermont Yankee Decommis- - 3 -
A debate between gubernatorial has said Brown started the mud- voted on at S(i\ meeting tonight. student life. sioning Alliance hCIId a ”1”)" earlier tlme’ money
candidates Republican Louie Nunn slinging with remarks Brown made would allow students more contact WIT-’XJI’V is providing S(i with yesterday before gotng ‘0 the plant at
and Democrat John Y. Brown Jr. is about Nunn after he won the with S(i by allowing representatives three time slots one each in "00” Spokesmen for the group said PHILADELPHIA (AP) The
scheduled for 8 pm. Thursday. Democratic gubernatorial n0mina~ from each dorm and registered ()ctober. Nmember and February. the purpose W?“ ‘0 85‘ the issue Of Three Mile Island nuclear accident . ,
October 25 at the Student Center tion campus organizationstoscndstiident- October‘s program. according to nuclear POW” ”"0 the com“ drove an estimated |44.000 persons .
Ballroom. In an Associated Press article S(i liaisons. Sturgeon. will feature an interview “VWImOM YIIankIee ShOUId be shut from their homes and cost reSIdents
The debate will allow each released last Wednesday. Nunn asked Tonight's discussion will focus on a between l'K President ()tis Singletary downIforcver. said Karen 89mm“ near the plant $|8.2 million in
candidate an opening statement before Brown to meet him on television and lair selection process of the and student representative Debbie 30~ "1 Marlboro. they re refueling a evacuation expenses and lost wages. .
_ answering questions from a panel of to release his income tax returns. lf representatives. The proposed process McDaniel. editor of the Kernel. and plant that cant even pass ”5 0w“ according to a survey conducted for
3 two students. two media representa- Brown agrees. Nunn said he would allows selection being decided S(i members Mike Breen and Brad safety requirementI the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
lives and a student moderator. explain what he knowsaboutSl0(l.()(lfl according to the proportion of the Sturgeon. I" Omaha. Neb.. a protest Thestudyalsofoundthatnearlyonc
Lynne Crutcher, chairman of the in left-over Nixon campaign funds number of students to be represented Program topics for November and sponsored b." ”l? Breadbasket in five persons living nearthe disabled . '
Student Government political affairs which were delivered to him for use in Brad Sturgeon. S(i public relations I4ebruarv are tentatiiely scheduled as Alliance. a EIWUP "I 80400 western reactor has considered moving
committee which is sponsoring the the I97] GOP gubernatorial chairman. said the campus liaison minority concerns and fine arts. lowansand Nehaskansttasexpected elsewhere because oftheir continutng
debate. said the forum should be campaign. program should “provide the impetus ()ther action scheduled fortonight‘s to be the largest 0' 59‘6”” m the state fears of nuclear accidents and
“lively and interesting“ since it is one The forum is part of S(i‘s to say to students ‘l.ook. we're trying meeting include a proposed bill yesterday. ‘ radioactive emissions. _
of only two times the candidates will “continuing effort" to serve student to reach you." “ sponsoring a contract for the Student 0“ the W85} ( oast.I balloons were The independent “We." concluded
publically meet. interests. Crutcher said. In the past. Another bill up for'debatc concerns Center Board~S(i Homecoming released at Saturdays anti-nuclear that the nation‘s worst accident had , .
The gubernatorial race has gained some students have charged S(i as the program and planning for this Dance. lhis year's dance. which will ”HI." 1“ Bremerlonj Wash. [0 Sho“ profound and adverse economic and .
steam across the state in past weeks being ineffective. year‘s production of ( Iv slut/wits be at the Hyatt Regency. features the WhlICh Will" the Wlnd would blow social consequences for most people .
3 Drifters. lentative prices are $4 each radiation ll there were an accident at a residing within 40 miles of the plant. .
toda! ; and $7 per couple. proposed waste storage Site at the Continued on page 4
‘ responding. the magazine said. 5.1 believed Kennedy would I R f f .- l ’
carry their state if the party‘s convention were held today 9 orm 0 maruuana aws
' Carter was supported by J0 percent. while I" percent said it "THINK a: [r .
natlon was too close to call Ihe magalinc said Kennedy was far f I .
, , , , , . .. I ahead in the Northeast and comfortably ahead lll the i ' ' “6 WAY 4
,r’ .THII' INTERSTATE COMMERCE (OMMISSION Mld“CSI. Ihe two were close in the “est. and (liner was I debated 'n many CIrCleS m A CURE i. "
t WIII bethe first Witness today beforea Senate subcommittee “"0er by mm leaders in the South it Wd 1 T _. .
probing a recent coal-hauling rate increase granted the I' ' i _ , . . GHITSW 1 . .
- :ATIII‘VLLItngdShHHC Railroad. Sen. Wendell Ford. D Ky. 3;. ., .. "2., _ {at . ,6, :3 By MARK SMITH (I ”YWL IAI I) I .I
In a release issued by his office. Ford said ICC Chairman ,5 -' . % Kt‘lht‘l Reporter ' MAM) I 7" it , i I
‘_ A. Daniel O'Neal will head a delegation from the d; '1 of «e44; f mm 1,“ . ' ‘
commissionthat willbe asked todefendtheincreases. which 4! "'- 9%} a: ' . Marijuana reform is being discussed from the street km All “ I
”If” 38 percent. W W? 131‘ lhis year. , I i *4 7“ corner to the White House. Eleven states have passed ; 1‘. t. ..
Ford reql’emd the “WE More ”1° Rena": Surface i. 3= #9 . .M” I ”.9 ' decriminalization laws and all 50 states have proposed bills , m M". I4 I, ‘ ,
. Transportation Subcommittee after the latest increase was M 3‘,” . - .4 4,2: ’.° for marijuana legalization. \ a I .‘ ,
approved last months , . . _ ,. l - ’ /- :4 'I'he marijuana revolt has hit mainstream America. No /& . I I I . .
Ford requested the heallhtl before ”‘9 59‘1"” Surface ,-,1.,;: -- ' a“, if I -' longer is legalization a pipe dream of radical students but i . 4
. Transportation Subcommittee after the latest increase was : .. J4. _ ' .. . . ~ J
. approved last month. 4‘9 4'." 4 now supported by teachers. laWYers and some potitiCians. . g . 5 I, .
/ Ford has criticized the rate hike. saying it puts eastern I ' I 4 4 I l i SUCh as the Rev. William B IDeane Jr". head 0f 5m; 2 "
Kentucky coal at an “enormous disadvantage." and that . 4.4 Pennsylvania's chapter of the National Organization for , P _
‘ Kentuckky‘s economy. as well as the nation‘s balance of 1- I 0+ l I the Reform Of Marijuana Laws. Locally. Gatewood ‘ l ‘ -
Paymcnts SUflerS as a result. _ (ialbraith organized the Kentucky Marijuana Feasibility - 9* '
I » Sttidy two years ago. " y T . ‘
. I . . . . SEN. EDWARD PRESIDENT Some politicians advocate the legalization of marijuana '
‘ LMTED M T.0 WORKERS L0(AI.S 3‘ ‘hc '30 KENNEDY CARTER and the October |979 issue of High Times says some have ?~
General Motors (orp. plants around the country started ' d l} _. . A d' t th t'cle SouthCarolina Re .‘ I I
’ voting on the new three-year contract yesterday. ea ings m IL ccor ing 0. ear I ‘L P. ~\ J ‘ A
i ‘ The UAW has said it expected to report complete results world JOhn. "cm.“ has been tied by the Drug Enforcement . vs‘ {‘4 I I ‘7/ ‘ ".
II! by Oct. |.butamajorityofvotes should rollin withinafew Hl'MAN RIGHTS ACTIVISTS yesterday pasted 4r Adminstratlon to a marinuana Smuggling Inng' The T - , {s _y\j . _ ’\ I/l/ _
‘ days. . . poster on "Dcmocracv Wall" that called for the release tit Washington PM! and .‘he New ’9'" Time“ haw reported ~—~—______ ‘.\. i i '
I' I.ittle opposnion appeared to the contract at a meeting Rm Yuanding. a 163d” (II [he (‘hina Iluman Rivhis allegationsthatsomehighlevelWhtIte House staffmembers , l I - .
. Friday and Saturday in Dallas where provisions of the Alliance who “I” 8”ch April 4 L have smoked Imarijuana I'lCIUde members of the I“‘(mg‘fl'l'flnfliju’llInnm‘“ 3)
:fi::‘:§;lc::;ifggxdoRSST;JI'm‘LfIEIICOCnr: stewards “We decpl) miss this fine comrade who stood for thc pg“??? fffamlly and Hamilton Jordan. the prestder‘it S l " I I i.
- . " reform of soctetv and the rot ction tf 4 4 C 'e 0 5 a - '7’ I ,l’ ,7 7”
\ The agreement sharply increases pensions on a rising the long yellow hostenhmplheamanéc firflgfath 3:: Not only does smoking pot seem to be popular in r/////,/W4 fl/y/ ,
I :IcIlciidnuIIlfIatifanaIyIImchn; oiiicddiicrrcifririidrcc years l2t6increasItIes by disssidfms m publish the" demands Washington DC. but also in the rcstofthe country. A I977 %‘ . - . .
. I next three years. and cfmtinucysthetradiititihZTnge E’JICJILI: “His arrest will be a test of the effectiveness and sincerity (iallop p0” showed 24 Percent of the US QOPUIation has / ' . .
that. the union says. will raise the straight-time wage of an 0f ( hma ‘ new la“ wde' [he Wm“ “M “"0de marijuana at least once and 40 million Americans / ‘
. assembler from 58,67 an hour nowtoSIl 32in June I982 if In Marchand April. about 30 activists. including/\Iliance about [8 percent of the total population 7 are regular /
. . . ° 4 members. were arrested for their criticism of the ( omunist .‘ It rs. / 4 4_
inflation runs at “8m percent per year. Part‘. and their calls for democracv and human ri hts smo c ' ' " /
i All those arrested have been held without tfial and Howey”. legalizing marijuana would also open some i / s
. whom Mr “0 of the bar s' , h economic opportunities for the countrys farmers and 1/ . I ~.
pU ca n C 81‘ dgdlflSI I .cm
MOST MEMBERS or THE Democratic National manufaC‘m” _ . . ’ W ' 4-
' 3 Committee responding to a survey indicated they believe Kentucky Marijuana Feasibility Study‘s publication .
_' Sen. Edward M. Kennedy already has majority committee weather T’Wh About Marl/“0"“ reports that more "‘3" 25900 . ‘
‘ support over President Carter for the party‘s l980 products can be made from marijuana. Tests have shown report, one acre ofmarijuana can produce as much‘paper as
, . presidential nomination. U S. News & World Report said Sl'NNI' PLEASANT DAYS with clear cool nights that hemp fibers are three times strongerthan cotton fibers. four acres of trees.
. yesterday. The magazine said in a press release that its through tomorrow lows near 50 tonight. Highstomo'm“ Jeans made from marijuana would last a lot longer than Medically, marijuana has been used totrcatglaucoma.a .
. I upcorbreiing Tissue will contain a copyright survey of [)N‘(‘ in the mid-70s. Winds northeast to easterly today at 5 to l5 today's denims; TAM says Up to four years longer. painful eye disease. According to High Times. the federal .
mm "‘ hm m 363 members OHM DNC‘ 0m" '05 mph' Also paper products of all grades can be made with government supplies a weekly ration of marijuana to ‘ I'
marijuana. According to a Department of Agriculture l9l6 thousands of people who suffer from the disease. , ~
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KhNTUCKY Debbie MeDanlei Jay Foam 5"" MIN! Marl Green Thou- (‘larl Gary Landau
Editor in Chief (‘ampus Edllur Teresa Young Paul Mann Entertainment Editor Director 0/ Photography
\ A.\'.tm'tale Eduur um MM
, (‘uy Willia Lisa pot-uni "My Menu John (by David Maynard
Managing Editor Edtturtal Editor (Opt Editors Spam £4.10, Photo Manager 3
3 ,
d't ° ls& co ts Irian Blekerd .
e l «la mmen AuulantSpartr Editor
‘ .
, - t
it 5 worth the time .
R I t I ('0 ate CCU/d mean representation 0
Every American citizen has a right to vote. And nationwide. only one half of the population many of us are “too busy“ to register. “too busy" to The candidates will appear inadebate oncampusin
However. only 67 percent of all eligible voters are who are in the 18 to 24 age group register to vote. vote. As a result. elections affecting the student body mid-October. which will give them a chance to see the
' registered. according to a group of professors in UK‘s In effect. what has happened is that our generation are deCided by a small percentage of voters. many of FCSUllS 0f the SG registration derc.
politicalscience department. Ahdihs fewas 50 percent has proved the legislators wrong. In the early l9705. whom haven‘t set {00‘ 0" campus ‘" years for Asolid drive will demand theirattention.Questions .
Of those registered "cm“ the” “8i“ ‘0 vote. when the right to vote was lowered to age l8. many a anything bestdes a football game. concerning students will be researched. position
Todav marks the be innin of Student ‘ ' ' . I .. . - - -
. _ 3‘ y l 8 8 - 'd 3 paran0id lawmaker was surethe nation syouth would The common complaint is that 33013333333335 33033.3 papers prepared.answers read1ed._ThecandidatesWill 3
Government .5 “CCK- ong. campus W‘ e V0 6' band together and electagovernment dedicated tothe understand the roblems which 333353 on cam us become awarethat their audience is ready to vote and
registration drive. The PUTPOSUStO putall UKfaculty principles of peace. pot and party. don‘t a ree withpthe ideas ex ressed . l p ‘ they had better answer students‘ questions with the
members. staff and students eligible to vote on the . g p . . m c assrooms. same respect given to other interest groups.
rolls prior to the November election. The Uhlty never developed. needless to say. cafeterias and bars. True. but politicans try to match . 3 _
Brian Lunde state chairman of the Democratic Legislators and candidates are so unconcerned their views to the voters and students simply aren‘t a Aweak registration drive WI“ bring about the same
registration drive said there are approximately 73000 about the student vote that the two Kentucky large enough voting constituency to warrant attention carnival that Brown brought ‘0 campus 135‘ WCCk- N0
students in Fayette County who are eligible to vote gubernatorial candidates. John Y. Brown. Jr. and from the candidates. Issues. no answers. .
’. but who have not registered. This represents about Louie B. Nunn. have Paid only token attention to UK The Student Government registration drive will if you want candidates to hear your mice-register
one-third of the total number of eligible students in and "5 SlUdChlS- The closest We haye come isaforme‘r give us a chance to improve the situation. The at one of the nine campus registration pomts this
this county. said Lunde. boxer Who 53” h'S candidate ‘5 for "“‘h and people. gubernatorial election will place a candidate in office week. If you care who represents you in state and
Althoughthere were 22.000 students on campus last it is too easy to understand the apathy toward who will have an important word on many issues national government. you should takethe time. it will
year. only 400 registered to vote. voting. Registration and voting requires time and affecting UK. its students and its existence. be time well spent. ~ 5
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Letters to the Ed'tor '
W .
. . . . death slowly underthe weight oflarge ladiesand gentlemen. youcome froma - again at the plaza fountain) Kues now attempts to defend his
Bibllcal selectIV'ty stones. Even several dogs were put to long. proud tradition. M'nd contrOI? narrow-minded bigotry by relying on
.. 3 death in Salem for witchcraft. (from How can people place such Stephen C, Hohman the will of God. ;
M Finally. Mr. Kues. you arrived at the Dictionary of Misinformation by Bruce Benton importance on trivial issues such as Chemical Engineering junior “in the Bible." he says. “God states ’3
. the long-expected explanation.3Whe3n Tom Burnam). 3) Due to numerous A & S senior homosexuality and Middle East that homosexuality is a sin.“ in -.
reagon and rationaldfmonstéation fail pro-slavery references in the OT such politics when more pressing issues David G. Mudd addition to being an incompetent '3. .
‘0 uttress irrationa preJu 1C€5~ one as Exodus 2l220-22. “When a man ' have yet to be resolved. We refer. of Journalism unior zoologist. it seems clear that Kues is 1%
safe haven has been behind selective strikes his slave . . .and the slave dies.. Don t VOte Nun" course. to the letter from the English 1 not much of a theologian either;
blbhcal interpretation. . . . he shall be punished. But ifthe slave Have you seen any National maior ofthe Ernie Bushmiller Society. lane 0. Peyton otherwise. he would know that the 33 5
Historically. many C hnstians have (male or female) survwes aday ortwo. Guardsmen patrolling the campus There has been a recent surge in the Agricultural Economics junior Bible also condemns a wide variety of I..- 1
emphasued some of the more he is not to be punished;forthe slave is with fixed bayonets oflate'.’ Well. they dCViliSh art 0f mind control 35 practices which are now quite 3 3
. politically expedient Old Testament his money."’ the clergy. according to were here in I970 courtesy of then- exemplified by the notoriety of such Terry Lee Smithers common. including pre-marital and 5'; g
decrees as God 5 Laws. while Mark Twain and several historical Governor Louie B. Nunn. groups 85 the “Moonies” and the Accounting junior extra-marital sex. if Kues feels '
attributing some of the less desirable accounts. held onto the institution of Has the Student Center been tear- followers ofthe Rev.Jim Jones. Nowa inclined to. wage a crusade against it: ‘
commandments to a time~limited slavery asGod-‘s will(andabe|iefinthe gassed of late? if you had been here in new group casts its evil shadow across W8 9 a crusade these evils. he will certainly have his 3:
practice oi the anCient Hebrews. On a inherent inferiority of black people) I970 you could have breathed the the impressionable young minds of 9 work cut out for him. 1 really would .5. 1
number of occasions this has resulted fora longtime after much ofthe rest of exhilarating scent under the auspices OUT COHCSC community. This infamous While l was merely amused at Ray prefer. however. that KUCS spare “5 :- 5
in ( present/i acknowledged) less- somety had abandoned the practice of of Louis B. Nunn. “society.“which has come to be known Kues‘ letter of Sept. l8. the idiocy of from any further inflictions of his E
than-deSirable 6mm 0“ P930910 Some human OWHCFShIP 35 basically Many ObSNVCl’S 0f the l970 as the "B“ShiCS-n has OPCHI)’ admitted his diatribe being quite apparent. his morality. I had hoped that persecution 3 :
examples: l) On the ham of some immoral. Do you. Mr. Kues. advocate situation at UK have serious doubts as 10 subjecting innocent Victimsto“long’ most recent display of muddled in the name of God died out with the it '
Commandments concerning people 0i a return to slavery? to the need to bring the guard ontothe hours of intense training." One cannot thinking has really gone too far. Since Spanish Inquisition. “2 :
unorthodox beliefs. well over l0 These arejustafew examples of the campus and certainly no one can help but wonder what this intensive his theories regardinganimal behavior it
million peopleudied as a result of the suppressmn of alternative views by' defend the gassing of areas where mental conditioning entails. Has the do not seem to have gained much Greg Campbell 1*» 3
Crusades (for God and gold ')and the appeal to biblical authority. students were congregating, These UKcampus becomethe unwitting host acceptance among Kernel readers, Political Science senior '. '
inquisttion found another 32.000 Finally. today. thanks to the were extreme actions that were to a malicious band of brainwashers? m’ . 5;
people cooked alive. and many more separation of church and state and unwarranted that took place under MUCh to our dismay. they are i ' :
suffered horrible. slow deaths on the some philosophical sophistication Louis B. Nunn. attempting to spread their malignant Leflers allc T..
33 most imaginative instruments. of built up over the centuries. we are left Let‘s not havearepeat performance doctrine under the guise of :
torture CVCF dCVISCd ZlOn the basis of with Ray Kues. Anita Bryant. and a of such actions. Let's keep Louis B. appreciative readers 0f the “Nancy" . . . '3:
Exodus 22:18 and Leviticus 20:27 few (hopefully) fundamentalist Nunn out of Frankfort. comic srtip. This blasphemy must Letters. opinions and commentaries‘must be typed and triple- if
( Thou shalt not suffer a Witch to Christian splinter groupslilcethe KKK stop! spaced. and must include the “Tm?” Signature. address a.“ 3:
live "). hundreds of people who acted or the American Nari Party. who Marion Van lngen (Note: Due to the overwhelming phone "9“?" UK students should includetheir year and mayor 3
somewhat diferently or offended the biblically bolster their baseball bat 207 Sycamore Road demand for “Nancy“ t~shirts and and UniverSity employees should “St the" posntion and 3
powerful were hung or pressed to searches for “fags." Look behind you. Lexington greeting cards. they will be on sale department. . . .
T he Kernel may condense or reject contributions. and frequent 3
3 writers may be limited. Editors reserve the right to edit for correct :3
s ellin . rammar and clarit . and ma delete libelous 1.
lS SOMETHING SPECIN_ .33 MATS SO SHJAIL W DUYIHG‘ THE BER m A Contributions should be delivered to Room 114 Joumallsln.
W University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 40506. -
AEOUT' MM. . For legal reasons. contributors must present a UK ID before ‘
3 the Kernel will be able to accept the material. ~
% Letters: T i
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THE KENTI'(‘KY KERNEL. Monday. September 14. "79-3
WWII I h d . G *
.porsonous gas cac e foun In ermany
_ HAMBURG. West Ger- treaties. officals decided to evacuatethe grenades of the lethal gas Leuschner. the last owner of waining crty officals since I975 during the post-war occupa-
, many(AP) — The discovery of Authorities have been area. Tabun. which Hitler was said the chemical plant. claimed the that dangerous materials might tron. officials said.
at least 500 tons of World Wars searching the area for a week. i . . . to have considered using West German military and be stored at the Site. Hitler‘s former minister of
' ll-vintage explosives and lethal retrieving the deadly materials, d "VCSI'Sag'O" 0‘ the‘storage against the Allies in the last Hamburg police knew what Officials said about 500 tons armaments, Albert Speer. said
gas at an abandoned chemical but suspended the operation bemeali I _e former Stolzen- years ofthe war butdid not for materials were being stored at of explosives. poison and toward the end of the war
plant forced 600 persons to Saturday because of a brisk gem 6 :T'Cal Works began fear the Allies would retaliate the site. The firm was founded deadly gas had been recovered Hillel had COHSldCWd "sins
- evacuate their homes in wind that could have spread ”‘CPL Mum's" boys founda with an airborne gas attack. in I923 and disbanded two so far and expeceted the search Tabun. Speer wrote in the
. Hamburg yesterday. any escaping gas aeross a cacheol hand SiCnadt-‘md one Tabun now is internationally years ago. to be completed soom It was newspaper Welt am Sonnrag
~ The cache included canisters residential neighborhood in exploded. killing'an‘ ll-year— banned. There has been no officral believed that military experts that Propaganda Minister
' ofanervegasthatwasmadefor this city of 2 million, West ‘llddnfl'nlur‘ng h'SI-“ycar'i’ld West Germany‘s newspapers government response to this plan totry to neutralllelhc gas JOSCfGOCbbCIS urged Hill" 10
Adolf Hitler‘s Nazi arsenal but Germany‘s largest. Although bm‘h‘" are calling the Hamburg affair allegation. but the city has set and then burythe materialsina approve the use of Tabun
now is banned by international the wind died down yesterday. The cache includes eight “the country‘s greatest post— up aninvestigatory committee. secure area. because the Allies had no
- ' war environmental scandal“ At a news conference BeSides the 'labun and other defense against it
and demand to know how yesterday, an opposition chemical weapons from World Bill Hitler rejected ll":
I l a many officals knew of the politician called for the War ll, the cache included SUBBCSUO" at the urging Of his
arrOII fin lSh es term u letl cache. restgnation or Mayor Hans- British and A merrcan generals for fearthe Britishand
In an intervrew with the Ulrich Klose. saying the police explosives and tank ammuni- American would retaliate With
magazine Der Spiegel. Martin and fire departments had been tion that evidently were stored airborne gas attacks.
' By SY RAMSEY service first as a House tenure produces criticism or
Associated Press Writer member. then House speaker, public indifference after early
‘ then lieutenant goicrnoi hopes and promises become . ,M
FRANKFORT ~A [n the before his landslide election as impossible to fulfill. .
final two and one-half months. governor. It generally takes a few years 0
the administration of Gov. Withthat length ofserviceit lot the Kentucky electorate to /
Julian Carroll is going out with is not easy for'thc governor to mellow about a former
neither a bang nor a whimper. cut off so completely his governor. ‘1
It simply is quietly winding political tics. But Carroll could face a A
down. Perhaps that was the reason specific problem that might
Top officials are. looking for Carroll showed deep cmotrorr cloud his political future: the pizza
jobs or wondering if they will while bidding farewell to state current federal grand jury “ t Mondays Omy
survive, even if Democratic employees at one of two investigation into alleged u With the coupon below get
gubernatorial nomineeJohn Y. traditional picnics last WCt'is. irregularities during his and $33,223,? ‘33: 2'
—'——'—" h Yet. he is 0:11 record as saylirlig Wily? other administrlationa. . Otter good ovary Monday
' ' . 6 never wt run or ptiiic c jurors met carter t is P H thru Dec ‘5‘ 1979‘
ii analYSIS office again. year and can continttc Illa ut V
g * insiders can be forgixen il convening another two and t “madness
, '_ they express doubts about the one-half years. F " S m r Fast. Free Delivery
i Brown‘ Jr. defeats lformer statement. The politician -who it they return noindictments a e es e t641 NicnotaSwIIe Rd
,: Begublicalr; GOV' Lou'e Nunn rose from humble origins near liii kcd with Ca rroll's s g I “WM” 2754437
in ovem er. ). , . . . . . .- z > . | . ,
51 After all Brown owes laducah may Cl‘IJO} the swirl tdministration. the governor peela s
.l . ' _ _ . and excrtemerit ofpublicoflice can take some comlort in m
i ’ nothing to an administration too much to let go ofit loiciei. do: lat irig that all the l b
" “.IhICh tried to elect one 0‘ m“ Yet. there could he slimy coriiroscrsy about alleged _—_—~m*— ! 2 ‘
. rivals. . , problems if Carroll re-erit