xt734t6f4k5b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt734t6f4k5b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-09-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 14, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 14, 1972 1972 1972-09-14 2020 true xt734t6f4k5b section xt734t6f4k5b '(2' 'l UC'(y Eight pages an independent student newspaper
Vol. LXIV No. ii University of Kentucky
Thursday, September 14, 1972 Lex'ngton' KentUCky 40506
O O . - 5a F u 0
art ey out mes issues x ree wont-noes
.19.. . .. . es .
I :1 . . r a} d .f h
t o ' esPI e C ("’995
ouch es on not a when -,

83KR0M|ué? 2/13]:le h Asked‘if hts stand. on abortion was that st t” Free l.'niversity classes are scheduled to
. . erne a n er , e opposed it for his family but that he continue as planned despite the con-

William Bartley Jr., Peoples Party thought 't should be allowed for other it .-.:;_. s. .. _ trovcrsv over the so~called “sexist"
calrciididate far US Stinzttor gm: Ktenctucltw. people. Bartley 5819, “Yes. I think that s ' _ ’ .. posterfatatogue and the resignation of
to a gat ering a h e h u ten enltler would be accurate. 5’ . ‘3; ”I. _ some members of the coordinating
Theater "last night ”t at e (personahy Significant issues my: t ..:?“ {Nth 1.. commit tee.

"3.59."th what marijuana has one t°t e “We‘ve got a long way to go.“ said 3221/ 9.3% Bev (‘ubbage a member of the come
spirit of young people. .. . . Bartley. “This state has to elect a senator , gig f t,.‘-. E mittee said she is no longer affiliated with
. “I personally resent it, said Bartley in to replace John Sherman Coo r Ifounda ‘2' 3; €17; ., ‘3 ..5. the t.) rdi at" _ f th) Fm» l' b "ll
' ' d answer session after his . . pe ' x \ "5?- . .(0 n ing 0 t I“ ' ut V”
a questltfhw‘t‘tn d t ‘ . h great deal of consolation in him. Do you \ st V. 2; continue to teach a class as planned. “The
spei: f. 1 en .2”? utshe 0 marc 1y m; realize we may send Louie Nunn or Dee 2% t POStt‘l‘ was "0t meant I" a St‘XtSt WHY and '
him ee a .Spm If" t: yojuttlg pectf) :h Huddleston t0 ft“ that seat, he said. i. ‘ . .1 does not offend me in that way." she said.
. at"? (tnarijuana (:r .. e u ing 0 e “Neither of those men are qualified." g About 1.000 posters were handed out by
spg‘l (l) y‘tugfiedpeofi e. h d‘d _ Bartley said the next few years will be ‘ some members of the coordinating
artey d_ t at. 9: ‘ .“Ot thmk ones in which “We will have to face some B . t . committee despite a vote by the com-
people ShOUtd be penalized for "ts use. He really significant issues.” I consider these Pl iam artle). the Peoples mittee to stop distribution.
sa'd he thought something ShOUld be done issues important because we‘ve got to do t a") 593810"? candiidate. “'3'“ Scott Wendesldorf. Student Government ,
about the conditions that lead people to use something about them,“ he said. 0 SP” 0 a St" ent cent" 186! president. said 56 would not deal

t audience. (Kernel photo by .
p0. . . ._ . . . with the members who passed out the

“The answer Is not prohibitton,‘ said Jim Ross) ster in the fut ,

Bartley “If the issue came up before 0 0 90 U“
Congress. I would vote for legalization of Venus to flght VD “90'“ However. he said the Free L'. classes
Possession and personal use. However, I “'1“ Still ht Shhpot‘tt‘dt “0 sahd he felt the
am “0t about to see marijuana legalized in By JOHN W. MANN summer after the core of volunteers left 305::21‘3; 0 “NW to t 0 women S _
the market lace." . . f .
3 h f M nt . Kernel Staff Writer . or one reason or another. The bad thing about the controversy is
eat 0 oveme Operation Venus t00k POSltlve steps this At a meeting With the Fayette County people will not know when the classes are

Later in the question and answer week to resume operations by taking on Health Department TUGSday night. Reiker . . ~ -. . - ~

. . . . . . . , . . . scheduled. which is the whole idea of the
seSSion, Bartley clarified his stand on the Ms. Mildred Reiker as part-time coor- and the Executive Committee of Operation . . ._ .

. .. . . . . . . . poster-catalogue The idea of publishing a
‘death of the movement. He said dinator of the group. Venus discussed the POSSIbthtles 0t ac- new one has been suggested but it would
marijuana was not a primary cause, but Operation Venus is a group of volunteers cepting other aid offered by the health have to be supported bv donations S‘G has
rather that the end of the draft was the who have operated a telephone hot-line to department. That aid including housing, I I .- . ' - ' k- . I

. . , . . offered to help with finances of publishing
primary cause. inform and adVise callers on matters and tmahClat favors. . . . . - 9

. . . . .. . a new poster—catalogue. but it wouldnt

Also in the question and answer sessmn. concerning venereal disease for the ast “'H take a'd - ' . - ~

. , p . . . come out until two or three weeks after
Barltey told the audience. “I m opposed to year. The committee postponed deCISion on ‘
. . . , . . . , _ . , . classes started.
abortion in my life. Its called a belief in Reiker, hired by the State Health the proposal "ht” Wednesday night. when Mike Walker the hotographer 0f the
the reverence of life. I do not personally Department, will act as a liason between they decided to accept the health depart- picture on the posterp said that he would
adhere to the concept of abortion. . .If a bid the group and various civic agencies, and ment's offer. not force the poster on anyone “If anyone
were put forth to allow abortion. I would will assist them in coordinating their ef— At the meeting Wednesday night Dennis is offended I am sorry" I thought. the
hazy: t: tire :ttsgeft deal 0‘ thought to “th; r . at" h It d t' th' MUCH)" Chairman 0‘ the ”can't“ campus was mature enough to accept the
m e . o aniz ion a e o era ions is
p y g p Continued 0n 1"” 4» 001- 3 poster without a sexist connotation."
UK’ M 1 Hi 1 H t I 2 er nt
8 euro men grow 8 a S a . P CG
By BILL PINKSTON perienced antaverage annual increase in applications were received for this year's provides a haven for would-be draft
. Kernel Staff Writer . enrollment of about five to. six percent. {3” semester. dodgers.

The tthat UK enrollment figures for this NOW‘ 'many 00119895 and universittes are in 1971. 3.049 freshmen actually attended The rismg costs of tuition and higher
fall were released by the Office of the experiencmg rate decreases Similar to UK. while in 1972 there are 2.700. education in general are a major factor in
Registrar Tuesday, revealing a significant UK's. the decreasing rates.
decrease in the growth rate for the . . _ The percentage of new students. in-

Lexington campus. “These trends are nationw1de.” said cluding freshmen and transfers. has Also. says Bondurant. “People are
Jackie Bondurant. newswriter for the steadily dropped. In 1965. 36 percent of the dropping out of school all over.” and many

This year. there are 19.673 students Office Of UhtVCFSttY Information Services. students on the Lexington campus were students who pre~registered in the spring
emitted'titittrtigtiltexflgti); ctaririlpus‘ ch? Applications drop off new: In 1970. 33 percent were new students. at ['K Simply dm ”0‘ Show “pth‘Sta”
par w1 ‘ . 0” e l a term. e and m 1972‘ 29 percent are new to the In spiteof the Lexmgton campus lag. the
239 student Increase represents an Elbert Ockerman. dean of Admissions Lexington campus. - . 9 - . ‘ . ~ . .
enlargement of 12 percent Since b0 d _ . . llx (ommunit) (ollegt System has
1965 the Lexin ton cam us has incrzasgd an] Egg‘S‘rar' “Sts several factors m' Draft worries diminish registered significant gains in enrollment
. ' g p . V0 ve m the decrease. _ . There are now 12.108 students in the
ltS enrollment by about We percent per Mam" htgh 5_Ch°°t seniors SlmPty are More people are beginning to realize system of 13 campuses. compared with
year. , losmg'interest In. college. . that a 800d 10h and a high standard 0t last year's firgue of 11.060. an increase of

The rate decrease is not peculiar to UK _ For instance. high .SChQOI seniors 58!“ in living can be obtained without a college roughly 95 percent.
alone. Until this year, colleges and D400 admissmns applications for the school degree. Worry over the draft is diminished
universities across the nation also. ex- year starting in the fall Of 1971- About 4700 to a large extent. and college no longer Continued On Page 4. Col. 3

. O

'"S'de the Kernel Morn'ng Odds: Though the weatherman says there is a 30
percent chance of thundershowers today.
. 7 ' 3 remember. there is also a 70 percent chance that
. . . . lhtn will not lx and overcautious people will
was There's a story on topical majors and the new . . carry umbrellas for nothing. Temperatures will
805 degree on Page 3. On the sports page Rick ogaIHS' '0'" remain in the mid-80's so raincoats may be a
Drewitz has a story on the basketball team s burden. The evening will bring cool breezes with

as? running drills‘. The controversy on Free US temperatures in the low 60’s.

1 W“ . poster continues on the editorial page.

 The :lele-JHU '894 :xsisVanlManaqmq E220! KatielMCJarmv a - Ano
(1.1m .u thipt Maui Wm... ‘M‘Jdnl Manaq-nq ilor Neil otqan
KinUCky 211353."..(13‘..‘.’..§7'G.L..L"C.”.A.‘L'.L':n 231231223 232223133 531:3: 3‘??? E527?” Edltorlals
Kernel ("”"‘“‘~ ‘i"'°' Mu..- lii'H‘i'v fdiloiialx it'plcsenl in.- opinions ut the l'dllOls no! im- Utlwl'lxily Alter
o o
N ude poster controversy barely worth noticmg my.
‘ The photograph that‘s causing labeled the photograph vertise one of the most useful and Bv
the ideological crisis in Free U. “grotesque." important un-institutions on .3; l . / Mm
ranks l5 eerie. Of all the charges, only the last campus: the Free University. .3 ”i if? .g" Suppose yt
The woman l5 blue, nude and has any merit. Walker’s What does cynically exploit Htfi “i”? being a tee
seems to be pressing UP against a photograph could conceivably be women is pornography, like that Y‘ "Kris biological at
pane 0f light blue glass» as if considered bizarre. But in a you can see in certain Lexington . WintidJ-o C
trapped in the Free U- poster- world that intellectually reveres bookshops fora 50 cent deposit. It y :ajsruwé‘l’m
catalog. Her back-lighted body the tortured humans depicted by is sexist to depict a woman in do?
shimmers into mist, wraithlike, Picasso, Dali and Bosch, Mike degrading positions and per- . Youlookii
insubstantial. Her eyes are dark Walker’s photograph is relatively forming dehumanizing acts; but it . _ Program 0
POOlS. mysterious, inscrutable. innocuous. takes an incredible stretch of “" geensegal 5::
cagnszglgvll; Sphomog‘faglfiearrtlvli‘zg N9” the meat 0f the. Charges is 2:33:11: tgpeeolleiiliiostlocglrzlnho the Strum”; 5
Walker has entered it in sex15m and. exp101tation of We feel the women ac?" g t - 3 3, VlSOI‘ detei
. . . women. We think both are wrong. _ _ “’15 s, ,_ . " h. _ ._ _. _ program to
exhibitions and why the Free U. The poster-catalog is not while Sincere, have chosen the Mir disputed nmi. postn-tnldlog. Thempic;
coordinating committee chose it sexuall t' 1 t' An h wrong target. This city abounds down to the serious business of se'f‘S‘rum
ySimuaing. yonewo _ , ,_ _ _, .
from among 30 others. What we h With seXist, explmtive material providing an alternative to UK‘s The pm?”
don’t understand is the current has browsed throug . the f b ' th - - - 1' - S‘Udems “
_ . ’ Playboys and Penthouses m the ar more a uSive an an institutionaized education. outside ofa
OPPOSltlon t0 the poster-catalogs bookstore would a t th esthetically movmg blue nude. After all, isn’t that what the in momma
distribution. . . y wn a . e We ho th t '11 l . .
. barely-ViSible breasts which pe e con roversy w1 postercata og ‘was supposed to (ertai
. Members Of the COURCll on grace Walker’s model. 8001] SUbSlde, so Free U_ can get help (10 In the flI‘St place? Technical
Women s Concerns charged the _ major onen
, poster-catalog explmts women. .. Nor does the poster-catalog h 7 o o o ,’ 1:253:32: 2;
Student Government putaSign on explmt women. The word "0‘ er tUIt'on Increase . requiremel
its door declaring “No sexist implies unethical manipulation or according“
Free U. sters distributed here." use. The poster-catalog instead 0 Dr, Herbert
And oneplgree U. co-ordinator has merely uses a work of art to ad- Cheer up — It could be worse dean of Art
W interView.
was" sna- . ""w” :s a ., W . «w» «x . -. . y
.231“ "'~ (at. R$§§§E§3y No one should have been sur- Indiana University charges Maximo/:1;
as “rf‘w gpific‘ “*lfiigg prised when UK President Otis residents $650 in tuition and fees requiremm
sl‘ 1 .. a.“ Singletary Monday told the {01" the 1971-72 SChOOl Year, almost studies. lht
£3“ N» ”7;” University Senate that 1973-74 twice UK'S $344. Ohio State division COL
.fl%~;f%\ tuition increases would probably UniverSity was the most ex- ‘
gas: ,3.» equal this year‘s $75 boost. After pensive. getting $720 from ‘ ‘
3 . §wsg§wmk§ ";.:.:;i all, the state Council on Public residents. mating;
ewe: “:33 . _ ,41‘ 215:: Ilagdlslgfitrlign announced as Only the University of Ten— someone {:1
are“ " .- . . c. x. 2 ‘ n ' r' ' - using i
WE. f: s... = ”Tfimflfiz . With inflation. enrollment and [friisffrsltigggtlgl‘gvevyf Tthelir $12111: program”
..... «is, self} ~ g . ws a sis“ increase and the m' UK. T. i...
. W t 4- ii 05 s2 ceasing complexity of Universiiy ....".. ..
”Mitf- ig, I. , £134-. a». .7" 2. administration, tuition hikes So the next time you creep up to appear to h
f l..." ., w s “- 7% .3 its “$6.; seem inevitable. But UK students the fee payment table, checkbook sense to m.
“53$ _ £535 “ 4” R; .. ._ __ . 3 watching their bank accounts clutched in a sweaty fist, think of needs. aCCC
' "‘ «1.2.75: WW” dwindle might find some comfort your brethren in Indiana or HP men“
\ll'l't‘l .postcr-cutultigl'i‘onilosscmiti'tiu-rsitil(law—Full.ltfitl. ”1 the .pllght Of StUdentS In [“1“ng and. smlle' 01‘ maybe aglerhOl‘
‘ surrounding states. conSider Joming the students in. . . science 3,
biological 2
O 0 . Drennon
Registration system could reduce bike theft
studies. hl
\ Probably nothing enrages the security number or the bike’s ID . _...’;::;i._., ». . saw W?» is“ 1.. ' 7%..» MT . sciences,
dedicated UK cyclist as much as number on the frame. This would 3:3; M“... 3.: , 13:33? - . . culture. in
coming out of class and finding a provide a more secure method of g‘. elm. 5 .7; I . “‘* " “s: -1”? Lats: YAlmc
severed bike lock lying where a identification than the present 53:? 1.. "a; M .Wf‘g‘émw‘xy It; - me ieVa -
sleek ten-Speeder was left earlier metal tags. ; if... ‘ " ”“ :3; . 3 . Wt Any cm
And it’s happening more often pollxitcefhfivofieltrinerrigiriiiatifiie fizgpu: if" 3 If ET, Xi" jet. “was coherent p‘
as increasing numbers of students d . t' ID beo l .l 3’!“ g. as the Topica
take to this pleasant, non- owners, escrip ions,. num. rs .155. :l 3...?” ' l ’ _ , .' s ‘ f. Beforet
. and other pertinent information. cl .5. . one. W“. X” ,g ‘3" ~
polluting way to travel. Some 75 Th' ul d h l , .i ~_ 3 _ ~ 3 t , , - a. .«
bikes have already been wheeled ls wo e p prove ownership ill. " ti “s3- 1 ”A; if; a -« 6
off by thieves this year. anal-prevent. recovered bikes from is: an?“ $.21; 1,} {6%. “as... ., . m .
So we‘re pleased that Joe 3? ing Up m the PUbhc Safety {saggy {its “53".! l s;
Burch,head of UK‘s Public Safety “”59" basement’ the culrent ”else, go. tag?“ .3“ -. gee »- a
Division, has proposed a rep051tory for unclaimed bikes. ,~;.,';.:: : “gang“ ”‘53,.“ . (:1 ME“ ....- é
registration system to combat the We think the proposed system, ' ‘ ”\1 4;“ :si‘z‘e» ‘ “ ' “' . a-
increasing thefts. already being tried at Louisiana " I f - .- :35. than}: 3
As envisioned by Burch, the State University and elsewhere, ‘ ' l I \ "t: ‘
campus police would provide an would be a real boon for UK “ 3 ‘ \‘ Direcl
engraving unit with which cyclists. We hope it gets off the K“ ‘I i , , -. ”23 (
students could etch their social stand and rolling soon. "m "M" l” “k'” """"’""'

 An th 'l'lll'I Kl-IN'l‘l (‘KV KENNEL. 'l‘hursda). September Ii. MHZ—it
o e r w a y Hm]; rnluxed tn show detnil
- Wm? l -
Alternative degree programs . ' A
$300 ”1'"
'd h f ’ ' WED. RING ,ejq‘gi~¥7.\
prov: e C ance or Innovation so r "s . . Kggpsake ‘ '
Byl);\.\'ltlll~2r\ graduate Ito the usual BA-BS ‘, “1-..'_'"_\ “
Kernel Staff Writer degreei he must submit some $1 -
Suppose you were interested in sort of paper or project indicating H When yOU kHOW’
being a technical writer. Or a what he has learned. Usually this fish it‘s fOr kee S
biological artist. ()r suppose you is accomplished through an In- " , SANTA ROSA P
wanted to concentrate more on dependent Study Course r \ 3250 Your love will be symbolized forever by
art studio than an art studio relevant to his program. \ a beautiful Keepsake solitaire. See our out-
major W0U1d allow. What d0 you For more information on this ,3 standing selection . . . all perfect gems of
do; 1 k" t th T . lM . program see Dean Drennon in the g ‘\ the finest cut and color.
ou 00 In 0 e opIca ajor . . 3- . .
Program or the Bachelor of 33:): d3?fiic:3:v:: office, 2nd ' / -1=;,:..1,., a 4 WAYS TO BUY:
General Studies degree. Both of The College of A . lt h _' V‘ QR Charge - Layaway - Bank Charge Card .‘
these programs are self- . _ ngcu ure as ‘~ :45 ' V - 90 Days Same as Cash
structured so you and your ad- a program Similar to the Arts and CAROLINE w at“ . Q
visor determine the correct Sciences 'topIcal major. $350 3 in \” DIAMONIOLOGISIS
program to pursue. Agriculture 5 program 15 a WED RING 75 (£3... ,
The topical Major is the oldest completely self structured MAN'S 125 ‘x'\‘ 3.4 7 A I
self—structured program here. program requiring only English 1 a» V}; " e S '
The program is designed for composition and any five of the
Students Whoie ”mung“ he e'ght general 8.3““ areas “£3; The Only Member 'I'l‘ltl"l..\_\l) mi... rtn'I-I'I‘Tr: sI.\I,I.
outSIde ofamajor department or There are no minimum grade . ) Q of the ‘ . . ' . . ‘ ‘ .. ‘ . ..
in more than one department. requirements. but people on r '5‘ L DIAMOND COUNCIL PASHAND SIIUI | IM- ”AIM! \\. .\I.\I.\ sl.
(‘ertain requirements academic probation will be ad- in‘f in this area ALSO FRANK I-‘tilt'l‘
Technically to be a topical vised by the College not to take
major one has to be a Junior with the program. /’__———-\
at leasta2.5 gradepoint average. The most self-structured ‘ . . . ‘ ‘ _ ‘ _ ‘ . .
i However exceptions to these program here is the Bachelor of TIIh l .\l\ ERSIT\ or ”,th (mus .
requirements may be made General Studies degree offered FIRST ‘leer Q
according to personal needs, said by the College of Arts and ~ \ f I.
Dr. Herbert Drennon, associate Sciences. I"
dean of Arts & Sciences. in an The requirements for the BGS e CHO f f [’3
interview. degree stipulate that you must , ‘
, A topical major has to meet all have 30 hours of credits before /‘ n ,. f . A
other Arts and Sciences entering the program. complete N ‘,' - ,i ’ l \' \
requirements as to general 30 hours while enrolled In the '~ wk,
t studies. the number of upper program and complete 45 hours . h
i division courses. etc. of upperdivision courses (which,
, according to Dean Drennon is .. ) 2/ ’7': \\
No easy out more than normally required for ,t x s ( .? *U
Drennon said. “Never once the BA-BS) and complete English [(A9] ‘ 4W . 4- .
have lhad the inclination to think composition. \-I——~ £1: - E a Q
. someone wanted an easy out by _ _ 1‘.“ “l V" _ ‘
using the Topical Major In adding" the BGS student I." \ w \ a' fi
' program.“ must submit some permanent I": - \ ’3
communication ta paper. tape ‘ it“. \ r\. u l .
Topical majors combine recording. photos. “C" to i . ‘ NW 3”." ‘
courses which on the surface demonstrate the cohesive ‘ ‘. ""
appear to be separate‘ but make character Of hlS individual /
sense to the individual student's program. . BIG BLUE
i needs. according to Drennon. Drennon said these projects
‘ will be used to evaluate the entire
He mentioned an example—of BGS program. which he em~ Bu RGER BATTLE
11 girl WhO {00k courses :1" animal phasized is only an experimental
- science and art stu i0. Her r .
vocation... Interest was to be a " [foam id he Mm we“ sponsonw av TAllY-IIO a.
biolo ical artist. r nnon sa ‘ e
g Numerous topics emtgloyers,l gradhuatle antd THE UN|VERSITY SHOP
pro essmna sc 00 s. o
Drennon said topics in the discriminate against a person sept. 29th...2:oo P.m. ' »
Topical Major program include with a BGS degree but noted that
interior design. American it was possible. SIGN UP Nowll .
studies. humanities. behavioral . d d _ l o. \
sciences, religious aspects of He said he W011] a V159 3‘ ‘
culture. international relations. potential BGS students Of this . at the u Shop 0" Tony-HO
Latin American area studies. possibility bl" the graduate . '
medieval studies. and so on. schools etc. would probably look ./ .
into each individual's record to « ——seporate contests for guys 8. girls— ’
Any combination of courses dec'de 'f “'5 BGS '5 acceptable first 100 to sign up will participate
which are a part of a logical , ‘
coherent program is suitable for Drennon said all persons l
the Topical Major. considering a BGS degree should / s or F N I
Before the Topical Major can talk to him first. / * TON u \\
Opportunities for
Novice and Experienced ‘ f 407 5' L'ME 255'7523 OPEN 24 HRS.
OPEN 9-5:30 MON.-SAT. 253-1913
Contact: .
Director of Debate Phone: 257-2323
1423 Office Tower or 257-2485 «\d—J’d/x

 ler'l‘lll‘l KI'IVI'l l'K\ Kl-Ilt\lil.. 'l‘lIursilai}. St‘pll‘lllht‘l' II. WT:
Venus hires d' t

an articulate Christian witness "'90 0"
Continued from Page 1 \\|.\ll to M't' llpt‘l‘itllOIT Venus

'I'liI-i-oininltli-i' litter (lt‘t‘ldt‘d to Hill's“ “'0'“ ”W hands ()I the
I’t‘ltllll ”11‘” present Mlt' in the \Ullllllt‘t‘l'S-N l1“ said. ”This is
Lutheran Student (It‘lllt‘l' on “MY“ ll “FRUIT “Nd Ihih‘ is “here
C E N T RA L BA PT I ST ('Irluinhiii .\\(‘IIU(‘. due to the 'l ““01”” “‘milm-H
I-lli-I-t lth' changi- might have on with ”1,. decision of Operation
C H U RC H ll'“”'" ‘(lllmlI'f‘l‘S \‘I‘nus to tzikc on a director and
'l‘llt‘ (mi-rutIon \‘cnus group ”1““. tll(l in the Iorm ol
‘l'5I’l4'3(‘(l ““5”“"(1‘ I" accepting I-(Iiit'utioniil mutt-rials Irom the
lllt‘ health departments ot'l'cr for [want] department. the
1644 NICHOLASV'LLE ROAD .‘Iltl. Icurlng .‘lll eventual , .
l.lk('()\'(‘l'. organization presently lacks only
9: 15 STUDY GROUP lo: 30 WORSHIP Iti-ikcr assured thi- students Millik'lmlWllmli‘i‘l‘sl01‘<‘5tal‘t Its
. ._ .. , . . \l‘ll(‘l‘(‘£ll (list-Lise int'ormvm
7: lh.It no nihioui \ms plunnid I on
00 VESPERS l)_\ lllt‘ department. "I have no I’l'URI'U'"
Sunday bus: Kennedy's 9:00; Complex,9:05 UK GrOWTh rate drops
Continued from Page 1 Last year. the Ft. Knox
. Much of this increase is due to enrollment was administered by
William L. Turner, Minister the opening of Jefferson Com— the UK Community College
munity (,ollege’s new southwest System.
branch. Evening and extension classes
The College of Arts and Science now have 2,322 students enrolled.
. Q has a new branch campus at Ft. with the registration process still
Knox with an enrollment of 652. going on.
. n ,
The Kentmky Kernel, H3 Journalism ‘ o -
v T H A T B E A U T I F U L N E W 38:32:33, artistes? mm. this graveyard
t-mes weekly during the school year except .
“wilfff‘fé’t'flié‘.22“s‘i.‘:21:"2':’:7;,:"" we Shall bulld
Poms e . t‘ ernet rv m. l '

F U R N IT u R E Y a U N E E D our gold...
Heaun as the Cadet in 1804 and published ”
cont nu USl as. The en'uc rne 5In(

Wls T30 Kvernel Pr:SS, lmkvtguonded I971£1 BangladeSh.
Si‘condrlass postage paid at Lexington,
‘ Kentucky - '

A N D W E l. l. SAV E Y O U farexzsrgsc"2.21:2.s,22:23.: Sen c
advertlsmo Should bereportcd to the editors contribution [02

Editor, Editorial Editor 2571755 UNICEF Bangladesh Relief
Advertisma Business C.rculatlon NewYork, N.Y.1(X)16
758 4646
Sports Newsroom 2571800
Photography 258 5600
|S F I IRNI | I IRE The best iiim oi the year. It is in his
total vision that Kubrick’s mastery
of every phase of his art is dis-
2519 NICHOLASVILLE ROAD played in bravura style.
OPEN DAILY ] 0_9 SAT 'I 0_6 —Judi!h Crist, New York Magazine
“Some movies are so inventive and
. powerful that they can be Viewed
' again and again and each time
. HEY GAI 5 yield up fresh illuminations.
I Stanley Kubrick’s, ‘A Clockwork
Orange,’ is such a movie.”
Remember The Good Ole Days ,.
. :. 2:00-4:45
When Jeans were $500 ? 7:30-10:00
The Sycamore Shop brings those days back! Brushed ‘u—m
denim flares in brown, green, coral and purple. Button & "M"
snap lowerise front featuring patch pockets. Super fitting ' Lot“
Iean that has that ”Go Anywhere, Do Anything” look. " : K
Easy on the pocketbook, too! . 1 ”on
I 5 V“ “t
’ . C} '\J’ r « £2. 13; " " *2? "Em “VER’
. .3? 3rd BIG WEEK
J I J; ‘ sycamore "3;, ‘ =:§§1-‘.:§;:J 1‘1,
f'v 1- f ‘3: .. r -:.,._;,:..;:$gE..:.. i
1 .r \e Sh .5 NO ONE UNDER
.. ,3" ..::2;; t ADMITTED
' - '51.
I l" ’01.". M." on." '0-9 Dai'y AStenbyKubnck Production ACLOChWORK ORANGE StuiingMotcolmMcDontPeIiictiMooerMmCom
I: ‘ “MuggzzlmAg'cieenmyftwKihrckaIMMIMAHMMW. ' .: W“ 4 " 'g "i. 345.3...
_ the Thursday performances. WW}.- 5" I}: H *5 .. 3W, ,_..§5._. . .“ n
' “'5 Rvservations can be made by ' f . 3.1“ - I: ' ‘ , ' 0
“JV phoning 278—8882. ._ he“ :7“
tiff. 33%? . T , ' *- ““3... -
I‘éei ’- “ . " 2-... '~ 125 ' :'~3?«;”""_“.“- -
lazine Art ' ‘; if 3531,; ' , g .‘__.Ifl_:v;‘. - I ,iJ‘T‘j.
and ‘ , _- ‘ j. l". ‘1 l (0/16 Wm M
wed Sept. 12-16——“Portrait of g- -- . . X’ egg £5 . .7-
time \’ietnam"—-11 a.m.-7 p.m., SC . j‘ '. . Iii-32'":- fia" I r_ X :"fié‘sef ':%f_’_ ‘ '.
A l Galler '. 3 . -.1 .21» ~ '5 T I k S
ms- r 3 .. 3 ~ ., . .2 . ». ._ .. urt e n ec s, coop
IOI'k Mann-mm
3.... “Thele d f nec s, S eeve .ess
NIGGER . ” ,, , ‘W i
:00 Sept. 14—Auditions for m pU overs J; 2’ fl P ' l.
. . _ 0
”were” Dance “many 7 FndMllnmaon' mm DonPedmColky ,4 I {1.} l t
" p.m., Room 201, Forestry WUMWIde-W V
. . . "" s f f'
['3 Building. All interested men and g myhpwiwymgw plumabylhmh-Galilllm_-_y 1 J. \,
women are urged to attend. “"M'fif" "c" ""‘"""’"“" WWW-.4 on'y J 5“ I"
=,,, .3 1., .
. ........_...__. $6 $7 $8 ‘
_ 1‘
Cinema ALSO-THAT oini-"iillouu wucw' , ,3.~\
| .
The first lady gunfighter
‘ ._ :5?- .- "‘35::
mini; Sept. 15-16m“Performance"-— ' 5.9g; , -=' ._ mmwriciutts "(.5018 W
b WE ' 6:30 & 9 p.m.. SC Theatre. “King g , ' . _ , ..llmnle .
Kong"—-11:45 p.m., SC Theatre. g; "1 .' "1‘!- ”
t6 "_ 13:" 6'3?
6:30 p.m.. e - . 3g}, .32" ‘ , °
® Sept. 18—“Shadows of Our ,. ':'-' '1’"... ~ ‘mm‘cm mm" Fayette MU" 0P9" '0'9 Dally
M,Mmc°,,, Forgotten Ancestor"——6:30 p.m.. 5:3: " '3’ '. - %2:. "mm .
,3”... SC Theatre. :3 g Zia fl Premierlng Friday. Sept. 15 7:00 p.m. —How To
I O! u 5" ' " " .’.-. I .
Sept- 26— 3990”“ “10'“ m it». Look ”In” Fall ’72 or ’ To Sycamore With Layers”.
. . i i , re. ' "':-:-: '~;7; 3. I , ,
AND MALL Chma .630 pm" SC ea .. - - - .4..- Don TmlSS IT
. . ' H u $15 Gift Certificate for a luck u in the audience.
mi MAM (Call 254-7409if you want to work STARTS WED Tfli GODFATHER Y 9 Y
.anl.a~l ii on the Arts'page.)

 “—‘HIE KEVITFKY KERNEL‘ Thumday‘ september H‘ ‘972
5;; Paul (Dennis) McFadden '
’“’”””"’”""”"”"’ Don’t eat lunch if you’re
@Yg’el-ASSES running with the heapsters
of Kentucky, inc.
Imperial Plaza Shopping Center BleCKDREWsz sand dunes or mountainous beginning.
Waller Avenue Lexingto