xt734t6f4g8f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt734t6f4g8f/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1990-05 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 1990 text GLSO News, May 1990 1990 1990-05 2019 true xt734t6f4g8f section xt734t6f4g8f NEWS 1990 ’- L5 (6
5 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
from Kate Black and Steve Savage

A vocal and determined roup of lesbians, seemingly hide an ideology and agenda, and,
gay men and their friengs protested the in fact, create a climate where active and
message of CrossOver Ministries and its director, passive intolerance flourishes. She even cited as
Bruce Grimsle , during the third week of A ril. examples similar use of propaganda by Nazi
An affiliate of, Exodus, International, Crossgver Germany which eventually led to incarceration
hosted a conference in Lexington at the First and genocide of millions of people including
Assembly of God Church (remember Jim and homosexuals. Even thou h one of R er's
Tammy aye?), April 20-21, after a presentation proteges attempted to help Sl'tim understan? this
at the University of Kentucky on April 19. point, Rogers would not acknowledge its

CrossOver aims to convert homosexuals to validity.
heterosexuality, offering gay men and lesbians Later in the evenin , the "discussion"
"freedom from homosexuality. " became heated as severaia protesters cited cases
On the evenin of Apri i9, approximately of CrossOver representatives, including its leader
15 protesters stoog outside a meeting room in Bruce Grimsley using questionable — if not
the UK Student Center with signs prior to the unethical - methods to gain "converts." One
talk by S Rogers, president of Exodus, man reported a friend being harassed at work
Internationaff Later the protesters entered the the day before' several rotesters discussed
room and stood in the back, continuing to hold PWA's havin been hounded (even while in
up signs readin "Homophobia is a Sin. hospital room: and worse. A woman told her
Re nt Now," "Cross Over to Gay Rights," story of Grimsley and one of his assistants
"afre Homophobia ” and other messages. visiting her home unsolicited. Grimsle and
Already resent inside the room was a larger Rogers denied all accusations, even though such
grou of3 about 20 people prepared to ask acts of harassment by their colleagues have
challiznginq, diverting questions. Ropers been documented in newspapers and
apparently ad planned to speak for at east magazines articles across the country (Los
the maiority of the hour and a half Angeles Times, Dec. 6, 1989). Rogers even
presentation. Within 5 minutes however, the went so far as to deny any responsibility for the
president of GLUE raised her hand to ask a actions of members of the organization he

question. For the next 1 1/4 hours, protesters directs.
asked one question after another, effectively Without use of violence, the protesters
preventing Rogers from presenting his planned effectively altered the content of the meeting.
'testimony." Consequently, the 4 or 5 dozen people who
Rogers repeatedly denied that Exodus is went to hear Rogers speak left with a far
Ereaching homophobia. According to Rogers, different messagze than that intended by
xodus has two purposes: to give gay people CrossOver. ather then hearin just
an alternative if they do not wish to be gay, CrossOver's description of homosexuagity as
and to combat homophobia among Christians. depraved, sinful behavior, the audience heard
Yet as several people in the audience pointed the truth about CrossOver's unethical methods.
out, he consistently uses a "disease" model in They also saw ga|y men and lesbians taking a
his rhetoric - using strongly negative and stand for themseves, their ay and lesbian
condemning words such as 'sin," "healin ," brothers and sisters, and for tae young lesbian
"recovery,' etc. A German linguist from ELK and gay people so vulnerable to CrossOver's
pointed at the power of terminology to manipulations. [Continued on Page 4]

 [ ] Please send me an introducto issue
and thematic. on GLSO. " AUNT MARY
[ ] I'd like to become a votin Member of —_—_——
GLSO, includin home defive of the
GLSO NEWS ang discounts at GLSO Dear Aunt Mary,
functions. Membership fee of SIO/yr. Recently, I've heard a lot of talk about AIDS
individual, SIS/yr. couple, is enclosed. becoming a chronic, lifelong, and treatable
disease. I also read that youn er gays are
[ ] I don't wish to become a Member but returning to the sexual abandon ofg the pre-AIDS
please send me the Glso NEWS each generation. Is there reason for optimism and
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee. can I relax a little now?
Sincerely, Jason
Name: Dear Jason,
Aunt Ma has heard much about the new
Address: outlook for AIDS. In discussions with several
doctors she has been told that the technology,
City, St, Zip: drugs and so forth needed to make AIDS a
chronic, treatable disease are foreseen in the
Mail to: Newsletter, P.O. Box ”471 next 25 years. In the course of medical and
Lexington,KY40575 human history 25 years isn't that long; but in
the lifetime of one human, it robably means
the difference between life and3 death. There
are encouraging signs for those who know of a
GLSO News is published monthly by the sitive HIV status and begin early treatment,
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. Kit the body may develop a resistance to the
(Lexin ton Ga /I.esbian Services Or anization), drugs being used (such as AZT) and the [u is
P.O. Box I 14%, Lexington, KY 405g5. still out on all of the other drugs being tested).I
On the issue of sexual abandon,
Craig Clere, Managing Editor Newsweek recently had a series of articles on
Angela Martin, Asst Editor - Esmerelda Parlour the future of Gay America and noted that many
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist younger gays are engaging in sex at levels that
rival the pre-AIDS generation. Well, there's
Additional Contributors: Angela, HRCF, Craig, nothing wrong with sex, per se but there is
Teresa, GLSO, Alan, Planned Parenthood, The something wrong if it is being done in unsafe
Advocate; Typist: Craig; Equipment: Dave; Layout: wa s - it borders on suicidal behavior.
Craig; Mailing: Dave; Courier: Bill, Dave; Folding Unfortunately, most twenty-year-olds have little
&Stuffing: Mark, Steve, Dave, Gerry, Jim, John. sense of their own mortaity and, as a result,
one can only argue for urther emphasis on
AIDS education. After ten years of this Iague
many of us would like to pretend it is fading,
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are those of the but the evidence thus far is only SII I’ttly more
authors and do not necessarily represent those of the GLSO positive than it was in I984 or I886 (some
Board of Directors. Submissions are welcome. All submissions might argue that it's more negative than four or
become the property of GLSO and must indicate the full name SIX year ago). Aunt Mary wouldn't bet her life
and address of the author. Anonymous submissions are not on rumors, hearsay, and unsubstantiated drug
accepted. The editorial stall reserves the right to alter treatments at this int. In other words, safer
submissions (including ads) to meet publishing requirements, as sex is still in anCI)o will probably be so for a
well as the right to reject any submission it deems offensive or while. Aunt Mary
discriminatory. Placement of advertising in GLSO News does
not denote a person's sexual orientation nor a business's Write to AUnt Ma 2 c/o GLSO, PO BOX
customer preference. I I47I , Lexington, & 40575.
2 May GLSO

Im rial Court's Coronation r ram was also
LOCAL NEWS opfioved. P °9
Edwin Hackney discussed the latest issues
——_—_—— involving the "CrossOver" conference, a
conference designed to help gays and lesbians
GLSO BOARD CONSIDERS change their sexual orientatlon. Following
MAJOR PHONELINE UPGRADE discussion the Board approved sending Teresa
from Teresa Reynolds and Craig Clere Reynolds and Bill Log ms to the conference
inc nito to ascertain Irfformation regarding the
The GLSO Board of Directors met for its corifgrence.
monthly meeting March 21, 1990. Committee Teresa Reynolds and Debbie Currie agreed
reports and oI business were the first items to to serve as the Election Committee to seek
be discussed. Bill Loggins re rted that final qualified Board members for the new Board
revisions were bein mad;o on GLSO's beginning in June. Interested persons are
promotional brochure Vatich will be ready for encourage to contact Re nolds, Currie, or GLSO
June's Pride Week celebration. President Crai Clere (goo-8887). Elections to
The Coffeehouse & Dance committee the Board willgoccur during Pride Week in June
reported that $22 was lost on the March for three two-year terms, one one-year term,
coffeehouse. A high overhead and low Secretary, and Treasurer of the Board.
attendance were blamed for the loss. The April The next Board Meeting was set for the final
coffeehouse featuring Yer Girlfriend, however, is Wednesday of the month. GLSO Board
expected to attract a large turnout. meetin s are 0 n to the membership at-lar e.
Edwin Hackney discussed a new computer ConsuTt the Biarectory for contact numger
and answering machine 5 stem for the Gayline. regarding location and time.
The system would involved a computerized
touch-tone line where callers could access tapes BLUEGRASS HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCATES
for the services they were interested in as well GROWTH CONTINUES
as speakin directly to a Gayline volunteer if from BHRA
desired. The cost would be $1300 for the
initial start-up plus a $40 maintenance fee in Bluegrass Human Rights Advocates is an
addition to the regular $95 monthly phone educational and advocacy group for lesbian
char e. and gay rights. It is beginning its second year
\znrious fundraising options were discussed to with enthusuasm and gearing up to sponsor on
finance the new computer and answering informative evenin during Pride Week in June.
machine 5 stem. Following a lengthy discussion BHRA has Eeen roductive on the
the Board, decided to approve a fundraising educational front. SeveraTmembers participated
solicitation involving two parties to be hosted by in a panel on homophobia, sponsored by the
members of the community, in addition to a Community Coalition for Cultural Diversity.
fundraisin letter to be sent to GLSO members BHRA's first major event was resenting James
and friengs. A raffle will also be held, with the Wolf, author of Gay Priests. TIEe event, held at
final drawin for prizes held durin Pride Week. the Central Library, was well attended.
Tickets for fine raffle will be 50% durin late On the advocacy front, BHRA met with state
April and May. Bill Loggins reported aTready Rep. Ernesto Scorsone when the legislative
lining up nearly a dozen items for the raffle session began to discuss AIDS-related legislation.
from local merchants. The roup supported Rep. Paul Mason's AIDS
The treasurer reported a stable treasury anti-(fiscrimination bill, though writing Mason to
primarily due to increased advertising from criticize certain language in the bill which was
GLSO News and continued subscription later removed.
renewals and GLSO membershi s. The organization is active and goin placesl
Julie Smoak requested GLSB sponsorship of Look for the BHRA brochure at Pricfie Week
a women's city league softball team. Smoak's events. New participants are always welcome.
request for funds was unanimously approved by Meetings are the first Sunday of each month at
the Board. A funding request for an ad in the 7:30 pm. For location, call am at 266-7011.
May GLSO 3

[TAKE A STAND, continued from front page]
On Saturday morning, April 21,
—_———— a proximately 15 ople demonstrated in front
of3 the the First ifsembly of God church as
NAMES PROJECT RECEIVES FUNDS conference participants entered and traffic
from the NAMES Project Kentucky passed by on Pasadena Road. One conference
articipant offered the demonstrators donuts
The fifth meetin of NAMES Project Kentucky jjnone were accepted) as a conference
was held April 1? at Transylvania University. photo ra her took close-up pictures.
Co-chair Rev. Dee Dale and Tim were in Will the hotos be used to demonstrate acts
attendance from Louisville and provided an of Christian Tove bestowed upon the protesters?
essential link to the Louisville community. The Will any photos show the harassment,
Project had it's first benefit in connection with intimidation, and discrimination reported by so
the Tri-State Gay Rodeo Association (TSGRA) at many at the hands of CrossOver?
Crossings and raised $340. Man thanks to T e participants in their organized resistance
TSGRA and Crossings for allowin the Kentucky confirmed the success of their protest because of
Chapter to be the beneficiary of tgeir event. the individual and collective, sense of
Panel making is a focus of the local chapter, empowerment experienced b taking a stand for
as well as the National NAMES Project. In the ourselves; because CrossOver's intolerance,
early days of Kentucky a quilt served many unethical and psychologicall damaging ministry
needs. oday Quilting Bees are bein planned has not one unnoticed by those who are
to assist families friends and loveg ones in outraged iy them; and because conference
making panels for the AIDS Quilt Memorial. participants who are questioning their own
Becki Olson, owner of Quilter's Square, will be sexuality saw a diverse, dignified group of
Eroviding workshop space at her store in Dudley people publicly embracing their sexual identities.
quare, 308 South ill Street, Lexington. The he groundwork has been laid for responses to
workshops are scheduled for the second future displays of homophobia.
Thursday of each month from 7-9 pm. Ms.
Olson will be available to help anyone who has
questions about desi ning and making quilt ——"——
panels. The first workaiop will be May 10.
There will be a display of the AIDS Memorial
Quilt in Cincinnati, May 12, at Mt. St. Joseph
Peace and Justice Center, contact person:
Louise Akers, SC, 513-579—8547. Don't Be Alone,
Names Project Kentucky will have their next . °
meeting, 7:30 - 9:30 pm in Frankfort. Contact _F1nd the man ofyour dreams through the
Dan for more information at 502—227-2486. SClenCC ofcomputer matchmgIWe have f0und
For general information about the NAMES new friends and lovers forhundreds ofmen in
Project Kentuck , please call J.C., 299-8836, Kentucky and throughout North America.
Steve, 2334;82, or write PO, Box 588, So, Don'tbealone.Letushelpyou too with
Lexin ton, KY, 40586, Remember together we our proven low cost methods! Call now fora
will 'aeep the Love Alive." free application and information packet.
from Lexington Planned Parenthood ’ ‘ Emfl magi}
1-800-633-6969 (24 hrs)
Lexington's Pro-Choice Alliance will celebrate
its one year anniversary with a celebration at
Woodland Park, May 12, at 2 pm. There will
be games and booths from local participating
organizations. All are invited.
4 May GLSO

LOCAL NEWS from the Pride Week Committee
—_ The Pride Week Committee would like Arts
Night (Wednesday, June 13) to be a visual
PRIDE WEEK REPORT feast. Therefore, we're looking for all kinds of
from the Pride Week Committee visual art to adorn the room in which Arts Night
will be held. If you have artwork which you
The 1990. Pride Week Committee has been would like to submit for display (with the 0 tion
hard at work preparing a full slate of events for to sell your work, should you choose), pfgase
what will actually be a ten-day celebration of call Debbie at 255-3851.
Lesbian and Gay Pride (why limit ourselves to a We are also in need of performers for Arts
week when there's so much to do?l). The Night, although time will be somewhat limited,
following is the TENTATIVE schedule of events: so we will only be able to select a few
individuals to perform. If you would be
JUNE interested, please call Debbie at the above
FRI 8 JOANN LOUMN -- Live and number. We'll do our best to fit you in!
In Person!! (sponsored by GLUE). If you've rticipated in Arts Night before
She promises a talk that will appeal and would “If: to again, but haven't heard
to both lesbians and gay men! from us yet, please give a call. We may not
know how to get in touch with you.
JUNE 8, 1990, 8 PM
TUE 12 BOWLING NIGHT (sponsored by
Rainbow Bowling League) $8 IN ADVANCE
WED 13 ARTS NIGHT [s nsored by
GLSO/Esmeredgf $10 AT THE DOOR
by NAMES Proiect Kentuclfi)
(sponsored by Interweave) from Lexington Planned Parenthood
SAT 16 PRIDE PICNIC A campaign is underway to ex ress
dis Ieasure at the recent decision of ATrET to
SUN I7PRIDE WEEK WORSHIP SERVICE witfidraw $50,000 from a teen prepnancy
(sponsored by Interweave) revention program because of P anned
Parenthood's stand on abortion rights.
As you can see, with so much diversity, there is Individuals can contact AT&T by writing Robert
something for everyone, so we hope to see you Allen, Chairman of the Board, 550 Madison
all there.I Watch for details as to times and Ave., New York, NY 10022 and Dr. Reynold
Eations in the June GLSO News, or call the Levy President of the AT&T Foundation, 550
GAYLINE for more information. Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022.
' May GLSO 5

 switching “roles" among partners the model is
the same.
It seems to me that peo Ie who advocate
loving relaltjonships afliong gill> jiurjians need j'jo
’ examine teir tou ts an eein s on te
smerelda S Perla 1‘ subject. For provoking these ihOUgI‘IgiS, I thank
1‘“ you. . I'd like you to examine your own
gr ~‘.\\ separation too.
j Your article addressed behavior as well as
4/ external appearances, asking} us not to be
'udgmental oi S/M but, be co esive. Not that
l'm wild about sorority antics, since the are
Dear Ms. Martin, also coming from a patriarchal role model of
Like a previous commentator, I found the what women are sup sed to be but, I do not
December column thought-provoking. Irealized think they are worth)? oi your reprobations.
how much energy I was ivin other causes not ' "Disgusting hoards of cloned Barbie dolls,
speciiically lesbian/gay igentiiied. The March stamped with greek letters one is easily overrun
column, "United We Stand" was equally by on campus?" 50 are you saying that an
thought-provokin but in a negative way. “image" is OK as long as it's gay, no matter
I've been iglowing the incessant runnin how abusive it may be. Or is It OK to judge
commentary in "Lesbian Connection" and found "them" because they judge "us?"
our position well represented and very enticing. Yes, judgments are often unIair to others.
The whole idea of criticism of S/M is Iounded Like you, I would like to see unity in the lesbian
on the Judeo-Christian (patriarchal) notion of community, but not a unity that oppresses.
”judge not lest ye be judged." Althou h this Oppression oi S/M lesbians is wrong.
position is enticing Irom thIs standpoint, T have Oppression oi sorority women, gay men,
come to reject this philosophical notion. strajghts, everyone is wrong. Lets not imit our
I reject the idea that my personal con ines to any sell-righteous attitude but lets not
disapproval of violent-ag ressive acts in intimate allow ourselves to be tricked into perpetuating
relationships is being juggmental of my sisters. harm to each other in so doing.
It took me awhile to reach this understanding. I
even Ielt ambivalence Ior a long time because I Sincerely,
personalized the criticism of my lifestyle by Jules
society as a whole. The best way I can explain
my present feelings on the subject is by Dear Jules,
analogy. Certainly we would agree that Thank you so much for your comments - it is
"consensual" substance abuse is improper always encoura ing to know that someone is
behavior. Although we don't wish to condemn out there readlgng and cares enough about
the abuser, we do not as a sociegl (gay or various issues to respond. I'm sorry I could not
straight) condone the behavior. Wh . Because rint our entire letter, but it was just too long.
it is armiul physically and emotionally and that Fthink’ it is important for you and all the other
harm atiects not only the abuser but their loved readers of Esmerelda's Parlour to know that the
ones. The aIIect oes even further - society as article "United We Stand" was not written to
a whole is harmeg not only in economic terms condone S/M behavior or any other act or
but idealistic terms. activity. In fact, you hit my point right on the
Aside from analog I also looked at where head in your last paragraph - it is the
these "needs" mi ht be coming Irom. While oppression that can stem from our judgments of
l'm no psychoanaEIst, from what I've read and which I disapprove. It is in this context that I
Ieel I believe it often comes from past abuse by agree with your chastisement of my little
a trusted person like a parent. If love and comment about sorority irIs. You are right and
intimacy are learned in a violent-aggressive way I realize that my Ieefin 5 about these irls
it may carry over later in life. I also eel that the should not be aired in GL§0 News or usec? as
S/M model comes from a triarchal power cause for any discrimination - thanks for making
model. You are either diacrhinated or the E think! I must, however, disa ree with your
dominator under that basic structure. Even in suggestion that "United We Stang" was written
6 May GLSO

 on the principle "iudge not lest ye be iud ed." LESBIAN HERSTORY ARCHIVES
I am opinionated enough to where I teesla that PLANS HERSTORY WEEK
judgments are very important - individual from GLSO News
Ludgments in large part make us who we are.
ut along with these iudgments must come some The Lesbian Herstory Archives is asking
degree of temperance and an open mind. lesbians around the world to join them in 0
Also, I have a great deal of trouble accepting week of fundraising events, May 2-9, to raise
your assertion t at "iudge not lest ye be funds for a buildin for The Archives.
iudged" is simply a Judeo-Christian/patriarchal One of the higfitlights of the week will be a
ideal. I am neither a Christian nor a Jew and 1 series of house parties, held in communities from
harbor no fear of the Judgment Day, but this Athens, Georgia, to Anchorage, Alaska. These
idea still makes a whole lot of sense to me. intimate gatherin s will share information about
Sincerely, Angela Martin The Archives one? ask for contributions. Archives
volunteers are coordinating and assisting
FORGIVE ME! community activists in planning these events.
Some cities will be hosting dances and special
I'm afraid I stepped on some toes with the events as well. Man local businesses will be
writing of last month's column "It's a Matter of designating a special day when a percentage of
Choice." So what’s new, right? This seems to their sales will go to The Archives. Individuals
happen to me a lot. Somehow when I'm can join in the effort by donating a day's pay
writing (say at work in the middle of my lunch to the building fund.
hour as I did for this "Choice" article), my point Co-coordinator Deb Edel says, "The Archives
mysteriously disappears and in its place appears has always depended on grassroots support for
this monster of a statement. Last month's its survival, and this week of fundraising is
column was not intended to offend any true continuing that tradition with a special effort to
bisexuals. Believe it or not, it wasn't meant to raise money in honor of Mabel Hampton's
offend anyone. Idid, however, make a mistake birthday, to purchase a very necessary
in my choice of the term 'pseudo-bisexual.’ As building."
one dear friend of mine was kind enough to The Lesbian Herstory Archives serves lesbians
point out, the use of this term is inflammatory worldwide through its newsletter, bibli raphies,
and serves to perpetuate the judgments lesbians research assistance, as well as its cruciztlgwork of
within our community tend to throw at the collecting and preserving the world's largest and
woman who sleeps with, or is capable of oldest collection of lesbian materials. The
sleeping with a man or a woman. I do stand collection includes 10,000 books, 13,000
by my real point that involvement in a periodical titles, 12,000 photographs, taped
relationship with someone who is unsure of or oral herstories and other representations of
cannot handle their sexuality (this does not lesbian lives and activities. For more
mean true bisexuals) is a matter of choice and information contact LHEF, Inc., PO Box 1258,
should be viewed as such. New York, NY, 10016.
Please forgive me, Angela
from Artswatch
Are you mateless or new in town and want
to meet other single sisters for friendship? 1 "Spin the Spiral," by Susan Ottzen, Phyllis
would like to organize a support/activities Free and Laura Jane Cavanaugh, will be
oriented group for women interested in planning presented in Louisville on Julyo27 - 29. "Spin
and participating in single's activities. the Spiral" is a statement a ut healing family
This is not a datin service, but simply a violence. The performance "is about violence
means for sin le sisters to meet and have a and child abuse and ex riencing the pain
social life witTtout feelin ostracized in our 0 ain so that we may heaIfiourselves." Tickets
couple-oriented society. If9 interested please call wfil go on sale at the Center's Ticket Services
Lori, 255-5084, and leave your name and after June 1. For more information, call
phone number. Artswatch at 502-893-9661
May GLSO 7

REVERSED IN MASSACHUSETTS from The Wall Street Journal
from Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights
The US. Supreme Court has upheld an
Gov. Michael Dukakis announced that the Ohio law which makes it illegal to possess nude
Massachusetts policy which effectively banned photographs of children, including those used
gays and lesbians from becoming foster parents, rivately in the home. The Court justified the
and thus from participating in adoption, would ban on the grounds that owning such material
be reversed. The new state poli will not perpetuates its demand. The demand therefore
include sexual orientation as a consideration in romotes exploitation of the children involved.
the placement of children in foster homes. This reasoning suggests the Court is preparing to
Many activists believe last November's ban possession of all material iud ed
enactment of a Gay Civil Ri hts Law in pornogra hic, since adult pornography is wigely
Massachusetts may have contriguted to the perceived3 as exploiting women.
change in policy. The ruling further erodes individual "privacy"
Gay foster care became a source of rights, and its possible effects are not limited to
controversy in 1985 when Dukakis ordered two pornography. Using the Court's logic, laws
children removed from the homes of Don Babet could permit government to intrude into the
and David Jean, two 90 men who had the home any time private activity perpetuates the
children in foster care. The gay and lesbian commercial demand for material or products
community responded with outra e and the deemed to exploit others. -
groundswell of protest against DuEakis rew to It also appears to reaffirm the 1986
national prcyortions, hampering his agility to Hardwick decision which upheld state laws
win gay an lesbian support in his Presidential prohibiting private, homosexual activity between
bid. consenting adults.
from HRCF ————-—_
Congressman Ger Studds (D-MA), one of
tavo openly gay memrgers of tlhebU.S. HOJJse of UNITARIAN
epresentatives, is ur ing es ion on 0
Americans to join the lguman Rights Campggh, UNIVERSALIST
Fund's "fopeak gut" lpkrfilgram to counter
anti- ay e orts on a ito i .
"i/tost members of3 Congress have no idea CHURCH
that many of their constituents care about fair
treatment of gay people" Studds states in a 3564CLA YSM’LL
nationwide mailing. "That is why the HRCF LEXINGTONKY.
'Speak Out' program is vital." Phone: 606/223-1448 '
After one year, the "Speak Out" program
has proven to be the most successful grassroots Sunday Services
mobiization effort in the history of the lesbian 1045
and gay rights movement. The program, run ' a.m, .1
by the Human Rights Campai n Fund's Field _ , . _ _
Division, has been responsiTfle for almost Unitarian uanersaIISm does thJUSt
100,000 messages to Congress on AIDS, tOIerate gaVS andleSDIansiltafflrmS
lesbian and ay rights, and related issues. 93C“ person's sexual trUth. SINCE 1975
"'Speak gut' is a strategy enabling citizens, the denomlnatlon has been com-
an and non-gay alike, to have their voices mltted t9 working t0Ward_eCiU_al_
eard loudly, cearly and repeatedl on Capitol human fights for sexual manFltteS. ltS
Hill," notes Con ressman SfUJlds_ "By mInIStet‘S are encouraged to OfflClate
pre-authorizing brie? messages to Congress on at 93V and lesbian serVICGS Of UNION.
AIDS and lesbian and gay rights, participants in
'Speak Out’ are heard and make a difference." —————_——"_
8 May GLSO

If you have put yourself at risk for contracting
the AIDS virus, take the HIV Antibody Test now.
* For more information on the test and where
you can go for testing, call
. Kentucky AIDS Education Program

———————— The Pittsburgh City Council passed a
lesbian/ ay rights ordinance which was signed
DENVER, CO into Iawqoythe mayor on March 28. The new
ordinance adds sexual orientation to the
Coors Brewing Co. said it may sponsor protected categories of race, color, religion,
Secret Passions, a gay soap opera that is being ancestry, national origin, place of birth, sex,
produced for nationwide distribution on cable handicap, disability or use of guide dogs.
television systems. For several years, Coors has
tried to mend fences with gays who are HUNTINGTON, WV
offended by allegations of antigay personnel
practices at the firm's brewery in Golden, Six students at Marshall University face
Colorado in the I970s. disciplinary action, and possible expulsion, for
posting anti-gay signs on campus. In an earlier
HARTFORD, CT incident, vandals burned about 500 fliers
promoting the campus gay rights group.
The Roman Catholic diocese of Hartford said
it opposes inclusion of gays as a protected class WINNER, SD
in a proposed state ate-crimes bill, argping
that "homosexuals do each other for more arm School board officials have said they didn't
than anyone else does them." know about strip basketball practice session at
the local school that sometimes called for players
WASHINGTON, DC to stri nude. The board passed a regulation
that fgrbids the sessions in the future. The
Big Brothers of Washington has agreed to school's coach scheduled one practice session
end its policy of refusing ay volunteers. Under each year for the past eight years that called
a formal settlement Big 9Brothers will treat on for players to remove a piece of clothing if they
applicant's sexual orientation in the same missed a free-throw shot. The session were
manner that they treat other personal meant, according to the coach, to instill team
characteristics. spirit and improve free-throw shooting.
Jeffrey Gould, an experienced health
educator with a master's degree in counseling, SALT