xt734t6f340q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt734t6f340q/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1938 journals kaes_circulars_003_320 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 320 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 320 1938 1938 2014 true xt734t6f340q section xt734t6f340q (?—·»—!——————-—;——·wY;. - - - -. 2
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Extension Division
. I THOMAS P. COORER, Dean and Director I
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Lexington, Ky.
- October, 1938
Published in connection with the agricultural extension work carried on by coopera-
tion of the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, with the U. S. Department of
_ Agriculture, and distributed in furtherance of the work provided for in the Act of Con-
gress of May 8, 1914.

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 Circular N0. 320*
The term, one-dish meal, is applied to a combination of the
substantial foods of the meal, made into one dish. Such dishes usu-
ally contain the protein-meat, eggs or cheese; starch—potatoes, dried t
beans, noodles, macaroni or rice; and at least a part of the vege-
‘ table. Sometimes only the protein and carbohydrate are combined
into one dish and a vegetable is served with it. One of the chief
i values of this type of dish is that it may be prepared in the early
part of a busy day and cooked or reheated just before meal-time. f
lt is also a good way of using left-overs. There are many recipes
for one-dish meals but the ingenious housewife will use her knowl-  
edge of cookery, food values and flavors to prepare new one-dish
meals or to utilize the left-overs from one meal in appetizing and t
attractive combinations to be served within the next twenty-four
hours. y
.\. Only one starchy food such as potatoes. rice. noodles or macar-
oni, should be used in a one-dish meal.
B. \tVhite sauce, meat stock, and tomato juice are good bases for
¤ baked dishes
C. One strong flavor should predominate, such as carrot, turnip or
I cheese, with other flavors used in smaller quantity.
l). The acidity of the tomato adds much to many dishes. either
used in combination with other foods or as a sauce.
C   Color may be obtained from foods such as carrots. peas, string
_ beans, tomatoes and radishes or by the addition of a small
4  amount of green pepper or pimiento.
-  l·`. Character may be given to the dish by the addition of crisp
I bacon, grated cheese, onion juice, or finely chopped herbs such
as parsley, thyme, sweet marjoram, basil, chive.
* To supersede Circular N0. 231 of the same title. \

 »* g
/1 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 320
A. Milk, a thin white sauce, or vegetable liquid may be used in H-  
place of meat stock. I. The
B. \Vhen substituting for a meat, another meat with the same Y mm
quality ol` ilavor should be used, such as chicken in place of ‘ I- Rm,
tenderloin or Hsh. _ digt
(1. Diced potatoes may be used in place of rice. noodles or macaroni. V
D. Vegetables ol` similar texture and quality of Havor should be 'I
used in making a substitution, such as peas for string beans. V V\_ Sup.
  Toast may be used in place of a bed of rice, noodles or macaroni, B_ gap,
for such dishes as rice a la goldenrod and macaroni with cheese (L SH12,
Sauce- ` D. Des
F. Shredded cabbage or sliced celery cabbage may be used in place »  the
of lettuce. D B pm
G. Celery seed or dried celery leaves may be used instead of celery. V p_ Wh
H. Chive or a combination of herbs such as sweet basil, thyme or A
marjoram 1nay be used in place of onion juice. `
I. Butter or thick cream may be used to season vegetables in place i  »_
of bacon fat. I   \.._  
’   ttt   
x\. Vegetables retain their [ood value, flavor. color and crispness _   
best when cooked only until tender. [  
B. Milk, cheese and egg dishes should be cooked at a low temperzt  _  
C. Meat is tenderer and has a better flavor when cooked at a low §
D. Dishes such as macaroni loaf and salmon loaf, retain more 3
moisture when steamed than when baked. ` Mm! ‘
E. Baked dishes made with eggs, milk and cheese may be prevented i Baked
from curdling by placing the baking dish in a pan of Water _
while baking. —
F. A covering of browned buttered crumbs gives an attractive  
appearance to a baked dish. Z 
G. More of the nutritive value is retained and the flavor improved · 
when the peeling is not removed from such vegetables and il`Uil$ MI
as apples, pears, carrots and potatoes. ,_g_  
° C.

 r One-Dish Meals 5
’ H. Little [ood value is lost when vegetables are cooked in a small
amount of water and the liquid is used. .
_ I. The food value of cereals is supplemented by cooking them in p
  Raw cereals should be cooked at least 20 minutes to make them r
_ digestible and longer cooking improves their flavor.
‘ ,\. Salad prepared from crisp raw vegetables.
li. Salad prepared from raw fruits.
(J. Salads prepared from colorful fruits.
` l). Desserts prepared with a custard base, when milk is not used in
s  the main dish.
E. Fruit desserts. i
. F. \lVhole cereals, in the main dish as bread or in desserts.
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  Types of baking dishes.
· Meal Dishes
Q Baked Creamed Chicken, Fruit Salad, Biscuits and Honey-
  3 c. diced cooked chicken 2 c. milk
. l c. cooked peas 4 T. butter
-  ‘& c. diced celery 4 T. flour
_  1 T. pimiento *3 ti. salt
1 T. Green pepper
Make a white sauce of milk. butter and Hour. and add the other
· c. cup, T. .; tablespoon, b. ;. teaspoon.

 6 Kentucky Extension Ci/rvular No. 320
ingredients. Pour into a baking dish. Place baking dish in a pan “"’k
ol water and bake in a moderate oven (350 to 375 degrees F.) 30 *0 lm
Rice Creole, Pineapple and Carrot Salad, Whole-wheat Bread-
2 large onions 2 large green peppers
1 c. chopped ham 2 c. tomatoes
3 T. butter   t. salt
2 c. cooked rice
, . . . . . L
Cut the ()lll()ll and green pepper 1n small pieces. M11; w1tl1 ll2llll I
. . . . ·a 1
and saute lll butter, Add seasonmg, rice and tomatoes and bake lor IT ll
. . 16
30 lll1llLl[€S lll moderate oven (350-375 degrees F,). d
1110 1
1 thru
Beef Pot Roast with Vegetables, Corn Bread, Peaches and Cake-
B ef
3% lbs. chuck 6 medium potatoes
6 medium carrots 3 t. salt ·
6 small onions Flour for dredging
3 c. boiling water Fat for browning meat ·,
Wipe the meat, dredge with Hour, sprinkle with salt and pep- i`
per, and brown, Zldtllllg drippings if necessary. Cook at a low ten1- ‘
perature two and one-hall hours. Add carrots, onions and potatoes Y bml
to pot roast and cook one l1our together. Cook meat longer if it is   Utes
not tender. : mb]
American Chop Suey, Slaw, Rolls, Baked Apple, Cookies- V  
2 onions 1/é lb. pork E
1 c. chopped celery *4 c. rice A
% c. mushrooms 3 e. stock
1% t. salt 2 T. fat
% green pepper
Cut the pork into small pieces and slice tl1e onions very thin. the
Brown tl1ese together in pan. adding a little fat if necessary. Add ton
the shredded peppers. sliced mushrooms and celery to the meat and · wit

One-Dish Meals '7
rook for live minutes, Add rice, salt and stock. Simmer lrom thirtr
to forty minutes.
Shcpherd’s Pie, Beet Salad, Whole-Wheat Muliins, Fruit Gelatin-
4 c. cold mashed potatoes *51 c. diced carrot tcookech
3 c. ground meat **4 c. string beans
*.5 c. bread crumbs 1 egg
2; c. milk or beef stock 1 t. salt
% c. chopped onion ~
Line baking dish with potatoes. Mix meat, onion, carrot, string
beans, bread crumbs, milk and beaten egg together and pour into
the baking dish. Cover with the remainder of potatoes. Bake in
moderate oven (350-375 degrees   until brown and thorolv heated 1
` thru.
Beef Stew, Lettuce Salad, Prunes, Whole-wheat Bread- ‘
1 lb. beef 2 T. chopped onion
3 T. drippings 2 c. diced carrots
t 3 c. hot water Flour for dredging .
. 2% c. potatoes cut in large pieces 2 t. salt
0 Wipe beef, cut in about 2-inch cubes, dredge with Hour and
, i brown in the drippings. Add water to the meat and simmer #15 min»
L * utes before adding vegetables; longer if meat is tough. Add vege-
I tables and continue to cook until they are tender, about 30 minutes.
·  Baked Liver with Vegetables, Lettuce, Corn Sticks, Rice, Apple Sauce
‘ Pudding-
i  1% lbs. of liver 2 c. tomatoes
: 1 t. salt 6 small potatoes
·  3 slices bacon 6 small onions
‘ l small can mushrooms
0  Put liver into a baking dish, arrange potatoes and onions around
1. the liver, add the salt, cover with chopped mushrooms. bacon and
d . tomatoes. Bake at 300 degrees F. for l hour. Serve on a platter
cl ‘ with the onions and potatoes placed around the mound of liver. \

 8 Kentucky Extension Circular No. 320  
Scalloped Rice with Codfish, Raw Carrot Salad, Whole-wheat Bread- I C],(;(;_,·y
_ Sauce-
1% c. cooked rice 2 T. butter
‘/t c. shredded eodiish which has 2 T. flour ·
been parboiled 10 minutes *,5 c. grated cheese
1 c. milk Buttered crumbs
Make a white sauce ol milk, butter and llour, and add grated W
cheese. Cover the bottom of the baking dish with rice. Add cod»
{ish, cover with the cheese sauce. Sprinkle the top with buttered -  LW
crumbs. Bake in moderate oven (350-375 degrees l·`.) until the ”*“l°l‘
crumbs are brown. Tuna hsh or salmon may be substituted [or l’“ll°l`°
COdHSh_ hour ir
- sauce.
Tomato Juice, Deep Sea Delight, Bran Muffins, Preserves-
3 c. noodles 1 c. grated cheese
1 small can mushrooms lt t. salt CO.
1 medium can tuna fish lt t. pepper (U H 0
2 c. cooked asparagus 1 c. medium white sauce l
1 small green pepper cut fine V tomatm
Boil noodles for 3 minutes in 4 cups of water. Let stand 5 Ri¤¢_A
minutes. Mix all the ingredients except enough cheese to sprinkle Cookie
over the top. Pour into casserole and bake at a low temperature _
(300 degrees F.) 30 to 40 minutes. _ 
B M.
Scalloped Salmon and Peas, Waldorf Salad, Rolls- · wlmc
2 c. ilaked salmon 2 c. peas   li' Sli
1 egg 2 T. butter ~1<‘\‘0.
2 c. milk it t. salt
1 c. bread crumbs Noodlt
Put one half of the salmon in a buttered baking dish. sprinkle
with bread crumbs and add one half of the peas. Repeat. Add well
beaten eggs, salt and butter to hot milk and pour mixture over
salmon and peas. Bake in a moderate oven (350-375 degret-s F.) .
until brown and firmly ser. 5

  One-Dish Meals 9
p C/mcse and Egg Dishes
Macaroni Loaf, Celery, Whole-wheat Bread, Baked Apple with Custard .
. Sauce- .
*34 c. macaroni 1 T. parsley
1 1 c. milk 1 T. sweet or green pepper `
y 1 c. bread crumbs 3 eggs, well beaten `
1 c. grated cheese 1 t, salt
1 t. onion juice
j (Look macaroni in boiling salted water until tender. Drain.
Stald milk and add all the other ingredients. Turn mixture into
buttered baking dish. Set in 21 pan ol water and bake I/2 to 9%,
hour in a moderate oven (350 to 375 degrees   Serve with tomato
· sauce.
2 c. strained tomato juice 1% t. salt
1 small onion Bay leaf ,
‘ 4 T. butter 2 pepper corns ;
4 T. flour 6 whole cloves
Cook with the onion and spices enough tomatoes to make two ,
cups ol _juice, and strain. Melt butter, add flour and brown. Add
tomato juice and bring to boiling point.
j Rice A la Goldenrod, Combination Vegetable Salad, Biscuits, Raspberries,
" Cookies- `
* 3 c. cooked rice 4 T. butter
; 6 hard—c0oked eggs 4 T. flour
{ 2 c. milk 1 t. salt
ij Make a white sauce of the butter, flour and milk. Dire the
i whites ol hard-cooked eggs and add to sauce. Arrange the hot rice
  on a platter, make a well in the center, pour the white sauce into
I  it. Sprinkle over the top the egg yolks, which have been put thru a
sieve. Garnish with parsley.
i Noodles au (iratin, Peas, Muffins, Cabbagc·l‘int·applc Salad--
A 4 c. cooked noodles 3 '['. butter
1 c. ham, out fine 3 T. Hour
Wt e. grated cheese ‘& tr. salt
2 c. milk Bread crumbs
Nlake a white sauce ol` milk, Ilour and 2 'l`. ol` butter. Remove \

l0 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 320 . 
sauce-pan from the stove and gradually add grated cheese. Arrange ( about
noodles and ham in alternate layers in baking dish. Pour cheese yy) in
sauce over the noodles and ham. Melt the remaining tablespoon
of butter and quickly stir into it the bread crumbs. Sprinkle crumbs
over the top of the dish and bake in a hot oven (400-425 degrees  
until brown. Serve at once. V
Scalloped Potatoes and Egg, String Beans, Rolls and Marmalade-
3 c. cooked diced potatoes 2 T. Hour move
6 hard-cooked eggs in t. salt Sauce?
2 c. milk Buttered bread crumbs Pom;
2 T. butter
Make a white sauce of milk, flour and butter. Add eggs cnt in mg 3
quarters, and potatoes to sauce. Pour into a baking dish, cover with
buttered crumbs and bake in hot oven (400-425 degrees   until _
brown. Chee:
Baked Macaroni and Cheese, Cabbage-Apple-Marshmallow-Nut Salad, and
Whole-wheat Rolls-
3 c. cooked macaroni 3 T. flour _ P
1% c. grated cheese % t. salt _
2 c. milk Buttered bread crumbs UNO
3   b`l.1tl]€I` d€€}
Make a white sauce ol milk, Hour and butter, add cheese, mac-  
aroni and salt. Put into baking dish, cover with buttered bread °p
crumbs. Bake in a hot oven (400-425 degrees   until brown. i gig:
Hominy may be substituted for macaroni. `
Cheese Outlets Served with Horseradish Sauce, Buttered Peas, Whole-wheat  
Mullins, Plum Sauce, Tea Cakes- ‘
1 c. mashed potatoes ‘/it t. poultry seasoning ,
'Z; cup grated cheese 1 t. salt
It c. cooked lima or navy Paprika
beans, ground H4; t. curry powder Ma
1 T. minced pimiento Ad
Combine the ingredients and shape the mixture into cutleb on

 l i
. One-Dish Meals 1 1
A about 1/2-inch thick. Brown them in a hot oven (400-425 degrees
F.) in a little hot fat and serve them with horseradish sauce,
A 2 T. butter 1,2 t_ gait _
2 T. flour 1 T. horseradish
1 c. meat stock
Melt the butter, add the llour and stir until well blended. Rc- (
move [rom the stove and add the meat stock slowly to keep the
sauce from lumping. Replace over the flame and bring to boiling
point, stirring constantly. Continue cooking until the starch is
cooked and the sauce has a smooth, creamy consistency. Add season-
ing and horseradish. i
Cheese Balls, Tomato Salad, Muffins and Jam- l
4 c. mashed potatoes 2 eggs
% c. grated cheese ‘?.i t. salt
_ Mix potatoes, cheese, well-beaten eggs and seasoning. Make ,
into balls and brown in moderate oven (375 degrees F.) or [ry in
. deep fat.
z Eggs A la King on Toast, Raw Spinach Salad, Baked Apples Stuffed with
. Greens-
l  6 hard-cooked eggs 1 c. peas
`  2 c. milk 1 c. carrots
_ 1 c. vegetable liquid *2 c. celery
» 4 T. butter 1 thick slice onion
  4 T. flour Wi t. salt
i Cook vegetables in boiling salted water until tender and drain.
Make a white sauce of butter, Hour, milk and vegetable liquid.
Add quartered, hard cooked eggs and vegetables to sauce and serve
on toast. \

 12 Kentttc/ty Extension Circular N0. 320
_ Sou]
Soybean Dzs/tes
Baked Soybeans, Cranberry Relish, Rye Bread, Fruit Cup-
2 c. soybeans 1 small onion
Ki t. salt 1 T. brown sugar
*1 pound salt pork 2 T. molasses (
*31 t. mustard °il c. boiling water
1 c. tomatoes “d_d
Pick over the soybeans, wash, cover with one quart ol hot, salt l`€ll€
water (1 T. salt to l qt. of water) and allow to soak overnight. ln
the morning, boil the beans 2 hours. Cut the onion in thin slices
. and arrange in the bottom of the bean pot or casserole. Drain the Berk
beans and pour one—half of them into the pot or casserole. Scald
and score the salt pork and place on the beans. Pour the remainder
ol the beans into the pot or casserole. Dissolve the salt, sugar and
mustard in the hot water and mix with molasses and tomatoes. Pour
mixture over the beans and bake in a very moderate oven (300-350
degrees 1*.) about 8 hours. Add more Water if needed. Draw the
Jork to the to of the beans durin · the last hour and remove cover '
l P S _
to brown the beans. “'ll'
U. K. Soybean Loaf, Celery and Carrot Curls, Corn Meal-Whole-wheat V _
Musrms, and Fruit Juice- °g‘
2 c. soft bread crumbs Salt
1 c. baked soybeans ’/Q c. milk
1 small onion l egg. well beatcii
EQ c. nuts
Run baked beans. onion and nuts. thru food chopper, mix with HH
.¤ther ingrcdi<·nts and shape into :1 Ioal`. Bake about 45 minutes in hm
:1 slow oven (250-P500 degrees F.) and serve with tomato $2|ll(`(`· am
Other legumes may be used. This makes 6 servings.

 I  One—Dish Meals 13
Duchess Soup, Combination Vegetable Salad, Wafers or Toast-
3% c. milk 2 t. salt
2 T. fl0tu* 2 T. onion .
Ié c. grated cheese 3 egg yolks
  c. chopped carrot it c. water from vegetables
2 T. butter
A Cook vegetables. Melt butter, add dry ingredients, blend and
_ add liquids. Cook until thickened. Add vegetables and cheese.
Stir until cheese is melted. Pour gradually upon beaten egg yolks,
reheat and serve.
Berkshire Soup, Lettuce with French Dressing, Wafers or Toastp-
3 c. tomatoes 4 T. butter
2 t. onion 2 egg yolks
1 c. corn lé bay leaf
4 c. milk 3 cloves
4 T. flour 1% t. salt
_ Cook vegetables, bay leaf and cloves together. Strain. Make a _
s white sauce ol` milk, flour, butter and salt. Combine mixtures
while hot. Add well-beaten egg yolk and serve.
Vegetable Soup, Fruit Cobble1·, Wafers—
2 lbs. beef li c. string beans
2 c. diced potatoes li c. peas
2 c. carrots *5 c. chopped kale or other greens
1 c. diced turnips 1 c. chopped cabbage
lé c. chopped celery 2 e. tomatoes
1 medium-sized onion llé t. salt
Wlash meat, cover with water, simmer until nearly tender. Add
all the vegetables except cabbage and tomatoes and simmer for one
hour. Add cabbage and tomatoes and cook l0 minutes. Season
and serve. \

14 Kenluclcy Extension Circulalr N0. 320  
Salads Cottag·
Chicken Salad, Lettuce Sandwiches, Peach Custard, Sponge Cake-
3 c. cold chicken, cut in cube; 2 hard-cooked eggs
1% c. celery, cut in pieces French dressing A
1 t. salt Mayonnaise dressing M1
Combine chicken, celery and French dressing. Cut up eggs re-
serving three or four perfect slices for garnishing. Add eggs to the V t
chicken and celery just before serving and mix well with mayon- age a
naise dressin 3 Mound in salad bowl on bed of cris lettuce.
Potato Salad, Cold Ham, Sliced Tomatoes, Rolls-
3 c. cooked diced potatoes Wt c. sliced cucumber M
3 hard—cooked eggs 1 T. chopped parsley iu,).
% c. diced onion Boiled salad dressing ¤'_
% c. diced celery 1112i1`1Y
Mix all ingredients together and let stand for one hour before Put a
serving. with :
Macaroni Salad, Boston Brown Bread Cheese Sandwiches, Fruit Gelatin
and Cookies-
3 c. cooked, chopped macaroni 2 c. cooked string beans. cut
1 c. diced celery in small pieces
2 T. chopped onion Mayonnaise dressing
2 T. chopped olive .
Mix all ingredients together and let stand one hour bel`or<· f ag
Cabbage and Salmon Salad, Bread-and-butter Sandwiches, Baked Apricots- A
3 c. shredded cabbage % c. peanuts
1% c. ilaked salmon Mayonnaise ·
% c. diced celery
Mix all ingredients together. Chill and serve.

 * One-Dish Meals 15
ly Cottage Cheese Salad, Whole-wheat Bread Sandwiches, Apple Roll-
` 2 c. cottage cheese 1,11 c. nuts i
%, c. diced celery Mayonnaise ‘
aa c. sliced cucumbers
Mix cottage cheese, celery, cucumbers and nuts. Add enough l
mayonnaise to moisten. Serve on a bed of shredded lettuce.
Vegetable Salad, Corn-meal Muffins, Fruit Tart- V
1 c. cooked peas 1 c. cooked string beans, cut in
1 c. cooked carrots, cut in cubes pieces
1 small cauliflower, cooked French dressing
1 c. celery, cut in small pieces ,
Marinate peas, carrots, celery and string beans in French dress—
ing. Chill thoroly. Separate cauliflower into small llowerets and i
marinate separately in French dressing. Arrange cups ol heart l
leaves of lettuce on a platter and pile vegetables lightly in them.
Put a border of cauliflower around the edge of platter and garnish
with strips of red and green pepper.
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A one-dish meal. Baked liver, potatoes, onions and tomatoes.  

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