xt734t6f3378 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt734t6f3378/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1922 journals kaes_circulars_001_2_138 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 138 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 138 1922 1922 2014 true xt734t6f3378 section xt734t6f3378 * (
{Kwf · ' / I I
io pm _ _ _ _
mzmm EXt€I’lSlOl’l DIVISIOH
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
I 1 CIRCULAR NO. 138 i
l<‘ S1 !1;·‘
`zill ziwl
Wh *f A Manual for Home Demonstration Clubs for Women
[Mill MZ `
  §Uhl_ {E 55;;   °; zi sr sl :·" l ‘•` .*  ri'; ~ ` V
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lllllllllilw   _`__ 'S I '   —> l, 
1*·rl·i iw ‘ » U · N 9 \1‘i»‘- `   {    i * — i ' l
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lu·1·nsi‘1ii` l r _ * ``_`‘ l ° l l .
l1¤‘l'. E l I —\
‘ Lexington, Ky.
a November, 1922
‘ Piilwlislmii in (‘¤iIll]t‘K`(ll1H with the Il§I`l(`l1llllX`{ll oxivnsion work carried
OQ lry ('<‘H]‘i(*l`£llll¤ll of the 1`<¤lh·;<~ ·w1` .\¥I`l\`lll[lll`0, l`I1l\'x‘l`5ll)` of l(i·m11c;;y,
: mm ll"` l· S· l‘·‘I·:u·11m·n1 of .»\:ri¤·11i1i1i‘o, ami ¤Iistril»ua·¤i in furtiicrnnce
of lliv \\`01‘li ;»ro\·i(1cl1 mr in Lhu Act of L`~·11$¤`<`FS ur BUY S- wu-

 I ,

 1 _-I _1]11111111/ /111* //111111: /)111111111s/111/11111 Cfubs
 . /1}I`   (I/lI(’lI
 _ Prcparcd by -
` 1:11:*:.1 i1;·::~t1r2Fc0ds
1 1i1·ZX1·Il1.\l.INl·`11I1}1I.\'l`l11X
1111|1f1'|> ,1>J11 I;1j>1`l,'l`S I·]x1·1·L1"1‘1.11
1. T11 ~111111111111· E1111·1·1·\1 [.11l`11~‘111‘1'11111111* 11li1I{111{i` a1111l 10 11c-
1 v··1··1» ;1111l 111lI 11I111 ]11·;11·11~1· 1111· 1·1·>1 1111·1111111< 111 11111110
S. '1`1· 1~:1~-1»111·;1;·1· 1·1`1z1·i··111·_x· 111 11111 11~1· 11f 1111111. s11·1·11;‘111 z111·1
$1. '1`1» z11‘1111~1· 11111—1·1·~1 111 1·111·;11 1i1`1· :11111 111:11<1· 1111- 111 1`111`;11
1···11111111111111~< 111111*1- :1111·;11·1i1*1·.
4. 'I`11 >1i111111;111· i[]t\`l`1'\i :11111 1·111»p1·1·111i1111 :11111111; 1111* 1'l1111
1|11`Y.1l*1'1`\ ;11111 :111111115 1111* i11‘11I1Il\ 111 1111* 1“11l11l1l1l1111}'.
I 5- T1 11111 111·· i;11`111·111;1111111 111111 11;1< 11111111 g111111·11 1111`11 11111
4 *Y1111_\` 111. 1111* \'ilI‘.11[l< 111‘11'11·:·!,< 111111 ]11‘;l1·11~1‘ A11 l1'1]1\l` 211111 ·
" 11|Z1}{1‘ 1‘1·111=1·1< 1»1` 1}11— 1·1~<11]1< \\-l1(\H 1‘1111111‘s11‘11 111 1111 N11.
 ` 11111;.1N1x1’1‘111y
1 l· “Y1|1‘1'1* 111 N1;11·1 (`]1111< Thu 111111111 111·11111l1<11‘z1111111 £12`1‘111
1 1111111*1 1'1111'2'£11l1X1‘:1 1-11111;1<.·1111x·1~1111·1111_v 111··:111-11 11s 1111+
1 `1]’11‘1111l11_\ 11}l1‘ 1·11111r11111111_\· !'111· \1111111·T1 \\‘I111 \\`1~]1 111 11.‘1·111111‘
1111`11111··1‘~ 111. 1ll1‘ 1'IIII1. 1

-1 ]\’(‘}llHt'h`_I/ (ll.I`t`1(l(lI` No. ills ·
A 2, )[Qllll)L‘l`SlllIl~ -l\ll lnnne inakers and girls eiglnteell X-._.;;;·€  it
or ever are eligihle. ;l‘llII‘<>llllll*lll eards are to lw till.»ll    i
hy eaeh elnb l11CIllllCl‘ and tiled in the <»t`liee of the li »r;.· Q
demonstration agent.
3. Yisit0rs——Any0ne who desires t0 attend a eluh 1n»··i}; —
will always be weleome. i
° —1· Ot`iieers—The officers shall be chairman, \'ll'C—<'llItl!`!1.` E
seeretary—treasnrer and elnh leader. *
5. Club Leader—'l`he elnh will seleet a leader who will  
as a chairman of the program emnmittee and will ···· »· zi l
ate with the hmne denienstration agent at all tiin»·<, 'l` ·
elnb leader will be responsible for eendneting the iz.~·:··
tional part. of eaeh prograin ··<»nsistin;; ·»l` talks, ·iE— ~-
l Rl0llS. (lClll0ll$ll'illlt>llS_ plans l`¤»r 4·;llllp;li;;·ll<_ .·u·_ ~
will he assisted, when desirable, hy the lll>lIln‘ ·l··in»  
tinn agent, speeialisls, elnh inetnhers, girl<` ·l··m~:.~‘·— `
tien teams and other persons. (`onnty <·¢»nl`·~r··n ··»‘ ·<   _
be arranged at st.ated intervals hn- the inll :1u‘··nt wl   i,
enss with the elnh metnhers the varitms s11llpr·»_l··"~   `
{ered. She will assist the elnh etnnlnitlee in lllilllllaf  
pregfram of work for the year, lt would sii11plEl`}‘l~i·i`-‘  _
(“0llSltll‘l‘2ll>l}’ ll` all llle <·ll1l¤s in gl ('4llll1l}' \\‘¤¤1ll~l Ill"'  
the same pr<>g·r;nn nl` wnrlq, l’l-ngmlnls ennld tlwll l` 5
printed at very little eost. eaeh elnh tneinller li;wi::“
eepy hy means of which she emihl keep in lmnli with ll
Hleetllljis. These lWl`Of1l'2llll9 slmnld lll"l"`i `;,

   _1 _1l11111111/[111* //111111 /711111111.1··111111 111* 11111*11 $1‘1`11‘S I111|_\' 110 1111011
 * 111111 1110 11110 (11. *·\'111`1( 1711* 1110 _\*1~:11*. 1\11}* 1<‘1·1·11\`(‘I` $111)-
·11;111*!;__‘ 1 1)1`*’.1""1\ 111 111"**' >"1°1('\ 1!IZ|_\` 111* 111·'111111*11 1]] 1111* 111·1*12·1·;1111
1.111' 1111· 1`1·111111*111u 3*1-:11*.
11*.*111   11. 1)1£11‘1‘ 1.111' }11·1·1111a< ,11111* 1I1¤'1‘1111!`< »1111111·1 110 110111 111 1110
111·~·*f ?` 11"1111°$ 111` 1*11111 1111‘11111<‘1'~. \\`11·‘11 ]111`\1111(l. '1`111·s#1111111111111<0 -
1110<. U1"  * 111* 1111101* 1·11111111111111_\* 1’*'1l11‘l` 11~11:111_\* 1< :11*:11}:11110 \\'11i"11 :1
0111~°i`” 1 11,001111u 1'111111(11 110 110111 111 :1 11111111., ]1001111;;< 11lI1_'.' 110
.<.111~ 1* ` 111*111 :11 :119111. 1111011 :1·1x*1~:11·1··. :11111 111.111111L 111` 1111* 1411111-
  ` 1 111111111)* 111\`111‘11 111 :11101111.
"HW"___- . 111. 11011111*1+---]11·111111·1*s :11*0 0\11··1·1011 111 1`(XIW11'1 11*1*1111 11111** 10
`IIIMA`1.1 1 1111!1“ 111: 111`11Q`1`1‘N$ 111` $1111111'*"1'1<°1$ :11 11**11111. '1`1101*11-0-1-11:111¤
"HM; `_ A. 111:111 111* 111111‘1` :111111111110·1 111··1111101* 11*111 <0·111*0 1110.<0 1*011111*1s
"H "`   l11111{1<<1‘1111111‘1111*111 1111(1111`111111.1”11(11.1. .\ 1.1111}- 111` :111 1'11I11
  _ 1`1°11(11`1< $11011111 110 111:111011 10 1110 1101110 1101111111s11*:11111:1
1]   11 I :1u0t11 1’111` 1101* 11101.
_ 11·.1·:.·‘*~ . I
1l__:11.1;   11· 11·*111111»11 111 (1111(*I' (11*g:1111z:1111111s—11` :1 1'1’111111111111)v 111*-
1 !`11111Z11111111 :111*0:111_x* 0x1<1s 1110 11111110 1101111111s11*:1111111 1*11111
1 “.·11    1 11121_\` 110 il 11011;:111110111 111` s11011 1*11*g:1111x:1111111, 11` 1111* 1·11111
1·.1_1····~ ~'· — 1< \1111`1'1<1 111 :111\*:11101· (111 :1 011111111111111_x* 1·11111. 11 s111111111 :11111
_11m11:,;_ 1 111 1*~1:11111<11 :1 ('(1111111111111·\' 111*g*:11111t:1111111 111101* 111 ‘·\`1l1·‘11 1110 .
I111`\·111_;Y2¥   \11·1*1< 111 1110 1111111** 1101111111~11*;1111111 :1;*0111. 011111 1(`1111(`1v<. 1110
11111   1»i11`111i1Q`1*1l1 :11111 1111* \\v111`1{ 1111 1111 11111110 1101111111s11*:1111111 1-1111_1<
111011 1* i :11*0 1`1111y 1`1*1'f11!'111Z1`11.
11:11*1:1 ? ` ·
,11“·1111§Z" 7 *11'11‘11CN'1`1<1X> 1*1111 111111.\X17f.\'1`111X
11"`     TW? ‘11111\\1.<1.*1*11·w }11;1;*1*1x11
    1- 11111*11 111 111*g*:1111:c0- -\\v1l1‘111‘\'1‘1‘ s111`111·10111 111101*0<1 1`l1l' 111l`
(IY It 11h_`__  * 1<11‘11111111111 (11. :1 011111 s01-1110 111 111*01:111 111 :1 1·11111111111111}‘·
1 (H U 2· 1)1211*<‘ 1.11l‘ )11‘1‘111l;;` 11] x111111· 11111110 111* :1 1*1111\'1‘1111*111 00111-
]IHl\'5·\111A. 1 1l11l1l11}' 01*11101*. .

G [fe-izftu-Icy (ll`I'¢'l(l1lI` No. 1.329  i
3. P1`OC€‘(Illl‘€-—- A
11. Meeting c11lle_i1-ets illltl results t-xpt·1·t·-tl ol` the l1··11;~ E.
‘ IllOIlSlI‘2lll0ll elnhs for women. ¥
1-. ]‘lX[)l2lll2lllt\ll ol` p1·1»j1-ets oll`1-iw-il, i
ll. I"0l'lllilll0]l ol :1 elnli lllltl znloptitm ot` tl ····11~1ii[;. i
1-. l‘:111‘<1lll11t*11l ull <·l\1l> lll<‘lIIlN‘l`S toltl zllnl n··\\‘ ‘ ·;{·; '
1-nrollnient ¤·:11·.
i. Appointment of :1 ])l`O§I`l'1lll1 (‘0lllllllIll’•1‘ ot` whi [ ’
club leader is to he t‘ll£lll‘lllilll. _
j. Plzins for next 1ne1-ting.
;XI`{TICLIi 1-3*01110. The name of this Ol`Q`2llllZllllllll sh;1Zl` .
  l.................................l................1i.l..1..... (`lnh of the ................ 1 ..1....   ....1. . ..  ·
CO1l11lllUlll.}' in ........................ . .................11...1.1...i1........ . t.11.1. . .._e1l,_., ,_(`·>1111ty. li}
;XRTICl.I·L 2——]Ic111Z1c1·.wI1ip. All lioint- lll2ll{t‘l`S znnl girls 1·Egi1t~1 i
}‘0111‘s of age or over who 111-0 iiitt-1-1-stetl in the {11*1-l-l--!:·~ *  
home and eonnnnnityy hettt-1·1nent. .
,\R'I`I(fI1l·Z ii·—O_lli}l<’(‘}'N. The ol`li1·1-rs of this elnlv shznll l~1-t·l1..ii’-  `
lllilll. \`l<'C-(‘llilll`lll2lIl. st-<·1·1-t111·_x·-11·1-:1s111·<-1- illlll elnh ln;  1
The ot`li1·<·1·s shnll lit- (‘ll*t‘ll‘(l hy heillot 11t. the tirst 1111·1~ti11;£i1
..... . .... . ...... . .,..,,.....................,,.... ol` e111·h yl-111*. A
1\R'l`ICl.I·Z 4~Z)u/[vs of ()M1·rrx and ('/uh JI1-111l»41·.»_ "
S0(‘l'l0ll l——'1`he (‘ll2lll`lll{l]l shall pt-4-sitle 111. 11ll 111·‘<·ll¥€!‘- .
shall appoint 11ll eonnnitlt-1-s Zllltil shall lmvo ;·1—z1~:·..` `
siipervision ol? all matters l)l‘l'lZlllIlll}{' to the llll<‘l`1‘~E> Y »
this club.  O

 i _] _l/unuu/ for Hrmlr I)!I/N/Il.\'{/`/I//iN/I (l/Mlm for llimnmz T
' s.·l·ii..n 2 'l`h·· \'ll‘*‘—¢‘lIilll'lll1|ll shall ]»r·1·f`·»r111 all thc duties
*ll*ll`¥lTi‘*Y- nl' iln· ··hairn1an in lll‘l` al»s<·n<·r:- The \'l|‘(}-(‘l]2·ll1`Il]21]l or
‘li‘·‘li**Y¤‘Z ailiai- a]»;»¢»inl<··l lll•‘|lll¤¥‘l‘ shall ass<·n1l»l¤· {hc rwports of
1l¤····lnl. llIl‘llllH‘l‘< inlaa <#l1il»1·l·]m1‘l.snl»1nillin{: same 10
I ¥'Y"l-` ‘ ` 1ll»~la·n¤·· funds. .
*" "ili" n   S.·l·:i¤·u »l 'l`li·· l·lul» l•·a·ll·1·will lm1···~p<»11sil1lcf<,»1· conduct-
. V ing {hn lll~ll`Il<‘ll¢1lI£ll part nl` ¤·a~·h prngrain, consisling
lm! i*'“i` ··l` talks. llis··u~si·»ns. 4l¢‘lIl<¤1l$ll'£ill<>llS, plans for cam- ·
_ paiuns. <·1··. Nhw ]ll£I_\' vall l'·»1· assistance when she $0
l fl•'~ll'¤'*.
I V     $·_··ii~n .`»»—lt shall lm ilw ·lnly nl` all <·lnb niomhcrs t0 at-
“`ll’*~ t~nll nn·l·linu·s ;»nn··1nall_x· anll iwgnlarly. Any incmbcr
‘ nm al»l·~ in lill lu·i· ]»la··<~ on thu ]ll`(¤Ql'£llll shall notify the
<·lnl·l··a·l¤~1·wlmsliall ]>l`¤l\`lI`il_\` at _   0`i·ln<·l{i, ._,.,, :1 mlmlll 011 ,...._,,.............., -, ..... -.......
1 Slmjl ` of cash month.
l..,l, l    . ;llI`l`It`l.lj lis Inns, 'l`ll(‘l`<‘ shall l·l~ no dues unless thc 1l1QIlllJC1`S
mnly. lx; al` illls ··lnl_¤ hy mutual agreement doom it 1l€CG$S{`iI`§`.
ls i·Egl;~~t. V llll`l'l(`l.l§ Twzli/lrilf]/}l(}I{.\'. This wrislilintioii may hc amended .
i·.»lllwlz1` ' K al any l'¢‘Q`lllill' iinwliiig l»_\‘ I\\`i>~lllll`tlS \‘r (hull i· ri'/`]}1(.<('}}(`,<,x‘_ Tho lmllnwinig shall be thc O1‘(l€l`
l lm l·l1l.;;·. - of lmsinvss al all l`¢‘§l`lll{ll` nn·uli11g‘s;
ull   a. )l<‘<‘llllQ` uallml 10 Ol`tll’l‘ hy <·llilll'lll2lIl. ·
1m·l·li1l;;:; % l>. l(<»ll—vall and l`t‘&llllllQ` of niinnlos of previous 1l1L‘OllI]g
 _ l>)` *k‘l'l`l‘l2ll`_\'. llinuios l·<>1·1·ol·t0ll and approvcll.
U A P. l'nlini4»l‘ls nl` g·lul> iuuii1lu·1·s rugul and sullI1llliC(l TO \'lC€·
mm-,·`is W l ` <·l1ah·1n;1u l`4u· vluh 1‘<*[>01‘l.
L ll*`**:‘l‘;llll. l)1~l'll<<1<*ll,
ll. Xml llll·llllll~l·$ l·lll·llIll·ll_
i. .\lIjlllll‘llllll·lli. `
l Sl`}li‘1(<*.ll·]<"l`S l·`l*ll llllklli l*I·IXIl*\S'l`l{.\'I`ll>X l‘iAl`i~ —
1·` 1LlI`l:Il7
1'i):1’·1:ll1{iIE!.f ill tIl·· lllll:l·· 3*2 i`:ll‘·· l·l` llll- Y ·:t._ ’
104*ThO SL'11()('>1 Llllll-ll 2<*f! <`:ll·»· ll;` lll-- Sip A l _
1*7*57- -ll;lit‘}‘ 1)l`l>l1lll‘lS  ’
_ 1•,*•3r—}Il·:ll ill tlll— 11(>lll"‘
Slzllllis 2'3fl
g‘*17(`1l‘?1l'*‘lti~}l11i1"I';1i1¥ l¤*l 'l`Ell· 1:lll1i;·`
7}**2 -·(`:ll·<· cli` (‘lll1lli:1:5 -Z·*I H»ll1sl—llll’lI l‘l~~f<
IWC) — lllllllw ])I`l‘:5?Ill£l1{1llf‘f -
Z}|*1r~11rllll•* llillillvry V
Sl-;llll~;s 5l)ll» —IIllxll-; 1\T|’llf'l\'l·I- SEHI!}1 llrlll lIl;ll;l*ll. ¥w`·iT- .
ll l-iN'l' '|`\'I`I1*N
l"I(]}]}i'r1'lr1‘/S N/*]»]ll'll`1ll·/,~ l
5(*1—11fllll** FllY'Il1S1l1l1§S 4I·*! l’l·l·xl~ll1illll llx` l*?~¤*  °
5()2~··11()]ll" (‘llll\‘··lli<·:ll···s *1*2 <’:l··l· lll Silk. I·`ZZ<' W?
5f>1Z—Sl·wzlgl» llizqlllszll
5**1r-- \\':ltr~l· S\I]l]>1}'
505 rlliuilltillg tlw llllllw .
50G- rllvllfillg 1lll· lllllllll

 ·   I/V/IM/¤M fn/' ///n1fr /’v IV"/ir,»//'/’/-'//’ (I//'/M _/lf/I` H./».‘1/in U
&illl·'   ` $y‘];{]_> TU!} (;.\I{l¤ljNIN¤I
, $Zl’*]WI`·`_i·i" IM]. llmds ;`¤:‘ Z?1~ I-`;zmiljr
.I· " `
_ , . V }HC.\l,S l·`<>}i 'l`Il}·Z I·`.\KIIIAY
’?’ "1` I _\, HIZ K ,,»,,,/ lf, wg//N /·,"/yn.-l",]
]. 'i`·» I¤·:z1·»1 h·»\\‘ In plan ;111·l s··x·w \\`<‘H—Il£l]il!M‘L‘d mods
V ~Ezng>]_x· ]·lII £1T{l`ii¤"{i\'<‘]_\`.
Kiwi ·`‘‘ - Z, 'l`.y1mk··;1 >Yll<]_\` ¤»t` 1}1··~i111]»l¤·1‘11]¤·<··i` tzilrlc etiquette S0
V z1~:»·l<11·»xx‘ tho ¥·v~I wry 1·» Y<‘£l*‘}l 1l1v111 In zlw¤·]1iId1·c11.
?¥. 'l`·· ¤‘!!l]¥}E.|~i/n‘ r}>»· in1}>··1·1;m····<·t'p1·»·p·_·1·<·;m·4>i`f<»0dz111d
ilwml \\`:i~i4‘ ill Illv ]l<¤lli<‘.
  »l. 'I`·» ~ ·· · mw n·I»(»1-i< 1`wm r}1~· plulm 111<·111T·01‘#. _
`   ·"/’j/{/v>‘{¢¤] ])1'01‘(`¢7{()'(,
i I l"€¤`~i }I··¤—li11:‘ '|`:z}}<~; »]= "`I`}n¢~ fiw 1`·»¤¤J 2`1·¤»11PS amd
YL   Ill"i¥`II\¤‘~ in 1l1·~l»···l_x·" dlllilllill i'·»·»¤Is. ··¢·1·¤·;1l I`·»·»·I<. i`:11<. .
{I'\1i¥<2ll1<] \’<·gui;1}»]<·s um} Sll!`ill`S".
_ gl  (Y "S<*lll¤‘ \\‘¤·lI»]¤I;11111¤¤l ]l\<‘&l]< and w}1y·" QZN "C;11‘c
` \l;—·_l _' _ _ _ __ _ _
  Vi · <·¥ i»><··l 111 ilw h¤»1m·_ l)1s`·11>s1¤»11
Z 2 x*`·‘·*i¤¤l ¥ll·‘¤‘IilIQ` l)<‘1lll>lI·Il£lIi<*}I<. =]Y "gilll >h· 1‘11]¤·<
` I
A i··1·1}1·— i:1}>h~ swtting uml iublu t‘ti<]ll<‘TY\‘.·’ (,2* "SCI`\'·
\ H1! Nw i`;1miI_x· lllvill." l>i><·11l`< 'v2l|*]>l}`l|lQ` tll·· yd —_·. ,
· l0Zll'Ilt‘ll ou pl;1u11iug· uml St‘l'\'lIlg' ul` lllr‘2llS\*.
(N. Hr _/·< I`4`)I1`<`S
1. llow to Solwt l·`oo.ls l";ll'lllt‘l`$v li11l—<. soy ~lT. *31 liu  
Exp. Sun., Lvxiugtou. Ky. or l'. S. I1··m. .\;l‘i.. \\':l>ll:m;· y; 5. `
2. Meal Pluuuiug llury Alu; )llll··1· lixp. Stu., l'ui. all 1{;. j_ _. V
iu:ton, Ky.
‘ 3. Table Svr\‘i<·¢= for tlw l·`:uuil5· \\`lxitt··1mu··~ uml Mill--:·. l-Ap >·
Lexington, Ky.
4. A \\'o·k's Food Supply for uu .\\···1‘;¤g» l·`umily l·`;··u;·:< 3
122S. Exp Stu., Ky. l'uiv., Iwxiuutou. Ky. or l'. S_ l¤·;w  
\\'il5lllI1¥l0ll, D. t‘.
5. FI`&‘Sl1l·`1‘llllS;l111lYl‘;‘¤·l:1l¤l¤·s ;1s(`¢ms•·1‘\‘¤·1‘< 1»[`()Ill¤·]‘ Spy'. }` `.
*F1ll`II1<`*I`S` Bul. ST1, KY. Fxp. Stu., I.•-xiugtou. K5: »~x‘ l` —
Dopt. .*.:1*.. \\’1l$llll\Ql(>Il. D. <‘.
6. Home Slt>l`i1§fé‘ of \'¤~:··tul»l·~s lriII'lll¤'I`S. ltul. ¤Ti·. Ky. li~.;~ 9
Lsxiugtou. Ky. or l'. S. Dom. .\;1·.. \\';¤.~' liul. HTS. l`. S. It U   `
\\v2\SlllIl§’l()D. D. C'.
S. Points iu Soloctiug llw Daily l·`o»d by l·`l·u·:t Ii»»s~·   —
Rendiu; Coutsv, (‘oru··ll l'ui.. lllliI:'2l. N. Y.
9. \\`h0u Potatoes arc Pl¢‘lllll-lll »l’m»d S··1*i»·s lmssou 11<_ <` :.`
Rondiuyz t"ou1·su. Stuto Ami (‘ol.. l1ll;u·;1. N. Y.  ‘
10. `Plmmiu: Throw Good M<·:1l.< u Duyr lixt. llul. 27. St.tt·· _\:1· »" ‘
New Jorsoy.
. 11. Food and Its Rolutious to ll··;nl1l1 Di¤·t <`i1·. ll. I'ul\L     .
Llucolxz, Nolu`.
12. llukiuq Most of tl1•· )l··:1l llour Dl»~t (`Er. 1. ['uiv. lu` N-Viv Yo »
colu, Noluz _
13. Old uml Now Idous Rogzxrmliuz Food, Diwl Fir. 10. l'ulv. uf N "
Lincoln, Nc·l>1·.
14. Tho Art of Tuhlv $¤·ttiug—(`l:1mliu llurpluy ll l`ui·»u Fvgvzi TY
Y. (`ity.  ~
15. Food for tlm l?1llllll}'#·lllIl. 211. Slzrlw .\;1·. (ml,. l·`.u‘:»». X l· `
16. Fvmliu: the llllllllll}'- by Mury S('ll\\`llllZ llo.<·— lumlt lll `Wli
C0.. N. Y. (Ulty. P1‘i<··‘ $2.10. _ F
17. 'l`l1¤· ;\lIl¢*l°l(‘i\ll llo1m· Dim Lv lu. _\It·i`.»llu1u bull; Z·`:~` _
(`. Mzttluws (‘o., Ilotmit. Mull. l)l`ll‘¢‘ $1.30. _ .
1S. Food (`1\l<‘l1(l(‘l'r by Niu:1 (`1·izl<·1·~l·Ixt. Sl‘l`\`l|‘¤‘ l'uiv. »€ Y` _
L'rl>.euz1. lll. l’1‘i<·o 25 wuts.  
Sorios 100—Food
Subprojoczt 102, Fruits und V<>;;<~tuhlr*s  
FRUITS AND Vli(ll·]'l`Al-EIMS TN 'l`lll·] Dll·Z'l`
A. Objrwfs and Hwy!}/.·¢ ]u',»·pr*r·/nl  _
1. TO €I1COllI`2lg‘C more cxtouslvn growing of v0g<*l2ll1l¤"¥?`l`l V
1 Q

 _1 A1/,1,11111/_/`111· I/111111 I)1 /111/IIN}/'lI{l1f/ll Clubs for 11YO}/1612 11
mw W _·__   g_ Y111) l11·i11g 11111 1111-11 111.~1·11s»11111 1111: v:11111: of fruits Z1I1(1,
\'1°¥`1'1111’1'*$ 111 1`:111111y 1111-1.
ii_ 'I`11 1-111·11111‘:1¤1- 1111- 111111]111¢111 111 :1 1‘21I1|l111g 1)ll<1{{C1Q to pro-
_ 4 11111- :1 s111`1i1·11-111 S1l[1]l1}' (11. 1.1'l111S :11111 V1-g1:1:1}111.-s 111111.-11
    1'1·1·~11 :11-1- 11111 :11*:11]:11110.
-1 1<3·— Z- = - »}_ 'I`11 1-1111111:1s1z1- 1111·11 111·1111111»11·:1111111s 11if* 1-+1-11111115 for
!._ H`., S. >111·1·1-~>1`111 1'211|1111|;I 111` 1`1·1111< 1111*1 1*1-21-1:11111-s.
A 5_ 'I`11 i1111111·1~ 11s1· (11. 1111- "<`11111 11:11-1<" 1111-1111111 11f 0111111111g
    » \\`11•‘1l1‘\'1‘I' 1111\11`11111|*,
    ° H. '1`11 1·1·11111·1 :11 1111- 1·11·<1- 111` 1111- 1'111111111{! s1-z1s1111. 1-111111-5 of
*1--1-.-   1- 1*1-11111-1s 111 111- 1111-11 111 1111-111`111-0 111.1111.* $1211L* 11-1111012 1
xy 1-!` 1 `
  1ix:~ S· 1 Ii. .*`1111111.~·111/ ]'1‘111*111111‘1
A11 1-   1 1. 1·`i1·—1 111(.1°11112- 'l`:111<. "1l1l1111l`1£11l<'L* 111 1111115 a11111 \‘0g0-
__ N1 1:11111-~ 111 1111- 1111-1-"
USN l 11 1 111·1111111<11‘;1111111. "S1l111>1·‘ \1‘:1y~ 1111 $1‘1`\`1l1g' 1`1‘1111s :11111
11Q_1` :.1 \‘··u··1;11111-s."
wl \:__ `.. 2. S1-0111111 1111`(`1111!` 111·1111111~11‘:11E1-111 111 11111110 111--111111,1m-
1111?1 i1;:`1·111. :1 111111 1111*Z!11·1‘1' 1>1' 11·*‘11111Z>I1':111.1I1 11*:1111. ._(`11111
1\°·     1, 1111·1< 1111`11111(1 (11`1'111111111g·.·`
I. X_1_.._j_- Z1. 11111*11 1111-1-11110* 111-1111111~11-:1111111. "·11-11;- 111:11<111;*."
_   " 1·]:11·11 1111-111111-1- 1l11Q`1l1 1·111111·11·1111- 111`1` 1`:1\‘111‘110 1`O°111¢` 1111*
M1 M X 111‘1·<·-1‘1‘1·s. ,11-11_v 111- 1`1-1111 1111111`1'. 151-111-1-:11 (11Yl°11§‘11111 11111
H ;,»11;_·~ if 1‘i11111111Li` :11111 111-1-<1-1*1-1113 111 111-111-1- 111 1111-1-1 1110 \`£11‘11111S
1 Y 11  _ 1'1`111111°111$ 111. 111111 1111-1111-1-1·<. .\:‘1‘1-1-1111-111 11_\‘ 111111 1111-111-
` }.1_, xii 1. 111-1-1 111 11‘_\‘ 111(` 1-11111 ]11l1‘1{ 1111`111(111 111111 111 1:1-1-11 1*1-1·111·11 111` .
__ _ . :111 1·:11111111g‘ 1111111- (1111.1112` 111(` <1-:1s1111. 1'(\11|11'1111g S;11110
11   ` \\111*11 1‘1‘111l1*sI1*11 101111511.
111\'. 1f Y" 1
  (`. I1’1_1`11‘1111‘<".< _
 ’ 1· 11111111* (1(1I1111l1f;' of Fruits :11111 \vOfIOIJ11)1GS——F11I`I1l€l'S’ B111. 1211.
 · O 1?:<11.·S1;1.. L1-xi11;:‘1011, Ky. 111* 1`. S. 11l‘]1[. Am`., \\'r1sl1i11;I1011. D. (`.
- -. 1:11111111;;1*1-1-s1-11111;:. 1)1(‘1(11I1Kr S. R. S. 11111. A-S1. Exp. Str1.. L0x-
HT  Z 24   l1:v:‘1.iI1;1· 11. S. 111-111.. .\;D,’l`.. 1\;z1s1`1i11$t1111.   C.
~ . 111111 \1-g1-1.111.0s .1> (OI1>O1\OlS of 011101* Staple
1 1F11(1(1$—1rZ11`111(‘1`S' 11111. $71. Exp. Stn., Lexington, Ky. 01* U. S.
1 _,,.1 ‘ DPDT. »\K1‘.. \\'z1s11i11gt.1111. D. l`.
‘1*111111*""  - *1- 1101110 Storngn 111 Vogpt;1bl(¤s—F;i1‘n101‘s' B111. 879. EXD· SUN
L°Xm¥10¤- KY. 01‘ U. S. D0pt. Agr., 1\'z1shingt011, D. C. 0

 L' ,
V >
12 [1*111/111/.1; 1'1`1·1-11/11r.\'11. ISN
5. 11111111- S111111111-s 1·`.11‘1111-1‘s` 1111.1. 111SZ. 1·Zx1-. $1:1.. 111-x111-;11111_ 11-,-
_ 111- I'. S. 111-111. .\;1-.. \\';1s11i1:;t1111. 11_ 1`.
6. ;\1i11(111§’ \'i1Xx‘K111` 111 1111* 11111111- S11111-s 111-1;1111111< S1-1-. 11111 .1-1-:
S 1·Zx11, St;1., 1.1-x111gt1111. 1{3-. 111- l'. S 111-11t. .\u1·.. \\':1S11’111-1111, 11 1-
7. F1-1-sh 1·`1-111ts :11111 \'1-g1-1111111-s 1·`;11-1111-1·s’ 11111. #71. 1‘:\11.  
1.1-x111;11111. Ky. 111‘ l'. S. 111-111. .\;1-.. \\`ilS11111&l1l111. 11. 1`.
S. 11111111- )1;1111- 1*1-1111 1111111‘1`$ 1-`;11-1111-1-s` 11111. E1--11. 1'. S. 111-111 .1--- 1
\\'i1S11111¥.'11111. 11. 1‘.
. 9. F`;t1‘111 :11111 11111111- 111')’1I1§ 111` 1·`1·111t< :11111 \'*‘l'.•‘1l\111<‘$ -1·`.1t‘t·. —‘
11111. E1>1. 1`. S. 111111. .\u1·.. \\';1s11111:11111. 11. 1‘.
10. 1'ut`1-1-1111-1111-11 (11-11111- .11111-1- 111111- 111 N1;1111- 11 1"111`111‘1`S` 11111 1-T
l'. S. 111-111. .\z1‘.. \\.vil¥11111§“11111. 11. 1‘.
11. F1--1111-11t1-11 PE1-1111-s ·Fl11`1111‘1`$' 11111. 117111. l'. S. 11.-111. .\:-1-..\\`.—`·
111;:11-11. 11. C.
12. P1`1-11:11-;1t‘1111 111` \v•‘!•‘1L1111• < 1_111` 1111- '1`:1111~ 1·`;11‘1111-1-s' 11-11 3112. 1‘
S. 111-1:. .\21-.. \\';1<11i1‘1:11-11. 11. 1‘.
131. '1`1-1111-1-1-:111.11w (`11i\11!.Y1*S 111 (‘11t1t:11-11-1‘. 1-11-. 111-1-1. (`11-. 11-22.1fs
D1-11t. .\¤t-.. \\';1s11111ut1111. 11. 1‘.
14. Y1-5;-1-1:11111-s :11111 S1-1‘v1t1$.: -·1111l. 2*. St:1t1- (`111. 1111- \\'111111-11.1Z-J 1,
S1‘1`\'1(‘-‘. '1`:111:11111e.<1·1-. 1*111. ’-
15. SW1-1-1. P11t:1im-S (111 t11¤ 'l`:111’1- 11111. 712. S1;1t1- 1`111, 1`11;- \\'1-·-. "
Ext. S1-1‘\’11·1-. '1`;111;111;1ss1-1-, 1-`1z1.
16. P1-11111-1-;-—S1;1t1-s 111-1;1t11`11s S1-1*1-11-1-111-1. .\ \1.1l1`1"i1-1- 111` 1·I\1_\\`-—`-
111$.ZZ(111. 11. (".
1T. $112:1-stE1111s 1`111‘ )1:1Y·$111;_- .11-115*. .1:1111. 111111--z· :111:1 }1Z11`1111111-1*  
(`11-. 317. 1'111x‘. 111` 111111111s. (`111. 111- .\u1‘.. 1'1'11'11111. 111.
1S. .11-11;* }1i11{111‘i 11111. 1. \\`111t111‘1111 1`11111u1-, S111:t11 1`:11·11'111:1.
` 19. T111" 11111i11111111 1111-1. with 1‘1-l;1111‘1- 1111111-1-1:1111-~ 111 11:1- 1111-1 1-1*1-1;--
1.Z`l1)1f‘S, fruit :11111 1111111-~—-Ext. (`11‘. 123. N. 1`. St:1t1- ({111,. \\'. 11;11·E:E1.
N. (`.
211. 1*111111 1‘1‘·-s1-1·v;1t11111—(`irs. 2. 21. 1. G. T. Nxt. 11ix-., 1`:11v. 111` N-‘t·1 -
1,*11001n. N-‘-111*. ‘
21. P1`111('11111*S (11- .11-11)* 11:111111*; 1*111111 S11-11-s. 1.1-.¤t111 1`11<·1<’11z S('11(1111 (`(1(11( 11(1'11{ 11-.- 1·`;1111111- A1, 1·`;1--1111-1‘ -1.'T- 1 ` Q
tlr-. B1`O\\'1l 1% 1‘11.. 1111st1111, Musa. $2.1111. 5 ,
-,7-- 1
. 11. 1
S1-1-11-s 11111 1"1l11$1 Q
S111)]11`(1_1f‘('1 11171. 11:111111g 111 1111- 11111111-  ’ ;_ 1
11.\1(1N11 1N '1`111·] 1111311-1 $1
A. U/1v1r1·/1: 1:111] [{1-.111//s IJ.1‘]111·/11/ I [
1. T11 1211{C1111 1111* S11l11_\‘ 111. 1111- 11;11{111g 111` 111-1-;111s 211111 $11111*1U JI ]

 _1 1/1111111;/ _/`nr I/111111 lh1111111.ll1'S. }`<'21>1. <·1<·,. us 1`11¤·t<1rs 111 mak-
  j11;· $11111 1110:111,
` J1, ,1111 1¢‘£ll`1l 111 111z11<1· \'il!‘1<>I1< 1;111Z11!l1S 111 1110 \'211`10ll€
T. l'4•111l11<‘<. ‘
{ 3. R1·11<»1·1< 11111411* 11y ('11111 111(‘11111(.1-S,
1** 13. .*1151;/1.<1·1Z ]’l`/}('f'[I(}`C
° Y1 1. 1·`11·~1 111···—11112--——111~111<»11~11·:11i1111, "Ii1<··1111s 2l1141 1*:11*111-
  111111g 0i` 111<··11i1 <11ll1§J'1l·· '111il111 11i>·11i1<. I1111\\·11\`O1 11is-
  \'1l11~, ~11··1·1··z11{<·, 010.1
2. $01111111 1111···1111g -111·1111111»11·.1111¤11, "}1;11<111u‘ _\'<‘Z1N1 1ll‘<*2l<1.·
  1<1·11i11u` 1111* s11011g·1·, 1{11(°:1(1111!. s11;1]1i11;: 111111 1<1;1v0s :11111
Yi? 1··»11<, 1>i11{111Q'1, 1)12l1IN 1`<·1· 111*0:111 1·1111111111g·11,
1‘Y`— $1. '1`1:i1·11 11101-1111:·—-—111·111011s1121110:1, "(1&l1{(‘ 111:11<1112" 1111:1111
4   ¤·:11<·1. 11011011 10111;, (‘(>11`21lL`(‘ 11111111i11g with s11111·01.
M" (L Fg/'r1‘11111s
'\`___ 1- 11u1ii11; 111 1110 11111110 I·`;11·1111—1·s‘ B111. 115311, L'. S. 110111. Amt. V\`z1sh-
·   111;t1111. 11, (‘.
lvm;  ~   111`<*1\¤1—r'I`111¤ Yit;11 1·`111111——--11 I`11i1111 S¢]1lI11`l‘. \\'., N. Y. (`11}' (BII1.1
 1 "` B1"`$*'1— 1)ll11, hi. Div. l·1xt.. 1vll1\', (T11 T1~1111.. 1{l111X\'111(‘. TG1111.
VI 1,_ V ‘1· 111`~¢¤<1111:11<111g 1111- (*11111 A11»111111·1·s-»1·jxt. Sl‘1`\'1(`•?. Stntv COI. Of
‘ _ 11:1211.. P1111111;111. \\':1s11, ‘
‘)’ 11*`*i1¤1 HS il 1·`411111»»--Ii111_ ZZJEIL I'_ S 1*1111, IIO;11111 SD!`\‘1(‘m‘. \Y;\'S111UZ· V
11111. 11. (`.
- *1 1§¤‘··=1·1—<‘i1·. 2000, 1·;x1_ 1111;, \‘11, ,\;1·, 1lI](1 ]1t‘l‘11_ C111., B111vksb111·2.
. a.
` 1. S(1111f‘ 1*111111s 111 11111 Mz11;i11y.: :11111 J1111gi11: of 111·11:111—1211!_ 25, [vI11\'.
. Q 111 111.. I'1*11:111:1. 111.
1. (1ll`1S111l2lS (`ukos 11:111 (`;12111i1·s Ext. (`fr. -126. l`11i\‘. 111 N¢—‘11l`:lS1{Zl.
i Q 11lI1<‘E<»·1:~~;;;.
Tillli by Clul) mCml1Cr, Nllow this oluli mm help to   ~
lish zi. hot lunch at our s<·hool·" Dis<·u>sion. B_ v
l’i<·tures or movie to illustrate the swhool luni·h.
C. ]?cfcrcn0c$ V
1. The Lunvh Hour nt S(·1m(»l»-]Io;;1{h Ed guy 7_ Depp m ii1t.llii* ‘
of Ed., \\'ashington, D. (X _ __  .
2. Hot Lunches for the Rural Sc·ho0i—Ext, Cir. 964. (`Ol 04 ·\"` .
Univ. of Nehr., Lincoln, Nohr. V C._ ¥
3. The Svhool Lun<·h4By Whittemore, Enright and SOIlll€‘Iillil}/ ·· _
U3. Ext. Div., Univ. of Ky., Lexington, Ky. __ wi
4. 'l`llC School Lun//II (VIII).? for 11,//)Nf)l 15
6. 11;11ly A11‘2l1$ 111 $01111111 (‘1111111·1·11 11111. 4052. U. S. Bur. Ed., \Vus11-
111:11111. 11. (`.
;_ $:1111111 1,1111('111'F» 1·`:11‘1111·rs‘ 11111. 712, I'. S. 110111. Agr., W:1s11i¤gt0¤,
S. 111115111 1·Jx1. (‘i1·. 27, Iixt. Div. S. I). .»\g1·. C01., Brookings, S. D. (ac:
11111111 s11·-1·1s 14l11` #1-1111111 1l1l11‘1l1.
(1. 11:1l1:1111·1111111 111 (1111111111 11111. 1131. '1`1·1·11S. 110111., L'. S. P1111. 11CLl1[11
. . S11·1‘:1···. \\':1s11111g1011, 11_ <‘.
1`~~`.1;1.Y _— 
S1'1`11'S 100- F0011
S:111;11‘.1j1·1·1 105. 112111’}` 1)1`()11l](‘1S
  1)-\11{Y 1’11(1D1`(."1`S _
;`   .1. 011,1111.* 111111 If1.<11/1.1 ];`.1·]1r1·1{11
1 1. '1`1· 11111:0 il §111(1-\· 11` 1110 1·s<01111:11s 1111- I'1I`O(1ll1J111L` 010211
C 4r`.k ...1. 1111iY: ’1·1· :11111111·~< 111` *31211111*S, 1‘1'l\\`. 11111]:1-1*. ll1011<11S, 010.)
 ` 2. T0 S111111I1i11•‘. 1111*11 1110 $11111)v 111` 11:111;*01*s 01` 1111101‘0111:11·
Of ij; ¤·1111:<. 1·1111111_1‘-11‘1111· 1l°*1111g 111` 11il11'}' 111"1`(1S.
11   _ 32. T11 111:11:0 Il <11111}' 111` 1110 1·:11·0 111` 111111: 111 1110 1101110.
1. T11 111:11:0 fl S111(1.\Y 111' ways 111` 11$111g_" 111111: 111 1110 1101110
1/<1111]11P111111( 111s110<1.
1 5. T11 0111‘·0111‘:1¤0 1110 111:11:111g 111` 111111: ]11·0111101s (11111101*,
111   Y 1'11(`OSO. 010.1
6. T0 s11111111:110 11111—1·0<1 111 1‘{111111£11§`l1S 1`01· ")111r0 S:11`0
1* 11 1 7. ]11r\11(*1`1$ 01 1'<‘<1l11< 111` ('{1111P111g`11§ $0111 11y 1101110 (10111011-
<~1l·11‘Y· S1111111111 ;1Q`•‘]]1 10 $1:110 11‘£l111*l`.
111  9. 1101101·1< 111* 011111 11101111101‘;<_ :1< 1`111` 011101‘ Sl111]11`(1_1C‘C1$.
B- ·q11!/NN1111 Pi'01‘(`111(I'(1
. 1. F11·s1 111001111g——A11 O\`1‘11111Q` 1111”1`*1111Q' 1`01· 1110 00111111111111}‘.
 . T:111:<. (11 U11_11\\' 111 $1‘1’11l`0 1-11-:111 111111: 111 1110 1101110.,,
A 121 U1)i111fI