xt734t6f2w4p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt734t6f2w4p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1977-04-01 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, April 1, 1977, no. 172 text The Green Bean, April 1, 1977, no. 172 1977 1977-04-01 2014 true xt734t6f2w4p section xt734t6f2w4p . wi-.) I { 2 L
A ` L#/1/ 77 N0. 172
i mmm  
  l April - Library Faculty Meeting — 8:30AM, Gallery I
  4 April — Library Science Colloquium — 2PM, Gallery (see last
week's note) 1 _
I 7 April — 1975-77 Faculty Book Show and reception — Solarium,
  King Library North, 2-4PM. (see note)
8 April - Administrative Council Meeting, 8:30-9:30AM, Gallery
Music in the Gallery series: Jazz with Vincent de
I Martino. Gallery, Noon. Open to the public.
i 13 April - Patterson Literary Society — Gallery, 10AM. AOpen to
i the public. lv
15 April — Administrative Council Meeting — 8:30-9:30AM, Gallery.
25 April — Public Dinner Meeting of Library Associates - Spindletop
Hall, 6:l5PM (see note) A .
Current Exhibits: Gallery, Special Collections — "Here's to you,
I Harry Clay!" (through 15 April). Foyer, King Library North —
V Spanish Manuscripts and Imprints (l3th—17th centuries): a selection
from the collections of the University of Kentucky Libraries
V (through 30 April). A ` VA; I _ _
Contributors to this number: Terry Birdwhistell, David Farrell i
(Editor),John Gray, Jeanne Stevens, Bob Turner. ‘_ _i `

Library Associates Reactivate:
The University of Kentucky Library Associates, a "friends of
the Library" group of faculty, alumni, and citizens, is host-
ing a public reorganizational dinner and meeting on Monday,
25 April, at 6:l5 PM at Spindletop Hall. (see attached invita-
tion). Speaker for the occasion will be Elizabeth Hardwick,
music will be provided by the LaMay String Quartet, and the
latest product of the King Library Press will be on display.
A reception and short business meeting will complete the pro-
gram. Miss Hardwick, a Lexington native and graduate of UK
(BA and hororary doctorate) is a noted writer and critic. She
is a founder and editor of The New York Review of Books, her
pieces appear regularly in Harpers, New Yorker, and The New A
York Times, and she had published several novels and books of
criticism. Her most recent deals with women as literary authors
and subjects. (Seduction and Betrayal, 1974).
The Library Associates were originally founded in 1954. Over
’ the years their dues and contributions of books and funds enabled
the Libraries to purchase materials they could not normally
afford. In return, the organization provided an opportunity
for its membership to keep in touch with the Libraries through
special programs and publications. Although inactive in recent
years, a number of faculty, alumni and friends have remained
interested in the group and have been meeting this winter to
plan the reorganizational effort the dinner will provide an op-
portunity for members and others to express their interest and
plan for the coming year. Additional information and dinner
reservations are available from David Farrell, King Library
North, Tel. 258-265l.
Faculty Book Reception:
The Staff Organization reception for faculty authors will be
held Thursday, 7 April, from 2 to 4 PM in the Department of
Special Collections. John Cleveland will perform at the Stein-
way (or Yamaha), refreshments will be served, and the public
is cordially invited.
Administrative Services Note:
There remains in current expenses a modest amount of money to go
towards supplies for the remainder of the FY. If you have supply
needs, please check with Clifford Black to see if what you need
might not be in stock or on order. If what you need is neither
in stock nor on order, please submit requests for needed supplies
by 15 April.

SLA—Kentucky Chapter—Spring Plant Sale:
The Student Chapter of SLA at the University of Kentucky will
hold its second annual SPRING PLANT SALE beginning at 9:30 AM
on Tuesday, April 5, at the Student Center Patio. Brighten the
corner where you are or give someone else a lovely plant for
Easter. Stop by and meet the student members while you shop!
Kentucky Council on Archives meets:
A meeting of the Kentucky Council on Archives was held at
Western Kentucky University, March 28, 1977. During a morning
business meeting, a constitution for the newly formed organization
was adopted and an Administrative Council elected.
At an afternoon session, a panel of individuals discussed dif-
ferent types of archival holdings such as special collections,
historical societies, newspaper archives, photographic archives,
and oral history. Following the session, the Western Kentucky
University Archives, Folklore Archives and the Manuscript Divi-
sion of the Kentucky Library were open for interested visitors.
Representing the University of Kentucky were Bill Marshall,
Claire McCann, and Terry Birdwhistell.
Graphic Arts Seminar:
Friday, l5 April, a seminar on various aspects of the graphic
arts will be held at UK. Among the topics of interest to
librarians are a film on printmaking (9 AM) and a lecture by
_a leading paper conservator, Douglas Kenyon, "The Care of Works
of Art on Paper." All events will be held in the Fine Arts
Building; complete schedules and additional information avail-
able from the Fine Arts Gallery, Tel. 8-2808.
Two management workshops of note are scheduled this spring and
At ARL (Association of Research Libraries), the Office of Univer-
sity Library Management Studies is organizing a "Library
Management Skills Institute" at Kansas City MO, l9-22 April.
Further information is available from Denise Cook, at (202) _ _
At Miami University (ohio), the School of Business Administration
is holding a week—long program in administrative leadership,
"Executive Development Program for Library Administrators,"
3l July-6 August, l977. Additional information from Harry F.
Brooks at (5l3)529-4l29.

Assistant Director for Administrative Services. Iowa State Univer-
sity Library, Ames, Iowa. Application deadline: May 1. Available
July l. Salary—min. $20,000 dependent upon qualifications.
Assistant Director for Technical Services. Iowa State University,
Ames, Iowa. Application deadline; June 1, Available: August 1.
Salary: min. $20,000, dependent upon qualifications.
Resources Librarian. University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville,
Virginia. Available: March 16.
Research Librarian. University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville,
Va. Available: March 16.
Music Cataloger. University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville,
VA. Available: immediately.
French and Italian Bibliographer. University of Virginia Library,
Charlottesville, Va. Available: April 18.
Director of Circulation Services. University of Virginia Library,
Charlottesville, Va. Available: July l.
Fiscal Services Librarian. Colorado State University Libraries,
Fort Collins, Colorado. Application Deadline: April 30. Available:
June l. Salary: Min. $11,200 (Instructor) to $14,00 (Assistant

   T be Universigz of Kentucky Library Associates
  request tbe pieasure of your company
  at tbe annual meeting anal dinner
  on Monday, tbe twengijjiftb ty' April
  at 6:1j o’c[ock at Spiniiletop Hail
  Lexington, Kentucky
  T be guest speaker will be tbe writer and critic
  On display, a new publication from Tbe King Library Press
  Music by Tbe LaMay String Quartet
_ Please reserve___places ($9.00 each) at the meeting and
dinner of the Library Associates on Monday evening,
25 April 1 977. Amount enclosed: $3
Reservations must be received by Monday, 18 April.
Please enroll my name in the University of Kentucky
I Library Associates, and keep me informed of future
5 programs of interest. My dues ($10.00 regular, $5.00
  student) are enclosed. Dues are tax—deductible.
  Make checks payable to: The University of Kentucky
i Library Associates
