xt734t6f2d5j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt734t6f2d5j/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Ky.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1942 "There are 120 counties in Kentucky and it is expected that a guide will be issued for each county."--Letter from Work projects administration of Kentucky dated Sept. 8, 1942. books This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Associations, institutions, etc.--Kentucky--Owen County--Directories Kentucky--Owen County--Civil defense Guide to civilian organizations. Owen County, Kentucky text Guide to civilian organizations. Owen County, Kentucky 1942 1942 2012 true xt734t6f2d5j section xt734t6f2d5j       {   mummwfmwmEnwwunI1 nwu é    
_ } j E! EILIEE Ll‘i5"1E¤]»b D I I
A I A Compiled for _ M
h` Mmmm  `  ` Y·‘‘    
    J   srznvncz DIVISION  
 `   IN K1zNTUcKY I A

  ;   s4$,;‘l”`*1’ of KE.NT\5CK`i'  

 l _gUIDE TO
‘ By The
War Service Section
li Service Division
_""AWork Project: Administration ` ~.
,3 Louisville, Kentucky
_ October 1942
    W   "f ’i rw 1          

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  {Wh OW _/7. _ ¤ • ¤ • j ·
yi l e en County Delense Council is affiliated
g ' with the Kentucky Defense Council
Q Frankfort, Kentucky
i Honorable Keen Johnson, Governor of Kentucky
i Chairman »
§ John J. Greenleaf, State Director of
§‘ Civilian Defense
·y Dr. wailace ,yrd, Chairman
VQ French Smeot, Vice—Chairman Chester Roland, Coordinator
QQ Harry Barge, Secretary Lillian Juett, Treasurer
. Howard Ellis H. C. Thomas R. G. Nixon
if John G. Thomas T. A. Perry C. H. Bourne
Xi Henry A. Adams Mrs. Jeff McPherron L. C. Lusby
as J. O. Vbbster Miss Lucille Littrell Lewis Green
ig Florian Gray Dr. J. H. Chrisman Chester Lusby
fg R0ubon Proctor TL E. Fhlker Roy Dickerson
{§ Mrs. K. S. McBeo C. L. Vallandingham
E This Guide is prepared for the official use
§_ of the Defense Council of Owen County and
Y other agencies engaged in defense work. lt
§ should not be made available forcommerioal.
Q use. Additional copies can be obtained only
y at the office of the Owen County Defense
f Council.

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E f§U3{ICAH LGGICI, GLEI POST=#l59(H&tionel American Legion), q/0 Dr. J. H.
Q  Chrismen, Crwenton. Founded 1919. Commander, Dr. J. H. Chrismen. Telephone
Q 13 or 16b. Secretary, H} E. Welker, Owenten. Telephone 159-Wl Terms expire
ci 1942.
;_ Membership: 15. Qualifications, veteran of Horld lar .``.` 1. and honorable dis-
  chergge . .
3 Committees: None. _ . ,
§ Purpose; To perpetuate true Americanism end help ex—service men.
g Norcel Civic Activities: None.
Q Defense Activities: Interested in nir Reid ierden Service, Civi1ian.Lir-
j§ creft Qsrning Service, Ambulance iorvice, First nid. .‘ . - -
f Loeil ?ub1ieetiens; fone. ,_ _ . .
—@ "“"‘“"“”""”‘”"
4 nFELFCiN QED CROSS, CHEF COUVTY CULlTCL(nmeric1n Iutienal ned Cross), Fern-
1 ers Istiondl Rank Building, Gwenton. Founded 1917. Chairmnn, Mrs. K. S. ic-
V Bee, Cwenton. Telephone 158. Secretary, J. S. Redding, Owenton. T;1ephone
51. Terms indefinite. »
I Iembership; 287. lembcrship by annual subscription of one dollar or more.
it Cemmittcvsa Disaster, Never J. Q. Themes; Production, Mrs. J. G. Prather; _
ye '.`` Home S:rviee, Mrs. E. S. Shipp; First Aid, 2. G. Nixon; Junior Red Cross,
;; Katie Ervin; Accidint Prevention, J. S. Redding, ell of Owenton. ·
E Purpose: To provide sid and relief in the event of disaster er catastrophe.
§ Normal Civic Lctivities; Production of garments, eiving courses in First
_g  iid, Hemccere of sick end furnishing pmlfere services to U. S. nrmed Per-
.% sennel and their femilies.
y Defense Activities; Enguped in Red Cresr nssistence. Training for First N
 5-     w , i '*""_"`_`_`-""
g nid, irepuretion und serving Ol FOOG•
Q beenl Puolicetionsz None.
 Q r .
E BOY SCOUTS OE MLERICU, EQCZP·#10é(T;tiene1 Council, Coy Scouts of nmerice),
K e/o C. H. Bourne, District Henmissiener, Cwcntxn. Founded 1957. Sceutnester,
  - m ·· "r‘r T'? » ., .·. 5 ‘.h’.
{ Jones Tells, Owcnton. seleph ni lb.—;. Terneinecfinite.
I lemtershipc BO. Cpen to boys 12 tc 18 y nr; if L;- eble to pass Cc’ut tests
n- and rcquiiements. ’
i Committees: Troop, Dr. Qellece Byrd, Qvirton. . , .
1 —·—-———-··—··-..—-

 - g -
Bqy Sceuts ef America, Treep¤#lO4(Centinued)
` · Purpose: Character building, citizenship training and eemmunity service.
Pvrwal Civic Activities: Gathering tzys and feed fer indigent families. ”
Defense nctivities: Engaged in Auxiliary Felice, First nid. Training fer `
First hid, Freparatien and $erving of Feed, Signal ¤ervices. Interested in
Lnxiliary Fire Prstectien, Meter Cerps berv ce, Radie Operatien and Repair,
Celleetien cf Scrap Letals and Other Metals, Cellecting Beeks.
Local Fublicatiens:~Heic. _
D.UGHTEHS OF REBEKAH, FAITH LODGE=$l23 (Rebekah State nssemblyg Severcign 0
Grand Ledge, I. O. O. F.), Q/O Bertha Orr, R. R. #4, Owenten. Feunded 1955. _
'Fresident, Miriam Zuekerpan, Owentnn. Telephene 212. Secretary, Bertha Orr.
lclephene 5705. Terms expire l9i2. `S
Membership: 49. Op-n ti women age 16 tr 5O years. Q
Cemmittenszhlwr reperted. %
"`""*"" ` ‘ ‘ , t
Pure ‘ s 2 ,. Z#r:z.t .rnal   4 · · V  
N rmal Oivia hctivities; Meme reparted. _ — ‘ A _ E
Defense activities: Interested in Seving and Preparitien rf Surgical Drcss~ i
ings. · · I _ *
V L- Oil VX`. .1 Sli Cf"L1'J;LS ; T·1,~re . - ·· l
i DP*OOR-TIC lONEN'S CLU? OF OHS? OOTETY (State and Uatien;lDemecratic Tenen’s
Clubs), c/s Mrs. E. X. Simpswn, Ovsntin. Feunded 1932. President, Irs. E. TL
Simpsan. Ttlephene 184. Term expir-s Qarch, l9é5. »· . »
Iembershipz 100. Open t'wr¤mq·trmhtrs tf the Demccratie Party. L
. Cwmmittees: Ne1e.‘ S
_ f Purp.;e; Te eramete the principles if the Demecratie Party.
` `fer· 1::1 Civic nctivitie sz C ;- iperate s with eivj c gr T ups tri rking fer community
`ec»tter1.1e tit. 4 g
pefexse Lctiviticsz Interested in hmbultnee Service, Sewing and Preparatien [
`f Surgical Dressings, ded Cr ss -ssistance, First nid, Oelleetien ef Scrap Q
jetals and Other Fetals, Ctllecting B>’ks, Interviewing. l §
Local Yublicetirns; Isn . _ §

     5 -
5% FZEE QLD NCCDPTED IASOHS, OUEN LODGE ji28(Grand Ledge of Kentucky; Sevcreign
{_ Grand Lrdge, F & 4. M.), q/e Patham Zuckerman, Cmentan. Founded 1843. faster,
j KCpp1w RJ1Q1d, {beaten. Teleph me l82. Secretary, Nathan Zuckerman. Telephemc
H 111. Terms expire December, 1942. ` ·
E Membership: 52. Open te white male adults apprrved by membership.
{ Committees: Fave. V ’ ·
1 Purpose: Praterral and charitable. A
1}  “"°"'—‘_°`*"
i ?;raal Civic getivitiesz Pane. l
Q Defense activities: Interested in guxiliary Pzlicc, gir Raid [ards; Service,
E Civilian 4ircraPt‘Varuing Service, Auxiliary Fire Pritcctien, Mot r Cvrps
§ Service, ;mbulanee Servine, led Crsss gssistance, Cillecting Beats, luterpre—
Q ting, lnterviewing.
g Local Putlicatiens: Tens.
gf Glwl LCOLTT C? h?EZ1CQ, LOEG RIDGE TPOOP (Tatisnzl Girl Scsuts if ;meric;),
i? c/E [rs. H. T. Riley, met Liberty. Fcumucd 19il. Lead;r,Nrs. P. T. Riley.
{ T,ls,beue 2515. Assistant Leader, Evelyn Harrisan, R. R.>§4, Cwentcn. Tel—
5 ephsua 3712. Terms expire 1942. V
é Msnbsrshipz 10. Open tc girls fr‘m 14 tc 18 years if age; application uppreved
Q by N tirnal Office, and ywvnemt `f dues.;} - — I
Ei Germ ttcesz Nine reported.
  """" ’ i ""`“"' L
?‘ Puxsscuz Training mirls in recreatixn, he;lth, homewaking and character build-
j ins.
·% N ri;l Civic ;etivities: Tame.
t Defense Activities: Interested in Sewing sai Prep raticu ef Surgical Dress-
i' iii}, Red Crrss Lssistazce, First gid, Oallceting Qeeks,
il Lacal Publications: Kane. V
tr IFDEPZNDLIT ORDER OF ODD FELLOUB, EN;NUEL LOD*3 $215 (Grand Lcdge cf Kentucky,
Qi 1. O. O. T.), Oweutcn. Founded 1872. Table Grand, Pascal Jsncs, Owcntrn. Sec-
; retary, Ura H. Lucas, Cmtntem. Terms expire 1942. V
i imwbershin; 185. Open tv males ;ver 18 years {f age is ga,d health anu sub-
if Ecct ti apprzval ¤f_memb;rs. T
i" Cwmmittecsz fone. V
H Purpose: Fraternal.

 ' .-4 - I
Imdegendcnt Order ef Odd Fcll·ws, Emanuel Leduc #Ql5(Ccntinucd)
I ]ermcL Civic Letivities: Neue reported. _
D Tense Lctivities; Interested ih Auxiliary Pelice, Air Raid ~erde; Service, ·
Civilian LlTCT&ft‘¤GTDlHg $erviee,.huxil1sry Fire Prctectieh, SelvegeNDe4~l-
iticn Service, Meter Cerps Service, Ambulance Service, Collection ef Scrap »
Mctels und Cther Metals, Diseussiem Leaders, Public S eaking, Interviewing,
Corsumcr Prctectien Activities. V ~
Lecul Iublicctiehs: ECHO.
ercu; Kentucky Junidr Chcyber ¤€·Cemmerce}, e/b H. C. Themes, Cventxn. .
Fvuhded l954. President, French Cho t, Owentwh. Telephone 158. Secretary,
H. C. Themes. lelcphsm; ll7—J. Terms expire xpril, 1945. · p
Membership: 27. Open te wel; business represvntctives between ..‘, the ages cf
IC and K5. V
Committees: M ne. ` - Q
Purp:s¤;Cultiv¤ti¤u f_eivic pride and enterprises. Ii provided; medium ef P
PT&lLlfC ju leadership and citizenship im Chember if Ceunerce wsrk. P #
Hfrmcl Civic -ctivities: Spenser Bev Scruts aids in cherit . · ·»
. .......-r-   .-..- .- -..........i - —/ ’
UCCLRS= gctivitiesa Interested in guxiliery Fire Protecti n, Red Cross ;ssi»
I st re;. ”ir;t hid, Uperutigh ef Ciuteeus, Interviewing. ,
Lee l S·b`ie ti RS: Niue.
Pvuhdqd IGS?. Prtsident, hrs. U hey True, Uventun. $eleph~1e T9-U} Scc~
· retery, Irs. Cscvr Crr, Ovchten. Teleph>ne_QlO. Ierhs expire_Septembtr, .
IQQC. - P - , ·
he bership: I2. (pen te weve; uedbers if the Christian Church, whe gre ;ct—
ive in religiius vcrk, end have ih everigs attend mee. _ P
' CZcrr=iirttu;s : ?Tc;u;. _
‘ Iyrpgjic C ».‘·- rpcrating ir an eurxest effirt fer the b-ttcrHe t ‘f the church.
E rral Civic gctivities; Kent. I Y
Pxfeuse getivities; Interested in Seviug cgd Proper \‘`. ti¤1 rf Surgieel Dress— P
ings, First 4id, Easily S cial Service in Industrial Areis. _ U {
Lecxl Publications: Hen;. · A '

  -   L. 5 ..
Owonton. Founded 1920. President, Mrs. Florence Green. Secretary, Mrs.-Ida
Pitts, Owenten. Terms expire February, 1943. ` ··
n · i;nhership;50. Open to women members of the Baptist Church desiring to engage
in missionary work. . p
Corrntteos: Sick, Nannio Thshington, Owenton.
·Purposi: Helping State and Fzrlign Missisns. Also cvntributes tz local miss-
: ianary crganizations. i’ A ' `
Bernal Civic Activities: ,C;operated in Drive for Aluminum. I .
, Defense Lctivities: Engaged in Colloctizn of Scrap Metals and Other Metals.
Interested in First nid, Child Care, Public Speaking. _ - r
Q Leeal Publications: None.
Q servation Association), q/o Thelma Cook, Owenton, Founded 193%. Chairman,
§ `V Florian Cray, Gwenton. Telephone 20l. Secretary and Chief Clerk, Thelma Ceek.
g Tern; indefinite. `
I Kenbership: 1600. Open to any one participating in conservation program and
·L reduction of special crops.
jp Cormittoesz Community Service, if I- _
J Purpose: Inoreased'seil fertility and maintain fair prices for crops.
F A Ioimal Civic Activities: Promotion of intensive farming methods, including
efilnient fertilization. Demonstration of hybrid corn.
j Defense Activities: Engaged in Teaching Classes of Map Heading and Sketching,
T Drafting. Interested in Typing and Other Clerical Assistance, Interviewing,
1 Loeal`Publications: None. A I A _
Q OWEN COUNTY FARM BUlEAU(Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation; American Farm.Dureau
' Federation), c/e County Aqent's Office, Cwenton. Founded l953. President, W.
· ·' ’· e "T . ..". · . . .
— H. Proctor, R. R.-#2, Owenton. Secretary, C. J. Orr, R. R.»p4, Owentoe. Tel- _
A ephene 5705. Terms expire l942. ·
i Membership: l»., 225. Open to any farner interested in the advancement of agricult-
2 uI°€• ` ’ . `
  Pi ‘ J- " . V I
; Committees: cone.
I Purpose; To imppgve agriculture and living conditions among fame people. En-
s dorsing helpful legislation.

 1 .- 5 -
.Owen County Farm Bureau(Continued) C
` Normal Civic Activities: Nonek or · -1 A A · ? ».
Defense Activities: Engaged in Collection of Scrap Metals-and Other Metals, ’
Local Publications; None. V `
, CWB? CCKMTY TEACHERS ORGANIZATION, c/b E. G. Traylcr, New Liberty. Pounded
1957. President, E. G. Traylor. Telephone 2104. Secretary, Julia Thompson,
Monterey. Terms expire June, 1943. y
Membership: 50. Open to members of teaching staff of Owen c¤u¤ty`B¤ard of ·
Cmmnittoes: None.
Purpose; To improve the County School System.
Normal Ci¤ic Activities: None. — _
Defense Activities: Interested in Led Cross assistance, Collecting Books, i
Discuss rn L¤.dors, Public Speaking. ¥
Local Publications: Lone. · . — , ` _ >
_ OVEN CGTFIY 64R ‘'·» COvPCIL (Office of Civilian Defense), e/o·Chairman,”Ea11ace ·
I Byrd, M. D, Cwenton. Secretary, Chester Poland, Cwenton. Telephone 181.
' Founded 17Ql. Terms-indefinite._ · j— _e _ .
Kembersbip: BO. Composed of representatives of civic and professional org-
Y anizotjbdf. - -` “ ’PV '" ` D
Committees: Executive, Chester Poland; Salvage, YL E. Walker; Har Stamps and
~ Bonds, L., L. Vallandinghan; U. S. D. A. "far"Board,_F1oria.n Gray; Eme1"g;onoy .
Food and Housing, Mrs. K. S. LcBee, Chairman; Citizens' Defense Corps, Harry
Derge; Commander for Rural Areas, L. C. Lusbyi Speakers Bureau, R. G. Nixon,
Chairman, all of Owcnton. " "
· Purpose: Civilian Protection and Civilian Mobilization. »
‘ x Nernal Civic Activities: bee Defense Activities.
Defense Activities: Engaged in integrating, coordinating and activating _
N all count —iide programs for civilian protection and civilian oarticipat~
ion in the jar, o. g. civilian defense, salvage, war bonds, nutrition,_food
production and storage, public health, Red Cross activities, consumer prot- ·
notion, public information. a ·
_ Local Publications: None. Z

   .L· A 7 ..
’ OWENTON ROTNlY CLUB (Rotary International), c/0 cg L. True, Cwenton. Founded
.L P .' . · —\v .
{ ldZ5· PT€Sid@Ht, C. L. True. Telephone l5l. Secretary, R. G. Nixon, Owentom.
{ Telephone 2S. Terms expire 1942. if
; Membership; 27. Open to business and'professional men of good character and
reputation, plus approval of membership.
Committees : None. - ·
Purpose; Improvement of civic and business relationships.
Normal Civic·Aptivities4 Sponsor Crippled Children Campaign. ,
-, Defense Activities: Interested in Child Care, Collection of Scrap hotels end
.· Other letals, Public Speaking, Teaching Classes in Mechanical Skills needed in
_ Defense Industries, Consumer Protection Activities. ` ` ` e ‘
‘P Local Publications: None. ` I ·O ·i_‘ ,* V' ` » ‘
3 ONEZTON PARENT—TEACHER ASSOCIATION (State and Iaticnal Congresses of Parents
f and Teachers), High School, Owenton. Founded l925. President, Mrs. Robert P.
Q Landrum, Owenton. fclephone 209. Secretary, hrs. A. E. Rose,-Owcnton. Tele— L
Q phono 2C%. Terms expire l942.
it Nombership: IQE. Qualifications, any person interested in child welfare.
? Committees: Health, Mrs. John L. Link, Jr.; Safety, Loucllc Forseo; School
· Lunch, hrs. Robert P. Landrum, all of Owtnton. `
. Purpose: Child Thlfaro.
, Defense_Activitics:° . Engaged in Preparation and Serving of Food. Interest-
ed in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Sewing and Preparation of Surgical
Dressings, Red.Cross Assistance, Operation of Cantoens, Child Care, Library
f Service, Collecting Books, Interviewing. _ _
( Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with A. A. A., Safety Program, County
Health Department and WPA School Lunches. I
‘ Local Publications: None. `
UTOPIA CLUB, OWEN COU$TY,`c/e Mary D. Rice, Cwenton. Founded l9&l. President,
C. I. Bourne, Cwenton. Tclephone'l57—lL Secretiry, Mary D. Rico, Cxmnton. Tel-
_ ephone l94..Terms expire October, l9é2. ---.
A Nomborship: 25. Open to persons botrten the ages of l9 and 20, having completed
L_ a project. C
` Committees: (Project and Pregrun).
‘ Purpose: Lnprovcncnt of boys ari girls on farm and in the home.

 A - - 3 -
Utopia Club, Owen.County (Continued), - ” ` ‘ A 5
" ` Normal Civic Activities: (Training for community·1codership).
Defense Activities: Training for Rod Cross Assistnncc,·First Aid, Recrcnt—
ion, Typimg and Other Clerical nssistance. ‘ *
- Locil Fublicetionsz None. ` ' -~ ··
Southern and Kentucky Bsptists),c/o’MrsL J. J. Ingram, R.R. #6,.Owenton.-
. . . " .. -
President, Mrs. J. J. Ingram. iclcphone e9. Secretary, Mrs._K. S. hcBeo,
Owenton. Telephone 158. Terms expire January, l945.' ` . . -- R
‘ hcnbershipz QS. Open to church women interested in the work of the society. V
Committees: Personal Service, Mrs. L. E. Doane; Stewardship, Mrs. J-.G. Hol-
brook; laung People, Mrs. E. R. Shipp. .
Purpose; Soul soving gnd missionary work. l (f·· _ I .‘ _ .
Normal Civic sctivitiesz Perticipeting in ”3und1cs for Brittdn“ program. -7
Defense nctivities: Interested in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Sewing {
and Prcprrotion of Surgicel·Dressings, First Lid, Typing and Other Clerical ¥
Lssistxnce. j
( Local Yrblieotions: Hons. _ · . ~ ` , · ` ~
and St t» *.M.U., ··I` Southern Bsptist Conventisn),_c/e Mrsi Birdie Slocum, .
Y V Oventc;. Sup rintendent, Nrs. Birdie Slocum. Telephone 215. Secretary, Mrs.
A. I. Uh»mos, Owcntcn. Telephone eZ. Ternsyoxpdre»Janu&ry, 1945.
? Ncrmership: 564. Open to female members of the Baptist Church. »
Committees: Zone. l · V ¤ I ` "
` Purpose: The promotion if missionary work. :4_ y _ _ _ ,1
Q Normal Civic Activities: Raising of zissionary funds. Prep ring garments
‘ for British hid in ecnncction with "Bundlcs for Britoin".
Defense Activities: Interested in Hospital and Clinical nssistancc, Sewing (
ani Prepurctivn ~? Surgical Dressings, First hid. `
Local Publicrtions; Tone. 4 = `

 . _ 9 _
F Air Raid Warden Service._ ' , ‘
T Ambulance Service
· Auxiliary Fire Protection ` l - » l
ip Auxiliary Police‘ . ‘· I ‘ ·' ‘ A
VQ Child Care
in Civilian Aircraft Warning Service»
? Collectinn of Scrap Metals and Other Metals
Q Collecting Books ,‘ · , · l
ln Consumer Protection Activities
it Discussion Leaders ‘ A V
{ Drafting
Q Emergency Repair Service
§_ Entertainment _
{ . Family Social Service in Industrial Areas " “
 ; First Am · _ _
{ Hospital and Clinical Assistance r
Q Interpreting
`{ In%ervieving‘ `V
Q Library Service t A
2 Actor Corps Service ~ — I "·
E Operation of Canteens
f Preparation and Serving of Food ¤ - ’ -
T Public Speaking » Y `
A Radio Operation and Repair " ’
p Recreation_
I Red Cross Assistance · ` ·
Z Research Assistance
`a Salvage Demolition Service z
; Sewing and·Preparation of Surgical¤Dressingsi
· Signal Services A
’ Teaching Americanization Classes for AlienS and”Othcrs
Q Teaching Classes in Mechanical Skills Needed in Defense Industries
. Teaching Classes of Map Reading and Sketching
j Teaching Literacy Glasses for Aliens and Others
L Teaching Spanish and Portuguese
A Typing and Other Clerical ~ssistance

 - 1Q -
L 4 itnafcericlx. nmsx
American Legion, Owen Post=#l59, 1~.: ‘
American Red Cross, Owen County Chapter, 1
Bev Scouts of America Treo =tlO4 l ,,·» is ‘
M » M s
Daughters of Rebekah, Faith Lodge #123, 2. y .
Democratic Women's Club of Owen County, 2
Free and Accepted Masons, Owen Lodge #128, 5 `
Gir1`Scoutz of America, Long Ridge Troop, 5 _
Indcacndcnt Order of Odd Fellows Emanuel Lodme¤¥2l5 5 ' ·
. 3 u. ,. _ 3
Junior Chamber of Commerce, 4 v_ V _g { _ V
Ladies Auxiliary, Owenton Christian Church, 4 V u
hissionary Society of Second Baptist Church, Colored, 5
Oven County Agricultural Conservation Association, 5 —
Cgep county Firm Bureau, 5
Cn ‘.‘r’“— n county Teachers Organization, 6
Cv,sioh©.ry"Society of bocond Baptist Church, Colorod, ji-‘5;; Or;c1i"`Cou;1ty
.r·‘:~.rm Burcau, A-5; Owonton Rotary Club, C···7. v_ ` _ '
I1;,.i<;pm.d.or¤.t Ordor of Odd Follows, Emzmuol Lodge #215, C·—3; Ovroiiton Rotary
Club, C-T. · l     " »
L l'$ CUB EJ IOEF LIQ.'-*)IL§'T$
lhi<;¤p;1¤d<,:1t Order of Odd Follcrrrs, Ertnoszuol Lodge   215, C-3; C*.Z'Ol'l County
Tc..chors Cl",;C`.1’l.iL`ZC1`lZC;.C>Tl, C-6. l · A " · ’ ‘
DIL .}.· Eli-{G
Owor Ccugty  cultural Cozisorvutiom ilosociotiori, ju--5.
F.Ll~€IL'f· fm? I ·d.r, -L SEXVECYG IN IF.IDU3TRlf.L JREQLS 1 ' A
e Ox ·.·ri urto;1 ?‘c·.rn·nt··T::¤ch ·’,l r irs:ocio.ti;>i»,"C-7; T*fo1*·.o.;1’s l·5issio::·.;.ry Socicty,
V Uiptist Church, C-E2; `IYonc.:1‘s E·Eissio:ir.ry Tiiiozi, Ouch County Loptiot ;-ss·¤c—— .
i:·.tio;;, C-8.
INTER·*liZ‘l‘Il‘¥? I _ y V
Froc Lind Jhcccptad l~.,c.oo:1‘s, C¤;:;·i Lady; :I `_'. 12,8, Q-Q5, °   = ,

 - 13 ..
‘ IITTERVIE-zr’]Il·IG· " “ ° ` , `C
DOlTlOCI`Q"Cj.C 1.—g_O]'T1C,l'l’S Club 0f Owen ,C0u;1’cy, Ce2; }‘r¤:c’¤.7id ;rccopt¤;d E`L;rs;w;1s, Ore;1
' .»   * v , , .. `. ¤ vw 1 .- n F.
—*0dgu _,l88, C—..·; Ir1d`,p<;-zd.cll+; Ordbr of Ocld Fell:-irs, ;uzn:.:;u;l Lrayyz filo, C--og
Junzwr Chamber of Commerce, C-/L; Chien C"u:1“¤y .Lg,riculi:u1*:`l C?-;1sc1‘v:1tic.; .`-ssc—-
C1i‘.`CZ1.<>l'l, C—5; O1tc;1’cc>;1 Pr·.1··c;1’c-T;c.chur lLss~:·ciG.·bi:t·11, C—'7.
CLIBYLQY  ICB _ » . ‘ , .
,». ©.‘c;11:r;>;1 l`Aprr;>;1’qg-Tuzxmlmar lLs_s;r·ci§?.*;i©z1__,_ C—7;_ ‘ ‘ A - ' C `
,Q~· ,_·" T L, Y ‘ _  . . ·
Boy fZ§c;11’h;:; ef j;m:.1‘ic;., Troap :,21Oé, C-l; Frcrn and AGGOQJGLCI E*i;.sn;1s, CTFCCL LOdg3·=;:iv.·l.Gl"¤?d,·G··5; iO7~-QH C··`*u7?l7Y T*·`C·€’h@I`S Ol`CC`·1j-Z*·tj·"n•
C··l/; O l,.‘- ;,21·L:¢·:1 l2o·l:r11·y Club, C-7.
ch __   __ > _ _ _ »
lb fL.1)IO Cl’,·i.Y.l;1TlO;. uf) IYBIMIIQ
Dry Scouts nf .`;1c;rlcc., Trnip ya/·lO4, C-l.
ZlTjC§L.?;iAT IOL `
Utopie`. Club, Uwb:1 Cvunty, C-?. .
.`,mCric;1;1T;cd Crfss, Oimzw C`l1Lll3;’ Chapter, .'-—l; D;,m’;cru+:ic ".;1i1u;1’s Club if  
Oy_·C;; C··ugg·{;;r, @-2; Frgs, ;_;_d_ ,-gq;<,p{;:,d 1?,s~;··1;5_, C1 ‘.‘»A xt Lidée V:-128, C—·5; Girl  
V Bcwuss cvf xnuriccz, Lc;;(;_ Cid;-A Trorp, C-5; Ju;1il·r C}'LJ.TE1OCT` if Cozzuzxercc, C··4,; ,
Cllbll Ce.u;1'.;y Tbichzrs Org;.;:iz¢.’cii;;, C-C;