xt734t6f2721 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt734t6f2721/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1956 yearbooks ukyrbk1956 English , Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The 1956 Kentuckian,University of Kentucky text The 1956 Kentuckian,University of Kentucky 1956 1956 2012 true xt734t6f2721 section xt734t6f2721     Supplement to the 1956 Kentuchian
the Commencement Season
May 26-28, 1956
university of Kentucky lexington <*/9- V
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY          So this is Commencement A day long to remember   "IT'S IN THE BOOK"
The elder statesman of Kentucky's education, Dr. Herman Lee Donovan, leaves the presidency of the University of Kentucky, September 1, 1956. He served as the chief executive of the school for 15 years, beginning his duties in 1941.
A glance around the campus will tell the story of the physical growth which took place under his guidance. The Coliseum, dedicated to those who died in action during World War II; the Fine Arts Building; The Journalism Building; the Biological Sciences Building; and two new residence halls for men and womenall are examples of expansion during this time.
In addition, the enrollment of the University has steadily increased over the years as the school has established itself as one of the leading Universities of the South.
A native Kentuckian, Dr. Donovan has devoted most of his life to education in Kentucky and to the University. For the services given to the citizens of this state, the Kentuckian says Congratulations!  THIi fOQK MUST BE USfiD IN THE LIBRARY University Archives *Wret I. :in9 Library - North University of Kentucky Ux/ngton, Kentucky 40506  The University and the State
The university and the state of Kentucky have steadily progressed since the founding of the school. Each has aided the other in every way to make this advancement possible. Without wholehearted support from the state the school would not be where it is today. The citizens have contributed from every source to make the university stand out in the nation. It is this loyal support which makes the school an asset to the state.
Kentucky is in return aided by the university. Outstanding achievements and honors of the school have made the state well known. The educational and cultural heritages of the school have helped in placing Kentucky on the map. The students and faculty working closely together have achieved this end. It is their loyalty to school and state that have pushed them to attain high goals. They realize the importance of each.
It is this invaluable bond between the two which causes the citizens to be proud to live in Kentuckyand the students to be proud to attend the university. A loyal state which supports a loyal school is the perfect formula for advancement and progress of both. University of Kentucky, Lexington
Threshold of Greatness
Colleges ........................
Organizations ..............
Queens ..........................
Seniors ..........................
Sports ............................
Greeks ............................
Residences ....................
Greek Gamboling ........
Index .............................. The Threshold of Greatness
Because we are so dedicated to the present and to seeing but one thing at a time, because we are so consumed in our own little worlds, so blind at times, because of our very nearness to the lives we are living, we cast dark shadows over the truths it would be to our advantage to see.
Kentucky is on the Threshold of Greatness . . . through progress in building, through progress in education, through progress in research.
These are the truths that should be understood, these are the truths to which we are blind, these are the truths which make the university great.
Because each of us has separate and different memories about many of the same things, this book will be a solitude of sorts, an attempted exploration of individual memories.
Kentuckyon the Threshold of Greatness . . . with credit due her professors, her students, and her citizens.
Truly a great statetruly a great university.   		
r		1
            Governor Albert B. Chandler
Standing (left to right). Ben Adams, J. Stephen Watktas, Robert C. Stilz, Ben Butler, Louis Cox, Dr. Harry Denham, and Frank D. Peterson. nr.,,iv>nt  Tr   Robert P  Hobson  Dr. Herman L. Dono-
S'^Co^^^ G  Blazer,^?arl Dempewolfe, Marion W.
M?ore! anr?Robert B. Martin. Thomas A. Ballantine was not present.      Agriculture and Home Economics

Under the direction of Dean Frank J. Welch and Associate Dean Levi J. Horlacher, the teaching program of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics is intimately related to the welfare of the people it serves. Consistent with its historic origins, this College presents technical instruction and at the same time requires training in several subjects deemed essential in all branches of higher education. The aim of this College is to educate young men and women for careers as useful citizens and leaders in all phases of agriculture and home economics.
Frank J. Welch, Dean
    Arts and Sciences
The College of Arts and Sciences is based on the belief that strength lies largely in a common knowledge and ideology. Under the direction of Dean M. M. White, this College strives to teach students the difference between training to do and educating to live. The aim of the College of Arts and Sciences is made clear by the following words. "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom, and with all thy getting, get understanding."    i
The aims of the College of Commerce, under the direction of Dean Cecil C. Carpenter, are twofold. In the first place, subjects offered in the field of Economics, together with other offerings in the field of Commerce or Business Administration, provide an understanding of that segment of human behavior which is concerned with securing a living. In the second place, the offerings in the two fields of Economics and Business Administration provide professional and vocational training for a great variety of positions in business and governmental bureaus. 35   One of the foremost problems in the United States today is the growing crisis in education due to the vast increase in school-age population and the increasing demands on teachers at all levels. In many respects the fountainhead of American democracy is our educational system. The people who educate our leaders of the future must themselves be prepared and must themselves be capable of responsible leadership. The College of Education, under the guidance of Dean Frank G. Dickey, is preparing men and women to assume these positions of leadership.    I
Daniel V. Terrell, Dean
The College of Engineering was organized at the University of Kentucky in 1918 and its present head is Dean Daniel Voiers Terrell. The purpose of the College is, first, to provide engineering education; second, to promote the development and utilization of the state's resources through organized research and through consultation with industry. Students receive training in the fundamental and applied sciences in preparation for careers in their chosen branches of engineering. They recieve instruction intended to develop a strong professional consciousness and they are encouraged to broaden their education by including courses in the fields of the humanities and social sciences as a part of their elective work.    Our Grad School, under the direction of Dean Herman E. Spivey, now ranks among the top dozen largest graduate schools in the South and Southwestin numbers of full-time graduate students enrolled and in numbers of graduate degrees awarded each year. In each of the forty subjects of advanced study a senior staff member with a major interest in graduate work and research has been designated as "Director of Graduate Study." All graduate students keep in frequent contact with their advisors so that improved programs can be developed to fit the background, the needs, and the desires of each student.
Herman E. Spivey, Dean  Law
The College of Law is directed by Dean Elvis J. Stahr. The College was organized in 1908 and it was the first law school in the state to become fully accredited. It has long been accredited by all agencies which established standards for law schools, including the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, the Association of American Law Schools, the American Bar Association, the Be-gents of the University of the State of New York, and the courts and Bar Examiners of all forty-eight states. The Law Library is one of the finest in the south, containing some thirty-seven thousand carefully selected volumes.
Elvis J. Stahr, Jr., Dean
 Professor of Law
49   Pharmacy
Earl P. Slone, Dean
The University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy is locat at 104 West Chestnut Street in Louisville. The College is i credited by the American Council on Pharmacy as a Class College, and is a member of the American Association of C leges of Pharmacy. Under the direction of Dean Earl P. Slo> the lecture rooms and laboratories have been equipped with latest devices for audio-visual instruction, and they have be well stocked with apparatus and equipment. The capabilities the faculty are exemplified by the fact that our College of Ph macy is one of twelve in the United States invited to particip; in a Drug Administration Seminar financed and held by the W green Company.
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Adult and Extension Education
The College of Adult and Extension Education was established in 1954. Through this College the University offers extension classes in many Kentucky communities, conducts an Evening Class program on the campus for adults, operates the Northern Center at Covington, and offers nearly 200 Home Study correspondence courses. The College also conducts many workshops and clinics, and the annual Kentucky high school speech, drama, and music festivals,- in which last year alone nearly 6,000 high school students participated. These activities of the' College emphasize that "the State of Kentucky is the University's campus.'
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Not all the "kings and queens" are in Lexington. The king and queen of hearts selected at the annual Valentine's Dance were Joe Hill and Faye Stokley.
The Northern Kentucky institution is the only off-campus center of the parent university and has an enrollment of more than 850 students. Originally set up on a temporary basis to accommodate returning GI's from World War II, the center has grown to such proportions in recent years that it has become a definite part of the Northern Kentucky community. "It is here to stay" according to President Donovan.
Classes at the center are given at the freshman and sophomore levels and also for graduate study. The work is offered for three general groups: (1) high school graduates who wish to take two years of study before transferring to Lexington; (2) teachers and librarians who are attempting to complete their work toward a degree, and (3) men and women and returning servicemen who wish to take college courses for the purpose of cultural and professional advancement.
Operated by a competent staff of 40 instructors, the center is under the able leadership of Thomas L. Hankins.
The student council at the Northern Center helps govern the student body and also helps arrange many of the social activities. Left to right are Joe Hill, Carol Moel-lendick, Margie Romanowitz, Eddie Brown, Ted Ayres, and Fred Hockney.
      Agronomy Club
The Agronomy Club stimulates interest in agronomic work among college students and fosters a spirit of cooperation and mutual helpfulness among students in Agronomy. The organization provides an opportunity for a wider acquaintance with workers in the field and their problems; it correlates activities in Agronomy with those in allied fields.
The national chapter was founded in 1932 at Madison, Wisconsin. The Kentucky chapter was installed in 1940.
Faculty advisors are Dr. R. B. Griffith, Mr. J. F. Shane, Dr. R. E. Sigafus. Members in the faculty include Dr. Griffith, Mr. Shane, Dr. Sigafus, and Dr. Stephen Diachun. An honorary member is Dr. G. T. Webster.
Officers for the year are Aldin Steinhauser, president; Russell Lewis, secretary; and David Calvert, treasurer.
Members are David Calvert, Richard E. Crutcher, John K. Evans, Russell Lewis, John D. Marsh, Charles C. Meyers, Aldin Steinhauser, and Marion Tabb.
65 Alma Magna Mater
Alma Magna Mater was founded in 1925. The alumni advisor is Mrs. Hampton C. Adams.
Alma Magna Mater's activities included an award in the fall to the outstanding alumnus of the year; a spring award to the outstanding senior of the year; work with SUKY on pep rallies; greeting and seeing off visiting teams; and participating as an active group in the cheering section of ball games.
Officers of the year were Vivian Long, president; Richard Vimont, vice-president; Rebecca Bishop, secretary-treasurer.
Members: Skip Adams, Jim Arnold, Elizabeth Ayers, Lucy Clay, Dru Cox, Gene Cravens, Thomas Edwards, John Elkins, Jane Kav-anaugh, Tom King, Glenna Lambert, Kay Louden, Barbara Meadow, Carolyn Milliken, Charlie Moore, Del O'Boark, Daniel Boberts, Ann Smith, George Stephenson, Marianne Vassmeyer, Joel Watson, Doug Witt, Terry Woolum, Mary Ann Wright, Bill Young.
66 Alpha Lambda Delta
Alpha Lambda Delta is an organization dedicated to promoting intelligent living and a high standard of learning and to encouraging superior scholastic attainment among the freshmen women in our institutions of higher learning. Annually it gives a Christmas party for needy children and furnishes ushers for Commencement and Baccalaureate exercises.
Alpha Lambda Delta was founded in 1924 at the University of Illinois. The Kentucky chapter was installed on campus in 1940.
The faculty advisor is Miss Judith Griffin. Dean Sarah B. Holmes is a member in the faculty, and Mrs. Mabel English is an honorary member.
Officers for the year are Marlene Begley, president; Angela Haick, vice-president; Carol Ann Biddle, secretary; Helen Anderson, treasurer, and JoAnn Burbidge, historian.
Members are Helen Anderson, Betty Sue Arnsparger, Marlene Begley, Jane M. Brock, JoAnn Burbidge, Patricia Burns, Lucile Clay, Gwynneth Gibson, Diana Gray, Angela Haick, Mary Holmes Kauffman, Peggy Kelly, Alma Lancaster, Sylvia Lane, Virginia Miller, Belinda Owens, Shirley Park, Emma Sue Petty, Carol Ann Biddle, Martha A. Simmons, and Beverly Stanley.
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67 Alpha Zeta
Alpha Zeta was organized for the purpose of encouraging and developing actual and potential leadership in the field of agriculture.
Alpha Zeta was founded in 1897 at Ohio State University. Scovell Chapter was installed on this campus in 1912.
The faculty advisors are Dr. James Kemp, Dr. Frank Buck, and Prof. Lawrence Bradford.
Officers for the year are William Moody, chancellor; Aldin Steinhauser, censor; Bussell Lewis, scribe; David Calvert, treasurer, and John K. Evans, chronicler.
Members are John Anthracopoulos, Charles D. Auxier, Randall M. Barnett, Garnett L. Bradford, David V. Calvert, Stewart M. Calvert, Maurice G. Cook, Bichard E. Crutcher, Earl F. Ellington, John Kenneth Evans, Bob-ert Green, William C. Harlin, Ray E. Johnson, Walter M. Jones, Jimmie Judge, Russell J. Lewis, Clifford K. Martin, William G. Moody, John L. Ragland, John L. Sims, Ernie M. Spencer, Aldin W. Steinhauser, Noel Stephens Jr., Thomas Stevens Jr., Philip G. Stiles, Robert C. Ward, T. Wayne White, and Albert L. Wilson. American Pharmaceutical Association
The American Pharmaceutical Association was founded in Philadelphia in 1852. The University of Kentucky Student Branch was installed at the College of Pharmacy in Louisville in 1935.
The purpose of this organization is to bring the pertinent aspects of the profession of Pharmacy to the attention of the pharmacy student, and to encourage proper relations among the medical professions and the people at large as may promote the public welfare.
The faculty advisor is Dr. A. C. Glasser.
Officers: President, J. A. Nieman Jr.; vice-president, Jerry B. Morris; secretary, Bernard Poe; treasurer, Marvin G. Hoskins.
Sears, Glover, Givens, Currie, Billiter, Dozier, Cockerill Carroll, Young, Green, Vories, Reed, Letton, Walker, Matthews Mobberly, Kittinger, Cherry, Woodward, Hughes, Congleton
Arnold Air Society
The purpose of Arnold Air Society is to create a close and more efficient relationship among AFROTC cadets and to further the purpose, mission, tradition and concept of the U. S. Air Force.
General Albert M. Woody Squadron, local chapter of Arnold Air Society, was installed on campus in 1948. The Society was founded in 1947 at the University of Cincinnati.
Members include: B. Billiter, G. Carroll, W. Cherry, W. Cockerill, J. Congleton, W. Currie, S. Dozier, J. Gorser, R. Green, D. Hughes, J. Kittinger, E. Matthews, J. Mobberly, R. Reed, W. Sears, D. Vories, D. Walker, D. Woodward, and J. Young.
 Baptist Student
The Baptist Student Union seeks to coordinate the religious activities and to promote the spiritual development of the Baptist students in the University of Kentucky. The over-all program is planned by an executive council which is elected annually by the total BSU enrollment.
Founded at Baylor University in 1920, the University Union was installed in 1931.
The BSU is the connecting link between the University student and the Baptist church in his college community. The BSU Center, "your home away from home", is located just across from the girls' dorms at 371 S. Limestone.
Annual features of the BSU program include noonday devotions from 12:00 to 12:15, BSU Choir, Ridgecrest, Kings Hour, a bimonthly newspaper, numerous fellowships, girls' and boys' intramural sports, provisions for ping pong, shuffleboard, and cooking at the Center. In BSU, the student finds not only a place of friendship and fellowship, but also a place of service to God and to his fellow-man.
Dr. Charles Lassiter is faculty advisor. President is Bob Howerton, Vice-president is Norman White, and Student Director is Calvin Zongker.
71 Beta Alpha Psi
Beta Alpha Psi is an organization dedicated to encouraging and fostering the ideal of service as the basis of the accounting profession; to promote the study of accountancy and its highest ethical standards; to act as a medium between professional men, instructors, students and others who are interested in the development of the study of accountancy; to develop high moral, scholastic and professional attainments in its members; and to encourage cordial intercourse among its members and the profession generally.
Beta Alpha Psi was founded in 1919 at the University of Illinois. The local chapter, Alpha Mu, was installed on campus in 1952.
The faculty advisor is Bussell S. Grady.
Faculty members are Robert D. Haun, Wendell E. Beals, and Bobert H. Cojeen. Honorary members are Austin H. Gresham and Jess C. Paris.
Officers for the year are: David A. Sugg, president; DeWitt T. Hisle II, vice-president; Nancy S. Lickert, secretary; James M. Mullikin, treasurer; Henrietta M. Schneider, assistant secretary.
Active members are: Talmage Brown, DeWitt Hisle, Jesse Jones, Doug Lawhorn, Nancy Lickert, George Mills, James Mullikin, James Owens, John Roberts, Henrietta Schneider, David Sugg, and William Vanhoose.
Pledges are: Ralph Collins, Carol Conrad, Clifton Demaree, William Kastens, Paul Miller, James Min-iard, Arthur Oliver, John Pitman, Donald Shelton, Wilbur Short, Felice Smith, Raymond Wagner, and Ray Ware.
72 Wynn, Rogers, Oliver, Moody, Gay, Yancey, Deaton
Montgomery, Welchman, Simmons, Warren, Botsford, Dearen, Shiflet, Vann, Kline McKinney, Phelps, Thomas, Parrish, Land, Davis, Baird, Burman, Sherfey, Adams, Long White, Allen, Gibson, Gray, Groves, Arnold, Shipp, Sebree, Garrigus, Luce
The Block and Bridle Club was installed on campus in 1923, and was founded in 1919 in Chicago, Illinois.
Its purpose is to promote a higher scholastic standing among the students of animal husbandry; to promote animal husbandry, especially all phases of student animal husbandry work in colleges and universities; to bring about a close relationship between students, faculty, and others engaged in animal husbandry.
Block and Bridle
Members of Block and Bridle include: G. Adams, C. Allen Jr., B. Arnold, B. Baird, B. Botsford, J. Burman, L. Davis, J. Dearen, O. W. Deaton, B. Garrigus, N. Gay, R. Gibson, C. Graves, B. Gray, E. Kline, W. Land, R. A. Long, W. Luce, G. McKinney, S. Montgomery, W. Moody, D. Oliver, B. Parrish, C. Phelps, P. Rogers, F. Sebree, J. Sherfey, W. Shiflet, J. Shipp, J. Simmons, W. Thomas, N. Vann, C. Warren, I. Welchman, W. White, D. Wynn, and C. Yancey.
73 Ogden, East, Martin, Schroyer, Bell, Weber, Combs, Vry
Baehmeyer, Simpson, Yates, Walden, Riggs, Haas, Stevens, Park, Collins, Cole,, Lee Pfeiffer, Quinn, Renegar, Glenn, Wilcox, Bishop, Matlock
Downing, James, Coffman, Weinman, Warrington, Reid, Moore, Parlett, Whitaker
Hurst, Terrill, Johnstone, Fish, LeVold, Mefford, Mueller, Hart, Sheridan, McGuire, Cunningham
Blue Marlins
Members: Sue Baehmeyer, Barbara Coffman, Jane Cole, Jan Combs, Nancy Cunningham, Carolyn East, Carlene Hass, Sarah House, Linda Hurst, Eleanor Johnston, Virnita Lee, Helen LeVold, Jean Martin, Betsy Matlock, June Mefford, Lil Moore, Pam Mueller, Jackie Mundell, Mary Ann Ogden, Nancy Parlett, Joan Beid, Angela Riggs, Nancy Binegar, Ann Rohdenburg, Kay Schroyer, Gerry Sheridan, Charlotte Stevens, Flo Terrill, Pat Vry, Tracy Walden, Patt Warrington, Shirley Webber, Laura Weinman, Ann Whitaker, Susie Wilcos, Clara-Estelle Yates, Eleanor Fish, Susan Haselden.
The purposes of the Blue Marlins are threefold: to encourage interest and skill in aquatics, to sponsor and encourage activity in aquatics of all kinds at the University of Kentucky and to promote sportsmanship in all activities.
Each year is climaxed with a three day water show presented in the Coliseum pool. This year's show was centered around the theme, "The Legend of the Ancient Aztecs."
Officers for the year were: Kay Schroyer, president; Shirley Webber, vice-president; Jean Martin, treasurer; Jan Combs, secretary; Mary Ann Ogden and Jane Cole, water show chairmen; Pat Vry, guppy trainer; Carolyn East, publicity.
Miss Jane Bell is the faculty advisor.
74 Canterbury Club
The Canterbury Club provides an opportunity for students to receive the teachings and life of Christ through the faith and practice of the Episcopal Church. To witness to our University to the Lordship of Christ over the whole life of mankind.
The faculty advisor is Arnold Blackburn. The Very Reverend Ray Holder and Mr. Charles-James Bailey are chaplains of the organization.
Officers for the year are: President, Ralph G. Wolff; Vice-President, Sonia Shine; Secretary, Marvyn Horton; Treasurer, Robert Bates.
Members: Kitty Andrews, Bob Bates, Joyce Beals, Larry Brown, Bonnie Butler, Nancy
Cabot, Frances Edney, Helen French, Shirley French, Allia Gibson, Bill Haas, Jim Har-rod, Nancy Hatfield, Jack Hoffman, Bill' Holmes, Marvyn Horton, Gene Huddle, Maurice Hurd, Joe Ireland, Jeanne Jeffers, Marianne Jones, Sue Jordre, Kate Mahood, Don McCracken, Sidney McCracken, Nancy Mc-Kinley, Marilyn McNulty, Marguerite Olaf-son, Ken Overly, Ainslie Pearce, Sammie Peyton, Eleanor Proctor, Pat Boache, George Scarborough, Sonia Shine, im Smith, Helen Stephenson, Nina Vann, Shelby Williamson, Balph Wolff, and Nancy Wykes.
75 Chamber of Commerce
The College Chamber of Commerce is an organization of students which strives for the cooperation and close association of those students in activities which aim to prepare them by actual experience and association in the business world for their future position in business.
The organization was founded in 1947 at the University.
The faculty advisor is Dr. Elred Speck. R. D. Mclntyre and Martin King are members of the faculty. Dean Cecil C. Carpenter is an honorary member.
Officers for the year were: George J. Hays, president; James Mullikin, vice-president; Polly Keller, secretary; Burtis G. Adams, treasurer.
The Board of Directors included: Donna Turner, Phyllis Ann Slone, Carol Walter, Irene George, Fred Shafer, and Carol Conrad.
Members: Harold C. Ackerman, Burtis G. Adams, Euadean Adams, Doug Anderson, Lenore Baber, Bobby Baldwin, Carl Banks, Bob Beale, Lewis Bell, Mary Sue Bell, John Bozard, Talmalge Brown, Jill Bryant, Geren Bybee, Emmett Calvert, Alfred Camarote, James II. Campbell, Pat Carter, Brad Clark, Jim Clayton, Jon Collier, Peggy Collingsworth, Ralph L. Collins, W. Seott Collins, Carol Ann Conrad, Dave Cousins, Ben Darnaby, Willard Daugherty, Charles Davidson, Clifton Da-maree, Anthony J. DiScinllo, William Downey, Jessie Doyle, Claude D. Fryman, Irene George, Walter Gooch, Charlann Hall, George Ann Hanser, Donald Harmon, James Harper, George Hays, William Higginbotham, Imogene Horton, Irvin Hudgins, Gorn Huey, Betty Jean Irvin, Kenneth James, Betty Jewell, Charlie Johnson, Harold Johnson, William Jordan, Randall E. Karrick, Polly Keller, Terence Kilroy, Eleanor Kington, Doug Kuhn, Andy Lazas, Phillip Lee, John Levas, Gene Lewis, Nancy Lickert, Mary Lindenstrutb, Todd Livesay, Ken Lutz, David Lynd, Richard L. Mangione, Donald Martin, Edward Martin, Billy Mathis, Perry Ann McCullum, Alfred McGregor, Theda McKinney, Dorothy Mobley, Charles Morris, James Mullikin, Tom Neal, Harold Newton, Aim lie Pearce, Brooks Pitman, Ralph Playl, Tom Porter, Luther R. Raine, J. L. Rogers, William Route, William Scott, Fred Shafar, Larry Shields, John R. Sittson, Bobby Slone, Phyllis Slone, Granville Smith, George Spaulding, Richard S. Staggs, Boyd Stearns, Joseph Stewart, David Sugg, Jane Sweeney, Ernest Teicbmann, Donna Jean Turner, William VanHoose, S. N. VanWinkle, James Vogt, David Walker, Carol Walter, Ray Ware, Paul Warneeke, Charles T. Wells, Betty Whalen, Raymond White, John Williams, John Williams, Shelby Williamson, Chuck Wiseman, Roy Woodal, and professors Walter Jennings, Martin King, R. D. Mclntyre, and Eldred Speck.
76 Circle - K
The Circle K is a service club organized to aid students with their studies and to help organize clubs on other campuses. Each year it aids the Kiwanis Club with its crippled children drives.
Circle K was established on the Kentucky campus in October 1954.
The faculty advisor is Jessie Lewis. Members of the Board are L. B. Powers, Mitchell McMurtry, and James Z. Downs.
Officers for the year were Herbert Ellington, president; Phil Grawemeyer, vice-president; Fred Bond, secretary; Lavon Lewis, treasurer.
Members: Jerry Bird, Fred Bond, John Cox, James Downs, Herbert Ellington, Reuben Ellington, Phil Grawemeyer, Charlie Johnson, Don Lessley, Lewis Lavon, Norman Longworth, Mitchell McMurtry, James Min-iard, L. B. Powers, Phil Phelps.
77 Civil Engineers
The American Society of Civil Engineers was founded in New York City in 1852. The local chapter was installed in 1921.
The purpose of the organization is to promote the maintenance of high professional standing among the members and the development of the individual student engineer through regular seminars and lectures.
Faculty advisors is Prof. Alvin L. Chambers, and members in faculty include David K. Blythe, Dean Daniel V. Terrell, Robert E. Shaver, Alvin L. Chambers, Frank J. Cheek, Jr., William A. Grey, James L. Leggett, Samuel A. Morey, Laurence C. Pendley, L. Gregg, and Clinton K. Hoffman.
Officers were, FallCharles R. Denham, president; Tom Brooks, vice-president; Ina Lee Mason, secretary-treasurer; A. L. Chambers, faculty advisor, and Jess Hord, student council representative.
SpringOrris E. Philpot, president; Bobby O. Hardin, vice-president; Ina Lee Mason, secretary-treasurer; A. L. Chambers, faculty advisor; and Jess Hord, student council representative.
Sophomore officers were: Ralph Taylor, president; Fred May, vice-president; Betty Stuckman, secretary-treasurer; and A. L. Chambers, faculty advisor.
SENIORS: Kenneth Herschel Acton, Harry W. Alexander Jr., William J. Barrows, Henry Roberts Bennett, Homer Dale Blythe, Curtis James Boyd, Fred Jack Brooks, George Marion Buzzard, Rex Cable, Jimmie Lee Campbell, Robert Knight Capito, Lee Henry Caudill, David Hatler Chadwell, Larry Chung, Bruce Lyon Cole, Robert L. Coleman, Byron Justice Colvin, James Donald Crutcher, Charles Ray Denham, Charles Richard Denham, William Kenneth Downs, Joseph Stuart Durrett, Jack Donald Edmiston, William R. Elsaesser, Verne Ned Engstrom, Louis Fred Feddern, Robert Lee Foster, Robert Allen Foy, Theopholus Greene Jr., Scott Smith Gregory, Bobby Ott Hardin, James F. Hardymon, Alvin Douglas Harnice, James Leslie Heaberlin, Aubra Eugene Hedger, Jesse Hord, Robert C. Johnson Jr., Charles Newman Jones, Willie Dale Jones, Charles Fowler Judd, Monroe Emzy Justice, Charles H. King Jr., Roger Ladenburger, Elbert Leo Lewis, James Elmer Maggard, Samuel Preston Maggard, Fred Anthony Meyer, Ray Ernest Moses, Billy D. Mullins, Lloyd William Neville, Edgar Christian Newlin, Robert Humphreys Niles, Richard Cecil Page Jr., Orris Everett Philpot, Alva Orlan Pope Jr., Robert Thomas Pruett, Edward F. Rassenfoss, William C. Reynolds, Roberta Lee Rice, Richard J. Roberts, Bobby Gene Rogers, Thomas Arthur Scott, Eugene Wayne Scroggin, William Alonzo Sears, Donald Burt Shelton, Arthur J. Steilbery Jr., James R. Stephens, James Robert Thomas, Orville Ray Threlkeld, Charles E. Vandevelde, Jack Crosby VanMeter, Darrell Alves Veach, David Warren Vories, James Paul Wampler, Charlie White, Donald Lee Williams, Dougles Wheeler Witt, Forest Jerry Yocum.
78 SOPHOMORES: Joe Dean Anderson, George W. Asbury, Jack Banks, William H. Barnard Jr., Ralph E. Beals, John Cole Bell, Dennis Bellamy, William S. Bennett Jr., Louis K. Bertram, David Senior Bettinger, Charles E. Black, Stuart Judge Bohne, George B. Carey, John Joseph Carroll, Querido Castillo, Harry T. Chambers, Ivan Childers Jr., Marcus Combs, Bobby Gene Conner, Byron Douglas Crawford, Donald Raymond Cress, Richard D. Crist, Gerald Dewitt Cyrus, James Dale Davidson, John Allen Deacon, James Charles Dees, Charles Milton Dick, Donald Leigh Dobbs, Waymon Darrell Evans, Lowell G. Faulkner, Robert Florence, Thurman W. Gaddie, James Lee Gibson, Robert E. Goodpaster, Robert Louis Gorman, Ira Mconald Gray, Brocton Oliver Griggs, Charles Estil Guffy, Willard E. Hale, Bradley Dale Hamblin, Frank R. Hamilton Jr., George M. Hankins Jr., John Hudson Hardwick, Vance Hamlin Harper, Paul Douglas Hibbs, William Franklin Hippe, Jack Kennedy Hodgkin, Harry Ralph Honaker, Richard Samuel Howe, Chesley Clay Hughes Jr.
Charles L. Humphrey, Robert David Kaufmann, Paul A. Kavanaugh, Paul A. Kearney, Fred M. Keeling, William R. Keown, Bruce E. King III, Riley Nelson Kinman, Clarence R. Kleier, Donald Ray Lastinger, George Swann Layson, Norman B. Longworth, Gerald Bond Looney, Jack C. Lutes, William M. Martin, Larry G. Mason, Frederick T. May, Harold Gene Mays, John E. McChord, John Edwin McClure,Kenneth W. McDaniel, Gerald Lee Nichols, William A. Nichols, Gerald Joseph Nicolas, William G. O'Connor, Kenneth E. Parman, Charles M. Porter, Benn Shirley Powell, Richard L. Quiggins, Robert B. Quisenberry, Clifford W. Randall, Roy Franklin Range, Warren Risk, David Roberts, Joseph Y. Roberson, Kenneth N. Robertson, S. Clay Roseberry, Abid Elias Saikaly.
Henry Rowan Saufley, Charles F. Sawyer, Homer Allen Schirmer, John H. Schlueter, Albert W. Schrader, Clarence Edwin Sexton, Eloy Q. Sham, Robert Edward Simpson, William R. Sims, Vyron Alan Smiley Jr., James Herbert Smith, Granvil Coakley Smith, Ray Spalding Smith, H. L. Snelling, John M. Stapleton, Lowell Calvin Strunk, Elizabeth Ann Stuckman, Fealin H. Sweeney Jr., Ralph Richard Taylor, Earl H. Tucker, Hiram J. Walker, Donald Q. Wallace, James Alvin Warner, Russell K. Watkins, Bennie L. Wheat, Kenneth White, George Allen Wilkinson, Harold C. Williams, James Edgar Williams, Arthur Eulet Wilson, Ralph Gerald Wolff, Chenault Woodford Jr., Wheeler W. Worten Jr., Jack Warren Wright, Daniel W. Wright, William Troll Young.
Civil Engineers
JUNIORS: Milton Charles Beattie, Donald Elmo Beeler, Lawrence F. Bennett, William Boyle Blount, Lewis P. Brans-ford, William H. Brown, Bill Keith Castleberry, Walter Raymond Chcsnut, William T. Codell, Donald Cooksey, Nathan Wayne Coomes, James Emrich Corrin, Kenneth Cotten, Bert Cox Jr., William Earl Craft,- Arthur S. Curtis Jr., Warren Joseph Deatrick, Richard E. Delozier, Charles T. Dempsey, To