xt734t6f257v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt734t6f257v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1926-02-26  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1926 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1926 1926 1926-02-26 2012 true xt734t6f257v section xt734t6f257v if..-











FEBRUARY 20, 1920


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BEST IN HISTORY Honorary Military Fraternity





TonightixEAM for first
1MTAT TnM177




ft 0, f 7. C Unit Was Establishedn E. A. rrv IW Tn
A u.
jn j. r"amvus in ran orr y i mlllu di









Atlanta Constitution Says Ken- tucky wm piay winner of

In Second Round
Object Is To Provide Training; drill work. This continued in force U. of K. Football Player and Lew
Sharp, Wealthy Farmer,
Enrollment In Advanced and until the establishment of the R.O.
Will Select New Members at
Die When Locomotive
Basic Courses Shows Rapid
Ball Tonight; Outstanding
T.C. Infantry unit under the provisDefense Act of
to Be Chosen
Hits Car
ions of the National
Growth Since 1919
Atlanta Paper Also Claims Mis1916 which was amended by the Nasissippi, North Carolina Unitional Defense Act of 1920.
versity Better Than U. K:

Men's Gymnasium, Where Function Will Take Place, to Be
Gorgeously Decorated ; Two
Orchestras Furnish Music

In 1921, when the advance course
of the R.O.T.C. unit of the university
was in it's infancy, Boots and Saddle
Scabbard and Blade to Pledge; was organized locally among officers
of the Military Department. The ofAdmission Charges $1.50;
ficers under whom the local was
Hours 9 to 1 o'clock
formed were Coleman Hunter, Horace
The social season of the university Miller Clay, Edward Gans and Hcrn-do- n
Evans. The following year, 1922,
will reach its height this evening at
the brilliant ball being given by the the national fraternity of Scabbard
members of the military department and Blade accepted the petition of the
in the university gymnasium from 0 local, Boots and Saddle and D. comuntil 1 o'clock. Each year this affair pany, fourth regiment of Scabbard
is regarded as the most outstanding and Blade was installed.
Organized in 1919
event of the social calendar and is always looked forward to with much
Scabbard and Blade, the national
pleasure, but this year more elaborate military fraternity, was organized in
preparations arc being made for it 1919, at Purdue University by officers
than ever before and the lidsts are from Purdue, Cornell, and several
planning to make this ball the most other northern colleges and universibrilliant affair ever given at the Uni- ties. Today it has 62 chapters and
versity of Kentucky.
3,000 members in universities and colGym To Be Decorated
leges throughout the country where
is to be gorgeousThe gymnasium
the United States government proin a manner fitting for a vides R.O.T.C. units. It is the only
ly decorated
military function and two orchestras military organization outside that of
will furnish the music. The ball is the regular g&.rnment schools.
bn strictly formal with eight no--i.- s.
The national annual convention for
during each of which bcauti- -' 1926 will be held at the University of
iighting effects will be used. Louisana, Baton Rouge, La., in April
Lovely favors will be presented to the and May. Two delegates will be sent
girls as a souvenir of the occasion.
from this chapter but as yet they
A special feature of the military have not been chosen.
ball this .year will be the grand
Will Pledge Tonight
D. company, fourth regiment will
EIGHT) hold pledge ceremonies tonight at the
Military ball. Outstanding members
of the junior class who have done
in the
T. C. notable work pledged military departR.
and these memment will be
bers will be carried as pledges until
Claim No Single Element Has June, when they will become officers.
The members of the organization
Contributed More to Sound


Dean Anderson, Doctor
McVey Praise

For 35 years have been interested
Vi the value of military science to the
.lu'ents of the University of Kentucky, and I have long since come to
the conclusion that there is no single
element in the curricula that has contributed more to the sound education
of Kentucky men than this branch of
work that was contemplated in the
original Morrill Act establishing early in the sixties a college of agriculture and mechanic arts in every state
of the, union.
As I recall the students of years
gone by, who were the outstanding
figures of the college battalion I see,
in every instance, men who are now
carrying brilliantly the responsibilities of some powerful organization.
These men learned to obey and they

acquired, through military training, a
durable appreciation of responsivo

Military science should form a part
'of the undergraduate curriculum of
every engineer.
F. Paul Anderson.
The R.O.T.C. is a part of the

The R.O.T.C. Unit of the university
is ncaring the completion of its ninth
year of instruction on the campus,
having been established at the university in the fall of 1917. Previous to
this time military training had been
conducted under the provisions of tho
act of Congress of July 2, 1862, "donating lands for the establishment of
colleges where the leading object shall
be the practical instruction in agriculture and mechanic arts, including mil-

Object To Provide Training
The primary object of the R.O.T.C.
systematic military
is to provide
training at civil educational institutions for the purpose of qualifying
selected students as reserve officers
in the military forces of the United
States. It is intended to attain this

object during the time that the students are pursuing their general professional studies with the least practical interference with the civil careers by employing methods to fit men
itary tactics."
physically, mentally and morally for
Military training has always been the pursuits of peace, as well as to
compulsory at the university for all perform their patriotic duty in case
male students physically able to carry of war.
the work in the freshman and sophoTwo courses of training aro given
more classes. Under the act of 1802,
the training of students was chiefly (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)

University R. O. T. C. Band Has
Made Great Name Through South
Loosely Organized in 1889, month, and succeeded in building up
Band Has Since Developed what was considered one of the best
Cadet Bands in the South at that
Into Compact Military Unit
Under Good Management




Members Get Wild Rep
While, as a rule, good musicians
got into the band the morale was indeed very bad, the students for the
miist part taking band work only as
an excuse to avoid drill. In fact the
general actions of the band were so
very wild that one of the faculty commented that if he had a boy and
wanted to give him a ticket to hell
he would just put him in the University Band.
Gradually tho band was built up
until it consisted of 30 pieces, and for
two successive summers it filled engagements at Mountain Lake Park,
These engagements lasted
two weeks, the band appearing both
afternoon and evening. Not being
organized so strongly as it might
have been the band lasted jnly four

The University Band was first organized in the year 1889, hyJvq or
three students especially interested
in music.
These ambitious students
succeeded in interesting others equally ambitious, until the entire personnel of the band reached the number
of twenty, among whom were J. R.
Johnson, now an instructor of mathe(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) matics at this institution, and J. W.
Rucker now connected with the Lexington post office.
Shortly after the band's organizawas procured in
Madame Skonhoft to Address tion an instructorProfessor Herman
the person of
Women Students, Sunday
Troast, one of the outstanding musiof Kentucky in his time. Mr.
Madame Skonhoft, of Norway, who cians
Troast instructed the band once a
is studying at Columbia University on week and transposed the different
an International fellowship, will speak parts of music for a salary of ?65 a (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
at 3 o'clock, Sunday afternoon in Patterson hall. Her subject will be on
some phase of international adjustments, etc. All students and the public are cordially invited to attend this
Monday afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock,
Madame Skonhoft will speak at the
annual reception for college seniors Director of Appointment Bu- Military Organization of University Is in What Promof the University of Kentucky, Tranreau, of Boston, Will Hold Vosylvania College, Hamilton College,
ises to Be Its Most Succational Group Meetings
and Sayre College, given by the Cencessful Year
Here March 2, 3, and 4
tral Kentucky branch of the American Association of University Women
in the Palm room of the Phoenix hotel. Her subject will be "InternationWorking under a perfected organiMiss Florence Jackson, director
al Opportunities."
zation and with several new systems
Madame Skonhoft is here studying of the Appointment Bureau, of Boston, in force, tho R.O.T.C regiment of the
the conditions in American Colleges Mass., will hold vocational group university is in what promises to be
under the auspices of the American meetings with the women students at tho most successful yenr in its hisAssociation of University Women.
tho University of Kentucky, March 2, tory.
Miss Jackson travels
and 4.
Activities for the year began with
throughout the country organizing
held at tho Phoenix hotel,
personal bureaus and giving talks. a smoker,
given by the officers of the regiment
She will also speak at Hamilton Coltho men of tho advanced courses.
lege, March 5; Kentucky Wcsleyan, for
President McVey, the deans of nearly
March 6; Eastern Kentucky Normal, all tho colleges, and the heads of the
March 0, and at Georgetown College,
Ire in
athletic department were present as
March 9. Her purpose is to answer
guests at this affair, which was
What can tho Kentho questions:
meeting for
as a
distinction between tho old and the tucky girl do in Kentucky, and what tho third and fourth year students
and regulations, are her chances outside of this state? and the officers and deans of the uninew. Time-olrules
She will also discuss tho professions versity.
old freshman cap
and the
and occupations which are interesting
Athletic Teams Formed
ruling, which in the past welded the most women today.
Later in tho year, battalion football
freshman class into a body, vanished
In discussing the various fields of teams were organized and played
as a supreme law of tho campus with business open to women, Miss Jackson against each other, and basketball
the downfall of tho Student Council, will emphasize the special opportuni teams have been formed recently to
tho Tug 'O Wnr, and the entrance of ties for women in different localities, play for tho regimental championfor advancement, ship.
the present froshmau class. Kentucky salaries, chances
freshmen have enjoyed throughout the tho equipmont and training required,
Finding tho organization of last
year all tho privileges of tho campus. and the course of study at this uni- year unsatisfactory, the regiment has
versity which should bo elected to been divided into two battalions, of
Registrar Only Wise One
It is only through tho registrar's propnro for work.
three rifio companies each, with a
Results of Guidance Curds Given
office that tho freshman can be disstrength of 100 men to euch company.
cerned from the senior. Fewer caps
Tho vocational interests of women Last year there were three battalions
have adorned the heads of thu now students this year still lie in those consisting of ton riilo companies,
arrivals than ever before. Old men fields whore women have won a recog- which mndo the companies too small
on tho campus sit idly dreaming of nized place, according to Dean Vir- for offective training. The present
tho days when thumbs were held down ginia Franko, who has tabulated the system adds materially to tho appearon the freshman, and first year mon results of tho vocational guidance ance of the unit, as well as assisting
respected tho university's traditions cards filled in by
last fall. the work of instruction. Formerly
to the fullest extent, and are awaken- Soventy-thro- e
froshmen, 51 sopho- thu practice has been to organize comed only when some freshman knocks mores, 41 juniors, und 49 seniors panies by classes, but this year the
them out of their chair and wanU chose touching as a profession. Thir- - companies consist of men of all class- -







"Old Order Giveth Way

the New"
As Freshmen Doff Prescribed Caps
Senior Hearts
Thiis Arou ing

All I know is what I hear or see
on the campus.
The uppcrclussmen at the university have reached the end of endurance
and patience with the members of the
l.cjmmnn class, if the cry that was
"icd Inst week denouncing

freshmen expresses the grow-- ,
:'t'ittttion toward thu gradual
of the newly instigated
I o organized move has been
of the
viio as yet by any member
'item higher classes, but individual
.raing3 are greeting the freshmen
ho hnvo appeared without the of-class.
of the first-yeOld Order Has Changed
certain degree, the old order
'k'isgft has changed, and the uni-ity goes forward into the realm of
achievements without tho old
generations before
dftions that
honored and respected. Tho uni-- ':






NO. 19

Annual Military Ball Will Be Given in Gym.
















ch 'um is so only in name,
tliuio has almost ceased to bo a (CONTINUED ON PAGE




E. A. Stephenson, 23 years old, of
South Mill street, former Wildcat football player, and Llewellyn
Sharp, 40, of 911 East Main street,
wcaltly land owner,
were killed
Monday morning at a grade crossing when a Lexington bound
and Nashville passenger train
struck the automobile in which they
were riding, as they crossed the tracks
on tho Russell Cave pike, one and
miles from Lexington.
"Big Stevie," as he was known on
the campus, left Lexington with Mr.
Sharp about 7:30 o'clock a. m.,
to one of the latter's farms on
the Russell Cave pike ten miles from
Lexington. The limited passenger
train, running at its usual rate of
struck their machine and
hurled it nearly one hundred feet.
Bodies Thrown From Track
Stephenson was thrown thirty-fiv- e
or forty feet from the track in the
same direction, while the body of
Mr. Sharp went even farther.
men were instantly killed, according
to examining physicians, who stated
that each had his neck broken by the
terrific impact of the train. There
were only a few cuts on the bodies,
but the chests of both men were
crushed in.
The train, piloted by B. F. Tully,
engineer, of Lexington, ran 300 yards
before it could be broughc to a stop
and then backed up to bring the bodies of the accident victims to Lexington. They were taken to the undertaking parlors of Coroner J. Harvey
Kerr, where friends of the men soon
identified them and the families were

All eyes of Kentucky and the South
will be focused on the Wildcat basketball team this afternoon at 2 o'clock,
when they play the Virginia Military
Institute in tho second game of the
Southern Conference tournament at
Atlanta. Kentucky is the only un-




defeated aggregation among the 16
teams entered in the tourney, thereby enjoying the distinction of being
the favorite at the Atlanta meeting.
Other strong teams that will participate in the tournament and who are
conceded to have strong claims for
the title as a result of their impressive record this year are: North
Carolina State, North Carolina
last year's winner, University
of Mississippi, and Maryland University. Each one of these teams have
not been defeated more than twice,
Mississippi's only defeat coming at
the beginning of the season.
First Round at 1 o'CIock
The. first round of the tournament
will start at 1 o'clock, when North
Carolina State meets Auburn. The
undefeated teams of this round will
play on Saturday.
The tourney
passes into the
with the finals to be played on Tuesday. The presentation of the prizes
to the winner will take place on Tuer,
day night after the final game.
V. M. I. Kentucky's opponent

one-ha- lf




"Little Kelley" H i
Lead Her Last CheUs


Played Tackle on Varsity
"Big Stevie" played tackle on the
varsity for two years and starred as
a member of the freshman squad during his first year. He
university for the 1924 season, but injuries prevented him from participating in the majority of varsity games.
He was coach of the football squad
at Piccadome High school last year.
Mr. Stephenson is survived by his
mother, Mrs. Minnie Stephenson, and
two brothers, R. C. Stephenson and T.
P. Stephenson, all of Lexington. He
was attached to the local enforcement
department of f ederal prohibition
agents just prior to his death. His
brother, R. C. Stephenson, made a let- tcr on the freshman squad last year




Only Girl
in History of University Graduates in June

A little pair of blue and white
striped shoes danced for the last time
to the stirring strains of "On, On U.
of K" Saturday night when the Wildcats played their last game of the
season with Vanderbilt. It was
last game as cheer leader for
the Blue and White as June sees her
enter the ranks of the alumni.
"Little Kelley" is the only girl
cheer leader the University of Kentucky has ever had since the university was founded and we doubt but that
one will over be found to take her
place. It called for real honest to
goodness loyalty to get out in a muddy field and lead many thousands to,
cheer the team on to victory.
she loved it, because she loved her
school. With her winning smile and
belief that her team was going to
win, she spurred the Wildcats on to
victory. Never once did she fail in
her duty and it is with proud hearts
that we can say, she helped fight for
the honor and glory of old Kentucky.
Our hats go off to a girl who is true


The Catholic club of the university
will hold the February meeting, Sunday morning, February 28, in the
club rooms on Barr street at 10.30
o'clock. All Catholic students of the
university aro invited to attend and
o become members
of the organizn-io- n
if they have not already joined. blue.

Rookie Who Enlisted in Army Because
He Heard It Was Quite an Experience
Finds Camp Life Very Disagreeable

und I didn't much like to do that
seem as there was a good many of
at a them.
I was gazin' kind of wild-eye- d
piece of copy paper and wonder in'
I seen, however,
that Jack had
hnt in thunder I was goin' to put on slipped up on us while we wasn't
it this week when his nibs come over lookin' and there wasn't no use lockin'
with the cheerful information that the stable door after the flivver had
I he
paper was goin' to feature tho been swiped. I asks Morris if this
wanted to unit was mud splashers or stable boys
R.O.T.C. this weok.
know when and wherefor the noble and he didn't seem to know just what
soldiers of the campus had got a I was talkin' about so I asks Jack in
press-ageworkin' in the precincts more simple terms was this a cavalry
of the paper. Just then, Jack War- or infantry unit.
ren who was standin' in tho corner
Is Infantry Unit
lookin' guilty, got his spurs tangled
He admits that it was infantry and
up with a tin waste basket. Well, as that them spurs of his was only used
Sherlock Holmes used to obsorve, as an anchor when he puts his feet up
"That ruckot over in the corner is an on the dosk so as he wouldn't fall out
important cluo."
of his chair right in tho middle of a
Soldiers Giving Hall
court martial or a similar celebrait seemed liko the soldiors is tion peculiar to tho army. Such a
givin' n ball next Friday and we was breach of dignity is frowned upon and
supposed to furnish some propaganda would probably cause an extra session
about this outfit so that everybody in most armies.
would know what they was gettin'
I got into the army once myself,
My job was(
into if they wont to it.
EIGHT) to write what I thought about them (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)


� J



of which will not bo temporary. This influence will not bo confined to the
personnnl of the unit but is felt by the student body ns n whole.
Again the performance of the duties of n soldier will, I nm certain, foster
(under these conditions) the spirit of n patriotic citizenship nlivo to the
nation's needs of defense nnd ready on ocension to respond personally to
that need. I have not seen evidence thnt the work of this Department in
the College develops the militaristic spirit
on the contrary, I find
it contributing to nn intelligent, snne understanding the need of preparedness not to precipitate war, but to prevent it.

form the cement which binds nil of the members of the structure into one
complete and pernmncnt whole.
Thus wo find Hint the Reserve Officers' Training Corps has n more
definite mission thnn was nntiqipnted nt the time of its inception.
It wns
proposed then to prcpnre young men for nn undefined service in the event
of nn emergency. It now prcpnrcs young men to be officers in n definitely
Editor W. C. Wilson, Alumni Secretary
organized citizen nrmy. The Reserve Officers' Trnining Corps will always
Assistant Editor, Helen J. Osborne
bo one of the most important agencies for the trnining of our citizen officrcs,
but it will not be the only agency. Through nttendance nt training camps
Engineer's Club, 1317 Spruce street. nnd by nctual membership in the Organized Reserves and National Gunrd,
Buffalo, March 13 (Second Sntur- - any young American with sufficient ability nnd industry will be able to
prepare himself for n commission in the citizen nrmy whether ho is nblc to
day Regular) luncheon
nt 1:15
Louisville, March G (First Sntur- - chamber of Commerce, corner Main go to college or not.
day Regular) luncheon at 1:15, Elk's nnj geneca street.
plub- Chicago, March 15 (Third Monday
Regular) luncheon at 12:15 Mnr-urda- y
, Philadelphia, March 6 (First Sat-- j
T. C.
Regular) luncheon at 1:15, shall Field Men's Store. (Grill Room).
Dean Everett W. Lord of Boston University, discusses the merits of
compulsory military training in his college in n recent issue of the 'Zion's
T. C.
Herald.' Boston University wns confronted with some organized opposition
against the military courses last spring, known to have been incited by
pnnse oi scnooi me is a part well known to every grauuate
mo k.u.t.u.
pacifist societies which hnve systemnticnlly canvnssed the sentiment
and former student of this institution, since it has been compuslory at nt nil schools where military training is offered with n view to selecting the
th'e University of Kentucky since the beginning of this institution. The
most favorable fields for concentrating their propngnndn. During the pres
'growth of this department has been rapid, especially during the last ten ent school year efforts have been made to "vote out" the military training
years, and interest in its work is universal.
nt the University of Missouri, nnd the College of the City of New York.
Since pncifists and conscientious objectors have raised such a complaint
Dean Lord writes as follows:
'iib'but military training in our high school and universities throughout the
there is on foot a movement to abolish compulsory military training
li'Uhited States, wc think it very timely that our subscribers read the following in, Thnt
American colleges is clearly evident; thnt the motive behind this move.articles.
ment is in general religious or conscientious is, I believe, open to question
I know, for example, that the few student opponents of the Reserve Officers'
Training Corps at Boston University nre neither the most conscientious,
T. C.
nor most religiously inclined, nor the most serious minded of our student
body. On the contrary, the greater number of them are irreligious, irrespon
sible and indisposed to study. Of the remainder, some are hostile to all
In my capacity as Secretary of War I am officially disposed to em- government, nnd others, a very small minority, may be conscientious objee
phasize the importance of student military training from the standpoint of tors. And the chief opponents nre not of the student body affected by the
its value to the national defense. It means an assured supply of highly R.O.T.C. requirement: they nre found in other departments of the university
intelligent Reserve officers. It means that the requirements of national or entirely outside the institution.
service nre to have proper consideration in the education of our future
thinkers and men of affairs. It means that a new public value is being
weekly drill is the only physical exercise that we are able
The two-houdeveloped in the graduates of our schools and colleges.
It means a more to provide for 6ur students.Whether it is is as good as some other form of
intelligent public opinion with reference to military economics and internaexercise, I do not know, but I do know that it has shown marvelously good
tional affair. This alone will jusitfy student military training in the minds
stooping boys
results. I have seen scores of
of all patriotic citizens.
and broad
become, with two years of drill, upstanding,
public chested.
But student military training does not involve a sacrifice for the
And, perhaps fully as important, I have seen many cases where
good without return to the individual.
It has a positive educational value uncouth and unmannerly youngsters have, through the military training,









The spirited nnd patriotic response of the faculties nnd presidents of
vnrious schools nnd colleges to the requests of the Wnr Department for
establishment of Reserve Officers' Training Corps units, has resulted in n
grndual growth of enthusiastic bodies of students taking the courses in
military training. Credits toward aendemic degrees are allowed for work
in their military department, because they realize that the military training
has its place in the mental and physical development of the students.
R.O.T.C. fits into the national defense plan. It is a system with such merit
that foreign countries arc studying it with a view to ndoption.
Jnpnnese government hns within the past year put a similar system into
effect, pnttcrncd largely after the American system. The R.O.T.C. is a largo
training school for potential officer material, and the growing number of
graduates who have been commissioned in the Officers' Reserve Corps nre
filling the vacancies caused by the normal losses of officers pf World War
experience in the ranks of that corps. For the present school year the
War Department wns obliged to set limits on the number of students that
could take the courses in the R.O.T.C.
As a result many students who
desired to take the military training were turned nway. The effect hns been
most harmful. Much of the confidence that has been built up, much of the
enthusiasm of faculty and students has been stifled. Why has this been
done by the War Department?
The answer is evident.
There has been
the effective blocking of progress by not heeding the appeals of the War
Department for adequate appropriations to carry on the work as the
situation requires.





for each student. Our most eminent educators have agreed that, aside from learned courtesy and manners.
its physical benefits, time devoted to the military studies in the R.O.T.C., is
After a fairly wide and long experience with young men of college age, I
fully entitled to credit in the general scheme of mental culture. The student am convinced
that one of the qualities most needed in this day is the ability
engineering will be a better civil engineer for some knowledge of the to carry
out orders with promptness arid exactitude. We do want our
military applications of his profession to the nation. In subjecting them young people to
learn to think for themselves, but that docs not affect the
selves to the discipline which is essential to military teamwork, young men
necessity of their recognizing rightful authority and learning how to follow
soon learn the real secret of modern civilization which depends upon the
may be
directions implicitly. The habit of
combined action of human beings to common ends.
carried too far, and in my opinion often is carried too far by
There is also a distanct moral advantage in the comtemplation of patri but ignorant young people. I have never heard of a young man who was
otic service to the nation and in preparing to meet its obligations. But mentally cramped by his R.O.T.C. training.
perhaps the greatest benefit of military training is found in the opportunity
The business man needs to know how to lead as well as how to follow.
it gives a young man to develop his gift of leadership and acquire a sense The R.O.T.C. gives practical occasion for both leading and following. Scores
of its responsibility. No man can prepare himself to serve his country in of young men become
officers, and
war without making himself more valuable for all of the relations of civil
learn to carry the responsibility of leadership. Looking back over the past
life. The student who avails himself of the opportunity offered by the
years, I note as an outstanding fact that the college students who have
military department of this university will graduate a better man for ten
to leadership in the R.O.T.C. have advanced most reapidly in business
himself, for his family and for his country. He will go out better prepared risen
or professional life after leaving college.
.for peace as well as for war.
It has been suggested that many students are induced to register for
Mission of the R.O.T.C.
the senior R.O.T.C. course of two years for the sake of payment made to
It is my good fortune to be the first Secretary of War who has been able them by the War Department. When making this charge it is not usually
to announce the establishment in time of peace of a national defense mentioned that the only payment to the senior R.O.T.C. student is a meager
organization sanctioned by the Congress and defined by the President of the thirty cents a day. Not many college juniors and seniors are likely to take
United States. It has always been understood that in the event of serious a course which involves a large amount of work and almost unlimited study
national emergency we would expand a small professional peace army into for a sum of about one hundred dollars a year, with a probable expenditure
a great nonprofessional war army. The defect of this policy in the past ha of part of that amount for equipment. It should be noted that no payment
been that we have always deferred the organization of this national war
whatever is made to any R.O.T.C. student in the first two years of his service.
army until danger has actually come. Our new national defense law does
Most young men do not particularly enjoy the discipline and precision of
type 'of this traditional American institution. It simply
not change the
military training, and they do not care to wear the uniforms of privates
prescribes that the defect be corrected
that our traditional citizen army
The fact that they are required to do this for two years instead of instilling
be organized in time of peace so that the actual units which may be required
and an eagerness for war, tends in exactly the opposing
upon mobolization shall be permantly constituted and localized. This is the a militaristic spirit
They have learned something of the disagreeable part of military
relazation of Washington's words to Congress in 1790 when he said, "To be direction.