xt734t6f2479 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt734t6f2479/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1936-10-sep23. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1936-10-sep23. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1936-10-sep23. 1936 1936-10-sep23. 2011 true xt734t6f2479 section xt734t6f2479 

     Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of
the University of Kentucky, September 23, 1936.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
President McVey's office at the University September 23, 1936, at
10:30 a.m., this being the regular September meeting.    The members
of the Board present were Governor A. B. Chandler, Richard C.
Stoll, James Park, LotUs Hillenmeyer, R. Miller Holland, J. B. An-
drews, John Cooper, G. C. Wells and D.. D. Stewart, this being the
latter's first attendance after recent appointment.    President
F. L. MocVey and Secretary D. H. Peak were present.

     1. Minutes Approved.

     The minutes of the following meetings were approved as pub-
lished: Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, June 4, 1936;
Executive Committee, June 16, 1936; Executive Committee, July 23,.

     2. President's Report.

     The President made his regular quarterly report which was or-
dered to be recorded in the Minutes.    The report is in words and
figures as follows:

               Quarterly Report of the President
                      September 22, 1936

     As has been the custom for a number of years past, I am mak-
ing a statement covering some of the activities of the University
of Kentucky during the last quarter.    Necessarily, this state-
ment is brief in view of the amount of' business before the Board.

     I have to report that the registration of students on Septem-
ber 19 is given by the Registrar's office as 3227, an increase of
252 over last year,   It is expected that the registration will
pass the 3400 mark, which will make it the highest ever attained
in the University in any semester.    In 1931-32 the registration
reached 3232.   Writing this report at a later date than the meet-
ing I am able to say the registration has gone beyond the figure
of 3400.

     The increase in the number of students brings additional
responsibilities upon the University in the way of providing in-
struction, equipment and materials,    Effective teaching necessi-
tates fairly small classes and this increase in the number of
students will require additions to the staff in the near future,


     It iw probable that one of the factors in this increase in
numbers, other than the betterment in economic conditions, may be
the aid given to students thru the agency of the National Youth
Administration.   The University is allowed a quota of approxi-
mately 550 men and women and about 874,000 to aid students during
the coming year.   Another point of interest may be found in the
fact that today there are 40 states represented in the student
body of the University, and all but three counties of this state
are represented, and five foreign countries are likewise represent-
ed in the student body.

     The construction of buildings under the program set up last
year thru the agency of the grant made by the federal government
and the sale of bonds by the University, has made considerable
progress.   I am able to report that the heating plant lines have
been completed and that the foundations for the building itself
are nearly finished.   It is possible that this plant may be ready
for operation in February.

     The south Engineering Building is about 60% completed and
the east Engineering Building is about 50% completed.   These
buildings will be brought under roof about the middle of November,
and it is expected that they will be completed by January.

     The plans for the Law School Building and the Student Union
Building are about completed and the plans and specifications
should be ready for advertising in December.   The construction
of these buildings has not been stressed due to the fact that ap-
plication has been made to the federal government for a grant to
match the funds which the University secured thru the sale of
bonds,   If an additional grant of $327,000 can be wecured from
the federal government, it will be possible to carry out the full
program which the University had in mind when it began this work
more than a year ago.   The present construction of a central
heating plant and Engineering buildings will amount to $366,500.
Of this sum $165,000 comes from the federal grant.   If an addi-
tional federal grant of $165,000 be secured, the University then
will be able to erect the Law Building, the Student Union Build-
ing and the West Engineering building amounting to 8366,000,
which consists of $201,000 in bonds and the rest of the federal
grant,   This will leave $200,000 of the bonds money, whichif a
third grant can be secured from the federal government, will make
it possible to carry out the original program.   Progress in carry-
ing out this program has been delayed pending the action of the
government on the application recently made by the University.
It is the belief of Dean Graham that our chances of prompt and
favorable action will be considerably increased by our waiting
on the action of the government.

     From time to time I have brought to the attention of the Board
of Trustees the problem of out-of-state travel.    The amount of
money involved in the applications made from time to time is not
large, but the representation of the University at meetings is
greatly hampered by inability to supply expense for such travel.




I am bringing this matter to the attention of the Board, so they
may advise me as to what should be done to correct the situation.

     The office of the Business Agent has not completed the fi-
nancial statement for the year closing June 30, 1936.   That
statement will be ready the latter part of the month.   I may
say, however, that the University has lived entirely within its
income and has been able to pay all outstanding bills at the close
of the year.   The new re-organization bill has required a great
deal of adjustment of business procedure, and in that respect the
Business Agent has been able to secure agreement and a procedure
that is satisfactory to the State Finance Officer and to the Uni-
versity.   A few small matters remain to be adjusted, but these
undoubtedly will be taken care of in the near future.   I look
back on the past year with a good deal of satisfaction, and I
look forward to a valuable and effective year for 1936-37.

     3. Financial Report.

     The Business Agent presented the following summary of fi-
nances for July and August, 1936:

                   UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY

July 1936

August 1936 Total to

General Fund Income        92,607.96
Experiment StatloQ  Income 62,771.73
Extension Division Income  11,263.58
Trust Fund Income             283.85



Total    166,927.12

General Fund Expendi-
Experiment Station Ex-
Extension Division Expend-
Trust Fund Expenditures




357,762.83 524,689.95


26,372. 54





Total    137,458.89     145,868.15




                        Excess of Income over Expenditures:

                    General Fund                     5,497.04
                    Experiment Station              32,577.58
                    Extension Division             202,449.57
                    Trust Fund                         838.72

                                (Signed)  D. H. Peak
                                          Business Agent

     4. Requisition Committee Report.

     a. The Requisition Committee filed written report of its
action each week from July 24, 1936, to September 9, 1936, inclu-
sive.   The report shows that orders had been made by the Busi-
ness Office on the authority of the Requisition Committee in the
manner prescribed by the Board of Trustees and state laws, run-
ning from No. 205 to No. 1247.  The report was examined., and on
motion and second the orders named therein were ratified and ap-
proved and payments on said orders were authorized and approved.

     b. Budget Additions.

     Department of Physics, $600.00; Department of Anatomy and
Physiology, supplies, $700.00; Department of Bacteriology, student
help, $300.00; Department of Zoology, supplies, $120.00; assist-
ants, $200.00.

     5. Charged Off Fees Collected.

     The following paragraph omitted from Sec. 9, Minutes of
July 23, 1936, was ordered inserted in the Minutes of this date:

          "A total of $1480.53 of uncollected fees ordered
     charged off at the meeting of the Executive Committee
     of June 27, 1935, have been collected to this date,
     July 23, 1936."

     6. State Financial Control.

     a. Statement by Business Agent:

     The new state financial control system seems to cover such
detail in purchasing and accounting that when finally set up It
will present a complete picture of state finances.   However, the
accounting by the Division of Accounts and Control is not



designed to take care of the accounting that is necessary in Uni-
versity management.   After about three months the staff of the
Business Office has become fairly   familiar with the details of
the new system.   These details have largely increased the work
in the Business Office.   Eventually an additional clerk may be
needed.  At present, this is being taken care of by student as-
sistants.   The members of the State departments have shown me
every courtesy,and cooperation has been fine.

     The law governing purchases (Section 5, page 12, Reorganiza-
tion Act) states that the Division of Purchases may delegate the
purchase of supplies.   The most difficult problem in purchasing
is the purchase of food for the dining halls.   Request might
be made of the Division of Purchases to delegate the privilege
of food purchases to the University.

     b. Revolving Fund:

     The State Department of Finance considers the University
including all divisions thereof as one financial unit.    Each unit
is allowed a petty cash fund of $5,OOO.OO.    After the Acts of
1934 went into effect, the Board of Trustees asked that the Uni-
versity be divided into three financial units; the College, the
Experiment Station and the Extension Division.    However, this
request was not approved by the State Department of Finance and
the University was granted only $5,000.00 as a petty cash fund.

     At times this is not sufficient to take care of petty cash
expenditures where the payment of petty cash vouchers is for some
reason delayed.   Our weekly labor payrolls average about $2,000.OQ
It is quite necessary that the laborers be paid each week and, in
event the petty cash fund is not available for that purpose, it
is necessary to advance payment from other funds.    Usually the
Sundry Ledger funds balance is sufficient to take care of the

     c. On motion, duly seconded and passed, President McVey was
directed to take up, with the proper state officials, the question
raised in the foregoing subsections a and b.

     7. Bankhead-Jones Fund.

     The President reported that the state treasurer had received
from the Federal Government $30, 658.17, appropriation under the
Bankhead-Jones Act for the University of Kentucky and the Kentucky
Normal and Industrial Institute for Colored Persons.     This appro-
priation is to be used In the same way as the Morrill-Nelson Appro-
priation, and the amount received in year 1935-1936 was distrib-
uted by the state auditor in the same ratio (.855 per cent to Uni-
versity and .145 per cent to colored normal school) as the Mor-
rill-Nelson Appropriation of $50,000.00 has been distributed for
many years.   The distribution of the Morrill-Nelson Appropria-
tion was made on the basis of the ratio of white to colored popu-
lation, which ratio is continually bhanging, while no change has



bedn made in the percentage of distribution.

     All facts being duly considered, the Board decided to defer
action on question of change of percentage of distribution on
both the Morrill-Nelson Appropriation and the Bankhead-Jones Ap-

     8. Bills Approved.

     The following bills were approved and ordered put in line for

     Giarantee Trust Company of New York, caring for securities
under contract with First National Bank and Trust Company of Lex-
ington, Kentucky, for six months ending September 7, 1936, $12.50.

     C. Calvert Early, Maysville, Ky., fire or windstorm insur-
ance premium on policy of $25,000.00 on Breckinridge Hall, placed
by State Division of Insurance, $20.50.

     D. State Warrants Called.

     Report by Custodians of Securities:

     The State Treasurer has called the following warrants held
by the University:

          Warrant D 3247 - $2,141.90 - Called August 17,
             1936, Waddy Fund.

          Warrant E 1077 - $1,873.48 - Called September
             21, 1936, Western Kentucky Substation Fund,

    10. Association of Governing Boards.

    President McVey stated that the Association of Governing
Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions will hold a
meeting at the University of Kentucky on November 12, 13 and 14,
1936,   He urged the members of the Board of Trustees to be pres-
ent, this being their association.   He further suggested that a
committee of the Board of Trustees be appointed to act with a
committee of the Uhiversity staff to arrange for entertainment
of the visiting members of the Association.

     On motion, duly passed, the following committee from the
Board of Trustees waw named: James Park, chairman; Louis Hillen-
meyer, Judge R. C. Stoll and Dr. George Wilson.    The President,
being authorized to appoint a committee from the University staff,
named the following: W. S. Taylor, chairman; J. S. Shropshire,
E. G. Sulzer, m. J. Crutcher and Sarah G. Blanding.



     11. War Orphan Scholarships.

     A question having been raised by friends of Dorse Duff, who
has been granted a War Orphan Scholarship for the first semester
by the State Department of Education, as to payment of room rent
and fees to the University; the Business Agent stated that he had
referred it to the Director of Finance, State Department of Educa-

     The following letter received in answer to the Business
Agent's inquiry was ordered inserted in the Minutes, and no other
action was taken:

      This is to advise that there is no legal basis on which
      payment can be made to the University of Kentucky for
      room rent for the above captioned person unless he is
      actually domiciled on the University campus.   In case
      the University would assume financial responsibility
      for his off-campus room rent, then this Division would
      be .perfectly willing to way the University the entire
      *$75. Unless an arrangement of this kind can be made,
      we shall be forced by the limits of the law to deduct
      the amount of his room rent from the semester payment.
                        (Signed) Geo. L. Evans
                                  Director of Finance
     12. Patterson Literary Society Scholarship.

     On motion of Ir. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Mr. Wells, Presi-
dent McVey was authorized to sign and transmit to the Security
Trust Company of Lexington, Kentucky, the waiver, copied in Sec.
12, Sub-Sec. a below.- The letters, Sub-Sec. b and Sub-Sec.
c, show the controversy leading up to the request for this waiver.

    a. Waiver

                                    August 5, 1936

    Security Trust Company
    Lexington, Kentucky


              As Executor and Trustee under the Will of
    James K. Patterson this is to advise you that the
    University of Kentucky as residuary legatee under said
    will hereby consents to the payment by you of the an-
    nual interest or income derived from the sum of
    $5,000.00 directed to be set apart by the 11th clause
    of said will to found a scholarship to be awarded



by the Patterson Literary Society for the assistance
of a young man, an active member of said Society   in
good standing and a member of some Evangelical Church,
to Gordon B. Finley for the college year of 1929-30
under vote of the Society at its regular meeting orn
May 8th, 1930.

                        UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY

         (Signed)      By  Frank L. McVey

b. Letter from Fowler and Fowler

Dear Dr. McVey:

We are enclosing you herewith a letter addressed to
our MIr. Earle Fowler, relative to a claim of Gordon
B. Finley against the Security Trust Company for the
Patterson Literary Society scholarship.

We are also enclosing letter addressed to the Trust
Company for your signature, which the Trust Company
requires before the payment of the scholarship fund
to Mr. Finley.

We would appreciate your signing this letter and
returning same either to us or to the Trust Company,
so that we can obtain prompt settlement of this mat-
ter for Mr. Finley.

We wish you a very enjoyable vacation, band with
kindest regards, we are,

                         Yours very truly,

                                FOWLER AND FOWLER
                (Signed)  By    Dan E. Fowler




ca Letter from Hasp to Fowler.

Mr. Earl Fowler
Lexington, Kentucky

Dear Earl:    In re:  Gordon B. Finley vs. James K. Pat-
                         terwonts Executor.

     With reference the suit filed by you on behalf of
Gordon B. Finley against the Security Trust Company,
Executor of the estate of James K. Patterson, deceased,
being Action No. 20617 now pending in the Fayette Cir-
cuit Court, this is to advise you that subject to a
waiver being obtained from the University of Kentucky
approving the settlement which we have arrived at in
connection with the above, as attorney on behalf of
the Executor I am willing to recommend that the claim
of Mr. Finley arising out of the award of the Patter-
son Literary Society scholarship for the school year
1929-30 be recognized and that this litigation be
settled upon the basis of his being paid $200.00 in
full settlement of all of his claims on account of
such award and including the dismissal of the pending
litigation settled at plaintiff's costs.

     The University of Kentucky is the residuary lega-
tee under President Patterson's will and before the
proposed settlement can take effect it will be necessa-
ry to secure the consent and approval of the University
to same.   I understand that you will take up with Dr.
McVey the matter of such waiver, advising him of the
proposed settlement of the matter.

                        (Signed) Robert H. Hays

13. Press Box -- Acceptanlce from W. P. A.


                             September 16, 1936

Mr. Frank L. McVey, President
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Dear Mr. McVey:

Our records indicate that on August 14, 1936, work
project 3-34-906-1078, for construction of reinforced
concrete press box, running track, and service rooms
under stadium to waterproofing top decks of stadium
in 'your City, was completed.



     These records further show that the total cost of this
     project was P27,192.46, of which 'r20,041.35 was con-
     tributed by W. P. A. and the balance of t7,151.11 con-
     tributed by your City as project sponsor.

     I will greatly appreciate a letter from you signifying
     acceptance of this improvement and also giving your
     general idea as to the permanent benefit your locality
     will derive from this work.

     We are constantly striving to improve our administra-
     tion and I will thank you for a frank expression of
     any criticism or suggestions which you may care to of-

     (Signed) Geo. H. Goodman
               State Administrator

          On motion of Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer,
President McVey was authorized to write the State Administrator of
W. P. A. a letter of acceptance in conformity to the above set out

          The acceptance letter reads as follows:

                              September 23, 1936

    Honorable George H. Goodman
    Works Progress Administration
    Ninth and Broadway
    Loui ville, Kentucky

    My dear Mr. Goodman;

         At the meeting of the Board of Trustees yesterday,
    I read your letter and I was instructed to write you
    for the purpose of conveying their appreciation for the
    work that has been done on the University of Kentucky's
    athletic field, through the agencies of the W. P. A.
    and the City of Lexington.   They desired also that
    I tell you that the work was done in a first class way
    and that it gives the University of Kentucky the best
    running track and press box in the South.   We feel that
    the work has been a very great help to us and will be
    a material aid in Improving the facilities of the athlet-
    ic field.

         Let me give you my personal thanks for the service
    which has been done. With best wishes, I remain

                      (Signed)    Frank L. Mc%'ey
                                   President of the University



14. Granting Degrees.

a. Letter

                            August DO, 1936

To the Board of Trustees
University of Kentucky

Dear Sirs:

    Attached is a list of persons who have completed
all requirements and are recommended by the University
Senate to the Board for the degrees indicated.

                       (Signed) Ezra L Gillis
                                 Secretary of the Senate



Marie Elliott Beebe
Ethel Lenora Brooks
KIthryn Chandler
George David Deradorian
Harold Barrett Dotson
John. Alvin Evans
Thelma Margaret Goodrich
Waller Hurd Griffing
Frederick Elmer Hazelwood
Shirley Herd
Laura Lane Hickman
Rosemary Juett
Thelma Neubia Lawson
Grace Elizabeth Martin
Ann Garrett Maxey
Geneva Charlotte Meadows

Elizabeth Bright Metcalf
Marvin Souther Moore
James Parker Oliver
Calvin Francis Osborne
Elizabeth Evalyn Prather
Mattye Lee Redwine
Raymond Augustus Riester
Mildred Bishop Robertson
Cledith Naomi Sewell
Malcolm Nathaniel Shotwell
Marjory Chaies Spencer
Mary Margaret Stephens
Kermit Stanley Tackett
William Joseph Weaver
Frank Bullock Willis
Amelia Carrick Woods


James William Archer
Charles Clay Collins
Charles Bascom Cracraft

James Ballard Floyd
Elbert Sylvester Caldwell Ford
Richard Hunt Weddle




Lucile Frances Collier

Ella Lewis Stone


Clarence Stanley Bell
Robert Talbott Gaitskill

James Homer Miller
Ray Woodrow Wilson

             IN HOME ECONOMICS

Mary Joan Chauvet
Ruth Hunter
Jeanne Taylor Ireland

Masie Tudor Heathman Jones
Vivian Lyle Muster
Natalie Reierson Peed


                 CIVIL ENGINEERING

Hugh Parkhill Frazer

Jo Burns McLellan

                    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING

Bernard Joseph Haefling

                     MECHANICAL ENGINEERING

William Edward Butler

Luther Milton Parker



John Henry Faunce



              COLLEGE OF LAW


Thomas battle Bartlett
Walter Rosencrans Bender
David Wark Carter

Virgil Harp Gaitskill, Jr.
John Byron Hannah
Lawrence Elbert Todd




Helen Elizabeth Beeler
Frances Mildred Bloom
Margaret Esther Briggs
Mary Elizabeth Brother
Jay Preston Bryan, Jr.
Frances Elizabeth Bush
Mildred Agnes Caummisar
Opal Jean Cleveland
Vela Howell Cleveland
Margaret Ferguson Coons
Lawson Cornett
Vera Myrtle Cummins
Willie Mae Curtis
Nellie Hunter Davenport
Ruth Elizabeth Davis
Sue Ellen Dodson
Dorothy Catherine Dreisbach
Evelyn Myers Edwards
Martha Josephine Egner
Ruth Esther Goggin
Mary Williams Goodwin
Hannah Louise Grainger
Elizabeth Rachel Gravitt
Bulah Lavurn Hall
Margaret Garland Haskins
Hafford Langan Hay
Amy Frothingham, Healine
Mary Elizabeth Healine
Edna Helm
Viola Marguerite Hord
Grace Barrett Howard
Evelyn Theodocia Isaacs
Dorothy Ellen Jacobs
Mary Virginia Joseph
Marjorie Weeks Karsner
Nettielena Bentele Krauth


Martha Elizabeth Lang
Demaris Lay
Emily Leibson
Charles Garland Lewis
Sarah Miller McCormack
Mae Warner McDonald
Lena Rivers Mobley
Virginia McGoodwin Owsley
Elizabeth Ann Parsons
Felbert Lee Phillips
Samuel Potter
Carleen Emma Proehl
Carrie Hanson Rogers
Bess Grace Ross
Jean Miller Sanford
Naomi Frances Selter
Nelle Church Shaw
Alfred Frank Smith
Ruby Ballard Smith
Norma Amelia Steinlage
Clara Aurelia Terrell
Carolyn Elizabeth Thompson
Ethel Louise Tresslar
John Orba True
Jack Grady Tucker
Anna Hensley Turpin
Gladys Mary Wagner
Emma Baxter Ward
Thelma Owens Watts
Leah Leslie Whitaker
Truman Lindsay Whitman
Lorraine Clay Wiley
Roxie Bernice Williams
Thelma Williams
Dorothy Parker Wilson
John Worth



                 IN COYIVIERCE

Charles Ha-selden Barr
George Henderson Campbell
James Elmo Dalton
Harry Grey Davis
Eirest Hatfield
John Lloyd LeStourgeon
Robert Phillips Nall

Ralph Cubbage Reeves
Hanna Mae Rosen
Mary Ada Honey Sullivan
James Preston Threlkeld
James Thomas Tyree
Robert Garland Williamson, Jr.

             GRADUATE SCHOOL

Ruth Adams
Cromer Hansford Arnett
Marguerite Gilham Arnold
Opal William Barker
Mildred Beale
Philip Allen Bevarly
Raymond Walker Bevarly
Mary Louise Bradley
William Edward Burton
Modest Clark
Rosaline Metcalfe Crass
Lois Alexander Crouch
John Edward Elkins
Margaret Dorothy Emberger
Julia nice Ewan
Miriam Emily Faust
Wilbur Elmer Flannery
Marguerite Dravo Fowler
Andrew David Fritzlan
EInflr T. Gilb
George Thomas Gleason
Eleanor Van Gosch
Edna Maybelle Hastie
Clarence Anthony Horn
Elmer Lee Huber
Christine Heaps Innings
Elsye Bartley Jackson
Buron Jeffrey
Ellen AMIildred Johnson
Koska Lee Jones
Lillian Blanche Jones
Edna Arabellah Kelly
Willie B. Kerr

Alton B. Parker Liles
Lottie McCoy
Florrie Thelma Mathis
George Dewey Messer
Reba Brown Miller
Reed Sutherland Miller
Elvis Lee Moore
Walter Bryan Moser
Anne Snowden Praither
Laura Hardin Pumphrey
Ralph Heber Richards
John Milton Ridgway
Ova Green Roaden
Mildred Carolyn Roberts
Asa Marshall Shelton
Capitola Simpson
Vernon Wilson Smith
Jacob William Snyder
Thomas Logran Snyder
George Duey Taylor
Tillman Davis Taylor
Robert Case Thomasson
Ishmael Triplett
Sallie Jane Vanzant
Sugary Bell Baughan
John Wesley Walton
Edwin R. Ward
Alice Elizabeth Watkins
Joseph Jasper White
William Reid Willoughby
William Theodore Wright
Ila See Zimmerman




Ray Frank Fehrman


Lee Pressley Hutchison              David Hampton McKinney

     b. The undersigned having been appointed a committee by the
President to represent the Board of Trustees in the approval of
candidates for degrees at the commencement held August 19, 1936,
reported as follows:

          The Board of Trustees approves the foregoing list
     of candidates for degrees as recommended by the Univer-
     sity Senate and authorizes the conferring of the de-
     grees indicated.


              (Signed)       William S. Taylor
              (Signed)        Ezra L Gillis
              (Signed)       D. H. Peak

     c. The action of the Committee appointed to act for the Board
of Trustees on motion of Mr. Park, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer,
was duly approved, and the conferring of the degrees on the per-
sons set out in the appended list was ratified and approved.

     15. Field. House.

     President McVey stated that the question of a field house
mentioned in Sec. 26, Sub. Sec. a, Minutes of July 23, 1936, has
been further discussed by the Athletic Councilland that he was
notified that a committee had discussed the project with Governor
Chandler,   Governor Chandler stated that he favors the erection
of a field house, when funds are available for one that will meet
full requirements of University athletics.    No action by the
Board of Trustees,



     16. P. W. A. Construction, College Docket, A          1013.

     President McVey announced that contract bids for furnishing
and installing certain equipment in the boiler house of the Cen-
tral Heating Plant, were due to be received and publicly opened
in his office at 11:00 a.m., September 22, in accord with adver-
tisements therefor under date of September 8 and that he suggest-
ed that this be done in the presence of the Board of Trustees.
Therefore, the regular business of the meeting was suspended and
all the contract bids received and filed were duly opened by the
chairman, read and tabulated in the presence af the Board of Trus-
tees, President McVey, Mr. Sager, State Director of P. W. A, , Mr.
Sinton, P. W. A. Engineer, Dean Graham, Perry West, the bidders
and others involved.   The bids submitted were for items of equip-
ment, as follows:

     Contract No. 9 Induced Draft and Dust Collecting
                        Apparatus for Boilers Nos. 1 and 2

     Contract No. 10.. Induced Draft and Dust Collecting Apparatus
                        for Boiler No.. 3.

     Contract No. 11.  Feed Water Heater

     Contract No. 12.  Pumps

     Contract No. 13,  Tanks.

     After the reading and tabulating of the bids the chairman an-
nounced that they would be studied and the results announced with-
in a few days.

     Dean Graham. accompanied by Mr. Sager and Perry West, later
appeared before the Board and stated: - That a lack of time pre-
cluded the making of a written report and recommendations concern-
ing any or all of the bids Just opened; but in order to enable
the engineers to complete promptly the final shop drawings for the
structural steel work of the boiler-house and thus cause no delay
to the building contractor, it was deemed advisable to submit a
verbal statement on the two bids just received and filed under
Contract Nos. 9 and 10 and to request the pleasure of the Trustees
while yet in session.   It was stated further that the induced dram
fans and dust collecting apparatus specified under Contracts Nos.
9 and 10 were needed to perform a very important function in the
efficient operation of the Central Heating Plant and that this was
especially true in the case of Contract No. 10, where pulverized
coal was to be used as a fuel,   It was then stated that the bid
of Wilson Machinery and Supply Company under Contract No. 9 was
the lowest of the two bids submitted and was within the published
specifications, and also that the Prat-Daniel bid under Contract
No. 10 was the only bid submitted which was fully within the pub-
lished specifications.   Therefore, it was recommended that the
award of Contract No. 0 in the sum of   84,357.00 to the W4ilso.
Machinery and Supply Company of Lexington, Kentucky, and the award
of Contract No. 10 in the sum of A9,300.00   to the Prat-Daniel



Corporation of East Port Chester, Connecticut, should be made.
Dean Graham further stated that the sum total of the two bids
recommended was within the funds allotted for this equipment.

     Therefore upon motion duly made and seconded,