xt734t6f243z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt734t6f243z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1983-08-aug26. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1983-08-aug26. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1983-08-aug26. 1983 1983-08-aug26. 2011 true xt734t6f243z section xt734t6f243z 

    Hinutes of the Heet-ing of the Doard of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky, Friday, August 26, 1963.

    The Board of Trustees of thie University of ientucl:y net at 2
p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time) on Friday, August 26, 1983 in the
Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the
Lexington Campus.

    A.   Neetinp- Onened and Oath of Office Adninistered

    H1r. Willian 13. Stur-ill, Chairrian, called the Lmeeting to
order at 2 p.mL. , and the invocation was pronounced by Tr.  . A.
Lassetter.  H1r. Sturgill welcomed the new lermbers of the Board of
Trustees and, at the request of the Chlairrman, Ir. Joihn C. Darsie,
General Counsel, administered the oath of office Lo the

    H;r. David T. Bradford, who will serve as student trustee for
       the 1983-84 academic year.

    Professor Timothy A. Cantrell, faculty representative elected
       to replace Professor Opal Conley for a tern expirinrg June
       30, 1986.

    Professor Jamaes D. Kemp, faculty representative elected to
       replace Professor Williai F. Wagner for a term expiring
       June 30, 1986.

    Hr. 17. Bruce Lunsford, appointed by Governor John Y. Brown,
       Jr. to replace Governor Edward T. Breathitt for a tern
       expiring June 30, 1986.

    Mr. Robert E. Watson, appointed by GovernDr Brown to replace
       Mr. W. Terry IlcBrayer for a six-year tern expiring June
       30, 1989.

    B.   Roll Call

    The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the
call of the roll: Mr. William B. Sturgill (Chairman), Hir. David
T. Bradford, Professor Timothy A. Cantrell, Governor Albert
Benjamin Chandler (Honorary Trustee), Ulr. Albert G. Clay, Hr.
Tracy Farmer, Or. Ronald G. Geary, Mr. George W. Griffin, Jr.,
Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes, Hr. Brereton C. Jones, Ur. R. Larry
Jones, Professor James D. Kemp, Mr. T. A. Lassetter, Hlr. W. Bruce
Lunsford, 1Hr. Robert T. HoCowan,  Er. A. Stevens Miles, Hr. Frank
Ramsey, Jr., and Mr. Robert E. Watson. Absent from the meeting
were Mr. Thomas P. Bell, Hr. William R. Black, and Professor
Constance P. Wilson. The University administration was
represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Dr. Donald B. Clapp,
Vice President for Administration; Chancellors Peter P.
Bosomworth, Art Gallaher, and Charles T. Wethington; Dr. Raymond
R. Hornback, Vice President for University Relations; Mr. David
I. Carter, Special Assistant for Business and Financial Affairs;
Mr. John C. Darsie, General Counsel; Mr. Henry Clay Owen,


Controller and Treasurer; Dr. Paul G. Sears, Special Assistant
for Academic Affairs; Dr. Wimberly C. Royster, Vice Chancellor
for Research and Dean of the Graduate School; and Dr. Jac', C.
Blanton, Vice Chancellor for Administration, Le:;ington CaLmpus.

    Eezabers of the various news media were also in attendance.   A
quorum being present, the Chairman declared the meeting
officially open for the conduct of business at 2:05 p.m.

    C. !inutes Approved

    The I~Niutes of the June 21, 1983 mleeting of the Loard of
Trustees were approved as written.

    D.   HIominatin!- Committee ADpointed

    Iir. Sturgill appointed lir. Frank Ramsey, Jr. 1r ir. Thom-as P.
Bell, and Hr. lilliam R. Black to serve as the Nominating
Committee to recommend officers of the Board and members of tle
Executive Coomittee of the Board for 1983-84.   lir. Rarsey will
chair the committee, and its report will be presented to the
Board of Trustees at the meeting on September 20, 1983.

    E.-  l-irs. Cantrell Recognized

    Professor Cantrell's mother, IIrs. Viebie Cantrell, wis
present and introduced, followiang, which she received a round of

    F.   President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

    President Singletary noted that copies of his monthly report
to the Trustees had been distributed earlier. Fie then called
attention to the year-long observance of the 20th anniversary of
the Community College System which will begin with a reception
and dinner on September 9. He urged all members of the Board to
attend this event.

    Since no action is required on PR 1, the Chairman accepted
the report and ordered it filed.

    G.   Personnel Actions (PR 2)

    Prior to his recommendation that the appointments and staff
changes in PR 2 be approved, President Singletary called
attention to the appointment of Dr. Tex Lee Boggs as Dean of
University Extension, effective September 10, 1983. He called on
Chancellor Gallaher who reviewed Dr. Boggs' experience and
credentials and said he was pleased to endorse President
Singletary's recommendation that Dr. Boggs be appointed Dean of
University Extension.

    On motion duly made, seconded, and passed, the appointments
and staff changes recommended in PR 2 were approved. (See PR 2
at the end of the Minutes.)


H.   Appointment of Vice President for Administration (PR .LA

    President Singletary recommended the appointment of 'Ir. James
0. King as Vice President for Administration, effective September
1 , 1983.  He said it gave him much pleasure to reco,-,mmend HIr.
King, who has been in the employ of the University previously and
who has wide experience in university and governmental
administration, for this position.

    On motion made by '-Hr. Farmer, seconded by 11r. Larry Jones,
and passed, 1ir. James 0. King was named Vice President for
Administration, effective September 1, 1983.   (See PR 3A at the
end of the Minutes.)

    Hr. King's wife, Geraldine, was present and introduced.

    I.   ApDointrment of Associate Dean (PR 1A)

    President Singletary indicated his pleasure in recommending
that Fred I. Zechrman, an outstanding Professor in the Department
of Physiology and Biophysics, be named Associate Dean for
Research and Graduate Studies for the Medical Center, effective
September 1, 1983.  Professor Zechman was present, and President
Singletary asked him to stand and be recognized.   On motion made
by H1r. Farmer, seconded by Hr. Larry Jones, and passed, PR 3A was
approved.  (See PR 3A at the end of the Minutes.)

    President Singletary also called attention to another
outstanding member of the faculty, Daniel B. Reedy, Professor,
Department of Spanish and Italian Languages and Literatures,
whose appointment as Associate Dean for Graduate Studies was
listed in the personnel actions in PR 2.   Professor Reedy was

    J.   Approval of Degree Candidates - Lexinrton Campus and
Medical Center (PR 1B)

    Without discussion, Mr. Geary moved that the President be
authorized to confer upon each individual whose name was listed
in PR 3B the correct degree to which he or she is entitled.    His
motion was seconded by Mr. Brereton Jones and passed unanimously.
(See PR 3B at the end of the Minutes.)

    K.   1g81-84 Budget Revisions (PR RC)

    On motion duly made, seconded, and passed, the 1983-84 budget
revisions recommended in PR 3C were authorized and approved.
(See PR 3C at the end of the Minutes.)

    L.   Remort on Gifts and/or Grants (PR 3aD

    With President Singletary so recommending, the report on
gifts and/or grants covering the period from April 1, 1983 to
June 30, 1983 was accepted and ordered made a matter of record.
(See PR 3D at the end of the Minutes.)


1'.  Response to Office of Civil Riahts    (PR am)

    President Singletary explained that the State's higher
education desegregation plan has been revised since the Board
acted in January, 1982, and a letter reiterating each
institution's commitrment to make good faith efforts to achieve
the goals of the Plan is required as a condition of the
acceptance granted by the Office for Civil Rights on June 22,
1983. Thereupon, lirs. Hayes moved that the Board authorize
President Singletary to sign on behalf of the University the
letter to Governor Brown, a copy of which is attached to PR 3.
IMrs. Hayes' motion was seconded by Mr. Parasey and passed
unanimously.  (See PR 3E at the end of tile Minutes.)

    1H.  Five Year Plan 183R-88 and Biennial Dudret Request 1984-

    With the concurrence of the Chairman, President Singletary
said he would present the Five Year Plan and Biennial Budget
Request as his last agenda item.

    0.   Ai)iointiaent of Director, Southeast Co-imunitv College (PR

    Chancellor Wethington indicated his pleasure in recoMLmending
the appointment of Dr. Vivian B. Blevins as Director of Southeast
Community College.  He reported on the search which was conducted
following the resignation of Dr. Larry Stanley, and he reviewed
briefly Dr. Blevins' experience and credentials. On motion made
by Mr. Larry Jones, seconded by Ilr. Watson, and passed, Dr.
Vivian B. Blevins was named Director of Southeast Community
College, effective September 1, 1983.  (See PR 4A at the end of
the Minutes.)

    P.   Candidates for Degrees - Community Collegge System (Pr,

    Upon motion duly made, seconded, and carried, approval was
given to the awarding of degrees and certificates specified in PR
4B, upon certification that the requirements for those degrees or
certificates have been satisfactorily completed. (See PR 4B at
the end of the Minutes.)

    Q.   Patent Assignments (PR 5A)

    Without discussion, or. motion made by Professor Cantrell,
seconded by Mr. Bradford, and passed, the three patent
assignments recommended in PR 5A were approved. (See PR 5A at
the end of the Minutes.)



    R.   Chanres in Akreeelent Between the Universitv of Kentucky
and Kventuckyv i-edical Services Foundation (PrT 6A)

    With President Singletary and Chancellor Bosomworth so
recommending, fir. Farner moved that the Board approve the three
changes in the 1983-84 agreement between University of Kentucky
and the Kentucky Nedical Services Foundation as recommended in PR
6A. 1-1r. Farmer's motion was seconded by 1Mr. Larry Jones and
passed without dissent.   (See PR 6A at the end of the Minutes.)

    S.   Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

    1Ir. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Com.miittee, reported that
the committee had met on the morning of August 26, 1903 and
considered eight agenda items to be presented for action, the
first of which was the Interim Financial Report for the period
ended IWay 31, 1983.  The committee found the University to be "on
target," and fir. Clay moved that the report be accepted.   His
motion, seconded by H1r. Griffin, passed, and the report was
accepted. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Iinutes.)

    T.   Adoption of Resolutions Authorizinr, Issuance of
Community Colleres Educational Buildinrs Revenue Bonds, Series p
: FQR 2 )

    Thereupon, a motion was made by l1r. Clay and seconded by 1lr.
Larry Jones that the following titled Resolutions, which were
read in summary form to the Board of Trustees, be passed and



    (The full Resolutions being attached to these 1Miinutes as
Exhibit 1 and 2, respectively.)


-6 -

    W1HEREUPOIT, a vote being taken on the notion the result was as

              Yeas                                  lia S

    William B. Stur-ill                              Hone
    David T. Bradford
    Timothy A. Cantrell
    Albert G. Clay
    Tracy Farmer
    Ronald G. Geary
    George W. Griffin, Jr.
    Edythe Jones Hayes
    Brereton C. Jones
    R. Larry Jones
    James D. Kemp
    T. A. Lassetter
    W. Bruce Lunsford
    Robert T. IlicCowan
    A. Stevens Miles
    Frank Ramsey, Jr.
    Robert E. Watson

    Thereupon, the Chairman declared that the m.otion had carried
and that the Resolutions had been passed and adopted and directed
that the sane be recorded in the Minutes of the Board.  (See FCR
2 at the end of the Minutes.)

    U.   Disposal of Personal Propertv (FCH 1)

    With the concurrence of the Finance Committee, Hir. Clay moved
that the Board approve the disposal of personal property as
recommended in FCR 3.  His motion was seconded by fir. Farmer and
passed unanimously. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

    V.   Acceptance of Audit for the University of Kentucky
Credit Union (FCR 4)

    On motion made by Mr. Clay, seconded by 11r. Griffin, and
passed without dissent, the Board of Trustees accepted the
audited financial statement of the University of Kentucky Credit
Union for the twelve-month period ended December 31, 1982. (See
FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

    W.   Capital Construction Report (FCR 9)

    Mr. Clay moved that the Capital Construction Report for the
twelve months ending June 30, 1983 be accepted. His motion was
seconded by Mr, Miles and passed unanimously.  (See FCR 5 at the
end of the Minutes.)



    X.   Use of Maintenance Reserve (FQC 6)

    Acting on the recommendation ofi the Finance Commzittee, H1r.
Clay moved that the Vice Chancellor for Administration be
authorized and directed by the Board to request the Trustee of
the University of Kentucky Student Housinlg Bonds of 1960 to make
available the sum of $2,000.00 from the "Maintenance Reserve
Account" of said Bonds for the purpose of paying the cost of
replacing bedroom doors in the Alha Gamm-a Rho Fraternity house
located at 700 Woodland Avenue. H1r. Clay's motion was seconded
by Hir. licCowan and passed without dissent.  (See FCR 6 at the end
of the 111inutes.)

    Y.   DeleFation Authorizing~ the President to Provide for the
AcQuisition of real ProDertv not Exceedin- *'100.000 in Estimated
Value (FCR 7)

    On notion made by HIr. Clay, seconded by Or. Brereton Jones,
and passed, the Board authorized the President to provide for the
acquisition of parcels of real property (within the land use plan
approved by the Board of Trustees) which do not exceed an
estimated value of $100,000 provided funds are available and
budgeted for such acquisition. (See FCR 7 at the end of the

    Z.   Ouasi-Endowment of Blue-White Funds (FC9 8)

    The Finance Committee so reconiaending, Hr. Clay moved that
the Board authorize the establishment of a quasi-endowment fund
for Blue-White monies and authorize the President to approve the
transfer of funds to the quasi-endowment fund with the income
from such funds being allocated for the use and benefit of the
University's intercollegiate athletics program. HIr. Clay's
motion was seconded by tar. Griffin and passed without dissent.
(See FCR 8 at the end of the Minutes.)

    AA. Five Year Plan 1981-88 and Biennial Budget Request 1q84-
86 (PR IF)

    President Singletary in presenting the Five Year Plan and
Biennial Budget Request indicated the major areas of emphasis in
the Plan. He reviewed charts summarizing the State
appropriations increases being requested and identified the
specific capital construction projects requested for each of the

    Following a brief discussion of the proposed budget, 1Mr. Clay
moved that the Five Year Plan 1983-88 and Biennial Budget Request
1984-86 be approved for submission to the Council on Higher
Education for review and recommendation to the Governor of the
Commonwealth. His motion was seconded by Mr. Larry Jones and
passed withut dissent. (See PR 3F at the end of the Minutes.)



    DD.  I!eetinp, Adjourned

    There being no further business, the reeting was adjourned at
2:42 p.m.

                              Respectfully submitted,

                              Georg-e 1!. Griffin, Jr.
                              Board of Trustees

    (PR's 2, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E, 3F, 4A, 413, 5A, and 6A; FCR's 1,
2  (Exhibits 1 and 2), 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 which follow are
official parts of the MIinutes of the neeting.)


                                              Office of the President
                                              August 26, 1983

                                              PR Z

Members, Board of Trustees:

                         PERSONNEL ACTIONS

Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the attached appoint-
ments and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and (2)
that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already ap-
proved by the administration be accepted.
Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate chancellor
through the President and have his concurrence.
Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain appoint-
ments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President or other
administrators who are required to report their actions to the Board.
This report follows the recommendations requiring Board approval.

Action taken:  Approved   X    Disapproved ____Other

Date: ;   August 26

, 1983



                       COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM



       Lexington Technical Institute

       Gooch, Peyton L., Associate Professor in the Community College
             System (with tenure), appointed Chairman of Division of
             Associated Health Technologies, 8/1/83 through 6/30/86.
        Jaggard, Sharon B., Associate Professor in the Community College
             System (with tenure), appointed Acting Director, effective
        Pagan, Bonnie S., Associate Professor in the Community College
             System (with tenure), appointed Chairman of Division of
             Humanities, 7/1/83 through 6/30/86.

        Paducah Community College

        Johnson, Betty, Associate Professor in the Community College
             System (with tenure) appointed Chairman of Division of
             Sciences and Related Technologies, 7/1/83 through 6/30/86.

        Somerset Community College

        Garrett, Glyncon, Associate Professor in the Community College
             System (with tenure) appointed Chairman of Division of
             Social Sciences, Business and Related Technologies,
             7/1/83 through 6/30/86.

        Southeast Community College

        Blevins, Vivian B., Associate Professor in the Community College
             System (with tenure), appointed Director, effective 9/1/83.


        Hopkinsville Community College

        Peden, Ann, from Instructor in the Community College System,
             to Assistant Professor in the Community College System,
             7/1/83 through 6/30/84.

        Lexington Technical Institute

        Kightlinger, Janet, from Instructor in the Community College
             System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College
             System, 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.



   Wallace, Judy, from Instructor in the Community College
         System, to Assistant Professor in the Community
         College System, 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.

    Paducah Community College

    Wood, Kathy H., from Associate Professor in the Community
         College System (with tenure) to Professor in the
         Community College System (with tenure), effective

    Somerset Community College

    McNeil, Virginia, from Assistant Professor in the
         Community College System (without tenure), to
         Associate Professor in the Community College
         System (with tenure), effective 7/1/83.


    Jefferson Community College

    Sistarenik, John, Professor in the Community College
         System (with tenure), from Henderson Community
         College to Jefferson Community College, effective


    Paducah Community College

    Crisp, Jayne C., Assistant Professor (without tenure) in
         the Community College System, Sabbatical leave
         with half salary, 7/1/83 through 12/31/83.

    Somerset Community College

    Anderson, James H., Associate Professor in the Community
         College System (with tenure), Sabbatical leave
         with half salary, 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.





        Ashland Community College

        Craycraft, Willie G., Instructor in the Community College
             System, 8/l/83 through 9/30/83.
        Jennings, Jeannette H., Instructor in the Community
            College System, 8/l/83 through 6/30/84.
        Stewart, Kay Biggs, Instructor in the Community College
             System, 8/l/83 through 6/30/84.

        Elizabethtown Community College

        Dawson, Joe D., Instructor in the Community College System
            8/l/83 through 6/30/84.
        Edmondson, Mauhee W., Instructor in the Community College
            System, 8/l/83 through 6/30/84.
        Glenn, Lynda, Instructor in the Community College System,
            8/l/83 through 6/30/84.
        Glutting, Martha Jean, Instructor in the Community College
             System, 8/l/83 through 6/30/84.
        Hays, Millard Lee, Instructor in the Community College
             System, 8/l/83 through 6/30/84.
        Hunt, Allen N., Instructor in the Community College System,
            8/l/83 through 6/30/84.
        Jordan, Christopher, Instructor in the Community College
             System, 8/l/83 through 6/30/84.
        Smith, Beverly L., Instructor in the Community College
             System, 8/l/83 through 6/30/84.

        Hazard Community College

        Cornett, William T., Instructor in the Community College
             System, 8/l/83 through 6/30/84.
        Hall, Sharon G., Instructor in the Community College
             System, 8/l/83 through 6/30/84.
        Hurt, Valina Kay, Instructor in the Community College
             System, 8/l/83 through 6/30/84.
        Jones, Sharon L., Instructor in the Community College
             System, 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.

        Henderson Community College

        Conliffe, Donna M., Librarian IV in the Community College
             System, 7/16/83 through 6/30/84.
        Pagan, Freida B., Instructor in the Community College
             System, 8/l/83 through 6/30/84.



Smith, Brent E., Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.

Hopkinsville Community College

Hendricks, Charlotte M., Instructor in the Community
    College System, 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.

Jefferson Community College

Basham, Morris, Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Bennett, Sharon K., Instructor in the Community
    College System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Butler, David A., Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Case, April 0., Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Chapman, Robert E., Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Cobbs, John L., Assistant Professor in the Community
    College System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Cooper, David, Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Ecker, David P., Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Hazelrigg, William R., Instructor in the Community
    College System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Kern, J. Michael, Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Nelson, Sally F., Assistant Professor in the Community
    College System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Pollock, Steven R., Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Scrogham, Bonnie J., Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Sladek, Linda, Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Taylor, Barbara J., Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Varner, Katy L., Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Wang, Lejen L., Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.



Lexington Technical Institute

Allen, Margaret B., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Ghosal, Jitendra K., Assistant Professor in the Community
     College System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Knox, Patricia, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Lee, Paul Edward, Assistant Professor in the Community
     College System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Murrell, Diane M., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Owen, Brenda P., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Payne, Marilyn E., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Potts, Michael C., Assistant Professor in the Community
     College System, 8/15/83 through 6/30/84.

Madisonville Community College

Alexander, Dorothy E., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Arnold, Keith W., Instructor in the Community College System,
     8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Calkins, Brenda K., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Ervin, Robert C., Jr., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Robins, Luke P., Instructor in the Community College System,
     8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Simms, Helen L., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Trover, Michael L., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.

Maysville Community College

Houser, Jean P., Instructor in the Community College System,
     8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Jupin, Arvin H., Assistant Professor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Shanklin, Mollie C., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Wise, Gail E., Instructor in the Community College System,
     8/1/83 through 6/30/84.



Paducah Community College

Blagg, Jacqueline, Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Draffen, Carla K., Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Eubanks, Sandra, Assistant Professor in the Community
    College System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Heflin, Connie S., Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Houston, Jonia Lisa, Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Hsieh, Chong-Fu, Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.

Prestonsburg Community College

Gibson, Paula J., Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Mulcahy, Rita M., Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Rice, Teresa H., Assistant Professor in the Community
    College System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Travis, Sandra O., Assistant Professor in the Community
    College System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.

Somerset Community College

Brown, Alvis, Assistant Professor in the Community College
    System, 7/11/83 through 6/30/84.
Elam, Jennifer, Instructor in the Community College System
    7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Kelly, John J., Instructor in the Community College
    System, 8/5/83 through 6/30/84.
Tiwari, Braj, Instructor in the Community College System
    7/1/83 through 6/30/84.

Southeast Community College

Brock, Louise, Instructor in the Community College
    System (voluntary), 9/1/83 through 5/31/84.
Guyn, Hazel Katherine, Assistant Professor in the
    Community College System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Honchel, Ron, Instructor in the Community College System
    (voluntary), 9/1/83 through 5/31/84.
Parrott, Gary Lynn, Instructor in the Community College
    System (voluntary), 9/1/83 through 5/31/84.



    Spencer, Deborah, Instructor in the Community College
         System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
    Westerfield, Sue, Instructor in the Community College
         System (voluntary), 9/1/83 through 5/31/84.
    Whitaker, Joy J., Instructor in the Community College
         System (voluntary), 9/1/83 through 5/31/84.


    Hazard Community College

    Baker, Barbara, Instructor in the Community College
         System, joint appointment as Instructor in the
         Southeast Community College, 8/1/83 through
    Collins, Gwendolyn, Instructor in the Community College
         System, joint appointment as Instructor in the
         Southeast Community College, 8/1/83 through


    Ashland Community College

    Adkins, Jimmie L., Assistant Professor in the Community
         College System, 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
    Santell, Beth, Assistant Professor in the Community
         College System, 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.

    Elizabethtown Community College

    Caple, Edna, Librarian I in the Community College System
         (voluntary), 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.

    Hopkinsville Community College

    Mitchell, Barbara S., Instructor in the Community
         College System, 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.

    Jefferson Community College

    Algren, John, M. D., Instructor in the Community
         College System (voluntary), 7/1/83 through
    Allnutt, David, Instructor in the Community College
         System (voluntary), 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
    Bizot, David H., M. D., Instructor in the Community
         College System (voluntary), 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
    Butcher, Barry, Instructor in the Community College
         System (voluntary), 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.



Case, Patricia H., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Covault, Michael W., Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Graham, S. Lyle, M. D., Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Hendricks, Paul, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Lloyd, John Aubrey, M. D., Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
McAllister, Carol, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
McClain, Cheryl, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Norwood, Jean E., Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Raymond, Pamela, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Reasor, Marilyn, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Roe, Elsa, M. D., Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Sharpe, Garland, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Warfield, Linda, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Wendell, Leon, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.

SoutheastComm-unity College

Baker, Lee R., Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 9/1/83 through 5/31/84.
Barger, Dale, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 9/14/83 through 5/31/84.
Blevins, Randy K., Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 9/1/83 through 5/31/84.
Breeding, Sherie, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 9/1/83 through 5/31/84.
Brooks, SheilaInstructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 9/1/83 through 5/31/84.
Brown, Pat, Instructor in the Community College System
     (voluntary), 9/1/83 through 5/31/84.
Buckner, Peggy, Instructor in the Community College System
     (voluntary), 9/1/83 through 5/31/84.
Campbell, Donna, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 9/1/83 t