xt734t6f230n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt734t6f230n/data/mets.xml Schreiber & Sons, Photographers. 1874]  books b98-41-41900534 English s.n., : [S.l. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Horses Illustrations. Portraits of noted horses of America . text Portraits of noted horses of America . 1874 1874] 2002 true xt734t6f230n section xt734t6f230n 


     In offering to the public the first book of this kinil ever published, we are carrying out the suggestions of
several eminent breeders who have examined our collection of photographs, and who have declared thein to be
the beat pictures of horses ever produceil. This is a point on which each admirer of good horses may judge
for himself.  The pictures are all taken from  life, and  present every animal just as they actually appeal
when  at rest, whiich is time posture every horseman desires to examinie a horse in when stidiving      his
various points of form.
     Such a galaxy of distinguished horses being brought together in o)ne collection, an opportunity is givein
for comparisons, which could not be offered in any other way. Even visiting the stables of the enminent
breeders and horsemen in the various States from which this collection was umadle, would not he so interesting
and instructive to the student of equidnology, who   seeks in firm  and   proportiomm  for thie explanation of
speed  antd enduranee.
     To such   study, comparisons   are  a prime necessity, antd to make comparisons, the olbjects must
lie brought together.
    That the valne of the work man be enhanced to hreeders. antd its interest to all horsemen inc-resed,
pedligreess and performances are given itl connection with the photograph.
     Such  a cullection  of accurate pictures of the celebrated horses of the past wouldi be one of' the
choicest of treasures.
     If we could have tIme "counterfeit presentment" of Messenger, alone, and could       know   that it wa.
perfectlv accurate, nothing  omitted, to the slightest parti(ular, andi nothing  adnled by the vain attempt of
the  artist to  make a picture to please the still more pitifil vanity of an owner, there is not a horseman
in the cmintrv that would not gladly lpay for it more thant this wholle collection will cost.
    The value of suich pieturres as these is not itlone in the pleasure aunl profit they afford to the present.
but will increase with   years, indefinitely, becoming an  interesting pmart of history that can forever be
relied on as perfectly accurate.
                                                       Truly Yours.

                                                                            SCHREIBER & SONS.

-U                                                                                                                                            Em






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Half brother to Rysdyk's Hambictonian, brown honre, 15-i, fialed i85i, sire Abdallah, dam  Emily by Commodore, Abdallah by Mlambrino, 1449,
   Commodore by Mambrino, 1449, Commodore's (lam by True American, son of Volunteer by Imp. Messenger, Commodore's granddam, by
       Imp. Tom Bogus. Bred by Bryant N. Overton, Bellport, L. I., owned, 1874, by Guy Miller, Chester, Orange County, New York.

'IF    I                                     Q71

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                                                                         JAY QOULD9

formerly Judge Brigham, bay stallion, tS hands 2 inches high, foaled i864.  Sire, RysIdyk's Hamrbletonian, dam, Lady Sanford (known as the Dlick Sears mare) by
    American Star, grand-dam by a Sir Henry colt, foaled the property of Sanford, of Goshen, New York. Jay (;oul was bred by John Minchin, Orange Co., N. Y.,
        snd by him named Escape; bought May 26th, t864 by A. C. Green, Fall River, Mass., and delivered to him-when live moiths ohl. Bluffall, Aug. 11,
             i871, trotted the second mile in 2:22. Buffalo Aug. 7, x872, trotted the third mile in 2:21t!. So1ld Aug. it, 1871, after trotting the tirst hcat
                 at Buffalo to teo. C. Hall, for 30,ooo.  After the death of James Fisk, his one-third interest was purchaseil by luldd l)ohle, who
                     subsequently bought the one-third interest of Jay Gould, and also the interest of Geo. C. Hlall, a short timh   previous to his
                          death. Budd Doble nov owns a two-thirds interest, while the remaining one-third is owned by a New X(irk gen-
                              tleman.  Jay Gould is now    at Fashion Stud Farm, Trenton, N. J., standing at sto service tottcy.


                                                            OGOROX WILKZ&

br. h. t5-i, foaled x855; sire Rystlyk's Hambletonian, dam Dolly Spanker, supposed to be by a grandson of Messenger 1562. Bred by Col. Felter, Orange County,
        N. Y. Record: harness, 2:22; wagon, 2:25; pole, 2:28; owned by W. L. Simmons, New York. Standing at loo service money. in Kentucky.



.b. h. z.2 foiled t86j; sire Rysdyk's Hambletonian; dam, the dam of Volunteer by Patriot. Bred and owned by Edwin 'rhorne, Dutchess Co., N. V. Record, 2M29JY



sire of Prospero; Bay stallion, O6 hands, foaled June 3d, i865, got by Rysdyk's Hambletonian; first dam Satinet, by Roe's Abdallah Chief; second dam Catbird, by
          Vhistle Jacket; third dam Lyon mare, by Bcrtholf horse; fourth dam by Duroc, son of Imp. Dionied. Abdallah Chief (Roe's,) by Abdallah,
                   son of Mambsino; first dam by Phillips, son of Duroc; second dam by Decsatur, (thoroughbred,) son of Henry. Whistle jacket,
                          by Mambrino, son of Imp. Messenger; first dam by American Eclipse; second dam by Bertholf Horse, son of
                               Imp. Messenger. Owned by Charles Backman, Orange Co., N. V. Standing at 300 service money,



brown stallion 15 hands 3'lnches, foaled October 9, 1866, got by Rys(lyk's liambletonian; first dam Susie RobIerts, by New  York Black Ilawk; econd dam the well
        known mare of Messenger descent, owned and driven by Captain Roberts, 4   New York. N. V. Black I1awk by 1- 1. Blackl hlawk, son of Andrcw
               Jackson, by Young Bashaw; first dam sister to Jack Cade, by Leopold (Arabian); second damn by Bishop's Ilallbletonial, son of 1I11p.
                                   Messenger. Owned by Charles Backman, orange Co., N. V. Standing at too service money.



bay stallion i5 hands 2F inches, foaled June 9, 1864, got by Rysdyks Hambletonian; first dam Hattie Wood, by Harry Clay; second dam Grandmother, by Tenror, son
          of American Eclipse. Harry Clay by Neave's Cassius M. Clay, Jr., son of Cassius M. Clay, by Henry Clay, son of Andresv Jackson, by Young
                       Bashaw; dam by Imp. Behlfounder. Owned by Charles Backman, orange Co., N. Y. Standing at Siqo service money,



bayastaflion, i6 hands X inch, foaled June 13, 1867, got by Rysdyk's Harnbletonian, dam Nfontgpmery Maid, by Scelcy's American Star, a son of Stockholm's
      American Star by Duroc, dam by Friday, son of Imp. Trustee. Owned by Charles Backman, oraisgc Co., N. Y. Stanuding at too service money.



brown horse. -6 hands, foaled i86o, got by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, daam lay Miller' Sir Henry, seeond dlam by Young Red Jacket, third dam  by Mlanibrino Messenger,
          fourth drani 1yiReM    , iMiller's) Sir Henry, by (Colcs) Sir Henry, by Sir Henry l)Droc, by Sir llHeiry 2297. Young, Red Jacket, by Old
                 Red Jacket, by DurIoe 791, Manibrino Mfessenger by Mainbrino 1449, Red Bird by (Bishop's) laaldletonian by Imp. Messenger. Bred
                         by John Peck, Esq., Haverstraw, N. Y. In the Stud. Owned by Guy Miller, Chcster, Orange Co., N. Y.


                                                            WILKINS MICAWSU

stands 1353; mahogany bay; foaled June 24th, i868, Are, Rysdyk's Ilambletonian, darn, Lady lliwn, owned by Chare' BaIckmian, E1N.; iirod by Seely's Anericall Stai
             Ist dam Iby Nigger Lance, son of Lance. American Star, (Seely's,) by Sttckholnm's American Star, -on ol IDtirw, tst dato Sally Slouch, by
                       Sir Henry; 2d dam by Imp. Messenger, lance by American Eclipse, dam, the lam 4f Aridl by Financier Owned by
                             Maj. Thomas Morton, Woodlawn Stud Farm, Newburgh, Orange Cos., N. V. Standing at soo service uoitey.


                                                          POST'S 1IAMBLITONIAN.

bay horse, 16 hands; sire, Rysdyk's Hanibsletonian, dam, a fine bay mare srought to Orange County, N. 'V., by Mr. Carwin. Mr. Po.st claimed the dam was by Inmp.
                              Bellfounder, out of a mare by Hickory. Hickory was by the thoroughbred horse Hickory, dam by old
                                          Mambrino. In the stud owned isy William T. Withers, Lexington, Kentucky.



bay; 15-3; foaled 1864; got by Alexander's Abdallah (sire of Goldsmith Maid.) ist dan Belle by Malrimno Chief; 2d1 dam  by Brown's Bellfounder. In the stud at
                                        1oo service money; owned by A. J. Alexander, Woodburn Farm, Kentucky.



bay; I 5  hands; fialed Spring 1864. Sired by Alexander's Abdallah, sire of Gohldsmith MNiu, 'rhoemdale, Bel'mo-1, &c. 1st dam by Mlambrino Chief; 2d dam by
                   Pilot, Jr.; 3d dam a thoroughbred mare that belonged to Mr. W. H. Pope, deccased, or Imouisville, Ky. In the stud owined by
                                               Cot. R. West, Edge Hill, near Georgetown, Scott County, Kentucky.


WET wlno.

sorrel hmrse, 15 hands, foaled Fall 1865. Sired by Alexander's Abd1allah. irt darn by Vincent Nine, he by American, Eclipo           2d a\latt by Wagner 1th' alainraf
        Doilie Carter.)  3d darn by Medaoc, son of American Eclipse. 4th dlana ly Blackburn's Whip.    th daam lay Stinlater. 6th da  Virago ly 1Imp. Shark.
                 7th dlam Virago by Paton Arabian.   Sth dam Crazy by Lath. 9th danm (sister tr Strip) lby C(hilalers. loth dlma sister la Sare lHeels)
                          by Basto,   111th dam  by Curwen's Bay llarb. r th aIn   by Curwen's Spar.    13th dana by White-legged Lawther
                                       Barh.  14th dam  Old Vintner Mare. In the stud owned 1by Col. R. WVest, Edge Hill,
                                                              near Georgetown, Scott County, Kentucky.



bay stallion, i5l hands high; bred by Dr. J. R. Adams, Scott Co., Ky.; foalcd 1S65; sreld by Alexander's Aldallab, (the sire of GlIdsmitl Maid) by Rysdyk's
        Harmbletonian. ist dan.i, Dolly, by Mamnbrino Chief, (the sire Of Laldy 1h rn.) 2AI dvam  a tho:oughbOl mim of PNtomac, 3d darn by the thoroughbred
                           horse Saxeweimer. In the stud owned by Edwin Thorne, rhomdale, Dutchess Co., N. Y. 100 service money.

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                                                   HERO OP THORMDALS.

I). h. iS2  foaled 187o, sire, Thorndale, dam, lheroin; ,skter to Volunteer and Sentintl by Ry,,lyk',s Elambleilitoian out of Lady lPuri,,.  lliv by Edwin IThrii.
                                       Owned by F. P. Kinkead, Midway, Woodford COunty, Kentucky.



b. m,; f,,aled 1857, sire, Alexander's AMdallah, darm by )ld Allallah  Blired by Jnht  1- I)et.ker, Deckerstown, XVaitae 'rTownship, Suse,  COstny New Jersey. Stahl
    1S69 by Doble & Jackman to ienry N   Smith for 40,000; now at Fashion Stud Farm, Trentn, N. J. Record; 2;16x', June i9th, 1872, Mystic lar, neatr Boston,



b. m.; IS-3; foaled 1865; sire, Alexander's Abdallah (sire of Goldsmith Maid.) (lam, the Borch mare, by Brown Pilot, he by old Copper Bottom: the Burch mare's dla
             by Old Cherokee.   Bred by G. W. Burch, Scott County, Kentucky; develope-d by R. West, Edge lill, near Georgetown, Kcntutcky. Slid
                          by him, 1870, to Budd Doble, for o0,Soo, and by him sold to 11. N. Smith, N. V. Record, 221,A; September
                                   27th, 1872, Point Breeze, Philadelphia.  Now at Fashiun Stud Farm, Trenton, New Jersey



dark bay horse; 15.3; foaled 1863; got by Mambrinjo Chief (sire of Lady Thorn.)  ist dam Woo(pille ,y WVoolfordl (thor,,iughlredI by Koseiusko.) 2ti dam a very tilic
                              mare. Owned by A. J. Alexander, Woodburn Farm, Kentucky. In thb sitd At Ioo service m.ney.



sire of Doble; br. h. i6-2; foaled 1856, Sire, Mambrino Chief, he by Manmbrino Paymaster, he by Mamnbrino, he by Imp. Messenger. Ericssin's dam, Mrs. Caudle, of
                 unknown blood. Bred by Enoch Lewis, Kentucky; owned by Kirk C. Barker Detroit, Michigan. 'Irotted his utile as a filur year
                                     old, to wagon, 2t3oS;. In the stud at jaoo service money: near Lexington, Kentucky.



full brother to Lady Thorne, by old Mamnbrinm  Chief. Damn Lady Thorne s dam, by Gan', who, was by American Eclipie, and he out of Miller's Damsel, hest daughter
           of bull. Mcscener. Gano's dam Betiey Rich ird', by Sir Archy, her dona by Rattle, soil of Ilmp. Shark. Masbrino Patchenl's 2'd daml hy a son
                of Sir William, who was by Sir Arehy and out of IllintI, by Ilellair, and liellsoa's darn Indian Queen, by Meatle's Pilgrim, her 2d dI.m by
                             imp. Valiant, &c  Mambrino Patchen is 16 hands high, wili be eleven yenr.s old in May. 1873; ownlid by
                                              Dr. L. Ileer. In the stud at 2w0 service money; Lexington, Kentucky.

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                                                               LADY THOIRNE.

b. in.; foaled 1856, sire Mainirino (hief, dfrt ll WVnatl, 1012; b. y. h!a 3Sn O' Sir ,\illhiam, 2324. tlretl li I.e i S. RilhI., l.cxivig,, Kiticky, a3t by him called
           Laity I.ec,)mpe, ,ftcrwrdtt Mail of Ashlad, and tiiall Iid  fl e,! in  mr of Edviill 'I ilen. Ilii.. I        .. Nin  ik   ial
                through the hand.s of IDr, Ilerr anll Charles P. Rhu; -I  it tih,  ni(t)er, i868,  t \Vh & \I,\lani  r 17.5)t7 5 ioil t1 IC1lY
                            N. Silith in June, 1S70, for 30,000. Rcoirdl 2:iSI4. at Narraganett, Octoewr, i869. titL liby NI Icy
                                             Smith, N. Y. N-v at Fistion Stud Farm, Iretiton, New Jesey.

          T    ia 
   ,  44r



b. h.; foaled 1867; 16 hands. Got by Mambrino Patchen, full brother of Lady Thorny. ist darn, Puggie, b7y Brignoli, son of Mamubrino Chief, ad dam, Bertha, by Berthune,
         son of Sidi larnet; 3d1 dam, Hunt's Premium Mare, by Scott's Highlander, ggg. grandson of Imp. Messenger, 4th dam, Fanny, by Brown Highlander,
                       gg. grandson of Imp. Messenger, 5th dam, by Bertrand, gg. grandson of English Nlambrino, the Sire of Imp. Messenger;
                               6th dam, Old Spot, by Hampton's Twigg; 7th dam, by Imp. Bedford; 8th dam, by Harlequin; 9th dam by
                                          Imup, Fearnought. In the stud. Owned by Hunt Brothers, Lexington, Kentucky.



bay, foaled 1849. Bred by J. W. tiolcomih, Ticonderoga, N. Y. Sired by lill's Black Hawk; dans pedigree unknown. At 3 years and 6 months ohl, defeated Rose
        of Washington, in 2:36, 2:39 and 2:42. Distanced Princess to harnesi, in 2:25S. Also distanceld (;co. N1 Patchen, to a 300 Ihi. wagon, ils 2:28. With
                a running mate defeated Dexter, in 2:15, 2:16, and 2:19. lie is the sire of Hlotspur, 2:23 4; W. UI. Whitman, 2:233U; Fanny Allen,
                         2:253; Pocahontas, 2:26g ; Le Blonde, 2:28; lIoncst Allen, 2:2'), with a trotting mate, 2:28, andl with a running
                                 mate, 2:17X; Warwick, 2:29; Washington Irving, 2:30.    And is the grandsire of Sensation,
                                          2:23; Maj. Allen, 2:24; Ninesuch, 2:25g; Coilee, 2:27.    1874, standing
                                               at 500 service money. Owned by Sprague & Akers, Lawrence, Kansas.

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                                                                  HONET ALLEN.

ch. h.; 14.3; foaled 185 .  Sire, Ethan Allen; dnam, the half bred Edgerly Care, by the Brooks horses son of Sherman Morgan.  Record: 2:3,, 2:28 to Joile, 2:1714
                     with running mate. In the stud at 75 service money, at L.exington, Kentucky. Owned by Win. L. Simmots, New York.



bl. h.; 15-2; foaled i866. Sire, Alexander's Normin; dam by Mambrinm      Chief, grawihiddm  by Ilunt's (Cummslor. Blid by Mr. Stccl, Favette ('Cullty, Ky. T'lr',tld at
                   three years old in 2:31. Soid 3871 til Mr. Dourkee, Flushing, L. 1., it is said, for 57,000.   Standing for 200 sersiCCe flhlliCy.



sire of Draco Prince; black: 15-3; foaled June, t853. Bred by Robert Line, Es(., Danville, Vermont. By Young Mdorrill b y Old lMorrill; by Jennison horse; by Young
            iulirush bhy Mlilliush; by Justin Morgan. Younng Morrill's doill by Lock Goss horse; y Shermian Mor4an. ONl Morrill's dIm by Farrington
                   horse; by Vance horse; by Imp. Messenger. Draco's Ist dam by Hoit horse; by Baily Morgan; by WVoodbury Morgan. Second
                          dam  by a grey mare brought from Maine, and represented to he by Bush Messenger, Jr., hy Bush Messenger.
                                  Record 2a28; owned by R. S. Strader, Bulletsville, Boone Co., Ky. Standing for 100 service money.


sorrel horse; 16 hands; foaled 186-; sire, Mohawk, he by New York Black Hawk, dam by Mambrino Chief. Sold by 0. A. Hickok, 1873, to Morrow & Seals, of San
                                                 Francisco, California, for s5,ooo, gold  Record; 2:3o. In the stud.



a trotting stallion and perfect horse, black, 15g  hands, highest behind; weight 940; b)red by Thomas J. Vail, Esq., foaled May, 1863; sire, Toronto Chief, dam, Gipsey
         Queen, (black,) by Wagner 2694, g. d. by Imp. Glencoe 1038  Owned by Wim. B. Smith, Hartford, Connecticut, Standing at 150 service money.


4408 C. Ms. CLAY.

sire of American Girl, hi. h. x6 hands high, foaled 1854; sire, Goodwin's old Cassius M. Clay, he by Henry Clay, he by Andrew Jackson, the hire of Long Island Black
            Hawk. The dam of Amos' C. M. Clay was Molly by Phwnix, son of llarpinus by llkhoqp's ilainbletonian by Inmp. Messenger. The dam of
                    Phoenix was by Shylock, by old Duroe. Record: 2:35, at Suffolk Park, Philadelphia. Bred by 1). B. Ants, Blauveltville,
                               New York. Owned by Hamilton Farrell, Mount Moriah Lane, 27th Ward, Philadelphia. In the stud.

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b. n.; a, 6 hands; foaled 1862; sire, (Amos') C. M. Clay, dam, Mr. Travis' thoroughbred mare. Owned by John Lovell, N. Y. Record: 2,:17X Aug. 9th, 1872, Buffalo, N. Y


b. m.; foaled 2856; sire, George M. Patchen, he by old Cassius M. Clay; dam, a fine road mare, by a son of Imp. Trustee 26os; g. d. by American Eclipse. Lucy's
         dam Ly Msay Day son of Henry 2297. Bred by Job Butterworth, Burlington County, New Jersey. Bought by F. M. Binghnin, Phila delplia, who sold
                  her to Harry Dallett, and by him sold to H. M. Bentley; sold 1873 to Henry N. Smith. Record: 2:z8  Aug. gth, 1872, Bulblo.



chestnut stallion; i6 hands; foaled June 12th, 1863; got by American Star, Jr., Ist dam Curry Ahdallah, by Abdallah, son of Mtambrino- 2d dam by Imp. Bellfounder;
         3d dam by Royalist 4th dam by Hardware, son of Imp. Messenger. American Star, Jr., by Seely's American Star, son s4f Stockholm's American Star,
                 by Duroc, dam by Friday, son of Imp. Trustee. Standing at 1oo service money. Owned by Charles Backman, Orange Co., N. V.

         A 4'  ' "



b. m.; foaled 1845; sire, One Eyed Kentucky Hunter, dam, Madame Temple by a spotted Arabian Holoe owned by Horace Terry and brought front I)iuchess County,
                         New York. Owned 1874 by A. Welch, Chestnut Hill, near Philadelphia. Record: 2: I9g Milwaukee, Wis.


                                                                    LADY PATIOT.

the dam of Volunteer, Hetzell's, or Walker's Hambletonian, Green's Hambletonian, Heroine, Sentinel, &c., &c. The property of Edwin Thorne, Thorndale, D)utchess Co.,
           New York. bay, ISq hands; foaled 1850; sired by Young Patriot, he by Patriot, he by Blucher, he by Duroc. Her dam was the well known
                   Lewis Hulse mare, of Coshen, Orange County, New York. Nothing was known of her breeding; she was a fast trotter
                                            as well as runner. Colt foal Patriot, at f00 foaled June gth, 1873.



dam  of Bruno and Brunette; brown, 14)J hands, foaled Spring of 1852, by Belaire (sire of Red Bird,) dam, a pacilig mare of Comic blood.
                                  Owned by Major Thomas Morton, Newburgh, Orange County, New York.


                                                           GREEN MOUNTAIN MAID.

dain f Pr-pero; hr. nm.; 15 bands, star, wshite hind ankles, foaled 1862; got by llHrrv Clay, Hlarr Ciay by Neave\ Cassius M. Clay, Jr., daii hwv imII. Bellfounder.
         cassius M. Clay, Jr., ;Neases.,) by Cassius M. Clay, son of Henry Clay, by Andrew Jackson, 19l dam by Chancellor, son of Manilrillo, 2d dam, bv
                 Engineer 2d (sire of Lady Suffolk,) by Engineer. Enuineer 2d, by Engineer, son of Imp. Messenger; ist dam b1 llato, 2a1 lam 1by
                        Rainbow. Plato by Imp. Messenger, Ist dam Pheasant, by Imp. Shark, 2d dam by Im1p. Medley, Rainhow by Imp.
                                  Wildair, ist dam by Gen. Heard's True hBritton, 2d dam an imported mare, by Duke of iolton's
                                             Starling. Owned hy Charles Backmmin, Stony Ford, Orange Co., N. V.



bay horse; 15.2g with shoes; foaled I8So. Sire Boston, ist dam Alice Carneal by Imp. Sarpedon, 2d dam Rowena by Stimpter, 3d danm Lady Grey by Robin Grey, 4th
          dam Maria by Melzar, sth dam by Imp. IHighflyer, 6th dam hy Imp. Fearnought, 7th (lar l)y Ariel, 8th dam by Jack of Dianwndsr, gth dam Old
                       Diamond (called Dutchess). Both Jack of Diamonds and Old Diamond were imported by Gen. Spottswood, and both
                                      Wre by Cullen's Arabian. Owned by A. J. Alexander, Woodburn Farm, Kentucky.



br. h.; 16-2; foaled 1853. Sire, Faugh a Ballagh by Sir Hercules, out of Guiccioli by Bob Booty, out of Flight by Escape.  Sir Hercules hv Whalebone, out of Peri
        by Wandercr, Whalebone by Waxy out of Penelope, by Trumpeter;'Leamington's (lam nby Pantalonm out of lDaphene by laurel, Daphene'r dan, Maid
              of Honor, by Champton out of Etiquette hy Orville. I'antaloon by Castrell, out of Idalia by Pcruvian, he by Sir Peter, Idalia's dam Mlusidora
                    by Meteor out of Maid of all Work; Castrell by Buzzard out of Selim's dam. Leamingtbn was bred by Mr. Halforl, imported
                            by Mr. Cameron. Owned 1874 by Mr. Welch, Chestnut Hill. Philadelphia. In the stud for 250 service money.


                                                                          PLAN r.

ch. h.; i542)4 with shoes; foaled 18SS; sire, Revenue; 1st dam  Nina by Boston, 2d dam Imp. Frolicksorne Fanny by Lottery, 3d (lamn by Whisker, 4th dam by Bay
        Trophonius, 5th dam by Slope, 6th dam  Lardella by Young Marske, 7th dam by Cade, 8th dam by Tartar, 9th dam by brther to Feartaughlt, loth
                           dam Miss Windhamn by Windh;m, tith dam by Belgrade Turk, 12th dinm by Makeless, i3th dam Iby hurimner.
                                        Standing for too service money. Owned by A. J. A.exander, Woodbttrn Farm, Ky.



b. h.; 16-3; foaled i868. Sire, Imp. Leamington, dam, Nantura by Brawner's Eclipse, he by American Eclipse Nantura's dam by Bertrand. Owned by John
                                   Harper, Midway, Woodford County, Kentucky. Standing at 150 service money.



bay horeC; 15-2; foaled Spring of 1867; sire Imp. Leatnington. it (lain lida, bly Ixxigton  2d dunlam Li/e, by American Eclipse; 3d d aly' Gdinrell:;, by Sir Archy (Coaled
          1826;) 4th dam Calypso, by Becl:lir; sth lam (dlar  of Contention) by Imp. Itare Devil; 6th dlam by Syminns' Wihair; 7th don31 l'icadilla, l-v Uatue &
                     Macklin's Feamoughtt; 8th danin by (jodolphin; yth daam by Imp. Hob or Nob; lo datl by fInp. Jolly Roger, ith lan by
                                          Imp. Valiant; 12th darn by Tryall. In the stud. Owned by Gcu'l A. Buford, Ky.



b. h.; 15-2; no shoes; foaled 186x; Sire Lexington. 1st dam Nebula by Imp. Glencoe, 2d dam Blue Bonnet by Imp, Hedgeford, 3d dam Grey Fanny by Bertrand,
                    4th dam by Imp. Buzzard, sth dam Arminda by Imp. Medley, 6th dam by Imp. Bolton, 7th dim Sally Wright by Yorick.
                                   In the stud for 5o service money. Owned by A. J. Alexander, Woodburn Farm, Kentucky.


                                                                   IM1 AUSTRALIAN.

chestnut horse, 15-3 with shoes; foaled 1858; sire, West Australian. ist dam Emilia by Young Emilius, 2d dam Persian by Whisker, 3d d(am Vanity by Selim or
        Soothsayer, 4th dam Sprite by Bolbail, 5th dam Catherine by Woodpecker, 6th dam Camille lby Trentham, 7th dain Coquotte by the C(omptn Barb, Eth
                dam (sister to Regulus) by Godolphin Arabian, gth dam Grey Robinson hy the Bald Galloway, toth d(a  (,ister to Old Country WVenich)
                       by Snake, 1ith dam Old Wilkes by Old Hautby, 12th dam Miss D'Archy's Pet mare, i3th dam a Sedbury Royal
                                  mare. In the stud for JUSo service money. Owned by A. J. Alexander, Woodburn Farm, Ky.


bay, 15-2 no shoes; foaled 1859; sire, Lexington.  1st dam  Florine by Imp. Glencoe, 2d dam  Melody by Mfedoc, 3d1 dam (Rodolph's dam) by Moses, 4th dam by
                     Cook's or Blackburn's Whip, 5th dam Hart's Maria by Craig's Alfred, 6th dam by Taylor's Bellair.  [The Bellair mare was
                                brought from Virginia by Samuel Pryor, and certified to as being thoroughbred by T. W. Owings, who once
                                        owned her.] 4 miles 7:26K Owned by A. J. Alexander, Woodburn Farm, Kentucky.


                                                                       CANAT 'URD.

chestnut; dam of Harry Bassett; 14-3 11o shoes; sire, Imp. Alhion.  ist dam Penola bv Imp Ainderby, 2d dam Imp. Sweethriar by Resuveiv, 311 la  Ipl. Primirose
        by ComtMs, 4th dam Cowslip by Cockfighter, 5th dam Brown Javlin by JauIin, 6th dam Voung Maiden hy llightlyer, 7th dam11 N1 M idc  (Walnut's damn)
               by Mlatchem, 8th dam Mr. Pratt's celebrated Squirt mare, by SquIrt, 9th dlam (Lot's dam) hy Mlogul, toil dam Camsilla by Bay BIolto1,
                               1tth dam (Old Lady Starling's dam) by Pullen's ehestnut Arahian, 12th fam hy Rockwood, 13th dam
                                               by Bustler. Owned by A. J. Alexander, Woodhurn Farm, Kentucky.


                                                                   'IMP. ELTHAM LASS.

dam of KingI3'fiher; imnport-ed, hay; 15-l no shoes; foaled 1859; sire, Kingston.  (Kingston by Venison, dar Queen Ann, by Slatre.  Bred by William  Blenkiron, at
        Nliddhlc lark, Llthati.)  it darn hy 1ycrdihu the Frst, 21d damn Palmyra (Tadmior's larn) by Sultan, ,l dalarn I ster by CaImel, 4th damn Moniniia by
               Muleiyc. 5th lam (sister to Petwrtb) by Precipitate, 6th datm by Woodpecker, 7th dam by Sn:p, out Of Young Mariskes' lain, 8th (lamn by
                     Blank, 9th daos Bay Starling by Dolton Starling, loth dam Miss MaIynell by Partner, iith dlai by Greyhound, 12th dant by
                                  Curwen Barb, 13th darn by D'Arcy's chestnut Arabian, 14th damn by Whiteshirt, 15th damn by Old
                                             Montague mare. Owned by A. J. Alexuader, Woodburn Farm, Kentucky,