xt734t6f1x9n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt734t6f1x9n/data/mets.xml Blue-Tail Fly, Inc., 1969- 1969-10-15  newspapers 2008ua008_1_1 English Lexington, Ky. : Blue-Tail Fly, Inc., 1969- : Lexington, Kentucky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Blue-Tail Fly Blue-Tail Fly, October 15, 1969 text Blue-Tail Fly, October 15, 1969 1969 1969-10-15 2010 true xt734t6f1x9n section xt734t6f1x9n 
Muldraugh and the coffeehouse
Louisville's Conspiracy Case

Highway 52 Revisited, page 5 Ed McClanahan
Louisville's Conspiracy Case, page 7 Bucky Young
Snaps:  Jon Webb, pages 8 and 9
Muldraugh and the Coffeehouse, page 10 John Filiatreau and Guy Mendes
Homecoming Saved at WKU,  page 12 Guy Mendes
flicks: Easy Rider, Medium Cool, page 14 Jack Lyne and I. S. Willoughby
music:   The Band, page 15 Jack Lyne
Cover:  three of the Muldraugh coffeehouse people, from right:  Pfc Geoffrey Ithen, Kathy Jackson and her husband, Spec 4 Tom Jackson.   They are pictured in front of the standard signal of distress --the upside down flag. Collage photographed and assembled by Guy Mendes and Rick Bell.
blue-tail fly
October 15, 1969
staff:   Tack Lyne, Rick Bell, David Holwerk, Guy Mendes, Bucky Young, Gretchen Mar-cum, Nick DiMartino, John Filiatreau, Tohn Simon, Sue Ann Salmon,   Teanie St. Charles, Carol Bryant,  Terry McCarty, Buck Pennington, Bob Koester. Bonnie Cherry, Don Pratt, John Polk and Julie.
The blue-tail fly  is published by blue-tail fly,  inc..  210 W.  Third Street, Lexington, Ky. 40507.   Cost per issue is twenty cents; a one year's subscription is $2. 00.
UK: cops on campus
Nobody is sure what they are doing, nobody is sure if they're on duty or off, nobody is sure if they're even doing anything at all. But it is certain that Lexington police are more and more evident on the University of Kentucky campus.
In the most recent incident several Lexington policemen were present at a September 16 demonstration by UK Students for a Democratic Society. This is contrary to common practice worked out between UK authorities and the Lexington Police Department.
Usual UK practice calls for the request of one Lexington officer to act as a communications officer at all demonstrations where large numbers of people may be involved.
Further, according to UK Dean of Students Jack Hall, "The procedure in the past has been that if we desired the assistance of the Lexington police on campus, we could just call and they would cooperate. Likewise, if they intended to make arrests or conduct investigations on campus, they would contact myself or Joe Burch (director of Safety and Security) before they came".
Such an agreement is not binding, however. UK, as a state institution falls under the prior jurisdiction of all law enforcement agencies which have jurisdiction in Lexington and the state.
Two of the officers at the SDS rally were identified as detectives Jay Sylvestro and Andrew Thornton. Both Thornton and Sylvestro, who claim to have been off-duty while they were on campus, attended a three-day Drug Control School this summer sponsored by Case-Western
Reserve University and the Cleveland Police Department.
A check of police records shows that Thornton, at least, was on duty the day of the sixteenth. Neither Dean Hall nor Asst. Chief of Police Charles Ransdell could think of any reason why Thornton should have been on campus at that time. Both police and university authorities contend that no long range investigation is underway on the Lexington campus.
It is clear however that students and faculty at all state institutions should expect to see more of both local and state officers on campus in the future. According to a prominent Lexington attorney, there were approximately 15-20 students serving as agents of the Lexington Police Department at the end of the Spring, 1969, semester. Apparently these students were active in both narcotics cases and in reporting developments of the UK student demonstrations in April.
Along the same lines, Charles F. Hancock, assistant director of the state Division of Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Control, told a legislative subcommittee that his office needs more staff members. Hancock said that he especially needs young men who could "mix" with drug-users unnoticed.
Right-wingers boycott printer
PORT WASHINGTON, Wise. (LNS) The Birchers and Bible freaks are at it again, valiantly defending God and the flag from "trash," "filth," and a "Communist plot to pervert youth and collapse the nation from within."
This time their unlikely target is mild-mannered William Schanen, Jr., 56, pub-
lisher of three Wisconsin weekly newspapers that are about as subversive as Readers Digest. Mr. Schanen, who entertains such un-American notions as freedom of the press, also job prints Milwaukee's underground newspaper, Kaleidoscope.
Some of the good merchants of Port Washington can't relate to Kaleidoscope and have organized a boycott"not against the offending underground paper"but against Schanen's three weeklies, The Press, The Citizen and The Squire.
Led by Benjamin Grob, a wealthy tool manufacturer, idolator of the late Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy and bankroller of right-wing crusades, local advertisers have cancelled en masse their contracts with Schanen in an effort to force him to stop printing Kaleidoscope.
Many Port Washington citizens are angry with the advertisers' cavalier disregard for Mr. Schanen's rights. When the Wisconsin Electric Power Company joined the boycott, it received thousands of letters from furious customers who suggested that the company, as a franchised monopoly, had the task of supplying power, not playing censor.
Despite these outbursts from powerless consumers, Schanen's business is very hard hit. Advertising in The Press alone has dropped from $ 3 0 0 0 a week to approximately $700. Schanen fears the boycott could cost him $200,000 in a year's time.
Schanen vows that he will continue to print Kaleidoscope. But he's hurting and needs both financial and moral support. For information, contact Committee for Free Press in Wisconsin, P.O. Box 991, Waukesha, Wise. 53186.
WASHINGTON"A couple of recent news stories concerning the House Armed Services Committee might well explain why colleges and universities are so reluctant to remove academic credit from ROTC courses despite overwhelming arguments against ROTC credits.
The House has passed a military procur-ment authorization bill drawn up by the Committee which would require that a report be made to Congress 60 days before defense research awards are made. The report would be about the schools' "cooperation on military matters such as the Reserve Officer's Training Corps and military recruiting on campus."
In a similar development, a House Armed Services subcommittee also issued a report recommending that ROTC be removed from Ivy League campuses that are withdrawing credit for the courses. The report continues to say that defense-funded scholarships for law, medical and language students should be removed with the ROTC courses.
The report recommended that the proposal be accomplished through legislation if the Pentagon does not act on it voluntarily.
The committees are telling universities, in effect, that if you don't shut up campus critics who are charging universities with support of and complicity with the military, we'll cut off your defense funds.
It appears that colleges and universities are saying they won't be "intimidated" by student activists because they are really being intimidated from much more powerful quarters.
blue-tail fly

Go Dartmou th, beat Women!
HANOVER, N.H. (LNS)-It rsus* have warmed the cockles of many a Wall Street Journal reader's heart to learn that there still exists a campus policeman who is into sweating panty raids. Yes, America, there is a Dartmouth!
The WSJ recently did ah in-depth analysis of the harrowing crisis that has erupted' in the New Hampshire woods. Seventy newly-admitted women are the blight that threatens the ivy bastion of paranoid virility.
Now here's a vital campus issue that you can really sink your teeth into. You better believe it, the Dartmouth " Big Greeners" (no, not the Jolly Green Giant "it's what the virility freaks caH themselves) are plenty mad. "The fulltime presence of girls here would destroy the Dartmouth man's image as a hale and hearty animal from the north woods," says one BG, who presumably digs the good old American variety of hit-and-run sex.
The Big Greeners have developed sophisticated confrontation tactics to deal with the enemy. A couple of them barged into 19 -year-old Sharon Mehegan's room one night and flicked the light on and off. Her roommate told them to- get the hell out, so they pulled a tactical retreat.
Next time they steered clear of adventurism and just drove past the girls' dorm at three in the morning with a loudspeaker, shouting, "Emergency, emergency"everybody out of the dorms."
Authorities are not optimistic about keeping the lid on the campus this fall. J. J. O'Connor, head of the police, darkly predicts that the "men" are likely "to make a run at the girls' dorm" during the big social weekends this fall.
Rah! Rah!
Crump, Sedler win draft case
John D. Crump, a former student at Maysville Community College, has won a court case contesting his induction into the army as a delinquent registrant in the Selective Service System. The case, decided in U.S. District court, could have important implications for application of the Selective Service Law across the country.
Crump was declared delinquent after refusing to board a bus for a scheduled Army physical examination. Following his refusal, the clerk of his draft board reached five of the six members of the board by telephone and, after talking to each of them separately, immediately classified Crump as delinquent.
Crump's argument was based on the fact that Selective Service law clearly states that a meeting of the board must be held before any decisions on the delinquency of a registrant may be reached. In voiding Crump's delinquent status and his subsequent notice of induction, the court ruled that telephone consultations do not constitute a meeting.
Crump.s attorney, UK law professor Robert Sedler, sees the decision as an important one. "What this decision means," Sedler said, "is that from now on the draft boards will have to abide by the draft law."
Regents fire UCLA prof
LOS ANGELES (LNS)-^The Regents of the University of California took it upon themselves to fire Angela Davis, black assistant professor of philosophy at UCLA and in doing so have touched off a dispute over academic freedom which rivals the controversy over loyalty oath tests in the late 1940's.
Miss Davis, who at 25 is completing her doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Herbert Marcuse, graduated magna cum laude from Brandeis, studied at Goethe University in Frankfurt and at the Sorbornne. She is a Phi Beta Kappa. She is also a member of the Communist Party.
It is not surprising that the UC Regents, with a right-wing majority led by Ronald Reagan, don't see eye-to-eye with Miss Davis. However, many liberal eyebrows were raised here because the Regent's action is blatantly unconstitutional.
In 196 7, the U.S. Supreme Court invalidated New York statutes making Communist Party membership grounds for disqualification from teaching in a public institution. Based on this decision, the California Supreme Court the same year invalidated that section of the California constitution requiring public employees to sign an oath denying membership in
October 15, 1969
any organization advocating violent overthrow of the government. .
Many academic freedom types on the UCLA faculty have expressed their "outrage" at Professor Davis* dismissal. But Miss Davis and Robert Singleton of the Afro-American Studies Center say they understand the issue clearly as a further example of racist oppression. Singleton cited the fact that many white Communists are employed by the UC system and sees Miss Davis' dismissal as part of the movement of white fascism against the black man.
The Regents met again on the first weekend of this month and decided that Miss Davis could teach the course but that no credit would be given for it. Since then a group of professors say they will not allow credit to be given for their courses if credit isn't given for Miss Davis' course.
A month before the Regents decided to file' Miss Davis, they adopted a resolution that "no political test shall ever be considered in the appointment and promotion of any factulty member or employee." But Reagan and friends used a 1940 policy against hiring CP members to can the black scholar.
Considering the relatively moderate CP, one UCLA administrator told the Los Angeles Times, "I'd be more concerned if she were a Maoist. Hell, she's pretty conservative."
The Great Grass Curtain
Uncle Sam's great grass curtain has ended.
In a scene seemingly torn from "The Diary of Anne Frank", U.S. officials at the Mexican border spent almost three weeks furtively searching each and every vehicle passing into the states, ferreting out that evil devil weed, that frantic first step towards hard drugs and father -raping, the dreaded marijuana plant.
The little exercise in pharmocological pathology ended October 10 th when representatives of the Mexican and U.S. governments reached an agreement in Washington.
Mexican citizens were understandably aroused by this south of the border rip-off that seems to characterize U.S. Latin American diplomatic norms. Tourism revenues in Mexican border towns plummeted, as thousands of American tourists chose to stay at home rather than face delays of up to six hours upon trying to re-enter the states.
Of economic necessity playing Uncle Tomas, the Mexican government has a-greed to more vigorously attempt to destroy the marijuana fields in that country. This may prove difficult, as some Mexican farmers reputedly grow their marijuana stash smack between the rows in their cornfields.
The new arrangement is dubbed "Operation Cooperation".
The arduous dope-grope, originally dubbed Operation Intercept, was inspired by a 5 5-page report released with President Nixon's blessings by the Special Presidential Task Force Relating to Narcotics, Marijuana and Dangerous Drugs.
Those muddled 55 pages concluded marijuana is psychologically addicting, adding that "criminal records establish clearly an accelerating rate of association between crime and the use of marijuana".
Since "more than 80 percent of the marijuana smoked in the United States, about 20 percent of the heroin used, and an undetermined volume of illegal amphetamines" enter the nation illicitly from Mexico, the report advocated "Operation Intercept" as a panacea.
And, yes, folks, those good guys who brought you nerve gas, the moon flight, Viet Nam and the ABM conducted their border squeeze with napalm-like efficiency.
The Operation Intercept arsenal included German Shephard dogs, patrol boats in the Gulf of Mexico, pursuit planes, Federal Aviation Administration radar screens, electric sensing devices, 37 vehicle inspection stations and special customs inspection teams at 27 U.S. airports in the Southwest.
The Richard Nixon Experience has been successful in creating a summer pot paucity. The weed was in conspicuous absence in much of the nation (though not in Kentucky) and the price-per-lid for the little that remained was often astronomical.
The Nixonite theory followed that young grass devotees would simply discontinue use as the plant disappeared. Obviously sensing that the dangers of marijuana had been grossly exaggerated, it seemed to follow to many young drug users that other drug rhetoric must be equally hollow.
The summer statistics have been grim. According to Life Magazine, over 500 New York City residents have died of heroin overdoses from May through June alone. The average age of these 500 young Americans protected by Richard Nixon from the evils of marijuana was 22.
However, hope and dope may yet bum eternal in the hearts, heads, pipes and papers of American grass gropers.
Andrew Kopkind noted in the most recent issue of Rolling Stone magazine that "despite Operation Intercept and the storm of publicity, the long drought appears to be at an end. Good quantities of killer weed, reportedly grown around Guadalajara, are flooding into the San Francisco Bay area, and the prices are"as the San Francisco Chronicle accurately reports" descending (ten to fifteen dol Ian per lid). It should be a tasty winter".
Quote, unquote
Last year Pikeville College suffered the most sizable amount of right-wing student unrest in the country. As one student described it then: "Dr. Johns (the president) is telling us to do our thing and we don't even know what our thing is". The liberal Dr. Thomas Johns has since resigned.
Recently,.at the installation ceremony of new president Dr. Robert S. Cope, Chairman of the Board of Trustees Norman A. Chrisman described Dr. Cope as: "The right leader in the right place at the right time".
Home front casualties
NEW YORK (LNS)"The first job the army has to do with a new recruit is make him forget he is a citizen and a human being. A young man must surrender his whole identity and the will to think for himself to the monster. The public is only just beginning to realize what this does to our brothers who get trapped in the Selective Service System.
Parris Island, S.C., where a Marine died in September, is again getting national publicity. In 1956, a drill instructor was court-martialed and convicted in the deaths of six Marines during a disciplinary march through the swamps; the instructor got nine months in jail, compared to 14 years handed out to prisoners convicted for a sit-down at the Presidio stockade last year.
.This September, an 18-year-old Marine at the Parris Island base, Pvt. Stephen E. Melson of Millsboro, Del., was dead only 19 days after entering the Corps. Several days before his death, Pvt. Melson reported to a military hospital with an acute kidney ailment and told his mother, and the doctors that he had been beaten, choked and kicked by drill instructors.
Evidently the sick man was beaten for falling down on the job. A Marine spokesman admitted that Melson had physical injuries and said that "a number of supervisory personnel mistook his sluggishness for shirking or trying to get out of duty." An investigation and an autopsy are being held to determine the relation of the beatings to Melson's death.
At Fort Dix, N. J., 21 -year-old Pvt. David L. Swanson of New Britain, Conn., died of an overdose of sleeping pills in September after telling his parents, "I can't take any more." Swanson, who made two previous suicide attempts, wrote from Fort Dix, "The day after I cut my wrists and had stitches put in, they made me do push-ups and other exercises....the' other day I couldn't move my fingers at all. They told me to stop bluffing or they'll put an electrode on my arm and give me a good shock to wake it and me up....I know 111 try to kill myself again if this keeps up. I just don't care any more."
Swanson's parents tried to warn Army officials and get help for him but were not listened to: "Somebody's got to answer for this....we begged everybody for help, the Red Cross, his company commanders, (his) Congressman."
At Fort Dix, the command has stated that they are satisfied that Swanson's case was correctly handled and say that no inquiry will be made. However, Swanson's Congressman, Rep. Thomas Meskill of Connecticut, has now written to Army Secretary Resor: "I feel that the Army was grossly negligent in this case. David Swanson asked for help and did not get it."
Operation Turnoff
SACRAMENTO, Calif"Proposed by School Superintendent Max Rafferty, one of California's leading facists, a plan to have school officials search for drugs in high school students' lockers was endorsed by the state board of education last week.
Termed "Operation Turnoff", the plan recommends a massive attempt to ferret out marijuana and other drugs that may be stashed in lockers.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in Los Angeles has pointed out that the supreme courts of the United States and California "have both held repeatedly that random searches without a warrant, could not be condoned".
The ACLU also said it would seek a restraining order if it got wind of a search. "If we're too late," said a spokesman, "then a civil suit for damages on grounds of invasion of privacy, false arrest and illegal search will be Tiled on behalf of any student requesting litigs* tion."

How ya fixed for blades?
Biggest news item in Northern Kentucky schools this fall seems to be dress codes"and their strict limitation on facial hair.
Erlanger Lloyd High first made the headlines in early September when the governing board of education refused to heed the advice of three irate parents and relax the restrictions. (Boys' hair must not be able to touch a regular shirt collar, hang in the eyes or hang past the ear lobes. Sideburns must not extend past the ear lobes.) Two boys were suspended because they didn't obey. Covington Holmes High is now trying to manage the same problem. As is the case at Lloyd, mustaches are not forbidden by the school code. Several black students don't want to shave and a suit seems likely.
The anti-hair movement even extended into police ranks as Police Chief of Covington issued an order forbidding mustaches, beards, and sideburns extending past mid-ear on the men in the department. Clean faces are the enforced norm. ************
Cincinnati is hopping this fall. A U,ly Councilman called for investigation of SDS for passing out literature at local high schools, the motion picture "Vixen" was seized from Guild Theater as "obscene," and big drug busts are under way on Calhoun Street, next to University of Cincinnati.
Computer judging?
LOS ANGELES (LNS)"Big Brother is watching. And listening. And judging.
Good 'ole Yankee ingenuity (University of Southern California style) has come up
with a solution to the pesky problem of whether or not you should send a kid to jail.
Ask a machine.
USC researchers have designed a method for a computer to "tell at a glance" what the chances are for any juvenile who is arrested to turn into a "delinquent." They fed Computer Cop with the case histories of 2,290 "juvenile offenders." The histories include sex, age, family makeup, and ethnic, educational and residential background.
Now when a 15-year-old black kid from Watts, no father, mother on welfare, gets busted for stealing, the judge can push a button to find out the probability of a repeat offense, and pronounce his sentence accordingly.
Naturally the USC wizards protest modestly that their creation should not be used as a "substitute for the personal judgment of a probation officer or judge." But who's going to argue with a pig-programmed computer?
Panther eradication
by JIM HECK College Press Service
LOS ANGELES"The black Panther Party is being slowly, carefully, but very assuredly eradicated. The highly-organized process that is eliminating all the top leaders is in full swing. Whether it is conscious or not, it is indicative that the status quo has the unnerving ability to stave off anything that threatens it.
There are now, at least, 46 top party officials, including chairman Bobby Seale, under arrest from New Haven to Los Angeles. They are being held on bail that exceeds two million dollars.
Depraved but gentle hunchback exercise boy desires intellectual' social relationship with former girl friend of football player or anything else handy. Send picture, name, age, bicep size to CAMEL, P.O. Box 219876 Morehead, Kentucky.
Buying or selling?
The blue-tail fly offers you a statewide market for anything you might want to advertise. It only costs $1. 00 for the first 20 words and 5£ for each word after that.
With rates like that, you can afford to advertise just in case something comes up.
Rings true
The center diamond of every Keepsake engagement ring is guaranteed flawless (or replacement assured).
1 to iho» drtail Tradr-Mwk Brg,
Even if the charges on the Panthers are real (which is highly suspect)"even were
the bail somehow justified, even if they are all truly guilty, wouldn't the number of arrests of prestigious officials alone draw the attention of the press? So it seems. But while Dave and Chet and Walter and Eric content themselves with discussions about other political groups such as the Mobe, the Presidio 27 or the Milwaukee 14, the press has refused to deal with the Panthers. Thus, the story of their very real oppression goes unknown" and the blatant attempts to annihilate them extra-legally flourish without criticism.
The Black Panther Movement is apparently so threatening it must be fought with our greatest weapon: ignoring it. By totally ignoring this revolution we are pretending, if not promulgating, an en-viornment in which it just doesn't exist. And this makes a convenient time for government officials to dispense with the party all together.
The primary indications of conspiracy against the Panthers is the way officials are rounding up the top leaders on charges of conspiring to murder (particularly the former Panther Alex Rackley in New Haven, Conn.). Panthers charge the police killed Rackley. In any case, before any guilt has been proved, police agencies are rounding up the Panthers in the most bizarre of ways imaginable.
Chairman Bobby Seale was picked up most recently. Leaving a wedding in Oakland, police grabbed Seale and brought him to the San Francisco city jail. His charge was the same as the other 14 now arrested in the case: murder, kidnapping, conspiracy to commit murder and conspiracy to kidnap. The FBI is hosting this treasure hunt.
Others were arrested in New Haven, Denver, Salt Lake City and Los Angeles. The testimony of an FBI "informer" black-man George Sams; is the thin strand of evidence used by the FBI for these mass arrests. Sams testified that it took the whole central committee of the Panthers to OK the alleged execution of Rackley.
What makes the situation particularly suspect is the method in which FBI agents are rounding up the top officials; Seale's case is typical. Normally, extradition proceedings would ne necessary for transporting Seale to New Haven, where he would face trial. But several days after holding him in jail without bond* FBI men "swept" Seale away by car to Chicago, where, all of a sudden he was implicated with the other resisters now facing trial in Chicago-for inciting to riot.
during the Chicago convention. This federal charge made it unnecessary for agents
to file extradition papers. After the Chicago trials,- where Seale will undoubtedly be cleared, it will be no problem for the FBI to transport him east instead of west. And New Haven will no doubt be an appropriate motel stop for the weary drivers. There Seale will be apprehended by local police.
The "national" plan is alleged to come from J. Edgar Hoover. The OK to transport Seale by car, as reported by CBS news, allegedly came from Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas. This is all compounded by Berkeley Police Chief Bruce Baker's fumbling of a plan he devised for "annihilating the party's national office," the news of which fell into hands of reporters. (By the way, the attention given Baker's plan was minimal, because reporters felt it was too clumsily conceived. It was.)
Harrassment of top offices in Chicago and Los Angeles continues. The most frequent situation engages police in "shoot-outs" with Panthers inside offices where it is common knowledge Panthers store arms.
In Chicago, police barged into Panther offices where the Breadfast for Children program was underway. The several dozen children were being fed when police, armed, ordered them to leave. Shooting began. Sixteen Panthers were arrested. Only CBS television would report: "Panthers said police shot first; police said Panthers shot first. Witnesses tend to agree with Panthers."
A re-run of the Chicago incident of middle summer was held in Los Angeles on September 8. More than 3 5 children were eating breakfast when armed tactical squads arrived "looking for suspects of alleged killings." Fewer arrests were made, but like Chicago, the office was totally demolished and the food destroyed.
One of the waning attributes of the press is the investigation of suspicious or dubious incidents. Certainly Panther charges need substantiation; but police charges certainly need investigation. Why the press has neglected this very newsworthy situation is beyond understanding.
It is all reminiscent of dear old Nicolas the II who sat in his Czar's palace in 1916 smiling and giving luncheons while his empire was tumbling down. Like he once admitted to his dupe Rasputin, "Just don't think about it, and it doesn't exist."
^Jifiiiiiinnitf iiiiiifiitiiif mnif iniitHiiiiiiMuiifiiffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMitiiiiit......MiiittiiitiiiifHiiiHiii-rtiiiiiuiiHMtiiiiitiiuiiaiiitiiiiiiifUjmiirL-^
the store 157 south lime open 1-6 usually
lexington's only down-home head shop
blue-tail fly

Rick Bell
Highway 52 Revisited
by Ed McClanahan
Highway 52--at least the stretch of it I care about--runs along the Ohio River for about 20 miles in Brown County,  Ohio,  from Riply through Aberdeen to Manchester.   And the reason I care about it is that at Aberdeen there is a tollfree bridge to Maysville, Kentucky, my hometown; and since Ohio allows the sale of 3. 2 beer to 18-year-olds (where-as in Maysville you can't even legally smell a bottlecap until you're 21.  and even then only until 10 p. m. , and never on Sunday), that bridge to Aberdeen looms as large in the landscape of my
coming of age as the Golden Gate probably does for a Mill Valley teenager.
Because Brown County knows perfectly well why the good Lord put it over there at the north end of the bridge, and in the days of my youth Highway 52 was fairly lined with taverns--the Top Hat and the Terrace Club and the Bay Horse and The Pennington Club and Danny Boone's Tavern and the Riviera Lounge and a dozen other s --rank, musty, low-ceiling ed places with puke in the urinals and Cowboy Copas on the jukebox and lighting feeble enough to allow a 16-year-old to pass for 18 if the bartender didn't particularly give a rat's ass to start with.   Some of those
havens have loiig since given way to
I- I
Ed McClanahan, a native Kentuckian and graduate of UK, is a professor of English at Standford University. This piece was originally printed in the Free You magazine, organ of the Mid Peninsular Free University in Palo Alto.
motels and Frish's Big Boy Drive-ins and the like, but a remarkable lot of them have survived pretty much unchanged.   And the most unchanged of all is the Pennington Club where I have been wasting my substance Ln riotous living for nearly 20 years now. Which is why I found myself maneuvering my mother's Chrysler into
the Pennington Club's parking lot one night a few weeks ago, exactly as I do as often as I can whenever I'm home for a visit.
Only this year there are a couple of subtle circumstantial differences - -namely, this time I'm wearing Fag Store boots and a droopy Mandarin moustache and round, gold-rimmed, lime-tinted spectacles, a set of accessories not likely to take the Best Dressed Bar-Fly award in Pennington's, whose clientele's taste runs at its very dandiest to plaid sportshirts and brand-new blue jeans and wingtip oxfords, glasses with tortoise-shell upper rims and steel lowers, and not the first sign of a facial hair below the eyebrows.   Already my little affectations, modest as they seem from here in Palo Alto, have won countless wide-eyed stares on the streets of Maysville*.
It's the spectacles that do it, actually--even to me they still look awfully you know, weird, somehow--; if it weren't for them the boots and even the moustache would get by okay, but the spectacles seem to confirm what my other trappings merely hint at:   it's a hippy it's a_ yippy it's a. commie it1 s a California crazy it1 s a faggot it's a freak!   Not exaclty the sort of reception a sensible and pru-d ent 36 - yea r - old - c olleg e - English -teacher-father-of-three would ordi-
narily choose to be accorded by the usual Friday night crowd in Pennington's,  farmhands and highway construction workers and beertruck drivers on a busman's holiday,  all in all a bunch of very rough customers most of whom would just