xt731z41vf22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt731z41vf22/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-06-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 13, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 13, 1991 1991 1991-06-13 2020 true xt731z41vf22 section xt731z41vf22  


Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCIV, No.157

Established 1894

Study challenges
1990 report on
gender bias at UK

Editor in Chief


©1991 Kentucky Kernel

A 1990 repon on the status of
women is statistically flawed and
reached enoneous conclusions
when it stated that women facul-
new study says.

The 1990 report by the Ad
Hoc Committee on the Status of
Women found that women facul-
ty on UK's Lexington Campus
earn 84 percent as much as men
on average. It concluded that “no
matter how faculty compensation
is analyzed, women faculty
earn less than men faculty."

But a new study conducted by
UK economics professors Mark
C. Berger and Dan A. Black
found a situation greatly differ-
ent from that reported by the Ad
Hoc Committee.

The new study found that
“there is no statistically signifi-
cant evidence that female faculty
members are paid less than com-
parable male faculty at the as-
sistant, associate and full profes-

In fact, Berger and Black re-
port that female wsociate profes-
sors made slightly more than
males in l988~89 when variables
such as market salaries and time
in rank are accounted for. ac-
cording to a copy of the study
obtained by the Kentucky Ker-



Inside: m

SGA proposes '91-'92
executive budget.
Story, page 4

DIVERSIONS . ............ 5
VIEWPOINT ............. 10
CLASSIFIEDS .......... 1 1



The Berger and Black report,
completed in April, has been cir-
culated only among a few UK ad-
ministrators and faculty.

Berger said the discrepancies
between the two reports are be-
cause of incorrect interpretation
of data by the Ad Hoc Committee
and its use of inferior statistical
methods. Both studies used the
same sets of data but employed
different models of statistical

“They did a procedure where
the computer would try certain
variables and would step them in
one at a time,” Berger said. These
variables, which included average
market salaries and time in rank,
can affect the findings of the
analysis unless their influence is
accounted for.

“In some instances," Berger
noted, “the Ad Hoe study only
used three variables in the analy-
sis while others were restricted. . ..
The model we end up using statis-
tically rejects their model in favor
of one that includes more varia-

“They just have a few variables
in there and we have all of them,
trying to get the most explanation
we can out of these variables.”

Berger said his methods are
considered by labor experts to be
superior for wage analyses.

"We did all of the things that
we had to do to get things pub-
lished in the labor market aca-
demic journals."

Susan Scollay, however, dis—
putes whether the Berger-Black
model is better.

“Economists don‘t have a mon-

opoly on the market for wage and
salary analyses." said Scollay.
who was a member of the Ad Hoe
Committee and is vice president
for Research and Graduate Stud-
"The methods we used are per-
fectly acceptable in leading socio-
logical journals and other social
science journals."

Ann Tickamyer, a sociology
professor and expert on gender

See Repeat. Page 12

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

independent since 1971

June 13, 1991



tor PPD worker Jeff


HOMECOMING: Em loyees oi the UK Physical Plant Division threw a surprise party Tuesday
ibson. 3 Gulf War veteran. Story, PAGE 4.


GREG EARS! Kernel Stall



UK’s education reform efforts
are gradually building steam

Contributing Writer


John Harris“ secretary some-
times has a difficult time keeping
up with him. The first-year dean
of UK‘s College of Education is
always on the go from early
morning until the evening, and
one issue that dominates his daily
itinerary is the Kentucky Educa-
tion Reform Act of l990.

Since he was appointed by the
Board of Trustees last July. Har-
ris said he has underscored the
importance of his colleagues get-
ting involved with the state‘s edu-
cation reform.

“We‘re still pushing. I'm not
totally happy with the amount of
aggressiveness,” he said in an in-
terview in his Dickey Hall office.
“I just fell like I'm back in my
high school and college football
days pushing people. I’m still
going through the workout trying
to make them move forwa’d."

Then he leaned forward in his
clnir. “I‘m saying to faculty.
"l‘he education reform train is

leaving the station and you better
get aboard.”


Last April the Kentucky Gener-
al Assembly passed historic
House Bill 940 which restruc-
tured the state‘s primary and sec—
ondary education system. The re-
sult of the legislation was to call
for a radically different curricu-
lum, governance and finance sys-
tcm for the state's schools. High-
lights of the sweeping $1 billion
piece of legislation included pro-
viding school-based decision-
making, performance-based stu-
dent assessment and non-graded
primary programs.

While the General Assembly
provided the state‘s education
system more than Si billion to
make the changes, it did not spec—
ify precisely how they are to be
done. One of the key players in
making the reform package a suc-
cess is the state‘s higher educa-
tion system. Last year. the Ken-
tucky Council on Higher
Marion chrged the stae’s

eight public universities to devcl
op a plan that details how they
will aid in the reform effort.

In the tradition of its founding
as a land-grant university. UK of
ficials see their responsibility ir
school reform as twofold. One i~
to provide training to currcn
school administrators and teach
crs on how to deal wrth rclomis
The other job IS to revise educa-
tion curriculums so future school
teachers and administrators wilt
be prepared for a radically differ-
ent education system than the onc
they attended.

“The reform act has caused us
to rethink how we educate [cach-
crs and how we teach students,"
said Wayne Harvey, director oi
educational services in the UK
College of Education. “it has J
lot of possibilities. but it is gorng
to take a while."


Higher education‘s response to
education reform will determine

See REFORM, Page a


 2 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 13. 1991



to open

Contributing Writer


A new mediation program an-
nounced Tuesday will help area
residents resolve disputes while
giving UK students valuable le-
gal experience.

Kentucky Chief Justice Robert
F. Stephens announced the for-
mation of the Fayette County J us-
tice Center, which will provide
mediation services for Central
Kentuckians without the expense
of taking grievances to court.

The center. scheduled to open
by next summer, will provide its
services at little or no cost to cli-

“The basic idea of the Justice
Center is to fill a gap in the legal
system by helping people resolve
their own controversies in a mu-
tually acceptable manner." said
Tom Stipanowich. a UK law pro-
fessor and chairman of the task
force that will organize the cen-

The center will be designed to
solve a variety of different con-
cerns including tenant-landlord
problems, neighbor disagree-
ments. juvenile cases and possi-
bly domestic disputes, Stipanow-

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Chevy Chase



will not make
final deci-
sions on the
disputes. but
will instead
help the ad-
and deal with
the emotions
that often pro-
vide stum—
bling blocks
to the negoti-
ations," Ste-
phens said
during a press
conference at
the UK Col-
lege of Law
earlier this

UK stu-
dents in the
colleges of Law and Social Work
will serve as volunteer mediators.
keeping down the costs and gain-
ing valuable learning experience.

Stipanowich said UK‘s in-
volvement will especially benefit
law students interested in new le-
gal practices and alternatives to

Although plans are in the initial
stages, Stipanowich said that UK
may assume the role of training
the mediators. He also said it may
be possible to award course credit
to students who volunteer for the

UK President Charles Wething-
ton said the school is pleased to
be a part ofthe new program.

“The center will provide a vital
service to the citizens of Lexing-
ton and Fayette County,” Weth-
ington said.


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WOW an”

Chief Justice Robert F. Stephens oi the Kentucky
Supreme Court announces center while at UK.

A lZ-member task force will
determine the location of the cen-
ter within downtown Lexington,
the training and selection of me-
diators. and how the venture will

be funded.

The goal is to have complete
funding from charitable grants.
but some taxpayer money may be
used for a pilot study. Stipanow-

ich said.

The Justice Center will serve
the public through refenals by
the court system or social service
agencies. or individuals can seek

out the center on their own.

The center willbethefirst such
facility in Kentucky. It is mod-
eled after a similar program in


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Kentucky Kernel

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The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the aca-
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University Press
gets book awards



Contributing Writer

The University Press of Ken-
tucky garnered national honors
last Monday when two of its pub-
lications received book awards at
the annual meeting of the Ameri-
can Booksellers Association.

D.H. Melhem won an award
for her work on black poetry enti-
tled “Heroism in the New Black
Poetry.” R. Baxter Miller was
recognized for his book of liter-
ary criticism on the black author
Langston Hughes, entitled “The
Art and Imagination of Langston

Melhem is a professor of Eng-
lish and director of the Black Lit-
erature program at the University
of Tennessee. Miller is an adjuct
professor with the Union of Ex-
perimenting Colleges and Univer-

The awards are good news to
the authors. But they also help
spotlight the UK Press. said Ken
Cherry, University Press director.

“Only 17 American Book
Awards were given this year and
it is exceptionally rewarding that
the University Press has won two
of them,” Cherry said.

The University Press of Ken-
tucky, which published 45 books
during the 1990-91 fiscal year.
had never won such an award as
Susan Hayden. marketing manag-
er of the press. said she is excited

about the awards and the pros-
pects they may hold for the fu-

“It will really strengthen the
University Press of Kentucky’s
position for attracting better au-
thors,” Hayden said.

“In the literary community,
these are considered to be out-
standing books,” he said. “It will
attract more scholars to the Uni-
versity Press of Kentucky and
help strengthen our name in the
literary field (and) in the ethnic

The awards were established in
1978 “to recognize outstanding
literary achievement in America's
diverse and multicultural literary
community," Cherry said.

The University Press of Ken-
tucky joins a list of fine publish-
ers who have won the American
Books Awards, including the
Smithsonian Institution Press.
Rutgers University Press, Stan-
ford University Press and Alfred
A. Knopf.

The press was established by
the state legislature to serve the
academic community. It publish-
es works of special interest to this
region as well as books with na-
tionwide appeal.

Hayden said “Heroism in the
New Black Poeu'y” is a portrait of
six of America‘s most distin-
guished contemporary poets:
Amiri Baraka, Grendolyn Brooks,
Jayne Cortez. Haki R. Madhubuti,
Dudley Randall and Sonia San-

“ Sim...

Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 13, 1991 - 3

H H \lm.

GREG Memo! 91!

Susan Hayden. marketing manager oi the University Press oi Kentucky, said the awards received by
two of the press' publications will help UK to attract better authors.


Melhem's interviews with
these poets offer fresh insight to
the rich and varied poetry that
has emerged from the Black com-
munity's continuing quest for
emancipation and leadership.

“The Art and Imagination of
Langston Hughes” critically ana-
lyzes the poetry of the author of
black folk culture and the women
in his life. Modern methods of lit-
erary analysis are used to exam-
ine Hughes‘ work. Hayden be-



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 4 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday. June 13, 1991 '

SGA closes account, reveals budget



Arts Editor

Student Government Associa-
tion President Scott Crosbie sug-
gested and made major changes
in SGA during the first meeting
of the interim senate June 5.

Crosbie closed a checking ac-
count that was under scrutiny last
semester during Scan

The senate allocation fund has
not been itemized by SGA. Cros-
bie said he wants to approve
funding for programs as the year
progresses rather than distributing
the senate money at the start of
the school year.

Crosbie also said he would like
to cut down on spending in sever-
al areas, including senate travel
expenses, which are incurred by

sending senators to seminars
throughout the country.

“I feel that it is not affecting a
large amount of students for the
cost. We‘re spending several
thOusand dollars a year to be able
to send students to these seminars
and only one or two students
show interest and go," he said.

Crosbie said the money could
be better used for scholarships

and new programs like the Com-
munity College Outreach Pro-
gram, which will be presented for
approval before the full senate in
the fall.

Crosbie also sponsored a reso-
lution calling upon UK President
Charles Wethington. UK Lexing-
ton Campus Chancellor Robert
Hemenway and Community Col-
lege System Chancellor Ben Carr

to issue a formal stance


Lohman‘s second term r
as SGA president.

But Lehman closed an
unregulated checking ac-
count in January after a
Kentucky Kernel inves-
tigation revealed he had
used it to pay bonuses to
office workers.

Lehman, who had
sole authority over the
unregulated account,
opened another indepen-
dent checking account
two weeks later. The
second account required
the signatures of both
the SGA president and
vice president and the
approval of SGA Facul-
ty Advisor J.W. Patter-

Crosbie said he closed

all such accounts for
“SGA will no longer
use this checking ac-
count," he said; “It’s just
better bminess practice
not to."

The senate also ap~
proved a budget. which
will have to be re-
approved by the full sen-
ate in the fall. The total
estimated expenses are
$110, 776. with 574.065
in the executive fund
and $36,711 to be used


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N on the new student health
insurance law.

The law, which takes
effect Sept. 1. requires all
full-time college students
to carry health insurance
that pays for at least 14
days in the hospital and
50 percent of related doc-
tor‘s fees.

pan-time students who
are taking at least 75 per-
cent of a full course load.
Students who do not have
coverage by the Septem-
ber deadline will not be
able to enroll in classes
this fall.

Crosbie said he and
SGA Vice President
Keith Sparks will send a
letter to Wethington. He-
menway and Carr infam-
ing them of the senate's
resolution and requesting
aresponse by July I.

Crosbie also said he
has been working with at-
torneys to file a tempo-
rary restraining order to
stop the law's implemen-
tation until the General
Assembly can reconsider
the bill.

State Rep. Ernesto
Scorsone. D-Lexington,
has called for the law's



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For information that comes
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The Kentucky Kernel





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Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 13. 1991 - 5




Lexington Actor’s Guild
strives for excellence

on n my r er

Seven years ago Actors' Guild
of Lexington was not unlike
thousands of other non-profit
theater troupes across the coun-
try. Its first-season plays were
produced on a budget of less
than $2,000 in the basement of a
former downtown restaurant.

Now, as the organization ap-
proaches its eighth season. its
members have their eyes on be-
coming a professional regional
theater. The guild‘s annual bud-
get now is almost 8200,000 and
it has nine paid staff. Attendance
increased last season. mainly be-
cause of increased interest from
UK faculty, students and staff.

Vic Chaney, the organization‘s
artistic director. said if Actors’
Guild continues its momentum,
“it’s a definite possibility" the
company will achieve its goals
of becoming a professional re-
gional theater.

Actors’ Guild was targeted by
the Lexington Ans and Cultural
Council three years ago as being
the organization with the best
possibility of evolving into a pro-
fessional company.

Chaney said he thinks Actors‘
Guild can become a professional
company within 10 years.

Most people who follow the
Lexington arts community be-
lieve 10 years is a reasonable
goal. But before that can happen.

they say several things need to
happen, including:

-A proposed $26 million cultu-
ral and ans center has to be com-
pleted by its scheduled Septem-
ber 1994 date.

-Increased ticket subscriptions.

-A clear vision for the future.

-Increased financial support.

A proposed $26 million cultu-
ral and arts center is scheduled to
be completed by September
1994. The center, which is sup-
poned by Lexington Mayor Scot-
ty Baesler, would have two thea-
ters, one with about 610 seats,
and the other with 150 to 300
seats. The latter would be used
by Actors’ Guild.

“The one thing the cultural
center will provide is the appro-
priate-size theater with the appro-
priate feel," said Jane Vimont,
legislative liaison for Baesler.

Actors’ Guild currently per-
forms all of its shows at An—
sPlace on North Mill Street. The
cultural center would give the
troupe a quasi-permanent home
equipped with state-of-the-art

“They need that kind of space
to become professional." Vimont

Because of restrictions im-
posed by AnsPIace officials, Ac-
tors' Guild can perform plays for
only three successive weekends.
At the culttual center, plays
could run longer and be per-
formed any day of the week.
Chaney said.

This year Actors' Guild saw an
increase in attendance, especially
from UK students, faculty and
staff. Chaney said. But the guild
also needs support from more
people within the Lexington com-

For that to happen. Chaney
said there needs to be a greater
appreciation of the ans in Lexing-
ton. Many Southern towns do not
have a tradition of large theater-
going populations, Chaney said.

Ans appreciation must start
early. said Dee Peretz. executive
director of the Lexington Arts
and Cultural Council.

“People who have never been
exposed to it as young adults are
never going to go to it as adults,"
she said. “The ans are just like
everything else -— if you are not
exposed to them, then you are not
going to make a decision to go to
them because they might make
you uncomfonable."

If Mayor Baesler gets his way
and the cultural center is finished
by September 1994, the ans will
be brought that much closer to
people, Vimont said.

“We want to make the ans and
cultural activities accessible to
people and pan of their everyday
lives.” she said. “We see a cultu-
ral district with entenaimnent as
a way to bring local people
downtown, plus it‘s a major tour-
ist draw."

This summer. an Actors‘ Guild
committee will try to map the


Deborah Martin in this year's guild production of “Lysistrata.”

bona fide professional company,
Chaney said.

Decisions by committees are
nothing new to the group —
most decisions are made that
way, Chaney said. While that
way of management has worked
well for the guild, some wonder
whether it is the most efficient
way to lead an ans group.

“What I think in that it takes
longer for a group of people on a
committee to develop its identity
or vision titan it does an individ-
ual" Peretz said. “In all proba-
bility it will work for Actors'
Guild, but it will take longer."

Others, however, are not so

“I don't feel that the way they
run the organization is the best,"
said James Rodgers, a UK pro-
fessor and former chairman of
the UK Theatre DepanmenL “I
don‘t feel that it has the energy
to get it off the ground and I
have not seen where that has
been successful.”

A good model of success to
emulate, Rodgers said. is how
Actors‘ Theatre of Louisville be-
came one of the nation’s top re-
gional theaters. The driving force
behind its rise to prominence
was Jon Jory.

Actors' Guild has the potential
to become as reputable as Ac-

tors’ Theatre, Rodgers said, but
to do so it needs one person call-
ing the shots instead of govem-
ing by committee.

The Arts and Cultural Council
gave Actors' Guild $45,000 of
its budget — about 20 percent ——
last year. Next year it will given
$39,000. The council. which
contributes to about 20 local ans
group a year, had to reduce its
subsidy for next fiscal year be-
cause of a decrease in corporate

Consequently. the guild Will
have to raise its ticket prices next
season, Chaney said.

Actors' Guild has not ruled out
breaking away from the ans
council and attempting to raise
money on its own. but the deci~
sion is not an easy one to make.

“Right now we are not in the
position to do without $40,000 a
year. You just don‘t say no to
$40,000,” said Deborah Martin.
Actors' Guild's budget director.

While the guild is on its way
to becoming a professional com-
pany. it cannot ignore the mass-
es, Peretz said.

“I think we’ve got to stop
thinking that an is a very elitist
thing." Martin added. “It‘s a very
popular thing. It‘s up to us to
make sure that those who bowl
also sing.“




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 6 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 13, 1991


Continued from page 1

how it is viewed by the General
Assembly in the future, Harris
said. If higher education is out in
front of education reform, it will
be rewarded financially by law-

“If we do not adjust our behav-
ior to what is going on in (kinder-
garten) through (grade) 12, then
the legislature is going to say,
‘See, we gave higher education
its chance and it didn’t do any-
thing,m he said. “We have to
create the vision for education at
large in the commonwealth.

“Certainly as a university we
are called to give back to the
commonwealth. The legisla-
ture is calling on us to be much
more proactive and visionary in

In the past, higher education
has been too slow to push for
change, Harris said But now edu-
cation reform is the “codified cat-
tle prod that is pushing people to
purposeful change.”

“Five years ago. people were
saying, ‘Ah, (education reform)
will never happen.‘ But now

we’re on the initial day after the

evening it happened.”
Han'is is not the only person at

UK encouraging people to jump '

aboard the education reform

Chancellor for the Lexington
Campus Robert Hemenway has
appointed Merlin M. Hackbart to
head a Universitywide task force
on education reform.

Hackbart, Kentucky’s state
budget director, will also return
to UK as a faculty member in the
Martin School of Public Adrnin-

school since taking the state bud-
get post.

Hentertway said the goal of the
task force will be to mobilize
UK's faculty and staff in re-
sponding to education reform.

“This Universitywide task
force will show the kind of com-
mitment we love to this,” He-
menway said.

Although considerably less ani-
mated in his conversation about
education reform than Harris, He-
menway is just as anxious about
the University’s role in the state's
education reform. “It’s a real ex-
citing time to be in Kentucky," he

When Hemenway travels to
conferertces lid meetings outside
the sate, one of the first ques-
tiom people ask ltim is about the
state's educaiort reform arid what
the University is doing irt re-
sponse to it. ”they watt to know
what is hqpening irt Kentucky.”
he said.

Several professors have come
to UK. Hemenway said. because
they want to be a part of ethica-

tion reform. “We have hired peo-
ple all over the University who
want get involved with reform.”
he said.


The University has only recent-
ly has acted in response to educa-
tion reform. For most of the first
year of reform, Hemenway said
higher education had to see what
elementary and secondary schools
needed from higher education be—
fore higher education could offer
its services. “The schools need to
get started on the reform and then
explain to us what we need to do

'to help them,” Hemenway said.

Connie Bridge, associate dean
for education reform and instruc-
tion, said that the last year has
been one “for everyone to figure
out what everyone needs and the
best way to go about fulfilling
those needs.”

“I think we need to inform our-
selves before we make changes,”
Bridge said. “This hm been a year
in which everyone has done a lot
of staff planning, a lot of research
and a lot of planning. And I think
that will make us better off in the
long run."

Highlights of the University's
response to education reform in-

oFive new faculty positions in
the College of Education to re-
train current school administra-

Creation of a new position, as-
sociate dean for education reform
artd instruction.

-Revision of curriculum for
school administrators and teach-

Conferences in cooperation
with Eastern Kentucky Universi-
ty, Western Kentucky University
and the University of Louisville
on performance assessment.

-ln-service days for school offi-
cials on purchasing. management
issues artd special education.

Creation of a task force com-
prised of faculty from the colleg-
es of Agriculture, Human Envi-
ronmental Sciences and Arts &
Sciences on developing family re-
source and youth service centers.

-Hiring Betty Steffy, deputy su-
perintendent for public instruc-
tion. to teach in the College of
Education. “She is an invaluable
asset,” Herrtenway said.

-Giving 27 College of Educa-
tion faculty “key positions” in re-
form. according to Harris. Faculty
involvement ranges from working
with local schools that have
switched to school-based manage-
mertt to helping with perfor-

lastsummer Hemenway circu-
laed a a survey to determine fa-
culty interest for getting involved
with education reform, and more
thart 200 responded to it. Al-
though the areas of expertise that
have been tapped thus fl has
been limited to a few colleges.
Hemenway expects to involve the

entire University
with reform.

“What you see
happening at the
University is as
a result of the edu-
cation reform act
A considerable
number of faculty
have gotten in-
volved in various
forms of education
reform,” Hemen-
way said.

The most tangi-
ble action UK has
taken is the task
force on family re-
source and youth
service centers. .
Headed by College
of Human Environ~
ment Sciences
Dean Peggy Mes-
zaros, the program
has produced a vid-
eo. gives expert ad-
vice and provides
research inforrna-
tion to school dis-
tricts who have to
form the centers.

All school dis-
tricts with more
tlmn half of their
students on govem-
rttent meal pro-
grams are required
to have a center for potentialy
troubled youth and families.

“This program has drawn upon
a cross-section of experts from
the University," Meszaros said.
“In addition to people from the
College of Human Environmental
Sciences, we have people from
the College of Medicine, psychol-
ogy, education and sociology.”

A cross-section of the Univer-
sity is what Hemenway hopes all
reform projects will include be-
cause he said it will help unify
the campus and give it a common
goal to work toward.



One of the first actions Harris
took after moving into his office
Aug. 1 was to me Bridge asso-
ciate dean of education reform
and insuuction.

Bridge, a 13-year UK veteran,
is charged with getting grant dol-
lars to fund research projects re-
lated to the Kentucky Education
Reform Act. staff development
— such as helping teachers and
administrators work on school-
based reform teams — and estab-
lishing a “clearing house" of in-
formation to talk about education

Harris said Bridge's position is
unique in higher education. "1
don't krtow anywhere else where
there is a title at that level,” he

Bridge said her office has used
reform as leverage with private
foundations arid the Kentucky
Deprtmettt of Education to re-


ceive grant money. “We say to
them, ‘Hey, we lmve this really
unique situation in which the
whole state is trying to refonn,’”
she said.

Consequently, Kentucky’s
school system will become a la-
boratory for school reform that
will benefit other states. “What
we leam with our education re-
forms will be ltelpful for other
states who want to get involved
with education reform,” Bridge

Education reform presents the
entire state with a unique oppor-
tunity to shed its image as being
perceived as anti-intellectual arid
become one of the nation's most
progressive education states.
Bridge said.

“What has been a tradition in
this state is an anti-intellectual
environment,” Bridge said. “Any
time that higher education sug-
gested things it was viewed as
being self-serving. It‘s very
hard for a college of education to
influence people like the legisla-
ture and so forth mainly be-