xt731z41vd7f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt731z41vd7f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-09-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 19, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 19, 1986 1986 1986-09-19 2020 true xt731z41vd7f section xt731z41vd7f l 1 .
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_ " “ WWW” “1"“1””-\ ‘lt‘NPW‘ MW .md vultuml (‘t‘ltlt'l’ 1n Managua. m w'm” ploy Kent 1-1pm (111.1/1111 Mum“) 111 .1 «pt'm‘h Ihv 1‘1111111pu1m .. 52m 11111111111 1am: ,, M 111-111»; WNW ...," \ ,. .H‘ - '. r
‘ ~'1r\'ml Ymu' 1111‘s l1~1r1~s*11t.1 ~ ‘ - ~ 4 . . (.1 t" 't. " .‘ -'t t ‘ t ' u 111‘1 - ’ H I 2 2 ' - ‘ '
. . t 1 1 1111111 111 \1111 11111111111 wluntur 5“". m a must-Win second 111 111111.11 1 «111mm Ht 11111 tl‘tt 1111mm 11 he 111 11.1 11 1 .1. he 11 1 l“'lL' 1111'1‘111411‘ »\quuln 1‘11th 1.. . ,‘;_ ...M
- , 1:: 1.1111 1111plun~ uttu'c- tnr pm \mrku‘. [hm-m truth .1 101111 «1-»11111 111 (mun-«x nunvu' f1|\l!'t‘.\\ 1111- 1111~.1«111‘e~ \\.1\ “WWW,” 1 1 “NW.” 1- ., . -~ ' ‘- -‘ ‘
‘ . . . 1 .1 . .1 1.. . . .1- . ~ - _ . . .‘ . v.
'1'» ‘1: l \ ttt1t't‘\1‘111lt)11 1n \11'.1t'.‘1 t‘.1r|tn11 «.1111 111- mte'nds tn mm't game 0,1110 season' For "‘9 l’l“'l*«'“‘l ““lVltlt‘,‘ 1" ldl‘" ”ll ‘21“ “""2 2" lll" ”HM“ “‘ll“"' l‘l"‘l"'*"‘ :11 ,,, 1.1.1 \(wtl'ex m 1- 11'1“ .» ‘ ' ; 212" 2 1’
.2 2 l . ,.. ulth ;1« rt:.1r1j. letltt‘Jl 11'.1111't'\m\'1 ”OW. SOC SMS. Page 5. «and .11 111' 11 1x-.11'1-11..1k1111_' .11‘11 1111 .11111'w\.11'111-11'11111'1-1:.1': 1 11 W”. I, '111'1‘1HW' l 2 2 r - 7 ,2 ”J ._‘
' "' . ' 4 131' .1 1K Mm. t-lldthla 1x t"'\\11111'. 1111114111: trum \, ‘ "‘l‘1"“"“‘l 11-lwl«t.1.1« ll""" ‘1"’~¢l\“l'2l‘l‘"”‘--‘\ 1' "\' 2 ‘ 1 22 F‘ .'-.
j . ,1 “1mm «huh-Ht mll 1‘.1t'1\ 1115 111111111 .1. wptlmtitwt‘. 11.11‘t1m t1» ..111111 .' »- \rtm'w r: 1111' «vu-u'h 11:111.”; 1-: l' 1“.1..«« «.. : ..1'1' ‘1' . '1‘:1« \ ‘ 2. 2 . "
. . , . 1 ‘ V .. , 1 "1 I'-'14 ' . « 1 '. . 1 ' ~
, ; .11.“; ;~ 13-.1 4 .1“. 1mm” \xhvn unumsundtnrm1'Impt~1'.1tt\1-> hm 11v.ulv1\l11p (1t .1 111.11111‘ l .\ .111} 111... « 1114 tmwt «pm-1'1 1 \1 Hm: I 1' 11 k ”1“ law; 11-11 "11 ., ., -, ' .2 :~ ‘
. . , -. . x.» ”‘11 -, .y- m ...\ ~ 1 ‘ ‘ 1 t" ‘ ' ; "
’ r. .r ..1 1.11 \.1..1..11u.1 It 1« t.» ll1(‘\l' \.11‘11'11 «nun‘w th.‘1t ‘ll‘ll «$111110! mun 111.111 3“ VJ” " ‘\ 21“” \"" “111.1” J" .~ ..~. fl,” ... .. . ~ . ‘ ' 1'
. . . .v -. _ . 1 t\ 141'1‘1111141111 .\1.H'1‘11\ 1111141111 ' " ‘ ‘ " 2 ‘ . - 2» '
. . ‘ '1-11 l‘..t\ ”)0”! 111(‘ l.l\l \\(‘Pl\' 111 \\ .ll M11111 \5 11k (11“ \110115 1.1.1111 Ther. '5 a Chance Of 'hUn- ll‘l'l1\\ 1012 1110 l'llll‘ (2|)11gl'L‘\\ “I'M”, \.\ \tltttlltt \H-plk‘tl 11H\\1'. {1111' ‘1‘, '.1.' ‘1 1.11 { 3 .3 ‘- \ ‘ .1 I \\ 1 l . ‘ . -
' .4111: g rm~ t l\ 1'111111111111111 to «uhmlt "”"ldl l l‘ dmhowcrs today and 'O- .,. 1'11 ”mm. 1- \- pulu'x 1H2W11112111-1' [1111111111. 111 [hp (Hunk-11 “1111\1'111‘HN \ r~z'..1u«1< “.1, \. 1., . V 1 ‘ ‘
~ ‘ 1 1 1 1 . x 1 . - ’ 1
.» 1.11-1.11“ thm \uutlll llkt- hlm tn .v\l.1u t rmwh .1 wphmnurv .11 [xx marrow with highs both «'uuutn ‘ lN‘t \Hmlt' \l.1unt‘} 11.11111 H1»: . ‘ ,' ‘
. . . ... . . - , \ \ ' ' .1. v . _ ' ltnln- «hnute-d uhm'v the 'hm-t‘ .mvl . - ‘
-~~‘ "" “‘ l“l ‘lUl ”11-. 111 1“} ”1 ”lgll)” (11111111111111) (”ll‘ ‘4 ‘m‘l prts days in it). find to upper \l 'lk' 5.11111‘ 111110. Auumu. “1111)“ . l \ ""l «uppul 1” ‘ "'1'; ll" ‘ ”l" ‘ .
' 1111.11.11An11-1u‘a Idem 111 Nx'lalh ('nm'e‘rnod H'tuv .111111.1:1«1- fun \1111 11' .1 1.11111 , , _
. 1 t , 1 th ' ‘ t ‘ 11 ”g. Tonight will be partly Ht .1\«;1«<1n.1t1-dprtmtmnlmdt-r 19' 1111 ‘ ‘ H‘ \iltlt‘tt’t‘t ”NW 4? ' '11" . . » ' ‘ ~ '
'«w -...tt\ t‘nut'vruwl Students. 111 ((n 5.1 71H 1 1‘ lllgillll/d Hm \\I cloudy with 'ows in the mid mun“ \qutnu \1h11 “as klllvd durum ‘ \qumn A110 «umw- tn 1111.111 : 1'.‘ ‘ ~, ‘ '
. - 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ \ l x ‘ .
. : 111.111 (.11It1111 1s .1 mmulwr. up “Imp“ ‘ll tun lml ”lb 111.1 ,pt thn' |.1«t \1'.11\ 111 \l.1r('u« [\111' .11» l hupq' tho- 11.1«1-5 \11'11‘ 11-.11w1 '1111". l\_\ 111-1111t111L: \1..:1 ... .1 film . 1 . .
. I an ' ‘ ' .
. . w 111-11 tn .111 1'.1m1u.\ 01' ant/attuns \1*1‘\ll |)l\l. l’an‘ ‘ ' 10.11111 1111‘ 111-1) tn 11111111 .1 111-.\ «111- «11111 11.111 .11).11'1-1111\ :1'11': 1:111; 21111. 1111\1-1111111-11‘ . . _ ‘
t _ 1 1 . ..'.
. Ih I‘I)\\ l‘l It\Ht rulvs Enx'ornmfl student Orgamm to hold the danu- attt-r the \Vttdmt « [111.1111 1-\1-nt>, «uch 11> thr 1,1ttl1' «111n>_ hut .«md that SAH's m 01115 11111 1111111 I vm‘nunlm‘ .111} l”"‘l>ln'n1« tn .
, t‘nn’r't‘utmg \Vrttr‘r hurts d:1 not .1110“ them to hnld out 111 ht name .1‘.1111«? Muthvrn \11\«‘\ Kt'lllllt kx lk'rlw tutrnnnl hut Hun'h nut r1111 .1.~ 1.1111 .1« thv (‘l'llm‘li « 1.11151 '111- 111111111'111111111; 2.1::1 1
1 k! L L .
door vu‘nts that \muld gvm‘ratv «1pm tk't 1 at thv 50.1mm H-ntm 111 «.1111 thuw lruan mrlwr m thv vuv danvv \muld 11 1t s‘tartvd attvr the durum'h1-.1tt1-1'nmn \111111111 1x411! '
. ' Thr studvnt Alumm (‘nunml has nmw .1tt1-r7 31111111 114311111111] hold mug 11x1thnllgam1' Burch «.ud hr 11.111 1111 uhwr'w‘ ' ~
. 1.1!11‘o‘lml 'tx .mnual hmmx‘nmtng "It , _ V , h ~ - - 11 h' \ - 1.1. 'h the 11.11111 11 1t \\.1.« hvld 1111111111 \
4.1114 .1 m“ \mr homuso It conflicts “.15 .115 Imprtssmn II- t 1« But “mm “1.1 m. (-.mlnt nut 111-1 lh1' l.l\1M'.1rm\.1l begun at t» p 11'. “1 “0111 an a pm 1111 ml. .1 p, 1 1 t1 , 1 . _
. «. . . . . . , . . .. - _ “ , 1; .11 .11' 111111‘11 tN'\'
\\ .11'11 9N r'vgulatmns guvernmg stu» 11:2“ thfittthi‘) vun phnutntpiz wm< nut 11 student 1112.1111/g1tmn “11111111111 .md 11“,...“ .11 th( «11 dumnu . \\.1« 111111111 th.1t \wuldn t «'tl1r‘tl) 1111:: 1;: h ”(1r l1n1\11 (11’1“ 1m: M U l, \ .,
' 1 . | . ‘ _ 1 . > 1 ‘ .. “ ‘ * . ‘ 1. ‘ . 1 11. I. '
I‘M" nrgammtmns, mid Hope Barbi thing( I 11 1] 1) \\.1nt( 1tnflr‘n1 aftz: 011mm". .11't1\lt_\ mm “mm lwulrt ... r1 qumd to 1nd .1! N pm . 5.1111 lt.1\:11Ltl.11111~11r M1 un 1 HH )I ”mod {Hr 1m n «t 111 1111 \1 1v _
' . ‘ 1 1 1' . ‘ ' z . .. - ‘. .. i ‘ ‘» ' '1 .
m W murml \ \11'1‘pr1mdvnt “mm,” ; 9:1211 21:!“ d] 111‘ 1.111 .15 tltp m Lynne Hunt. NAB prostdent \ 111. l
. ' v x‘ , ‘ ‘ . . , ., . . . _ 1
l l‘H‘H'hIHE “ 1‘ 'tll “’1 lml‘l ““ 11 71111mm ~11 r 1112“ l( ”n (T m" \ '1 ho r tx for the Paxt three wars tho mun “9 11-1“ 11“”th 1“ ‘lMl 21.. ‘
‘ t ' ‘ ' 1 \ 2 .12 ' ' \ ‘ 1 - ‘. . ‘ '. .' 2 » 1 . -. v
11-11mm 1 1'11] {rum 1 l'mwrsttx of L 11 l H” ll 2‘ ‘l lllll‘ 11.1r11 Ml “2‘ l“ ”ll 2m 11 t 1 :Utlxulhnh“ nth “ditlalto “ll ha‘ hold the- hnmwnmmg ”3an "'“l lflttmf Just A \1 run “in
t «1‘ “\lfll “mm: that we couldn't nr ”1‘. rule «toms 1mm :1 lA‘xtngton «nu of student 1112.1111mtmm h..\ ththm x“ mm 1 \ d t m E133 1n the ( ommumuvalth Stadlum park (nunul, «hq «mat
. .. . . . . . .- v . ‘ a ‘ \ .
gnu/1' ‘ nmu (wont after a m ht (.m ortlmanco that plan‘s .‘1 1mm on mg outdoor .11 lt\lllt.\ .1ft11 1111.11! , . p ‘0 In 1 11 mg lnt «end Russ Mumpt'r th mun
. ‘. .7 11 when nutdmr '1(‘t1\'1t1m (‘1n ho hold flutthallgumm. ‘th’iHl 11pm (onto-r parkmg Int In August. H“ «tudont r1-pr1-wnt 111w I” the‘
. l'"'ll‘"l' E'le- “arh‘ansa'd ho mid ‘ ‘ ' Hunt \md 1K \lumm \KVX‘I‘HHm AQHNYUV‘H Nc‘u\ P1111!” H'ull (,,,,
2 ~1'N‘Plt lturt‘h, .‘u‘tmg \tcv than 2 Sum» “(‘(‘ptmnx haw horn mndv 2 2 H ( Pl” (ll-W flammml '"t”""”""" '0'
‘ "‘liHF twr Ktudont affmrs sald the This war thv (‘nunml “as planmng 1n thv paxt for Studvnt .»\1't1\1t1v4« Hurvh .11‘kntmlw1gpd the (Mon During that tum» thv ('num'1l Hm mm
. . l

 _ 3 3 .. , . . l I
f_ 2 «mrucxvxsmvsc, mum”, 1m
' I 2 . d t. f. d P . b b
1 en 1 1e {IS 3118 0m CI‘S 0R (1'
.- 3 . a 10
. (ontinucd from page one
‘ 7' ' I I I “I \ I I WW II and the Partisans of Right and Free portation ”1 favor 01 personal cars. and imposed \‘isa requ1rements on
33 ... dom have geld the} “ere behind further clogging the .lIl‘t’dd} con all visitors except those from the Arington has set “a personal Kakie Urch. a member of the
theother I’aris attacks gested streets European Common Market and goal" of 3350.000 to start an en- board, said plans are under wa)

‘3' - -\ “cw-s \tvnhttvd N0 The groups have demanded the re- Police have said witnesses identi SVHtlt‘l‘luntI dowment for the radiostation. for a local band concert a3,- u
. It, 4. , . '1' 3W“ "I u Lebanese lease trom French prisons of fled Robert Ibrahim Abdallah. an- In Lebanon. France has been siii- "A lot of the legal aspects have fund-raising activity

3.3 . _ .3 3‘- M. “in ham-0d Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. “no I, other brother of Georges. as the gled out as a target in several ro been takencareof."hesaid. Detailed press releases \lere
3. 3.3 «,3 -. .. wen. .. discount ctnthlnts' serving a tour year prison term for prime suspect iii the bombing last centattacks The Federal Aviation Adminis sent to local media but support
33’ 3:33 . ..-.-;- 'ei’i‘orisjt .ittjn‘h' possession of arms and false papers I-‘rida3\ ot the La Detensetateteria \‘esterdav. d gunman killed (.01 [ration has given 3““ permlSSIOI; for REL was not enthiiSiastlc.
1.3.3. .l . -. u- can ltstti He also is charged mth L‘mtipllt‘lt} Rub”, and his ”other “Burl“, (human (toutierre. .33 ”33. French to put a transmitter on top 0 Urchsaid.
i=3", -".'.' . m m" murders ”I an A”“‘”"”‘ and Ibrahim Abdallah gate a neos con- niilitarVattacheinBeert IattersontlfficeTower, 3 “This is the furthest that an}
3'; '; .' '3." “ 1‘” ‘ ‘ “‘I‘“ “M and Israeli diplomat ”‘ P‘m“ ference iii ’l‘i‘ipoli on \\'edtie.sda\' to ' RFL has 3159 requested a II' effort to have a radio station has
'. u the series Ii' ljmlle .-\3I3xiallhah3 ”Fine Tonto: ot dem ln,.(,1\.,,m,,m m mt. pang? at Four l-‘renchk soldiers serving i2 (\i'LrS‘Sh III-cub ”I1: geegglrggl 61:31 evegcomeQ‘Urch said. h
u.‘3‘\.-3 ‘. .- MINI Mimi t‘ls‘ I licorges‘. t oug t )3\ relic au ori- tacks the 1‘ N peace eeping for“. m sout . a . 3 3 3 3 . .. ur main concern “g t no“ I.
n: - am more thdt‘. tint ties to be the leader of the extremist . 3 Lebanon have been killed and 33 munications Commissmn for an to get RFL circulating. 1., pm“.
'2‘ .,'3‘;".3.-"- N Tin; Mi”- -\ 1mm“ Lebanese Armed Rerolutionar)‘ “hilt" WIN“ IK’IR‘V" ”‘9 A “mm” miuiided in the past five weeks available FM frequency —38-1~ _ our sincerity in this protect to the
7."o 33.43". ' - 't'\' ,t“cI\ I\ .ii il’lt' I’";lk‘Iltln> Kh()u[-}_ QSI. the subject 01 It‘(‘ tlI Nllldtll‘lI} I) illl OUIgI'O“ III ()I "A“ F)“ requests are held until administration through SIUIIHII
.' 7.1-1“. .. - '\\tx‘.I:t'\ :.c» me an international arrest warrant is, Lebanese Armed Revolutionar} In the latest attack. one French then." said Pam Bratcher. RFL support and pOSitive I’ll.” Arm):
'.‘;j"‘.'?3i ~ L z \- .lm .iiim ,upd b} French p011“. I, “3mm m Factions. goi'erniiient officials tee] soldier suffered shrapnel wounds board member tonsaid. .
: 73‘13’153 cunnpt'lltin mth the 1933 kidnapping the attacks ma} haie a broader 3xesterda3y when rockets were fired Arington said he is unsure of During the meeting. Annuton
"a ‘ .:- '1" {"1123 I'tlt' (it the titlectot' ol the French t‘uIIU' base “n a FN’IK'h post near III" “”33“ OI the amount of wattage the station said RFL members “gutted lo
‘a333._3~33.k3-. -. - . r - .rzdziue their rcil center iii the northern Lebanese Denis IS‘lUtItllllll $333,333,333!” for Abbassiyeh. according to Maj ““.‘ will run on. but u" will cover an “see how many people \wuld
3: 3.331..“ - cit} oi -1~ripoli The kidnapped the premier HM‘ sex'eral groups Leraand3a spokesman for the t \ eight-mile radius”from campus. should up and ho“ man} 3,“.
“’nja—l‘l " V ' ' 7' H" \"""7 """"“'h“““‘ ““5 r""""‘"“ probat-l‘. oere lb.- ”mid Interiml‘orce “‘ Lebanon "People 35k .me what's“ 'h‘.S. truly concerned WIIh starting .l
id'j"; - \' cc .1 \.l1t‘.\‘.\t‘ l‘hc into :ubpeCI3 ii: \\ediiesda3\‘s ‘ . 3 3 F3) 3 3 33 radio station gomg to be like? radiostation."

.;"-.":,3 Apt": ~ , .' .1 ::.di. ott tilt‘ bombing \tere Iielie\ed to be metii (‘IIII'LH' “hllt‘ “’“mts' I“ “I“ ‘W 1” ‘Iddl‘l‘m‘ 7““‘3 ”“f “3“;“_‘f3 Brtilcher said. "Whatever kind Nearly 30 people attended. but
‘ "-._':::"';f-‘ ’ “ t ‘ “3“” -‘ WWW} hers oi the Lebanese Armed Retolu- HUM. 4M HUI MH‘ N0“ Iht’ I‘l't'm'h ”Ml” m'S-‘mg dII‘_r “”35" ." “LI“ you \sant it to be. if you‘re here Urch said the group ”9““ "i”
ii,“»3.'.‘.?;.4 -‘.. . .. ._ w it; I tome here (“m-3”) Factions. mp ludicial sourt't’ might respond l~raiice already has I’.‘ gunmen iii Beiiut m [it past I\\(l to makeithappen." least 45 to 5“ pt’fiplt"' to run m3,

, 3-I"‘.':__3.‘.- If} ' . _. ' tin-rt both \I ho said deplo3\ed troops to aid frontier police )t’ars‘ Arington suggested taking a station.

5'7”” foil." ' III-"“9 WOW“ ““1“ K1119“ “I‘d more student survey to determine the "We Ju~t want to In to mini m
’13'3r".3-‘3-.;5v_3zr , tan-i s:: .i;d:iist llidt‘. too iniured m the tour precious station's format, but Bratcher cam U33 find the “mm“ “M“
,‘l‘ . 3.; tick :1 Lebanon, bombmgs The attacks started Sept . O 0 “Id those involved In the project 'h (p ive've gotten done s lid
'-'£3‘f}':.. -.- - 1‘ -, r - ' 't: -i'»of'.‘~ attache x \\ hen a bomb e\ploded at the post should be allowed to organize the IIIIaEIk Vest a member '0, 'iht.
" tiff-"1C " ' ' 1' -""""““~‘ “I“ "WW I” (‘1‘) HJII- W10“ “d I‘.‘ ‘ "m ““N ""n‘ N“ "m format board “And \ce‘re going to new
-" t-r"" . "(ms t l - .‘ii- \ - V _ ' ‘ ‘ '
«'2’! '3', ' ' ".7 ' ' " H " ""n'm “‘ “ “m“ r.a 1“ uburban 1‘“ \Vhile acknowledging1 that he does (‘oiiiposition is not easy to explain. Arington Sdld the non profit alotof help "

"'~"x‘. wt ' 1 1"« Ito-tense. the Pub Renault on the . _, . 2 3 .. _ 3 station will be centered around
,- o‘w‘ ~ ,. t‘ 3 3 . . 3 .13 3 not kiln“ a lot about the ItKhllltdI (.oad said I ju>t km)“ it \\Il(‘ll I ,, __ 3 . h . 3 t I “I '33 “M
v.5“- .11“: ‘ “ “”3“ "P ‘ hdmtb h} was Menue and POIIU’ 33p”... 0, m. m .uch 3.3.. “orkmg 5H.” - lh. It s a student-run radio sta- T 6 group 1:“: )—int 1- L1 11 -
."-"-:~,-~ '2 s.i .ti l - .- -i-~- r-c ~ ‘ " " x ' - 'r . ' _* '_. .7114
. 3 4 . . .. «, at \ titadqutirtcrsiiittiitiallaii. m 3h“ darkroom (load 3““ teaches .. 3 3 3 tioii for t c tnnersit) of Ken be at 4 pm p » Hi i

- "- .‘ ‘ ~» *- 'Y1 ”I“ 1-111 ‘I‘Tt‘ l‘aris‘ians )esterrla} spoke oi little I .l .. t m. I'K (‘om~ lhe conitxisitioii should direct peo- tucky Hall.

’ _ :'.i c. :;s'.i':tt hit-it's .itherthanthetxawot bombings phmuf'fipi" ‘3'"??? i't ”'1 PI" »‘ "39> I“ ”I" (““9" “MW" II“?
(Ti-xi , ,. ex. . 3 --. . . 3 mum} .tuca int taut . _ . .3. . 3 _______._______—__—.__

33.3.33}... 3 .. .. ‘1 ."'."-' t3-3: ‘IKthIt art airaid.’ .sdltlu u ltlt Accordinu 3“ (load. there are actuall) st c in) thing’ 0. I. t . IR s iid
‘ . 3 . . 3 £37,," 33;“ 7""'7'l"'md8rl"m "Ci'oL'l'd' ”TI?" three main ”1mg. that make a good (load mommnpd that n the compo»

31".— .v, .-.-'~ » i ‘ 1‘ t“ “I -. i ' tire a rai o llnmlgl‘clll ,s an t e_\ 33 3 3 33 , f t .1 3.11m“ ot the photo ,3 M) stron’ m .n
" .3". ~ * . , . --. ,.. .. , _ . l .N . picturt tht untral point o in eres . 3 3 . _ ts- t
-." 7 '7 _r-.-. H 7 ' M“ “'.‘ "KU'mmR “"73' Th7 "(mh or main obiect, composition and people s attention is drawn from the GOOD READING!

3";-:.’3-'..f":_.-::". - » s - ‘-i..\ ,1 Frem ti 33“ “It—“3“:“W’I fm“ hm“ had enough mpflmplmtym the-shot main point and the photo loses its The Kentucky Kernel
" ’ . K' , as I.tii:.i o. -mm”~”m“ (if the three mentioned. (load said statement _
"".3-7-.;'}"-;Z"'5" - ‘ tune into.“ \Iiirilsi‘. Barbut. “I10 \lorks in an the hardest to master L3 (””1me
',-‘-"_'.{.a’..‘3§ ' "”ict '. l,eti.inott electronics store also said marl} tion - . .

.;_-., g' . t ‘ speczitcailt people uere trightened “It has be- Tm. “WM,“ ot the Arrangpmpm

,c. - . «s " I' t!“\ I'H'W‘ llltttmitl‘“ I" “""‘h "I" “Wk :it oblects .iiid shadous in a picture S o crs V] ‘ uo

a; ,7! ,- ages on the Metroimd 1everywhere that enhance the importance of the 3
v" i“?- . \ttack alter attac '. a most men ~ .. , ‘ 3 3 -_ ..t -. ._

., ,..3.,,3 . 1.. m...- .u w . _ . focalpoint .-.- .. ‘5...
a??? IE" 5‘- w :~ «sig- ~ ‘w‘:.f ”“5 H ‘5 getting reall} ”WNW He said a lot of classes tr) to ‘nfi ["17 /EA

.-"3,'.".“~'-"‘ __.'. .i'. oils ‘tic .Ii!ter\ I’aristans are molding cin teach composition. "but no reall} ‘ .3 3' - v
’1; \. :a' '_‘. out: Matti cmas and department stores. and sttnlt‘IIlltlll that has to be born in - 3 _ 3;-

{ .3-3; ;. 3,- I‘m 1 I’risoiiers man} are tlbillldlllllllh‘, public trans you " , . " ‘

5‘ I .Sluul oft/w 'Blueg'uua!

3"}:7'11 5 V \6 Sale Prices Good Thru Wednesday 924 86. All Tues Included In Alcoholic Beverage Prim. Ouutity Rights Reserved.

13;; 51‘ :i- _, i _- a

'/ 00 T9 1‘

5 .

' ‘7 ,5: 'f .31,’ E
s."- : :.'-it I .

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3‘. ..:';{. -,_-‘3. 3- ,—I I .3,:.-—— '. . . hip-A. ”:MIILF [W35
33;. I 3'1115 .\. California Cooler 2”; L3 rt“?
3L'i~:-'».i‘.‘.-“-Ii'- I . ' ’ 1 Citrus. Orange. Tropicll . ‘ ' "“‘“ Y...“-

g , - 3 - - ‘5‘" BARI'LES '“'

3 \. - 3 '3 .. t 3. - - Bortles d Jones '. jAYMEs Ml»;

.-.r-_;<.:.‘}:.;»_ t .3 . ' ‘ ,1- , f. - " mm .. m- .3 if

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