xt731z41vd33 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt731z41vd33/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-09-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 02, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 02, 1983 1983 1983-09-02 2020 true xt731z41vd33 section xt731z41vd33 . ___. _ ____..m___._____
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 19 An independent student newspaper serving the University of Kentucky since l894 rude, September 3 1983
~ E W_m_hm-mwcwmw~
a OVIBt “11881 e OWIIS passenger Je , . . says
Congressman, 30 A merzcans SEA °F°KH°TSK Hopkins demands answers
u s j /\ . ,
'83 among 269 passengers aboard - -s-n- {go memo about Russzan missle attack
a I“ St‘tn'l“ “1”“le Hopkins wanted against any rash
Associated Press Department spokesman JOhh # yiews Editor decisions. saying he does not favor
Hughes said the United States would any military resilinse to the attack
The United States said yesterday lOih SOUth Korea in asking for an ' 5 instead, the congressman said he
. a heat-seeking missile fired by a $0- emgrgehc)’ meeting of'the UN: Se SAKHAUN 0 , “A cowardly act." says l‘ 8 Rep ad\'ix‘ati-.~' diplomatic means of retrl
viet fighter pilot destroyed a South curity' Council 0" Friday ”to all‘ ( Larry Hopkins. ltrKy . about the So: bution
Korean 747 commercial jetliner what 15 a heinous aCthh 0“ the Pa" 3 or wet-missile attack on a South Ko "This is no time to i‘tInSltit‘r any
; which strayed neara Kremlin mili: oftheSovietUnion.“ o rean passenger airliner thing that may lead us to war,"
tary outpost on an island near Though the jumbo jet was in SOVl‘ CHINA [7 The jumbo jet. carrying 259 pas Hopkins said He said he supports
Japan. et airspace above Sakhalin, an is: O ’4 “ sengers. was shot dovm by Soviet using thel'niiutNatioimasaforum
Officials said some wreckage and land whose southernmost tiP is With . fl fighters Wednesday morning ell “Although 1 am no great fun of the
a fuel slick were located and that in 100 miles of Japan. “there are no fl route to Seoul. Korea State Depart l‘ N . l haic full confidence in Jean
there were no survivors. Among the circumstances that can jUStifY" the ment officials report there were no Kiipatrick «.l‘ s anihassarkiri.“ he
$9 passengers were a U.S. con- 333th a White House Spokesman J . survivors Over 30 Americans in said
gressman, Rep. Larry McDonald, D said. 02K“ eluding US Rep lawrence P Mc Hopkins said he would not favor
Ga., the chair of the anti-communist The missile was fired. said Penta- / SAPPORO Donald. l)-Ga were aboard the rescmding a five year grain deal re-
John Birch Society, and at least 30 80h intelligence officials, by an SU- aircraft cently Signed by Russia and Ami-rt
other Americans. 15, a lQSOs-vintage interceptor, and { Hopkins said at a local press con ca He said measures such as re
' President Reagan, in California, one Of eight fighters which tracked ference yesterday he saw no Justlfl pealing trade agreements were
registered his “disgust that the en- the airliner. The Soviets have a SEOUL 0 cation for destroying an unarmed comparable to boycotting the (llymr
tire world feels at the barbarity of fighter base 0" Sakhalin, a moun- J ”MM passenger plane ”From what I un pics
the Soviet government in shooting tainous island 20 miles from the 50 derstand. the Soviets were tracking "lt simply does not work,‘ he ,
- down an unarmed plane.” vietUmOn'Seastcoast- the missile was a MiG 23 — one of land. the flight for two-and—ahalf hours." said
“Words can scarcely express our The KAL jumbo jet was blown the Soviet Union‘s best and fastest The plane ignored “signals and he said. Hopkins. who recently visited Rm
. revulsion at this horrifying act of vi- from the skies at 2126 pm. EDT fighters. Later, however. they said it warnings,“ Tass said. then ”contin- “The plane innocently strayed and Niki as part of ii ctmgri-sx-iimal dele
' olence,"saidReagan. Wednesday, U.S. officials said. The appeared to have been an SUvIS. ued its flight in the direction of the they shot it down." he said “How gallon discussing human rights, said
Secretary of State George P. flight originated in New York, had code-named Flagon. . Sea of Japan." Again. the account can you explain that°" the attack would have grave minte-
Shultz declared there is ”no excuse refueled in Anchorage, Alaska. and The Kremlin's first public com. said nothing of the plane being shot Hopkins. who served with McDon quenies on future peacetalks
whatever for this appalling act," was about 1000 miles from its desti- ment was an anemic Tass story down. ald on the House Arms Appropria The world, he “my would not
and the State Department branded nation, SeOUJ. When it was ShOt which said the South Korean plane Shultz, ordered by Reagan to de- tions Committee. said it was “won stand by and allow such at‘lltms to
an account forwarded by Soviet For- dOWh- “has been lost." and made no men- mand “an immediate and full ac- ic“ that the Georgia congressman go unnoticed "11in act is simply un-
eign Minister Andrei Gromyko as The Soviet pilot was close enough tion ofamilitary attack. ‘ counting" from the Soviet Union for died in the attack acceptable to those of us in the free
“totally inadequate" - because it to see the airliner. and the Soviets Later. Tass changed its story to the shooting down of a South Korean “He was a staunch conservative mourned-id
neither acknowledged that the plane had tracked it for 212 hours —ample say that an “unidentified aircraft commercial airliner, said yesterday and strong believer in our national The attack. Hopkins said. was a
had been blown from the skies opportunity ‘0 know it was a civilian twice violated SOVlet alt‘SpaCe over he will raise the issue directly with defense." he said. “it is ironic that reflection of Soth foreign policy
Wednesday nor accepted any re- flight, Officials said. At first. defense Sakhalin and that Sov1et fighters Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gro~ he would die in an unarmed plane “This simply describes the meniali
sponsibility. officials said the plane which fired ”were sent aloft" to try to help it myko next week. over the Soviet Union " tywe mustdealwith.“hi-said
U S t b 'l' '
. . response 0 e anger, not mi ltary action , teachers say
By ANGELO B. HENDERSON like measures," said Daniel Nelson. Reagan. by Secretary t of State “No-and-a-half hours is plenty of primary method America will use to don‘t think the responsi- will he pri
Staff Writer assistant professor of political sci- George) Shultz. by (Secretary of De- time for the local Soviet base com» respond to the Russian attack on the marily military ‘
ence. tense Casper) Weinburger and in mander to call back to Moscow and airliner. Dams said the gunning down of
The United States government’s “With rage and not much more“ particularCongress,“Davis said. say. ‘What do you want me to do?“‘ “The first step was taken. looking the SoViet airliner may ilt'l as "a
response to the shooting of a South was Vince Davis' description of “If you want to get congreSSlonal he said. at the comments of Secretary catalyst to help the president get his
‘ Korean commercial airplane by a America’s reaction to the shooting. attention —— Just shoot. down a plane “I have to believe Moscow knew Shultz. to use some of the strongest defense budget through (‘ongreu
Soviet jet fighter Wednesday mom- Davis, the director of the Patterson mthaCOngrtssmanlnit."he said. about it and approved shooting it diplomatic language." he said, “but without much cutting “
ing will probably cause a lot of School of Diplomacy and Interna- But becausethe Sov1et fighter had down,"IDavis said. none of those diplomatic acts would lie said Reagan has in the last two
' anger, but not war, according to tional Commerce. said, “There will tracked the Jetliner for over two “I think it was done to give a sig- be of the same gravity or match in months tried to open up to the Sovtet
Universityofficials. be a lot of huffing and puffing by the hours, Davis said it's hard to believe nal by Russia — a kind of gunboat severity of shooting down a fully L'nion in trade and exchanges like
“Looking at past episodes where United States and not much more the Soviet pilot shot the missle with- diplomacy type of method ~ to show loaded commercial jet. past presidents
the Soviets have done things that because it's really not that much we outany contact with the Kremlin. China, Japan, Korea and the United “1 would imagine the United And. as in the past. [laws and
have angered the United States, it’s can do unless we want to start “If you are tracking an airplane States that they are prepared to as- States would take make some effort "This kind of thing comes along and
public and it’s politicians — such as World War III. for two-and-a-half hours and you sert themselves in that part of the now to increase the readiness of its that always makes the t' S nervous
invading Hungary in 1956, Czecho- “That’s the immediate reaction. wish to keep it out of your airspace, world,"he said. military forces. or perhaps increase Then we suddenly get kind of tough
Slovakia in 1968, Afghanistan in 1979 and the short~term effects will be there are ways to do it aside from Nelson, who teaches Soviet politics the size of its military forces in and again for at least a few months until
— we imve not . . . resulted to war- dramatic speeches by (President) shooting it down."Davis said. at UK. said diplomacy will be the around Japan." Nelson said. "But I the shock wears off "
m. . ’ ff.
4hr ‘ .. . ,9
musics 11mm { Attorney seeks governor S 0 Ice ,
2 ‘~ - h ‘ . , '-
e representing t e working pe0ple
.' l—IUUID I By EVERETT J. MlTCHELL ll state to get away from the elitist ,9.
t ‘ . StaffWriter lection of candidates and elitist dc:
7' i termination of issues. and to vote in
. . ’ A fourth hat has been thrown in ,. theirowninterest,"hesaid
- ~ the political ring for the governor‘s A goal of iterations IS in turn
1 ,_,-...._.-. - - raceinNovember. ' state government back over to the
. _.. .e “« Nicholas D. Mchbbin is peti- people
" ‘i‘ . tioning to join Democrat Martha ' . "I would like to make Kentucky a
T. Layne COHins, Republican Jim Bun- . . ' referendum state. This would allow
’ .. K -:; ning and Independent Dick Thomas ‘ , the people to have more of a direct
‘ ' ' ' ‘ in therunfor the gubernatorial seat. a impact on state government's priori-
~o ' V McCubbin, a UK graduate, has ties and legislation," he and “Pet;
' h . , about 4,000 of the 5.000 signatures ple have a right to determine their
' i A V - nwded before his name Will appear own destiny rather than have it im-
’ “W“ . 'J — on the ballot. The petition must be - posedonthem "
a h , . filed with the Kentucky secretary of ' The party‘s planar". deals with
" s -:. a» . 7* state by Sept 15. the topics of public utilities, educa-
: Feet V i . he "'7' “Wing under the party name . tion. coal, unions. gender and rectal
e ’3 ‘ ' ' “Citizens United." McCubbin. a discrimination
tags . 5‘ r - ' local civil and criminal attorney. To control and reduce utility bills.
a“ .2. . . .i. -» r -- said. “I am a candidate for the Nicmms I). Mccmiim McCubbin said he would support
‘Qyfigafigéé l-il- ' . fl 61"" 11'; “if" ), working people in this Slater I am "mandala” Interchange (1 WW“
{it ”a, :- , ' e 2%, opposed to the other candidates placed individuals and well-financed between utilities to praying for 3
, * 3“»; z; .. (“i g’?‘ . . " , ' (Collins and Running) who have special interests particular utility demand. 1}“.
' " ”M i ”“ ‘ g . ', been selected by politically well- "l hope to unite the people of this See an. page i
--=.,.,..... 1W .- -» , Students to begin work on
.. V . ., r unning s i or governor , I W t.
7 b i paying up in 72 percent for mine of
, By STEPHANIE WALLNER McKnight. a Buhhihfi Ww' the ham services offered Serpent
Senior StaffWriter said. n“ , A. I w u I I,
‘ " “If we were to bring another state 2 "u ‘ "'W "' ” '9'“
Larry Bisig, president of Students into the union, we'd be Slat, that‘s "‘3." j" Z'°“"'"""‘,l"’f "m, “when
for Jim Dunning, infrrmed 50 sup how he’d it is." he said. "We need to 'n ‘ 4:"? ;' "’ "‘"" "" ‘
porters yesterday at the tint ot'guii- retrain the displaced work force to 3"" W“
rational meeting of the fall, how to handlethetechnologyoftoday."
“get their {00' in the m,” d POll' QUIT points m Bunning's educa- Student (rover-meal A\\lKIIlIUfl hat
. um. um mum include .n 3 We," gotten off in a good start ”(inner
“We were able to get 17 waken increase in teedien pay. immedi- mam ‘ha'm‘w "”3”" “”9" "W "'
this summer" he said, “And you Itelyuidthe Wot mndetory ‘fn"""’" '" "K "‘"m'" ““4 5"
know how (lament this campi- is in school day! from now 195 “"0“"- M”
summer. "He (Dinning) plan to form an
“(air first priority is to cover the cam-Uni impovement division.
' UKcampu," Bisig aid. “,Next it is misting of parents, tendicn and
important that our group serve a I administrators who will help the
— rue-volt for volunteer: throughout governor look into specific unblem-
thecounty," media-“on."hicltnightuid.
Other manhen in die Students for Bill; Ilid some; would buiefit liiday'i forecast calls for mom wnny
. in Humor! imam" Billiinggi'otmspotehfldlyon Bin- from experience when they can met with highs m the and not To
FI'OStblte ning'l stunt cane-nit; employ: [sin by working for the 8mm mutt ihould be clear mm km In the
man in Micky and the quality of campaign. “We‘re looking into the toy- to Wild '1)! The Labor Day wait.
A local worker watches with care a truckload of liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen. a gas chilled at sub-7cm temperatures. is mum, "My um I“! in ”kill” (1 Mt houn for m end should be hot with llfik or no rain
"soda-fuel. manila: wittiaregudtonneih- who put hi good um work.‘ he .Mhighumhcupmniomidcoi
outed labor faceoveragezi."Duve Subtotpeoe‘
. I. c '

 I2 - TH! KIMUCKY KIINII. Friday. September 2. 1903
Assistant Arts Editor In
—_—————————i—— 81
V " a1
‘ cli
‘ ‘ The Real Macaw ’ reveals Graham Parker’ s brave new love
Graham Parker doesn’t seem to beth cuts as “Life Gets Better," press its central self-disgmt just as new album achieves such a fortui- each side. Side One's closing cut, Excises" on Another Grey Area _
mind that the comensus among es- with its pure-pop strings that echo surely as “life Gets Better” needs tous marriage of form and content. “Sounik Like Chains,” just sounds and “(Too Late) The Smart Bomb," ‘
tablished rock ‘n’ roll critics -— the likes of The Foundations’ “Build its lightandbuoyanttonetowork. As on past albums, Parker seems to like the perfunctory reggae cut — the album closer, provides little l
voiced most audibly by the lead- Mile Up Buttercup" and White Of course, not every song on the have particular trouble with closing and an inferior version to “No More more thanadopey afterthought. 2
butted Rolling Stone — found his Pains’ “My Baby Loves Lovin’" SeeParker,page3
last album, Another Grey Area, a more than any new-wave reference 0 e e I
trifle soft in its preoccupation with points. ‘ l l b k d I“ k E ythlrl 1
what they called “conventional The Real Macaw proves that rath- aSSlca ac roun a es ur lcs Slzz e
,, love.” But now he’s back with a re- er than going soft, Parker has at-
cord that flies in the face of all such tained a new flexibility in both voice Associated Press orange crew cut and masculine at- But it was not until she was past In 1916, he was introduced to Len-
reservations in its startling affirma- and attitude. Whereas earlier al- tire, Lennox looks like a technicolor her teens that she seriously took up nox, who was a waitress at the time. I
tion of the rejuvenating effects of burns such as The Up Escalator suf- LOS ANGELES —- She studied the Grace Jones. But her “get-down" singing. She spent three years study- Within a year, they were living to-
2 love, an affirmation far more em- fered from an annoying sameness of classics at London's Royal Academy song stylings are reminiscent of ing flute and piano at the Royal Aca- gether and, with another musician,
phatic than last year’s keynote, tone — call it knee-jerk cynicism - of Music, and he ran off with a band Aretha Franklin. demy. Her classical training gave had formed a band called the Tour-
.iyou need temporary beauty / Even The Real Macaw succeeds in match- at age 14 and went on to play every So how does a nice girl from her a strong sense of rhythm and ists,
though it might bea loveinvain." ing a variety of emotions with vocal kind of music from African to medi- ’ - harmony which she has put to use
I l . f the aha P k t hni d m i al embellish~ al Aberdeen, Scotland, leam to Sing with their] ll . After three years, Stewart and
snarl :1:be more glen :littlzrpfilt rrOicentsqast imparts: them “Just ev ' I . like "‘3‘? Stewart teamedclo play guitar at Lem" called “Suit-“x and deemed
off when they first hear such exu- Like a Man" requires a snarl to ex- 3‘.“ together, as the Elm cs, “When I was 15 and starting to go 13 after he was laid up with a knee to take their affairsI— both creative
Annie Lennox and Davrd Stewart . . . . . and bminess into their own
tak th ld b storm with out wrth boys, I used to sneak out to injury. He left his hometown in the hands
. . _ xv?!“ “es“ ‘5 wor msyAre Made of dances when I could,” she says in a northof England when he was 14. ‘
lea to Star In new muSlcal The‘ II,mweeIDieahav a s rising pleasant Scottish burr during a re- “1 was into all sorts ofconcoctions The Eurythmics' first album ‘
‘5' ey a 3°. e . urp cent tour stop in Los Angeles. “A1- of music and people and drugs and earned them enough money to set up .
' stage 320:; that esézzlghwgthcsgsrsnemog though I didn’t realize it, the music everything — almost near death their own studio in a warehouse, and 0
NEW YORK (AP) _ Act e the bes . ue-eyt s was all Motown —— people like Otis sometimes; was twice in the hospi- they immediately used it to record a
. . . r SS Atlanticinrecen memory. Redding, the Supremes. I think I tal,” he says. “ (I) got married second LP — “Sweet Dreams." It tel
lea anFlh' who last starred Make that green-eyed soul. With was more influenced by that than by when I was 17, ran off with this all- cost about $450 to make it, Stewart ' gu
on stage in 1977, Will return her huge emerald eyes, iridescent the Beatles.” girl group whenlwas 22.” says. _
next week in “The Rink,” a co
new musical.
A W1
. . . w. , Pa
Minnelli, 37, Will play the 5'; I, y‘ ., , )5 w I B k ..
owner of a soon-to-be aban- ' v. ’ e come ac 8:
IdoeredIroIller trink m Ctoner Is— ff? Tell the arts world where to get off I h:
an . tying 0 come 0 erms r :29 ' UK St d t
with her rebellious daughter .I ‘5' l I " . , , .. , , u an s. 3"
who has returned home. . ., is If you re sick of reading critics who cant Itell Spiel- d:
Q! 2'?! ‘9 berg from spinach, drop by Rm. ”3 Journalism Bldg. wl
’ '5 ’7? ' z “‘ and apply for a position on our arts staff. Bring at least w I
”“ ' ” ' - ,- 3’32“" 4 .
worii‘ifopRL'l'éducfiifimée i" 6“ = a ‘“° ””1“ °f y°‘" w°”" p’efe‘ab'y “‘m, record or 9 re the New R.
. . p ‘ ’ if; , theater reviews.
_ With hopes of reaching Broad- 22, -' z ’5" “ ° . 1
way sometime this season. . “ .1 1' K I d In 0 W"
I a
J&HArmy-Navy I q 1 We re opening at 10:00 AM so you can
N THE . .
mm 0 ' QB come in and enloy our Happy Hour
m...- 5 030519 . .
LEE J 8 3 I G LOT Brunch before the Wildcat kickoff.
lbw-I‘m “ , l % I n
DUCKHEAD: ‘Qie - mange /V% momma
Pelmer'eP-m ~
Khdtle "'
... ..... p IGAN
. REMIER e -
I v
with J BARBECUE SANDWICH ————1 .25 2395 Richmond Rd.
\ :r ; 5” HOT 0 o G s —————-————————— .5 0 Lexington, KY 40509 2
.' V3“; 5 ‘ " 7.1.1 l
., (it. .2 10 ¢ DRAFT 269-3356
.. - t W... T H E
JbflArmy-Navy um I”? S 1025 PI C RS
515 W.Maln Ill-Mali
WWII“) 130mm. ‘
A...» Open: 10-. Mon-Fri u a
°""..“§.."°"""""‘ ""3" erne FOSS’WOI‘
803 SO. Broadwa 233-9178 ACROSS 51 Pepper 9 g I
. 1 ”I'm 52 Engine parts TUESDA y S
shocked!" 56 King's chair PUZZLE SOL VED
The Kentucky Kernel, 210 Mn Am My of Kenmdry, Lexington, 5 French GI 60 Double curve
Ir.________w_. -2. _ ,7 2 , Ky. W 18mm hrs Mtg the academic year and weekly dung ‘0 '0 ththiPS 5‘ Pro-Am I'll}! lilflfllxlfi EBB. '
' ” ' . ‘ "'0 m WM Mohammad-r mm Ky. 40511. W ‘4 9'0”!” SW"- DRIED animals Laramie
v m :30 per you, :15 per m0. n-led. m. Km Kernel a m by 12%;" 59,“ 64 (23“: um" alnmmannma
THE WHOPPER. . " .; SahpelhwdwmnliJMMMMKMWH. 17 Condlhrl'eni: grrcifndunde" maaggamagfiiagmaa
I 2 wds 65 83 ee 3 e IHEEIECI BBB-@Gma
DELICIOUS ALL WAYS. 19 Harold ol the as mileage: ' uIa insan- sum:
+ + comics 67ls obliged BIUB EJEIL'JIIE] HUGE
. . . 20 Scallions 68 Ruhr City “RIBS DEERE] Elam ' e
.. ‘, \_‘ . if: 21 Wants 69 Rounder 5353355. "BUSES ‘
,3. ‘ , ‘4‘ \ v f I _1 23 Arena areas DOWN HUME mmm
- "a . N ' - g 1 S“ g; greek letter 1 Resound 33mg gflgmgg ‘
' . ' - r ; 2m I I I I I
_ W’ .1, ‘ . i , 3 223;: 9°" 3INO‘,‘?O, nails min-i: some 1
‘ . WANG ’ 30 Shimmied 4 Reduced 535““ 33.35! IWEE
. i\ ._ . "l ‘ 34 Geraint's wife 5 Quarterback 27 Load sounds 46 Certify
; ’7 v " ' ._ ' , \ ‘1. 35 Crazy as — ggtgose 28 Mother — 48 Hand cover 5
. ”x - 2; .. "I... W . "‘ ‘ .. i I t I; l 37 555 8 TIIIeershwm _ 49 Ear problem ’
. K‘ t. -. , A W I . - 29 Relative 52 Sonnet
fry, v. 1" w W W ,2 ' I 33 PUD tare 9 Dark "0'59 31 Engraving 53 Snow home E
{.II" a . I I l 3? lfiz'talllamn 10 FICIDOU 32 Roman 54 Vast areas A
. a] ‘ ‘ I'C "955 a owance official 55 Mineral __
. I- - \I- .. . 2 -/ §PORTS CENTER 42 22;" l; gakegxpert 33"GuIysand Springs.
Q . ‘ .. ‘2 W i pen Dally 6:00 am - Midnight 43mm Inzognran 360—omeout _ S;§,'§,?,°.Z‘,',‘,II°{,‘, v
I . . . 44 Auction 0" 13 Birds — <
. ‘ . f ‘ STUDENT SEM ESTER SPECIAL 45 Perspires 18 Basic amount 39 Back: Prel. 59 ngzmm J
i l g; :ulpy "W5 . 22 Ladd role 40 “Hamlet" 62 Navy rank. ‘
I . umeric 24 Plunder ’t Abb .
2' ’§ ‘ I! ’85 for the semester buys We"! 25 PiCkS OUl 44 35w severe 63 Bornr ‘
I . .
s | ; vourchorceofKarate. Nautilus. liar-I iii-ail iii-Em .
' irimnastics. FreeWeighuming. iiiIII aIIII Iillll
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wiser.” Mn wring.” um imam... - All memberships include unlimited use of fillflw w.- 3-
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..._._ YH! KINYUCKV KIINIL Frldcy, Soptombor 2, 19.3 . J
' Elvis Costello’s new ‘Punch the Clock ’ posture is false pose
t Elvis Camila w” billql u “The that assessment. There's no way a nirg to worry that my response 15 guise mth any complex ramifica may lack depth but '1 m make up tn-mg the m-u t'ult- l'nrti-r .ii‘. in.-
litor Imprints" on his recent mm m. die-hard Elvts fan like me is going exactly what rock 'n‘ roll‘s great trons nothing like the Abbet Road {or ll canng enuugt ~ pm lee‘tl‘ tum .it nu LN .lllKllll {Wynn}
_ gle, “Pills and Soap." His new '0 beoonvinced that this! incarnation cmtidenoemanimended. Elms at Armed Form or the Start ham tor W .u... «w 3...; n~ MW...
album. Punch the Clock , which in- been any mark of his usual movie. In short, Elvis is tired Right now Elvis of Get Happy' 50 for the time med of being let: it :tu- tug iim- the maxim-menu .m- dllllihl
am “pm; and Soup,” verifla lid! and credibility, and I'm begin- he just doesn't feel like assurning a we're stuck Wllh this workingt‘lass, money as they are tlllllnlrllll) riutteml mth ridivultxu
bar-band ElVlS who has much better “out get me wrong : A710“ Hus hum Hurts thnt xmuthrr rather
tl‘ungs to do when the shows over has never been or..- u rugrntmte tlmi‘. propel the llllL‘ll -\nd the I)
OToday through Sept. 20. Works by Cory in the Student Center Cinema. Admission is That‘s fine for him. but u sure himself z-m‘pt 3"! '2» "ram \llLl rm «tilt'll mim- Stlsplt‘lntbl‘. «i...- m
_ _ Bower, a New York City painter, will be on 81.75 withaUK l.D. leaves those of us who trim his in W pin-W hlxhllkmm 7* 'n.» t-Wm' frmx d wrtn «it «limes mndmnh
:l‘llb" exhibit at the Center for Contemporary Art in 0 Sept. 8. 2.2. Top and Quiet Riot ml! per “mas and bill his records m the >1th 0f him chains Ir-«-:r"l\ mm flit-Mn tl'flt‘mt‘l “1mm” Am lh‘lulihl
. t . . . . II I red And that‘s what :1qu me Mr Tom Sinder .tlhl 39...? \ tut" ol the or reeling lr the! ille' «Nlh nail sign
little the Fine Arts Building. Museum hours are 10 form at Rupp Arena at 8 pm. ritketx are angry about Punch m, (Mk ”(m ”mun pm mu,“- it... 3". mm. m .1 ”on“! Mm“, “mm“. an Hm t,
3 am. to 4 pm. Monday through Friday and l 10.50 and 11.50. tello decrdts to use the working lllt' the must pollilal and Atria-nun; m r: n n m.“ .m- t'twt lulu-r 5
,page toSp.m.Saturday and Sunday. ' Sept. 9. Aaron Rosand. violinist, will be in as his dominant mOtif. he should he the past lti Imam lizg‘ timer ln-turi' truizzpi-t min or. Shipbuilding
concert with the Lexington Philharmonic at 3 -willing to display some of the (‘hfl‘l3 has heseemrslmrrt-A .Ylillllt‘l‘t‘lll lLikci i‘l'lt's pit-.itix mgr-s .md mum
.m. in the Center for the Art: (a H 2334:: and energy that go Will) the terrilu l‘lhix even .nrx i'll' \rlltit‘ -il llh .lll‘l-t' tlu- shignnnt .lll‘tllhpllt‘l‘l‘ of
"OT p - - 5 d 6 ry Workingflass bands like the ‘ldlt'hl old putts .t\ t Pu .n‘tunih hi- 'hi» \Ililll\Yl-‘ tillutm .md \'.ifi'lt.‘.\
for more information
)Len- DATES . ‘ ‘ . , Iron City Homerockers and South lit-tut National l‘utm linilzw ‘Allt‘ll 1t .ntmm
um Sept. 10 and H. The UK (,horlsters “'lll prc- Side Jan-1n) and ”If Asbur) ‘lukt'h ll5ll!“ pd ”pun lj-yjj thy tltvlmt’ t‘i ”t N -l“ kl Hfhlfil l ll
t3; _ sent A Shaker Worship Service at Shakerloun.
n8 ° TOday through Oct- 20- Biblical paintings by Performance times are Saturday at H a.m.; . ~ . . .
,ician, , , . - .. 4,
Tour- James Tissot Will be displayed at the Center Saturday and Sunday at 2 and 4 pm. (‘all MOrCh ' 1" 1 L I r
for the Arts. Gallery hours are noon to 5 pm. 257-4900 for more information. ( g ” \ I7 ' '
, and Tuesday through Sunday. 0 Sept. ll. Melvin Dickinson, organist. “ill f ' . , e " ‘ . ‘ .
scided 0 Sept.6 and 7. Young Frankenstein will be present a recital at 4:30 pm. in the (‘entcr for O Dlmes l 3 " ' r (lfielq hOtO r70 1
aative shown at 7 pm. and Victor/Victoria at 9 p.m. the Arts. ‘ \‘ g ‘ t. t v /
0w" - ' _ w v
1'"! U.K. SYUMNT ACTIVII’IIS IOAID "IMP"! ( :7 /“ A“ 7. S 1 e
t... OParker _— » d
£7 up ' Cont’n dfrom page two "—_ 7— l 7' K I
3, and l ue (‘ VESE | A: I ' . \
ord a The tension between familiarity and con- Tll E II !l ‘5. I . \ l INK AR l PRIN T b
It tem t evident in their byplay — Schwartz’s ‘ g J . ’ ‘ ‘" l 3
3W3” ' guitgr virtually laughs at Parker on some cuts 1" (“11(I (”Milli ‘ I\ II E XQUlblTE pHO TQGRAl HS
— guaranteeing that the proceedings never be- "I" TAIWARA l I . ‘ - . . T R AVE L DOST—E Rb
comesimply sate. E—————"‘“”m’—fifi’i’ —"'— . ‘ : ‘
Needless to say, a safe Graham Parker ‘ y ‘ . .
would be impossible to take. But “in love," as Thursday, September 'I 5th, 8:00 PM . l, PLUS A FULL LINE OF
Parker demonstrates, is not synonymom with . x, - \ 3 MATS AND FRAMES
“safe.” Parker has not forgotten that “lovers flckefs ~ .
get caught just the sameinthe thunder and . \ ‘\l'(l "‘l—b'l‘l’l q lll’ii l’\'l
rain," but he has learned that a particular $5.00 for U.K. Students With U.K.|.D. - . ‘ ' “‘ ‘ ‘ ' “ ‘ ’
haircut and pout can’t negate the essential . . , q in \ll , l )l‘Nl (”lV‘VlllC
challenge love presents. The Real Macaw is a $700 for the General PUbllC . . “ ' ‘ “ ~ “ ‘
brave album because he resolutely refuses to 'I l h d , k ff' f
despair —however fashionable it might be __ Avai abe at t e U.K. Stu ent Center Tic et 0 ice rom \x I nap”;«Hy/nuwup
Whenhefeels like celebrating. 10:00 AM-4:00 PM weekdays. ~44. , . ,
:3 9'2, ~ I ~. - .5 - '~ ‘ ‘5- or )1 - - -
The U.K. StudentActivities Board . " 35%;.'fgxi’egsistgs‘éfivs "i 5Za§9~m v1" ‘07... :t“ , .
' g , .- fr .3133}; buffing“. “7'4in at» Mr? -sr-x.‘>.~ ., ‘7 I ‘ tr... .. ,
. - "72;, I ‘ , .r .. .
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shoppers Village liquors . -, (a. : .. a ‘2: .. s. -.- , o ,,
\ . J .. 4‘ l 7 , . h. ‘, ~ ,1 .
V's»; - aw/K‘MW is 4. "“ 3/ w 3 7" /""' .
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SALE ENDS WEDNESDAY. sermon 7. I9GJOLIMITED ro EXISTING sroconu TAXES INCLUDED IN 1. l ‘ ‘13, ' ‘ — r. . l ,
ALCOHOLIC uvslusr PRICES A 4, "'i ”i m J f . , ‘JI I: . .- , ' . .. 5 . .. ‘ ‘
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