xt731z41vd0b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt731z41vd0b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-04-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1980 1980 1980-04-18 2020 true xt731z41vd0b section xt731z41vd0b t
Vol. Lxxu. No. to er 2 lniversiti of Kentucky
Ffldgy, AMI 13‘ I980 In independent student newspaper ' lextngton. hentucky
— ‘
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V . ‘ : ' " {fgmgéwefgém An unidentified black male wearing McCarney said. ducted today.
, ' . I g ...I . . ti.N géwia'? a sweat suit apparently collapsed while .\0 one at the scene knew the man I I
, II . . _ . . -, ‘:""”' I. IIy/m, .- . . _ . . , . _ .- _ . 1 , . . . . . .
7% a" - . . , ' «’3’? Jogging at the corner of Main Street and he was notcarryingidentification. .. "‘l‘kmn 315”” I ”hf" “L” _
”if ,I := ”it“s N" . fig” ’glfff’gi.f%gefl I and Newtown Pike yesterday at 5:52 McCarney said. At ”:35 pm. he said IsoIthIng thchneignborhood ”C‘” the
,.f"._ I. . “V ,2 . 7%.,7‘ ' " p,m.. according to Deputy Coroner he could not estimate the man‘s age. "RI“ ‘N mg I ‘In ‘4” attempt to d‘“
, ‘3; . . iii-Hi. I“ ...,.I .v. Bill Mccamey. height or weight. cover the mans identity. he said.
’2” l :1 f ’5; .. o 1' ' '1; ,. or“ "Page?” 'i , . . ~ . '
N,“ . gym” . .. e f The man was brought bv ambulance lhe cause of death could not be A Metro Police spokesman said
‘5» i f ”a” a. . to Good Samaritan Hospitalwhere he determined until an autopsy is per- there were three or tour police units
a, . ‘- . I We" ' _ - died at 6:34 pm. despite attempts at formed. McCarney said. adding that involved in the search to identity the
“0"” b3 DAV”) ('OYLE/KHM'S'm cardiopulmonary resuscitation. the autopsy will probably be con- black male.
———-——_ . - . . _ t t »
By CARY WILLlS Forareviewoffheap Tricksconcert ringer for Hunt! Hall of the Bowery for Anderson at UK spoke before a shook his 'iead occasionally. as it solicnetl support. “\\hevv." \etlsen
. “mag,“ Him, [05! night, seepage 4 Boys.“ Decked out in worn tennis crowd of about l50 persons. com- bored. sighed as Hudson ended histast-paced
-. m . _._I shoes. a bright red sweater and his posed of more Cheap Trick fans than “With only 20 percent of our voters speech A brief speech was then deli-
Most presidential candidates would Graves also spoke in Anderson‘s trademark baseball cap. the onlythinIg Anderson supporters. “We don‘t mind registered as Republicans. 21 candidate v'ered by Doris lane”. a local retiltor.
‘ be quite reluctantto have their neigh- behalf. more colorful than his clotheswcre his if there are Reagan supporters and must have widespread support to When it was time tor the band» .
bors speak on their behalf. But if your Neilsen told reporters after the rally actions and opinions. I (arter supporters here."he said. “loo w'in.“ Graves said. Neilsen fidgeted members to talk \eilsen's entiisiasm
next-door neighbor happens to be that he supports Anderson because if “I wantto go outwnh hisdaughterI." bad they couldn't get their own rally. with his round rose-colored glasses. appeared to return. The crowd had
Rick Neilsen of Cheap Trick. you the Republican candidate is victor~ the energetic songwriter-guttaristsaid though.“ “The politicalsystem is not working applauded politely for each previous »
might change your mind. ious. “I‘d get more for my realestate. of Anderson. Both men. as well as Then he introduced Graves. who for most Americans." Graves con- speaker. but when (‘ailos (whom
Neilsen and two other members of for one thing." drummer Bun E. Carlos and vocalist approached the podium and discussed tinued. Neilsen smirked and moved in Marsh compares to “an overweight
the popular rock bandgav‘e brief plugs Dave Marsh of Rolling Stonemaga~ Robin Zander. are natives of Rock- Anderson's merits while Neilsen. his seat. war criminal"1 took the sillllti they
in support of RepJolin Anderson. R- zine once called Neilseii. whose short ford. Ill. The group's basmst. Tom seated beSide Zander with his feet "John B. Anderson is a man of cheered and whistled -
' 111.. at a rally yesterday in the Student hair and manner of dress are unchar~ Petersson. did not attend. propped on the table in front of him. ideas.a man ofvisions.aman who will Carlos praised ‘\lidt‘l\0l‘i by saying
Center. Former Kentucky Sen. Joe acteristic of most rock ‘n‘rollstars.“a Ron Duke. preSidcnt of Students made faces at photographers and candidly discuss the issues." Graves the white-haired representative had
I said. Neilsen made some comment to served the small comniiinitv oi Rock‘
I I I Zander and chuckled. ford for 20 years. "He is a good guy.
5 men t0i to present picture-pe ect cat a re
- ‘ when Carvon Hudson. president of like him."
Jefferson Countians for Anderson. (fontllllll‘d 0" page 4
By GERALD MASON with the start of the new football care of the Commonwealth Stadium After the Blue-White game the Will
Reporiei season. football field consumes most of Rey- work begins. A crew of mm |2people. . I I I
, That man is B.W. (Bill) Reynolds. nold‘s time, for one month. "plug" the field. 13 Sllver trophies mISSIng
. It is l130 pm. on Saturday. Sept. 6. assistant superintendent of the , .. . instead of re-sodding the field or sow~
h' 5 - . . , He said the field is mowed by hand . . . . . . . .
. I and more t an 8000 people are Athletic (irounds Department. 'h' h k . h f h ing grass seed. the crew replaces the .
crowded into Commonwealth Sta- Reynolds and his ground crew of f “d“ [d bm'imf [1?an ree- 01:” 5 dead "P0185“ 0f grass “‘"h new' ones. f M I I C I S um
dium on l‘K's campus. Some stand. four David Bickers. Eldon Cheek. Oh dB ay d 6“}qu d tractor pu 5 up The new plugs of grass are placed rom emorla o I e '
. some sit on cushions. some are Tommy Davis and David Schryerr ‘ e ermu a gm” between fourto five inches apart This
wrapped in blankets while others grace are the caretakers of the (‘ommon- The football team does not use the process takes about a month to from ('omhined AP and sari Reports knew the risk involved in keeping the
the sidelines and end lones. wealth Stadium football field. the field after the last game in November complete. trophies on display. but said. "it was
In last a few short months 100 UK threegrass footballfields.the astroturf until they scrimmage again in March. Reynolds said theyuse the plugging Thirteen silvertrophiesand one bas- either that or pi.t them in a closet
players and coaches will stampede adjacent to the Shively Sports Center in preparation for the Blue-White process So the grass “ill spread faster ketball from the [958 National Colle- where no one could see them or have
onto the “picture perfect“ field. and (10 acres altogether). the baseball game which occurs tomorrow. “I hate because “if we planted it in sod. it giate Athletic Association access to them."
the “”8991 outdoorarena in Kentucky field. and the track and field. to see them use the field this early in WOUld soon die.u Tournament championship victory It was hoped that the trophies from
will erupt with pandeinonium. Despite its relatively small area the year. but they do it anyway." Rey- The field is kept wet while the plug- over Seattle were taken from six Adolph Rupp‘s 42-year coaching reign
. But one man is not always happy compared with the other fields. taking nolds said. Continued on page 7 trophy cases in Memorial Coliseum could he pcrti‘ianeritlv displayed in th:.
sometime late Wednesday evemng. Rupp Museum. he siiid \o iocation
officials announced yesterday. has been chosen tor the museum yet.
Although no estimate was available l he 1904 \(A v\ championship and
, . . - . on the value ofthe stolen items. police ”7‘ \(f \-\ runner-tip trophies were
[en Iranian assets in the l nited States. - . ‘l '
Carter said that if the hostages an. not released world said the theft could amount to several locked in hitskc’llidli toiich Joe B.
0 State f ' i i i thousand dollars. Hall's office. Rice said. lhc Wbti
soon. a ban on shipments of food and drugs would be VCAA runner u t 0 tin als) “I
. . . . . - . . r - r it is
the next inasenesot economic pressures placed upon TWO PLANES BROLGHT 250510“? relugecsIto The stolen items included Cham- kc t in a locker rioomi "—{orte til the
. GOV. JOHN T. BROWN JR.yesterdav approved Iran. (‘osta Ricaduringtheseconddayotanairltltofrelu- . hi . f h I946 V ' 'l p .. ' ‘ ‘ - .
. . ' . . . , . , » pions 'p cups 0 I e ' ationa three were onpiibiicdisplav butprob-
the $5.9 million expansion ofthe llniverstty of louo- Caner also said miillilh action mat; he used if[hc§c gees from ( ba. Yesterday s airlift raised the total of Invitational Tournament and four bl I I t I b. if R'
. . _ .. ' ' a My i' l.\‘ *en -n. l“
ville law School laCIlity. which includes new class- latest measures fail. 11¢ hinted that a naval blockade refugees removed from the overcrowded Peruvian NCAA tournaments W48. “949. “I5 s U U I” l s s \ UIL u
rooms and a new library. may beimplemented saving “the interruptionofcom- Embassy m ”3‘3"“ ‘0 490 Peruvian Embassy 01““ 1951 d 1958 i I ~
. ' . ' . . . . . an ‘ Ironicallv a basketball from the

”Aftcra thorough economic feasibility study. based merce with Iran" is a logical move ctals said 9.700 ( uhans at the Embassy were still wait- “We're trying to determine whether I948 l ondon ()lv m I“ in is lit ‘h Ru n
on a tight budget. we have decided to proceed with ing to leave their homeland. ht h' - . lid 91. .- l . ‘ " P f ‘ ‘ r'

‘ t t '8 wt s' d The finaldestination ofthe refu eeswas n it settled t' L [FOP I“ were 80 ‘5' \8r Grimm} coached the l nitcd States team. was
“ms ruc mn‘ m [ ‘dl ‘ IN AN IMPORTANT VICTORY for PICSIdt‘nI , . i g h i ( ‘ SllVCr plated‘ said safe‘y [)ll’CCIOT undisturbed “lhc Vaismnh basket-

”We have discussed the law school with the chair- . . . ( osta Rica has agreed to accept 300 refugees and will 'Tom Pad tt ‘ . f . ‘

. (arter. the House Appropriations ( ommittee vester- . . . .. ge - ball Hall of fame has tried for tears to
man of the American Bar Association s accreditation day resurrected the resident‘s embattled fan for seve as a staging center for future refugee flights lhc II . , . h t .. R' . d -
committee by telephone and are satisfied that the peacetime re istratiorf of 'oun men p L'nited States has agreed to accept 3.500 ofthe rcfu- I dont know what all ”m 15 worth Earth db [0:].115' m; 5‘“ . d . ~l

. school‘s academic standing would be in jeopardy By a threge—votc m'ir in 236 71 the committee gees. However an American Embassy officialsaid it {mg or flVC ihQUSand dollars. I L red ~tn Iw.i.s t LIIIshctIIiIIJIIfisILiIIi
unless construction starts immediately.” be said. . ' , d di SI; ‘8 7”. ‘i’ _ I -. . will probably be two weeks before the first group of surely. said Russell Rice. sponsmfor- inctdent ‘1! them tseum. L ' '
approve spen "g ml ion to start registering refugees leaves Costa Rica for the United States mation director. “The sentimental ”0pm was stolen several years ago

PRT'SIDl-‘VTIAI CANDIDATE RICHARD an estimated 4 million men. ages 19 and 20. at post value‘.’ Forget it." and returned last year

" “ ' ‘ ' offices throughout the country. beginning this , , [um ton and Universit' Olicc “lgotananonvmouscal!ftomi’igii\
KAersterday urgedafederaltudgeto rulethat one summer ' THE ELROPEAN PARLIAMENT voted “WP ‘ ‘. g . . ff 3 p ' ‘h "d h‘ k ' l . t . _ f 'I
of the statutes governing Kentucky‘s primaryelection I whelminglv yesterday in favor of a resolution calling were investigatingthethe [5 yesterday. w 0 5‘“ ‘ new V“ 1e“ ' ““5 l “I‘

« Proposals to register women along with men. as , ' .. but UK olice Lt Baird Brown said wanted ,1 returned and wouldnt
'5 unconstitutional (‘arter proposed were shouted down twice without a on the nine member governments to “contemplate P I L f th' " R ‘ d “l

Kay. who has not been able to gain a spot on the recorded vote I breaking diplomatic relations Wllh Iran.fol|owingthe there w?” n0 leads.I . . pursuhe ”I (any Er U‘ d “.0, Fa} h t‘
Democratic Party ballot for the May 27 Kentucky US. example. “in the event ofthe hostages not being The items were discovered missing JIU“ 5 0:6 UP her: (meda'i d 1t” d .

' ' .. - ~ ww iur II or; '-
primary. said the statute allows the state Board of released. lateI “I’edneIsday .When a CUstodian neurII new If Inc | dn my
[Elections to put a person (mm... ballot who ,I‘ "gener- PRESIDENT (‘ARTER said yesterday the The Parliament did not endorse economic sanc- "mm“ a 000': aJarI ("I1 one Of the thmgf se 8 were Jun 2 a to get H
ally advocated or nationally recognucd " nation‘s economy “probably has entered a period of lions. but at a meeting next week. foreign ministers trophy cases. Rice said. The“: was ”.0 back. .

”0“.er ”If ('leveland mom“ argued that mm remsmnnmm My.” use“painand Idl‘mpmnsum {mm m: "inc countries will consider such mi”. and sign of forceable entry into the ( oli- The other eight tropliics reported
are no standards to guide the Board of Elections to many Americans we“ German OffiClfllS predict that some I("1d 0f “0- scum itself: however. the cases whmh misstng yesterday commemorated [ht
help dmrmmc Mm Is nationally IecognIlch But can“ “Id he hellcm [hm Is the price for m_ nomlc Malian“ will be approved. are located along the oumde corridor l95l IHelmIs Foundation national

Kay questioned why the Board of Elections placed training inflation. and predicted the downturn will be WCITC pryCd open. Chai’npionship. the 1948-49 and [949-
ihe name of former Mississippi governor Clifford short and mild weather Tuesday nightseveralhundred spec- 50ISugar Bowltournamentchampion-
Finch on the ballot. but chose to omit his name h “3” the “'5‘ time the president has acknowledged tamrs were m the (Ollscum um” I30 Ships‘.thT '9‘”ij Mid-Winter SpIortS

' . a recession is apparently at hand. although his own SlTNSHINE (‘AN BE EXPECTED for this wee- am. When the wmners of the two-day Assocration title. the I958 .‘v( AwA
natlon economic forecasters had stated previously that the kend's Little Kentucky Derby events. The clouds will competition for posttions on the l2- Mideast Regional “”0- the 19f]
economy was entering a period of recession decreasetoday and the highsareexpected to reachthe member Wildcat Cheerleadtng Squad Southern Intercollegiate “him”

PRESIDENT (‘ARTER yesterday announced a Carter indicated he agreed with other government low 70s Tonight will beclear and mild. withthe lows were announced. Wednesday "lgh‘ Assocration tournament champion—
ban on American travel to lran.and ordered thatrep- officials. who say the downturn probably started in in the uppcrdos. Tomorrow will be mostly sunnyand spectators watched SIX contestants Sh'P‘ the '949 Southeastern ( ("‘Ifcr'
arations to the families of hostages be paid from fro- late March or early April. warm with the highs in the mid 705, compete ff" the J°b 0f the feline encc ‘O‘lrllam‘P‘ crown and a ”I'm-

mascot. plade finish in the 1945 N( AA
Rice said UK athletics officials Mideast Regional.

 - , l
- KENTUCKY Debbie McDaniel .
Editor in (‘hirt Muir Green Kim Aubrey Thorn-s (‘hrk John (1., Guy Lander:
er 2 Joy Fond! Bob (‘ochnnc Iz'nlerlammrnl Editor Spam Ed or “Witt" 0/ Photography i
(It) Willis Aunt ialr Edilon Paul Mum
Managing kill/or ('indy McGee S. T. Robinson Brim Rkkerd David Maynard
Jacki Rudd Anislanl Aim/an! Spam Editor Phiilu Mandi!” i
I . . Steve Massey Lin Doumrd ('an Miran Entertainment Edi/or . . '
edltorlals & commnts (uni/rut htlilor Iu'litunul Iii/11m ‘ t
L“ - . i
[P r eppy' clothes represent return to CODfOI‘MitY h
Gosh. Mt [I exeiting'.’ lhe preppy look is back. Let lopsiIders were once deck shoes. which told the female. buy dull. bulky skirts and tops. (To be really ties. and let everyone know aboutit. Get upsetand act
. In all mom. world. Hey. i m rich and lIowna yacht.andtheseare snazzy. wear tennis shoes with your new skirt.) lf childish if your college newspaper doesn‘t cover all f
lhere's JIM mmmhmg about pink button-down the shoes I wear when l mu my friends at Harvard you’re male. buy off—color shirts. preferably embla- 764 of your humble fund-raisers.
, shirts.;ind"high-water“pants green enoughtoglowin and “deh‘Y yacht. zoned with little alligator patches, and the kind of A woman interviewed in yesterday‘s Lexington i
. the dark “.5 m traditional. and 8",“me likes that Well. it doesnt matter that very few of them actu- pants you used to laugh at when you looked through Herald summed it up best. “Preppy is more than a
. Chm“. 100k ha OIthedI YaChItS‘ sinfce .12th "really wanted t0. Dad‘s high school yearbook. Be sure yoursocks are of look; it‘s an attitude." according to Linda Gibbs. .
Yeah. right. CY re hm rea Y com 0"“ ht» proponents Of the a color that doesn't exist in nature. sportswear buyertoradowntownclothingstore “The
. [here 1. nothing wrong with the tan khaki pants outrageously-priced bland t00t COVCTS argue. 2. Go to a discount department store and buythe liberal years of the ‘605 have passed us by.“ she
and sortie of the othec consentitive—style liashionstak- .. lhey often don’t wear SOCkS because .the shoes are same stuff. minus the alligators. in the bhdget StaCkS- continued. ‘
mg oiei stores. but the blazers that look like patch- SO comfortable.I The Band-aids are hm there ‘0‘ if you‘re lucky. there might be a blue-light special Indeed.
“mt «with cut to “(Mpg/C are a little much. um... well, they re only worn until the shoes are where you can get two shirts for $3.95. Now everyone should conform. it seems. Cutting
l he hath. idea behind the preppy look dates back to broken "1- it 5 Mt that the tOPSlderS are irritating or 3. Root through Mom and Dad‘s old cedar chest hair short. agreeing with whatever people say simply ‘
. the |95tis. u hen college students were generally afflu- anything. _ . . andjust put on the first thing you come across. Never to avoid confrontation. going to the disco driving a
- . em. confoimist and. mm; often than not. rather (he ha? three primary alternatives when buying mind that it probably won‘t fit; bagginess is tres chit- white Camaro annd blending in with the ciowd — it '
siliihh} l he number of people who attended higher- SUCh clothingzI , these days. seems we‘re starting the ‘805 the way we lived the ‘705
. educational institutions was only a fraction of what it 1‘ ROb a liquorI store i" take your last three pay- One thing all preps must remember: if joining a Sthl)’~ smoothly and UttWhhhg ‘0 try to change
I_ h Mt”. checks and go toa classy department store. Ifyou‘re social group. always donate time and money to chari- things.
' . r".
’ . r’ s\ thi- [hi 0 o THASH I I I
i v. uckLUfiH l a IVE an V3 aCtIVG
\ 7231a 6h} it] .s-, ' °° '
. . , \ W)“, t. IQII
I I . r \ I ‘t-jI «I " I / .1 : I v k _ By JONATHON HALL tainly not the case. Anti-draft activity means 0f resolving international COH-
“ ' j t t], 4h) :7 x ‘1 7f: C t t h here.and across the country. isatleast ht“ A mthtat’)’ clash between two
II in". .i/‘hhh 'g r ”WI T‘- i W . I . _ s. . onfrfaryd: the :(rroneIOKS percep- as substantial as the President‘s flat to superpowers wrll result in the threat,if
, . f“ I. I , :III f "-. 72 “on? ere yt e Iernet eILexmg- nationalize the only product that not the fact of nuclear war. war that
/ . . It I ", 3E tor:I :mEIhFC-hghlhh Registration might khep him from reflection; us. cannot be won by anyone.
’i’ . J , L“; I !‘-' .- 1",. .//?/, ‘72.; hh- ,1 sic/{:{tDisStill alive ar;Id very The revrval of registration is the first The . members of the Lexington
II _ ,4 . . . , , \ t I ‘ .-i' /‘ ‘/2 V . fictive. h . Iis m7eIeting eac Tues- step toward a new cold warattitude by Committee Against Registration and l
. I I , II, t: VII/II . . '(K .- 7% z. [Ir/y ay mg tin Aprilat .30in Rm. ”II of our government. and willonly serve to the Draft are opposed to violent solu-
. ,/\\M4‘) . . Ii‘I I‘ j, I @lm ‘W/ the Student Center. We are holding heighten already strained interna~ tions to international crises. Words .
”my ; . \ \I I k) 2, . %,,/r e signjups for a trip to Kent State IUni- tional tensions. It is innappropriate as can be far more powerful than wea- \
. - i' ii ‘t' :5) 43'" I‘ . ‘ .1 .‘ ."- ph/hh/ \ versitonn May4forthe tenth anniver- ————-————" pons. if we will only use the abundant
, . , t i "uh/h I -. ‘ l w 'I . ’ .> / sary olfihe tlien:1 Stat: Massatcre.IThere . . resource of intelligence and common
_ - l . ,I \ /’ .» a ,:'I . we er a en a emons ration in sense we 5h
/ ' \\ i i "'h thwart!!! h / “h :h 7h memorial 0f the four students who ODIN/0n conflicts wgiii/hllhhfhui:lihosihlilliewrzgg
“I X I//\\ 54> $2; died in that senseless. tragic event. towardtrue humanity. LCARD exists
‘ 3“? \I '1 ‘l/ . I,” j aé’v 9.2-} I; :hhhighs‘hlhhlhg t0 hh to this event . . to let the public and the governmnet
. , (I) /7:‘I ,I 1 4)“? If i, I‘I’li/fi‘“ ill“? I; :1 OH blgl’l up at our tdbiC m the first a rcsptjnse [0 [he Sowet's tnvasion of knowthat there are people(andagood
_ , {(4 (th 1: t i») 1:, ,' -. ”Mfg?” l '1’” a... 00t i0bby ofthe Student Center. or Afganistan.a country which has been many of them) Who favor sensible.
‘ , I, ,1: (J . VT\ . ,. ”it?” 4 ”V ., come to one Of our meetings- militarily dependant upon the Soviet reasonable. non-violent solutions to
. , , ‘.‘i {:7 7O h'iji Jig“ ‘yfl ”II/“03,; I g it in recent months our government Union for the past twenty-five years. the world‘s problems. Let’s get
. . fix 3h gt 32$ Zéfll-‘yg‘fi lI I4! '1 it has convinced a certain number of In the event of US. military interven- together before our government takes
, hate/2%" . gv -- 7,.w $119.55” 1'; ~74..- 13,37 mfluencral Americans that theIViIet- tion in the Persian Gulf Region our away our choice. |
. .' . ‘ ~- s‘f-y . . :1 1 ififgcl'l'?’ 7— ‘7'" . W §?;* nam era 15 over(no more public Indig- “vital interests“ would most probably
. ‘ , , I I ' ’ “ '“- ' nation over government actions. at be destroyed. laid to waste. Finally
. home or abroad). This is most cer- war is now totally unsuitable as a Jonathon Hall is an A&S sophomore
' * Changing sexist language is a diffic It t k L tt h Ed'
I WOUIdn'tilbeagoodideatoascrlbe Could be that l Will have to be Women havetheir rights in spades ~ Jean'PaUI Sartre tng feelings and CQhV‘ChOhS for
, , . ‘ B) R \l P” l . JOHNSON names to some ofthe major walkways grandfathered in the matter of ERA. so start digging (as if they haven‘t). accomplishments and ideas as scarlet -
- . on campus? For instance. whatshould Born too many years ago, The old dog Speaking of digging. surely you Many things given in “the institu- letters sewn on yokes.I the world
:. . . \i‘» «mu. mm; Prii'ilL'l‘dph km l‘riday we call the walkway that runs from that cant learn new tricks. etc. have noted that some women aspireto tion of blood"one wishes notto offer. extracted from Szrtre aha EirIisIteinIthe
. . . inquired. .ihoiii the :iitnutil little Kenh- Il-unkhouser [)rive between McVey It isn‘t that ldon I stand foursquare dig (3031- ‘0 80 down to the m'hCI Pits That "ihStitUtiOhh has “‘0 parties: mIost exquIiIstte 0 1th h 6:? hhhhhh‘
_ - MLM lie: "m l he response wasalmost and Rastle to Patterson Drive betWeen {Or the women. of Whom my revered where they. too. can have the thrill of family and death. Thus.such presenta- a egatcy. 3mg?“ some ‘St'hhhohs
I' ' . liiiiilt'tiittit' an I.“ toim ot a telephone the library and Lafferty Hall? mother and beloved wrfe are two. But! working eight hours up to their knees tions as faces. anxiety. being. and des- ”“3“ 16 ma h“ "‘Ste'“ Iwaza sc1entist .
. - In” trom a \oting man “h“ tidxised lhatwalk. more orlessmmdentally. Hold it right there guy! You can‘t call in black water while breathing tiny lie therein. No one understands a? re aihltflwg COHCZIVC as ascom-
. 5 that Plans i‘ill-ti been well laid and that hhhh h four-foot dhhh ‘hhhelhlmmt as your .Wlfh your .w'fe' Spouse is the methane gasIand hhhi dUSt‘ Whatenvy them; time only gives us thoughts 0h hex mohih IS mhlhd hhi hhhds. 'hlhrh
.‘ .iii .Itm “II“ “I“ needed “I” publicity wide as the walk. I(IontainedItherein unsexrst form. Wife isasexualword results in this ambition? . these things. My ideas are my family was a ll’ 'ESOP Ct an ehlhhhhladhhh
. . I .' I Pit ill'\L’Li IIIII sh.i re » are a variety of utilities including it which is preCiselwahy we got married. inasmuch as we are to be forbidden and my death. They have that quality was a 903 fr an ah? cogirhnan e )i
,, I . . . . . I must admit that the Kama/it new not nowerelong chilled water pipes Who. for (rod 5 sake. are these few our rights to free speech. here. accord- of blood for me. ForJean-PaulSartre, :iysterlioushorces nyhl. '5 contro
.. X I . columns HIM hCCnnonetoo generous. to fully air condition 52-year-old females who hold all of us hostage. mg to Prof. Bruce Westley’s newly the philosopher. this was necessarily htTiih er I: restpcirIiIsi my, 't f
_ ihere “I“ .f It) paragraph item Im Iiychey (soon to undergo a top—to- who put stilted words in out mouths releaIsedthird edition of histext.News the same. For Sartre. the dying man. . t llh [WOIT hlri e cogmgmtyI or
I , Nionimk 'ioni page tinderagenerous Eotton overhaul) and the 25-year-old ahdII require that literature be rewrit- IEdIting. are some ofthe verboten sex- other thinkers. like me. were his fam- [tn 6 C; DE: SSWI survrye e ea .0
- _.‘ ' _' phoso “I ‘he \iumu \u Btu Blast. noch (irehan Journalism BUlidlng. ten. Who are these strident broads ISIS words andthe more orlessasexual ily. and his death became thetruth of can- au Iartre. '“ act. mourning
. .- .. “Mt. ”It or ”IL” ”III h‘dH‘ had any- Before [eating this subject 1 would Who would alterIlJncoln‘s Gettysburg equtvalent: . his thought. Yet. still. no one min only briefly. The greatestanguish
. i. Iv : I 'ntm i. t! I “MI l'Kl) Mm on Moh- likeIto comment on two matters per- AddreSs byIdeleting“OIurForefathers“ You cant say girls for females over understands. should be ,m, replacrcng his thought
, ,I tit“ .ttt. \( H‘s ”um Calendar. a :hlmhg to both ends of it: Fruulessly aftnd require that it read "Our iii. In WhICh case you say woman. ISartIre‘s passing corresponds onlyto and committing h'm ‘0 triv1a.
. I_ .5 -." can: .l.i' crust-mum. mm the mmmg hhhhhmhhhhhh now six of which I orbears. I You must not refertothe female you Einstein‘sdeath in I955. Both endured Richard W. Dimey .
, I . . - “WM m dim.interspersedwithother hm obsened the maintenance .t. e married asthe little lady northe better the scrutiny of a public waiting for Philosophy and Political Science sen-
. p ‘I . _ 'ems siish its hIIthI“ gum“ dances 23:25:; hcaove attempted to repurr the p05] IV . half. Use instead the word wife.which magic wordstocarvein stone. Mistak- ior ,
. I'I' r j _ ”“i ”where reierences to l3pilepsy descendin 22:}: ithhhh asgndingor negative ()th hhih pagedpreinoushwas regardeg
1 - " . . “at ‘W’ W h“ up’ guys» 50 all. .::S:.'..;';:;.§':;; ‘_______ 322352 hi2,;“yi,.f§m'§2i;.¥,i?$2d '
'v . , tin: bin-i 'Mll~'t' one item notin t ' i . ' i ' '
1 i there this Iiiiiit‘ enthusiasm forhl 2i; MCVC)‘. rhhmld those steps and be agrheuerhihahhtyhzh: ZhguithlahfmZiilharig t0 Shh the word spouse. WhiCh ptt- Leflers pollcy
.m' .v if, tilttlt‘ annd“ l mu inside lom done with it for another 40 odd years. chairwomen and chair erson .q sumes you know the gender 0f the
- I- . . ,- I hut. hmcmm I. \mmd mm“ M And.Iat the Other end and of stiff awkward I nd i; Id word you. The Kentucky Kernel welcomes all contributions from the UK com- —
II IIIIII IIIIII “In“ recent yrntage there is an aluminum unnecessar' “ amne Girl Friday is out. In is secretary. munity for publication on the editorial and opinion pages. . '
. . \i. m. that; 'ttit enough puhilClt\ handrail designed. I am sure. to assist Southeriiers have been ronouncin assistant. right hand, Right hand? Letters. opinions and commentaries must be typed and triple-spaced. .
. . I . III . I III oz mouth sufficient” And the Iamh‘ the halt and the blind onthat Mrs as Min (or Ms )forhear b tthh . Never, never say libber or women‘s and must include the writers signature. address and phone number. LK
v , . . ‘ no, ,3 m. in“, concert Sunday downhill drag. artificial use of theiw g be? it he lib. Feminist or liberationist is correct studentsshouid include the” year and major and UttWCrStty employees
. ' i . m- I l'sl) \i li-sponsored event in home ”he ago. and lam only We" name of an womenhivh hhhe ! h h Shys' Shh‘hld hh the” hOthh and department. ‘ ‘ '
, . :I WWW“ { “mum mm“ a nearsell- suming this. a maintenance vehicle requested my“: could dehamihthzi There are no more co-eds. In the 1h; fif’hfldmggfmdehsc OttLeJeht fifhthghtflomt and trequIeht “in“:
‘ .. In» E .mi mid. (ilti .in item rclatne t) ‘0 attempt‘ or at least no visible A d ' h . . you tell one from the other in print. ar 21 . . y. ay . ' ‘ 5‘ . , .
, _ i , n w at. pray tell. Will the Hench . . Contributions should be delivered to Room 114 Journalism. University
. Hus lilix‘ttdi gin-tip mmc time ago. attempt has been made to restore the s k' l ' . . , ladylike really is well-mannered. l . K 40 0
. . my pea Iing peop es do wrth their sexrst h'le hou w'f i' h k of Kentucky. .exrngton. . y. 5 6.
. . . w. v \p'ftlh with authority about Now if it w . . . definite and indefinite articles. Surely w l . a se ' e s a omema er For legal reasons. contributors must present a UK ID beforethe Kernel i
I an.” WWII“ ”mam/”mm ”m” .‘ . as a good idea to begin ou can‘t 1 . I . . . - just in case the male spousethow am! will be able to accept the material. '
. , , t . .. .. , thhltwould seemtobeagood idea to y .053 out ewnhout rejecting doing?) is minding the babies and
I . in . i. m it .u.. sttond hand that the . . la. nor Will you be permitted even so ~
. " ' it't“ prowl" iealh is iirst class (ireat hehthh ihh rhh' hhl. If some rhhSOhl mUCh as a sin le Uh 0r une Wh t making the beds Letters:
I . . - . mm mm \m [Hm (‘lark the Ken cant dream of. precludes restoration. dilemma for thh: nationthat 'e h! 3 There “0 longer Will be career girls Should be30 lines orless and no morethan 200 words. They should con-
' ‘ i n. / u killit \iliom l do not doubt So.tf then the very hm that COUId be done the word used to shame allhi huh tc l or career women. Chh them by their cern particular issues. concerns or events relevant to the UK community. ,
. I I “HI ,Im‘ m “II“! tor it_ w can you. would be to immediately remove those men (‘hauvinism s mor a profession. i.e.: construction worker.
Rm | til'l speak first hand of: the several lagged hhd very sharp support FQUal rights for w'omen' You 1 't plumber. doctor. lawyer or prostitute. Opinions: '
emit hailoon nite and the Blue (Brass arms that posea threaitoanyone pass- as far as I am concerned I Furth80 it Oh “IL I am sure I Shah be qhhh - hhhhld be 9h hhhh (hi-eh hhd Shhhld giveand explain a hhhhhh pertain~
. ’ttlislc 'o he smiled this afternoon on lhg‘hy would seem to me that women al "d hhhh and drawn 7 hht remember. I lhg to mhlhhl issues or interest to the UK community.
' , 'ilt' sotter ilt'iti between the football hhhh'd a- person Shim“: or be have that and more even to'thc mh' yt have a grandfather clause ih my con-
’ «tum. and sit-humus Road. That ”“hd‘ f‘” '"s‘am‘ “h'k ”“5”"! 0' of Quite unequal rights which iiom "h“ and "mm“ laws ”en" hommmhh“ - - -
.' w .i Lin .ilfiiii for um age