xt731z41vc7w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt731z41vc7w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-04-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 1977 1977 1977-04-20 2020 true xt731z41vc7w section xt731z41vc7w Store offers
book refunds  

Kernel Columnist

Wallaces Bookstore, at 385 South
Limestone, has agreed to return! the
difference between new textbooks
they sold last fall and books
available for lower prices at other
local stores.

The promise was made in an‘

Assurance of Voluntary Compliance
filed April 15 in Franklin Circuit
Court. It came after a six-month
investigation by the Attorney

General’s Consumer Protection-

Division of Wallace’s advertising.

The bookstore agreed to give
refunds “to any person who pur-
chased a new textbook between the
dates of August 17, 1976 and Sep-
tember 30, I976...an amount equal to
the difference between the price
paid to Wallace’s Book Stores, Inc.

Vol. LXVIII, Number 148
Wednesday, April 20, 1977

and any lower price at which the
same textbook was available at any
other bod: store regularly sewing
the University d Kentucky cam-

The advertising, which appeared
last fall, was designed to publicize
the book store’s policy of offering
discounts on new textbooks, in-
cluded such statements as:

“—never before has any book
store, anywhere, ever discounted
new bodrs—"

“—Nobody, anywhere will sell you
new textbooks for as little as
Wallace‘s—” and

“Wallace’s Book Store in
Lexington isdoing something that no
other book store in the entire United
States has ever done before:
Wallace’s is discounting new text-

Continued on page 10


K31“? el


heat '3

...and students affect a

. kaleidoscope of grlmaces -
and contortions as they


pore into books for final
exams. (‘lockwise from

left are Hon Sloan. Wendy $.39

Wells and Bill Leon,

demonstrating thei- own ~


ways of concentrating.

Mwsmouhrflor "

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

PhD candidate squeezes fun, profit
from roaming lemonade business

Kernel Staff Writer

lt’s every child’s dream on
wheels. It’s usually the first business
venture attempted at an early age,
even a step ahead of a paper route.
Butfor myea r-old Stephen Berman,
it’s not kid stuff.

The “it” is a golden Datsun pick-
up iruck converted into a lemonade
stand that can be seen traveling

around the streets of Lexington with

a slender, mustached man behind

the wheel.

Although not a full-time oc-
cupation, Berman (his
americaniaed Russian name) said
he hopes to set up his mobile shop
“wherever business opportunities
may be” during good weather.

Presently, he is awaiting approval
from the Health Department Then
he must obtain a Huckster’s license

from the Urban County Government
to legally sell fruits and vegetables
on public roads.

A native of Washington D.C.,
Berman was attracted to Lexington
this spring by a graduate
assistanceship from UK’s
physiology department where he is
working toward his PhD., and doing
research in neurophysiology.

Berman said he takes credit for
the basic shape and design of the

MW ”——

4towort lumen

truck, which was built last April
with a little help from his friends.
Whether meant as an advertisement
or an explanation of the unusual
vehicle, which turns many heads,
the words “real old-fashioned
lemonade, freshly squeezed on the
truck” are written on both side
panels along with a simple drawing
of a lemon tree.

Allowing a seven-foot entrance
clearance, there is barely room for
one person inside. The space is
consumed by a counter, water
faucets and a gas burner. In their
crowded truck, Berman and his
partner and brother did fast
business outside the Capitol and the
White House last summer.

“I was the biggest lemon user in
Washington,” Berman said matter-
of-factly. He sometimes used as

Continued on page 4

for price

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) — President
Carter will ask Congress to approve
substantial price increases for
gasoline and other fuels, lawmakers
briefed by the White House on the
President‘s energy plan confirmed

If the President’s program is
approved, it could add about seven
cents to each gallon of gasoline by
1979 and another four or five cents a
gallon by 1981, said Rep. Thomas
Ashley, stressing that this wouldd be
in addition to a possible “standby"
gasoline tax if upto 50 cents a gallon
if U. S. gasoline consumption con-
tinues to increase.

Ashley, an Ohio Democrat who
will head a select House committee
that will deal with Carter's energy
program, was one of a number of
congressmen briefed yesterday by
White House energy adviser James
R. Schlesinger.

Carter will spell out his proposals
in an address to a joint House-Senate
session this evening. On Monday
night, he said in a nationally

'televised address that the United

States faces a possible “national
castrophe” unless stiff conservation
measures are adopted.

Deputy White House Press
Secretary Rex Granum said


Carter will ask


yesterday that initial telephone
reaction to Carter’s speech was
heavily in favor of Carter’s views.

Carter addressed a group of
congressional leaders at a White
House breakfast and, according to
participants, said that he knew his
plan was politically unpopular but
warned that “the basic fabric of our
society would be destroyed” if it is
not approved.

“He seemed very much aware of
the political realities,” said
Assistant House Majority Leader
John Brademas, D-Ind Brademas
quoted Carter as telling the House
and Senate leaders that if it made
them feel any better when they talk
to constituents, “if you want to call it
the ‘Prsident's program’ that's OK
with me.”

Although drafts of Carter’s plan
have been widely circulated during
the past week, it was the first time ,
members if Congress have publicly
confirmed its key elements.

Carter will call for a standby
gasoline tax of five cents a gallon
per year, to be imposed beginning in
1979, up to a maximum of 50 cents
per gallon, according to Senate
Interior Committee Chairman
Henry M. Jackson, D-Wash., Sen.
Alan Cramton, D-Calif., and Senate
Minority leader Howard H. Baker,

Continued on page 5



Replies Herman’s lemonade-mobile. a converted
ptckaptrack. is an excellent way to follow the demand
h any part of town. A doctoral candidate. Berman‘s

work is usually port-time. l-‘ormerly of Washhgton.
D.C.. he reports that tourists and office workers near
the (‘apltol and White House were good customers.



President Otis Singletary gets a f ll report today
on conditions at the medical school where 10 to 12
faculty members have resigned recently. The
situation will be spelled out by Dr. Peter Bosom-
worth, vice president of the Albert B. Chandler
Medical Center. Bosomworth’s letter to the
presidentwill be released later in the day at a news
conference on campus. A university source.
declining to be identified, said part of the unrest
could be traced to the Physicians‘ Service Plan.
The source said that doctors who raise most of the
money from patient care want a greater voice in
sayirg how it should be allocated.


U. S. District Court Judge James I". Gordon ruled
yesterday that first grade students will not have to
be bused next fall under Jefferson County’s two-
year-old school desgregation. Gordon issued the
order at the request of Jefferson County school
officials, who argued that busing for integration
would be a traumatic experience for first graders.

Federal Illsaster Assistance Admhistratlon said
yesterday dficials will open the one-stop flood
relief center at Belfry in eastern Pike County for
one more day today and will tell flood victims how
to apply for aid when the assistance centers are
closed. Federal and state reief has been slower in
reacting mstern Pike County, along the Tug Pink
of the Big Sandy River thanthe rest of the 15 county
regiar where floods did heavy damage two weeks


I-‘inance Secretary Russell McClure yesterday
defended his handling of personal service contract
accounting against criticism by state Auditor
George Atkins. He said theadministration still is on
target to finish the system whereby all contract
information will be updated. That should be this
summer, he said. Atkins had contended in a news
briefing Monday that the procedures used by
finance to keep track of the contracts were inac-


The (‘arter admhinstration urged Congress
yesterday to add 48,000 acres to Redwood National
Park in northern California to protect the giant
rcdwoods from woodcutters' saws. Interior
Secretary Cecil Andrus conceded that 1,000 to 1,100
jobs would be eliminated during the first year of

Galveston. Tex. firemen dug out half a dosen
bodies and searched for others yesterday in the
smoldering debris of a 60-year-old hotel where at
least 12 were feared dead and 28 more were
missing. Police suspected arson. In addition to the
dead and missing. 13 were injured.

catch my drip?

Today will be partly cloudy and warm with a
chance of an afternoon thunder-shower with a tub
in the upperm’s. Toniht willbe mostly cloudy with
a mod chance of a thundershower, low in the upper
50's. Tomorrow will be mild with tlwridershowers
likely. The high tomorrow will be in the upper 70’s.







T editorials 8: comments

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University‘

at. Edwards

Illerhl We
Welter Ilium

' l-eghgm



would“ 43...... I“...
tun-elves can
Him Reveal-In
mm “I“. ”ml”:
MW bl- - Alt-Idle



Projects should be
rejected at the start

President Carter’s decision to keep the
Yatesville Dam project on his “hit list" of
proposed water projects scheduled for extinction
is a bit d refreshing news in the wake of the
devastating floods in Eastern Kentucky.

In rejecting the project, Carter cited
questionable estimates of the economic value of
the project as well as possible enviromental
consequences in terms of water quality.

But the strongest argument Carter presented
against the project was one which should hit
home with all of us.

“Despite the massive numbers of federally
funded water projects in existence, we are still
susceptible as ever to the ravages of the
weather,” Carter said.

The recent floods should serve as a reminder
to everyone that the water project construction
carries with it natural dangers that no one can

The mistake that has been made in the past is
that these potential accidents have not been
considered when the projects are first studied for
their feasability.

Now thatwe have seen the economic and social
impact such accidents can have, it is much
easier to see why projects with questionable
value initially—like the Yatesville proposal-
should be rejected.

Only scientific explanation

Last week’s conference on loose leaf har-
vesting methork for tobacco raised some in-
teresting questions about the value of the
method, but in terms of economic benefits for
most Kentucky farmers, the new harvesting
method makes good sense.

Studies by the UK College of Agriculture in-
dicate that the new mechanized packaging
procedue could save $25 million a year for 20,000
farmers. Many of these same farmers have said
they will discontinue growing the crop altogether
if costs continue to rise.

The most important objection raised at the
conference was that the new process might send
many laborers to welfare offices. While this is
certainly an important consideration, it won’t
hold much water if the farmers won’t be able to
pay them in the future anyway.

The other factors, which opponents claim
make adoption of the method a mistake, are
chiefly ones that could be dealt with through
concerted efforts to reform packaging, weighing
and quality control procedures within the in-

The loose leaf method offers a potential boon to
the profitability of growing tobacco in Kentucky.
The tobacco industry should consider the
possible future benefits thoroughly before
rejecting the method on the basis of the initial
problems it might create.


I FEEL YouKe tooxwe
~- So MUCH 9m:
1m m 1%»



Don’t bother

I just got hold of Bill Fugate’s
“review" of the Little Feat concert
which is nothing but massive columns
of erroneous drivel. It’s obvious that
in matters of the arts neither you or
Fugate know what the hell you are

To start with, Fugate tries to give
the impression that he knows Little
Feat and their music as he calls
them troupers, and bemoans the
absence of their beautiful “Long
Distance Love,” “the song which
signalled their emergence as a band

Reader-revolution follows article on


Professor Paul L. Cornelius in the

research .papers dealing with the
topic of organic evolution.

scientists that believe matter, ener-
gy and life forms including man

April 14 Kernel has written a mis-
leading commentary on evolution
titled, “New Evolution Theory Gain-

This so-called “new evolution
theory," the “creationist explana‘




tion,” is, in reality and historically,
not a new theory at all but has been
with us since the beginnings of
recorded history. For example, it is
found in the Bible, in the book of
Genesis, as everyone knows.

It may be true that the evolutionist
theory relies on the interpretation of
the geological column of rock strata
and its fossils but not necessarily
“heavily” as implied by Cornelius.
There are many other studies that
show evidences of evolution such as
the well known studies on morpholo-
gy, embryology, physiology, gene-
tics and those found in texts and

We talk of our ancestry as man‘
and are generally willing to accept
an old established maxim which
states that “likeness of structure

means descent from a common

ancestor.” We look, for example,
like our parents or grandparents
because we are descended from
them. Perhaps we have their eyes,
nose, mouth, etc. We may even, as
many persons do, carry this idea of
ancestral proof through structural
likeness back many generations to
prove relationships to famous per-
sons or membership in prestigious
ancestral-based organizations.

Many, however, fail to realize or
accept that this idea of structural
likeness indicating relationship and
hence descent from a common
ancestor permeates the whole of
evolutionary thinking and indicates
clearly our relationship to other
animal forms as the great apes and
others with which we have structur-
al relationships.

it is true that there are those

were brought into existence by an
intelligent creator but this need not
negate the theory of evolution. Many
think of this theory as God’s plan for
the Universe—and an intelligent

' one!

A recent article in the Humanist
(January-February, 1977) publishes
a 650-word statement, along with 18
pages of supporting articles (the
lead one by noted biogeologist
Preston Cloud), which affirms evo-
lution as a principle of science. The
committee sponsoring the statement
included such learned and intellec-
tually well recognized scientists as
Isaac Asimov, Linus Pauling,
George Gaylord Simpson and Hud-
son Hougland.

The statement mentions that,
“There are no alternative theories to
the principle of evolution, with its
‘tree of life’ pattern, that any
competent biologist of today takes

"seriously. Evolution is the only

presently known scientific and non-
religious explanation for the exis-

tence and diversity of living organ-
isms.” The statement is intended to
emphasize that there is no dispute
within science about the validity of
evolution and is signed by 179
prominent scientists, educators and
religious leaders affirming evolution
as a principle of science.



Your April 14 headline “New
Evolution Theory Gaining" is
misleading. The commentary is
about the dogma of. the biblical
account of creation. It is not new, it
is not a theory of evolution, and it is
not gaining, unless by gaining you
mean that the Fundamentalist
Christian religions are growing more





worth noting.”

What bullshit! _

That song, Bill, is on their “Last
Record Album” which you didn’t
even recognize on your list of their
albums. A list which was three
albums short and womg about one

Don’t you remember “Little
Feat," and “Sailin’ Shoes,” which
they also played cuts from? Also,
the -album you refered to as “Feats

Do Your Stuff," is “Feats Don’t
Fail Me Now.”

I could go on about the other
mindless crap you passed but you
made it clear in your last sentence-

that what you were craving were
pop tars, probably the kind that
dress in suits made of bicycle
reflectors, and piss their clothes
while they play loud sounds in the
name of music.

The editorial fault here is in
sending saneone so unqualified to
review a how. The lip-service write-
up in the Kernel of Little Feat was a
slap in the Concert Committee’s
face. From now on, Ginny, if you
don’t have anyone around who
knows about the band performing,
don’t bother to send anyone.

English Junior

evolution theory

ra p idly

than the American

The commentary by Prof.
Cornelius, although perhaps not
intended.may be misleading to
students, His statement that
thouands of scientists are
challenging the theory of evolution,
plus the fa ct that a lecture on creation
vs. evolution by a storesman for
Campus Crusade for Christ is
scheduled in the Thomas Hunt
Morgan Biological Sciences
Building, may imply to some that
biologists are abandoning evolution.
This is not the case.

Given the choice between Genesis
and evolution as an explanation for
the diversity of life on Earth, nearly
every professionalbiologist will pick
the latter as the more, logical.
Although there are weaknesses in
some details of cvolutio ary theory
(when I teach beginning zoology I
devote an entire lecture to criticim
of evolutionary theory), the new
scientific literature of recent years
has tended to strengthen, rather

than undermine, the theory.
Contrary to what the posters
suggest, there is no mutiny on we
Beagle; biologists are staying
aboard. An explanation for the
growth of . Fundamentalist
Christianity must be sought
Dr. Wayne H. Davis.
Biology profesor

Letters policy

The Kernel recognizes an
obligation to provide a forum for
opposing viewpoints. Submissions
should be submiited in the form of
letters to the'editor or comments.

Letters to the editor are restricted
to approximately 300 words or less.
Comments are restricted to 750
words or lss. We reserve the right
to edit letters and comments.

When several submissions on the
same topic are received, a
representative sample may be used.
We reserve the right to limit
frequent contributors.


Carter-style approach seems to be shaping in D.C.



from Washington


He slipped in quietly, unannounced, and before we
knew it or could rise in the usual courtesy gesture of
the press for the President, was standing behind the
Iecturn in the White House briefing room. Mr. Carter
said he led a couple of announcements to make and
would answer “a few questions."

Close to him, like that, 1 notice how ruddy his face is,
how worn and lined. how different at close range from
carioaturists' stereotype; there is a quiet, agreeable
directnes; no toothy grin at all. His fgace always
reminds me somehow of Eleanor Roosevelt‘s. There’s
a lot of determination in it, not to say obstinacy.

This is abort the three months' point where the real
’administra tion of a new president begins. The public
likes a new president; there‘s always a ,iOSl-lellm
elation over a new figure, a period of symbolic

gestures—a general feeling of closing ranks round the
new elected king. The penalty of all the power we pile
on a president is that it normally promotes a counter
desire to destroy him; we haven’t reached this stage
yet. .

The present stage is that Mr. Carter has got to stop
grandsta nding now and get down to business; he must
come to grips with some of his hardest domestic
decisiom, evay one of which will alientate a section of
the electorate. He‘s not running against the
Washington Establishemnt now, he is the establish-
ment; all of those silly promises to cut the White
House staff, to reduce the federal agencies from 1,900
to 200, had better be moth-bailed.

He has the energy program in Congress next week,
and he ins the fight to get l'll economic package;
already there and the battle to halt inflation. The real
(‘arter administration is just beginning.

This impromptu press conference was primarily I

abort energy, in particullar about international
melear energy. Nearly everything that happens in
Washington has elements of irony, sometimes laid on
an uuck you can ham, ludl n. nojou l'trm'lilbcr, to
years ago, how nuclear cure}; was going to solve the

energy problem? in 1966, a report in the Wall Street
Journal carried forecasts that there would be “almost
limitless supplies of power from nuclear plants, ex-
pected eventually to be the cheapest source of energy
almost everywhere on the globe."

Maybe in another 10 years thatwillbe in style again.
But Jimmy Carter now was warning the bastions of
the world to lay off plutonium power, and above all the
breeder-reaction process, and announcing that the
US. was waiving it and preparing to put its nuclear
wastts in safe storage somewhere (where they will
remain lethal for thousands of years).

it just happens that fate tapped Jimmy Carter to
take over the US. energy problem, to see if he can get
America to make the sacrifices that have to made and
to persuade it to charge its lifestyle. His two
predecessors flubbed it. Nixon said that the problem
was “solved; " Ford accepted the advice of the same
conservative experts who brought him to election day
with the biggest. longest most serious recession since

It‘s a particularly tough problem for the President
humus- llu \llt‘lgy alienah. isn‘t ('Vltltne; anybody
with the Minor can but .lll the gasoline he or she

wants; cost aroundeo cents a gallon, half the price of
gas in England, Germany and Japan, a third of that in

So the firstquestion whether it's an “emergency."
For this I offer a familiar figure bending seriously
over a table before the Senate energy committee
recently: a man with a slight accent. Henry Kissinger.
lle‘s accepted the chairmanship of the “Alliance to
Save Energy" and he appeared to testify looking
sober, serious and weighty, without the slighest touch
of his customary wit and humor.

if you can stand a few statistics, here's what he
said: with only six per cent of the world’s four billion
people the US. now consumes one third of its energy
1 yes, a third). A US. citizen uses eight times more
energy a year than his world neighbor.

Projected trends indicate reeervesof oil and natural
gas will run out by AD moo with prices already
quintupled. lie quoted planners saying that "at least
40 per cent of the US. energy consumed in ms could
have been saved through improved operatim and
maintenance efficiencies." And he called it solemnly,
"the most crtitical challenge facing the 0.8. today."




N. Y.
By I
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 : €011)me from all those heavy
* socks and boots?!







A new excuse? Forget it—
Warren has heard 'em all

N. Y. 1imes News Service

Warren is a teacher at
Syracuse University. He
spends some of his time
meeting Students in a slightly




esoteric vocational subject
they have expressed interest

. in by enrdlment.

Warren (he is really a
composite figure) may be at
what magazines like to call a
“midcareer crisis." He is
easily distracted by the shiny
knees of a woman who sits in
front of him, and sirens in the
street. When a student begins
snoring, a chill goes through

magazines. picking flotsam
from their teeth and drawing
arrows in their notebooks.

At the beginning of the
semester, a student with a
red faoe appeared before him
the second day of classes and
announced he was dropping
the course.

“I have a conflict," the
student said, boldly. “I’m
going out for baseball."

Warren was crushed. So
much for truth and beauty.
He didn‘t even know that the
university had. a baseball

Still, he tries to cope. He
goes to the Faculty Club and
sits before the fireplace
drinking a diet beverage and
practicing self-hypnosis to

car. It's got a lot of rust holes
in the now. When we turned a
corner, my notebook—the one
with my notes for the
assignment—it fell down
through one of the holes and
dropped into a mud puddle. I
couldn‘t do the assignment.”

He ran from the room

But later, reflecting on it as
he sat in the Thornden Park
rose'garden, Warren had to
admire the creature’s
imagination. He would flunk
her on the paper but give her
an A in creative writing.

Then, when he told his
colleagues the story, they
added more.

“When I was teaching
history,” one of the dean’s

lost in the mail. You know
how they are.”

“I started on it last night
but the typewriter broke. I
can‘t get it fixed for a week.“

“My grandmother died.”

“My roommate spilled
coffee on it."

“The dog chewed it up."

”My mother washed my
shirt. My paper was in the

“It was in my room a week
ago but now I can‘t find it. i
think scmeone in the class
stole it. You know how they

“My grandfather died.”

Warren walks without his
phaiy limp now. His steps are
brisk, his nose in the air. He
has a mission.




fl. .:9.- -‘;s:--. nemewroamamieamw: may»,




504 '/2


Our ropey Pappagallo moc—
lt’s knot just for spring,


Let our custom made
sandals give them
some fresh air!


ednesday, April 20. l9‘l‘l—3

Are your feet suffocating


Euclid Ave.




















. . . . . . . ., - l
aving were him as if he had touched the calm his splritual'indlgestion. lackeys Sflld. a student 8:: {fugwtteid‘iff 101331?!“ bUt for summer, too. $26 3“”
kind that toe of a corpse or sat by as a When they call his name for came Up after class and said 0 S u en w 0 ame ier _ "63"“; -._g_s"-g_
of bicycle cello string popped lunch, he sits there, listening he was sorry but he couldn’t absences from class on. a -' 3 “V "w”; .;-.. . .
leil' clothes He does not thin'k he has to it hanging around the old \hand in his paper thatday. He broken love ' affair: «fl / w,“ r”
“ms in the had a bright idea in months fraternity house. After a few S&ld,‘l left it in my other car.’ ‘ Rgmance has killed my sew J " s ”’1‘:
. . ' minutes he walks out _ desire to work.” Another had W s; m ‘i
. . HIS head "OdS during ‘ ’ The man roared With a baby. Another said the sum“ -
here. .IS In fawlty meetings, dogs snarl Once he took a turkey laughter and so did Warren. h - h' ~ . ‘ ' "- 3, ,.
ualified to - - . . woman w 0 was typing is _ , A“. .. a .
l, , at him, the sandWiches from carcassfromhomemapaper The next time he wrote the paper ran off with his -- . “We”- -_ '« ..
Vicewrite- the vending machines taste bag and left it in the dean’s story down in a notebook. roommate V‘Q‘Y“ ‘ ‘ ‘
IFeat'was’a like caidboards from the mailbox with an anonymous Publish or perish, this would . ' ,> ">‘“‘""‘ ‘
lommittees laundry, and the secretary in note: “Why don’t you retire. be his chronicle of Higher Warren‘s collection 81'0WS~
:3,le th the dean‘s office ignores him. you mindless old Tom?” Education in Modern He has indexed “-
‘f’ 0 Mostly it is the students. A Then, a few weeks ago, an America: The best story, SO far, he
moaning, few years ago, when he' idea overtook him like a “I hadit in my suitcase but says, tame from a young The Labor Theoler Presenls
- started teaching, he thought mugger. One of his students the airlines lost it. You know woman who protested [0 a it ' n
:bardSmith they would welcome him for arrivedathis desk after class how they are." teacher thatshe couldn’ttake Sln . ly None
glish Junior his knowledge, offering him with an empty hand where "My room was robbed the finalexam he lUSl handed
their upturned brains like the assignment was to be. while I was home last Ollt- “l‘m allergic lo the
cereal bowls, waiting to be What happended? weekend. They got paper,“ she said. K O F
filled. “You won‘t believe this," everything, including my 'N FF RE
Instead, he says, they sit she said and he nodded. “l assignment for your class." RlChal‘d 0- C851‘ is 8 Nature G E
there like patients in a den- was ridingbome withafriend “Didn’t you get it?Imaiied writer for “‘9 Syracuse
tist's waiting room,'reading of mine‘lin her boy friend’s it from home. It probably got Herald-Journal. AD
I ~ .~ n.» -‘ «mat a; r. .u 9. a . . .. -. 9 . 0 DR MI
Carter a roach IS takln effect P ' 5
E v 3.
theory R E 0
he posters Continued frompagez then praised, negotiator Paul Wamke. Actually, it
.tiny on we Henry Kissinger is only a stage prop for the battle appears Mr. Carter offered the Russians extremely Nl
re staying now begining: the real question is whether the new tough terms, for good or ill.
m for the American president, as a leader, can lead. Can he (in the energy crisis wethink Mr. Carter is going to
damentalisl spend his newly accumulated popularity for national throw everything he has into explaining to the public . . .
,e sought objectives in Congress and buy them at the right the fix we are in and what he proposes to do about it An Evening With JOhn L. LGWIS
price? This includes his economic objectives, his anti- and how he plans to equalize the inevitable sacrifices.
neH. Davis. inflation package, his labor tax, tariff proposals and if he‘s not tough enough he may see the American . . . '
gyprofesor all the rest of it. energy joy ride go over the cliff; if he‘s too tough he Secly AUdllOl’lum, Ag' Selence
I have a notion he can, if he’s careful, and if he can bring back $3.035“; , . _ , 8 p'm'l thdeOY April 2]
llic abandors any idea he may have of conforontation with H America s undiciplined lifestyle IS in transmon; the
y the Democratic majority in Congress and of “ap- iu-iiiiieian-huirhighway,and the70-degreehome, are 1;; x ;l l NT“. l ”Pill" . f 7‘ "ixleidil‘. l lull-5:" l 1 ‘lil ‘7 "‘l l ‘. ’ )7
peeling over its head" to the public. His job now isn’t on. the" ‘way 0% it'appears. We assume the ad- i" . ,/‘~ \ , , . L i » . . ..
gnizes an conforontation; it’s compromise, persuasion and ministration will aid the lower-income. groups , .l ; ll: M . l' l i j ('4' liter l~ '.-' _ (Vigil, ., g '_ it i ll;._jl l ‘.l i} a»: .513" ‘
. forum for guileful strategy. The real test of Mr.Carter is threatened '0? higher “"F'gy. mm by offsetsm prices
Submissions beginning. :indthaxes. Vie agsugne itt ‘71!" make avfiilable lcredits
the “m“ of So far as he has gone the President strikes me as or evast cos 0 5v” c mg rom 0] 0 coa ' or to
comments. being middleof—theroad moderate with oc ' n 1 other fuels.
9 restricted sur ris'n l' t t . d , caSio a We assume there will be some honey, for business,
lrds or less. n: mm: gggl‘SBifr onels an ha" incalcuable too. as there was in the pending economic stimulus
ted to 750 P6 ‘ I -e e mOiaism. W ether the latter package. Here as elsewhere. a Carter-style approach
_ is an asset or a liability remains to be seen. So far he SCCU‘S to bc shaping .
V" the "8m has gone just far enough to ccourage the liberals, and I '
nents. held bark just farenough to please the conservatives. Titll from Washington is Syndicated by “'9 New CLeaneRS
"0‘.“ 0: the How difficult he is to forecast was shown in the Republic magazine. it is written by Richard Lee
“we , a MoscowSALT proposals where the die-hard hawks led Strout. a veteran Washington reporter. TRB appears
my be “39‘! by Sen. Henry Jackson first emotionally denounced, weekly. mar mom";
i to limit amends mug and
mm had En! Hm
The Kentucky Kernel. lanarnaliun Dancing. University of Kentucky, Lexington, Adb’efllsinl la Intended only to help the reader bay and any false or misleading ma.
Kentucky. 40506, la mailed five times weekly during the year except holidays and dunking abeald be reporte