xt731z41v97s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt731z41v97s/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1961 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1961 Vol.28 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, December 1961 Vol.28 No.3 1961 1961 2019 true xt731z41v97s section xt731z41v97s _.
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‘E {’f nfiumcunzflon, ”17:21:13 disfeniur-npued iSfacti().nfS It that $011] 16 pro‘ herS blsald “YCS.” fiamlis POD rural [outc’ (Bra may 1
l Ziggy? 212111;? tforthdfiegfiy i” ”I? truthmftigt Icr “Cwslrlrl? 1h belittling: tlllewspflpers g t inion 11:11PM route “16121 bSenCe offifficial ‘6 PhoCnfxnn;
. . - aes St. e c Presen’ . - >c1' ‘ Crs f 16m 6 S‘lt- ‘ Inc 31 in 0X ‘ T I
w of ”mg col not 6th. drums tang” lttlc1 e or tho Selves ‘ “lldcle . 0111131, ES w- - num- he
t f; P’Opaga “mu. 1 1001 of JW 7 . “Ont I Clr sl eand “CralL “6 211 “S In (51' PICSe
I rms "d t 0 Stand“ TMZ- “’Cr ’ DCrl 4 1Ortc - 0th. A ’ 3 C. C(In: 115 th n
e th {1 Under P170 rds - . (3111 E 1a) 0111 551 H 7, , SS 2 0 C Y
, Iguarant to part. . man and TESSim (I ) the 0 dm ruCtiVe S lat (101' 77 ‘ CS at 75 the C ation 'I Csti m
H :2” the ’ewe oSf Freéggztgfn in If: gght wire- DTCSsmmL and flit? $1116 prof93;i(:n03t of it Duster-y thrOnghl 7112 Statespt?fial Mann; mung Progl
1" firm“, sggifll” “3 a “if P’wsofimtufioffayl W 16 antagol -n thmugh m 1“dude 11 d my deli mt ‘Mail f 5 T1 Us 5’6?
I wTedidm tffrelims DresSC contend it _ Ilsts of the CIIIInberI Or p05: the Mdrcs very pOSt oflior' Doc 18 Com,
. , , . ,I . 7 s
I ‘ Ken; Ck gfessI a ammunitydtg: f’clultst?I rclfcatcdlylsingot file PUrpo “0111 dellVerv 0r toffiie bOx flutheb Street 1;; tradljlgiganu‘
a I u _____—-—— 1 he Orm Se of - . 7 11er 111 cr ‘ Hal ‘
1 W. Y Pr by d - pro , . the . the ,- - 11 7 0r st; , or C1: .
! FOSter Adams :35 Association I its 1::ng thisv thiclssmn' It $1311th of the 3310‘ lIdes for :1: Way WC [(3115 IfOutc (163i:n~ the)“; Room
" 3 John ’ ”Sident ’ nc , estige ”638 is - )ViOus ”“31 11] ‘ ernati r7 ‘ 1’9 th' a 21me t'
I] B, Gain ~ Should , and 81m 1 that ). . ay be ‘0 adl 15 seet' v €xe - 1T
8 . B . b . gra Py d6 _ . lrclct A QCC- (FOSS , 101' Cutl _
W Victol' R P $130Y£0g5resid::lia Citizen, Bere 111m intocqah accurate (11123131 “fining-Casing woulacil Illatter :fptable‘ (I’loii’c Clther 0 girecto‘: CC
‘2 P . 0 1y N a e 1110C. ‘ re . w 1‘ y. 10t , I? rcvi ' 'V‘cr . W
h Fig”? I. Ashgmanr‘, Segretews’ BOWling C pCIantcad of Sifgryv tainted sponslble meat “a Would 5 01mm {00 “1510“ Of VOL) ElsI; phe first So
3} 0nd“ R Org,- Asfistam SZTy—Managm tee“ C -Ckmg Out ,1. tmg at Our tWIth SUSpicio — posh“'elfitcr’uggest t11‘1t \ “Ch COS’E brlrffm qfirty in the
, I ' e I'lson A . Cretary rlticisl ‘lmles yPew ' “- ‘ S quL c 30“ CO C Ort‘ ‘ the
y; Un' ’ Ssxstant ’Mana 17 , ‘1 at 0 5 and Ilters (1 16St,” mplv I; e ' glam“
1 I1 Dist . 1Density of Treasu ger Ct 5 Che L Lll'SCl\,ve Doll—C01 ‘nd ' 1chth Includin
1 Chair “Ct 11‘.ch _ Kentuck ’97 Criti C' fHCts . S arid 01 1StructiVC p0 * I bOot g W
Z Newsman’ Fred “UVe Co y: Lexingt 1 C317 at 16 and thCn . 11‘ Collea D Act 4‘ * . S alOng]
Davis, Liberty 1’ Burk mmllle on )enCfiCi'l ~2.lst T1121]; . 7 If We gues’ 5 On 5 ' Otl - I
,L (ALL hard e ‘1 Cntl ~ 6 1t 0 must 7 T117 ellln , 10‘ x
_ I I 512% Sggggcfizty 131.51%; EFg’gaSSVyuCounty t1)?“ the Otheilim‘d Onstructive 1:3 Obtailfegost 053ch D g Racket ldDa'y progr:
I T' , a - ’ 8381 , d ’. l iam ' Crit' - . an I ' , ‘ an Cpa I 1f€c ‘
, 1 Dimes’ L031 .CaummtigeT—Argus Yé’flle; Sea T' Chin lClSlh lS iuSt‘ If We TC CI' - . CRSCI ho) affidaVit rtlnent, \Vl - ; \K7.1 tOr’ U
, . emo SVllle. . Sar, C ’. enu- and - e and ‘ lfiel ltlclzr XV le1111 Of 1 11Ch la ‘Iter
I airpfisgatfl lgedfo’rflféh, Fraxflg1éer'10urilalcity; mg “’hicl Pltch in and(’ let's take IIICd, and 118011 Che; -V has ended‘ grleelncnt in t1}: tUCkV DB_ (
' 1 (”cu ’ e anon. ; 'ixth C 'Bell T ~ and 0f f - 11”(5015’ COrrCCt l O“ the make “C Inca] Co he 1 : R‘ ' -CP€1I
‘ ‘ Commry’ Carlisl ’ Severn};l eol‘ge T’ "mble . 00115111V 11t'elthtly the Short c dr‘ loVCril “11mm, T p 311 of the Ichards
' 1 Nomsonwealth 6; Eighth’ Warren fitter. Em C‘Zed, an 3 .magnifv' “.t Criticisll - COm- C” “’110 w 1.0 Sake" " yr0116 P - NCWs On’
1‘II :lcteLK.’}J{réhrlgdéPQISl?lrgyfgsgtz CNegfgf Joblgllsgfi’ by all hilt ls undohglt: 11“- If W;:rmStCad :ZStI PflTCnthln Its Comic SEICSEWH Of 3C,If A fefiffllfer :
I ‘ 04‘ eDa'l ’ Shl , Ia , to I M‘mS 1e ’ C V1 ' . C Crit'- Sutel ‘ Olltc r 00’ , "1 n c. C of
I II Lexin ge, EdWa d! y News and. Ten mes T WC] and fl Ct S thr — mmStlfic] 1 . C . U from] DuLZle C 1Ol‘nln .
11‘ State gton; Statr S M' Ten" Mld‘fiesb th’ Maurl heads ght back ~ 0“” aWflv (’ then “711mm, 11mm, st 0r Dape g W111
w den laurnal e'at—La phn H Oro; Stat and CO . :lnstc . the C ,- sent , 5 0f t] , ' at68112 . T5 are
H t P , Fl‘a Tge S ’ efald_ @- Let’ hfess ad of] rMng a Cl , 1C {11L 3101 b
I‘ Fult’ 3111 w nkfort. ’ - C, V Leader 8 lhqk . mg ()1 . 1:111 ' s 1, 1(3le - t00—6 1 3n1 .
y 011. eStphelim ’ Immedi an C > We’ll ‘ C 101 . 1r Slns gmg on a ‘6 (t1 ““5; 3 35y C0 Lif C ”‘5
- _ g, F ate p “mu . nev “nah - T ' ‘0 C0 “<1 q - ntest .‘ ayet
I K ”lion ast P I, er be Sm a It) t 111301 c shl W61 te .
II _ em C0“ rem- gm n ash;1 I prof - 0 Se 1the Pmen tIon Ill.
5} James M. W211? y PreSS Ser - My N ews, Kernslw’ While Weiltgld to WOIk 151810“ Which remit $711. Those “Rimmed ”re; Of fl], Mess?f their
1‘ George M ‘5, President Vlce, Inc . 11 Cam—‘Thééefs be- Ce€ding thYCCrC bombfll‘d (Edn’t 861111;“ch their :1 GOO
‘ 1h ' W'l M3882 entuck, 8“d 8 Vat, alt] ( 6 With an I I 1essaf
9 "V Lando 15°11’12"“ V1256; Branden}, AVerg * ee 3 makes Sear? Old- lgugh manv legal‘pfi 0f F-rlday 3:
Eh “ Wins, SeCOHderald‘Ne—w;eshdent “rg $363 Elie Consume * Whichilficlfic rquIhe POStqi were 6, t1 Vital inferC
x; . V‘ , . r 71 ,~ . llr ‘ a le I
‘51 Xi? R- PortxcLean éfigirefidentardlnSbu'g H o L°Ca| Me IS Worth Tell Vouilnmn‘e‘tc theenients of 51:61? Presisachool 0
‘I an y N O , r ' rel , >21 ' r; e
h I. ASHES], A23} Sgcretarmm Calho‘ln busingym $11 is "l C tChCInt Cadcrs abOut :fiisf ComPlainf firesentntthcg
I 11' I“ earet re,- . . 1 ‘ Us 01“ u . 18 (3
i C B0 lvflmty of KZg‘Tremrer SurVey bCin 16 IaVel-age V .1 Cr WOrfll’: Separat * * * H student
II 013mm" W' flrd Of Di “sky, Le . Per year a g 9th in B3 He, aCCOrd‘ to a 3 Ads F0 EIolderfield s
i; I Miaggiy’vmél'hf/Im T' DaVisrfictors mngton Of busi“Csfsld 1t ranges acBB Circles ling$to a thA midweste r Each Item Ilelghth VVOI‘:V
: 1 ' Daw S 0‘0 ’N-a‘mCeK ’ yon t0 and COfd' ’ S 363 e “111 b In Re WSP ‘
; 5011 S ’. lles - He Count “Carlv the (3 111g t0 ‘. C h 6r 0 “’Spa . apel‘
”WWW mffggee
1 ‘ do’ eby Ne “er, cw’. ragre ’ )6 $30 OStOf - . “V s: 25 e I621deb ”3 mal ‘_ “Ch emu '
. § . ws Shel ”61' HISS, d . . SO u galnm '. ereyf \Vho . ‘1 16 b _ Ce Its _ appe of t] Cky]
. in ’ bytn'li le- efiClt a lost’! g thls OUnd W151] y (118 Classlfi . 1e ye ,
a 9: Ofli of $36 Cllst Cllstom M T to 1iSt Coma ‘ Cd P“! RICh “3
4; ‘ B3 3 plu Omer 61‘ t0 . he SeV61” ~ glng ad, . Ends 1
‘i and 31 tre-atment 5 $30’ of $336presents 3 ad be Wrigewsmper sual Items in tfertm PreSentatgn W:
fiezi e llke ’ POOI' Ser . 3'11101’6 Cn f01’ ggests t1 16 5311. IS be. 1011,
, 7 “Count “Ce i1 d' - attCnt' each ite - mt 3 se 3 mg 31
. 'e for 68%, 1 lfierence tlsers fun lonI AS m In OTde PH” -genCies . low
of Cllsto ads i as mam. 2‘ resmt r to d” 111g In te
met “(1 I HICach iSSu : as half a d lnany £1de Amepotential‘
‘ertISCrs C mStCad . 02611 C] . V . IlcaI .
are gem“ of Inst o 35516: VIth W He
g much bett “e and t] Come f NR”
er results. r0111 th

 i H
)nsible: E; E5. E
survey. . , E E‘EE
tm‘ed‘ 93rd Annu I M _ ' - Suburban Press To Grow, i Elli
a I In er eetln sa v- -- l
1 g ys rrglnla Newsman 1 El
)( ma ‘ l
convenes J 11 I L . Newspaper journalism is no longer ex— ! .
a n ua ry n eXI ng‘l'on pcrrc1\1/cmg a death, but a resurrection, said ,
one irginia—North Carolina newsman.
Robert F. Kennedy, U. S. Attorney Gen— Following the film presentation daily EEAEhChCh’S- hhhhlhhhh hthOSEOh in the E ‘
eral, may be the headline speaker for the members will adjoin to talk over common Shhhhh vES thhg accompanied by a dynamic E E
, 93rd annual mid—winter meeting at the problems in the Henry Clay Room followed growth in the number and strength of su- ‘ l
alroutt Phoenix Hotel, Friday noon, January 12. by the annual meeting of Kentuek A . burban newspapers," says Kenneth R. Byer— E l
fielal re The presentation of the 1961 Kentuckian of ated Press. y SSOCEE EEE Sr., University Of North Carolina associ- . E
oxnum- the Year will feature the Saturday noon A reception under the auspices of The hth hEOhES-SOE hf journalism. Hh hhh hOEdS E ii
thlS 0P luncheon. These are but two of the inter— Lexington-Herald The Courier‘lOurml and Eh-Ehrhhs Eh several papers including the EE
:hereforr csting segments of the instructive and inter- Times, and KPAE will be held in the‘ Gold EEEEECWEEECE NCWS’ hrhhhth E E
“3 'Pres-z csting program that is being held in Lexing— Room at 5:30 followed by the traditioml In the lead “tide appearing in the OC— 1 l
3tat10ht ton this year, after many years absence. banquet, floor show and dance cat 6-3‘E0 tober ESShe OEE EEGEEESSEOOES Editor," 3 quar— E
131/1113: The convention will open’Thursday after— o’clock. Some members have indicated their :hrhh Byerly surveys the Status Of the ME 3 E
‘ E noon, January 11, at five o clock, wrth the intention of viewing the U. of K—LS U 10h ShCWspapers the past 60 years. i lit!
3“ other traditional ladies reception in the Henry basketball game in the Coliseum immedi: Thls pChOh has shown a drop in the num— lEEEl
treet "W Clay Room. The registration desk opens at ately after the banquet. Dance music by the berof WhhhhhSE The bottom Of this decline E EiEEEE
E’ or .gen the same time. A called meeting of the KPA Dopular Dave Parry Orchestra. hEhECh cut the number 0f the nEEhODES week— E Elli
‘. dCSISW‘ executive committee and the KPS Board of The Saturdav morning session will be fea— hE newspapers hhhhh Eh hhh hthSt has been E EiE
IS'SCCUOI Dh'CCEOTS Will be hCld in the KPA suite 738. tured by a panel of Kentucky publishers (in Ethhth hCC-hhhhg- to Byerly. i EEEE
ClthCY 0 The first social event will be a ehuckwagon offset problems, accomplishments disap— hhhSOhS Ehhhhhhhh h probably upturn in E EEEE
1"“) 1‘5“ party in the Gold Room at 7 o’clock with pointments, and costs. Those who have the Ehh thhth 0f Uhhhd States weeklies me E EEEE
your 115 all the glamor and “fixings" of the old West “ofiset” gleam in their eyes should be on thCCE EElEE‘EE
50:101323 including typical cowboy food. Bring your hand to floor the panelists with their ques— llthhhh. SEWh newspapers, hhhh common, ElEEii
. “1 1 boots aloug! tions. Reports will be made by the standing 12):: OE EC hEhEh part already closed the“ l. EEEl
. Other well—known speakers 011 the two- committees with the annual election of offi- E CESE . . . ElE‘EEl
day program include Robert C. Goodwin, eers, . hhhhhh hf papers Eh COhSOhdhhhh it lE E
_ f Director, U. S. Bureau of Employment; This 93rd meeting Will be marked by diS‘ :ihhhh h EhWh h nCWSpapers has already thhh El
\Valter B. Gettis, Ir., Commissioner, Ken- plays Of Small equipment and other maehin— qh abcel . El llE
which l1: tueky Department of Personnel; and Dave CW Eh 3 special SCCttOfl 0f thC convention TElh hE hEh 1116\V5p21p6rs are on the upsurge. EE EiE E
nt in th Richardson, Regional Director of \Veekly hall. Invitations have been sent to more ,, E; growtui hf hhhhrhhh newspapers 15’ ll illE
an of tli Newspaper Representatives, Atlanta office. than twenty—five CXhibitOtS t0 make full use Shh ElEhhh so great that Et ShOhEd- Shhh {EEEEE‘E E
ne, Pa..t A feature of the opening session on Friday 0f the €thth SPQCC- hEhEthEhhfhhSht the now hhhh dhChhe Eh EEEErE‘Ei El
n of chi morning will be a presentation of how news— Door PhZES for meals and SCSSEOhS Wih E'hh'h CIS OllhEh' hhhthh hrth h'hd 'hhhh EE EEEEE El
uzzle cor papers are being used for Classroom discus— again be presented to EUCkY ticket holders EtEJEnEh ElhESEtht hh'Eh Eh Ehhh 0f Whhhhhs Eh the El EEEE E
states 11: Sion and instruction by students from the through the courtesy 0f Ralph Baird, diStTiCt Eh] EE CSE 1 1 - EElE l
Lafayette Junior High School under direc- representative of the S&H stamp company. 1Eh¥hC19nEEEE€EEE E-EEEE membCES of Eour.‘ h}
ntest \vel tion of their teacher, Miss LaNelle Woods. A grand prize Whl be presented at the lflSt hh Ehh hiEC nnlg ShE S Eh the hhhhh S th E ‘iEEl E
nt of tli Messrs. Goodwin and Gattis will present thhCOD SCSSEOh' thrhhfhs lh'hri" tEClr StlldChtS to thc hhShEhEh E EEE E
requested their messages to the assembly. The program promises to be interesting i3: 0 Ehh hhh eveloprng area OE EOhEth— 4. ‘lEE E
ell it 311 Friday afternoon indicates a full brogram and instructive and the committee hopes E EE ErE E
ngfll-PT‘ of vital information. The annual meeting of that HUS convention will be marked by the ——————O————— JiE ErE E
were 61 the School of Journalism Foundation, with largest attendance 0f years. The Central A - EiE ill .
agreemer President George loplin 111 presiding, will Oh“ requests that advance registration be d.verl'sement Need N°E Face E i ii
the fly present the financial report and progress of made now to facilitate speed at the registra— Edltorlal For Readership ll ‘E l 5
omlhflifll the students under its direction. Garland tron desk. Bring the wife and family, and u A , - - u i W E
Holderfield will present the new film, “The staff. C BdsLdont have. to face C(hthhhh Isays 1E. El El
Eighth Wonder of the World,” a storv on ————._.—— AE E' hhhhth' dthEh-E Of hEh-EhhhhhhS-i El i E'E
newspaper production. James M. Willis meriean Chemical Socrety Applied Pubh- ElE 1‘5
m president, will preside at the annual meeting "Free" Ads Must Be Marked cations, in the current Printers Ink. He _1 i;
. st of Kentucky Press Service with a f 11 u n u ' quotes figures from George C. Ixrernan As- it i Ir
. rncrea of the 7, , u report . Do you count house ads as advertis- soc1ates, a research firm, which showes that {l i ll «1
rch appt R' h dhh S progress by the manager. Dave mg” in the marked copy filed with the post— more than 70% of the people read ads on i l ‘
ssified 1??» EC ar 5911 Will ShOw the newest .VVNR film master? Yes, you do. A POD official in purpose and only 26% read them by aeci— ‘E E it E
advertlst iregentatron, Spothght 0H SClhng" whiCh \Vashington recently stated that not only dent. “The modest assumption that people ll E'EE I
r the salt a enhclhh shown to natronal advertisers and house ads, but“US Savings Bonds ads, Ad- don’t read advertising unless you rub their ElE E lE
H SCPam if ICC): 1n .tihlhg the story of the advertrs— vertising Council ads of traffic safety, polio, noses in it is hard to understand,” he writes. ‘i E i: r
der to d” Alfierh ehtlfil 3 9f home—town newspapers and Radio Free Europe; local Community It’s what the ad says, not where it’s located E i l E.
any ad“ WithlihthNR’h’ WhI then .(liscuss ‘Workrng Fund ads, etc.” should be classed as adver- that determines readership, he concludes. l E EE E
n (3135515: COme from th Wéth anticrpated questions to tising matter in the marked newspaper copy He also suggests that advertisers who pay for i i EEE
ne andt e 001 filed With the postmasters. preferred space are wasting their money. i E
r resultSI i l i it ,
>9 5, i

 I1 I .H . .wwnfi. '
11 PAGE TW K i
11 I - 0 TH
:1 E 1
i C ' 'l W § DH
1 1 ar Press W ' T
1 as Lase U n ' § . HIS ‘
1 II II III III IIIIIIII MIIIIII , arr I n Repor ti n 1 .
I . 1 iatt ' '
fl Lll‘lColn . lc Homlnatlon 0f Abraham This 'L't' 17 I i 9 Pa
1 H was due 1n part to the infl tl ' ‘1 1C C 15 a mpnnt that ficml to H I i i
11 H9rflce Greeley, of The New Y k $63136 of . urty Years ago in the Nov b appeared iOUTn'll 1C FOSIUOH WhiCh it hOIdS in e 1 S
1 IS nomination was .1 or I1 une. issue of the Press We 1 .01“ er, 1931, \V ‘ 13m. tmight be 1“)th that all D i
i ‘ C ' - . . I Ac - y the C I Llrlng
1 Democratic - great surprlse to the Interest in t 4 Y . (66111 It of sufficient ,u had a trcmendo E . ML k
:1 . Journals of the No , Ioday 8 history anl . For t ' I “S C eCt on loumali flown a
:1 Ljee, in his uHistor of rth, . year to present it again f , ( celebration . he. fir“. time in American h. m ‘ group Of
1 Umted States ” tells y 1 Journalism in the —— 0r 30‘” en10ym€nt Slncc the Invention Of the 1'81er d 18th mmds Of
c 7 US ( u . L I i i a c (
ll defeat of Seward whO tnt amazed at the after the Pry - grapl1 a srtuatron had arisen in lmd telell Tribune r
11 date, they did 311 11 Was ’Idre lOgical candi- give him CSIClCnt had been assassinated to P“th wanted to know tht 1 d"; nCh the depqrt i c
1 . . , iey com d to b 1- 7 pralsc. ( yesterday 1 , c 12! 1211313611 d” c m
, ‘1 flbllrty of Lincoln \ e lttle the '11] , " mt lcr than , e Hell 1
21 . , VhOI‘n the 19 fOllOWm ‘{ 011\’1‘ some mans O i ‘ ”papa.
11 ferred to in their campaian :tiepliatedly re- appearing in tliegRLefceer‘t from .an editorial “pf: ‘1‘:hadhappenedhfiweek. Thepfiltlon? will was i
1 Ungle Ahe’_" 5 21C 3 as Old part of the war WIIIPlglI) icaIn during the early ' Befo‘rs’lflhdIIstlll is, European ‘ tei Papers in
11 11 the Qt] of ‘ , I Ive tie reader 2 ‘ . ' 6 10m itiCS had i VI 08
11 ‘ 1 papers calledlfliiflfn‘d the Republican news— “7.13:4; BERT/163 posrtion: “There ardnthcizd prCVIOIISlY had Printed 11):?“ papers WhiCh afaiitOAv
1 1 c ‘ . s " c i e ‘ n I 7 i
11 and “Honest Abe ’: 21;?in tlhe people," and comviolrltC 120:?I Oitllcrn man can give “lid (1:: three COhmmS 0f telegraplfrfieglan 2W3 Lincom’;
‘. 1 the co“ . - lnco n’s electi u ‘ 1C Iaitors wh _ i "re prmtinv t\' S a 31 I I
l! , S€rvative papers 5 . on \er on the Un‘ ‘ O are making g) b ‘0 or three pages C lather WC
#1 ‘ said that only A , uPPOIted 111m and A ‘ 1011. One 13 by ~01 - ‘londcnce by mail till i i one be h i i
a: , 3 revolutio . PUSOnallv a . ‘ ' ] mug them i . SI WSW], b a 01181
11 of resrstcnce to 11' B would give grounds battle: '4‘ “d hClIDrng them to fiaht th . ceptcd only wrth rcluctanc Ht W33 ac’i Papers WT
1? The 1- 13 authorrty. .\ U 1 “other 13 by remaini b e“ better comm be 1 i 67 When Homing for h h
11 is the lilitory of a newspaper in a great w and stealthily sending them (“r 11g “I 1101116 fifties New York wtarned. Even in the, h at t e Ni
11 11s cry of the - . Elf trons of 1 . L ms anc muni— ‘ y ’ Papers mailt ' 1 ms to £0]
11 ticql ~ ' War 1ts¢lf Wlth 't . \\ ar. And still . ' COUCSPODCL . 1 amed regum
~11 ( , soc1al and econo - 1 s poh— them mot-11 another IS affordin cuts 111 VVQSH The “CO
II I I I I g (16 )e I f ington and l ' p
11 w€11 as it . . Ilmc developments . . s“PPOY’E by assurl ' 1 “C or “CW5 f COM Wq
11 S “1111th tri 33 the rehelho Hg them th'lt t 1 mm the re“ Of 1 l (S m the
:1 The files _ Umphs and disa t 11 cannot be Dirt 1 c U fOI the 1110 t I he COW t
| Of the Sprm fi 1 3 6IS. and bv 1d . 1 (OWII by force I S Part 011 bnef t 1 reasury m
1 1861 to 1865 g ed RCpublican fro I . . c VOCflthn Of conce ’ tle ASSOCiated P I eegmms n VV'Ib
1 ICfiec . 1n hartors, 0' I 3310118 to th .- t ICES, SUDIC ‘ 1 ur Di
I1 I Imd determination OIIIIIIIIIeNiIIIIIVIIIIIg purpose Union Ifr tcI(I)I1IiIsent to the dissolution of th: iillcblfrlolh the local Daplci's 1:31:33 by (it whose edit
it . r i, 2, 7: canno ~ "C W ‘- ' I 1656 M ( i
1‘ fan/6 the Union, and then to free tr}? t0 pre— concession and com t b'c ’C’mxed baCk by from C6 um], and OCCHSlomuy by letmi rind. tune aé
I Icy reflect the economI e SIIIVCSI The New Y DIOIIIISCI I rresponde