xt731z41v83w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt731z41v83w/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1998-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 1998 text GLSO News, October 1998 1998 1998-10 2019 true xt731z41v83w section xt731z41v83w ”my" GLSO NE V» S
0R -
2 mm mm Vol. 13 October 1998 No. 9
T A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
GREASE Is THE WORD HALLOWEEN PARrr first Camp-OUT 06“ Eddie at
259-0878 (in Lexington) for
Get ready to rock and roll The Metropolitan Community detailed directions. A Map on
Saturday, October 24, when GLSO Church (MCC) will host a Halloween page 5 provides basic directions
and Interweave sponsora sockhop in Celebration Friday, October 30 from to the farm
honor of the 20th anniversary of the 8t011 pm. at the church (387 Waller
movie Grease. Guys and gals and Ave.) Tickets are $5 in advance or SW6 DANCING LESSONS
everything in between or beyond, $7 at the door. There will be prizes
drag queens and kings, join us at the for the best costume and plenty of 3W")?! Dancmg is gaining popu—
Unitarian Universalist Church (3564 other surprises. larity in Lexington. When a lesbian
Clays Mill Rd) from 8to 12 pm for jit- We are still looking for volun- recently contacted a local dance
terbuggin', twistin’, and strollin’ to teers to serve as DJ or assistant DJ; instructor to see if she and “9’ partner
music from the 50’s and 60’s. to perform music, stand-up comedy could join a swing class, she was told
Mikol Hamilton will be offering a or drag; or to help with food, decora- same-sex ‘30“pr were “0‘ welcome.
lesson in Swing-Jitterbug dancing for tions or publicity. For more informa- Thanks ‘0 Mykol Hamilton, LBGT
those brave enough give it a try. tion or to volunteer, please contact people can ”0‘” take swing lessons in
(Take notice of her series of Swing Tomas Wayne Edison at a gay-friendly environment. Beginning
lessons for those wanting to become twedis1@pop.uky.edu. 337‘s Dinacef ”353:”? 3:33" Tuesljasyt
more proficient) Admission is $5 with 0 9’ , '0'" 0 W" a
proceeds benefitting the Lexington CLSO CAMP OUT Augustine Chapel 0” B059 St‘ Four
Pride Center. The 18th annual GLSO Camp- evenings of instruction cost $20.
"Drag” out your poodle skirts, OUT takes place Saturday, October Couples and Singles are welcome.
bufont wigs, saddle oxfords, t-shirts, 10 at Eddie's secluded farm in rural YOU may. remember Mykol and
tattoos and leather jackets. Dress up Scott County. Campers begin arriv- her partner Julie Beale, whowanred at
as Sandy, Danny, Rizzo or any 0f ing at 4 pm. for this event, which the Siste'rSound concerét‘dlastnsprlngé
your other favorite 50’s characters. attracts people from central Kentucky cammu'" y news co" m" 0 page
Prizes will be awarded to the best and beyond.
female and male characters as well Eddie provides comfonable S OHSOI'
as grow (up to live). ground, a clear sky and a warm p
We‘re also looking for those who campfire. There are no facilities, so 0f the Month
wanted to be in Grease, but never come prepared to rough it. Campers
had the chance. ll you want to per— should bring warm clothes, sleeping
form to one of the songs (preferably bags and enough food for dinner and
in (3'39): let “3 know by Friday breakfast. (no rain date) Th e BAR
October 16. For more information The campsite is not visible
about the dance 0' how you can from the road, so if this is your
help, call Davina at 271 —61 74.
"W ._—____—____=__—_

 SDQAKfDG LIFG It was gym class in the 10th
_ A caning OLIC scoag grade. Volleyball was a big deal in
By Kelly O’Ferrell that class. I'd been sitting on the
'6‘“ GAY“ bleachers with all the other girls in my
LESBIAN “When a woman feels compelled all-girl class when I noticed a boy with
‘ . ERVIC . , '0 sneak ”'9, She '5 In min/me! substs - beautiful blond hair standing with his
‘ . fence mode. She sneaks ”’9 away back to me. He had beautiful, muscu—
ORG' ' from the hearing 0’ “them," whoever lar legs and a perfect torso. I liked
V" the “them" is in her life. She acts dis ~ what I saw and what I felt.
' interested and calm on the surface, The teacher asked me about
but whenever there is a crack of light, paying on the volleyball team, but i
her starved self leaps out. runs for the told her I didn‘t like volleyball because
The GLSO News nearest/ire form, lights up, kicks back, it hurt my arms and wrists.
VOLI3 Issue 10 charges madly, dances herself silly, “Smitty didn’t like volleyball,
PubliShed Monthly by GXhaUSIS "9'59”: ”79” tries I0 0’99!) either, but now she loves it. Don't you
back to the black cell before anyone Smitty?"
. "0”095 she I3 90’79- " From M711”— ! pivoted my butt on the wooden
The Lexmgton Gay Wm bench so I could see behind me to
Lesbian Service ' - . where this Smitty girl was sitting. She
I read this book while laying out was talking but i had no idea what she
’ ' by the [300' at a dude ranCh out West. was saying because my breathing
Organization The “them” in my childhood was my had stopped and my heart was
32] Second St. family and church. The “them" in my pounding in my chest. She was the
adulthood was my family. But, l had boy l had just seen.
left my family and friends in NC and Something happened as [ Sat
Editors' traveled across the country to work on th - - ~
ere watching her talk. Sitting there
M317 Crone a dude ranch. looking up into Smitty’s face lfelt
Pctel‘ Taylor YOU see, there was this woman at more anve than | had ever felt Even
Davina Warner the ranch Thus begins the story- with all of this going on, l still had
When I was being introduced I0 enough sense not to be on the volley-
my co-workers, it was one woman‘s ball team!
Layout Editor: eyes that I stopped on fora split 580- l spent that school year walking
Charlie Perkins ond that "0 one noticed ‘ and I was around with feelings I’d never felt
My starved self WOUId leap OUI before. i knew better than to discuss
GLSO Annual Dues around her, "IIQIII up, kICk back, these feelings with anyone. Being a
and Newsletter: $15 charge madly" Um" II was time I0 religious literalist fundamentalist
Dues and Newsletter for "creep back” to what I believed I was meant that these feelings were sent
Couples: $20 SUPPOSGCI I0 be doing ' dating men. from satan and that l was not to feel
l had spent a wonderful evening them.
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are With my co-workers in ""3 woman‘s Where had I learned how to look
those of the authors and don’t necessarily bunk house. She and I continued to one way and feel another? To reveal
represent those of the GLSO Board. talk after they had all gone home until these feelings would make me differ-
Submissions are welcome and become the It was “me IOI me I0 Ieave as well. ent - thus making my whole family dif—
property of the GLSO. The staff reserves the She walked me I0 the door and W9 ferent. l was not a separate entity -
right to edit submissions and advertisements hUQQed 900d night. I walked up the my Own person.
as well asthe right to reject any submissions lane I0 my 0W“ bunk house, remem- Religion had always been my
or advertisements. bering a momenI very similar I0 IIIIS cover, my armor, ultimately my noose,
one some 15 years earlier. l believed continued on page 4

 w Cammumtfimgwslfiegf;
, fitsfimwget/“msmfiswmwmpwfigalbinism
1 ‘ ix 72022151 '.:,.::.:’55,ng't‘a:1'2-531",,5 €39.29:s:"2:1-;:21:éfi‘i‘iitt-rii-‘r-“i‘ifx"if?1"“,‘42'1531!"éifi’fiE-i‘iict’amw‘fiiwiz
1 After lessons, you too will glide across Paine University, will be held Monday, Oct.
5 the floor and be prepared for swing Parents, Friends, and Family of 12 from 7 to 10 pm. at NKU. near
— nights at the Blue Moon and'Vertigo. Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) will Cincmnati in the Center Ballroom.
1 For more information or to register, call meet the second Tuesday of each Our keynote speakers Will be
Julie 611335—0593 month at 7:30 pm. at Chapel Hill Rhea MUlfaY and her twenty-year—
l Presbyterian Church (corner of Pld gay 3.0“» Bruce'Murray. For more
l SisterSound Rummage Sale Armstrong Mill and Tates Creek 'n70{;?t'%gr:r:o;h'scirgxfigtv 21232:?
3 . - ~ con ,
‘ Fm?” and satltrday' .OCtObe' 2 §§?£:)ié?hocmber’ our meetmg w." Michele Kay at 1-606-572-5218 or by
and 3, SisterSound is haVIng a rum- , ' , .. . . .
mage sale from 8 a m to-4 p m at This groups .3 open to anyone email. to. kay@nku.eduu or email to.
3 the Unitarian Church {in Clays Mm mfg583:3gftgquggpfieowfiowggcg mmmongmunwnkU-edu-
33 There should be some great friends or family members who are PRIDE ALLIANCE
, ys, so come out and give us your , . . . ,
support. lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgen- _ Eastern _Kentucky UniverSItys
’ dered. Nationally, P-Flag works to Pride Alliance is havmg a costume hal-
3 IVITQY‘WGGVG lobby for GLBT rights. Ioween party on October 27 from 8 to
3 . Often, members of our commu- 11 pm. The party will be in Clay Hall
l . ng ”3 Sunday, Get 18 at the nity attend these meetings as they Cafe on EKU's campus. The cost is
; Unitarian Church for our next month- are making a decision to come out to only $1 with proceeds going to United
, ly luncheon. Please bring a .d'Sh to family members. P-Flag also offers Way and the Pride Alliance.
' :gfiéief‘zépgggxfigg’; ggg'finhhe support to straight spouses of gay
i interweave is also hosting an people who may be In need. TAKE BACK THE NIGHT
a adult forum on gender issues on . The annual Take Back The Night
t Wed. Oct 14, from 7 to 9 pm at the £19915 March will be on Sunday, Oct. 11 from
1 UU Church. We will share informa- ActOut received such wonderful 6 t0 9 pm at Triangle Park. JO"l US as
i tion on viewing gender as a continu— responses from the community for we continue to make people aware 0t
. um, on Transgender and lntersexual the play Elegies, for Ange/s, Punks, the effects 0? violence in our lives.
awareness, and have a discussion and Raging Queens, presented for
on how to minimize gender limits for Pride Month that we are planning an D
' our children. Adult Forums are always encore presentation if you missed it AHCC
F open to any interested individuals. you will have another chance to see Come help us celebrate
» For more information call DaVina this wonderful play in late November
i (271-6174) or Mary (266-5904). or early December. the 20th anniversary of
i We are trying to bring the same
i Networking Meefi "9 cast together, buta few people can- Grease
I . GLSO invites everyone to not participate this time around. if
attend a Networking Meeting on youf are interested in betingt lgfihls Saturday, Oct. 24
; Tuesday, Oct. 20 at 6:30 pm. This Per Olmance Pease 00” ac ' 0r _- - ‘
l is a potluck, so bring a dish and news Terry at 25535469 _ 8pm Mldmght
, to share. All community groups are . Unitarian Church
. Reaching Out:
_ encouraged to send representatives, . " Admission $5
so we can learn about and from each Building Understanding ,
' other. individuals new to our com- This FREE conference spon- Proceeds will benefit our
, munity are particularly encouraged to sored by Common Ground, an orga- .
attend. This is a great way ‘0 become nizaticn for people of all sexual ori- Pflbc center
connected to our LBGT community. entations at Northern Kentucky
- W

 SDQAKIDG Life, continued the missionary was there, the girl From the bedroom doorway, the
exactly what I was told. I felt unac- was gone. missionary reminded the girl of the
cepted it i didn‘t agree. to ask, "but 80, when the girl wrote those 6:00 deadline and that mama was
what about" only to hear that it was words one night while bathing, feel- waiting. ltold Smitty I really had to
all or nothing. . which meant burning ing the warm water and feelings, the get home, mama was waiting on me.
in hell for eternity. And, then we‘d missionary didn‘t notice. She walked me to the side door and
discuss how long eternity was and One day that year, after school, I I stood on the stoop wanting to hug
how hot the fires were. i was shown sat with Smitty on the steps outside her good night. But I didn’t touch her.
a film in the 7th grade of what hell the gym and I told her how i felt. l I went into my house to find
must look like (maggots included). wasn‘t asking anything of her or of mama standing there holding my
It was as if I were becoming two me. It was just a step in the process, diary in her hands, crying. She
different girls that year. One, the mis- the short - too short - lived process. waved the diary at me as I sat down,
sionary who loved bible studies, went I went home that afternoon feel- now, on my own bed, listening to all
to Guatemala as a missionary helper, ing much lighter. At least, now, her terror. The girl was screaming for
heiieyeo everything she was told, someone knew how I really felt. me to do something and the mission-
tried to learn everything about the Actually, nothing changed after i ary was trying to decide what to do to
bible so she, too, could have the told Smitty howlfelt, at least not until make this all go away.
quick, pat god’s—honest-or—you'ii. the night I visited her at her house. “God had lead her to it," she told
burn-in-hell-forever answer, whose She’d had her tonsils removed and l me. lfell so deep in that trap that the
duty was to save others from the fires asked if I could visit her once she‘d girl who loved the way she felt about
of hell, and commit to hell all those gotten home. I bought her a Rubik’s Smitty knew that it was no use.
who did not believe exactly as she Cube and found the address she’d Mama had begun to worry
did. The missionary didn’t cuss, given me. I went there innocent of because the missionary was never
drink, smoke, miss school or have the events that would transpire over late, never stayed out past curfew.
sex. She did, however, learn how to the next 3 or 4 hours. At least for the Something must have happened to
lie about any mistakes she made so following hour I felt something close her. God told her to look under the
she’d always look good. to being true to myself. dresser, to find the diary she had no
Then there was this new gin who Morehead, a friend of Smitty’s, idea of and to read it.
showed up out of nowhere that day in was there visiting and stayed the So, god had shown her the diary
gym class. She didn’t question these entire time. We talked about her and now she was on the phone to the
feelings for Smitty at all, didn’t com- operation, school and friends. The preacher of the Presbyterian church l
pare them to the bible. All she knew missionary had told mama that she attended. i felt total shame and
was what she felt. She had no voice would be home at 6:00 and before humiliation. What was I going to
unless she was spending time with we knew it, it was past 6:00. How have to do to look good in her eyes
Smitty in between classes, standing COuid the girl leave? again? lsat, stood, walked and
and talking She even wore Smitty‘s l stood with Morehead (some talked in atrance that night. Agirl full
volleyball number "00" on her softball people just never know when to of her own true feelings had just left
shirt in the summer church league, leave) in the bedroom doorway. Smitty's house and a girl void of any-
and no one even noticed. Smitty sat on her bed. The radio was thing but fear was now on the way to
These two girls lived in my body to my right on the night stand. The the preacher’s house.
at the same time for the next couple girl heard the song and felt the music We sat opposite him and his
of years, By the 11th grade, the new fill her body, watched as Smitty's wife, mama and me together on the
_ girl decided she wanted to do some- hand patted the bed beside of her couch. lwas finding out what I would
thing. She’d written in her dairy “I’m and felt like she would explode right have to do to make everyone else
‘ gay and I’ve never been happier." It's there. I wanted to move from that okay again. I was to go to Smitty’s
1 almost as if, when the girl was there, place and sit next to her, to be closer house the next morning and tell her I
the missionary was gone. And, when to her. Maybe just to hold her hand, had decided not to feel this way or to
or kiss her. act on it. Continued on next page
3 WW

 :he i was to have nothing else to do with when it was time to “creep back to I decided there were three possibili-
be her. And, I was to meet with the the black cell" before anyone noticed ties: first, she would feel the same
'as preacher at his office to talk about this. she was there. way and and we'd go from there; sec-
to Over and over he asked, “Have The missionary and the preach- ond, she would not feel the same
We. you had sex with this girl? Are you er turned to the scripture, agreed way but would understand and we’d
nd being honest? Are you telling us the these were unnatural passions, still be friends; and third, she would
ug truth?" prayed for the forgiveness of the girl be repulsed by the whole idea and
er. “No, yes, yes," i said. I knew i and all others and decided everything never speak to me again.
nd was telling the truth but wondered was finished. Nothing further would I decided it was worth the third
ny why he was so insistent about this be required of the missionary. risk since I was only going to be there
he question. Feeling the warmth of the sun on for another 4 months, and I could
in. He asked me who was the head my skin as l laid by the pool at the take the rejection that long. It was
all of my household and I answered the ranch,l knew that i wanted to know worth it. i had traveled a long way
for truth - my mama. Somehow, sud- for myself about these feelings I’d and decided I could not live the rest
m- denly, this was all her fault. Her always had for other women but pre- of my life without knowing.
to presence in our family was greater tended didn’t exist. l had made the girl leave once.
than her husband’s - Clearly the rea- i had begun to walk through the Now i knew that I would not ”sneak
)ld son for my “problem". fear of wanting to understand for life” again.
he On the way home, i asked if we myselfafew years earlier when l was “The goal is not to tell for the
rut had to tell daddy about this. She said In college and around people who . .
. , . sake of telling, but not to hide.
yes, but absolutely no one else was didnt threaten me With hell when I ,
W to know, not even my sister, Kim. i asked questions. l had begun to live The more people you can find and
9, agreed. l wanted no more shame. my life, in small increments, wanting be honest With. me better YOU’”
w. Daddy was told, and it was never to know my truth instead of being feel....Almost everyone i know has
to BOOKS“ 0f again. afraid ofit, had a better experience coming
16 .l laid in bed that night seeing lwanted to tell this woman at the out than they thought they would.”
10 Smitty pat the bed. and my mother ranch how i felt. But what about her? Barney Frank, U.S. Congressman
wavrng my diary. 1 did what I was told What if she didn’t feel the same way?
”Y the fo'lowm mom- Direction to GLSO Camp OUT N
”9 lcalled Smitty and told her I This map is an approximation. New campers should
H needed to stop by and talk to her. call Eddie in Lex for more information at 250-0878 T I
1d God, why didn’t i really talk to her, tell '
to her what had happened? No, Itold Porter Rd. I 75
35 her this was not right and I was JOSe , +—— '
1d wrong to feel anything for her and Dhlne Rd 1 7n”
ull that being gay was wrong. She told 1.5 miles - les ,0
aft me to keep my voice down because Offer I?
y- her mother was in the next room vac- 8 lndian Creek Rd. 23,7)” 0. l Exit
to uuming and might hear me. it was _. $ ‘_______ es 135
her secret, too. 3, S: . onto
is I rode to the preacher’s house FD" ES From Lex. Take l—75 north to the SadieVIlle I US
,3 thankful that it was almost over. 3 exit (KY 32). G0 2-3 m west on Porter Rd- 32
id Then, the song from the night before ‘ Turn left onto Josephine Rd. & travel 3.2
;e was on the radio and the girl listened, X C miles. After a bridge, there is a Y. in the I
vs remembering the feelings, and see- Oppage I? road. Josephine Rd swrngs SOUth (left). G0 "
rl ing Smitty. The missionary snapped d- 1 mile further. JUST past Coppage Rd YOU
to Off the radio and the girl left that day. will see the ruins of a house and turn right
9 She’d visit periodically, but she knew at a gate into the Woods-Ryker Farm 00-


Taught by Dr. Mgkol Hamilton at St. Hugustine’s Q? .
9*" ~ "12-. "33:11:5:531:2535?‘ «1%4
Chapel on Rose, on the UK campus. Four " gig} 1;?ng
Tuesdags beginning October 13, 7—8 PM. $28 per . .. “is? W“""
person. Couples and singles welcome. ‘
(Learn in class how to do the swing, then dance it on
Swing Nights at the Blue Moon or Vertigo in Lexington!)
Call Julie Beale at 335-0693 for information and registration. I
, Real Estate SerVICe With
I g; a? i D
a ”2 gm, 9
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Scott Acker man EDICATION & All of Central Kentucky
Office: 606-269-7331 A}
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E-Mail: SAcker4224@aol.com
Call me with all your Real Estate needs Swim”? W0
GLSO men 6

The following members of our community have donated three or more dollars to our
Queer as a $3 Bill Campaign and are out ADD PROUD.
Jeff Sauer and Dennis Stutsman Terry Mullins and Bill Chandler
Sharon Howard Wendi Hall Robin Maley Mary Crone
Angie Howard and Jodi Jenkins Bostrom and Brown
Marge Ebert Sharon Howard Peter Taylor Davina Warner
Jim Fielding and David Magnuson John Sparks and Eric Combs
Deb Core Diane Lawless David Radez Tim Berry
Jon Shelton and Craig Hudson Sue Strong and Barbara Seherrer
Karen Davis Kelly O’Ferrell and Tammy Barnett
Tony Burgett and Bill Logans Jennifer Crossen and Joan Callahan
Joan Weleh Charlie Perkins Linda Laport
The GLSO Newsletter is folded and prepared for mailing at the end of each month. We need peo-
ple willing to come to the Pride Center for an hour or so to help. You do not have to come every month.
you do not have to commit in advance'for a specific month, For a good time and lively conversation, put
your name on the list, call Mary 266-5904. Also, we still need subscribers, what a great thing to
do for coming out month. Send in the form below. Thanks
y ' ddress
City, St, zip
$15 membership and newsletter
$20 couple membership and newsletter
I would like the newsletter at this reduced rate
y I am donating $3 or more, please add my/our name(s) to the Out and Proud spon-
_ sorship page in October. Mail to GLSO News, PO BOX 11471, Lex., Ky, 40575
GLSO Page 7

7:30 pm UK Lambda 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
(Student Center) 8:00 am to 5:00 pm SisterSound Rummage
Sistchound Rummage Sale (UU Church)
Sale (UU Church) 9:00 am Frontrunners
(Arboretum) . -
. J'I,’/ ' *
: p o}, I. fly
v ‘0; . ,
10:45 am UU Church 3:00 Pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm l’rontrunners 7:00pm Men‘s 7:30 pm (lay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am l’rontrunners '
l l:30 am LMCC ' (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum)
6:00 pm Dignity tl’ride 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS (Pride Center) 4:00 pm GLSO Campout
Center) Support Group 7130 pm UK Lambda 7:30 pm (jay/Lesbian AA
6:00 pm SisterSound 7:00 pm MCC Study Group (Student Center)
rehearsal (Park Methodist 8300 Pm (lay/Lesbian AA 9300 pm RSIC. Benefit 6 S aurant
Church) (Bar Complex)
55 7 S. Limestone
11 12 13 14 15 16 ‘7 Lexin ton K
NATIONAL 7:00pm (lLSO Board Mtg 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:00 pm Men's 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners g 9 y‘
(Pride Center) (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum) 2 5 3 00 1 4
CONIING-OUT 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS (Pride Center) 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA -
DAY Summon Grow 7:30 pm UK Lambda
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm Adult l‘orum on (Student Center) .
11:30 VILMCVC Cndcr CC [a 9““?"2 GLSO Nijws DEADLINE featuring the famous
6:0tijpm ngrsfiufldl a 1881““ i‘f‘LELS‘I‘JF‘) XXII” SUBMIT ADDITIONS
>1 w: ,. >1 ,1 t::,1m )UV esnan , :7 7w ‘
C3313) t d: L a * - ‘lili’illfil‘lglfil‘fdgil? Alfalfa Weekend Brunch
6:00 pm Take Back the 12735;“; '
Night (Triangle Park) M serVIHg b111€berry
m1 _ buckwheat pancakes,
' 21 22 23 24 '
‘8 ‘ ‘9 : . 29 . . t , . 4 a. , . I eggs benedict arnold,
10:45 am UU (.hureh 8:00 pm AA Step Stud)" 611011111 Networking 6:00 pm l‘rontrunners 7:00pm Men s 7.30 pm (ray/Lesbian AA 9.00 am l-rontmnners h .
1 1:30am LMCC l’otluek (Pride Center) (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum) 1
12115 pm Intenveave 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS (Pride Center) 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Span S Oénelettes
Potluck Support Group 7:30 pm UK Lambda 8:00 pm GLSO/lnterweaVe ourm 1: SS rt
6:00 pm Dignity (l’ride 7:00 pm MC C Study Group (Student Center) “Grease is the Word" g e e e 8’
Center) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA and mUCh more
6:00 pm SisterSound
rehearsal (Park Methodist
All of our breads and
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 -
l0145 uni UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:00 pm Men‘s 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners desserts are baked dally
l l:30 am LMCC (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum) ° -
6:00 pm SisterSound 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS (Pride Center) 7:30 pm (lay/Lesbian AA 111 0111' kltChCn
rehearsal (l’ark Methodist Support Group 7:30 pm UK Lambda
Church) 7:00pm MC C Study Group (Student Center)
8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA

 l r
i Unitarian Views: difficult piece for many folks is that "other." Would a gay person know i
i . many of these people who do uncon- more and have more experience with I
i _I Would Like It sciously feel superior are also in opposite gender couples than a :
‘- by K9”? Kron _ _ favor of equal rights for bisexual, gay straight person would with same 1
‘ Keith K’ on ’5 currently the Mac ' and lesbian people. gender couples? That point made a
z for of the Office Of Bisexual, Gay There are other ways that supe— no sense to him whatsoever. l
Lesbian and Transgendered riority gets played out in our society. These are just a few examples {1
Concerns 0’ the Faith ”7 Am?” They are subtle and not mean—spirit- of what I've encountered on my job. i
- Department, Unitarian Universal/sf ed at all. But they do tend to give the it's part of the way things are now i 5
Association. He pr ewously lived m message, “I am better than you, but am constantly reminded that people :
LexmgtonA where h? was ‘7' member you are welcome here anyway.“ think because they are for equal ,
Of the Unlfarlan Untversalrst Church A man said to me that he felt rights for bisexual, gay, lesbian,
and on the board 0f the GLSO, Re sorry for gays and lesbians because and/or transgendered people, they .
wrote ”"3 prece for the Sacra/Action of all the oppression they faced. have overcome their prejudice. ;
. Newsletter 0’ the UUA' When I asked, I learned he had Prejudice is only one piece of I
l "I would like it," the woman never spoken up at work or any other oppression. Power is the other. i i
began, “if the gays and lesbians who place for gays and lesbians. After I see this most often in terms of defin- ,
1 came to our church came for reli- preached a sermon, a woman said to ing our culture - who gets to define
gious reasons and not just because me, "If all gay people were like you, what the cultural norms are or should
it's a good place to be gay." I paused there would be no homophobia." be. How do you define the world? 1
‘- for a moment, considering my I was in a sexuality education How do you define oppression? ‘
3 options. workshop and we were asked to talk . What can you do to dismantle f
l was at the a workshop helping about power in relationships but only oppression? I encourage you to 3
a congregation have a conversation in relation to the opposite sex. When enter into dialogue with yourselves E
about being more welcoming to I talked about how that was limiting and others around these questions. f
bisexual, gay, and lesbian people. for me, the facilitator acknowledged lf you do, let me warn you, you run
The group was about fifteen people that but he did not change the exer- the risk of changing yourself and -
' and we were making good progress. cise. then the world. You risk having a reli- ;
This woman had said all the "right" Sometimes, it's more overt. A gious experience exploring these j
and politically correct things until this doctor tried to convince me that l questions deeply.
point. really believed that heterosexual was i would like it if all who came into
"it might he‘ll I began, "that the right way to be in the world. So our congregations came because ;
being able to be completely one's sure of his correctness, he was they wanted to risk having these reli- §
self as a bisexual, gay or lesbian per- relentless in this pursuit - despite the gious experiences. l
son in a church would be a religious fact that I said no four times. When I <———.———______> l
experience." had to leave to catch a plane, he on the Home UU Front 3
This woman was typical of many thanked me for the sermon and the by Mary Crone
straight liberals Yes, she believed workshop and hoped that i did not We chose to reprint this article
and even advocated for the rights of take what he said personally. during Coming Out month because it .
gays and lesbians, but her sense of A man told me that he did not is a time when we encourage people I
superiority was striking. I meet a lot want a gay minister in his church to consider their next “coming out
of people like her in our denomina- because he wouldn‘t know how to step" for their own well being and as
tion. Oppression works in many counsel a straight couple. When I one way to combat homophobia.
ways. A feeling of superiority is one asked if that meant he thought a Coming Out can include joining or r
of the most common forms. Often it straight minister could never counsel coming out in an organization that is 1
goes unnoticed by the person, which a same-sex couple, he said he had not predominantly gay. Lets face it.
makes it harder to overcome. The never thought of that. I then asked being out only in the gay community
who would be more exposed to the can be continued on next page

 tW enlarging the size of what is still a to make boy scouting more inclusive The point about BSA being a
th closet. of various kinds of difference. The "private voluntary organization" is
a The local Unitarian Church is a original founder of Scouting for All the subject of several lawsuits. The
79 community I would recommend for has been removed by the BSA after California Supreme Court ruled that
’9 LBGT people seeking a religious being a Scout leader for 25 years. Shields' definition of BSA was correct
5 home where they can be more publi- lndivldual UU congregations and that the organization was thus
33 . cally who they are. There is, of continue to sponsor Boy Scout exempt from the state‘s law prohibit—
b- course, no requirment that you be troops and Scouts who are Unitarian ing membership bans. The New
’ 1' “out”. As a member of the Unitarian can earn “Religion in Life" badges in Jersey appeals court, however, found
le church, I believe there is less homo- study programs about their faith sim- BSA to be a public organization cov-
al phobia here than in most places, cer- ilar to badges offered by Roman ered by that state's public accommo-
n, tainiy than in most religious organiza— Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and dations law forbidding discrimination
3y tions. Muslim groups. against gays. Lawsuits involving
Nevertheless, as Keith Kron Last May BSA objected to criti- similar issues are currently pending.
0‘ . shows in the examples from his cisms of the scouts in the UUA's In his response to the BSA’s
' work, homophobia and heterosexism manual for its "Religion in Life“ Religious Relationship Committee's
n- come in many guises. To quote our badge