xt731z41v423 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt731z41v423/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1970-10-14  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1970 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1970 1970 1970-10-14 2015 true xt731z41v423 section xt731z41v423 Tie Kmtocky Kernel

Wednesday, Oct.

14, 1970


Vol. LXII, No. 29

Looking Ahead
Students and Faculty at Kent Stale
Attempt to 'Pick Up the Pieces'
lead a peace vigil alter the service. An invalid from injuries
sustained during the National
Cuardsmen rifle fire, he said,
"I'm glad to see that someone
is realizing that
the only way to make it. I don't
hate the National Cuardsmen
who shot me. I don't disagree
with the people who sent them
there. I'm just glad to be alive."
More radical students like
.Thomas Crace of Syracuse, N.Y.
asserted that Kent State was
-urging students to remain non.
violent while itself supporting
officer recruitment for the armed
forces and continued defense research. "When all violence is
Kernel Photo By Bob Brewer
ended at the University, then
Sixth district Congressional candidate Gerald C. Gregory told his audience that his campaign is
we can speak of peace."
Although the opening week Gregory, at left, chats with juniors George Haus youth oriented and as a part of his platform, he
activities at Kent had all the and Stephen Boyd after speaking to the College promised to establish a summer intern program
Republicans last night at the Student Center, for college undergraduates.
appearance of solidarity to prevent another "Kent Stater," students, on this campus are becoming even more polarized than
they evidently were last spring.
Kent State is a sprawling camstudents the opportunity to work also found it unnecessary to vote
pus of nearly 23,000 students
located in an otherwise obscure
Kernel Staff Writer
in his office learning the pro- on a measure to increase foreign
farm town community of 17,000.
"College students are more cesses of the congress and keep- aid. The bill would have apThe current topic of contro- aware of today's problems than ing him informed of the views propriated $3.5 billion to the
versy is the closing down of a voters in other age groups in the of voters in the sixth district. foreign aid program, but my opcouple of beer bars that cater to sixth district. Young voters need
Watt's Record
ponent did not vote."
students. The bars are allegedly a representative who is conscious
In his speech, Gregory cited
Cregory told the College Retoo noisy. The dorms are located of the issues of today and who incumbent John Watts'
voting publicans "If you cannot vote
on the newer section of the cam- can work within the system as record to illustrate that there is 'no' when approached by
pus a good distance from the it stands to get results."
a need for "youthful positive opponent's campaign workers,
Creek houses.
Those were the words last action" in Washington.
then don't vote, because he
At Kent State Creeks are page night of sixth district congres"Some persons say that my doesn't, hasn't and never will
one news in the student paper, sional candidate Gerald C. Gregwill have no problem represent the sixth district."
Continued on Paj e 2, CoL 3 ory, 29, addressing a group of opponent
due to his votwith
No Pollution Law
about 30 College Republicans at ing record, but I say that it will
In outlining his own platform,
the Student Center.
be difficult for him to win his
"I want to involve young peo- bid for
because of his Cregory said he recognizes pollution as a distinct threat to the
ple not in my campaign but in voting record.
Mostly cloudy and mild today the decision making process. My
failed to vote environment, but proposed no
with periods of rain and a chance campaign is youth oriented," he on "My opponent
three major health bills. He new legislation, stating "We have
of a thundershower ending early said.
didn't vote on five of eight bills pollution laws on the books;
tonight. Decreasing cloudiness
He cited that his publicity
the environment, also we've got to enforce those that
and cooler Thursday. High to- man is only 24 and that only concerning federal consumer
we have presently.
no vote on
"Each new law chips away at
day in the low 70's; low tonight two members of his immediate
proposed legislation concerning our
52; and high Thursday in the staff are over the - age of 35.
freedom; the laws we already
congressional ethics, a proposal have are sufficient.
mid 60' s. Precipitation probaCongress has
As part of his platform, Gregto raise the national debt and a
bilities are 70 percent today, 20
directed the automobile manuhas promised to establish
$7.5 billion bill about operations
percent tonight and near zero a competitive summer intern proin the Post Office Department," facturers to develop
cars by 1976. We've got to
percent Thursday.
gram for college undergraduates.
Cregory charged.
This program would give college
Continued on Pace S, CoL 1

College Press Service
State UniKENT, Ohio-K- ent
versity reopened for the fall
quarter with students, faculty
and administration cooperating
to keep outside forces from interfering with the operations of
the school.
President Robert I. White took
a jab at the local law enforcement bureau with reference to
the closing of the campus last
spring, declaring at an opening
day convocation that "all parts
of our university have swarmed
to its defense."
The Rev. Ralph Abernathy,
president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, was
main speaker at a memorial service Monday night for the four
students killed in May when Ohio
State National Guardsmen occupied the campus.
The civil rights leader told
an enthusiastic crowd, "Do not
let your grief end in mourning.
Be thankful for the ideals of those
who have given their lives for
decency, freedom, and peace."
He was repeatedly interrupted
by applause and a standing
ovation followed his assessment
that, "It is the state the governmentwhich is violent in
America, not the masses of people
who defend and protest."
Craham Too High
Many students at Kent have
expressed skepticism over what
they term exploitation of the May
events by politicians, journalists,
student "spokesand
men." Billy Craham, the
evangelist and late-nigtalk-shoguest, had been expected to be the main speaker
at the memorial service, but his
asking price could not be met.
Abernathy, however, accepted a
last minute invitation the day before the memorial service.
Abernathy was not the only
individual who sacrificed his time
in coming to Kent. Sophomore
Dean Kahler of nearby East Canton managed to be released from
the hospital for a short time to



Gregory Urges Student Action





















in n






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Kernel Photo By Ken Weaver

Kernel Photo By; Dick War

"Androcles and the Lion," a play by Ceorge Bernard Shaw, begins tonight at Cuig-nTheater. Curtain is at 8:30 p.m. each night except Sunday, at 7:30. Pictured
above in dress rehearsal are: Becky Jo Schneider, as Lavinia; Michael Roddick, as
Mctclius; Albert Pyle, as Caesar, and Cary Sapper, as the Lion. The play is the
first production by the Theater Arts Department this year.



and the Beast

� 2

-- THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday, Oct.

14, 1970

SG Student Affairs Office Outlines Projects


Kernel Staff Writer
"We hope to best serve the
interest's of the students in those
day to day activities which concern us all by investigating matters of University concern and
implementing those programs
which will best meet the needs
of UK students," said Director
of the Student Government Office of Student Affairs Cad Brown
in an interview last night-The SG Office of Student Affairs is an innovation of Student
Government President Steve
Bright. During the organization
of his administration last spring,
Bright divided the Office of Student Services, which previously
dealt with matters ranging from
the location of bicycle racks and
machines to the Code
of Student Conduct and degree


requirements, into two separate
offices. The student service office which now deals exclusively
with the physical plant of the
campus, and the office of student
affairs which deals with academic
The student affairs office is
composed of a Director who is
an SG cabinet member, and 11
associate directors. Each of the
associate directors is in charge
of a special project such as residence halls, ' the student code
or forums. Projects currently underway include the council of
residence hall presidents, student code revisions, several forums, student lawyers and an
investigation of the freshman orientation program.
The council of the residence
which was
hall presidents,
formed Monday night, seeks to

Agnew Has No 1976

Presidential Ambitions
DALLAS, Tex. (AP) -- Vice
President Spiro T. Agnew has
no personal presidential ambitions for 1976, he said Tuesday.
He added he has read comments that if he had such hopes,
he might ' well be killing his
chances by pursuing his
campaign style and not
weaseling on the issues,
Agnew spoke in reply to questions from a television panel,
taped for later broadcast over
station KDFW.
Asked whether he was grooming himself for a presidential

The Kentucky Kernel

The Kentucky Kernel, University
of Kentucky,
Station, University 40506. Second Lexclass
ington, Kentucky
postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky.
Mailed five times weekly during; the
school year except holidays and exam
periods, and once during the summer
Published by the Board of Student
Publications, UK Post Office Box 4986.
Begun as the Cadet In 1884 and
published continuously as the Kernel
since 1915.
Advertising published herein is intended to help the reader buy. Any
false or misleading advertising should
be reported to The Editors.
Yearly, by mail

Per copy, from files


Editor Managing Editor .... 275-17Editoral Page Editor,
Associate Editors, Sports ..
Advertising. Business, CircuLa-tio- n

try, he said: "My function as
vice president has not in any
way been geared toward personal
I do not
have any ambitions for the presidency
"My job is to be the best
vice president I can be," Agnew
continued. "I don't examine
every position t take to see what
its effect would be on me."
Agnew said that, probably as
the result of the publicity he and
others are giving to the issue of
violence, the climate of the country is improving.
Agnew added that he certainly does not consider himself to
be hatchet-ma- n
of the Nixon administration.
But, he added,
when others attack the administration, "I think I can come to
its defense with the same kind

of weapons."

He said he does not clear his
speeches with President Nixon,
although he is in close and frequent touch with the President.
"There seems to. be some apprehension on the part of my
interrogator that I am saying
things not approved by the administration," he continued.
"If that were so, I think I
would have heard about it."






serve as an information center
and to give residence hall governments a more powerful voice
when dealing with the administration.
The student affairs office last
May proposed IS changes to the
student code, seven of which
were accepted by the Board of
Trustees. The committee is currently considering the feasability
of drafting an alternate code.
Forums sponsored by the student affairs office which will be
realized within the next month
include "The Medical Center and

Drugs," "Contraception", and
"The Draft"

The idea of student lawyers

for the residence hall

presented last year by former
UK student Bruce Carver, has
been taken over by the student
affairs office. The office has almost completed the organization
of student lawyers in the residence halls and is planning for
the implementation of student
or law
lawyers, possibly pre-lastudents, on a University-wid- e
basis to represent students before
the J Board and the Appeals
Board. The student lawyers
would operate from a central office and file transcripts of all


Retirement Law May Be Invalid
By The Associated Press

Fayette Circuit Judge James
Park Jr., in an opinion filed
Tuesday, said a citizens' petition

to have the city adopt an age-6- 8
retirement ordinance for police
and firemen was invalid because
of the lack of qualified signers.
Park added that after he files
a final Judgment expected before the end of this week
city will be impowered to enact
its previously adopted age-5-7 retirement measure.
Until the final judgment is
entered, the city remains under
an injunction which Park ordered May 28.
The enactment of the age 57

retirement ordinance will mean
mandatory retirement for Police
Chief E. C. Hale, Fire Chief
Earl McDaniel and 14 other officers in the police and fire departments.
Park's written opinion explained that while the age 68
petition contained 4,460 signatures and that a total of 3,424
were required to put the question on the November ballot,
five days of testimony and hearings had struck 1,049 signatures
from the petition.
Some of the reasons for the
striking names were that persons
signing were not registered voters
in city precints, some did not

rather than face a massive tie-u- p
Continued from Page 1
of the judicial system. SDS
the Kent Stater. On Wednesday,
and the Black United Students
29, the week before the
have been the focal points
killings, a front page headline (BUS)
heralded the annual Teke bath for dissent on campus.
tub push down the street. Earlier
The Kent Stater finds itself
in the week the paper ediin an awkward position between
torialized against a spontaneous
the more vocal dissident groups,
mud sling raucus which took the Creeks and the dormies. Howplace among the dormies.
ever, the pages of the paper are
"Is spring really here?" the filled with the usual campus
paper asked. "The kids are really coverage of social and political
up for mud fights now." Rather awareness. It is under the firm
ironically it concluded, "Just one grip of a faculty-studen- t
board of
good rain and we'll really have control that selects the editorial
a good one." The rains failed to staff, yet it remains fundamencome later in the week when an tally independent in its coverage.
ROTC building was burned,
It is anti-waliberal in charof the
prompting the call-u- p
acter, daring in special features,
The same week, four SDS yet retains a
members were released from the stauchness. Nevertheless staff
county jail after serving seven members like Sandy Bullock have
month sentences for inciting to no illusions about the paper's
riot in an incident that year be- image. On display in the backfore. The townspeople felt the room are huge cement blocks
sentences were light, but the that were flung through the wincourts in the small community dows last May, and attacks on
covering the
compromised with the defendants photographers








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show a city address and some
of the signatures were illegible.
Bruce Leford, who headed a
drive by a citizens' group to
challenge the forced retirement
measure by the city commission,
indicated that because of the
court's action, recount measures
or possibly an appeal would be
taken into consideration by his
Another petition requesting
the age 57 retirement also was
said to be invalid by the court
for the same reasons, and also
because, Park said, there were
"false affidavits and proof of
forgeries" in some of the signatures.

Kent State Trys to Pick Up the Pieces



Freshman orientation and the
problems which face all first year
students is another concern of the
student affairs office. It is investigating the possibility of a "service fraternity" to advise all incoming freshmen, a move which
would be aimed at replacing the
current system of advising.
"The Student Government Office of Student Affairs is convinced," said Brown, "that hard
work, implemented in an organized manner, will serve the
needs of the University community far better than the circus
antics of the Assembly."


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burning of the ROTC building
are still remembered.
Somehow the Kent Stater was
unjustly identified with FBI-CIphotographic intelligence. The
animosity towards the paper by
virtually every spectrum of political thought is astounding.
'Spring in Ohio'
The campus and . national
events during April inevitably led
to some type of confrontation on
the Kent campus. It was indeed
"Spring in Ohio" and emotions
were simmering when President
Nixon announced his invasion of
Cambodia. The Kent State campus, however, was different than
the hundreds of similar campuses
across the nation in that the Ohio
National Guard was yanked off
its duty of protecting scab truck
drivers, and placed in the hot deb
of anger that was American youth
during that week.
The subsequent events are history now, yet it cannot be said
that the "Kent Stater" just happened. Nor is it correct to place
blame on any individual occurence. Like most tragedies of
this nature, Kent simply had the
proper ingredients for turmoil. To
returning students like Mary Ann
Vecchio of Opalocks, Fla., Kent
State was Just a bad dream. She
packed up last spring vowing
never to return, but has now returned to accept the challenge
of picking up the shattered pieces.
On the Defensive
It is unlikely that another
"Kent Stater" wiU occur, for the
community is on the defensive
against townspeople, exploiters,
and its own
President White has a formidable
task ahead as he attempts to steer
a middle course between the conflicting ideologies on and off campus and "show the natlonhowto
do the Job."
Events and emotions have a
curious way of meshing as they
did at Kent State last May. The'
students at Kent State have provided a living example of how
the forces eating away the foundations of American society can
bring it to the brink of disaster.
There would have been
consequences for the
nation had the Kent State killings
ot cured farther from the end of
the term.


� THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday, Oct. H,


Pornography Report


Rejected by Senate






McClellan and a number of
Senate heard the recent report other senators said the commisof the Commission on Obscenity sion wasted three years and $2
and Pornography denounced million in producing a final reTuesday as a repulsive example port they said consisted of "a
of "marshmallow-heade- d
think series of unsupported or flimsily
ing," then voted overwhelming documented opinions resting
ly to reject all its major findings. largely on a philosophy of perThe 60--5 vote for a resolution missiveness."
Sen. Cordon Allott,
condemning the report came moments after its chief sponsor, said he was particularly incensed
at what he termed pseudosci-entifi- c
Sen. John L. McClellan,
testing financed by the
commission involving measuring
"I fear that if we allow and the reaction of young men exencourage the flow of obscene posed to pornographic material.
material, there will be no stop"This is one of the worst
ping these sex offenders. This abuses of commission power I
filth is stimulating to them, they have ever
seen," Allott said, defeed on it and the commission
nouncing the report as "revoltwould guarantee that they have
ing" and an example of "marshmalltheir fill."
The resolution declared the
In their findings, 15 of the
commission said there commission arrived at findings
is no evidence that exposure to unsupported by evidence conpornography is a significant cause sidered by it or readily
of crime or leads to immoral
or unnatural sex acts.
They recommended that "fedThe debate between Vice Preseral, state and local legislation
ident Spiro T. Agnew and four
prohibiting the sale, exhibition
or distribution of sexual materials student body presidents, includto consenting adults should be ing UK Student Government
President Steve Bright, will be
carried by station VVBLG-TThe resolution, which ex- 'channel 62 in Lexington, at 6:30
presses the sense of the Senate p.m. Thursday.
The debate was aired nationbut has no legal force, follows
closely a letter signed by 34 ally Sept 25, but no local TV
station carries the syndicated
Republican senators urging President Nixon to "disavow" the Frost program.
commission's findings.





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never work because there will
be no interest in making it work."
Cregory is making his first
bid for a political office. Prior
to his decision to enter the congressional race he was a tool
and die maker for IBM.
Because of his "blue collar"
working experience, he said he
feels that he is better able to
relate to voters.
"My (college) major was industrial technology, not law, but
I feel that there may be too many
lawyers in Congress today. The
laborers need someone who can
identify with their problems," he
Goods And Services
On the subject of the federal
and state welfare programs, he
"Payments should be increased for those who can't work
and eliminated for those who can








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-- Y-'







Karen Beck with is up a tree over
studying. The tree, behind the statue of President

UK student

Patterson, is showing signs of fall as its leaves
Kernel Photo By Bob Brewer
begin to turn.

Committee on Militarism Formed
The purpose of the group is
Ten persons attended the first
meeting of the Committee on 'to educate the people about miMoore
militarism last night in the Stu- litarism in America.
dent Center. The group was claimed that all structures in
formed recently by UK students America were "geared toward
William Moore and Hardy Grif- destruction," but insisted that
fith to "initiate a dialogue on his bias would not necessarily
be that of the committee.
militarism on this campus."
One member of the audience
said the group must look at what
the military is now before it can
decide how it can be changed.
A representative from the
and won't. We must stop subMovement For a New Congress
sidizing illegitimate children. We (MNC) said that "about 50 percan't legislate morals but we can cent of the
people on campus
take the profit out of it."
but the
agree with
Instead of paying money to basically is alienatedyou,
from the
mothers of illegitimate children, rest of
he proposed a goods and services
"The real job," he said, "is
which would be headed
convincing the rest of society."
by volunteers. "There are perThe
tentatively agreed
sons who would volunteer their on two group One was to see
time for such a program to give that the
King Library had avail
the children a better chance for
life and to see that their tax
dollars were going to their designated purpose," he said.
After Cregory's speech, Bob
Bailey, student campaign coordinator, announced plans for a
phone canvass and "Operation
Kinfolk," which involves sending postcards from approximately
450 sixth district college Republican members to relatives and
friends in behalf of their

able literature on militarism. The
other was to try to persuade
representatives from the ROTC
program to give a seminar on
Griffith said he did not want
ROTC taken off campus, rather
that he wanted it "humanized".
He said one project of the group
could be to talk to and "educate" ROTC cadets.
Moore and Griffith urged
others at the meeting to write
letters to the Kernel and generally try to raise the issue of
American militarism whenever



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Gregory Urges Student Involvement
Continued from Pace One
stop playing around and save our
Another plank in Gregory's
platform is the establishment of
two district offices which would
be operated on a daily schedule
to give voters an opportunity to
voice their views and to ask
"I will not be an absentee
Gregory promised. "I plan to be at each of
my district offices at least two
or three days out of a month."
Asked how he would vote on
gun law legislation (his opponent
voted affirmatively) Cregory said
he could not say because he feels
that voters are not told what he
called the essential details of issues. But he added:
"I don't think such legislation
is the right method to reduce
crime. A criminal doesn't ordinarily buy a gun in a store; he
usually obtains it by other means.
Registration of firearms will not
keep guns from the criminal. I
suggest that the penalty for committing a crime with a weapon
be stiffened."
His position on U.S. involvement in the Middle East was
one which seemed to be shared
by most of his audience. "Although our interests in resources
in the Middle East are being
threatened by the present crisis,
we should not send any of our
military there. I feel that shipping arms and equipment to our
allies is sufficient. If there was
a direct threat to our freedom,
we would be justified in becoming militarily involved."
Voluntary Army Not Practical
Questioned about the feasibility of the establislunent of a
voluntary army, Gregory said;
"The concrpt is not practical. The news media have crucified and downgraded the image
of the American soldier. There
are no war correspondents today
like Ernie Pyle who will glorify
the American soldier. The most
complimentary thing the media
can report is issuance of the
Congressional Medal of Honor.
Until the press gets behind the
soldier the volunteer army will

1970- -3


Laxlnyton, Mntuocy

Meyers, first floor

� The Kentucky


University of Kentucky


OCT. 14, 1970

Editorials represent the opinions of the Editors, not of the University.
Frank S. Coots III,
Bob Brown, Editorial rage Editor
Jean Renakcr, Managing Editor
Mike Ticrncy, Sports Editor
Dahlia Hays, Copy Editor
David King, Business Manager
Don Rosa, Cartoonist
Jane Brown, Ron Hawkins, Bradley Jeffries, Jerry Lewis, Mike Wines.
Assistant Managing Editors

The Irony of Unreality
Without being petty in analyzing an otherwise beneficial and commendable speech, students should take offense at one portion of President Singletary's University Senate address. In stating his position on
where students should stand in University affairs, Dr. Singletary made
an extremely simplistic and unrealistic dichotomy of definitions. Singletary sees the choice before him as one of granting "student power,"
which he defines as allowing student to run the University, or "student
participation," which he sees as listening to the voice of students.
If this is an indication of President Singletary's basic orientation
in dealing with students, it is not surprising that he is bewildered by
the communication breakdown. Only the most radical students at UK
are mentioning student power in the sense it is defined by our president; only the most subvervient students are willing to accept the
situation of participation as he categoriezes it.
There is a middle ground of student concern to which most students
adhere. This position can best be described by a
want to participate, not rule,
of Singletary's terms. Students
by making their voices heard. The only certain method of insuring that
voice be heard even when it is unpleasant to the listener is to obtain
some form of legitimate student power. Student power means student
votes on vital University committees; it means student influence above
"J're washed my last dish. Ws beneath a woman's duty
the level of advising and exerting public pressure. Most importantly,
to clean house! I want a maid!"
student power means the acceptance of the student as a partner in the
education process, not a customer.
Singletary's dichotomy illustrates succinctly many of the communicaSoapbox
tions problems which he discussed. Dr. Singletary can rationalize his
ignoring of actual student demands by lumping them into an unreal
and unacceptable category. It is amazing that our chief administrator
makes decisions on the basis of these unreal premises.
of changing the inscription on the statue
The supreme irony of it all is that Singletary's denial of reality may
of Dr. Patterson in front of the Office
AficS Senior
This little symphony of words is set Tower. During the debate, those present
be the creator of many of his problems, not the resolution. Perhaps
his students would be less inclined to disrupt the University and destroy down in response to an article which were treated to an episode of the "Graeme
Hour." Here is when
in the Oct. 9, Kernel.
its property if they had a legitimate avenue of power. If theywere more appearedstyle will be, as usual, irreverant; "Country" Lynn Montgomery should lave
content with their situation, or more satisfied with their opportunity trying to get a little reaction from the hummed a tune in the background. Some-tin-g
like, "What Kind of Fool Am I," or
to improve that situation students would not allow their frustrations to hammerheads that attempt to run our
little exercise in democracy, Student Gov"Everybody Loves a Nut."
damage the University's public image, thus decreasing personal donations ernment.
The newspaper report implies that it
and legislative willingness to support the University.
The article to which I refer was the was Miss Browning's forensic ability that
Stuwas a prime factor in the defeat of the
report on the Oct.
One cannot sympathize with a man who perpetuates his problems. dent Government 8 meeting of the
bill. For her great service I propose Craeme


A Commentary on SG

Kernel Forum: the readers write
Perverted Idealism
In Kernel Opinions

Yea, Kernel


To the Editor
I sure do appreciate Miss Jeffries'
The Kernel response to the Conference Interview. She told it like I said it which
on Undergraduate Education is a case of is a new experience for me in Lexington.
Can a sopliisticated student body find
selective perception. The unmitigated vitriolic attack upon personality has only happiness with a
forty-yea- r
old city official.
revealed the bitterness of a perverted
Tom Underwood, Jr.
idealism. The purblind attackers have
fallen into the trap asserted to avoid by
Dr. Silber, that is, not to see issues
and principles in simplistic terms, leavNay, Kernel
ing no option for openness. Dr. Silber To the
did not state that students should accent
I would like to express my appreciation
complacency, not that they are unqualto the UK student body for its enthusiasified, mediocre, and passive automatons
who should remain so. He did say that tic response to Forum speaker Jeane Dixon.
The crowd of more than 2,000 was the
mass education has diluted educational
and that most students are not largest ever assembled in the Student
Center Ballroom.
intellectuals, nor are they motivated toI want to give special thanks to the
ward cognitive and spiritual growth. He
said that problems consist of complex, Kernel for the rather insipid and pathetic
editorial. The Forum Committee always
non const ant variables and that solutions
are just as complicated. A sound dose of appreciates such attacks by the Kernel,
both for the guffaws they bring from inpragmatism is essential for survival, for
telligent observers, and for their priceless
positive progress, when confronted with
publicity value.
the human realities of
Also thanks to Steve Bright, whose
insulting remarks actually encouraged the
It s