xt731z41t572 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt731z41t572/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1918 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 5, March 15, 1918 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 5, March 15, 1918 1918 1918 2015 true xt731z41t572 section xt731z41t572   rr ` ._ I I l _ V r` Mr-Y   Y _. V   ,;xr_j, ;._   __ ~,_\;_r;-Arr    
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  , To .. Editor: The . ` K
. news in this ¤¤··¤TT» THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY e¤T·TTe¤ as T¤¤¤¤¤’
4 .; ‘ is prepared for the r_;_£_:__   _ _ ___:rr_:L_;r_$ Wim     _rirr__r;t___ _. r _;. _l__       _ ___. Q class matter at the _
_ P¥‘¢SS and is released   iii, ’  LU   ?:‘       Q Z   ' QT C wlgfi at _W _§'°§._    post office at Lex-
» . f°" P“b'*°a**°" °"   i    "Mm  $:(@??3 yi Qi  Z? mL:i"t.       SLJWFC   ii?     l¤sf¤¤» Ky-  
· "°°°iPt- °·.$ - * 5>r..a;·s=x ·;*T::·:;;.T·yr¢;` ¥¢;—:e._f" $aT<..;»:T5` 'i‘i=~a·; ·‘··‘ V   =?i¤s·.¢·»~=; {5 E? iv `;"*r C ‘ I
I March 15, 1918 , LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. I. No. 5 i
President Frank L. Q\Ic"Vey, Univer- Captain H. N. Royden, comiiiaudnnt Captain H. N. Riyden, Coinmsndant Prentice Slade, formerly an Arts The University of Kentucky has
sity of Kentucky, line; been ;t1ivi:;c~:i iiuiversity of Kentucky, has received University of Kelttucky, has just re- and Science student in the University bagu advised that welmm Work with ~_
that Mrs. Eaiary C. (`. iBr:xdioi·.i, pro.»i— oi`i'i;:i:il notice from the War Depart- ccived from the War Department thru of Kentucky, iuajorirw in journalism, _ _ _ . _. T _ . _'
dent of thc National l]du:;e.ii<>n .»\.sso— lllOll;tilLlY,1llG1Ql enrolled in the Reserve the Department (!ua1‘ternInstel‘, Cen- but now a volunteer gtudeiit iu naval Sfhml (ilulflwn (hull]? “mu5nC vas
ciation, has proposed ;·. ]`1l`(}§’Q]`iUl1 for ()ificors’ Training Corps are not ex— trzil lleparriuent, Chicago, lllinois, the aviation, in on a visit to his home in dlscusscd m the Rational kducatmu
better rural Schools and is asking Fed- empt from draft thru the local boards. following information: Lexington and expects to leave March ASSOCMUOI1 (`011Y€1`€1l€€ held ill At-
eral aid to the extent ot 5§s140,000,0i:0. This question has puzzled the local "\\/ith I-Gygmucg LO yOm· estimate gf 18 to report for further study at Mas- lantic City. Several educators oi na-
Tlle prog;-nm is to he carried out, U<>=li`@ wld 1`€€I'“m¤g Omcw`5 since the funds dated February 20, 1918, 1‘€· officers of the Re- 5@1`Vi°€· rural brother' were discussed by DOC- .
the Federal Governrneut spend as "Iu view of the fact that members serve O1ti»::ers’ Training Corps will re- M1`. Slade Wrote for the Brooklyn mr Smggnt and DIV rlhomas D· `V00d»
much as the State Government to i1n— of these units are not obligated to ac- ceive their first three nionths’ pay and EHSIG 2111d f01‘ the Providence Daily Professor of Physical Education at
. prove rural schools. cept commissions in the reserve corps that the {clothing company that sup- J0u*'¤¤I» While U1 Camp- HG was d€· Columbia University. Dr, Dudley sai--
It provides that it Shall not go mw upon completion of the prescribed plied uniforms for the battalion will t¤0h@d f1`0I11 active S€1‘ViCe January gent of Harvard University S&id_
aged until Jung 1921, prgpgging that course," the memorandum said, "tl1ey receive pay for them. Of the total 5 andrthen went to Dayton, Ohio, to HAH one who I S re d P ' t
in the mgawgumg uu-gg years the cannot be held to be enlisted in the amount, $4,508 is required to pay for Work in an aeroplane factory. While Y _ M 3 YOVOS
United States Bureau of Education service and are consequently not en- the 322 uniforms and the balance, $1,— fhéré hé @00k advantage of Several MHTSIWI Genaml CI`°Wd€l"S 1`€€€¤t 1{9·
wage a Cguypgrign to educate [hg coun- titled to exemption or deferred c1assi· 091.40 is for commutation subsistence. 0_DD01'ii1111iti®S to enjoy flying as a civi- port, and noted that from twentydive ‘
try to the need of better rural schools. Ti€&ti0¤·" The officers of the Quartermaster han passengeh H8 goes tO_ Massa' to seventy-iive per cent. of our young ,..,1
lt proposes that Congress app1‘0pi‘iH.t9 This has been demOI1St1‘B.tBd lll tht} D€D&I`tI`I1€1'l.i.3I`€ Hlaklllg out UIG checks Chgsgtts to Study ground Work m Paval men were exempted from military
to the Bureau two hundred thousand case of Walter Piper, of Lexington, for the officers and immediately upon aviation ang }0 Weeks later will go Service on account Of h Sicar disa_ .
dollars to carry on this propaganda a junior in the College of Arts and receipt of the creditbalance will issue to S°m€ Fwmtlop S°hO°1_f‘{I` Hnah be' _ _ _ D _y
work The genérrrl Scheme is to r€_ Science, who was drafted and Sum_ the Chgcksr Captain Roydgn Said mr fore receiving his commission to go to b1l1t1€S and preventable diseases, can-
duce the number of rural schools in moned to appear for examination be- mediately thereafter they will prepare 1`mH°€· net IIGID having $01116 miseivine AS
the country by consolidation and to fore the local board. Being a mem- the second payroll of the Reserve Of- to the future of our country. If. the
provide each rural $011001 1`00H1 with ber of the Signal Corps of the Uni- iicers’ Training Corps to be submitted OLD UNIVERSITY MAN · · ·
_ obgect of education IS to prepare us ,
3. Dl‘0f€SSi0119·UY tI`3·1H6d €€&Ch€1`· versity, which is a branch of SOVGYH- to the Treasury Department not later IS CHASING SUBMARINES fo rf d I tl, k I 1 r H
It also DYODOSGS t1‘ai11€d TUT31 HUYSQS ment service, training men for special than March 31. _ 1; r_ 1 €’ an lm I may Sa) u_ a' I i
to look after the health and sanita- work, he was exempt from immediate ‘ L1€l1t€¤8·¤t J0}1¤ I- BYY3I1» 1895. fil- seriousness for U18 beftlé of hf€»
tion of their communities, also the Sgpvjgg and Ordered to finish his sem. mous in his day as a half-back on the yvhat a grave commentary upon our
establishing of libraries in rural com- gstgyis wm-k_ H8 now is 3, regular Sol- FULI6é'  llniversity of Kentucky football team, methods of preparation and our habits ~
munities with aid of Federal funds. dig;-Of the United States, drawing full 1S "S0m€Wh€1‘€ chasing Sl1bmariHeS." . . . . . .
_ _ ——— . . of working and 11vmg IS this large
; Mrs. Bradfordsuggests that the Gov- pay and also 3, reserve Soldier m spe- A full length portrait Of the mm A letter recently received by rho Uni- _ _ _ d
ernment give $5,000 to each county cia] training in the U¤iv€yS1ty_ JOSE h Dicker Su erintemdem Of versity gives some interesting ac- D€1'€€¤t¤g€ of PITYSICZLUY 1¤€3»D¤€1t¤t€
E which pledges $20,000 for the gregtiou Shu; University Ofp Kentucky has counts of the effective processes em- men.
- ‘ T ` ’ ’ 1 d ' tl` f ` ` ` . ··
nfl? isblgllazined to consolidate rural PROMINENT STUDENTS b€€11 1`BG€iV<-ld andrplaoed in Mechani- p (giutglan?SB1_*;;(3n&;;;iu;i;gmimm More than niijy pgp f;B;;t_d0f our
' i schools each year until the present HONGRED BY Y- wr- C- A-   h}:r,;;pn;;1_£;;i; the College of Mechanical and Eiec· ggulgg U}B2_tmVB` eP`21Q]q£f·;ia§·§g;‘ r
two hundred and ten thousand are _ _ . “ ` . _ trical Engineering in the class of 1895 or ml 1 ery Serv CB W U 8 1°
reduced to seventy-nine thousand. The e¤¤¤a1¤1¤¤¤<>¤ of Officers of me was pamted by, Ii€rdmaud_ Qlaha}? and immediately after-xvard took the country is spending millions and mil-
’ — This consolidation would mean the Y- NV- C· Au Uuivcrsiwi of Kentucky §ga,g§;rL_L§fmE?ugiV;%;’ glggvéisglg gl t examination for U. S. Revenue Cutter lions at the training camps in trying ’
I saving of money to Spend en S¤h¤<>'1 was held S‘}“d””’ °""“‘“g at P?*m"` . y" . S€WiC€—Sw¤di¤g mh {OY the ¤PP°i¤t· to get those who have been accepted
? equipment and teachers’ salaries. The SGH H3·u· MISS Leleh Gaum p1`€Sld€H¥· FOHTM1 cgremmiy D}"GS€“Fmg this ment of ten vacancies from twenty- . . . .
_' minimum Salary proposed for teachers conducted the meeting until the unani- portrait to the ·UHlV€YS1tY will be held are Corrresrantsj U1 Ht €0¤ihtl?¤ to PBYYOTHJ the duties 7
is from $700 to $900 rr year Tlle mr mous election of the newrprlesident, some trme duringnrhe Commencement of a soldier, —
A nual salary of the average rural school Miss Mlldred GYaha·m· rLO“1SV1u€· week m J“D€· ghel port?/?1P   TQ' COMMITTEE APPOINTED FOR "'_`;*"`
teacher at present is $250. The following were elected to the garded by th°S~"’ lvm Ulelv *· 1°1*°I` SUMMER EMPLOYMENT WAR DHVIINISHES NUMBER, _
The program proposes a course in other offices; Miss Ruth Duokwall, best. as FL 1`€¤l¤Y1*aib1€11k€“€$S· ___ _ OF GRADUATES FOR 1918 4
rural education in every State Uni- Louisville, vicepresident; Miss Aus- +-——-——· On account or the very large de. - M
Y6I‘SitY, Agl‘iCl1ltl11‘&l College wld N01`- tin Lilly, Richmond. SBCFGULTYS MISS KELLY BACK TO RESUME niand for artisans and men trained Nmetytwo Smdgms are candidates
mal S¤h¤¤1· It proposes a Federal Elizabeth McGowan.Bae<1ed.treaS¤r€¤‘» HISTORY MAJOR STUDIES in engineering pursuits, President F. _ _ ,
Commissioner of Education to desig— and Mrigs Louisa Will, Louisville, an- ._;. L_ MCVGY, University Of Kentucky, has f01` gI`&dl1¤t10I1 with U18 class of 1918. r
uate certain such institutions each Dual member, As annual member, E_ E_ Kelly, gf `Nhitesvillg, who pe- appojntgd an Engjnggrug Employ. University of Kentucky, d1Vid€d as
year for such at course, increasing the Miss Will will have charge of the Hui- ceived an appointment to Annapolis ment Committee, consisting of Pro- follows: Arts and Science, 30; Me-
““‘“‘?‘*" °“h y"’*“`· Thm ‘“’p“""’d “°¤“°¤ °f the ““°° ·’”S°°m“°“S of New Sclml lest fm °¤ being i¤· MSM D— V- Tmelh A- L- Wilhoite eimicai and E1ectT¢Tca1m¤g1¤esTs,zo;
by mm must annually turn out not Transylvania, Georgetown and KGH- eligible for examination, has 1’Gtl11`116d and T. J. Barr. All students 01‘ grad- Agriculture, 18; Law, 12; Home Econo-
1685 than 100 t1`H1¤€d 1`HIPU t€¤0h¤l‘S tucky. to the University to major in history uates, looking for either summer em- mics, 6; Civil Engineers, 3; Mining, g_
who pledge themselves to teach m Last years officers werer Leleh in the couege or Arts and Science. pleyment or permanent location. The graduating class has become —
“"‘*‘* S°"°°‘$ *°" ailleast ““#"’€ y‘?"“S· G_=*““· ¥2’°Sid°¤i¥ Mmred G“““‘m· His bretlier. Arthur M· Kelly. a Hrst Siwuld apply te this G<>mmitf¤e as it smaller each year Since the beginning
These teacgers It they *`€*¥“’·m€d V1¢€·D1`€S1d€¤t§ Ruth Duckwall. s€c1`€‘ honor student of last June, from the already has OH file a large Dumber Og the war and the 1913 class is the
thmugh a m“B‘m0mh$’ mm] m the {MY; F1‘i€d=1L€m0¤» Previdence. U`€aS‘ University, is in the cavalry branch of requests for men. smallest Of the form In 1915 there _
whigs to yvhicg they wm`? assiggleg limi`: of the United States Army at Fort ---1-- warg 154 graduates; in 1916 there were
wou G receive tit 501;.0 ygear   err r Miss Graham has ch<>§e¤th1<;f<>11¤W· Leavenworth. WAR COMMITTEE IS 147; in 1917 there were 136. While
*;;*3}) ;"'°"‘m§“I{t$ dmin ra aryl ‘“$‘id“?“é“g°§; °f l;?"1;r’?‘(;’$"it· {°g”‘}“i —·—·—··- APPOINTED BY PRESIDENT there are 92 candidates for graduation
b d "°{; °. u Y wth °°a Ec Or M‘ _‘° ° “‘S· ·_ ‘ ,€r°‘r‘Qt* S°1‘ji*‘ LEADING SPEAKERS WILL _ —— this year, some may leave the insti-
°“§ rr f "}°"“"S;1 er “““‘ "’?d° S““"°"’i Mm B°‘*‘· S°°"*· lm ‘g‘ ADDRESS THE STUDENTS President Frank n Mcvey, Univer- tution berm June, but many or these
agm arrgr EEC {ers; E D an gov} es goth Irvmgtom ——-— SUZY of K€I1U1€kY,h9·S aDDOi11tGd 5 Ulli- will have made sufficient standing to
t at lgl c1°° S* Oumy gm]? ` C, H. Hurrey, Y. M. C. A. secretary versity War Committee composed of receive degrees.
tm-al ESWGEBS and Norma ?Ch0OlS {H LEWIS IS   for foreign students in Anlericau c0l· D1'. J. W. PI`yOl‘, ChB.lI'Hl8H, Captiiill H. -——-——————~
2::19 1;Er1;3iailli¥1ui?gE;S Ivizzhyeggi FOR NEW POWDER PROCESS leges, will address the students of the N. Royden, Dean iF. Paul Anderson, UNIVERSITY MAN HONORED
t _ _ _ f _ d _ "l" University of Kentucky at chapel Prof. George Roberts, Prof. Mary E. BY KENTUCKY LEGISLATURE .
:;‘;“;;‘Ovifggg;‘;;:";uu;’;al§;f°;;r§;“O;g A- T- L€WlS· class Of 1906» Couega Tuesday, March 19, and will visit all Sweeney, Prof. E. L. Gillis and Well- .__.
I ef M?e<=ha¤i¤¤1a¤dEl¤¤tri¤¤1E¤si¤¤€P· other educational institutions in the ington Patrick. The student repre- . -1 I g
5°hg“;d“““"S 1"€°‘g€d*° “"‘°h m rum ins- U¤iV¤rSiW Of K¤¤t¤¤kY Te m°m· state during the mouth. sentatives on the committee are D. 1gighI¥O?;?_;;hQtt?$2;iv1i1,.€'th; gills;-
S . v · * , . . _ . . Y _ .
c 00 S gzilsiO?glgglglggg;;w;u§_;Ei?1i;11€§ Dr. R. A. Bennett, secretary of vo- gill? }?1m¤i;f?€»B;I`{lfgYdL L- W1;lS0Y§» ment of Journalism, University of
_ ’ ’ ` cational guidance and ministerial sup- exmg On? ISS rw a· gmam I`0V1‘ Kentucky, and until recently corres-
SE§II?rCR3r%§GS;,'I(;[ILArg1§(1a.¥l}gKY gmegrs mir shB_tBu?;§_° Err? C8m` ply for the Young Meu’s Christian d?nC€· and Miss Louise M&Yf’l`» L?uiS‘ pondent from Frankfort for the Lex-
p_zmy Qt ha _ F1 5f' Ougl 1B_ mu Association, will be in Lexington Sun· V1u€· The duty of the Commlttee IS to ington Leader, left Friday for Camp .
..., l`1°t`_A“` C_°“d‘P‘°“‘“g_C°mpa“y· ls the day, Monday and Tuesday, March 24- Consider the werk of the University Zachary Taylor, Louisville, as a mem-
k TiI;€c;‘E§£1€i‘;‘;1“s2‘@E;{§;‘x‘ Ln §°“g;‘i; €¤gm€<·>*` ldauuged rz¤tl1tS€;·=¥¤l» 1;*% ze, and will meet me students of the in WM m€¤S¤·1‘¢S· ber or Hospital Unit No. 40 under
lege or A 1_icurtm_G and ESM;] mil Dr Sm°l;9l€SS DEW G; P in SC Bmg “‘_ University. ———;··· Major David Barrow. Before leaving, ”
vision or ine Universit , S by FIB Du Ont Ow Br Ompany m H9 will hold Confemucgs wjtll tha ' ARNOLD H. WEBB MADE Mr. Marsh was honored by the Ken- ~
Y 01 KGINHGKY. various parts of the country. _ .
. . _ _ , , Y _ C_ A and y M_ C Su PRINCIPAL OF SCHOOLS tucky Legislature, whose lower house
that the regular bulletin [)llb1lSh€(l by My Lgw]5 lg responsible for rmpor- · W · · · A· Hday · .
. . .. . ‘ _ nd T Sd 1 rm d h . -———- passed resolutions commending his
me Exmuswn DWISIOIL devotes its mnt Changes made m the process Of Q uc a-y le XK a dress t 9 Sm Arnold H \Vebb of West Liberty atriotism and self-denial in surren-
¤¤ti¤`€ Splice to U18 SUDJGGL t0S€th€1‘ manufacturing smokeless powder, re- dent body m Chapel" ` ' ' D . . . . .
with the roclan1ation‘ssuel la t l ‘ ' · ' f fi -·T‘·‘*·**" ao Student Of the College Of Arts and dérmg ms pmfcssmnal posmon to of-
D 1 ( , S w€G{ dumng the tlmg Og Seasonlng rom' ve SCiG11CG, UI1lV€l`SltY of Kentucky, (:0111- fgp his Sgrvjcg to his (;()untry_
by Governor Stanley. The tact that months to forty-enght hours. BOLLING IN FOOD CONSERVATION. plated his Work as a major in History
the scarcity of seed corn seriously ......-7 . .. .
_ —-————— d l t d th f - ,
g¤¤1=;t¤¤;tref<><>¤_¤¤gr>1vl1SfS¤¢{¤rt¤¤ STEWART ¤~LLT¤ T0 sTTv·¤T. M.-. T. E. B..TT...., .,....T..... of th. 2?....‘?.i i§ZiE.i.....°.E°i.?§L‘i.‘; Zfpéii. ""““‘S°" ..E"““S SE'"'°E
H le Irs page m am ace yD€· class of 1915 College of Mechanical horn he has also been appointed pas Cl ‘ "
_ _` _ _ _ I . .~ , - yde D. Harrison, of Lebanon, a. . _
lyNI_;`;ig;€O€é`Stgf   igatglglitllgltigriilgfl BY¤dY M- St°W3·Yt· Of Kewl. 6- Su; and Electrical Engineering, Universi- tor of the Hillsboro Baptist; Church. student in the College of Agriculture,
of farmer nd reed m n ‘ H d€{1t of th? C°l}°8€ of Arts an ty of Kentucky, is Chief Engineer for Roy C. Scott, who was Mr. Webb's University of Kentucky, joined the Q 
. the mcessita Of exlmustiiv ignsmby SCIGHCQT UmV°I`§1tY'°f Kentflckif who _the Drying Systems, Inc., of Chicago, predecessor as principal of Forks of Barrow hospital unit and left with ·
mm planting ‘ B S S Q` V0l}mt€€*`€d twlw fvr SQYVSE IP tim and is at present erecting a ten thous- Elkhorn schools, was also a history the 200 volunteers last Friday for
‘ _ _ _ United States 3fmY was ca Gd m tw and pound per day plant for the Cl1i~ major at the University and was grad- Camp Zachary Taylor. Harrison was I
The College of Agriculture will co- last draft and IS now a, mgmbg Og ~ - . .
_   _ _ ~ F cago market. This process 1S one of uated in 1917. He resigned to join a junior in the University and his leav-
operate w1th those desnmg informa, C D 12 3d Battalion 159 De O1; · · .
mm on how to mare these te t Ofnpa Y T T P the most important in the present plan Hospital Unit N0. 40, now at Camp ing the institution will necessarily .
‘ ‘ S S· Br1ga‘d8¤ C9·mP Zachary TaY1°*`· of food conservation. Zachary Taylor, Louisville, Ky. postpone his graduation.