xt731z41sp2w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt731z41sp2w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1989-11-10 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, November 10, 1989, no. 561 text The Green Bean, November 10, 1989, no. 561 1989 1989-11-10 2014 true xt731z41sp2w section xt731z41sp2w Number 561 November 10 1989
The PC Learners Group has learned of several resources for those
needing information about their PCs. we want to pass that infor-
mation along to everyone since ae all need assistance at one time
or another with our PCs. In the U.K. libraries, Tari Keller (7-
3801) can provide assistance with hardware problems while Margey
McQuilkin (7-3801) can be contacted for questions or problems
concerning software. Chris Corman and Brenda Ghaelian serve as
the liaisons from the Computing Center for the U.K. libraries.
we should not, however, go directly to Chris or Brenda. Contact-
Systems Administration (Tari or Margey) first as they may have
the answer to your question.
The Bluegrass PC Users Group is for anyone with an interest in
PCs. Dues are $12.00 per year for an individual. Family rates
exist. The group meets the fourth Saturday of every month in
Room 325 of the Business and Economics Building at 1:00 p.m.
Contact Chris Corman at the Computing Center for additional
information. (Submitted by Laura whayne.)
Time is fast approaching for the annual LSO Holiday Bake and
- Craft Sale to be held on November 17, at 9:30 in the King North
Staff Lounge. Please make an effort to support this event. The
proceeds go to help finance our Christmas Party, Summer Picnic,
and various other activities during the year. You can still sign
up to donate crafts or goodies or both; just contact Mary Geyer,
Acquisitions/Accounting Dept., King Library North, 00391, today.
The library faculty meeting for November 17th will begin at 9:00
a.m. instead of 8:30.
'IE2 Newsletter of the Umversnty
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes

On November l7th at 1:00 pnw; abc Kentzthy AA;. Academy of Science
Agriculture Section and Libr gy »nJ Inform tran Science Section
will present the plenary se .v,. sion on .lectronio transfer of infor-
mation. The session will P Rn the rorm ¤i‘ a panel discussing
the implications of the new ;quncL» =es. *he panelists will be
Karen Hunter from Elsevier pr:;e;ting .-.` ¤~ comeercial puhlishers'
view; Dr. Paul Jones, Acting mean, Gia ~ite Staool, University of
Louisville to discuss implieatimwi ?-r graduate research; Greg
Henson of the Agriculture} N ziuwicn Service ·»t· o discuss transfer
of information to the gener¤~ v lic; .’.» and r Lee Todd of Data-
beam to talk about the impaica>¥1ns to inwwetryu David Dick if
the School of Journalism will ueY,;;re. wwe program will be held
in the Worsham Theater in the iaudent Center Additiona
We think this will be a provocative and erciiing meeting and hope
some of you will plan to attend; Fer more informa? on contact
Lillian Mesner or Toni Powell at the AQblGUlCUI€ Libraryi
(Submitted by Toni Powell.)
When the University announces that it is opera lng on Plan B and
classes are not in session (e;g_, zv~netween seuestegni, the
Library will not open. lf the University ope;;*;s on Pla; B rhen
classes would otherwise be in session, the Linrary will normally
continue its regular schedule vi.< 5 arf ;»¤s:a§e rs is main-
tained in public service units or ntghts and weekends; Depart-
ment heads with public service units shcuéh nn»: plans in place
for Plan B coverage. Staff me~de=s »te eefeirei tw U5 Staff
· Personnel Policy and Procedure mn. yl.O roy »;me rewnrtinc poli-
cies. This policy does not —s7li to H~iical Qemrer Llnrary
S.T.A..FEt WQ..R...KING .€. GMNDITIONS REEQQQFFQTQQS;i—il2;l'lT;?;£;,.;E.·.
The Task Force on Staff Working Sendit one has submitted its
report to Paul Willis. One hundred and ten surveys were deli—
vered to the clerical and technical statin The recommendations
made by the Task Force were based on the thi ty~nine returned
surveys received from the sraffr The text of the report is
reprinted on the following pageui
(Submitted by Sue Burch.}

' *‘ ` " O · ` ‘ ‘ Lexington, Kentucky 40506
M E M O R A N D U H October 16, l989
Agriculture Library _
N24 Agriculture Science Center North . ·
twwuwvw TOS Paul Willis
Ach‘ttL1bi .,," . .. ,,
2&§;x;$r”l FROM: Task rorce on Staff Working Conditions
(666) ”7‘]636 . RE : Si;   gi Jie   ul t s
Art Library ' A
4 King Library North
gxjggw The Task Force cn staff Working Conditions had several
initial meetings to discuss the kinds of questions we
M gmSmm¤UMuy felt should be included in the survey cf clerical and
jjj T- ;SM°*¤=¤· ”¤·'=’·¤¤ technical staff.
(606) Ls?-sasv
We decided that the survey would be divided into three
C“““W””“?“"¥_ areasi physical conditions, job satisfaction, and
150 Chemistry/Physics Building . . . .
mwgmx orientation and training.
(606) 2.57-$954
g, V One hundred ten surveys were hand—delivered by members of
Communications Reading Room h . __ _ _‘l g _ , Q ,. . Q _ _ 4 , ._ “ ·
u4hMhQ¢mBm&“ t e Committee to eaca·depaitment in ning niorary and to
wwwwu each branch and associate library on campusr Respondents
(“““"”” were given two weeks to complete the two~page survey. At
‘ MMMMMEHW , the end of the two week period, J5 surveys were returned.
msmaqum Three others came in several days after the deadline and
gygfgw were included in our tally.
rmmmmpnaw Attached are a five page summary of these answers as well
i?A“f“H“ as a verbatim listing of each respondentts answers.
(606) 157-zoes A _
After several meetings of reviewing and discussing the
i§§”“*gT‘m“" responses, the Committee makes the following
_ quwmw recommendations.
(606) 7.57-5730
M Db In the section on Physical Conditions, temperature
W 1 \’3I’y _ a
,wLNBmgw control, enhancing the work area, and better regulation
wwwmv of computer time were the areas mentioned most often and
‘“““”“" most strongly. Realizing that the heating and air
mmmmummmgumw conditioning units cannot be replaced in the entire
Q&¤¤MM¤¤M=%w¤ library system, the Committee recommends purchasing more
gg;$@“ space heaters and fans for those areas which must
maintain a cooler temperature in the summer and hotter
MMMUMMY temperature in the winter to accommodate the rest of the
Z;6 Fine gt; Building     o
(606) zsv-zsoo _
We also recommend that a space planning consultant from
the Design and Construction Office on campus be asked to
examine work space within the library system and
especially the third floor+of King. The concerns
reflected in the survey (specific to the third floor of
. An Equal Opportunity Univvrsit '
3 y I

 King) indicated a large, noisy open area that was
detrimental to productivity, New wall dividers and carpet
might not only enhance the area, but alleviate some of the
noise and congestion. An expert in this area might be able
to offer some inexpensive solutions to this problem.
Additionally, we recommend that supervisors revies che
schedules of those operating computers to ensure that there
are ample breaks for those who are in front of screens more
. than two hours at a time. Also, terminal schedules should
. be reviewed so that those sharing computers are ani; to
rotate on and off them with enough frequency to cowynete
their work. There may be a need for more compu;s~;4 but
further investigation into the situation is suggesiel ·.·,
In the section on Job Satisfaction, respondents J »»er— ~»..
whelmingly urged more recognition and encouragement of
their work efforts, 2) wanted to be kept better ¤ formed
about what was happening in the library system and »no to
contact for problems, and 3) indicated an interest ‘¤ a job
sharing program and cross-training. Therefore, w‘e
Committee recommends that a concerted effort be mace by the
Administration to keep supervisors aware of the “~ <@
Resource Department’s programs on effective man.;~¤ent and
communication. Rewarding employees with praise ·¤~ts
nothing and can accomplish more for morale and gon
satisfaction than other tangible kinds of incent*~ts
We also suggest supervisors use the Green Bean as a means
to publicly acknowledge staff for outstanding work/effort
in their departments.
‘ In addition, the Committee recommends that a directory of
‘ each department be compiled and updated annually. I;
‘ should contain not only names, but also job " -
` responsibilities. The directory will aid new employees in
learning who works in the library system and will also help
other staff know who to call in each department when
problems arise. _
The Committee also recommends that more information be made
available to supervisors about cross—training and job
sharing. Benefits of these programs to the library include ' _
stress reduction, less job "burn out", and increased
communication within the whole library system. Details of
job sharing and cross—training could be made available in
the Green Bean and in Staff Development and ACTS programs.
In the final area, Orientation and Training, the Committee
concludes the ACTS Orientation for staff members is doing a
good job. We also conclude that respondents feel they are
being trained adequately.

 The Committee realizes that many of its recommendations are
less precise than others. For those that involve "making
supervisors aware" and “developing programs" we suggest
l that the new staff member, Margie McQuilkin, might be
, instrumental in planning and coordinating these training
and informational programs. We would prioritize the
- presentation of these programs based on our survey results
as followst 1) effective communication and management
training, 2) computer training programs, 3) stress and time
· management programs, and 4) job sharing/cross training
‘ information. . ` p
In conclusion, the Committee wants to report that were many
favorable comments found in the survey. There was much
more satisfaction than dissatisfaction in all three
surveyed areas. Library staff indicated an especially
strong camaraderie with fellow staff members, enjoyed a
friendly working atmosphere, and liked the busy and diverse ‘
work in their departments.
In order that there be opportunities for staff to share
their perceptions of their working conditions on a regular
basis and for purposes of follow—up to our recommendeiions,
the Committee recommends that the clerical and technical
staff be surveyed every two years. Staff input into
decisions affecting working conditions will promote
positive feelings toward the library system.
5 y

The main Library will be closed for fumigation on Friday, Novem-
ber 24, 1980; hcwever, biweekly paychecks may be picked up in the
Lobby of King Library~Nortb between 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. Please
convey this information to all Library biweekly paid employees.
(Submitted by Ann Howell )
LIB...·._P.QL.-I.C.E7§L...£t*€l"[i ?B11l.3?.
Vu” . .
2. when a date is used to complete a call number, the date
must be input in the book number (Book#) sdbfield of
the item record (line 14). Exceptions:
a. Law Library: when a revised volume or supplement
is issued for a set and the call number for the
original volume includes a date, the date of the
_ revised volume or supplement must be input in the
units (Units) subfield of the item record (line
· 17).
b. Medical Center Library: when a monographic set is
incorplete, the date of the individual volume of
the monographic title must be input in the units
(Units) subfield of the item record (line 17).
3. when the call number of the monograph is too long to
include the date in the book number (Book#) subfield of
the item record, non—processing units must contact
their appropriate processing unit for the proper place—
ment of the date in the item record.

The following letter was receiveu by Rob Aken from John Dinsmore
of John Dinsmore & Associatea:
1 warmest regards and since;est congratulations to you and all
persons connected with tue Fall @989 UK INFO/EXPO, upon the
accomplishment of what I perceive as a real turning point in the
introduction of informatlti technology to the UK community, as
well as those of us outeiue or ui who are interested in such
developments. I was higbé_ impressed by the professionalism of
the exhibitors, the present —r commercial vendor exhibits, and
the general excitement mulch pulsated throughout the Student
Union Ballroom. You have so rec i real coup with this event, and
I Stmnqlx €¤¤¤..ur¤.9¢,.-i};e;,_ie;s2?;_l;>laai%i.iua~
As I may have mentioned to you previously, my involvement in the
information technology community, beginning in the 1960s, has led
me to many, often diversified, situations where the presentation
of technology has included the mindboggling COMDEX computer show
in Las Vegas. The Fall IQSQ UK INFO/EXPO represents, to me, a
most formidable and successful grass roots effort to let people
. know what's going on here in central Kentucky. . .
. Omer Hamlin has been elected to Gina Douglas——last day Nov. 10
the Board of Trustees of his
alma mater, Milligan College. Jerilynn Marshall--last day
He will serve a term of three Nov. 10
years beginning on January l.
Sara Bushnell——retiring--last
day Nov. 3
Karla Raney--Director's Office/

` Cerny, Johni and wendy Elliott, eds. The Library: A Guide to the
LDS Family History Library. Salt Lake City: Ancestry Publishing,
[Ref. Z733 .C55 L53 1988]
Whitaker, Marian and Ian Miles. gigliography of Informagion
Technglggy: An Annotated Critical Bgblgggraphy_ of English Lan-
guage Sources since 1980. Brookfield, VT: Gower, 1989.
[Ref. Z674.25 .W48 1989]
(Submitted by Rob Aken.)
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Head, Astronomy-Math.-Statis-V
tics Library, Univ. of Cal.,
Berkeley. Salary: $28,596-
Library Technician IV, grade 8, 39,276. Deadline: Dec. 22,
Acquisitions Dept. 1989.
»—I Library Technician IV, grade 8, Reference Librarian, Univ. of
. ` Math Library. Cal., Riverside. Salary:
$13,068-14,394. Deadline: Nev.
Library Technician VI. grade 30, 1989.
10, Agriculture Library.
- Principal Cataloger, Univ. of
Chief Librarian, Automated Bib. Col. Salary: $29,000-33-000.
Control Dept., Stanford Univ. Deadline: Dec. 15, 1989.
Salary: $35,200—60,000. Dead- A
line: Dec. 1, 1989.
Chief Librarian, Original and
Special Materials Cat. Dept., ILLINOIS
Stanford Univ. Salary: $35,200-
60,000. Deadline: Dec. 1, 1989.
Asst. Library Personnel Officer Humanities Librarian, S. Ill.
for Staff Training and Develop- Univ. Salary: $40,000 min.
ment, Stanford Univ. Salary: Deadline: Jan. 15, 1990.
$30,864-43,100. Deadline: Dec.
15, 1989.

 INDIANA Univ. Salary: none given.
Deadline: Nov. 17, 1989.
Cataloger, Social Sciences,
Notre Dame. Salary: $23,000
f. min. Deadline: Jan. 30, 1990. QEW YORK
Reference and Instruction
Librarian, Purdue Univ. Salary: H ference Librarian, Real
$25,000 min. Deadline: Jan. 20, Es aie Inst. Library, New York
1990. U gv. Salary: $27,000 min.
Asst. Reference and Instruction Deadline: Dec. 1, 1989.
Librarian, Purdue Univ. Salary:
- $23,000 min. Deadline: Jan. 20, Asses. Librarian {Conse; ·<.,~· a~
1990. tion), New York State Library,
Albany. Salary: $46,510 max.
Deadline: Dec. 22, 1939.
Mathematics/Asst. Engineering
Librarian, Univ. of Iowa.
Salary: $21,565 min. Deadline: Social Sciences Cataloger,
. Feb. 1, 1990. Univ. of NC, Chapel Hill.
¤ Salary: $21,000 min. Dead-
~ " - ` line: Nov. 30, 1989.
_ Monographic Series Cataloger, n
KENTUCKY Univ. of NC, Chapel Hill.
V Salary: $22,500 min. Dead-
line: Nov. 30, 1989.
Director of Academic Computing,
N. Ken. Univ. Salary: none
_ given, Deadline: July 1, 1990.
MISSOURI Reference Librarian, Kent
State Univ. Salary: $22,000
min. Deadline: Dec. 15, 1989.
Head of Cataloging and Bib. Head, Bib. Services, Kent
Control, Univ. of MO, Columbia. State Univ. Salary: $32,000
Salary: $30,000 min. Deadline: min. Deadline: Dec. 15, 1989.
Dec. 30, 1989.
Curator, History of Science
Curator, Gest Oriental Library Coll., Univ. of OK. Salary:
and East Asian Coll., Princeton none. Deadline: Jan. 5, 1990.

 2 '\
Head, General Reference Sec- Head, Serials Division, Univ.
tion, Penn State Univ. Salary: of wash. Salary: $38,000 min.
$34,000 min. Deadline: Jan. 5, Deadline: Jan. 19, 1990.
Reference Librarian, WV Univ.
Science Librarian-Bibliog· Salary: $19,500 min. Dead~
rapher, Univ. of Texas, Ar= line: Jan. 15, 1990.
lington. Salary: $19,428.
Deadline: Dec. 4, 1990.
Lew Bowling, editor and typist; Cecil Madison, printer.