xt731z41s09z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt731z41s09z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1999 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 68, no. 2, Summer 1999 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 68, no. 2, Summer 1999 1999 1999 2012 true xt731z41s09z section xt731z41s09z ii C o i¤‘~
engineers in TREASURER   jk,. 4,     / gx, ig
developing Ann Brand Haney ’71 l ·;§ ’  '   ij`··? ‘* -· ;\ Q
saleable goods Nancy   1   I · * W, k f ?   ‘   `Vécg '
5 hom do-it- ` _ VT ` .  ._ '   V al- • 1*   —, TV  
yoursey home SECRETARY V r _     Lrg-  ,.. ‘».  kl JV V W _,   r 7
tee}? 10 Mele- 51en Key ’72    ’  3  ____      
Q tec medical Lexington   I_,___ _.,,’ 1* _`_»‘_ t .z’·$S= .1¤2<>= > ·  V .* _ _ ·V"` __ V _, ,,_r?·`·§ ¤‘=;1 '1‘#`  y?;;_;;1§e’g·]§, ‘;§’;;#»»¤¤»—
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1 Vol. 68 No.2 606-25 7-8905   ;?2·2Eé;  TV  V¢*ti , V¥.;    
{ ISNO73}6297. 800-269~ALUM (2586)     ~ .- ?‘   j  ,;’   •°? V`¤:L   [ `Q`·1"“"~ Q};     V _ .
The Kentucky unvw.uley.edu/Alumni  V   ;2X,§,$/Méf    {,.£L§?* • -_n.E.!$)1UT%*]?§”"¥§V.`   ""`T "`V ei ’*.. .   l  
Alumnus is - iz    ·;-f\.{Fj§f€'?k'§·g.*,.  Q,    yi,
published DIRECTOR _   E         QM   lh   ,,.c ·   ·     ‘ le. J-in n 
£]Ll6l7'l€7'b/ by the Sian Key '72 _V ,· x' Y         __ ·
    A I g  lg ‘2 ·`  " —_ ,  · ·‘·". · ‘ K ·`  » 1..  Q' , ` . _ - S`  ' _ _ . ·» r A .
Kentuclqy ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR/ _ _ · , ,
Q Alumni Emma :  ‘ ~ Solid Gold Homecoming Plans 16
’ Association, Liz Howard Demoran ’68, ’76   ·_ _ .
its duespaying Matt Lucas ’86
. membezs. .
Opinions COORDI1\&4TOR/   \ I ,
expressed are SPECIAL PROGRAMS `
not 1195955;; ribz jen17y]Oy;g5-Gggdwi;1   " 
11105e ef1be UK Beat ` ` 4
` University of STAFF , 1—·———— 
Kentucky nor of Brenda Bain x
the UK Alumni Linda Brumfeld { \
Association. Nancy Coomer   of TIIC Blue  
---- Peggy Collins _ _
POS TMAS TER: john Hoagland ’89 SIX St31°$ IH the CIZSSYOOHI
Change Service Charles Livingston
requested. Send Mandy Long    
to The Kentuclqy Carolyn Rhorer   ,
Alumnus, Sara/g seuiemml ;;‘_;*::.§é€;_§1_ P8tt€1‘11S.  
UK Alumni Darlene Simpson ,..·—~;i   “‘“ ef •
l Association, Lee A. Zuhais  
Lexington, `
. 40500-0110 Class Notes 22
Books 28
Presidential Perspective 30

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ig .· Graduation HQHQIS ships were Peter decentralization and stronger i
  i i _ Peny, mathematics; · evaluation to help move all public
A t _ YOE1 must Sm}! mVOlV€d with the Daniel A. Potter, Ento- schools ahead.
if UmV€r$1fY· It needs YO? [O hel? It gmw mology, and Steven Although the Kentucky Education
V   and prosper. As the unrversitys reputa- Weisenhuigeii English. These Reform Act of 1990 Created Schooi
  Um] foffexccllince grO;’S· ij dO€Si§h€ professors will be relieved of teaching councils as a way for parents, _
  Value O YOUY egree 9u_ QVC 3 Ome duties for one year to pursue their teachers and principals to make their
  at the UK Alum AsSO€mUOn‘ We _ research full-time. own decisions, the state’s education
  Qnmumge YOU {O Star U? [Ouch IO Slgn The William B. Sturgill Award to a system remains highly centralized,
  UP for 2* free membership and let Us member of the graduate faculty was Roeder said.
  know hOW We can help YOU-,) _ james A. Boling, vice chancellor for Roeder studied the state’s 1,200
  The? the mffssage UK Al“m‘T‘ research and graduate studies. public schools and 177 school
  Association president Robcn F‘ Plckmd The Albert D. and Elizabeth H. districts for his new book, “Educa—
  had for the gmdumcs Of the last Class Of Kirwan Memorial Prize was presented to tion Reform and Equitable Excel-
 E  this Cqmlfyi the Class Of {999 _ Robert W. Olsen, history. This prize lence: The Kentucky Experiment?
  The Yeah there wer? )·655 Cfflndk recognizes contributions to original He found that public schools in
  dams {Of degrees at UK m Mayi includ` research or scholarship. Kentucky generally responded
  mg 5615 for bgchelmys <*€ar<¢€St 1595 quickly to reforms such as Family
f  for masfefls d¢gt€€S» 570 fm l)rOf€S` TL1ltlO1'1, Room 2l1'1Cl BO2lI`d Resource Centers and Site Based
  sional degrees and 255 for doctoral Going   Decision Making Counciia and
  degrees. Exactly 196 students graduated funding has hecotnc more equal
  summa cum laude, 552 magna cum Tuition increases previously set by the fiom distiiiet to distnct
  laude and 426 cum laude. state Council on Post-secondary Educa— Hovveven the kev faC[Oi-S to a
  Honorary degrees were given to tion and FY 99-00 room and board rates sehooys success temain the nionon
  Louis W. Sullivan, Carol Martin Gatton set by the university will be in place this tion of oooi ehiidien) nievious
  and Robert j. Shepherd. Sullivan, the fall for UK students. academic achievement and otcvious
  A commencement speaker, is a former Full-time undergraduate students from ioeai iinaneiai iesouiees in other
  secretary of health and human services Kentucky will pay $1,648 per semester in vvoids, sehoois that scoi.e hest on the f
  and president of the Morehouse School tuition and fees, an increase of 9.5 ieioim»s assessment ate those that
  of Medicine in Atlanta. Gatton is the percent. Undergraduates from out of state have a iovvei oeicentage of noot
[ i   1954 UK alumnus for whom the will pay $4,608, a 10 percent increase. ehiidien in distiiets with highei
Q.   College of Business and Economics is Graduate students from Kentucky will ieveis oi: academic achievement and
. .3   named, and Shepherd is an UK profes- pay $1,798 in tuition and fees. Out—of- mote finaneiai iesouiees nnoi to
I     sor emeritus and member of the U.S. state graduate students will pay $5,058. imniementation oi- the iefoim_
5;  ‘ i National Academy of Science. Lexington Community College Roedei did find exeentions _
‘ 3 Kristy Lynn Burkhead, an agricul— students will pay $978 per semester in sehoois with ieiativeiv high ieveis oir
tural education major from Lancaster, tuition and fees, the same rate as the noveitv vet high ieveis of academic
spoke on behalf of the Class of ’99. current academic year. oettotmance He devotes a chantet
The Algernon Sydney Sullivan The basic rate next year on the of his hook to an examination oi
Awards presented for demonstrating a Lexington Campus for two semesters in a eight of those sehoois
4 spirit oi helping others were given to residence hall with a dining card will be rtsomehovv oi other thev have
two graduating seniors and co-founder $5,722, a 7.26 percent increase over this deveioned a euituie of sueeess in
i L iiii   of the ·Chilclren`s Miracle Network. i year. UK's housing and dining facilities spite of their disadvanmgesa, he Said.
i   lglelarhe   it lpglitigal science inzgor are run on a self-sustaining basis. That Culture gonemiiv seems to have i
.   mm il ““ lc f- 2* I ·· Wah le "S been created by high expectations, ,
  minority woman to be elected president ties to the communi . .
yet, _ I _ _ - · _ ty, and strong,
oi the Student Government Association   Study lCl€1'1t1f1§3S stahie ieudeishii) from piineiouisi
(1997). Henry _I. Curtis, a management Fgctgfg Fgf Sugggggful Roedei is nuhiishing his hook
uml 5P?mi$li m=¤i<>t l`r<>¤i C"CSmfO°°l·_ SCl'lOOl Reform solely in digital form, either through
— was recognized for demonstrating his the internet oi. as a CD_ROM_ The
, _ , interest in making a difference in the Alrmst il €l€€€l€l€ mm K€‘mUCkY’$ hook is iiiit) it dovvnioaded hom the
i   lives of foreign students attending UK. sweeping school t€f0Ymr p<>v<¢{ty 1`€m2l1¤$ intemet and $20 as a CD_ROM_ For t 
  [Oy [Q Hgtttlqtpg Q()—t()[l['](l€[` Of the [ll€ pI‘€ClOITTlI`l2lIT[ lZlC[()I` (lC[CI`lT11lT1ITg 1nOI_€ i¤fOI_n_i,iiiOI_1 Cliii Roeder (it i
`   ·__ _ _ _ _ M     _ ( , t c ,
  (,hi[(];ch S Mmictc Nc[wOi·k [ms su-;] whether or not a school is succeeding. In (6%) 2s7_iii8 Of €_m2iii him at _
  her organization raise more than $4.8 21 HGW Siklily <>l` the F€f0i`m, U¤lV€l'$lYY Of ntoedei@oon_tikv,_edti_ poi. a
  million. for pediatric medical care at U K. i:Ctiri`Ll€l~'}` r¤<>l¤¤i¤¤l Scicmc Pffifwsoi Suininai-Y of the hook and a iiat of
.`_‘   Rcclplcms Of "C’°°*"°h l°ml°SS("` I hl lp W' ROM Cf rgmmmcm S mO1€ contents, go to his Web site at http://
  ..  ...., . .. . .       ..._,   _... , .   _.,. .. ._.,.   t .....  . . .   ,,.. .... ,
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    ‘     —   A       °¤, M65 $1*    
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UK Matches State’s [ - ` Top Science   cc_c ,
Funding Offer I ` Students T HE G A P 1 T A 1. G A M P A 1 G N    
. . | \ .
The University of Kentucky has Three ef UK S · ·
mei ire $66.7 miriieii gear set by die eheniistiy rnaiers went te the gr?HCHe1?dl`1&kS Dlleets
1997 General Assembly when ir head df the elass when they alum ampalgn _ _ r
created the Research Challenge Trust were selected for graduate   _ —eVV _ __!__i   .· v The approaching millen—  ~
Fund_ The RCT]? is 3 matching fund education fellowships from the   A »  `     nium brings excitement and  
giigcgtign fygm state ggveynnlent N3[lO1'13l Science FOL1I'1Cl21[lOI'1.    , el    [h€ pI`O1'IllS€ of ITIZIHY gl`€3l ii
aimed at enhancing research and “Three in One year out of  A   ., V . ·— s   things for the university. One gl
grucluule eclucuunn at Kentucky’s one undergraduate department   il    ‘    of the major endeavors that ‘
public universities. In addition to UK’s is i¤Qfedible,” Said James l     S 7   will lead us to the next  
allocation, the University of Louisville O’RelllY» PYOfe$$OY Of ehenustry ’ eemUYY 15 the UK Capital i._
was giigtted     and End associate d€31'1 ofthe UK 3 CHITlpZ1lgI`1. As lZl]€ l1l`1lV€I`Slfy __ t ,
3nOthei·     was designated gI`HdLl3[€ SCl'100l. pI`€p3I`€S to launch   flI`S[  
for die state’s regional universities. Only six universities in the earnpusyyide Capital eainpaigni key leadership  
Since July ll 1998, [he RCT]? has country placed three or more staff roles are being put in place. Daniel L.  
pi·OVided   fOr   new endOWed Sl`Lld€ntS Hn'IOng tl'l€ I`€Clpl€I`1[S. Hendricks has been n3n'l€d dlI`€CLOI` of CBD]- A ‘  
gcgdeynic chairs at UK bringing the In addition to UK, the uriiversi- paign management and operations. He is a y_.` 2;
reral number rn 63 as Of May 51 Of this ties are Cornell, Harvard, the veteran development officer and has had ‘ _
yeah Tiiatls nriOI·e than dOubie the M3.SS3.ChUS€L[S II`1S{l[`Ll[€ of extensive inVOlV€I'n€n[   Caplial C3.H]p3.igI`lS.
numher ef endgwed ch;urS_ Technology, Princeton, and Hendricks experience includes develop- ·
l·USln this new infusiOn Of research Rice. ment positions with The Salvation Army of
mcmey rg mmm WOrld_ClaSS raeulry The UK Student; wirmjrig Kentucky—Tennessee, the jewish Community V
itneinbeys tO the university   the   COI'np€[ll;lV€ award C€H[€f of M€[fO·LOUiSVlll€, and IHOSI I`€C€I`l[ly
Clrernlerleelly lmbaer the research are; with Hanover College, where he served as
, pi·Ogi~3n] Of the university, the aca- • Ad2n'l BI°€l€I` of   diI‘€CtOI` of planned   He also SCI`V€d fOI` V  
' delnic success Of Our students and the Hills, Wl'lO gl`3dU21[€Cl   May S€V€n Y€3I`SSH$ S€niOI` VlC€·pI`€Sld€n[     ·  
eennernle Well being Ol: the entire with a triple major in biology, vancement ervices Associates, a Louisvi e-    
stgter said   President Charles   Chelnjsllfy and l.l‘1€ classics.   based, fUnd·I`HlSlng consulting      
welhlngren JL 19-years—old, Breir entered UK A native of Indiana, Hendricks has a   , ‘
~The genereslry nf Urge alumni and as a I5—year—old freshman. He bachelor’s degree from DePauw University   — ‘
friends in   effOI·t clearly pi·OVes that plans to attend gI`HClLI3.[€ school and H I“H3S[€1"S of   and   fI`OI`I1 DLIl{€     ` v_  
when the state is cOn‘inriitted tO iinprOv- at l..h€ University of California- University.    
ing higher education in Kentucky, Berkley Leif
private funds are available to add an ' Shane Feister ef Lenden whe is _ _  
extra iiiergiii of excellence," he added. anendina graduate sehdel at the Califdr 6m6u6l» *66*1 6*666 *66* will 6Xl666‘  
iiid Institute er Technology. enelelprehlerns, thdugh thtlse ·
Public QI-Vice Rewards • Lori Anne Watson of Hopkinsville, RTO ems ent appear td trreaten
S also a May graduate, who plans to attend llfe OY PYOPel`lY· SO¤le have eOm‘
UK ranks with Yale, Harvard and graduate school at Indiana University. pared the expeeled llleenvemenee td _. ~
West Point when it comes to Truman 3 $¤OW5lOYm» where ll 15 PO$5lble td
l Scholars. Each is among nine schools in   WOn7t Affect ha‘i%Hll_¥;gY utility big'} widlrji
· the nation that had two 1999 Truman M · -t lr K t k > e scare cou iurt us   .~  
; scholarship recipients. Truman scholars 3-] Omg O .b€H. uc y S more than the year 2000 ever Wlll,” {;§i··g=*¤
are expected to possess a commitment Water ISU-1 utlon Jini GYOV€Y, Y2}? eensultant {OY the  
to public service and the potential to The rlbbrnaenlng year 2000 has   Amefleag Water E1OmP3llY 0
make a _differente in the htture _ _ raised iiiiiiy questions, iiidiidirig 5**1 · , 6 666::   66* 6‘l6 d666S6
Mdniea Grant, a iunier rnaiering in iiew major iiiiririee like gee, electricity P€6P 6 *6 6*66 6 6 g66» 66 » W6l6’»
antlirenelegy, and Anrheny Jenes, a and water, Win be erreered. 6 Cllr Am _ R C, C _ _ .
. iuntdr rna19nng in pnhtieal science, are Robert ridsiimeii, ramiiy resdiiree 6 66666 6 *666 ’6°66"
{ the recipients of the $50,000 award that rnanagemenr Sbeelallsr fer tile inends lfeepmg 3 few extra aallens
.  goes toward their senior year of college Unlverslry Or Kenrnekyis College Of Of dflnklllg Water ardund The heuse
i and graduate school. Any undergradu— Agrlenlrnre, Srrld the nlbsr reliable all the lllllei net luel in PYeP2mllO¤
ate dedicated to public service is eligible and unblrrserl Snnrees Or lnrerrnalpn for the Mluenmuml Gmvef agrees  
{Or the award me Saying major Urban areas Wont that this is just common sense. 1},, {
be affected by Y2K woes. It’s the   A
 It J
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    University Unve s s 4*  
  L man T Johnson »     L iio   N I
sm- *?i¤_i;=>  
    istorieal arker  
  The University of Kentucky has D ,
  honored its desegregation and the
  student who led the effort by unveiling
  an historical marker in commemoration Q
  of African Amerigans on cgmpus.dT31e _.   l
  · · { h 50 z
  event was pan o t e year ong · _
  Anniversary Celebration of the Afr1can·     l
‘gg,;»{{g¤:j; American presence at the university. .
  "I am absolutely humbled by all that } j
  has gone on here," said Lyman M. I
_  gg IONNSON. SON of LYYNSN T· JONNSON Lyman M. johnson, son ofL_wnan T johnson tvhose 1949 courtroom victory  
 ¤l=-I WllO$€ m€lllOl'Y illlcl WOYK the malkel started desegregation in Kentacleys state universities, receives hest wishes fom l
    declmcs fum? hl? dfml? a YG? and 3 President Charles T Wethington jr. The marleer stands hetzveen Frazee Hall and l
  {Ulf   I ‘ll)al_? Hegmnmg [O 00m the Student Center entrance near Administration Dnve. Photo; Yim Collins
  Zlfger an in i e,
  The €l€l€l lOll¤$O¤ beam lh€ md Ol The dedication ceremony was I can think of no one more worthy of
  5€8l€g?lll0¤ ill Lh€ lmlV€l$llY Ol K€‘ll‘ attended by UK students. alumni, having their name on the next historical
  lll€lO—year celebration on the other, is a _ l _ _ _ _
 gl", Symbol Of UKVS pmgrgss and Shguld be Good Housekeeping magazine has named Mohammed Mohiuddin, chair of
  g   :1 Source Of mspimtmn for all Wm SCC the department of radiation medicine at UK s College of Medicine, as one of
    it hiq QOH mid the country s top cancer specialtsts for women.
  Mmis is the Opponunity tO Step up I The QI8 pllgysgcians on. thi list  noryiingted by 289 glepattment chairs
{Q  and Say ··H€Y this is what happened anc section c ie s in surgica , me ica , anc ra ration onco ogy at major
-   mw gO gOm.md!·- he Said ··My mhefs medigal   the gpuntry. Physicians were not allowed to recom-
  fm,Om€ Saying was Never ICI thc menc any specia ists rom t eir own institutions. e j
  Wagons mu hack dO“.nhm_· This In its March issue. Good Honseleeepzng lists. the 518 cited most often from
  marker is H Symbgm blockade for the 1,20f) doctors named. Mohiuddrn 15 listed in the colon cancer/radiation .
,  »‘=‘ V; ummmg Coming buck downhmy oncologists category. and rs the only Lexington physician named to the list.
. M;.}  ‘#;~ 
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C at the Chandler Medical Center
very generation of students can recall the . _ -·» e .r..,. ._ . __ __, -.
Ecampus construction that altered their   'C ° C     - _‘ ___ ‘t`·· l CV
pathways. In the case of the late Sixties   V T;...Y;?-"‘C"5CC”_ i` 4 I l V     _,   Q.- fw   - A te;
when the Patterson Office Tower was being ****15     l   I   ‘ `   iu i ';
built, the wall around the construction site be- .* '‘``A     1 C l  I l ‘ . .‘ J ·
came a focal point for graffiti. A , = r C   · r A! CM i L   C   CC ge-Ji C
Campus construction continues at a healthy l l C C   l l l I   .
pace today. While some ask why we need new 1   i     1 ,, ‘
buildings, others have the answer. ‘ l i n` ·r~··-·».   _ , .
To be at the forefront of research takes not   t _, may- _ .
only specialized faculty and support staff but xg C · V   .ir. ; _ .CCC ge- .
also specialized equipment and specialized - ,•‘Z]w?"C` w"`Cy l
space. With an emphasis on cost effectiveness, .
the administrators who deal with the university’s   l.W_V _,.   _ _ V
mission of becoming a Top 20 university by       ' ‘ ‘ C
2020 can tell you just how much funding quality ie, ._,___ _   r   ». _
space can generate.     ° “   _
The University of Kentucky Chandler Medical   C I"    
V Center is representative of the dynamic synergy l C _ · al   _  __
l between space and results. The UK College of   _ V V Cr` V V A V    CC C Ci V " ` V
Pharmacy graduate program continues to rank The UK Chandler Medical Center is an ever growing source of medical
third iii [ht! ¤3U0¤· The College of Nursing research, education, treatment and service.
master’s degree program ranks 48th. And, the
College of Allied Health is poised to move ahead with its master’s de-
gree in physical therapy ranking 38th and its master’s de ree in s eech ·
pathology at 96th. g p   COIlStI`LlC?t101'l
At the Medical Center, 81 physicians were recently listed in the Best Bpddmgi Agmg/Alhed Health
Dgctgyg OfAmgyjCgV   guidg SIZC:   SqU3I`€ feet, five S[OI`i€S  
T Alzheimers research led by Dr. William Marksberry is an interna- 3 b3$€m€1'1[
tional research story. So are UK’s Lucille Markey Cancer Center and the Cost: $55.5 million
“coronary valley" research taking place at UK. Location: South of Kentucky Clinic on the
The tradition continues to move upward. Ground will be broken in ROSe-Ljme5{One [dangle
the near future on two buildings that will become the new gateway to Features: Cellege Ol? Allied Health profes-
lhe University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center for the next mil- SlOHSV Center OH Aging Ch2mC€llOI.»S Ol:fiC€V
l €n§Li;;s than three years, a new skywalk will span Rose Street con- gzseardgléabikin _ D b 1 Th
1 necting the plarmed $53.5 million Aging/Allied Health building and the roun _ rc g' ecem ef 999 W1
V Linda and jack Gill Heart Institute, which is expected to cost up to $14 COmpl€UOH tWO YEMS later
F million. W
1 “The Chandler Medical Center is entering an exciting three—year pe- Building: Linda and Jack Gill Haan
' riod with four new buildings to be built on campus IUSUYUW
and one in Hazard, Ky.," said Medi- Size: 87,000 square feet, five stories
cal Center Chancellor james W.   Cost: $14 million
H0l$i¤g€Y JY-, MD, PhD- _ ’ Location: A possible location is an addi-
glglhe .g%lnIgI/Allied liiealth   V,»·"‘a     tion [O UK HOSl)i[21l Il€2I` Kl'1€ EfT1€I`g€UCY
  an lie i · eart nstitute V       l   _ Depenmem
r b¤¤ld1¤sS will Yasuk m a { _   Features: Outpatient clinics, research labs,
l ramarkablé mmSfOrma—   offices, skywalks connecting the addition
l tron for the physical   . . .
  appearance Of the   with the Hospital parking garage and the
Medical eemcry \“\ _ new Aging/Allied Health building  _-
V Cmsmlctlon is eX_ . f ” e > Groundbreaking: Spring 2000 with  
  pgctgd te begin in ~   · · completion 18 months later , C

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December on the 155,000-square-foot, five-story Aging/Al- of the College of Allied Health Professions. l C
lied Health building on the Rose—Limestone triangle south “Our work environment has always been insufficient
of Kentucky Clinic and next to the UK Sanders—Brown Cen- and fragmented — a barrier to our further development.
ter on Aging Research addition. A few months later, ground Now, we are quite excited about the building that will be
will be broken on the 87,000-square-foot, five-story Linda located at the point at Rose and Limestone. This building r
and jack Gill Heart Institute near the front of the Hospital will provide a first class, state-of-the-art facility, which will _`
Emergency Department. provide consolidated instructional and research space for  
Last March, the Kentucky General Assembly earmarked our college which our faculty, staff and students truly de- l §  
$20 million in state funds toward the $33.5 million Aging/ sen/e." » Q   s
Allied Health building. The remaining $13.5 million will UK President Charles T. \Y/ethingtonjr. announced last ,  
come from gifts and donations. The building will house the December a $5 million gift to the University from Linda and    
College of Allied Health Professions, research labs, geron- jack Gill of Houston, Texas, to build a heart institute and y l  
tology offices and the Office of the Chancellor. establish an endowed chair in preventive cardiology, five r
Established in 1966, the College of Allied Health Profes— endowed professorships, and endowed research and spe-
sions was the first school of its kind in Kentucky and cial programs. The gift was one of the largest individual I .·
among the first 12 in the nation. Enrollment has grown gifts ever given to UK. 1 f
from 52 students in 1966-67 to more than 1,500 this year — The Gill Heart Institute will feature outpatient clinics, re- I  
the largest student enrollment among the Medical Center’s search laboratories, classrooms and office space for faculty  
five colleges. and staff.  
The College offers eight disciplines of study from clinical The Commonwealth of Kentucky will benefit from the gi
nutrition to physical therapy and is considered among the Gill Heart Institt1te’s focus on attacking heart disease, which y ;(l*°=
best in the nation. The College’s clinical pastoral counseling is the leading cause of death in the United States. Kentucky l g ,r
program, for example. is one of two university-based pro- ranks fifth worst in the nation in coronary disease. Ken-   jj}.
g grams in the country, and the physical therapy program, tucky, along with its neighboring states along the Ohio and l 2,]
which offers degrees in Hazard and Lexington, is a national Mississippi Rivers, has such a high rate of heart disease that y " I
model for extramural education. the area has been designated the "Coronary Valley." The l
"Our faculty, staff, and students are superior but have clinical programs of the institute will target this increased
not been able to reach their hill potential because of the mortality.
lack of quality space," said Thomas C. Robinson. PhD, dean The gift also will allow UK to aggressively move toward
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