xt731z41rz89 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt731z41rz89/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1917 yearbooks ukyrbk1917 English Benson Printing Company, Nashville, Tennessee Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The Kentuckian 1917 text The Kentuckian 1917 1917 1917 2012 true xt731z41rz89 section xt731z41rz89      					3			
Copyrighted 1917 by
THE YEAR BOOK OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, PUBLISHED BY THE CLASS OF NINETEEN- SEVENTEEN    TyHICH by its bounty and generosity has made possible tke rapid advancement of this, our Alma Mater, and to which we look for provision to meet its growing needs, we, the Class of Nineteen Seventeen, respectfully dedicate this, the "Kentuckian" for the year Nineteen Hundred Seventeen.
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(15)          The
University  5
President Barker
HENRY STITES BARKER, President of the University of Kentucky, is one of the oustanding figures in the educational activities of the South. Leaving the Appelate Bench of the State, of which body he was Chief Justice, and at the same time a trustee of the governing board of this institution, President Barker was called February 3, 1910, by the unanimous vote of that body to the presidency of the University. He entered actively upon his official duties January 1, 1911, succeeding Professor James G. White, who had been acting executive since the resignation of James K. Patterson.
When President Barker assumed his new duties there were at the close of the collegiate year 72 1 students enrolled in all departments of the institution. The student enrollment began to increase the first year of President Barker's administration, whereupon followed seven years of gradually augmented enrollment; that of each year was in excess of its predecessor except one, with the result that in that comparatively brief period the body of matriculates in the institution was doubled almost to a man by the end of 1916.
At the time that President Barker took charge the College of Agriculture was a struggling institution with a small body of students. With an enthusiasm that seemed boundless he addressed himself to the task of co-ordinating with the University the agricultural activities of the Commonwealth. He attended every farmers' meeting consistent with his daily duties. He made speeches throughout the State; he effected co-operation with farming elements on the broad and substantial basis of mutual understanding and common interest, and set in motion every energy of that growing department. Records are the best evidence of results. From a handful of students in the Agricultural College in 1910, the enrollment increased to 222 in 1913; to 290 in 1914; 390 in 1915; 365 in 1916.
During President Barker's administration there were set in motion activities looking toward the establishment of the University Y. M. C. A., at first a struggling organization, without positive leadership and without well defined purposes, on the broad, firm basis on which it now rests. To-day the Y. M. C. A. has a well equipped home, a resident secretary, and a larger membership than it has ever had.
An ardent admirer of athletics and a believer in the doctrine of a sane head and a sound body, he gave unstintedly of his time, money, and personal leadership to the cause of athletics, so that to-day the University of Kentucky enjoys co-operation in athletics with the leading universities of the State and of the South, and is fast inviting competition with the larger universities farther North.
It is not the purpose of the Kenlucl(ian here to enter into the detals of the achievements of the University in the field of athletics during President Barker's administration. Suffice it to say that she has held her own in every contest and is entering upon a career of broader endeavor destined to lead on to full fellowship in the athletic activities of the best colleges of the country. During President Barker's administration the law department has grown under Dean W. T. Lafferty's leadership from an enrollment of 46 students to an enrollment in 1915-16 of 124, 102 of whom are of college standing, with a similar large enrollment for 1916-17. During his administration also the department of Journalism was established with an enrollment of 35 students in 1914, that has grown to 91 in 1917.
The College of Home Economics has shown similar growth, until to-day it is one of the most widely recognized colleges treating this subject in the South. In the field of debate and oratory, records show that students of the University have won considerably in excess of 75 per cent of all contests in which they have been entered in the last seven years.
Space forbids entering here into more than a brief recital of the achievements of President Barker's administration. It is perhaps to the man himself that the greater interest on the part of the student body attaches. Benevolent beyond the manifestations of most men, entirely in sympathy with his "boys and girls" in all that touches their interest and their welfare; in love with young life in all its ambitions and its hopes; with immeasurable desire to bring them to higher and truer standards of citizenship, and with abundant fidelity to the institution that is the cap sheaf of the Commonwealth's system of education, he has been amply repaid by the affection and loyalty of all those who have had the good fortune to come in contact with him during their collegiate life.
President Barker is an intense believer in men and women. His invariable policy has been to select men in whom he could repose confidence for positions of leadership and then demand of them the best that they could give in service. His problems have been many, but he has never faltered. He has had enemiesfew men there are who have notbut he has met all in the spirit of fairness and justice so characteristic of his whole life and has done the day's work as it presented itself, with confidence, with integrity of purpose, with lofty courage, and with single hearted loyalty that have been at once an inspiration to his comrades and an example to the student body.
(28) Prof.  Ezra L. Gillis
PROF. GILLIS came lo the University in 1907 as a professor in the Department of Education.    He was later appointed Registrar of the University and Secretary to the President.    In all his connection with the University he has ever proven himself possessed of a spirit of progress.   In his work he has bent every energy  toward  the  movements  that have introduced system into  the work of the colleges and the administrative offices.
Prof. Gillis has joined heartily in every move that has tended toward a cooperative government that would maintain good will between the students and faculty. The high degree of success that has resulted from his work has been recognized by the National Association of Registrars, of which he has been Secretary-Treasurer since 1913.
Quiet by nature, but accompanied by a firmness that is to be admired, he is possessed of a happy way that has won for him many fast friends and admirers.
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Dean Miller
College of Arts and Science
PROFESSOR A. M. MILLER stands at the helm of the College of Arts and Science and directs its varied courses in a satisfactory manner.   The perpetual growth of  this college is strong proof that its pilot is eminently suited to direct its work.
Professor Miller is devoted to Geology, which he still continues to teach despite the demands made on his time by his Deanship duties. The faculty under his supervision, which is the largest of any of the colleges, has been gathered from widely different institutions as regards their preparation, and maintains a very high reputation for ability and scholarship.

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(30) College of Arts and Science
Arthur McQuiston Miller, MA. Dean of the College of Arts and Science, Head of the Department of Geology Harry Raymond Allen, A.B. Teaching Fellow in Mathematics Georce Marshall Baker, M.A. Associate  Frofessor  of Education Matthew Hume Bedford, A.B., Ph.D. Instructor in Physical and Electro Chemistry Charles Leroy Bowers, A.B. Teaching Fellow in English Paul Prentice Boyd, M.A., Ph.D. Professor in Mathematics, Head of Department E. U. Bradley, A.B. Instructor in English William E. Butt, M.A. Assistant Professor of Economics Harry S. Cannon, A.B., A.M. Instructor in German Sarah Marshall Chorn, A.B., A.M. Instructor in German Idalena Castro Teaching Fellow in German Lloyd Cadie Daniels, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Chemistry Lehre Livingston Dantzler, M.A. Professor of Literature, Head of Department Joseph Morton Davis, M.A. Professor of Mathematics Harold Hardesty Downing, B.C.E., S.M. Assistant Professor of Mathematics Edwin Franklin Farquhar, M.A. Professor of English Literature
Herbert Graham, A.B. Teaching Fellow in Journalism Enoch Grehan, A.B. Head of Department of Journalism Vernon Guy Grove, A.B. Teaching Fellow in Mathematics Anna Jackson Hamilton, M.A. Dean of Women, Associate Professor of English Francis Jewell, B.A. Instructor in English Theodore Tolman Jones, M.A. Professor of Latin, Head of Department Cincinnatus Decatur Killebrew, M.S. Associate Professor of Physics John Frederick Loomis, A.B. Instructor in Physics
Marguerite McLauchlin, A.B. Instructor in Journalism John Marsh, A.B. Fellow in English Ralph Nelson Maxson, B.S., Ph.D. Professor of Inorganic Chemistry Columbus R. Melcher, M.A. Dean of Men, Professor of German John Richard Mitchell, A.B. Instructor in Chemistry James Thomas Cotton Noe, M.A. Professor of Education, Head of Department Elija Laytham Rees, C.E., A.M. Associate Professor of Mathematics Homer Lloyd Reid, A.B. Teaching Fellow in Mathematics McHenry Rhodes, M.A., Ph.M. Professor  of Secondary Education William Hale Staebner, A.B. Instructor in Chemistry Dudley Starns Fellow in Education Marshall Ney States, B.S.
Instructor  in Physics Glanville Terrell, Ph.D. Professor of Creel? Frank Elliott Tuttle, M.A., Ph.D. Professor of Chemistry, Head of Department
Edward Tuthill, Ph.D. Professor of History and Political Economy, Head   of Department John James Tigert, M.A. (Oxon.) Professor of Philosophy, Acting Director of Athletics Alden Harry Waitt, B.S. Instructor in Chemistry Charles Preston Weaver, M.A. Professor of English William Snyder Webb, M.S. Professor of Physics Alfred Charles Zembrod, M.A. Head of the Department of Modern Languages Mabel Hardy Pollitt, M.A. Instructor in Latin and Greel( Merry Lewis Pence, M.S. Professor of Physics, Head of the Department John Price, A.B. Fellow in English Joseph William Pryor, M.D. Professor  of Anatomy  and  Physiology, Head of Department Dean Roberts
GEORGE ROBERTS, acting Dean of the College of Agriculture, has for many years been a prominent figure in the agricultural development of the state. The character of his work has placed him undisputedly among the foremost men of the country in his line of work and has won for him national recognition. Dean Roberts is a man of strong personality who has stood for that which was highest in the ideals of life and has on every occasion held these ideals before the students in the college. The devotion to his students and to his work, and the personal attention that he has given every student in this large and growing college has won for him the devotion and respect of gvery student.
Throughout the past year, in which Prof. Roberts has been acting Dean, he has made every effort to make the College of Agriculture, through its Experiment Station, teaching and extension departments, stand for a broad educational program. His purpose has been to make the agriculture of the state more prosperous and the rural conditions more wholesome and attractive. It has ever been his creed that the most important achievement of the college is the character it impresses upon the students and the character they in turn reflect. College of Agriculture
George Roberts, M.S. Acting Dean of the College of Agriculture ; Professor of Agronomy
W. S. Anderson, M.A. Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry
Charles D. Bohannon, B.A. Professor of Agricultural Economics
Harrison Garman Professor  of  Entomology  and Zoology
Albert Halley Gilbert, M.S. Associate Professor of Botany
J. J. Hooper, M.S.A. Professor of Animal Husbandry, Head of Department
Robert Graham, D.V.M. Professor of  Veterinary Science and Head of Department
Perry Elmer Karraker, M.A. Assistant Professor of Soils
Edmund J. Kinney, B.S. Agr. Professor of Agronomy
Clarence W. Mathews, B.S. Professor of Horticulture, Head of Department
Frank T. McFarland, B.S. Instructor in Botany
William D. Nichols, M.S. Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry, Head of Department of Farm Management
Robert L. Pontius, V.S. Assistant Professor of Veterinary Science
Walter R. Pinnell, M.D. Associate Professor of Bacteriology
Edwin Stanton Good, M.S. Professor of Animal Husbandry, Head of Department
J. A. Farra, B.S. Associate Professor of Agronomy
C. S. Adams, B.S. Assistant Professor of Horticulture
Daniel Joseph Healy, M.D., CM. Professor of Bacteriology
Raymond Harvey Wilkins, M.S.A. Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry
Edwin Joseph Gott, B.S.A. Assistant Professor of Bacteriology
A. J. Olney, B.S. Assistant Professor of Horticulture
George Haymaker Vansell, A.B. Assistant Professor of Entomology and Zoology
 Dean Rowe
DURING the past eleven years the College of Civil Engineering has been in charge of Dean Waller E. Rowe, and during this period the college has made practically all of its history and advancement. By a constant and ceaseless struggle for more and betted things for the civil engineer attending the University, this college has been made one of the most important in the University and one of the most useful to the Commonwealth. Strenuous and successful efforts for a place for the college, for funds with which to carry on the work, and for recognized scholarship in the college marks every step of the progress made in the past eleven years. Dean Rowe, while a native of Indiana, is essentially a Western man, having spent many years in the far West. Since the very beginning Dean Rowe has had a firm, progressive and constructive hold on all matters connected with his college.
The College of Civil Engineering now finds itself in the finest building on the campus, with a good working equipment, and with a history to be proud of. It has passed through some discouraging, unfortunate and trying periods, but these have made the college stronger and more vigorous. The unparalleled loyalty of the students has always been a valuable asset of the college. The college looks toward the future with every prospect of an enlarged and enriched sphere of usefulness to the individual and to the Commonwealth.
(34) College of Civil Engineering
Walter Ellsworth Rowe, B.S., C.E. Dean of the College; Professor of Civil Engineering
William Joseph Carrel, B.S., C.E. Associate Professor of Civil Engineering; Head of the Department of Bridge Engineering
Daniel V. Terrell, B.C.E. Professor of Rural and Highway Engineering
(35) /
Dean Anderson
FREDERICK PAUL ANDERSON, Dean of the College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, is widely known in the engineering profession as an able educator.   By his untiring efforts and executive ability he has developed a department from a mere dream of twenty-five years ago to one of the prominent engineering schools of America.
The keen interest of the Dean for his department is felt by all the students. This is indeed no idle interest, but is evinced by his efforts to better the conditions of his department, to keep in touch with each alumnus, to secure for his graduates the best positions, and to give the students every opportunity to become acquainted with those things which will best fit him for his work. Dean Anderson has frequently said that he is not training engineers, but executives; men who will go into the various branches of engineering to assume the responsible positions of industrial leadership. To promote this idea many methods are employed; prominent men are secured to address the students; industrial moving pictures are shown; everything possible is done to improve the cultural side of the course and further develop those inherent qualities which distinguish the true gentleman.
Although a department is greater than any mar. and truth stands above its herald, as was demon~x straled at the funeral of Henry George, it is still true, as Carlyle said, a nation's history is the history of its great men.   So the Mechanical Department is the embodiment of the ideas of its founder and benefactor, Dean Anderson.
(36) College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Frederick Paul Anderson, M.E. Dean of the College; Director of Engineering Laboratories; Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Leon Kaufman Frankel, M.E. Professor of Applied Mechanics; Head of Department of Mechanics of Engineering
Louis Edward Nollau, M.E. Professor of Drawing; Head of Department
Arza Lytle Wilhoite, M.E. Assistant Professor of Thermodynamics
John Sherman Horine, M.E. Assistant Professor of Drawing
John James Curtis, M.E. Assistant Professor of Testing of Materials
Joseph Dicker Superintendent of Shops
John B. Dicker Instructor in Woodshop
Minott Brooke, B.M.E. Instructor in Steam Engineering Laboratories
Gordon Thurman Instructor in Steam and Electrical Laboratories
James Ray Duncan, B.M.E. Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering
Vircinia F. Anderson, B.S. Instructor in Freehand Drawing
(37) 30=
Dean Norwood
CHARLES JOSEPH NORWOOD, M.S., Dean of the College of Mines and Metallurgy, and Chief of the Department of Mines of Kentucky, has long been a familiar figure on the University campus. "The Dean," as his men call him, may rightly be considered the Dean of the Mining Industry of the State; for much of the high standard of operation of the Kentucky mines is due to his personal efforts to better mining conditions. About forty years of his life he has spent either in public or private station in service to Kentucky, in efforts to promote the development of her natural resources, and has won recognition as an authority in matters pertaining to Geology and Mining.
The fact that Kentucky is an important mining center lends prestige to his college, and the graduates are much in demand and hold responsible positions throughout this country and abroad, due to his thorough and comprehensive training, which develops efficiency.
) College of Mines and Metallurgy
Charles Joseph Norwood, M.S. Dean of the College; Professor of Mines and Metallurgy
Thomas James Barr, B.M.E. Professor of Mining Engineering
Brice Couch Worley, B.S. Instructor in Assaying and Metallurgy
Joseph Walker Reed Instructor in  Examination  of Mine Air
(39) Dean Lafferty
JUDGE WILLIAM THORNTON LAFFERTY, Dean of the College of Law, is a conspicuous figure in the life of the University. A lawyer of ability, the friend and guardian of his students, he stands at the head of the college which under his direction has become a splendid asset of the University. His faculty, which is unquestionably able and efficient, directs a thorough course in the science of jurisprudence.
One of the commendable features of the course is the series of lectures given each year by eminent lawyers who claim Kentucky as their mother state, and who render service to the Commonwealth in this way.
The law library is another feature of the course, it being one of the best in the South and affording opportunity for broad and exhaustive research into the questions of law presented in the classroom.
(40) College of Law
William Thornton Lafferty, M.A. Dean of the College; Professor of Law
Lyman Chalkey, LL.B. Professor of Law
Reuben Brent Hutchcraft, B.A., LL.B. Professor of Law
Charles Kerr Professor of Law
James Richard Bush, B.A. Associate Professor of Law
J. Embry Allen, B.A. Associate Professor of Law
George William Vaughn, LL.B. Associate Professor of Law Dean Mary E. Sweeny
MARY E. SWEENY, who has been connected with the Department of Home Economics since receiving her postgraduate degree from Columbia University in 1912, has contributed much to the rapid growth of this department, and to her untiring efforts is due the credit for the re;ent e;!ab!b!iment of this department as one of the colleges of the University.   The growth and development of this branch of education at the University has been unprecedented.
Aside from her Deanship duties. Miss Sweeny has been for five years a specialist in Home Economics Extension in co-operation with the United States Department of Agriculture and the College of Agriculture of the University, and has contributed greatly to the betterment of general living conditions in the rural districts, to the introduction of hot school lunches in rural schools, and to the addition of courses in cooking and sewing in elementary and high schools of the state.
As a teacher and as Dean cf the college, she has done a most faithful service to the University. As a leader of young women she has been an inspiration and a guide of rare refinement and intelligence.
As a leader among the club women of Kentucky and the United States, Miss Sweeny has assumed a position of responsibility in the direction of their study and development, also as a member of the governing body of the American Home Economics Association she has taken her place.
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(42) College of Home Economics
Mary E. Sweeny, A.B., M.S., M.A. Dean,   College  of  Home Economics;  Associate Professor Physiological Chemistry, Nutrition and Sanitation
Ruby Buckman, A.B., B.S. Professor and Head of Department of Textiles and Clothing
Ellen Reynolds, B.S., M.S. Assistant   Professor  Nutrition   and Sanitation
Clara White Instructor in Cooking and Clothing
Linda Purnell Instructor in Cooking
(43) Alumni Association of University of Kentucky
general association officers
J. M. Graves, Pittsburgh, Pa. J. H. Gardner, Tulsa, Okla. J. D. Turner, Lexington, Ky
Harry Staples, Lexington, Ky
President . Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer Editor "The Alumnus"
HE only permanent body of any college or university is its alumni.   The board
of regents, the faculty, and the students are merely transitory.    Every alumnus,
whether he is conscious of the fact or not, is a member of this permanent body the alumni.
Alumni organizations in the colleges and universities, therefore, are not new things. They have existed so far back that the mind of man runneth not to the contrary. Then the Alumni Association of the University is no new project. It was definitely organized June 4, 1 889. It was organized primarily for social purposes, and not until a few years ago did it have a new birth, bringing forth a realization of its higher duty, the bringing to the service of the University the very best that sober judgment of an awakened and enlightened alumni body is capable of producing.
The Alumni Association, therefore, stands for everything that is best for the life of its Alma Mater and is endeavoring to make its influence reach that which makes for moral strength in the training of men and women and which emphasizes service as the great end of all training. The men on the facultythe real men of the University, who made the most lasting impression on usare not the men who taught us how to make a living, but the men whose association with things worth while made them capable of teaching us how to live.
You, the Class of ' I 7, who are about to be alumni, have gone to State and through it. You have graduated, accepting what she has had to offer, proud of your accomplishments and to be numbered among her alumni. Now you are beginning to realize that whereas you have been college boys and girls for four short years, you are to be college men and women for life. The world will judge your Alma Mater as an institution of training in part at least through you.
If the University, then, has nurtured you through so many trials and tribulations of college days to manhood and womanhood, it is not enough that you in your passage from the old college halls go out and become useful citizensyou should be loyal, enthusiastic, and generous in your endeavors and seek every opportunity to help make the University an ideal abode for the youth of Kentucky, a place of beauty, of grace, of culture, a center of elements and influences that go to make up what is finest and noblest in human character.
This duty and responsibility can be best conserved and rendered by the united efforts of each and every alumnus through some alumni organization and the Alumni Association.
(44)   Our Presidents
THE Golden Jubilee of the University of Kentucky was celebrated October  14,  1916, marking the fiftieth milestone of the path of educational service to the State and Nation for this, our Alma Mater.   D unng these fifty years of fruitful endeavor the reins of government have been in the hands of but five men(1) John Augustus Williams, 1866-1667;  (2) Joseph Desha Pickett, 1867-1869;   (3) James Kennedy Patterson,  1869-1910;   (4)  James Garrard White,  1910-1911, and (5) Henry Stites Barker, 1911--.
John Augustus Williams was the first President of the University, then known as the Agricultural and Mechanical College, which had been formed by the consolidation of Transylvania University and Kentucky University. Through the unselfish devotion of his brother-in-law. John B. Bowman, whose memory should be honored by every citizen of our State, the consolidation of the two universities into the Agricultural and Mechanical College was brought about and the nucleus of the present great institution established.
The courses of study offered were in the College of Arts and Science, Law, and Bible Study, which colleges were located in Morrison Chapel on the grounds of Transylvania University and the College of Agricultural and Mechanical Arts, located on the Old Woodlands Estate and the Academy located in the Old Tilford mansion on the Woodlands Estate also.
There were three graduates who received the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1857, and these were the only graduates during President Williams' tenure,
Mr. Williams resigned as President of the Agricultural and Mechanical College in 1867, and was succeeded by Joseph Desha Pickett, who was President Pro Tempore until 1869, and he was from 1878 to 1879 Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy and Modern Languages.
Professor James Kennedy Patterson, "The Grand Old Man," now President Emeritus of the University, next gathered the threads of government together and remained at the head of the University from 1869 to 1910.
Upon President Patterson and John B. Bowman should rest the honor of having established, on a firm basis, the future of a university for Kentucky, which was Mr. Bowman's work, and the watchful care and diligent defense of that University during its early days of immaturity and weakness, which was the loving and unselfish work performed by President Patterson.
Previous to his taking over the duties of President, President Patterson was teacher of Latm, Language and Literature in the College of Agricultural and Mechanical Arts.
During President Patterson's administration many changes occurred, the most notable of which was the moving of the institution to its present location, called the City Park site, in March, 1882, and the completion of the main building, the heating plant and the old dormitory, at whose dedication "Marsc Henry" Watlerson delivered the dedicatory address.
In January, 1910, President Patterson resigned and became President Emeritus of the University.
James Garrard White, formerly Vice-President and Dean of men, then became President Pro Tempore and acted in that capacity until the election of Henry Stites Barker as President, February 3, 1910, taking up his official duties in January, 1911.
Coincident almost with the election of President Barker was the placing of the various colleges under the direction of deans. Miss Anna J. Hamilton became the first Dean of Women, and Prof. Melcher the Dean of Men. Prof. Joseph H. Kastle, an alumnus and former professor of chemistry, was made Dean of the College of Agriculture in 1912, and in 1913 Director of the Experiment Station, succeeding Prof. M. A. Scovell, who died.
The Department of Journalism was established, with Enoch Grehan as head, in 1914, and a University commons, or "mess hall," where the students could obtain board at cost, was established the same year.
The fifty years that have passed have been years of struggle against difficulties. The men who have led in this struggle have been the real benefactors of our State and University. It was eminently fitting that we should honor their memory and the work of their hands in the Golden Jubilee celebration that was held October 13-14, 1916.  Christian
The Golden Jubilee
by anita crabbe
THE year 1916-17 has not by any means been an unusual one for the University of Kentucky, but on the contrary has marked a time of celebration and jubilee in its history since this fall saw the golden crown of fifty years' existence hover over its campus. In commemoration of the golden anniversary of the University, October 1 3 and 1 4 were set aside for homecoming days, when all former students from far and near might come back to pay respects to their Alma Mater, now the foremost educational institution in the State.
Fifty years has meant much to the University of Kentucky. It was founded in 1 866 as the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, with a fifty-acre campus, one dormitory, the house of the Commandant, and one classroom building. The dawn of 1916 gave us an opportunity to realize the fruits of half a century of innumerable ups and downs and to enjoy the unmistakable progress that has been made in every college of the University. In place of the three buildings that then graced the campus, this anniversary saw Kentucky the proud possessor of twelve buildings on the campus, a farm of two hundred and fifty acres, an Experiment Station that would do credit to any institution, and offering ten distinct courses to approximately thirteen hundred students.    It was to
(49) seniors
commemorate this growth that brought hundreds of Alumni back to the scene where their education had been attained.
Although only two days were set apart for the Jubilee, the occasion proved too big for such a limited time, so the whole week-end was one of celebration. Alumni representing every branch of the business world came from almost every state in the Union to assist in the jollification. The exercises, although scheduled to begin Friday afternoon, October I 3, actually began that morning with a rally of the students in chapel before dismissal for the celebration. Here, amid the cheers and songs that were to imbue the football team with necessary spirit for the Vanderbilt game, Alumni who had had experience on Kentucky's gridiron rose to the occasion to tell how "they had done it." "Immortals of '98" and members of practically every clan that had graduated from the University were seated on the rostrum. In the afternoon came the annual tug-of-war between the Sophomore and Freshmen, and when the younger boys pulled the more experienced opponents through the icy waters of Clifton Pond the cheers from the crowded banks were indicative that few of the Alumni had forgotten that they "had been there, too."
On Friday a banquet was held at the Phoenix for Alumni and at Patterson Hall for Alumni. The toasts, largely of a retrospective character, were responded to by prominent Alumni, both men and women. Following the banquets, a reception furnished ample opportunity for "old grads" to get together and talk about "how times have changed," and "do you remember this, that, and the other!"
(50) Saturday, the 1 4th, was the big day of the Jubi