xt731z41rx1n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt731z41rx1n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1952-02-feb16-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1952-02-feb16-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1952-02-feb16-ec. 1952 1952-02-feb16-ec. 2011 true xt731z41rx1n section xt731z41rx1n 

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board.
 of Trustees.of the University of Kentucky, February 16, 1952.

      The Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky met in
 the President's Office at 1:45 p.m., Saturday, February 16, 1952.
 The following members were present: Guy A. Huguelet, Chairman; R. P.
 Hobson, J. C. Everett, H. D. Palmore, and Harper Gatton.   Absent:
 None.   President Donovan and Secretary Frank D. Peterson met with
 the Committee.

     A. Approva of Minutes.

     The minutes of the Executive Committee of January 18, 1952, were
approved as published.

     B. Budget Changes.

     President Donovan submitted. a list of changes in the University
budget which he had tentatively authorized.   He read the increases
and decreases, and stated that the net increase amounted to $15,578.89,
of which $15,000 is an increased appropriation in the Experiment
Station.   He recommended that the changes be authorized and approved
and the list be filed with the Secretary.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of the President was concurred. in and the Comptroller was authorized
to make the necessary budget adjustments.

     C. Re-design of Men's Dormitory,

     Pursuant to authorization of the Board, of Trustees, a men's
dormitory was designed by John F. Wilson, architect, to be located
east of Rose Street and north of the Aeronautical Research Labora-
tory, to house 359 men students.   Those plans and specifications
were approved.   In May, 1951, the University made application to
the Housing and Finance Agency for a loan under Title 4 of the Hous-
ing Act of 1950.   The Regional Office at Chicago declined to ap-
prove the application.   Several reasons were given.   The basic
ones, however, seem to be the high cost of the entire building, and
because the kitchen and. dining facilities planned were to provide
for all students in the other men's dormitories, as well as those
living in the dormitory to be constructed.

     The representatives of the Housing and Home Finance Agency
pointed out that the amount of steel required for construction
under plans as originally drawn would require more tonnage than
could be justified for this dormitory, in relation to the regula-
tions of control of materials.



      Several other suggestions were made for change in the design
 of the building for the purpose of reducing the cost, and reduc-
 ing the quantity of controlled material required.   Several con-
 ferences have been held by the architect and representatives of
 the University, as well as conferences between representatives
 of the Housing and Home Finance Agency at Chicago, with the archi-
 tect and the State Engineer.

      It has, therefore, been suggested that the building should
be re-designed, changing the exterior and using a reinforced-con-
crete type of construction, instead of steel construction.   It,
therefore, seems necessary for the architect and engineers to make
major revisions in the plans and specifications, which they have
agreed to do on a cost basis of $7.50 per man-hour, with a guarantee
that the total cost for the revised plans and specifications would.
not exceed $11,500.00, and that the re-designed building would house
the same number of students as provided by the original plans.

     President Donovan recommended that the re-design work be au-
thorized, and that the State Property and Building Commission be
notified and their approval requested..

     A perspective of the re-designed building was available, and
was examined by members of the Committee.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried., the architect was
authorized to re-design the building in accordance with suggestions
from the Housing and Home Finance Agency, subject to the approval
of the State Property and Building Commission, and the availabil-
ity of funds required by the owner being allotted by the State
Property and Building Commission for the re-design work and the
owner's contributions.

     D. Comptroller's Report.

     The Comptroller made the usual monthly financial report of
funds and budget operations for the period of seven months ending
January 31, 1952.   The report consisted of a balance sheet and an
operating statement of income realized during the period for all
divisions, and the expenditures and income balances charged against
departmental appropriations for divisions and agencies.

     Each member was given a copy of the report, and after exam-
ination, upon motion duly made, seconded and, carried, the report
of the Comptroller was authorized accepted and filed.

     E. Report of Progress on Armory.

     President Donovan referred to a report which he made to the
Executive Committee at its meeting January 18, relative to the
possibility of securing the construction of an Armory, to be used



by the local ORC and ROTC, Air and Military Sciences, at the Uni-
versity.   He stated that representatives of the Army had visited.
the campus, viewed the site and expressed interest in the possibil-
ity of a joint arrangement.   He reported that he expected another
conference in the near future.

     Members of the Committee expressed enthusiasm for the propo-
sition and urged the President to keep in contact with representa-
tives of the Army, and to consummate the agreement, if feasible.

     F. Sale of Surplus Planer Authorized..

     The Comptroller reported stored in the Service Building one
obsolete Yates #156 - 30-inch single surface planer, surplus to Uni-
versity needs.   He stated that the planer was bought as a second-
hand piece of equipment sometime in the '30s.   Since acquisition
it has been rebuilt, but is not now in use, and the President recom-
mended disposal by accepting sealed bids.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommenda-
tion was concurred in and the Comptroller was authorized to dispose
of the 30-inch single surface planer by taking competitive bids and
accepting the highest and best bid.

     G. Sum of $120000 from United States Department of State Ac-

     President Donovan reported a request from Dean White, of the
College of Arts and Sciences, to accept $1200.00 from the United
States Department of State, primarily to supervise and direct the
activities of a group of German citizens who will visit the State
of Kentucky for a period of seven weeks.   He stated the money
would be granted to the Bureau of Government Research and used to
carry out the project in connection with the visit of the German
citizens to the State, and for other activities of the Bureau of
Government Research.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the sum of $1200.00
was authorized accepted in accordance with the terms outlined by the
United States Department of State.

     H. Will of Frank Daugherty.

     President Donovan reported the will of Frank Daugherty, a na-
tive Kentuckian and a graduate of the University of Kentucky in
the College of Engineering.   He said that Mr. Daugherty had, for
a number of years, lived in Philadelphia, and had accumulated an
estate of some size.


     Mr. Daugherty died November 1, 1951.    His will was probated
and recorded in the Registrar's Office of Montgomery County, Pennsyl-
vania, on the 7th day of November, 1951, at Norristown, Pennsylvania.
The will contained the following codicil:

         TI, Frank Daugherty, do hereby make this as and for
     a Codicil to my Last Will and Testament, dated the 20th day
     of March A. D. 1950.

         "I revoke Item SEVENTH of my said Will and in lieu thereof
    direct the following Item be substituted:

         "SEVENTH:  All the rest, residue and remainder of my es-
    tate, real and personal, shall be divided. by my Executors in-
    to as many equal parts as there shall survive me, my brother,
    GARRARD DAUGHERTY, my sister, HELEN D. HAZELRIGG, and my niece,
    HELEN H. STEHLIN, and I give, devise and bequeath each such
    part to my Trustee, IN TRUST, NEVERTHELESS, to hold, invest and
    reinvest each such part, to collect the income, and, after
    paying all expenses incident to the management of the Trust,
    to pay the net income of one such part, no less frequently
    than semi-annually, to each of my said brother, sister and
    niece who shall so survive me for and during the term of his or
    her natural life, and, upon his or her death, to pay the un-
    distributed, income of such part to his or her estate and to
    add the principal of such part to the other part or parts in
    equal shares if there then be more than one such other part,
    to be held. upon the same Trust or Trusts as such other part
    or parts, and, upon the death of the last survivor of my said
    brother, sister and niece, or, upon my death if none of them
    shall so survive me, I direct my Trustee to continue to hold,
    invest and reinvest the principal (to be known as "The Daugher-
    ty Fund"), to collect the income, and, after paying all ex-
    penses incident to the management of the Trust, to apply the
    net income of such fund. in equal shares except as herein-
    after provided for the following uses and purposes:

          (a) For the support and maintenance of the Christian
    Church of Paris, Kentucky; and

         (b) For the care and. treatment of crippled. children of
    Bourbon County, Kentucky, to be applied as shall be determined
    by a Board appointed by a majority vote of the members of
    Bourbon County Medical Society, or its successor, in memory
    of my sister, ANN L. DAUGHERTY, and my brothers, EDWARD G.

         (c) For the education in engineering at the University
    of Kentucky of such youths of Bourbon County, Kentucky, as
    may have need of and show qualifications for the same, to be
    selected by a Board appointed by a majority vote of the Dean
    of Engineering of the University of Kentucky, the Superintendent



     of Schools of Paris, Kentucky, the Superintendent of Schools
     of Bourbon County, Kentucky, in memory of my old teacher,
     friend and pioneer in engineering, Dean F. Paul Anderson,
     formerly of the University of Kentucky and now deceased.

         "It is my desire that the said net income be allocated
     in equal shares to the three foregoing uses and purposes,
     provided., however, that if any of the said uses and purposes
     does not require an equal share of such net income with the
     result that at any time there is Ten Thousand. Dollars
     ($10,000.00) of such net income which is for the time being
     undlstributed thereto, my Trustee shall apply the further net
     income which would otherwise be allocable thereto to either
     or both of the other uses and purposes to the extent that
     such additional net income may be required and used. therefor
     and any excess to any other charitable use and purposes in
     Bourbon County, Kentucky, which my Trustee shall select, until
     such time as such undistributed net income shall be less than
     Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) when such equal allocation
     shall be resumed, subject again to the same provisions if,
     as and when undistributed net income again reaches Ten
     Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00)."

     After reading the codicil, upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, the provision as it applies to the University of Kentucky
was accepted and record authorized made in these minutes.

     I. Accreditation of the College of Pharmacy.

     President Donovan enthusiastically reported the accreditation
of the College of Pharmacy by the American Council on Pharmaceu-
tical Education.   He stated that the notice had been received from
P. H. Costello, Secretary of the Council, and read the following
report made by the Committee appointed to examine the institution
for recommendation for accreditation:

                      Previous Examination

           The Examiners of 1948 observed...."When comparing the
     state of affairs of this College, as reported to the Council
     in 1939, with the present situation, some changes for the
     better are to be noted..   By incorporation in the University
     organization it would appear that the College is now assured
     a stable support, independent of student fees.

           It was recommended that the accreditation of the Col-
     lege of Pharmacy of the University of Kentucky be continued
     and that it be placed in Class C as provided by the standards
     and policy of the Council.



     It was further recommended when communicating the action
of the Council, the University be informed that the eligibil-
ity of the College of Pharmacy as a Class A college is de-
pendent upon the fulfillment of the terms of the merger plan,
whereby the College is to be operated on the University
campus and in its own building.   Meanwhile, positive steps
should be taken for,

     (a) the further upgrading of the faculty, as to training
     and salaries;

     (b) the encouragement and enlarged opportunity for individ-
     ual professional improvement of members of the faculty;

     (c) the development of facilities and effective instruc-
     tion in pharmaceutical manufacture and. pharmaceutical ad-

     (d) the utilization of improved student guidance procedures
     and. student personnel records;

     (e) a reexamination of the curriculum for the purpose of
     effecting better sequence and coordination of the several
     courses of instruction;

     (f) the preparation of detailed syllabi by each instructor
     for his assigned. courses of instruction; and the annual
     revision of such syllabi based. upon class room experience;

     (g) the betterment of library holdings and. facilities and
     their use by students;

     (h) the reduction in the size of classes so as to comply
     with the standards of the Council;

     (i) the maintenance of adequate records as to the outside
     employment of students;

     Ci) the removal, as possible, of existing fire hazards.

     It was further recommended that the Secretary be instructed
to inform the University, the College, and the State Board of
Pharmacy of the satisfaction of the Council as to the recent de-
velopments of the College, and to express confidence in the
ability of the State of Kentucky to organize and to maintain
its College of Pharmacy on a high level of professional ef-

                  Current Examination

     The Examiners, accompanied by Secretary Josey of the Ken-
tucky State Board of Pharmacy, (later joined by member Schulten),


spent the entire day of Wednesday, November 14, 1951 at the
College.   Attention was first given to the data and other in-
formation contained in the new application forms presented by
the College as of November 10th.   These forms were found to
have been completed in a highly satisfactory manner.

     The summary of changes since 1948 was reviewed in con-
siderable detail, especially as to finances, faculty qualifi-
cations and salaries, physical plant and equipment, and. ad-
mission of students.   The several arrays of evidence indicated
positive and successful efforts to supply the needs specified
in the 1948 report.

     A recalculation of the annual expenditure per capita for
professional instruction produced the figure of $230.00 in-
stead of the $310.59 of the application.   The faculty/student
ratio was found to be 1/24.

     Favorable note was made of the policy of screening and
admitting not more than sixty students to the sophomore year.

     The class rooms, laboratories, offices, etc. were visited
and. found to be in a much improved and satisfactory condition;
and better equipped.

     Luncheon, attended by the entire staff and Vice President
Chamberlain of the University, was had at the nearby Shrine
Club.   This proved to be a friendly and informing occasion.

     A somewhat lengthy conference was had with Vice-President
Chamberlain of the University of Kentucky.   AWhile expressing
general satisfaction with the observed improvements of the
College since 1948, the Examiners felt obliged to reserve
Judgment as to the ability of the College to keep pace with
advancing pharmaceutical education in the present environment.
They voiced the hope that the University, with the aid of the
organized pharmaceutical interests of the State, might succeed
in bringing about, at an early day, the complete physical and
educational integration of the College upon the campus of the

     Following the departure of Dr. Chamberlain, there was a
critical examination of the syllabi of the courses of pro-
fessional instruction and of the students record system.

            Conclusions and Recommendations

     In consequence of their detailed study of the College of
Pharmacy (Louisville) of the University of Kentucky, the Exam.-
iners have readily concluded that this College is now conducted
so as to comply with the essential minimum standards of the
Council.   They recommend that the accreditation of the Col-
lege be continued, and that it be placed in Class A.



          When communicating its action to the President of the
     University and the Dean of the College it will be timely to
     express the regret of the Council that the University has not
     been able to carry out the provisions of the merger agreement
     of 1.947, whereby the Council had been led to expect the
     transfer of the College to the Lexington Campus of the Uni-
     versity by 1950, and the construction of a building for the
     purpose of meeting the needs of the profession of pharmacy
     in the State of Kentucky.   The Council will study with
     care the Annual Progress Reports of the College, and take
     account of the extent to which the University proceeds to im-
     plement the obligations of the merger agreement with the Louis-
     ville College of Pharmacy.

                                          Glenn L. Jenkins

                                          Edward C. Elliott


     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was re-
ceived and ordered filed, and President Donovan was requested to
extend to Dean Earl P. Sloan congratulations of the Executive Commit-
tee for his fine work in getting the College of Pharmacy to where
it has met the standards of accreditation of the American Council
on Pharmaceutical Education.

     J. University Library Elected to Association of Research Li-

     President Donovan enthusiastically reported that he had received
official notification of the election of the University of Kentucky
Libraries to the Association of Research Libraries.   He pointed out
that this was probably one of the finest recognitions which had
come to the University for some time, and stated that the Universi-
ty of Kentucky Libraries were now recognized as one group of the
45 outstanding research libraries in the United States.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was
ordered received, and Doctor Donovan was directed to extend the con-
gratulations and appreciation of the members of the Executive Com-
mittee to Doctor Thompson, Director of the University Libraries,
for developing the University Libraries and getting them placed
on the list of members of the Association of Research Libraries.



      K. Medical Education in Kentucky.

      The President recalled that a joint resolution was introduced
 in the Senate of the General Assembly in 194F,, proposing a study
 of possible steps to alleviate the shortage cf physicians in the
 rural areas of the Commonwealth.   The Council of the Kentucky
 State Medical Association received a report prepared by Dr. J.
 Murray Kinsman, Dean of the Medical School of the University of
 Louisville, and Dr. John S. Chambers, head of the Department of
 Hygiene and Public Health, University of Kentucky, which revealed
 that the University of Louisville School of Medicine was aware of
 the need for more doctors in Kentucky, and the health and welfare
 problems confronting large segments of the citizenry of Kentucky.
 This report stated frankly that it doubted the wisdom of trying
 to enlarge the University of Louisville School of Medicine to edu-
 cate more doctors.

     It was stated that it seemed obvious that Kentucky could not
solve its problem of medical education by the subsidizing of a
medical school of a municipal university.   The President reported
that a committee, consisting of Mr. Guy A. Huguelet, Mr. Bart
Peak, Mr. William Blanton, Professor J. W. Martin, Dean C. C.
Carpenter, Dr. J. S. Chambers and Dr. Charles A. Vance had made
a preliminary study of the situation, and the report was being
prepared on medical education in Kentucky for the Board of Trus-

     Mr. Huguelet stated that it was recognized that the problem
of medical education was a costly one, that there seemed to be
a change of attitude in the State, and that there were not now
adequate facilities for educating people for the medical pro-
fession.   It was thought that additional information should be
made available to the general public concerning medical education
in Kentucky, with a view that a study be authorized, or a start
be made towards establishing a second medical school at the Uni-
versity of Kentucky.   A general discussion followed.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the President
was authorized to make public the study on medical education,
More Doctors for Ktucky.

     L. Allocation of Fees to the Alumni Association.

     President Donovan submitted a request of the president of
the Alumni Association for additional funds.   Mr. Louis Cox,
president of the Association, wrote that it was difficult to get
members of graduating classes, upon leaving the University, to
become members of the University of Kentucky Alumni Association.
He felt that a large percentage would continue their interest in
the Association if they could be members the first year after
graduation without paying for membership.   He suggested that an
amount equivalent to 50/ per semester for each full-time student
might be allocated to the Alumni Association for operating



expenses and. that, upon graduation from the University, each grad-
uate be given one year's free membership in the Alumni Associa-

     Mr. Palmore, being a member of the Executive Committee of
the Alumni Association, discussed the need for more participation
by the Alumni and suggested that it would be a very fine morale
builder if graduates of the University could be given one year's
free membership in the Association.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and. carried, the Comptroller
was directed to allocate an amount equal to 50/ per semester for
each full-time student, registered in the University, to the Alumni
Association for operating expenses, effective September, 1952,
with the understanding that each graduate of the University shall
be given one year's free membership in the Alumni Association,
following graduation.

     M. Schedule of Student Fees Revised.

     Members of the Executive Committee, recalling the increased
cost of living, the failure of the Legislature to make available
to the University adequate funds to replace decreased revenue
from the Federal Government, and the reduction in enrollment, sug-
gested that the registration and incidental fees of the Universi-
ty for in-state and out-of-state students be increased $5.00 per
semester, and. that the summer session and part-time courses be
proportionately revised.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following
schedule of student fees was authorized., effective September 1,

                   SCHEDULE OF STUDENT FEES
                   EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 1952

                                       In Kentuck     Out of State

  Undergraduate*                         $ 65.00        $125.00
  Engineering                              66.50        .126.50
  Graduate                                 65.00         125.00
  Law                                      68.oo         131.00

  Summer Session

  Undergraduate*                           32.50          62.50
  Engineering                              33.50           63.50
  Graduate                                 32.50           62.50
  Law                                      34.00           65.50

*All colleges except those listed.


PART TIME: (per point)


In Kentucky


Out of State

   Summer Session

   (Same as Part Time above)

   Auditors are charged the same fee that they would pay for credit.

* All colleges except those listed.



All Undergraduates except as noted:
  1 credit
  2   "
  3   II
  5   "t
  6   "
  7 11
    8 "


H full fees

College of Engineering:

  (Same as above)

Graduate School:

   1 credit
   n   It



In Kentucky

$ 7.50

7   "
8   "
9   " full fees

Out of State
$1FT. 757

$ 14.00




College of Law:
                                           In Kentucky    Out of State
  1 credit                                    b.50           6-50
  2   It                                     17.00           33.00
  3   "                                      25.50           49.50
  4   "                                      34.00           66.00
  5                                          42.50           82.50
  6   I                                      51.00          99.00
  7                                          59.50          115.50
  8   " full fees                            68.oo          131.00

     N. Coliseum to Be Used by Disciples of Christ Convention.

     President Donovan submitted request from the Lexington Chamber
of Commerce, which is interested in having the International Con-
vention of the Disciples of Christ hold its Convention in Lexing-
ton on August 30-September 4, 1954.   They stated that the Con-
vention, with an expected attendance of approximately 5,000 per-
sons would not only fill our hotels, motels, tourist homes and
many private residences, but would also require the dormitory
facilities of the University of Kentucky, Transylvania College and
Sayre College.   They have asked the University to cooperate by
making available the use of its dormitories and the Coliseum.

     President Donovan stated that he thought it was fine public
relations to cooperate if it did not interfere with other func-
tions of the University.   He recalled that school would not be
in session during the five days mentioned.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, President Donovan
was authorized to cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce in trying
to accommodate the International Convention of Disciples of Christ
and was authorized to make the dormitories available at the usual
charge for like occasions, and to make the Coliseum available
for convention meetings, on a cost basis.

     0. Foreign Scholarships Approved.

     President Donovan submitted request from the Chairman of the
Committee on Foreign Students, recommending the following scholar-

                    Paul M. Chung - free fees
                    Mohamed Nour - free fees
                    Deh-Ben Chen - $300 plus free fees
                    Manocher Ganji - $300 plus free fees.

President Donovan concurred in the recommendation of the



Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Students.   He stated that
the money involved would be paid from the Haggin Fund.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following
scholarships were granted:

                     Paul M. Chung - free fees
                     Mohamed Nour - free fees
                     Deh-Ben Chen - $300 plus free fees
                     Manocher Ganji - $300 plus free fees.

     P. Gifts.

                          From: Mrs. William S. Taylor -- $100.00.

     President Donovan reported. receipt of a gift of $100.00 given
by Mrs. William S. Taylor to the William S. Taylor Memorial Fund.
He stated that this fund had. grown to the amount of $7,209.90 and
expressed the hope that Dean Dickey and. his associates might soon
be in position to make a scholarship award from the invested por-
tion of the fund.   He recommended that the gift be accepted.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded. and carried, the gift of
$100.00 given by Mrs. William S. Taylor as an addition to the Wil-
liam S. Taylor Memorial Fund was ordered accepted, and the President
was requested to thank Mrs. Taylor for her generosity.

                          From: Blue Diamond Coal Company --

     President Donovan reported receipt of check for $840.00 from
the Blue Diamond Coal Company, made payable to the Kentucky Research
Foundation.   He stated that this sum had. been deposited. to the
credit of the Blue Diamond Coal Company account and would cover
the cost of certain scholarships for the second. semester of the
current school year.   He recommended that the donation be accept-

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check for
$840.00 from the Blue Diamond Coal Company was ordered accepted.
by the Kentucky Research Foundation, and President Donovan was
requested to thank the donors for the gift.

                          From: Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Blazer -
                                 60 shares of Common Stock of the
                                 Ashland Oil and Refining Company.

     President Donovan reported receipt of Certificate #AC/C 23723


for sixty shares of common stock of the Ashland Oil and Refining
Company, given to the Kentucky Research Foundation by Mr. and Mrs.
Paul G. Blazer, of Ashland, Kentucky,   He stated that this was
indeed a splendid gift, which would be placed to the credit of the
Paul G. and Georgia Blazer Lecture Fund.   He recommended that
the gift be accepted.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Certificate
for sixty shares of Ashland Oil and Refining Company stock, cur-
rently quoted at 42-7/8 per share, was ordered accepted, and Presi-
dent Donovan was requested to thank Mr. and Mrs. Blazer for their
generous gift.

     Q. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.

     President Donovan submitted staff appointments, reappointments,
salary adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, promotions
and other staff changes requested by deans and heads of departments.

                 College of Arts and Sciences

     Robert Whitney, Conductor of the Louisville Philharmonic Or-
chestra, as guest conductor for the all state orchestra, summer
of 1952, for the week of the meeting.

     Richard M. Griffith, Part-time Lecturer, Department of Psy-
chology, for five months, effective February 1, 1952.

     William H. Owen, Special Lecturer in the Department of Social
Work, for five months, effective February 1, 1952.    This is a

     Margaret Blackerby, Part-time Instructor, Department of Psy-
chology, for five months, effective February 1, 1952.

     Mrs. Catherine Kennedy Haynes, Part-time Instructor, Depart-
ment of Sociology, for five months, effective February 1, 1952.

     Geraldine Sharp, Secretary, Departme