xt72z31nk895 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72z31nk895/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-04-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 30, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 30, 2007 2007 2007-04-30 2020 true xt72z31nk895 section xt72z31nk895 [\Cl‘ liCi K1 Cix'l—TLICk —— Scc LScction B













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As Mary Margaret Colliver continues rebuilding her life after two years of healing, her closure lies in finding justice

Srom to It ll-\\\ V-xr ll()'\'

vdtt‘w'w-‘syse. ‘L L

an .\Iargaret ( Iollixer winced as her The accident

husband helped her down to her ( 3”“th \\ h” was the (“WWW ”{vi media
.. “1995' _ _ « ‘ _ _ relations at the time. had put in extra hours on
Oh god. Its killing me. (.olln er. ()1. said as 'l'uesday March 2.,“ 2005

5"“ WHCd onto ii” 1‘1le and strapped mt” "1 'l‘he longtime uni\Lrsit\ spokeswoman often

therapeutic machine used to stretch the muscles “0‘.de l2:h()lll' da\s throughout her Jr \um

in the back. ”()K. gixe me the pump. I can with [K Public Relations. ‘ '

do this." She remembered talking to her husband on
(irabbing [11C d‘J‘iCC from h” husband “f 1+ the phone and to her daughter. Kelh ( Iollixei:

tears. Ransom (Iharles. (IolliVer began a short who told her that night. “Mom. _\ou said Iou

session oftherap} on her liVing room floor. werent :4”ng to work we am more.“
SIN lmPI‘UVCS CW" dili- ihe streets were still \\ et from the e\ening
But pain lingers as a nagging Iemindel (Ii thC rain when she started to cross South I Iiinestr Ine

da_\ in Match 2005 when heI life changed In an at l’rall Street in her dark clothing at about -.

instant. .\eross the intersection, the \\ allL light \\ as
Its also a reminder that the man whom she flashing in the night.

belie\'es is responsible for her injuries has _\et to 'l‘hat is the last thing she remembers betore

lace justice. waking up in a hospital bed almost a \\ eelL later.

See Collivcr L In page .\6

Faculty club' 3 $6 rnillion renovations resume Anti-gay church to
Todd Improvements wm bring ' -‘ " bicket graduation


in fundraising opportunities
ceremony at Rupp

By Alice Haymond

1”,..-LLLNLszwmg L

By Bloir Thomas

hthomas®kykernel corn

The "Lontr‘LIL't Is III" on a $6 mIllion met»
haul to the HIlar} .l. Boone FIIL'IIII} (‘enter that V .
will reopen earl} next year. FR President Lee " y ‘ . . .;: In .In etlori Io LoannLL lsen'IILl Ins oi \l IIL-I: ILL! .III Ire-Ion
Todd said, f , ' L 1’ . .“... ,_ members «It LIn L-\tIe:IIL' IL-lLL ILIIIs oI_ .Ini m In phat to lLLI' ixs

The renmatlons. orlgmall} Introduced and U» ‘ -' f‘ : eILIIlIILIIILIII Li‘li‘iiik'ih‘e‘llik‘ii‘i L I I \n\ on \IIIILlIIx
then postponed b} the Board oi Trustees In . N" , . _ , lhe piothtLIs t: II II ‘v\e Ilu ro H ipIIsH l'IIII‘Ll‘I In lopL‘lLLI, kw.
September 3004. \Hll bring II eont‘erenee center ' _' , L. will ht .IIII 1mg LI_ Its no I\ It III. LL ages In h as \I‘Lit'llL Ll :s
to campus and Increase t‘IIndrIIIsIng opportuni— ‘ L L g ‘.' . doomed (iod it He s lILs' InLl llILInlL (iod tor the shooter ill
“3‘ for the “"IWNU- 11‘“ ““d ‘ '. l‘ is telerenLe to the \ Irernia ieL h LIHLIL lLs sLIILl Show l’helps Roper.

"The big drner for this renmation Is we . "' ,IIs ' ~' » 7* LI LhIIth representatoe l'hL‘\ lune been pL'LILetIIllI pit ketin};
don‘t have amwhere on campus where we can . - ‘ .L h ' 5 - ‘ L around the NIH,” tor the “N lo WM, MUN“, tlie\ A” “l‘l““c‘i
‘9‘“ 200 to 300 ”mph except the (Student (9” ' I ' g ‘ - - , to the message ,-\merIL Lin ('hrIsIILIns eeneralh teLILh the lesson
terI ballroom which Is not eonduene to what L .- ,‘ ' r" , -' ’ ‘5 I that (iod IMLL, exenone '
we need to host the type ol cxents we want. ‘ " ELLIOTT HESS STA“ »»\\C are ”Mm: u, help mg mm,” “mm.“ hulkk,“ i‘heips-Rop

' a i L , L A i . z .. s I
rodd ““1 m m thnILw on ‘1 "hh ‘U' The HilaryJ qune Faculty Center WLII Image n9“ war aitp' 33 r ,L was”. mg up er sLIILl lhese Lhildren hLI\ e been taught LletILInL‘e against (Iod.

See Facultv Club on {race A3 CP'ITC' rinsed In Seotemner 2004 for renovations writr we“? :w's‘nw" '. Protesters :‘aLzo A3

Fim ieeue free. Subsequent issues 25 cents. Newsroom: 25771915, Advertising: 257-2872


 PASE A21 Monday, April 301 2007

—$uveku Go to www.l