xt72z31nk76v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72z31nk76v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-02-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 1997 1997 1997-02-12 2020 true xt72z31nk76v section xt72z31nk76v   



By Nlcltl Sullivan
Contributing Writer

“Gender equity. Take two steps back and
analyze the system instead of ‘he said, she
said’,” said jeannine Blackwell, a panelist in
last night's UK Speaks Out town meeting.
“\Ve put people into boxes, and the sooner we
stop, the sooner we will have gender equity.”

About 35 people attended the forum, the
second in a discussion series of five sponsored
by Student Activities Board, Student Govern—
ment Association and the Faculty Senate.

“Many times discussions about gender turn
qpickly into male bashing sessions. How can
t is be avoided or can it be avoided?” began
moderator David Stockham, dean of students.

The audience responded intensely to the
issue of “gender bashing,“ with both male and
female members taking a stand. Women’s
studies classes at UK were brought up in rela—
tion to male bashing.

“In women’s studies classes, women have an
outlet to voice their 0 inion,” said panelist
Sara Vowels, an LC . art administration

Clayton Sandford, an arts and sciences

so homore, suggested political motivation is
behind the introduction ofwomen's studies in
order to make the universities appear progres-

“Male bashing is a good way to shut people
up,” Sandford said.

Blackwell said women's studies are impor-
tant in understanding women‘s herita ’e
because, “the record of male studies is t e
record of civilization.“

The second question addressed was that of
women in sports.

Stockham asked why women's sports didn't
get the attention that men's sports do.

“In terms of resources, more money is
spent on men’s sports, and it has to do with
history," said panelist Roy Moore, associate
dean of graduate studies in the College of
Communications and Information Studies.

Industries that promote women such as
Nike and I‘ZSPNZ were mentioned as pro—
women, however some panelists blamed the
media for the lack of women's coverage.

“What's in it for me and how much money
is it oing to make me?" is what Vowels said
she t inks the media says.
hiandy Lewis, College of Social \Vork sen-

WEATHBI Cloudy today,

8 high 30. Cloudy tonight, low
23. Cloudy and cold tomorrow,
high 3 5.

8H0“ ME IIIE 08MB 7e")!

Maguire’ was one offivefilmr nominated for

Best Pimlre. See Diversions, page 4.




February I Z, I 997

o Clam/in]; 7 New _—_—E
Z (froim‘ord 7 Spam 2

Diversion; I I'mz'pumt 5







ator said media blame is unrealistic because of
ratings systems.

Yet Blackwell is astonished at the increase
of women's sports compared to pre-Title 9
times. Title 9 states that for every men's sport,
there must be a comparable women's sport
with the same amount of scholarship money
and equal facilities.

‘ llow changing ender roles are affecting
the 1990s, the fina question asked by Stock-
ham, gained the most emotional response.

Nancy Ray, a panelist and UK lawyer, said
the issue of two career couples applies to more
than just changing women’s gender roles.

“Lawyers in rivate practice are introduced
to quality of lifi: issues, with the dissolution
identified, the realization that it’s not a prob-
lem for women alone," Ray said. “We need to
maintain the core value system that permits
people to have a life."

The anned forces were mentioned as part of
changing gender roles and the comment that
men are physically superior to women was
thrown out for discussion by Sandford.

“\Ve’re not talking about fighting with
sticks, intelligence is going to become more
and more dominant," Blackwell said.




SPEAK UP Former mtm‘iiltr' (lean ofiplrti‘ and SciencesIII/me Blackwell rm







ml the I 'K Spcill'i Um pimi'l ilixi‘miing gem/er mile 5'.

by vehicles

By Gary Wull

Arrociate New: Editor

Lexington is known for its vast bluegrass area,
beautiful scenery and thoroughbred horses. ()n the
UK campus. the bluegrass that covers Central Ken-
tucky has been trampled by cars.

On South Campus, mud puddles and tire tracks
cover the land that was once green.

To students, the area has become an eyesore.

“You’re walkin down the pathway pretty grass
pretty grass t en mud,” said architecture sopho-
more Kevin King.

Physical Plant Division groundskeeping crew
could only speculate as to who defaced the campus.

“People arbitrarily drive on grass. A lot of the time
service vehicles do it,” said Don Turner, assistant
supervisor for grounds keep-



. ‘ He said employees have to
transport tools to and from
cam us buildings using

It’s disgusting. true .
If mph, (me “It’s difficult to pu’ta han-

[flak at the dle on who did what, Furn-

d er said.
rumpus an The amount of damage

look at this,

done by people who drove
what are they

over the lawn ranges from a



gain to trace of tire tracks to muddy
Mini?” areas about six square feet in
y diameter.

The weather does not help

Jun? England the situation either.
m";“m“m" Because of a steady mix of
I sop more rain and snow in the last
month the soil has been satu-



This permits the terrain to be torn apart easier
than ifit were dry.

Turner 5 eculated that someone or a group of
people may have vandalized the grass trying to make
“a mess of campus.”

The damage cannot be repaired until spring when
plants and trees begin to grow.

Repairing the lawn, requires at least two people, he

Before doing anything to the effected area,
groundskeepers assess the situation and decide what is



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Accounting professorjim Holmes and his wife, Terry, show student: the proper method in ballroom dancing. They
reach Ballroom dame on Tuesday night: in the Rue]! Armory Dante Studio.


[3mm Illl spokesman

announces retirement

Bernie Yonderhcidc. member ofthc UK public
relation's staff for ll years, has announced his
retirement effective June 30 this year.

\\'ell known for his host's role on the “Campus
Scene" segments during the halftime of UK
games. \'onderhcide said he is looking forward to
his retirement but will miss the university.

“I've enioyed Working with the students I
meet," he said.

“I might continue doing that (Campus Scene)
on a parlrtllllc basis,"

During his time at UK, Yonderheide seived
under three university presidents and was publit
relations director during the .\'( 3AA rule violation

Ralph Derickson, current public affairs direc
tor, said Vonderheide always helped keep up a
good image for the university.

“I Ie is a staunch supporter of this university,"
Derickson said. “I le’s a loyal UK fan."

Before Coming to UK, Vonderheide worked as
a reporter for the Louisville Courier journal and
Times, so he “knew both sides of the business."
Derickson said.

Vondcrheide said he is looking forward to trav‘
eling and visiting his grandchildren who live out

“One thing you do learn in this job is what a
great university we have,“ he said.

Congress plans balance liuilget

VVASI IING'I‘ON m In a display of bipartisan
unity, President Clinton and congressional leaders
agreed yesterday to focus the new (jnnerL-gs (m
balancing the budget and five other issues ranging
from cuttin taxes to solving the capital city's
myriad prolifems.


Wanted: Balillieatleil males
TUCSON, Ariz. ~—- The casting call for Kevin

Costner's latest movie proves he has thousands of
baldheadcd fans.

Nearly 5,000 people —— many of them with
shaved heads — answered the call for parts as
extras in Costner's new science-fiction thriller,
The Postman. Iloping to achieve a futuristic feel,

roducers were looking not only for men with the
liairless look, but fresh—faced teens and horseback
riders in their 20s. The Postman, which Costner
directs and stars in, is scheduled to begin filming
next month in Tucson.
(.‘ompiled from .rtajf wire repmtr.

PI‘OIBSSOI‘ to discuss reducing stress with meditation

By Mal Horton
Features Editor

Stress and college are kissing cousins, and stu-
dents are often stuck somewhere in between.

University of Louisville psychology Professor
Paul Salmon will give a lecture titled, “Working with
Stress and Pain Using Mindfulness Meditation,” to
help provide solutions to this foe.

T e lecture is free for the public and will take

lace tomorrow at 7:30 pm. in 115 Health Sciences
arning Center.

Salmon, who also directs the U of L Health Psy-
chology and Stress Reduction Center, will discuss
the studies he has conducted himself, and with other
researchers in the field, regarding the use of medita-

tion in relieving stress.

The premise behind mindfulness meditation,
Salmon said, is to make a person focus deliberately
on the minor daily events.

“It’s to help people really pay attention to
moment-to-moment experiences,” said Salmon, who
has done research in stress and anxiety for about 10

“What's happening right here, right now often
gets overlooked.”

Up until four years ago, he said, most of his work
dealt with musicians, who perform constantly under
stressful situations.

He has written two articles, one set to appear in
the health and Behavior Change, and the other titled
“Notes from the Green Room,” co-written by col—






league and clinical psychology Professor Robert
Meyer, that covers performance stress and anxiety.

Salmon said he turned his attention toward “fami-
ly and job-related stress, and how they really add to
the pressures people cope with."

Jon Kabat-Zinn, a professor at the University of
Massachusetts Mindfulness and author of the 1990
book Full Catastrophe Living, has done some early
research on this meditation with Salmon at the Mas-
sachusetts Stress and Pain Clinic.

Salmon said mindfulness meditation can be
approached in several ways — among them sitting,
which he describes as “a way of just getting yourself

Lance Brunner, a music history professor and
director of the Commonwealth Fellowship Program

for Appalachian communities, said he would like to
expand the wellness program to more than just “an
employee benefit.

“Meditation is becoming more and more a tool
that everybody can use in dealing with stress and
leading a happier, well-balanced life," Brunncr said.

“Although the practice of meditation is thousands
of years old. we in the modern world are realizing
that it is still useful in bringing our lives back into

Brunner said college has the potential to turn pro—
fcssors and students into stress machines.

“The pace at which we live has become
unhealthy,” he said.

“The demands that students and faculty have is
almost a kind of mining to be stressed.”










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l Webmday, February 12. I997, Kentucky Kernel


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lavin appointed
as IIBLA coach

LOS ANGELES —— Interim
UCLA basketball coach Steve
Lavin was promoted to permanent
head coach yesterday and will
receive a four—year contract.

Lavin, 32, was an assistant for
five seasons before being appoint—
ed interim coach when Jim Ilar—
rick was fired Nov. 6.

The Bruins (13-7) are tied with
Southern California for first place
in the Pacific—10 Conference with
an 8-3 record.

“\Vith all that has occurred this
year they could have given up on
the season, but instead they
pulled together as a family should
do in a time of crisis, ’Lavin said
of his players.

Lavin hasn' t been afraid to
bench starters for being late or
throw them out of practice, as he
did with forward]. R Henderson
last month.

Lavin 5 contract will run
throuthune 30, 2001. That could
mean underclassmen Toby Bailey,
Henderson and Jelani McCoy will
stay instead of leaving for the

And Baron Davis, considered
the top point guard prospect in
the nation, may follow up on his
oral commitment to pla for the
Bruins and S] a letter 0?, intent

Athletic [giltector Peter Dalis
did not disclose the other candi-
dates but said Lavin was his top

“I had informal discussions
with other candidates and I felt
Steve was the best choice for this
position,” Dalis said. “He
embraces the values that I consid-
er very important in the world of

higher education."

Isl! In.“ t. .0

EAST BRADY, Pa. — Newly
retired uarterback Jim Kelly ma
join BC-TV as an NF

Kelly is to meet today in New

York with NBC Sports President
Dick Ebersol and other network
sports executives to discuss work-
ing for the network.

“I don’t know exactly what my
role will be, whether it will be pre-
game work, color or analyzing
during or before the games, but
we will discuss it (today),” Kelly
told the Leader-Times of Kittan-
ning, Pa

Kelly retired last week follow-
ing a 15—year career that saw him
lead the Buffalo Bills to four con-
secutive Super Bowls.

“It Is with mixed emotions that
I retired,” Kelly said. “When I was
injured, I kept on playing,lam and
now that I am healt

Ilaulitoi- mots President
NEW YORK — Jackie Robin-

son's dau hter ho es President
Clinton wi I attend e ceremonies
markin 50th anniversary ceremo-
ny of her father’s major league
debut, but a White House
spokesman indicated it was unlike-

“Of course, it’s important,"
Sharon Robinson said yesterday.
“I’m sure there’s no doubt in his
mind that he wants to be there and
will be there.”

Baseball officials have invited
Clinton to the ceremony on April
15 at Shea Stadium, where the Los
Angeles Dodgers play the New
York Mets. Clinton has not yet
responded, according to Rich
Levin, the spokesman for acting
commissioner Bud Selig.

White House spokesman Mike
McCurry said yesterday that Clin-
ton had videotaped a message to
be played at the ceremonies, usu-
ally an indication Clinton won’t be
there in person.

Baseball officials intend to
announce their plans this month.
Among them are patches that will
be worn on players’ uniforms this
season to mark the breaking of the
sport’s color barrier by Robinson.

Conpu'lulfmn wire reports.





















undid-U!" I



VI .





. . . 1
”2:13" 6;









By Chris Easterllng
Sports Editor

Another interesting chapter in
the UK-LSU basketball series will
be written tonight at 8, when Dale
Brown makes his final appearance
at Rupp Arena.

Brown, the colorful and con-
troversial Tiger coach, will retire
at season's end. It brings to a close
25 years of service to LSU, as well
as several memorable moments in
a series that was hardly competi-
tive prior to his arrival.

“Being a colorful person would
epitomize what Dale is all about,”
UK Coach Rick Pitino said of his
counterpart from LSU. “You
don't know what will happen next
in a given game.”

But it has been in recent years
that the series has definitely taken
a turn toward the wacky.

Just take a look at the last three

Last year, the Cats put together
one of the most dominating first-
half performances in college bas—
ketball history, taking an 86—42
lead into the locker room. The
Cats wound up winning the game
129—97, shooting 75.8 percent
from the field for the game.

Antoine Walker was amazing
in the game, scoring 32 points and
grabbing eight rebounds.

“Our defense was kicking in
and everybody was pretty much
scoring, almost at will,” said UK
sophomore Ron Mercer. “It was
one of those games.”

“I guaranteed (before the
game) that this was going to be a
war in the locker room, this will
be a close one,” Pitino said.
“When we had that explosive first
half, it just goes to show you
nobody knows how a half is goin
to be played, or how a game wifi


In 1995, UK poured in a
Southeastern Conference-record
20 three—point baskets, including
four by Chris Harrison, en route
to a 127-80 Senior Da blowout.

Then, there was t e “Miracle
of Mardi Gras.”

With 15:34 remaining in the
game and the crowd at the Pete
Maravich Center at a near- fren—



Team statistics
llil Opponents
.479 Field Goal Percentage .398
.694 Free-Throw Percentage .656
.364 Three-Point Percentage .315
84.2 Points Per Game 61.6
40.2 Rebounds Per Game 33.0
15.4 Off. Rebounds Per Game 12.6
20.0 Assists Per Game 12.5
15. 4 Turnovers Per Game 23.1
5.0 Blocks Per Game 2.8
12 0 Steals Per Game 6.7






GET ”If“ IT UK hope: to continue it: incredible u'ork on the glory tonight
againrt LS U. It outrebounded Villarreal by a 42—17 margin on Sunday.

zicd state, the “'ildcats found
themselves down by 31 points.

Apparently, it wasn't a big
enough deficit.

UK rallied all the way back.
taking the lead for good on a “'al—
ter McCarty three with under a
minute left in the game. The Cats
would win 99-95, sparking sales of
T-shirts, which read “Don't give
up. Don‘t ever give up" and “It
had to be the shorts.”

“1 don’t know which was a
more amazing feat,” Brown said

“Us getting ahead of them by
31 with that team, or them com-
ing back."

So who knows exactly what will
happen in the 88th meeting
between the two teams.

“This is a team that has put
together some great halves," Piti—
no said of LSU. “Like us, they
have a lot of sophomores playing
in positions. They’re physical.

“If they put together a 40-
minute game, they can beat any—
body in our conference.”



[80 at Kentucky
Ybnigbt. 8
Rupp Arena

Kentucky (22-3, 8-2)

National ranking: No 4

Probable Starters: Pts: Reb:
F Allen Edwards 10 0 4 0
F Scott Padgett 9 7 5 4
C Jamaal Magloire 5.4 4.5
6 Ron Mercer 17 5 5 3
G Anthony Enos 7 7 3 8

Reserves: C Nazi Mohammed. 8.5 on ;
F Jared Prickett. 8.2; 6 Wayne Turner 4, ;

G/F Caneron MlllS, 3.6; G Steve Masiello i 1,

LSU (915, 2-9)

National ranklng: None

Probable Starters: Pts: Rob:
F Rogers Washington 7. 7 4.1
F Duane Spencer 14.6 7.7
C Nick Sheppard 7 2 6 2
G Gene Nabors 5 4 3.0
G Maurice Carter 10 .9 2.1

Reserves: F Louis Eart 5.1 [pg C 8011 Hall
4 9; F Leroy Womack 4.2 G errence
Simmons 4 1; F Adam Walton 2.;9 G David
Bosley. 2 5.

TV: WKYT (Channel 27)- Live



Kentutky Kernel. H'ulmrday, February 12, I997 '

BI‘IIWII says goodbye to lillllll

By Chris Easterllng
Spam Editor

For 25 rears, he has been one
of colle e basketball’s most color-
ful coaches

\Vhether he was talking about
his endless quest to “find Noah' s
Ark" or hurling his jacket to mid-
court at Memorial Coliseum in
frustration over an official’s call,
he has left many memories in fans‘

lie is LSU Coach Dale Brown.
The coach once nicknamed “the
Ragin' Caiun" will call it quits at
the end of the year, ending an era.
not only at LSU, but in the
Southeastern Conference. lie
continues what has been called a
“Dale Brown Farewell Tour”
tonight as he makes one final visit
to Rupp Arena.

“1 ve accepted that I'm not
going to coach again, "said Brown
yesterday in an informal gathering
with UK be at writers. “I ve been
humbled by every place tl11t we 10
gone to. 1 his is the only pl:'11c that
Ive been excited. (UK) is r1 :'1|ly
college basketball.”

It was the arrival ofBro11n in
Tiger country that signaled :111
end to UK s complete 1 ()lTlln’lthC
in the Sl'..(. Since l972 the
Tigers have captured four confer-
ence championships, more than
any other school except UK.

“\\ hen I came to LSU, most of
my friends told me I 11' as making :1
mistake." he said. “That ‘you're
going into a football school.
'l‘bey've never been any good.
Kentucky will dominate. You'll
never go to the tournament.”

He has also taken LSU to the
brink of the college basketball
elite, advancing twice to the Final
liour, in 1980 and WW). ln Who,
the Tigers had to beat UK — who
they had lost to three times during
the season — in the regional finals
to reach the Final Four.

Prior to arriving in Baton
Rouge LSU had never won a
game in Lexington. And only
twice had it even beaten the ( ats
— once in 196], a ain in I972. In
his tenure, Brown has 18 of LSl.”s
20 wins against the Wildcats,
more than any other Division I
coach against UK.

“The beacon oflight tome was
Kentucky basketbal he said. “I
wanted to catch them. I wanted to
use them as the light. They made
this league.

“Bless his soul, when Adolph
(Rupp) was here, (the SEC) wasn't
really a league. The 27 SEC titles
you can't take away, no matter
what it is, because everything is



for the SEC Championship. 76-74

down to win 99-95 in Baton Rouge.

at Rupp Arena.

129-97 win in Baton Rouge.


MIIII'III. Ill..."

Some unforgettable games in the UK-LSU series during the 25 years that
Dale Brown has been coaching at LSU.

VJen. 5, 1974: Brown earns his first victory against UK. 95-84. in Baton ;
VFeb. 2, 1976: Brown hurls his sportscoal onto the court at Memorial «
Coliseum in protest of an officials call during an 85-71 loss to the Cats. ‘
VJen. 6, 1979: LSU picks up its first-ever win in Lexington. 93-89

VFeb. 24, 1980: Kyle Macy hits a jumper in overtime to send UK past LSU
71986: UK deleats LSU three times during the season, then loses to the
Tigers in the NCAA Regional Finals. 59-57.

VFeb. 15, 1990: Facing a team with Shaquille O'Neal, Stanley Roberts and '
Chris Jackson, the Cats, in Rick Pitino’s first year at UK, upset the Tigers .

100-95 in front of a raucous crowd at Rupp Arena.

VFeb. 15, 1994: The “Miracle of Mardi Gras " UK rallies from 31 points
VMarch 4, 1995: UK hits an SEC record 20 three-pornters in a 127-80 win

VJan. 16, 1996: UK roars out to a record 86-point first hali on its way to a



The Tigers finally posted that
elusive first victory in l..cxington
in 1979. winning 93-89 at Rupp

Hoping for some good luck.
Brown has brought along with
him on this trip jordy llult rerg, a
sportscastcr from \VBRZ-TV in
Baton Rouge, along with llult-
berg s two sons.

llultberg played on that l SU
team that finall1 won on UK’s
home court, and Brown said the
reason for bringing him along is
that “hopefully something good
will happen."

Brown will be well-remem—
bered by many \\'1ldcat fans for
some 1cry interesting moments,
which have transpired when the
Cats and Ti rcrs mixed it up on
the hardwood.

Probably one of the most infa-
mous moments in the UK—LSU
series occurred at Memorial Coli-
seum in I976 — referred to since
by Brown as the “l’risbcc (Iham-

Brown had grown so frustrated
with the officiating — which left
him with only five players — that
he tried to hand the official his
sportscoat s:11ing1ouv1. taken
1 verything clsc away. you might as
111:“ Mm a piece of my
w ardrobc."

The official refused, so Brown
heaved his coat, which landed




- a-SBllllmflrepofi

' enckcounr


ing more against the SEC. in the last six games Carter is averaging 22 points a
game. Ron Mercer is coming off what UK Coach Rink Priino canted “his best game
as a Wildcat” against Villanove. He scored 23, while grabme it rebornm.

Fnomrcouni , . . 1139.,

LSU senior Duane Spencer is tearing are SEC 111 shoeing pemarrtage at 51 .3
percent. He is coming off a 26-point 13-rebound performance test Saturday at
Auburn. He is also third in the SEC an rebounds at? 71 a game. Nazr Mohammed
had a big game against Villanova, scoring 1! midgeflng‘sot rebounds. .

Eleven players see double-figure inmates tor LSU; however, none are a serious

scoring threat Only 29. 8 percent or the Tigers scoring comes from the bench UK’s
bench received a huge boost with the return ordered Prickett from an ankle injury

Prickett scored eight against Valanova ' ’










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right at center court.

“I thought. ‘Boy, l'm going to
be popular up herc,'" Brown said

UK won the game 85-71.

Since tl1e_l:1n. 2 announcement
that he would be steppin 1 down at
season's end, Brown has been

receiving gifts from the Sl'iC

schools LSU visits.

Among the gifts given include

an engraved cowbell from Missis-
sippi State; a llog llat from
Arkansas; a plaque and a photo
album featuring pictures from
every LSU—Auburn game played
in Auburn in the last 35 years.

UK is expected to present him
with some sort of plaque following
the game, and then possibly have
him address the crowd.

He also received a slew of let-
ters, including one written by for-
mer Wildcat, and current UK
broadcaster, Kyle Macy. Macy hit
a game-winning shot against the
Tigers in Baton Rouge in I980.

After his coaching career ends
in March, Brown has said he
wants to start an organization like
\Vorldvision, as well as building :1
home for abused children in
Baton Rouge.

Telcvision also is a possibility,
though he has said he does not
want to do color commentary or




Sirens" Teen statistics

[80 Opponents
.417 Field Goal Percentage .404

‘ .707 Free-Throw Percentage .656
.262 Three-Point Percentage .351
68.0 Points Per Game 69.0
40.8 Rebounds Per Game 35.3
13.1 011. Rebounds Per Game 10.7
14.1 Assists Per Game 14.5
18.3 Turnovers Per Game 15.6
3.5 Blocks Per Game 3.1
7.2 Steals Per Game 10.1



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