xt72z31nk74p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72z31nk74p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-03-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 03, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 03, 1995 1995 1995-03-03 2020 true xt72z31nk74p section xt72z31nk74p IIR



tomorrow at ll Iemorial Hall. Story, page 6


3“. Final line Day a time too rellection

icture this:

There you are among the Rupp .Arena faithful

tomorrow afternoon, watchin t as the two
seniors are honored at halfcourt. The liand strikes up
a stirring rendition of"1\1y()ld Kentucky Home."
And then, suddenly, one of the seniors breaks into a
jig, strutting and sliding from baseline to baseline.

It would be more than ridiculous; it would be Rid—

It would also somehow be a fitting curtain call for
Andre Riddick, one of the most unusual and amusing
players to ever don the blue and

There will likely be few tears shed
tomorrow when the (i—foot—‘l center
jumps through his hoop, for Riddick
does not hold with the fans any kind
of favorite—son status like The
Unforgettables or various others did.
Yet when he is gone, he will have left
several indelible memories.


Bl'lall Who can forget Andre the fresh—
Bennett man, as lanky and wobbly as a new-
1511110?‘ "1 born colt, struggling so mightily with

(3:19} his free throws that he actually tried

shooting them with just one arm,
transforming his body into a very primitive catapult?

\Vho can forget the 1993 Southeastern Confer—
ence Tournament championship game, when Andre
the sophomore became Andre the Giant, exploding
out ofobscurity en route to 15 points, II) rebounds
and 9 blocks, making the crowd so giddy that they
began chanting his name?

\Vhat about Andre the junior’s game against
.\1orehead State, where he seemed to have at least
five arms in blocking four consecutive shots and eight
for the game? He swatted Iayups, Illafooters and
three—pointers without discrimination. At one point,
if I remember correctly, 11 student in section 31
reached for a bite of his nachos only to have Riddick
knock that away too.

And who could ever erase the footage of “Foot-
loose" Andre.2 Nothing could brin r a Rupp crowd to
life like the sight of Riddick twitching and twisting,
sty'lin' and profilin’ after another dunk.

Riddick is that strange breed of Cat who cuts
across all lines of fans, from east to west, city to hill-
side. He has never been worshipped a la Rex Chap-
man, loved a la John Pelphrey or awed a la Jamal
\las‘hburn. He “as simply been enjo yed. Enjoy ed by
virtually everyone who s watched him play, always
appreciated for his hustle and always forgiven for his
shortcomings (i.e. free throws).

The same appears to be true from all who’ve
known him. A naturally reclusive sort, Riddick has
gradually loosened up since trading his home in
Brooklyn for the Bluegrass four years ago.

“Andre has opened up a lot more,” said Chris
Harrison, the only other senior on the team. “\Vhen
he came here, he was quiet and shy."

Nowadays, though, his teammates are more apt to
describe him in different terms.

“Andre," says junior Tony Delk,
person all the way around.”

“The people who know me,

“is just a weird

” Riddick said, “they


llll V8. [8"

Tomorrow, 2 pm.
Rupp Arena
CBS -- Channel 27

Story, matrbups, page 3.





JAMES CRISP I'vnirl nafi‘

ANDRE ”BUICK, the (111.11)“ amuxing
LK renter playi hii lair home game
romorrou along air/2 C‘hm Harmon.

know I in pretty crazy. .

This is the Riddick w ho, late
into his sophomore year, admitted
to not liking basketball all that
much — an admission which, for 7
any other psychology major born
outside Kentucky, would not have
been so unusual but, for one who was (i—foot—9 11nd
on scholarship to pla'.‘ that particular sport, did seem
a bit ofan aberration.

This is the Riddick who treated media questions
like hand grenades, either dodging them completely
by hiding in the locker room, or fumbling them
around, talking at the speed of light but leavmg many
in the dark. (Typical Riddick response. “Yeah. VI ell—
notreally butuh I n1 not sure. )

The Riddick who, in lighter locker room
moments, messed up other players’ interviews, doimr
such things as fiddling with lared Prickett s lips with
his forefinger or bobbing his head in and out of cam—
era shots, laughing hysterically all the while.

The same Riddick who, when asked earlier this
week about his future plans, answered: “Maybe I'll go
into professional wrestling. I don’t want to wrestle, l


JOSEPH HEY AU [\mm’ .113
just want to talk bad about ‘em. \laybe I‘ll be :1 111an~
ager ()r 11 commentator 11111y"be.

(Ilie thourrht of Mean (ienc \Iakcrlund. Jesse
“ I he Body" \ entura 111d Riddick the RthtIUI 111 the
same broadcasting booth would surely be enough to
cause Brent Musberger to sob uncontrtillably.)

Strange, but Dre. He's a genuine original.

All this will come to a conclusion tomorrow for
the home crowd. \Ve know this. There will certainly
not be a half— court ceremony to retire a “Riddick ll)"
jersey in any fathomable future

It s our last Dre Day.

Though our eyes 111 11v be dry, we will know that
another player like \1‘1die Riddick will newr pass oui

And we will know ..: if not tomorrow,
day soon -- that yes, we will miss him.

[mirror in Chief [luau lfi 1mm I.\ 11]()IlHllll\”7 11mm

then some—



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C oar/J, teammates glad

Harrison stuck around
8y Brett Dawson

S‘pmrr Editor

Chris Harrison is not '11 basketball superstar.

In fact, the senior guard's celebrity status
topped out the last time he was a semor - at
'I‘olles‘boro High School. It was there that Harry
son put 11p gaudy scoring numbers, averaging a
shade over 3‘) points a game in his final season.

\Vhat Harrison is, is a L’K basketball player.
He wouldn‘t have it any other way.

“Before his sophomore year, I told 111111 that
with Tony Delk coming in he wasn‘t going to
have the opportunity to play very many minutes
L K coach Rick Pitino said yesterday I told him.
‘I don t want you to leav.e but ify‘ou ti‘ansierie d
to another school in I\'L“',lllllkk\
youd probably get the 111111111
for more minutes.‘"

Harrison wouldn't have any
part ofit.

“He told me. ‘Coach. I’d :
rather be at Kentucky than any--
thing else in my life.” l’itino

Though the minutes haven't
been there. Harrison has shown
some degree of improvement over the past two
seasons. He has become more than simply 11
mop-up man when the game is out of reach .._ he
has been able to contribute.

He has done so this season, coming off the
pine with Delk in foul trouble to drain 11 pair of
threerpointers against Florida. And tomorrow.
when Harrison plays his final game 111 Rupp
Arena, he will face 11 team against which he made
quite possibly his best— remembered contribution.

Harrison came off the bench to hit ;r111othc
pair of clutch treys in UK s 09-05, cone-fromv
il—points—behind win over 1.8! last season in
Baton Rouge.

It's not what Harrison has done offtlie bench
in games that has meant the most to his coach,
though. Rather, it's what he does c\ery day in
Memorial Coliseum —~ in practice.

Many of Harrison’s teammates, though they
command a higher profile, say that the “Blue-»
grass Bomber" is a player worth emulating when
it comes to work ethic.

“It‘s great for us to see him 1112'. e «(11.11- sucecss .
as a senior," UK fonvard \Valter .\lc(2arty' said
earlier this year. “1 1e just gives it his all every sin—
gle day.“

Junior Rodrick Rhodes has held llari‘ison's
work habits in high regard for quite some time.

“It‘s amazing how Chris can work 11s hard as
he does," Rhodes said. “There aren't many play—
ers who would do what he does without any guar—
anteed playing time.

But Harrison no t most players.

“C. hris grew up like a lot of I: astern Kentucky
kids did, thinking that Kentucky basketball was
the thing,‘ Pitjno said. I 111 glad that he decided
to stick it out."












icc students delend asking SBA IDI‘ lunds

By Johanna Verburg
Sir/1f] ‘ I I 'r‘m'r

selves from accusations of misusingr SGA.
“It's very obvious that SGA has no


I exington Community College archi—
tecture students say they can t believe the
uproar they started over asking the Stu—


idea what being an architecture student
involves," said the group’s faculty advi-
sor, Kevin Murphy. “Nothing can equal
the experience of being around great

dent Government Association to help A lot ofif was architecture."
fund their held trip to Chicago. ourfault Still, the LCC students admitted they
“I expected SGA to give us about because we were partly to blame for not doing their

$1,000," said Jared Ison, vice president of
LCC's American Institute of Architecture
Students. “I didn't expect all this contro—

were ignorant
about what to

before approaching
was criticized by some

own fundraisin
SGA, a fact which


versy once it got through." d0. ” “A lot of it was our fault because we
Yet both those things happened. ()n v were ignorant about what to do (when
F'I.22 'SG 1‘ 1 ‘ r ." SC ‘ i ‘ ".‘
.1at...an:'.'..'::5:.':".'~::i.':::.'::1 gmeswyg' Xil‘é"§....fil§t‘l‘£3£i satin"
architecture. ()11 Tuesdav, however, SGA 1].“! mt, ‘ ‘ But the students said they thought
I) I' B . R' B. 1| , ’ l h an rtermrrrtudm! h 11' h' 'rh h'
resitcnt enny ay a1 ey vetoei t e group. t ey WCI‘C( )1ngt erig tt mg.

bill, saying it was “not in the interest of
the student body", and implying that the



“It was my understanding that they
(SGA) wanted us to go direct v to them,"


trip would be used more for fun than learning.
1 ( .(. students met on VI ednesday night to discuss
alternative plans to fund the trip and de ended them—

said Ison. “There was no organization to go through
over here (at LCC) until about three weeks ago."
The insinuation that the trip would be used to

party was an insult, the students said, because they
felt they had pros en themselves in previous trips sini—
ilar to this one 11nd that non- t-raditional students are
more apt to use trips for learning than partying

l he group still intends to make the trip to ( hica—
go to view the city s 1‘Iichitecture firsthand. 1 low eyer
they anticipate few e1 participants 111111 a greatei linan‘
cial burden now that there may be no 8( 1A funding.

“1 know it s going to be a burden on a lot of peo-
ple to come up with the money to go to Chicago,"
\Vitzel said.

Currently, the students are looking for alternative
fundraisers. There is speculation that several of the
students intend to sell plasma in order to finance the
trip, \Vitzel said.

Ison said the organization also intends to learn
from this experience so the new time they 1sk for
funding they will n11tf1"1cc such criticism and contro-

“\Ve were just asking for a little bit of support."
\Vitzel said.

“\Ve weren‘t in there to start a fight between
LCC and UK."


"K doctors IIBIII baby girl Wltll landmark heart surgery

By Alison Kighl
Stuff I I ’rm'r

Kimberly and Roy Downey, the parents of six-
month—old Sarah Katherine “Katie” Downey, can
breathe a little easier now, knowing that their daugh-
ter, because of a landmark surgical procedure, can
breathe easier too.

Katie became the youngest person in Kentucky —
and possibly in the United States —— to receive a
homograft and interbronchial stent placement after
she was born with congenital heart disease.

“It's been a real long road," said Kimberly, speak-
ing of Katie's treatment and time in the hospital.
“But today's a good day "

Katie was born with no pulmonary valve, which
caused her pulmonary arteries and her right ventricle
to dilate even before she was born and in turn
crushed her airway, making breathing difficult, said
Dr. Grngohnson, a UK pediatric cardiologist who


treated Katie.

Johnson and other doctors began treating Katie
after she was transferred to the Chandler Medical
Center from Pikeville (K) Methodist Hospital
about an hour after she was f]

She was transferred because of extensive breathing

“Since she was so small, we just watched her for
12 or 13 days," Johnson said. “But it became clear
that she would need a ventilator."

Dr. Robert Salley, chief of cardiothoracic surgery
at UK, replaced Katie‘s pulmonary valve with a
uniquely tailored homograft in a procedure not
known to be previously performed on infants less
than six months of age.

The team of doctors decided to go ahead and per-
fomi the interbronchial stent placement because they
“were fortunate enough to have the micro- sized
equipment, the specialists and the expertise necessary
to perform it on a child this young,” said Dr. ( arol

(.ottrill, a UK pediatric cardiologist who also worked


with Katie.

In the rocedure, a stent, which resembles 11 tiny
piece of cfiicken wire when enlarged, is loaded tip on
a balloon.

Then, the balloon is taken to the narrowed
bronchial site through the endotrachial tube, where
it is inflated to expand the size ofthe stent until it is
lar e enough to open the bronchi to a normal size

angmake breathing easier. The balloon is removed
when the stent is in place.

Katie now has one stent in each bronchus, and is
doing extremely well, said her doctors.

“\Ve had to restrain her arms during the time she
was on the ventilator," Cottrill said. “Yesterday we
freed her amis and the first thing she did was put that
little thumb in her mouth."

Doctors anticipate Katie's discharge from the hos-
pital over the weekend

“She's very active, said Katie's father “Every-
thing looks great, except that they had to cut offa lit—
tle of her hair.



[mm Senate deleats
balanced budget proposal

\VASI IINGTON -~ The Senate solemnly dealt
defeat yesterday to the baIanced—budget amendnn 111
to the Constitution, cornerstone of 11 broader
Republic an drive to cut spending and shrink govt rn—
ment. Both sides sought political ady antige 111thc
residue of battle. lhe (15— 35 vote that left the
amendment just two votes shy of the needed twov
thirds majority followed Democratu accusations
that the Republicans were threatening $1 )Cl1ll SCLIIFI'
tv, a charge Majority I eader Bob Dole sharply
denied. \t the \\ hitc llotis‘t'. l’rcsidcnt (illllllill
(llallcllgcil (1(11’ le‘ailcrs 111 Congress to ilctail “111'“
they are going to keep the promises of their ('.,n.
tract (\Vith America). on balancing the budget and
paying for their tax cuts."

m ".8. leaves Somalia

\1( )(i. AI..)ISIIL' Somalia 1‘ S \1 1111111 s backed
out of Somalia and into the sea yesterd. 1\ with the
remnants of a multmation; ll force that led staiying
thousands but failed to conquci chaos. lhc Marines
escorted the filial I'.N1 forces from .\logailishii's

shores, .1 quiet end to 11 two year intervention that
began with a televised invasion and mos Ibillion
and the lives of ruore than 100 [wartckeepers


chllsllll ovcrcomcs I"? I" "'1“!

NFXV YORK ._ Flying was a too much of a
thriller for MichaelJackson. Until he
looked fear in the cockpit. The 1(1-
vear- old singer s fear of flyingw was
alloyed by the chairman of Sony
( .orp. of America, who took Jackson
into the cockpiLs of corporate jets.

Michael P. Schulhof, a licensed
commercial pilot, heard about Jack-
son's trepidation several years ago
and began inviting him into Sony
airplanes He demonstrated safety features and
showedJackson how jets operate.

(.‘ompiledfmm m're reportc.



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Bat seniors say goodbye






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Mimi-inc .ractvi («inn ile‘r .iriioiAii-aiiiwiumam... m! M
'"‘°“““"’ 'ROOMMATEStPG). ”cm - - .. - - , . ~
'4- 4 .. “a! m . V .h “K o /——;- By Kip Perkins I think it s going to lie neck weekend when (.olleen Sheehv
.ii . . ~ - v n > '
if??? ?“':°“.",‘?"E v.0 ' I JUST CAUSElFli- . . , (“TIMING Slit/l H rirer and neck all the way down, Myers tore her anterior cruciate ligament
'* "r‘ “"0 i’ “" ”lr‘ MGKMCKLW I. said. “I know we can heat them."

'MANOFTHEHOUSEiPGi during her floor exercise. (iL'lll
. . . . ._ r.. .4. . ‘ . . '

(.at senior l‘reeman will not see
action due to a knee iniiiry.

"lt‘s a lieartlireakcr.n said “1...,


‘. w 420 7:0 with

. . t m BILLY MADISON (P643)
THEtIUNTEDi‘R) - ' sir; f4» .. i»
' , ' . ‘ 'MAN OF ME HOUSE «PG;

ROCKING CM]! stars

. mm: mm o
. wuaumm ~

The UK (y'ym (Iats will close
out their home season tonight at
Memorial (Ioliseuiii as they hid

'l‘he \Volverines are led liy
Beth \Vymer. one of the nation‘s
top all—arounders.


EOfRESJGMrimm A YWEiiGi‘iTsrgowl‘ a mum t farewell to two seniors, Dee :\nn \Vymer has competed against iiian ahout sitting out Senior
Bovson ‘HE SIDE (Hr ileuvi ‘. 5A) 780 i .15 - mu SWIG ' McNeil and ’l‘amae Freeman. L'K'shlenny Hansen at the .\'(I:\-\s Night, "hut I want my knee to he
now; kmowsgnrpom 595906.500“) QW— lilip olfis at 7: ‘0 pin. the past two years, taking the liar healed for ithe Southeastern ('ori
~ .. ‘ ~"~ ' nmmnm -

title in 1095 with a perfect l().

"(\Vymer} is the oiily kid in the
country that's as good as _lenny
Hansen. and it will he a ham
hurrier liattle hetween them." said
L‘K coach Leah Little.

The (Eats were banged up for

lCTL‘IILC meet) and i‘egiorials,"
Despite .i “rocky" senior scar
son. l‘irceiiian rei orderl her career
high on heam this year with .i
”as"; at .\uliurn .McNeil will also
llt' iiiaking her final home appear—
ance. Mt Neil has performed well

This year‘s Senior Night will
he a tough meet for [K currently
ranked .\'o. 10, as they play host to
the fifth»ranked Michigan

'l‘he (iym (lats are coming off
their best meet in school history





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W ' * 4 .‘
JOSEPH REV AU Kr-nirl “fl

0" A B0“. The (7K (r'ym (kin/71in

[mu m .'\ Iir‘liigrm tiring/it.


team overall," said L'K assistant
coach 'l‘im Myers. “lt seems like
they hit every event."

Myers says‘ the key to the (:ats
success tonight and in the postsea-
son will he hitting every routine iti
every event.

from a foot iniury. \Vliitiiey' l‘ llis'
ankle should he healthy enough to
perform and Robin l‘iwing should
lie at full strength after competing
with a strained leg muscle last

L'K suffered a liig loss‘ last

SON$0£§VE§IEEnggztisopark '85:::5T:V:::::‘:::;Tu while Michigan tries to reliound last week's _iiieet with low son liei senior ycai. setting a personal
' .u w my, from a tough loss at (reorgia last State. hut iiiiuries should not hini lit‘\[ on liars last weekend.
M ”Twink.” H I “Ii-“iii! H. 'i'tt°.“£.‘%i‘f?fl‘9"" week despite SL‘Urlan a 1963. der them this weekend. "We‘re going to miss Dee
“HHWH’M R"- “W “‘0' BUNCMPG'U' “i95f’f‘fi”?fij’iffi “.MicliigariK a really strong _lennie Maxwell will return ,\nii‘s work r thic." \lyers said.

\lt‘Ncil has worked hard to
prepare .i floor routine for Senior
Night lint will not perfor'rii on
floor until post season,

"'l‘his year is really great (for
,\lt’\c‘il)." .Myers said, ”She‘s real ~

l\' clinic on.“

Hot Bats take on

Baseball team
[00/65 to continue

winning 20/in
By Chris Kemperi

(,Illllr'l'I/‘lillllg ll firm

The l’K lraseliall team in 4)
hopes to continue lls winning
ways this weekend with a two
game hoiiiestand against ()hio
L'iiiversity. After a shaky start. the
\Vildcats are now enioying a liner
game winning streak

.\lost recently. [is defeated
Murray State \Vednesday 'lihe
(kits capitali/ed early on Murray‘s
wild pitching and poor fielding.
scoring seven runs in the lust four

innings. The team held on late to
defeat the 'l‘horoughhreds in .i
sloppy game. 775.

Despite being plagued hy a lack
of offense at the onset of the sea
son. the UK youn r hasehall squad
has increased prodiietion recently.
After being outscored 23-6 by
South ;\lahaiiia in a three—game
series, L‘K has outscored the past
five opponents 30-17.

The team has been led so far
this year hy 'l‘odd Blandford.
'l‘odd Young and Kevin Keow'n.

“\Ve have executed well on
offense recently," head coach
Keith Madison said.

The offensne execution is
imperative to the team's success
this season. The (Iats no longer
have the offensive power which
fueled them last season.

Madison said he is more
pleased with the pitching staff‘s
effort than the hitting so far,

(ireg Reid (1-3) will pitch for
L‘K's 1 part. game tomorrow. with
sophomore (Iurtis \k'hitney (I’ll)
getting the starting nod for the
Sunday matinee. also set for 1 pair.

Despite the recent fortune at
the plate and on the mound. the
defense is still lacking. witnessed
by the four errors committed in
the game “'ednes‘day.

“\\'e have to execute much here
ter on defense the rest of the sea-
son to he competitive." Madison
said. “\Ve are a very young team
and we lack experience

“\Ve still have a lot of growing
up to do to prepare for the South—
eastern Conference portion ofthe

Mercer to make
his otticial visit

Ron Mei. er, the nation‘s most
highly 'ctHL‘lkll high school senior
haskethall player. will make his
official visit to L i; this weekend.
The (Moot: swiiigrnan. who
liegan his Spring lireak at ()ak
llill ;\cadeiiiy yesterday". will lie
in attendance at toiiiorrow"s

Mercer‘s high sthool coach.
Steve Smith. said yesterday that
Mercer will come to Lexington
from his hometown. Nashville.

“As far as I know. though. he
won‘t lie making any decisions
soon." Smith said. adding that he
expects Mercer to wait until
sometime in .\pri| to make his
college choice.



Jaime Pinkham. Guest Speaker for the Cultural Diversity Festival ls
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111‘. xiii/turn, [pm today

L'K (titre/tall 221'. Ultra U, tomorrott' am! Sun-

diry, 1 pm. (If (.171Tl/dg‘dll Stadium.

0726 more win

could nob seed
for l/Vildazts

By Brett Dawson
Spom I'ft/Itor'

Senior Day is a time to remii
nisce for basketball players on
their way out at UK.

l)on't be surprised if Andre
Riddick and Chris Harrison are
particttlarly retnetiibering their
sophotnore years totnorrow when
they play their final gatiie in Rupp

That, after all, was their year to
garner a No. 1 seed in the NCAA
'l‘ournament en route to an
appearance in tfie l'iinal Eour. A
win tomorrow over LSL‘ (lf— 1 i.
(it) Southeastern Conference)
would all httt ensttre a repeat per—
formance for Riddick, Harrison
and the No. 5 Wildcats (3 l «l, Hr

"That's something We just have
to go for right now," Riddick said
earlier this week. “It was a big
advantage the last time we tnade it
to the Final Four, arid we want to
go in with that ntittiher one again.

“This is my last chance at it."

If L'K continues to play the
way it has lately, the witi over
LSU should he a tnere formality.
The Cats have won four in a row


"Kym ts

Team statistics

4.8 Blocks Per Game
10.4 Steals Per Game

Points Per Game

Assists Per Game

Field Goal Percentage
Free-Throw Percentage
Three-Point Percentage

Rebounds Per Game
Off. Rebounds Per Game

Turnovers Per Game




since falling
to Mississip—
pi State on

Feb. 14. ,
The [N Rupp . lrrna.
three wins

ofthat four—

:Jams‘ »tmsh c lorryDelk 166
came on the G Jett Sheppard 88
mud on LI C Andre filtlr’libli 48

. > . . FPOdan Rhodes 13 6
m” ”f l‘“ t Wallet meaty 9 9

than» friend-
ly c‘;llll[itlsCs'
and (ieot'r

gia LSU (12-13,
“In my Probable Starters: Pts:
' 6 Ronnie Henderson 235

ll ‘lrs hm ( ‘ G Ouettlun Thoma: 2.5
“"3 ‘1‘ played (7 Roman Riibctienko 97
our best hay L Clarence Caesar 1’3 1
kethall ,m Flanders Nuilcy 112‘

the road or
on neutral
sites." UK
coach Rick
l’it’ino said
yesterday. L . .. 7

Rupp is intimidating with 34,000
people, but I'm not sure how
mtich of an advantage it is."

It has certainly been one on
Senior Day. The Cats ha\e never
lost a Senior Day (or Night 1 gatne
in Rtipp. The last time any team
managed to cotue to Lexington
and win as the Cats honored their
eldest was when St. Louis pttlled it
offon .\larch I. l‘)(1~l in Aleiiiorial

;; Dior-i rat. 1.1


UK (21-4, 13-2 SEC)

Probable Starters: Pts:

Reserves: Mark pt p- 78pm. Jami Primal.
6‘3 ArtitttrieWalktr' f 7, Anthony Fra‘ H
(.1111: Hattt‘nir. 2' 4 81:1)" Padgett, 1 9
Cartiernn Mill: 1 7 41"?“ Edwards, ! 4

Reserves: Misha Muldvtli‘tu 7 i rim. Altai/t.
; Johnson, (1 .5. Uttwaarisley. ? 7. Gattiik stilt

Wit 5:» live

It won't he easy
for LSU to repeat
the feat tomorrow

The Tigers, who
started offso'ariiig as
one of the league‘s

Reb: surprise teams, liaye
35 crashed earthwatd
22 since a knee iniut‘v
40 ended point guard
:5 Randy layingstori's

season early.
\Vithout lay

mgston, the pressure

is on shooting gtiard

Ronnie Henderson.
6'9) the sophomore who
RED: torched his in last
H season‘s now fatiiotis
,4. ist'trm.
‘7’} The 'liigel‘s, ol
4" course, led that garlic
by it points before
the (lats stormed

hack in the final 1;
minutes to claim a
‘l‘HH \\lil in liaton
‘ Rouge
That game only
continued a recent trend for ESL
against his. The last time the
Tigers heat L'K, some rapper
named Shad patrolled the paint in
the purple and gold
This isn't the (.at team to in
and break a streak against. l’ol
lowing a ‘77 "4 wa\ing of ( ieorgia
on \Vednesday night. L'K looks to
be on a collision course “till .1 top
seed, most likely in the NCAA's
Southeast Region.


And, though l’itino is pleased
with his team's shiny new SEC
regular season title (his first offi»
cial one at L'Ki and its prospects
for a No. 1 seed, he is out»and-out
thrilled with the here and now.

“The (SEC) championship is
nice. httt we Won one of those
already," l’itino said, alluding to
the prtihation—asterisked crown he
gaie his team in 1091.

“\Vhat's really exciting is iust
the way we're playing at this

Perhaps the coach is most
giddy over the fact that his team
thrashed .-\l-abama, Vanderbilt and
(icorg‘ia hy ati average of 18
points per game.

“\\'e fed off our defense
(against Georgia), which we‘ve
done all season," Pitino said. “( )ur
defense has been a team effort,
hitt Rod Rhodes and Tony Delk,
if you want to point to individual
guys. are playing very well dcfetr

()ffetisively, the Cats have
tended to he sporadic at times.

l‘ yen against the Bulldogs, L'K
had its offensive problems.
Despite scoring 07 points, the
flats had a stretch in each half in
which they struggled to score.

“l think when you're using nitte
guys, it's going to take a while to
get accustomed to your offense,"
l’ttino said.

"\\'e‘re coming around a little

Ant/Inky Krr‘m/ I'r‘rJiI) Alurtb i, I'I‘IS a

“I FELT ‘()/i, no, [we Iz‘e go.

Steve PECk. (at/1711mm . litgt/r ‘pIIi/‘n and out” 1mm»


[mg/m, to: Il't {iii/[111” m the to \I game m: 11/. mg ’I;’/.Itt’”/t Hr mil/or

ling/u" p/ait'lr. lf't‘ [i/ili ’l‘\Il//t1/III .Iu i-rm/

lSlI stands in seniors’ way

Illt vs. [8“

'1 omorrow, 2 p. ”1.,




JAMES CRISP [\i’r'm. 'J"

HANG AROUND l 'K'i‘ lx' ain‘t/t Rl'lliit" wet or fI‘t who i _\~/~i.; H] a ram/t rarr
L .s

liei‘ flirt wart/It. ll'e (.im lwmr‘ remap jllil/P't lx’tJrL'. 1' .mt/ ’7'1'11 Harrow

.11‘ they play II) II' final Mme game it! fx'rtpp. lri'i...’ twmoi‘ro;






36.8 s w... is
13.7 .3

12.0 I





48 Harrison





Even without injured point guard Randy Livingston. LSU has a backcourt capable of
exploding. For proof, look no further than Ronnie Henderson's showrng against the
Cats last season. Henderson. a sophomore. scored 36 and knocked down 8 three-
pointers. UK’s Tony Delk. who has been consistent all season long on offense, will
get the task of slowing down Henderson