xt72z31nk62z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72z31nk62z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-03-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 30, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 30, 1984 1984 1984-03-30 2020 true xt72z31nk62z section xt72z31nk62z  


Established 1894 University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Vol. LXXXVI, N0. 1“ independent 3 :



Friday March 30 '984

State Senate calls for a review of universities


FRANKFURT The Keiztiitk} Senate
approved it resolution yesteidiiy (”illllllL‘ toi
a review of the t‘lL‘,l‘l state uni-.ersities to
identify tinneceessuix pi'outuii; duplication
illld a study of hiuhet ed..« 1' o: s structure
and budget

And members oi 'he senate «lllll 'hi- House
of Representatiyes \ll‘llL’Jili'll 'o told it com

promise state budget tu-iori- the hem-int} i
senibly 's t‘eL’ttlttt‘ session eixis toilet

In a 184 \ote 'tie senate iippi‘oxwf ’r:
concurrent t‘esoltilioi: intimtttiert o. set

.itors Mike ,\lo]one\ Iil.e\it.u'or. and lid
Hllaniel ltspranutield llltl' wits lltlxllfiwf

U.S. schools
have ill effects

Tuesday hy the House Education l‘onimitv

The resolution orders a study of the pro»
grams offered at Kentucky's public tiniy'er
stties and calls for recommendations on
ways to strengthen higher education and to
better utili/e financial resources

"\Ve haw limited resources in this state~
ll lmmei said Me need to he sure our dol
lat s are being spent iii the best possible way
to ensure the best educational system "

\leloni-j. not present on the Senate floor,
was under Il.t'illi’£ll observation yesterday
.it'ei lent; «ililltlllt‘d to the coronary care
ulzl' ‘tl .st Josephs Hospital in Lexmgton

phoning oi shortness of breath and di/
"tll'~~ summon;x to hospital officials lie
i os'ei‘ :ii satisfactory condition

the resolution also calls for an exiitmna

tion ot tuition and student iinuiit-ial aid putt
cies. educational access llbilzlllllllltl cooper
ation and a reyiew ot the prex iou.s studies of
the stale s‘ higher educator s: Jen.

The resolution charges the Program Re
new and lnyestiuti'iot. l'oiiimittee along
with the interim ioint toiiimittees ot Edui a
lion and .-\ppropriatiiin» and {eyenue to
complete its study Miter itidt) llc’ at

“The resolu‘io'. 's original torn.
started as a study wt dupiau'uit: ot higher
education ‘ lll).:filt‘l aid tut llll‘l‘dtllllL’
the t'ouncil or. tram l‘Z'ltlid'lHE expands
the scope to study other phases and other
programs or study

Tom (irissom l‘t‘li'il . s'.i.'i' exertitrm
director. said the iii-Lexi. \ssl‘llilll‘» s deei

slot; to study 'hr '. u~
was welcome

it is tlt'. impre—
ii.'y 'i, ilear the t3
sues he said 1'

Yrusior. into higher '“lii‘ .

\li Ill lligtwt‘ o-qui .,'
'ne tounei. well or!
.v-Hislature :rtto thew
nii'l The 'udj. .Ln

The t‘t‘siil’i'»litt mm
o: .in .id‘.:sor'. at m;
presidents 'o mil.“
lame (lllliniil't‘t‘\ (till-
'ne study the rill-,H-I
t'ltidethel odni'ii t'l-il,’ ."

Grim n” , i

as to unite

Hy l)\RI(l-ill (ll-NI

tern it"et'

(’Lilttirai ilitlt'tr",i~'»
lllllr‘fi SitiltN .il ‘1 \33.
protweiiis ‘.\ltt'.'. \:'
turt. home to m
skills it: little!‘ ‘i 'v".
spokesman tron. \ aw

"Tlli't‘i .tt’i' ~‘-!.tz
tictors which lll.it\'
the l .\ trained 7
thmledflr it. \:'.I
Kiel like Hi the l t'. t
in .'ii1ei“..i to .ilm.‘
night it; the \‘Ytiden' w

llkt’ ‘ it‘i"Lll“ '.'~'
t‘ii‘utts 2:; the l \
liit’ .\2I".i.ll l
'ut‘ui l'oi.:.‘i'
rut: \tiidci.‘

\tr:c.iii l:.l"..

t'tiiis through 'i :

ti-‘H‘vl ills ilHiYiiL ‘

throtmliiu) tron. I'm; 1;
err sgn-i i.“

'i.iit' .e'

ma. tir-

can studer'


lions Wk:

lsIT‘l.\ t‘\',~*i‘

“Hilliiii "Ili..'.i

\ittfii \ff.
cop“. .1I
dire, .int.


(it rim: slim. ;:_;>
\ilil llo- ' '
eL‘Ht‘} .it‘(- ti 2.»?
Tin- siu .e'f. 'ftv".'
'heni its Htl'i” is's
'idli'.‘l‘.z_ l t;
L‘t‘titttt- cf‘ J-‘i‘
lniittt-s is -.i..
titties (the s i I? ‘1 '2 " v‘

composti 'i;:s s'

and pz'otmstoz.un




That Hiicc

i cdticani-t‘ and ;‘tl‘ttfl.tl\.

»_. \11: Her! s a :ttcnthc' l‘l htizit‘a I); Hi


Professor of Arabic dies after long
' ' illness; memorial set for April 11

lh \\l)|{l‘\\ ll\\ ls ("JEN lie t‘ecenev‘. iv‘ ,‘t‘ iii-\siir‘ \Itw

lithe: s'tiilr‘lfs .3»,
“run .1th 'o'.-il.
culture ilk» \‘t
thti.iil\ radon-s
‘tllett‘ helttiLiit‘ ,1
e\pected tit-tutu: ‘t
trained ll‘.\f!.tl‘li _;
To eoiiitiat s1“,
lenis like cutter! 'r:
(\lklt‘ittlllllill system. \i’.‘.il1 ‘.‘lii.‘l '
mind the Mrnxm tit t'.:~ n: 3.: ,
hackgrouiit.’ tilifi the ilt"»"lltltllti‘lt'
needs of the tltllli’l’} Ir: .ttd:',oi.
students should he l'l.t'(lil!'.tglf'fl 'n rt
turn htlnlt'tlilt‘l‘ ll‘tilz'ldlll. lli'\.i.ll
"Africans who .u: 'r' . .
L’ 5 and those ll'iiJLti‘. i . :' e w
in other parts or the . . snoiili
come out boldly mid 10's.... .1" edu
cational systen. \lllltll‘ii‘ tvl Mum
and the development ot mankind
llkt‘ sitltl ”'l‘llt‘ l't'spl‘ttslltll‘f} iv? llt'
\‘eloptng and 'i'anstot'niin: \tt‘tid
rests solely on \trvcuns T'tt'?!

selves '


The Battle in Seattle \Hll illldll\ he I
fought this weekend, lot prmiexn of
Final Four action. we SPORI“.
page» 4 and 5.

King Crimson. loc lzickson and Ira
C8) Ullman have one thing iii cont
min. .Their latest album releases arc
reviewed in today‘s issue. You PAN-
TlMl-‘S. page 3,




Today will be partly sunny and cool.
Highs will be in the mid 40s to
around 50. Winds come from the
northwest at around to mph. To-
night will be clear and cold with
lows in the upper 20s. Tomorrow
will be mOstly sunny with highs near





\eri r: \'.;'.".\:*.'»t tiate degree at

Till l) dl l'l'lii'li':

i: told: d .t pi‘otessor “t.

will llt.lb‘.\.\
it was .he mlM ,ntelligent inan Ema“ chairman lie

Hlmilhulll ”Hm” “ k’lteet‘lttl He iliiit
~~itvlvtti .lt' Alli lx’ lt‘l‘ltlil} il‘tt'lltl>

forum: nixed .it Good \illlill‘lidll
ll ispztaé the hospital refused to re
.ms' text. s on the cause ot death

iteroie «ittttillL‘ to l K Lll Septemr
M‘.’ Hm l'or'tind taught for two

llltl d alll'prht’

'.\.i\ .i ‘. "
‘ . . v,”
H \\tiilit\tl.l_\ .tiii. it d‘u“i_f1[)71:[)l"n(1 ”v

“1.. >1,

.ltinecek hiaiic and Hricntai‘

i . . 1‘ , . ‘ I v“

.laniul‘ \dltl l~oiand s flu: .. sits 4 . ., \pm 1 , the .\ll K.“ .
Nttce he s he. '. sv
rioiisly sick it‘s no! iii: unexpetted
’urnot'ewnts ' he said i

Eiti'trir' .. ' '. lttiier‘s

' ’i‘ .H..f‘ '

.rt‘" ,' 7lit' tit-sink:

WNW, . ‘t~ tl.i\\t‘\ '..i'.v N‘t't Litter

, a .- ‘ .ct‘ F} Lew. l'fttliltidek. ti tit‘oIHsswt
lle'tirew ll‘. 'f‘l‘ Naztc tilltl itt’tcntti.
l.tiltfltltth’t’s department. illltl Syhar.
\lti'tlA L‘iNil‘diiictltll oi the interim
norm \‘t ,ideiits i Ittice

\lentoriu. \(‘t‘HH‘s .\!ll be held tit

ti w'

9 fi .i. t tit 1.}
fit‘..."\. litillt'l'x
h-tttd‘nl \o :s ~..i'.:\ed to his '.\Iit‘

{Ii/.itn-tn llenton lurru'id his riiotii

\l,\near said Forand was .1 so is or ‘il.i:‘;tin lindder. Forand and two

_\e.i:s .i‘ \ltindelein college 2n (‘hi ltH' considerate and pattern .isso ‘ldllL’lll'T‘ lt.i!i.i.ii:dlara

By INIl (.l \s’ E. l'l'l‘TEViElt
\‘tiitt \iriter

\lusital strains tilled the room and the high school
choir lllt‘llll‘t‘l‘.~ began singing with their hands. not
their \ oices

The Kentucky School for The Deaf choir recently per»
tormed (lttl'ttlg the Donovan Scholars l-‘orum Program
to .i tZi‘otip ot about too people

Their ixxrforniance consisted of eight numbers lllt‘lud‘
ing t‘\t‘l‘}illlll2 front the Lord's Prayer to Bette Midler's
"The Rose ' l’rertx'orded music of the songs played
while the students presented the lyrics through the
American sign language. used by most deal people
They. like most choirs do. performed alternating parts
hetw een the men and women

The presentation also included solos. such as one by
Tammy Lowe 20. who performed Bette .\lidler‘s “The
Rose" Lowe does not find deafness an obstacle "It
doesn't bother me." she said With the help of an inter
preter "I‘ve had contact with the hearing world all of
my life

llrian Meade. 19, also performed a solo He recited a
poem, “You Have to Be Deaf to Understand" He said
he chose that poem because it “gives me an idea to ex-
press what deafness means to me."

The highlight of the performance was the chmr‘s ver-
sion of the Michael Jackson hit. "Thriller " The stu»
dents. in Halloween makeup. did their own version of

the ‘l‘hriiiet \1deo with. two students acting’ «is .latk
son and his ur‘ltriend The other students .icted .is
L‘hosts k'lltlfilllfl. Tnen

.'\(‘t‘0rtllllL’ 'w ltitu Xirnheld spith‘MHtllLlH tor the
school and the interpretor. "Thriller was the students
tziwirite tx-rtorii‘..itice She added that It does not take
long for the students to learn songs \ormally it takes
.i week but a lot of it depends on the music she said

Thriller ’ook three weeks of practice ‘

At the twrtornaince's end. the choir recened a loud
round of dppl.lU>t' troni the audience

Lester l’irtle .i \‘lSIIOr troin (‘hicago said it was
excellent We \e got to give these students .in opportuni-
ty toexpress themselves "

Leland Wilson, chairman of the Forum Program. said
he muted the choir because he heard it was “interest-
mg" and lX'cutise of his daughter‘s recommendation

Roberta James. program coordinator for the (‘ouncil
on Aging. said the [)onovan Scholars decided to imite
the choir because "this particular class of the Donovan
Scholars had been told about the choir and thought it
was Just a fantastic thing that they do "

Zirnheld said students are not required to he in the
ch0ir “The choir is like a special activity we offer to
the students. ' she said “They can choose to do it if
they want to

“We haw If: to 20 students and we really are low
we (Hulk. Page s

all stunt. git groups

in bittl


\\ i't‘i

A woman lllt‘ltll‘;"
her hands. thin: \e

-: president

thlll|l\\ \
"woman‘s one o’ 'lu' songs \\ "‘


" 9 V;

p, f»





r ..I‘

mi .i.



in K stavoute

A ., (Dolor




4;, 17'er Haw

siiiii '”

\ K“.-".

. 7'1: -‘ 1‘"ij





2 - THE KENTUCKV KERNEL Friday, March 30,1984

'c name


in mi Jaw flow: '0 Lelnngton






VFW '.‘~‘- «4 ‘ Moi-‘5 WASHNGTON
,I‘r'n‘." .‘HiCACD
._ \-
.‘._ s - -
P“~\ .






.50 Drinks 5-8 p. m.
1. 0° 8- 10 p. m.

598 Woodland Avenue
I'iiiversity I'qua



not um - In 000.


It. uw um- . n in an»

Frlday Mldnlghtl


Saturday MIanghtl
"Monty Python
and the
Holy GralI"




l 803 S, Broadway


; $1.25 PITCHERS

r 3100—7700


After the game:
Drinks cost what
Georgetown scores

803 36

‘N days til the end‘








Stituii lav

gci 3 iasiv

Sui: sin»: lat ll\ tor oiilv sl 3”




I’m/a I S2()t't'i\ny Large Pizza

| .,,_> tr,._.._. “L.
“xi-H.” I‘i'





\n\ l we»



ti .,. ll -r._


rt‘w .rxtii'

- o 34 I . arc/u

Pizza ' “‘I‘I‘" %
Hm I ._ -Hut
Ml \\ i .2 . .‘ \rilulimlv ”I “H ‘mullnml

\,.i.1 .ii ,,


I' s .i so“ stir-ll Sale that's hard to limit
itiif not hard to fill

Fri & Sat


The Ken tuck y Kernel,
2 10 Journalism
Building, University of
K entuclr y, Lexington,
Ky. 40506-0042, 606‘-
25 7-28 7 1, is published
class days during the
academic year and
weekly during the
summer session. Third
class postage paid at
lexington, Ky. 4051 7.
Subscription rates: $30
per year, $15 per
semester mailed. The
Kentuck y Kernel is
printed b y Scripps-
Howerd Web
Compen y, 4 13
Louis ville Air Park,

L ouis ville, Ken tuck y
402 13.



Bazaar features foreign feast

Staff Writer

German folk dancing. lttl‘ltllli‘ tell-
ing. names vvritteii lII t‘hiiiese .tlli’l .i
variety of ethnic snacks “ill be
available at the Bazaar Illlt‘l'li.il!t|ll

From 1 to :3 p in toniori‘mv .tl the
Baptist Student t'eiiter. 429 t‘oliiin
bia Ave the International Student
('ouncil and the Student iimerii
merit :XSStK‘lttllHtl “Ill the

"The students \vill dress it: ii.iii-.e
clothing and speak their language to
create an atmosphere :oi the
event stitil I‘:.t\l .issislatll
foreign student adv lst'l

“The lure thing about the i‘\i‘tl'
the student t'll'll’l Pu»!
"Thev vvill be doing all 'lit‘ Home;
decorating and planning

The event is tree and open to fire
public and parking is available at




the 1K lot .it the ioi‘iiei of Host
Street andt‘oluinliia \‘vl'lllli'

"There \\lll iilsii he .i l"v .i'. I l..’vt
it anybody mints \tl' 'h. - .e

p in gaine.‘ lias' sir»?

it'ti'l t .lli.‘ '1

the \t'.\\ si'iiiiiexi t>.i~i.~-itr..'
game li‘l'iu't‘t‘ \ii‘g.:.i.i .mr: Heirs

Students .viil sci: Sui}; ~-I.i 5»
Indonesian mantras. .i ;
tilled \vith spay Tltt'.t‘ Ht \r'octii
tiles 'l‘hai spit; iwei \lli‘hs on.

three types or car; rolls I hairst- eg,
rolls Vietiiaini-se spring egg
and luinpie imn‘. liziloriesui






\ ,.r:.ited number of small inter-

"ririal .irtitacts. such as pictures
.i-itii Milling also vvill be sold
[' ‘\\tli sort ot be like a flea mar»

liast said "Door prizes like a
riot”: s \uit‘llt ot loud or some small
iii-z v\tll alsohegivenavvay

l-~i ;. cents or :30 cents. the
students vvill write your
' z'llt til t‘hiiiese on a nice piece of
tIK'l I‘jthlStlttl



\l~itie_\ raised troni the sales Wlll


J I "A“ limit “'11" ~
go to the L'K Emergency Loan Fund
for International Students

East said s‘imilar events have
been held in the past, but "1 think
they [the students want to make it
an annualevent "

She complimented the students on
their efforts "The nice thing is all
the students working together in a
cooperative effort." she said East
said she hopes the students \k'lll con
tinue to sponsor the txiiaar every

Some students are not ‘true-blue’
fans for Wildcat basketball action

ltv S\Il.\.l \ \l \l t‘\ll' \ tl

‘I'lit‘t l‘t‘ If]!
lR’t'aLtSi- flit-x
.itiiiul ll.t\kt"ltt1.i 't'e t
t‘ot‘ili's' ttllil tfeis' 0? at 't.. I‘.’ "

or other \a,

:t'v\ \t'if "r

i. ,<, ‘

lilt‘n‘ litii. ’n 'i

but these s .lil’ r '~ ':.w


with! .isrv"~


.\ U)“: _ .1 - ml


\ll;l:lt f'

“e as lii:vets.’. ‘ is. ', >.
students do Tlti' tin-tr i. _‘
to support the l K 'i.;." \ \jg

lyn Esters mm - ..
‘That is not .i
l pay to alter»; ’ ..

'l‘ini “also:
real estate sov'i it si . ' I"
seem fii 7"..ttl‘. "
_\UUII.‘1\PIH‘*( .‘ 1-.
\l himls

Ht" rr' ". x. I-
,t... .


tit"'l,ri' .. W.

\llL'l‘ .i

t‘\t" l . t. ‘
\i-It'i fi'i " ‘r' '
t'eiisot‘i vie «aria r. In
sports pingiati.

Sott‘a' lit ’lesi' s“i<2v ' '\

ki'ltiail and ‘he '~\‘. 1- _ '~ .‘ 'r
viheii it comes ' .. 'ilv ':
plenty oi t‘l‘ll21.~.':. l' ~ -.-
kethall teaiii ‘s 'lm

shill. I‘:Sli't\ so”: l' S ~' l ~
Hall It vie t'llll’i do" hm. .


8 to 10

557 S. Limestone


Won Tons


.. new

‘Li‘.t‘l'\"._". ot Louisville head
‘.ivll ‘o nine tor one basketball
mason iiiavbe vve vvouldn't have

't..i' .liiiziuir} February slump They
1hr ‘.\.l-ti.its dont play basket»

Illt x that publicity "

\i’Ll.‘.I titles a marketing and
«a. mi; . s \t‘t'ilttt‘. also said he teels
'iv. i rat f..l.L'. at t K leaves much to
~ ‘lt‘ w: lillt‘S. an avid college
' wk." l.1tl viho played high
-. inn i himself said. “Their
l K ~ sl.li' «it phi} st'emS outdated

",r i-ecause looking at the play
n '3” ins and nos and coinpar»
'tie players or today.
4. more athletes capa-
i‘. mum; the tempo or a game
‘;« t,.::‘ilerliv
l! l h 'llt'l't' seems to be a phi-
.c tilt} 'hat doesn t promote the
‘..i.:.it.le talents ot the players." he
l'K players have too many
~'l'.: ' 's plat-ml on their individu-
‘ ‘ es l'iie} look like robots in»
: .- thi gracetui‘ players that
.- i' “tell school
said he supports
.‘Hiit'lilllfl teams such as


‘s'i .' ILM',‘

r“ -.s

I saw: il..i:iill't'l.;\

.. ig-‘ovv'i s style ot play devel-
" indiudual talents

team con-
[K s recruitment
.lolillstmrlypt’ player
shim that the coaches

v v


'..r ':..i.iitaiiiiiig the

he \illl
".i' \IilLLlL




Steak Snacks
n Mortobok

Chinese Egg Rolls
Vietnamese Egg Rolls

scored a preliminary victory
Senate debate over militatv aid to El Salvador
despite a Pentagon disclosure thai l S. scrvr
iceinen have been under fire trom Salvadoran
guerrillas three times since Novembei

I’he (iOP-lcd Senate voted “272.1 dgdlnsl .i
move by Sen. Edward Kennedy. L)<\ILLS\.. to
require a declaration ot war or other congres
SlUlldl approval bctorc LCS. troops could be
sent to [fl Salvador or Nicaragua tor combat.

~.\ number of years ago this body gave a
Hank check to another president and there are
ihai." Kennedy said.

\“ 3F
Baptist Student Center 429 Columbia Avenue


Korean Snacks

Latin American Munchies

And More!


TV Available To Watch the NCAA Tournament

Sponsored by the International Student Council and Student Government Association

~ saturduzi March 3‘ 429 Columbia Avenue 1-5 BJII.
Call 257—2755 for more information!

must change their regressive play
for the progressive style ot today or
further endanger their lofty Top Ten
rankings "

These students
Wildcats attitudes
ketball team seem to have a very
overrated opinion of themselves."
Esters said "They seem to place
too much emphasis on vviiining. and
they seem to feel they should never
lose. which in this day and age. is
hard to do "

('herrie Andrevvs. a computer sci
ence freshman who is a tan ot t'l.
North Carolina State and Memphis
State L'niversity. said. "I don‘t think
the minor sports get enough recog
nition. especially vvoiiien s sports
At t'L minor sports get credit also
It‘s not all just I'l. basketball

Esters also said he feels there LS
too much emphasis placed on has
ketball “People go crazy‘ The)
'the ['K basketball team are
placed so much higher than every
body else.” she said

“We have no other athletic teams
according to the rest ot the vvorld '
Esters “There is a guy on the svvim
team who is sixth in the nation. and
nobody knows We fight over basket
ball tickets. and the swim team has
to put up signs for a svvim meet,
Esters said "Nobody seems to sup
port the rest of the teams here

do not like the
"l‘hey l'Khav

Kennedy‘s war declaration loses

(AP) — President Reagan

yesterdav in a

graves because ot





THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Friday, March 30, 19“ - 3





21E:— r















Altalta's. 557 S Limestone St Classncol mUSIC Saturday irom 8:30 to i0
p in

Austin City Saloonl Woodhili Plaza Charlie Dawson (country), tonight
and tomorrow 9 p m to I o in. 33 cover per person 55 ior couples.

Iottom Lino. 361 W Short St the Metropolitan Blues A|l~Stars (blues,
iazz) tonightond tomorrow 9p m to i am, 52 cover.

Iroading's. i505 New Circle Road. Doug Breeding and the LA. Bond
(country rock tonight and tomorrow 9 p m to i am. ”cover.

Cato LMNOP, 337 E Main St Vale oi Tears {punk rock), and Boat (experi-
mental dance music 9 p m to l a m 5? (over Every Thursday is Vale oi
Tears night 52(O’Jel

Camalot West, 176i Alenottdria Drive Axts 5rock} tonight and tomorrow.
9p m to I a m 52 (over per person 53lor couples

Chevy Chase inn, Eu'ltd Avenue Jo Turley [pop rock) Wednesday

through Saturday 0 p m iv ‘ 0 tr»

Cowboys, lSiS Russell C049 Road Uncle Li|0h (country rock) Monday

through Saturday 9 p m to l a m 52 (over Friday and Saturday.

Gringo's. 22S Southlar‘it the Tommy Collett and Ritchie Suther lcountry,
soft rock, tonight and tomorrow 9 p rn to i am

Hall's on tho livor, Athens Boonesboro Road Andy Rucker (contempt).
vary country, ton=gtrtovd tuitioltow 8 p m to Midnight

Hall's on Main, 735 E Main St Warren lulg and Kim Toliiver {contempo-
rary tonight and lOt'tLN'O-N at R p itt

in Pims Pub Nervous Melvrn
in Roots Ed

Hyatt Rogancy Hotel, in. rtqtur- Comm

earl, torlt ot'd to.


a"':i'=:1 'Jll")|’"\w ‘9 p m to l o m


Bale? taint, ti" w- 4t r. :ntana WHO“

Jottorson Davis inni Huh and tiviostmm streets idiot Savant

'3 it“) t' M‘

wave) in: Q"t 3"1‘w'tti "gr. (1 Ht $2rcver
Lynagh's. EU". in z A.“
tonight ha .0. i

’an 8 ant V‘IOlV‘Ul Boys swmg and tolls} b to 8

l'ih>‘ Du: zi/cn‘vtry Q 30 p m to l a m tonight and
tom: How 5‘“ ‘0'

Snare and the Idiots Ipunlr!
to i a m 52

Pralltown Cato, Phi ’i "1 L " (“V'AV’L‘ s'we's

plus a spt- ,3: our” ‘ 3w -)"“i"l ' Ind 'CVV‘UTrOw ‘3 30 p in

Radisson Plaxa Hotol, . m n I»: tw w 891' ts Hparthrob variety‘ tonight
opt“ tiJmnrv 9; t i .1”
_.,_. _ , _A_V,,,,,,,V____o_____l
h‘T“”‘“’T , . _.



Against All Odds
Rachel v‘iar 1 Juli 8'1ch -':'\.t l":"‘£>s Wends
Q 45 KEFNH 57A"NQ ’.

Footloose iti-

‘b‘y\lt"y r‘nnt "twgoc at attrierit Chichen ltza starring
FOyE‘"e Mall 2 430 7 l5

- ‘- ' , 'w» '3 am a rurxus at school in this adoles


cth ’C‘" 91y S‘attvo hwy! ht’xw'v )m’f John L.‘hgow Nor'hpark l35
3 40 S 45 ‘ ‘35 ‘3 SS " 35 and S'tu‘ttparl- please call 272 66” ior show
t mus KERNEl WAY'NC, .t

Graystoiio ROW," 9 :toutsm dots in the t‘ewes' adaptation oi the
ngat i? to Biz'tt‘uqta “aw latrart ‘ale lex‘rtgtort Mall 2 430 730
9 50 l? 05

Isa Pirates A ~11”: attiret»ttiv.- on _' Crossroads 2 3 50 5 45 7 3S
9 25 ii 05 Ni "t'pot- 2 05 355 5 5L 7 :15 Q '25 l‘ 20

Mlsundorstood ”(Vl’y I"mum owl Geno Hoclvriart star iexrngton
Mall 2 ‘5 1‘5 ‘41; w} “ 2“

‘twl‘w vimoms stats in this contemporary
Fayette Moll. Sat:

Moscow On The Hudson
comedy about uric mo- \ tottotattou oi rode-pendence
urday only at 7 45

Night of the Zombies Nc;
3 40 5 25 7 45
9 30

Police Academy A nvtiedy about the making oi a cop Steve Guttenr
Nortt‘pq.h ‘1 45 3-55 5 35 7 50 9 40 ll 40 and Southpark,
please (all the 'hpriter in showtcnes

9 30

Risky Business Tom Cruise and Rebecca De Momay in last summers
coming 0t uqe liltl' Fayette Matt l30 3 30 5 30 7 30 9 30‘

Racing With The Moon Ritps oi passage and Coming oi age are the
iomilior 'onits exp mod it\ this i-lm Sean Penn stars {Southpark please

"lQIt’nOViOn moiloble ‘Northpark 155
Yu'tland Mall l45 345 5 30 730 and

32".? H \ Linc

berg stars

Turilond Mall 145 345 530 7,30

Artothe' horror litck

(all theo'm it)! \tt-twtit' m

Romancing the Stone An uttmmure story starring Michael Douglas
and Kathewi lur'inr liir‘lond Mail 1 30 3 45 5 40 7 45 9.50 and Cross-
roads 745 3 40 5 35 ' 45 0450nd ll 30

Splash, A boy labs ti» «we w't" o mermaid Northpork iQO‘ 320
520 730 035 ll 30 and Southpark please coil 27262” ior show

Tank James Garner stars tn the story oi a man a boy and a large

pime at war ntaihinery ‘Northpork ‘i l5 3 25 5 30 7 40. 9,50
Sogthpork please (all theater lor showtimes ‘

Terms at Endoarmont Shirley Madame, Debra Winger and Jack Nich-
olson 5th n what cculd be the finest American movte oi the year it is a
story at relationshipk and the tribulations oi human extstence. (Southpark
please call the theater ici show times KERNEL RATING 9.

Untaithtully Yours Dudley Moore 5 latest eiiort as a musical conductor
with a iealous temper i 40 3 40 5 40 7 40 910,) KERNEL

ii 50. and

Fayette Mall

At the Worsham theater this wooliond: tonight, tomorrow and Sun-
day at 7:30 p.m.: Apocalypse Now Francis Ford Coppolas vision at the
Vietnam (onitirt

At tho Kentucky lhoator this wooliond: Today:

i 30 pm“ Under

Fire 7 00 Camelot to 15 pm Zelig Midnight, ”Eraser Head". To-
morrow l30 Sunday Bloody Sunday ’ 330‘Erasor Hood," 5:30,
Under Fire 7 45 Zelig 930 Gorky Park Midnight, "Monty Python
and the Holy Grail Sunday 200 Camelot " 530, 'Zolig," 9:45,
Gorky Pork









losonmnts and Oulldonstorn are Doad plays at 8 this owning and
tomorrow at the Studio Players on Boil Court. Student ratos or. 80.50 with
valid ID Reservations (an be made by calling the Studio Playors.




You Hruke \l) iii-art in IT Plant-s
Tracey l‘liman {WA Records

Bubble gum music is £ill\'t‘ and

Trace} l'llmiin 15 a carctullj.
packaged anachronism Not allit'v
tho days of the semi-immortal [A‘s
lé‘}‘ liurc has Lhc r'ddlt; been bleswd
uith it song as sweet and sultxhl)
liintK't‘nl a: "They Don‘t Kntm‘
and it \ breathing it little lili' intu
pup charts tilled Willi (‘ulturi- t'luh ~
suci'huriiii- androgui} and Van ”it
lt‘li \ litt‘létl»tlii~nit‘liil wliitc num-

’l'lii‘ tilltlilll opt-n.» \illli "Brczikd
\Hi} (i \llitpp) hundwliipping tune:
iiii\:iig gt \pt‘t‘ti} counti‘} hacklx-ut
\Aitl. chirp) hackgruund '.tt('dl.\ that

~wund its ll thc} li-apod \li‘ttlfilil
front it mid tits \lt)ltt‘.\ii wswiii
i-‘ruin 'hrrc on t Hum M.

Hum: .. 3‘ Plain :> it pupi'wk hi‘
tur} Although iiim' ill ttw
soiig> tii‘c tii‘iginal cumpmitium l j
lmnri mg» in and nut tit I'lilt‘.\} mu
>1cul \nicw in i‘Lhil} to it dcliuttiii'r
dues caching gmx Yb
4m 'Biihti} \ titri
\Hi} Thrrru-fih Li


\lli‘ \lltik> '1t_'."
clasnc tw-iingi»
di‘ciiiit vI' ridirttii llll\\ t‘tlilillit"t
1th guitar .’:!t\ r: ’lir' tild llilili .uzt:
thv Bcliiiiii f~ \’\lc l lliilcil. wur:

1 :‘zxr; t; .i-u"

ttikcs 11 um ".11.‘ . in

mg Bltiiidm- l.':i VAN" lHUl in"
li‘» \HUI' l’rwwiiu- limr l‘im w
\ul' :\li' iii; 'i» t‘ \ijfi'. \l..~’t‘.' 1‘
lllt‘ lll‘lEllitt. ‘~ 1: Hum: 1m
Llllw‘l‘ iUt’I‘lit' ."w r. ', Y‘til;

'i‘lic trim} \tlltL‘ Iiitv :~ 1 iii-cit

But (Mr limiw limit-«t \lt' ~ 1 Mn.
Itl)\illii> ch'l'nmii. 'lilil‘L .: uni t: l i
llllttl. ~pvml> 'rirmigt; win-i111 “U
l'ttt h {1 Y'Iili

him limll} n: tlii-xiwtii; _Uiii‘

sli't‘it'\ it". t slaliit' H'




livi" \ pup Nitrit‘l' 'lii~ ciuwr ;\ tw'
tci wtf - t; not 'rii.~.i.ti it:
crici-x m'tiw " .1: ‘mi .5: 1'
l.' i419. ‘ilr - \ft . ‘ " 'ln” 't
‘l'liot‘. lltri‘i ' KI tm . *it‘tt t {tit .

5r. gum“ tii'nit-hi'xi' pim'w intuit" '.-_'

it t.1fiit‘l‘ _illllt‘.ii.t'ltt‘ r). i‘i1: \‘i
I ii'nt”. it 't'wr-w it!» itiii‘ 1»
‘.i w lrxiwx l tiriniii \llll‘llll t 'i: f»:
in, in'ii‘rp. l‘i'iliiiit-litf‘r-j tit;

} ,

KEHNEL lit-\TlXt; 1—;

Both tlliil \iiul lm- ,lm r-ivtri \ t\ \l
l’ ”‘1” \ uni-cw



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tit vi" ’.'. r '.'t. lt‘xf'tti'zn-
' ’M’ ’ A' ' NJ I- “art"; H.’
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li\i{‘i l‘lilti i'

Morrow and Dorsey Orchestra: big band blues

ii) Ii\i{li\ i “ii i l \\l\
\X'!.\ l‘iiii’tli

Iltic Ht ilit' L’rt‘tiiw‘
ii’itili l.t‘\Ell;llUllldlL\ 1cm: i'K ~'ii
ilt‘lii‘ H :hc tact that '3, the int; wt
lottUi>\lllt‘ thcrv > tin tiutul in! Mt .,..'

\i'hnt (ill iiitcrcstiiig \mrd t Lil

turc \ic ittll tittix till h’llit‘o Ill ilit‘itli
iiig~ i.» that rathcr Ei'tilidlth‘ cart-gt»
i‘i/..itiiiii Hi what u, t5>t‘lllldll_\. ill'lx
huppciiiiigs lithlinit‘x cu

\i‘t'l't‘l5 txt‘pl

»\t tin} riitc \\ iti‘. thc liliilidllit
hustntil \iindiiig drmn .iI \cttti‘s
'i‘hcdti-r \iith lltlllllllt‘il .tllt‘lllit‘tli

gin-ii tu wmc (ll :hc iiinc pl't'nilt'i't‘
\wrlo itccui'i‘ing thcrc in lhh xxcck ~
Hiitiiiii ut tinw magazine tlicriw
still .i chiincc illi' tiiiihitiiim illt'
titi‘i‘gvtch tn \llik lht‘i?‘ tceth intit
play it that isnt tcmihli»
ltlmt‘u'l‘. tlti‘rcs ltliill>
playvd the host of a it} gone om ,\
member at the original Dorsey hri
gadc. conductor Budd) \inrrim
went about hiS husmess mth d laid



iluik MUM-1m t“ it- .l\ \utl; tlrmii
:.1\lll“'(t\ ‘9 in i't' t'¥\;illl‘ lli
\t'\t'l \r: .i huts i' : \Y.i7.i
tuiiiit- pint": ‘ "t 'wt';\"‘v
vl 1M 1:: . ~

\i"l"H\\ l' ,i (V n ".t m.
l.‘.fi- Vii _ -.. ,“ t‘l‘ ' \
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tin-st 322:? i: ' w \«'I ' i‘i1t‘l:.iti
ticiiticin,i: .! \. '; flnrwi \"".
.in .itm- 3mm. \t ' -_ in: l' it t .\.1\
t'lt'di’l'» WW ‘1! "it I "i t‘\ ’l'if '.".t ,i‘.

liH'lll'i‘ t'dL‘t‘ii» ;.\ "t: \~ \l- rrr '.\
tililltllllltt‘li i‘ in 'r.: 1 - ‘m.’ n
li‘i‘l‘ilti‘. il'lt’l’\ i'i:
lit‘ili'ti llii'ltltL‘iu .' ‘ .t
trig tuind mum i'
\l)lt‘ tutti i..l\1l' 1‘
clinic \Klit'l' '.'ii- '

gynpx Him»: '~
littIiM' '\ T.‘.i;t
iiipsuliituig 'llt‘
"'t‘ \\\IYlL i-i.i

lillit\t"l .i luv

tiridilirl} ictiii'fl " »' lititLlic
“hicl‘. iii.iii.igi~ii ‘ p' 'i’lt‘ ‘nc dud:
i'iii't‘> titi‘t Zip; 'u t: it Hig'i'tx
Hi'ildll\\.t\ '.i'.I‘Y ‘m \tikll ti~
\‘t'lltil \M‘ int my: 2.2. mm; ‘lit‘
lllllklt‘hl iii: ' mg :‘i i~ .. \ t‘hiii'iis


Linc .iiid N's-ti \ lr‘h’ \t‘\\ \wz'n
'.\t‘.'t' twrfvtrftli-d .\ 't ".m' g: 1 i
Hill t'i Nllit‘hi lvt‘tl'ifi' iit"\:".\ '_ x
.L' 'iltr'firfl , now"
V . ‘.t..' 1‘ 'nt‘ ‘ t i-



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.it‘ tilit‘i‘flit‘tifi'” “‘ it 1' \r .«t
1m: 1 iimkc mistikcx

l‘hcrc 'i‘ tiiiztc it in 'x .-
Ltifit'lflt‘ilh \i‘lit‘t‘i‘iin‘ii ‘ " ”it -

f".,i;t‘.iivt‘ Ht 'hi' tittilr” ~ w.i~i' I' it

.ir.\unw i‘i'iiznfi-l‘. "E't"t‘\'r~3 ' 4v

{1'}: Nut tit ‘tmn .t i: 53‘. “l.'
\hituld l'l‘ittli‘.
"tcriv :~ illHllilliL‘ tit :riitix' liiu rm:
.l l't’lilitl‘h'tilllt‘ 1m '2 '\ 'hii‘ \

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\litl\\t‘.\i 14nd ~lit>uitt dvtzni'i-l} fr it
{up priiir't} »it' '

.ir‘.\iti:i-~ iixt it:


‘\ S‘tnilllfl til‘ 17' 'T'ir

.'. ' ‘ "t

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I'w it"lllil\lil\.ll\l.li3 i’hilh.iriiiiiiiii

Itt-mwtiJ .\ ’~ 'It’” ’ ’f‘..~
\. .7‘ 2.1. \':‘I ' i' “
. -: ; \c.1....i" Mitiut'
\.-"‘.;.’:.>~ lit-wt 11V
l‘lr\u~ \ilillt‘ Tht'dit‘.‘ \ph ', .:Z -

1" “ "i
. . ,. .,t

mi'tf le9'.‘tl."l Sf



"i. r if smut"

Hun r111." :
L t
imn l'.i\(lli.ilt‘ {\r‘i-xivizi‘ir
‘ win-rd


{w ‘ltt‘ ki‘.’

\\‘ '\ .il \t' \Llr. —



ll.i\c Bruin-iii int: t..-ir\ \lulliimii
.\ pd“ 1»: 'lto- \lnkfl} il.i.’.‘ \N‘iw
\p' i, '- .17
iiuddx Rich and his Hand u' tic thc
i rhc Big Band sc
:“im nr \pi'. 5' .i’ r. p :7. Tickcts ith‘
Sit in iiitd s", ‘vt- licscruitiuns \dl‘i . .
YIL.1tit' lt‘i .i.l i'xe‘ttls in calling *hc

>.’mk\ \ct‘iii't‘ titt‘ fltt' \FT5 tit


hl’ Y“


'.'.i' .t"1'it‘l Ht‘ .r:


Grace Jones breaks another barrier in ‘Barbarian’ sequel

Mi-IXH'H (‘iTY AP (it'dk't‘
Jones" thc turmor model who “pm
from disco diva to punk quccii l\
making her major motion picture-
debut iii a role that fits her andriigi
nous. iiiird-as‘leather imagc

Shi- plays Zuia. mercenar} \idl‘
rior Sidekick to bodybuilder Arnold
Schwarzenegger. in the sequel to
“(‘onan the Barbarian “

"I wanted to do films from the
very beginninl. but i wanted to do it

in} \MH llic 'izwtrn \li'lL't'l tit-tic“
mid in .it: il:lt'l\lt'\\ Nil ‘hi- liltt\lt' ~
wt hcri' l didii: think i \hilliltl
~huck m_\ l.lll.\ \\lll‘.1illlldlt'lidligt‘

For thc mmtc ‘lillit'fi hair rc
mains in tlic timi-ti'npu-d tint tnp
she has tti\nrt-d ut ldit‘ 1 is shaved
hack tritm hcr t‘dl'x “ht‘rl‘ ti liiiv nt
ri‘d vuir paint marks iii-r scalp

iier costume l\ .l l‘t'\’(‘£illn£ loath
or tunic, (Hid \