xt72z31nk56r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72z31nk56r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-11-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1979 1979 1979-11-12 2020 true xt72z31nk56r section xt72z31nk56r C i
v ixxn N «2 Ker e] Unlvmtti of Kentucky
Miivdby. Noveiiiber II. I979 an Independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
_ “
Shows no gambling-related transactions
R | d t t h o conflict of interest for Brown
By MARIA BRADEN they might show. among other things. following his election last week. .Hti alsosaid‘rcleitsing tht‘ details (if over the period and $I76.000 in state However. the US. lax Code
Associated Pressmiicr gambling transactions and business lirovvn agreed to give this reporter hth “WHICH” Sttuultt’" "‘lgh‘ lead ‘0 ”A?“ .. permits ”‘9 dCdUCI't‘“ 0' “311“an
dealings with unsavory “gun.“ contplcteacccsstohis returnstoverity crank calls or extortion threats. . lhey also confirmed Brown‘s losses only to. the extent that a '
LOUISVILLE. Ky. Gov-elect Ihe returns showed no transactions ilic accountants‘ summary. However. ”“0 0' M1003 allegations during statement ‘0 ”I!“ reporterthat he Pa'd taxpayer 38”“ lrom “mm”
John y_ Brown Jr.‘s tax returns. while related to gambling activities. but the ht- stipulated that his accountant. the campaign was that the returns no state taxes for three years because transactions. In other words.
far from being a complete picture of federal tax code permits deductions of James Ratclil'fe. he present and that would show that Brown was. ntit as “I federal tax deductions and husmt‘fit gambling “It‘ll." “Wild "0t Show UP
his financial situation. indicate no wagering losscs only it a person gains specilic numhcis not be published good a businessman as he claimed to losses. . on a tax return unless the indiyidual
apparent conflict ofinterest with state front similar transactions. __ l h~ _‘ . th I th‘ _ h b0 I Another Wit-‘0“ If" ”I“ apparently won more than he '0“
government. Brown rcltiscd throughout the , ”H "t” it “”‘t- ”I It“. 1“ However ”w review olthe returns low amount ol Kentucky taxes isthat Much ol the income and losses
Brown agreed to let this reporter gubernatorial campaign to make the embarrassed about. RENEW" m‘m showed that it would take extensive I“““‘" has. ”WNW heavily I“ “~5- reflected ”I thc'returns Cémt‘ lrom
review his federaland state returns for returns public. “Mug they would be interview. but I dont want to put ‘ .. ‘l ‘. ‘ ) B vwn‘ btisiri M lrcasury hills. which are not taxable business'transactionslorwhich Brown
the last ll years to verify that his distorted h) ”k, Republicans and that myself into the gossip column. tttfit‘tt‘t _t I“ t I“. I b 'vnd ih by Kentucky or any other state. ‘ already is well known. such as the sale
business dealings pose no conflict. it would serve no public good. He said there is no reason lor the transactions . .60”? ‘ i)“ . I lhe returns showed notransactions of Kentucky ’Fried. Chicken and
.. - - . . . . . . x . . 4 . ”mm“ and l"~‘"'t~“r“‘ “ntcudmlm related to ramblini stocks 0 transactions i volt h. h ..
Browns Republican opponent in BLIOI’L the May l)tmoti.itic public to know how miichalimony he returns to make a judgment about _ '5. ‘ L. r . . n ing is hr.“
the general election. I.ouie B. Nunn. primary. llrown did release a hl'lth has paid his former wile. the amount h“ httsint'ss-m‘tn'tgcntcnl skills gambling “C“V'ltt‘s Wlt'h tht‘ only PTOICSSIOMI basketball teams. Ihe
had attempted to make Brown's summary of his retains prepared by of loans he has made to his father or ‘ ' ” ‘ ‘ " apparent “WWI"? being ‘Browns returns @159 Showed Brown has
refusal to release his tax returns a his accounting firm. ('oopers & what he has contributed to charity. for Iht‘ t‘t'tttrns show that Brown paid purchascand 33"? 0f $100k tn( hUrChIII invested In orl drilling venurcs and in.
major campaign issue. Nunn said that Lyihrund. example. more than Sit million in federal taxes Downs In I969. muntCIP‘di bonds.
__ 40 Iranian students
. a .. r -. agains a BOVGI'
' ‘ ' _.. i‘ By TERRI DOYNE average American doesn‘t know
'35.. ' I ~. . :".="=.‘fjl‘_:§-":_ j? ,5: . , ”the pawn" and about."
% It " ' 7 CARY WILLIS He said the shah should not have
A ‘ , 55% _ 5;: Managing Editor been admitted to this country. if the
' " " ,_ . i. ' if "'_ government was actually aware of the
2 ' ”5% ._ I...” w Last fall. eight Iranians and three circumstances and sentiments in Iran.
" ”7 m ., Americans were convicted of The US. Embassy in Tehran had sent
,- f" ~ ‘ ' _,»'..;'” disrupting a speech by CIA director a letter to Washington. denouncing '
/ 1 1- Stansfield Turner at the Student the shah‘s admission because it would
‘ v2 Center in April. I978. jeopardize the hostages‘ safety. he
.g' ‘ . 7 ” They were protesting alleged CIA said.
I? %é%i% ‘- .. :3 involvement in Iran. criticizing the Some Iranian students don‘t View
" a " °-° » g 5 «a? * 3 US. government and denouncmg the the embassy officials as innocent
’ V’ %'1 “’53,, 'g ' j ,1: regime of Shah Mohammed Rcza bystanders.
" ’ " ' %’ _. ‘ 9 . ' , Pahlavi as a “puppet rule." “Americans react as though they
. » ' » ..- ‘ ' ~ I "I“ i “J _ ,i- .g For months following. protests don‘t know what their government
. ..,.__:.I:‘ .2. ‘ I, 1. ‘1 occurred periodically around the UK did. Those hostages aren‘t totally
" a g ' ’ ‘ N” campus as the Iranian students and innocent.“ said senior Reza Sabet.
.‘u . ‘ - lg ;  _ their supporters demanded the release “They are experienced anti-
m“ ‘ _ i ofthe eleven jailed. revolutionists. and the Iranian
g | . ,. .311; ,. , My l; . {W Since that time. the shah has been students took these particular
,, ff,§;;i'.;_f_j .. ~ .. ., “° / " w“ overthrown and replaced by 79-year- knowledgable hostages."
' a? """" ' -‘ ' . ‘ y ., ‘ old religious leader Ayatollah Sabet said that three days beforethe
3’ ("Am I‘MDI‘RS/Kflm'm" Ruhollah Khomeini. siege. Khomeini‘s soldiers arrested
'80 d What a amel’ Across the United States. many of some of the hostages who held
y I g ' the 50000 Iranian students on visas documents. tapes and letters with
are standing Up in support of the information on Iranian air force and
Former Kentucky Gov. A.B. "Happy" (handler. a member of tits “ildcats' victory Saturday afternoon in Nashville. Tenn. For details on recent siege on the US. embassy by military bases as they were attempting
Board of Trustees. congratulates senior linebacker Lester Boyd for the [K 's'29-Itl win over Vanderbilt I'niversity this weekend. see page 7. students in Tehran. to leave the country,
The majority of Iranian students at George Potratz. a former UK .
. . a UK. however. are maintaining a low assistant English professor and one of ,
Mini-Master wants facu/ local Involvement '
I Efforts to Contact the Iranians at Turner‘s speech. agrees with Sabet.
arrested last year was difficult; some “It‘s very highly probable that the
were students at other colleges and embassy is a center of espionage » .
By KATY BANAHAN "We‘ve also sent letters to \pCcliIIl/ijd lht‘ Rape ('iisis ('cmci INHCiIINl been courses tnmhing spccial materials most are now back in Iran according possibly for a counter-revolution." he
Reporter student organizations likcihct hlllcsc risked to participate in Mini-Mester. cost more than those imolting only to University sources. However. the said. '
Student ()rganilation and the I‘risbce “We‘veasked(theorganilationslio infittUCtotS‘ fCCS- The fees currently feelings ofothcrlranianstudents here. Potratz said he thinks the US.
The UK Mini-Masterprogram.w'ith Club to see it they might teach a conduct informative classes for the range from around 85-330. most of whom are majoring in civil government has been doing whatever
its enrollment doubled from last course." students. Maybe they can provide "'Ihere‘s thought being given to engineering. were expressed withlittle possible to return the shah or one of '
spring to over 400 students. will "W . r y, .. ‘ h‘ I y _ some services that students aren't charginga nominaltet‘ at registration reservation. his supporters to power ever since -
expand if it succeeds in getting local C mt {Ing’m Fiji-stint“; “ “I“: aware of." Black said, so that the program can be more self— Rahman Abdolzadeh. a junior. Pahlavi‘s overthrow. “And (former ,
artists and organizations and UK iii?Shiitgimsminiim thNCZPEnE; \th . , ‘ d h, supporting." he said. disapproves ofthe siege. but supports Secretary of State Henry) Kissinger .
faculty involved according to Bonita ‘l _ . 5 ‘ fg. hlri ‘ + y” [”15 ‘ “I, “mad” “I” cm“ I” ‘ ”9 Ihe liniv'ersity provides most ofthe the students‘causc. “It is not righttthe feels that anything isjustificd to keep 7,
Black. Chairman of thc SCB Mini- $85595. ‘1 gfroupo 1"“ stuff?“ d" LOUNS- classroom facilities for Mini-Mcstcr siege). but it‘s logical that Iranians the 'free world” ._. essentially
Mester Committee. a group 0 language classes. Black David Muem. graduate ‘student courses; most classes meetonceaweck want the shah back he‘s killed so American imperialism. The US. i‘
The current Mini-Mestcr program. 5813' ‘ ‘ . ll \ ' . g . “9‘1“": 1” ”I“ M B Mm"MNer in the Student Center. many (people). government supports fascism.“
started '35! spring. is a mics of low- ' .mmig' 2.0.! ai mums om ht (ommittce.saidstiitlenisarciittractcd “Most classes haven't needed “It‘s up to the U.S.to send the shah Potratz said he thinks the US. ‘.
cost. non-credit and usually non- Cdugm'm ‘ s I “m m [ht program how's“ 0’ u” unique anything extravagant.“ MUCCi said. back.“ Abdolzadeh said. “He isn‘t government would like to see the old V.
academic courses sponsored by the “We havea lady that waiiistoteach "am” The tentative schedule for this American property.” regime reinstated because the Iranian »
UK Student Center Board. a massage class.“ she said “I hate no "I think basically students want to Spring's Mini-Master registration is (Iranian students in Tehran have economy “was dependent on the
Recruiting tIK faculty is her top idea what category that one would be learn a skill or deyelop an interest they Feb. 4-8. and end before finals week. been holding 65 American Embassy United States."Hesaidtheshahled an I '
priority for Mini-Mcstcr at this time. in.“ can‘t get in the academic Next semester's Mini-Mestercoursc officials hostage since Nov. 4. extremelyrcpressivegovernment. with '. .
Black said. Increased community involscmcnt environment.“ Mucci Sltld. “Students ottcrings are not definite yet. said demandingthe extradition ofthcshah. its interest centered on a small ruling -
“We‘ve sent letters to the faculty in the program is also agoalaccording want to learn something different for Black and Mucci.Students and faculty who is in New York receiving class. '-
asking ifthey hav'ea hobby or interest to Black. She has sent letters to local pleasure without the pressures of members who want more specific treatment for cancer.) However, Potratz said he is ' .
they would like to teach a (Mini- artists and craftsman inviting them to grading.“ information should contact SCB at Abdolzadeh said he hopes no harm genuinely concerned about the safety fr '
‘ Mesterl course on or if they know teach Mini—Mestcr courses. The cost of attending Mini-Mcster 258-8867. or come to 203 Student comes to the American hostages. but of the American hostages. “The last
some one that would.“ she said. local service organizations such as courses varies. Mucci said; those Center. he saidthere is “a lot going on thatthc comma“! on ”"4
Oda! state Sponsored by the Communist Workers Party. the parade He Slid he won” not besatisl'ied iftheshlh were FXINIIMIO .
. honored the live persons killed last weekend ina“Death tothc another country. and even ifthc shah dies inthe United States. .
A 54 \IIIIIO‘V using “any“ ,t pmttdtngmtgrm“ Klan" rally. The fifth person will be buried today in South Iran would still hold a trial. “because it is the Americans we .'
, campus illittllld the Iron (’amphcil Army base south of Ilopkinsvillc. Carolina. want ‘0 judge [0" the" misdeeds." ’.
Ihc system. replacing one that dated to I942, .g-xnmcthtng With a “state of emergency" in effect. police obtained a _
'. ADVANCE REGISTRATION for the Spring scmcsici wonderful" formilitary and L‘I‘lIIHn aircraft sinceit providcsa blanket search warrant to stop and search any vehicle or _ _
begins today and runsthrough Wednesday..\iov 2|.Studcnis wider spectrum of control. said It. (of John McCurdv. individual in the Greensboro area. and combat-equipped ISRAELI AUTHORITIES JAIL“) the influential Arab .
who are currently enrolled should meet with their college commander of the ('ampbell Army Airfield. ' National guardsmen. state and local police lined the paradc's mayor 0f Nlbhtt in the occupied we“ Bank yesterday “hm
adviser to register for classes. The new radar system will enable monitoring crews to tt‘Utt- the government prepared I lcgnl case to deport him.
handle tour aircraft at a Ilmt'. providing “good quality. safe Mayor Bassam Shlkn. an Influential Palestiniln leader
monitoring Lonttol up to .i distance of 300 miles." said wor‘d opposes Israel’s settlements policy Ind. llmtled autonomy
. TICKETS ron TIIE ELIE-WHITE St‘RIMM.\GE. m \IcCtirdy. Ilie system it one of only four in the Armv. The PM“ i" the We" 5"" °“"° “rd“ RW- ‘
be played Wednesday night at it pm. in Memorial ('oliseum. others serve the Washington area. Iiort Ruck. Ala. and Fort IRANIAN STUDENTS CHANTIIVG “Death to the A0517 9'0"!“ were "20"“ throughout ”‘9 ""-
. are on sale today from 9 a m. to 4 pm at the outside ticket Ilood. chas Americans!" scaled a fence and poured intothe US. Embassy inhabited by 700-000 Palestinians. -
i r offices at Memorial Coliseum Ihc Iori (‘ampbcll base airticld is the largest ol the Army‘s garden in Beirut. Lebanon. yesterday in support ofthe eight~ f
' Student tickets. 53 cash with a four per person limit. are A'rzti'ih dav-old cmbassv takeover in Tehran. .
- being sold aithcwindowsonthcright Il(Itt.'IinIl Itit‘ P'II‘ll‘t , I he 40 Iranians burned an American flag and‘chanted WOOtI‘IOI' v
.‘ $4 each. are at the left windows natlon slogans for abouitwo hours untilSyrian peacekeepingtroops. i
' Tickets remain for the NCAA Mid-cast regional to be held swinging clubs. routed them in a bloody melee. .I
t in Rupp Arena in March I~u|l~time students may purchase ABOI T 350 DEMONSTRATORS IN GREENSBORO. In Iran. Ayatollah Khomeini‘s new foreign affairs . , '-
. '. tickets at the ticket office inside Memorial (oust-um V1 . wheeled the Collins of tour slain communist actmsts to spokesman declared "no compromise. no negotiation” on the CLEAR AND COLD TODAY “I" I0“ "I II“ "PP" 20“ ';
, Wednesday is the last day to obtain tickets their times in a steady rain yesterday embassy stalemate there. Highs mid to upper 40: both today and tomorrow. “

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006“! MCDIIIH Marl Cru- PIU Mm "loll” (‘llli John (‘Ily Gu London
KB T ’ '
Editor in (‘htrj Steve Mm, .Rkhud McDonald Enlulammrni Editor Spurn Editor Director of Photograph
Anor‘ialf Editor: (‘lndy McGee _
(or) “flu- Kitty Stephen- (‘ynthln DeM-mn Irlui Rickerd Dlvld Maynard
Managing 13‘4”“, Lhn D 0! (‘apr' Editors AI.r.ri.uanl . Amman! Spom Editor Photo Manager
[MI/“n.0, E III,” tnwrlarnmmi lzdtror .
Jay Foam
. o 0 (umpm Ldilor T i
. d t l & mmcot ~-- I...
e I “la 5 CO 5 Special Editions liduor '
___—__—______. *”"*‘-~_’_—_'W m
. I \ ,s ~ 1
' ' f i Tillllls tie Motivate? serene l III .
Scholarship Winner . , BrriiON on he m can. . s
V M‘s ‘ 0' Q ’\ x/J . * '
I ' i '. I,“ » --' - » ¢ - V i
I; / .I . 4, I' :3; ks ;
. 3/ its ~ . I _ . l--' .
k»/‘ R . \ - i h nl ' I
fi/V rm l P I 'I ~ I
<7 .‘wrr. . .. 177/ . o \ .
leon Shadowen. l K starting otterrsiy e guard. \\ .rs llre lite ol a scholar athlete is by no means an easy " (If/(f (I: ; .' o A / .A
. recently awarded one ol l I postgraduate one. a steond reason Sliadowen's accomplishment is .I ,I I 9'. J ’ 3%.; ‘/ \ “ , s '
scholarships presented by the National ltltllh;lll impressive. Shadoweri says he a\er'ages three to lour \ , 3.77/14‘:‘“>lf=.r , , I/.I :< [I II; . .
foundation Hall ol lame lhis is noteworthy from a lrotrrs .r day studying. "which I‘d say tsabout the same I /. I. [/50. ‘ .‘. ‘ tllll . l v 2 , I . I I/ 3
number 01 ‘ldlldpslllll‘ amount ot tirrie I spend on lootballwhenyou consider I I. I I ....’ . Ilsa: t / I I II
. . . . II I . I .’ ,' l '
l‘rrst olt. lootball pla\ers aren‘t usually espeeted to everything the meetings. weightlifting and all. 1 III ,I 4.3 I. *t' 011“" / , -. Is
\ i I ‘I. ‘ .t. I . , .
r ' ' ‘ i ‘ ‘ it It llll"\ th.r' . I I ' \‘t'lii .' . . .9 4 i
hs \‘hl‘Ihihd'hts “lh‘l‘l‘ IlhI“ 'I‘ "‘ II‘ lI'» t‘ It Shadowen had a strong esampletolollow at lIlsin K's: {”3th 293% -‘/ e , -' .' .-
I ‘I “ 't‘ - y; iitI'i'. tr r.<.. I . _ . i ic/’ ‘ . ~ :3 ‘
tootbal p tyerstor trin\ st It; trsrip i L esI t I the person ol .lrm Kovach. who played lootball here g? I’mgv) . '1', ( . v» . I i p- I
4 . 'e ‘ t . rtra l’l » 'illl '. . . . . . .-. .s ‘..I ,1 ‘ I, :7 _- , /.
matttrl. ‘” dual: '0‘ ‘ “I 1‘ l l l k H U twt last year w lrrle attending medicalschool and rarsrnga III -. I'ngf-I1Mrifl g s . _- n. - ,- .‘.\"‘.' I ~
. . -' 'e; r .. r- iir't'Irtir um i ‘. I. . . . . . ~. ,.v" . ‘s , ; ’6‘. I- 3- ‘I, , — t
. slhd 1‘” t‘lIl.‘ ”l‘l‘lbi'd‘” ‘ "I‘ ”‘II lb II“ ti ‘ l lamtty. lsoyach is now with the New Orleans Saints. , ‘ ‘ . WP' ~ “K ~I . \ up 2r_ .. I. J -- '» r- .-
- ‘ . ‘ ‘\3 ‘ ti Ht It ora‘ ice .lllt . , -.L s C. has?" -- . .eng t: - ,«T‘w- , .
mm “m“ ”“N kl ‘ ‘qu (l ( ‘tb H l L ll Both Slradowen and lsoyach ably demonstrate the 1, w. \..~ ‘1” <3; .5 -. 5 .i ‘WI ‘
r . r‘ r .r x \ *r\ *w oo a ayerse\ce . . .’ , I . .I m. . ‘ ‘.' ,, .- .
”NIH“ “II HIWPIL L ~ L t' p” ' ll I itelrte\ements a dedicated athlete and student cart ~ l II/ . \ , .2. --*,‘ WEI/“I A 3'";
‘ "t ' ‘.'r\, Hitst“.’tstltl rses ecta yetitytig . .. , . I. .3 , . I_._ -. :- . II
‘1‘“ mm “- l l ll L (ll t ltl‘ l'b ll ‘I iittarn. Both set ltneexampleslor‘lulureathletcsatthe / \ , .’. “xx 2- . t. l x, ’ . »
‘ i ‘l‘;'ltlll“l recur ‘Il eor . . -. '. ‘. .« . _‘ ;. . i ‘
[I‘lwm‘ “‘0“ I“ i l L H k i l rrr\ersity and throughout the nation. - , I ‘ -~ ', ;s-\\ ‘\ ‘ , ‘ .
Shudowen . - - a'jI'. .* ‘I "2' r '.'\ I
Shadowerr. to his ltltlr \CLtl' as .tl K lootbatl player l eon Shadowen claims it is all a matter ol scttrrg ‘ ‘ ‘ g: I NINA“ I} I ..
' . . , . . . , t, I ~ t. I ' ".26“ I
(He was redslttrted tn l9" i. is currently enrolled lll priorities lor yoursell. lhe l.‘nr\crsity ol lsentucky W“ , - Go .I m7“ 1“ . 4/0/1’.’
law se-lltitll .rt tlte l rrr\ersrty. He was graduated irIIrrr urn be very proud ol the priorities l.eon Shadowen I . . x \ \ d I‘ , ////0 . I
the (‘ollege ol Business and licononrics with It 1.") its has set hitnsell. He's done his school and himself ""II'l'I‘Th'i’I'h‘Mi‘l . o , ». I7 31/1 ,WM/ I NIX/I” A i
an accounting mator‘ proud. ’ " VI, II ,. ,// ////I/ c/ I.I
4” “The \cws and (hunter
W / ' . \rJIKl'IDVIOG try. A 'IMCS Stud-(air: . I g
. lsII ’ F- . » ’h t.
pt "A'II/ if-finwli' . " I.
II. "fi_.\ltqmp\."" 3:
\'.:.i‘)’1'i-It‘:1:E!I;-% . 3
‘iqlfi it a... i
V _ r 1..“ T .- ‘
‘." sixth??? . . . , , .
.4QI I. M3 33" T. . fl National l‘ootball l-oundaitort and particular piece pertormed no matter
:4‘34wkflLI. I £3.41. Imlng 0 Hall ol l‘ame as one ol ll athletes in where it was performed. But srrice l ‘
/ ‘I. r..."~.-u_ ’ . . . . . . .
I z’m‘yf AME. l‘ollowtng the kernels religious the nation lor' the scholar-athlete had neither seen nor heard amthrng
" ,I , L . . ~ , .
‘l‘.\-.'w 'Jufll ‘ serres.there lime been se\eralletters of award. abotti the perlormanee trntrl ‘-
figfifi?‘ h. protest coneerttingthe classification of leon is a graduate from the (‘ollege 'l hursday. l was imable to attend the
N ' r/i. T'FLI'Q?‘ the Church ol .lesus (‘hrist and l.atter- ol Business and Economics. and is performance. A second obstacle in my .
’{IT 1.?“ ' :51?“ iigh-‘tIig' Day Saint.s as “tron-Christtan." now a second semester law student. attending the "Requiem" was the .
44‘}? Ilifij).%f "trig.“ .1» These letters reminded me of an AP We. in the l‘niyersity community and manner ot ticket distribution. .As "
46‘” . (a): $3.1.) .b. ‘ ll. ”OI story I read in my hometown paper especially the law school. lecl the need always. the \'ll’s recehed tickets first .
III - '-t P 2:43th - “—4. ‘1: ‘35.;- - _ '- . seteral summers a ,o concernin' the to acknowledve his accom lislimeni and the students 'ot what was lelt ,-
’- In hr \; tU'li‘. 4, 9’th o, +Q$7 . ,. l.- E E. P . h . I .
'hh'yrftii'i”/3N€Ihlifif ( Empiyr ”('13P 3 ’ ‘15“ /‘v,‘ Mormon larth. and to publically express our o\er. l think that the students ol the .
- , t“ "'~— : -' .. ‘.“ I' . . .
.41“ flSflQN'E-lt-A; 7'; i"&‘ “‘ wf‘é‘li‘ 5;") yiar. Apparently. the leaders ol the congratulations. lnrtersrtv should ha\e an equal
4'7"? ‘ l a ‘. [l I “l ‘ I‘ wt 1" - . I ‘ ' . . .
i' . $2.3m. ”FR-g; ')/,— LLEII-Tj ‘l‘i-llg K‘s. Mormon church had just recened a chance to attend tuncitons at the
“‘ltl'i'“ islés'él‘b‘; ‘é 4; r" law 5'4"!“ h :.:‘K€S2ll'iih;l§'fi$ 57’0“, revelation trom (iod. He had re\ ealed Joe Zarranz l'ni\ersity.
‘ -.' t ’ ,|"I-i:_I -_“ It II,. m-I_ .' "z‘ I, . . i _ . . . . .. .
\-—'\"Z‘J‘-:i’n7fi‘l;:  "t-‘aift't‘Cflé ;§ Llurk/lWilli/rim. ctr; .siL‘ . L'fifiasirrf‘ig to them that it was now okay tor a ( hrls Lilly lhe students are the lrrtversrty. '
I—\ _ ‘fi'tm'flwli‘ fi- fllm.) . ‘14:.“ . t. “H . Inuit-5: ) .‘I‘I hitch"eUZ‘laiiviw'"7 2/@ black man to preach the doctrine ot Second year Law students 'l hey support the lI'niyersity withthetr' II
$1: ‘I‘J‘nLLE-Wn 6% £431.24?” ‘l‘ r’r‘Iiéu-iUJfJ-L’lkrimrgl)!‘ \v their church. tuition money. Also it seems that ‘
. '2. *.‘ s: .1 _ -..I III ‘~—- . .' - . , . .
.7. Ie‘g J. ..~ trio‘s 3331711,” -_-I _I;I;él. I‘x/I’\ /VZJ')U‘7£( ll) {3 One can imagine the incredible Help workers people who were in any was corrected
. Ii‘ \l - ‘;’:_I -..I- _. ..' L. "‘-.I'\"‘ . , I ' '
91" 2'45“") § 3752‘“ r7/JXR'I“ 21.3 .‘I‘( hm; KW 7’fl2’uyJ * I 5 sense ol relief that swept the blacts to an art-related department had I T
' was” :I ‘ " ' " 4‘" ’3 Nu- . ‘ 0' \ ‘ C “ ‘ "‘l ' i. ‘ r "9 community. lheir prayers had been lam writingto ask loryour lrelpon priority on tickets. 'l here are people -'I
. THE ACHILLES SYNDROME answered. (iod had i‘c\ealed to the behalf of 45.000 menand women who like nryseif who are not art-related I"
Mormonsthat a black rrran could now are fighting miserable wages. majors but are interested in and 3'
preach His word. lhere was wild intolerable working conditions. and appreciate music itrst as much as _.
itrhilation in the streets. lhe Mormons the gross denial of their basic human anyone else. As an undergraduate. | '
0U we re y on nuc ear power had beeometlie Branch Rickey oftlreir rights. lhey arethe workers ol‘thell’. took three music courses as electtyes. i .
time. Stevens ('ompany. our nations In two ol these classes. the "Requiem“ '
7 I object not so much to the second largest textile manulacturer. was studied. .
or a] I 0 our ener ‘ or not classification ofthe Mormon doctrine Stevens. which operates 85 plants. In the future when the lfniversity
. as “Christian" as l obiect to the most if which are located in North and sponsors specialevents | hopethey will i
tr1 ls try to ( 1mm m~ r rrt I k b k h' I it w tht I“ l remedial nature ol that laith. l'heir' South ('arolina. has treated its at least advertise it to the students a f
I. L' i' . l\\l \ it lilr- ‘ ' ' ‘ " 1 . ‘_ ‘,. . . . I _ . 'e
L , l ' l i m. \L m 5 “6.. to k hm “u m p ”.5 l n. ml“ . _ intentions are good but therrttmtngts workers in a manner more few days belorehand.gi\estudentsan -
to the lresrderrt on the llrree Mrle' tolerable limits, \\ rttt.theresmore. ()l Clit€50l more « - ‘ . , . . . ~ -I . o .. , . I . . I- ., ‘
. . .. . . .. .. I , . . . a little olt. characteristic of the | tli century than equal chance to obtain tickets and do .
lslIrrrd accident seems to straddle the l think that sentence is key than -00000 population. one has 3 h.10 h l h' ,- .' *d' l' .. - ' h‘ b' -_ ' '
root qUL'sllti'l \hoirld weorsltotild we becausetrkenmth‘contest rtth‘rest nucle'rr l'int within l0 miles and I0 t L.“ l ' .[ “ZN mf“"““,”‘ d po '9‘” not discriminate on I ‘ ‘1‘“ I‘ll jI
' ' ‘ ‘ L ‘ ‘ t '. ‘ p‘ . . ' . Michael ('. Wilson rabid antt~unronrsm. illegally trrrng student‘s or laculty member's mator .' '
not rely tor part or our energy on ot the report and the commissions hayc nuclear plants within 20 miles. .. _ . _ . . . . I . .. . . . ' ’ '
. . , I . . . ,_ . . hrst tear Law student and harrassingemployeessuspected ol area. 5 .
nuclear power recommendations. it constitutes a red So rt we are to “keep risks within ' holding pro-union sentiments When I; .
lhttss‘ \sltt' litm‘ ulmid} mud: up light tor tuttrre nuclear reactors and tolerable limits" we are going to hate DI - t d the union has beeniyoted in htevens Debbie Fraim ;’
their minds that nuclear power is an mlcrs that some which are already in to shut down and dismantle a great ISBppOln 8 has either closed down the. 'it'tected Social Professions raduate student s}
“mm“ in‘urmwm ‘” our energy operation thUId be dismantled. many plants. depending on what “C We were disappointed Mond'rv pl'ints or simply refused to bargain in i H i g i '53
tuture cite the tollowrng. _ _ delin‘ as “ma'or y u - ti) ‘r. " _ . . ‘ ' ‘- ‘ ’. . ‘ - . ' . v
From ”W “port ‘ \lhch hasl birch liaidn C:?t‘I;I'I alter realizing that there was no good tatth. Accordrngtothe chairman N color SChOMO :5
“(Jur trntlIrIIvs do not \Ideng commission‘s» failure I0 str est L mentionolthe Red (‘ross benefit party of the \‘ational labor Relations 88w 3’
alone {quili‘tb'l‘t‘ conclusion that brads" report "moratorium“ on the buiidin gif'nmj, held on Kentucky Avenue. Saturday. Board. Stevens is "50 out 0i tune “ilh You Greeks are somethingelserlget if. ‘
nuclear power ls inherently too nuclear plants l-‘irht ol Ethe 1’ NOV 3~ “’79- W0 “‘1th lhfll [-0th the humane. Chill/9d “PPTWCh “l a good laugh whenever I see some of I;
dangertmsto pgrmn illticonillfllt‘dnd _‘——*—— commission members said the: Nunn Mid John Y. BFO‘WJF- \M‘R‘ "01 industrial relations. lhiil h Nh‘lllld the nasty color schemes of clothing ’9
espand as it liirlll (ll P(l\\t,‘l Here's “l“, fluorcd one "in game fairnp'but HOHIC ”1ch and no lranianns “CFC ShOCk “he”. illOSt.‘ lC'dSl scnsrttyc l0 ll‘lfll some 0“ your COllL‘HgUCS wear 9;!
generation " lhe Kemem report suggests that of the {0er mm a roval by ‘r protesting. but we did collect SISlltor lltWULJUSllCC. and human decency." (bright green sweater. bright yellow I-I' ’
Me if all \m (I .IIIrrrrrul. tor new plants should be located at least majority i W i i the Red (‘ross and prmided ”CC beer . In order to assist these workers. an and blue plaid pants. and pink '5 '
e\ample. a tirm backer ot nuclear 30 nitles from maior population Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.) aIpd tthII\IC lItand Km“ lor 1hr“ integnaporItIal [El-{90h “l lilldMIelIIeInf ribbons. h” example). ButtfyoulIrke It? I‘ I
energy. cites the Marne paragraph in centers. But ol the 70 nuclear reactors charged that the commission did not I ouIsan pmn‘y . . prtthCI \ I 4: dhull' lhI-‘l'lIIuI‘I I 'khM going around being laughed at behind (:32. .
NUPPWI 01 its He“ now in Operation in this country plus ha\e the courage of m Convictions We would like to thank everyone pro tlILIs me at tita. asttma er. Wu, hacks. well I . I if aperson hasto xi
But the .lom'rrir/rsearetul not “mu. 3- which hate been constructed and “You‘re saying." he told Kemeny, who donated to this worthy cause. and line Arts l|n9h$~ lhe boycott has have something material to make $3 '
the paragraph which tollows it and to await licenses. how many meet this “that something is wrong with the Also WRWWM m”. to thank radio been endorsed it‘d thntirIeszIm PCOPh’ “0““ them. thats sad. A :5? ‘1
“thli llittsc‘ “htl 0‘7thGC nuclear standard'.’ \nd what lo “a major automobile but that.ratherthanrccall Sidllon KQQ l()rIlrLL dlr ll)mC lllC :Irfijnlld:()nb