xt72z31nk22r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72z31nk22r/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2013-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, October 2013 text LinQ magazine, October 2013 2013 2013-10 2019 true xt72z31nk22r section xt72z31nk22r Connecting the Bluegrass LGBT community October 2013
Vol. 35 No. 10
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A publication of the GLSO

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Coming Out ' g: a |
Tales of courage, love & acceptance told by our readers k :
it; Loving Dangerously
f Our series of triumph over tragedy focuses on suicide 1 3
GLSO C 1' S ' N
One—on—one free private sessions now available ‘ ., I
“as; QWG‘WKV ‘ ‘ " ’ ' ‘1
“a f:-* .: ,. -7 s . ;
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 I History Month
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Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans
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EDITOR Don Lowe The Lexington Gay and GLSO DIRECTORS
_ Lesbian Services Organization
. LAYOUT/DESIGN Marc Blevms Paul Holland, At Large
seeks to educate, enhance and
. ' Don Lowe, At Large
PHOTOGRAPHY Brian Hawkins empower the communty about
Cynthia Lyons, At Large
GLBTQQIA issues. _
CALENDAR Karen Taylor Cmdy Sommer, At Large
GLSO Pride Center Trilby Trent, GSA Advisor
389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100 GLSO STAFF
Kay Gardner, and Burley Thomas
Lexington, KY 40504
Chad Hundley, Office Manager
CIRCULATION Kay Garner 859.253.3233
Office hours are Mon-Fri 1-5 pm.
Submit letters to the editor by
LinQ is published monthly by . .
GLSO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE emaihng editor@glso.org. Letters
and for the Lexington Gay and _ . . .
to the editor published in Lan
Lesbian Services Organization Paul Brown, President ’
may be edited for length.
members and community. The Ginger Moore-Minder, Vice
Lexington Gay and Lesbian President Like us on Facebook at
i Services Organization envisions Karen Taylor, Secretary LinQbyGLSO
l a community that accepts and Tommy Brodbeck, Treasurer
1 Follow us on Twitter @
‘ celebrates each individual.
Scan to join our mailing list.
El 1"? El
1- fl .-
' :- 1: ' .

 3 Th ’ Wh ’
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T alki n’ Ab o t
By Helena Handbasket
When we read about Susie selling her sea
shells at the seashore, do we really believe
that all Susie is selling are shells?
on't you just hate it the road and the next thing it seem like I have already And if Peter Piper.... well,
D when you are right she knew she was struggling wondered that before? nevermind.
in the middle of to get out of her Smart Car as And, when we ask how And lastly, why on God's
doing a certain task and she watched it disappear in a much wood could a wood— green earth are you still
then completely forget what sinkhole. Wouldn't that just chuck chuck if a wood- reading this nonsense in
the hell you were doing? I suck? chuck could chuck wood, my article this month. I
know I do. Sometimes life Why is it that sometimes do we really want to know? mean really... don't you have
gets so busy that you have a doctor will tell you that I mean, isn't life better just anything better to do with
too many different things something is bad for you but knowing that the wood is your time? (made ya laugh!)
on your mind at once. Too after another study is done, being chucked at the pace Talk to ya'll next month...
many irons in the fire. Did they decide that you won't that makes the woodchuck love ya!
you ever wonder where that live long if you don't eat more happy? Can't we just be Send comments and
saying came from? Anyway, of what they just told you last happy with that? Must we suggestions to:
the more I try to get done year was killing you? always analyze every wood-
lately, the less that I actually And have you ever chuck we come into contact HelenahandbasketKY@gmail.com
get finished, it seems. wondered who the first with? editor@glso.org
It also seems like the older person was that decided And, when we read about Anthony@tenmast.com
I get, the faster the world to use a drill in a person's Susie selling her sea shells
is moving. Do you ever mouth to fix a tooth that was at the seashore, do we really
wonder if the world actually rotten? Really? Power tools believe that all Susie is selling
does spin faster than it used in my mouth... are shells? I mean, really? 7 "
to? Wonder why it seems Which makes me start to And, if we know that fuzzy
like we hear about sink— wonder, why do they call sex wuzzy was a bear and that ‘
holes so much more often toys power tools? Are there fuzzy wuzzy had no hair, ‘S.
than we used to? I just saw any sex toys actually made by then isn't it really just kind — 5%» ~
on the news where a woman Black and Decker or Ryobi? of obvious that fuzzy wuzzy git; 4» .
in Florida thought she was Where did the term Deja wasn't really fuzzy? Why 2‘“ r f y ‘ , '
driving through a puddle in Vu come from and why does must we ask the question? I“? V ' a v 1‘1. "

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m er la 3
By I. D. Vaughn
The Court has many events planned for the
month of October all of which raise money for
local LGBT charities.
reetings from the and supportive crowd, Kentucky Court Members
Imperial Court of Miss Larica Andrews was were recognized and given Then 0”
Kentucky. Reign crowned Closet Queen 2013. awards during the three- Wednesday,
32 continued its strong The Imperial Court would day event in our nation’s October 16th,
fundraising last month, like to thank each of the capital. The Imperial Court Her Imperial
holding several events. contestants for helping the of Kentucky was also repre- Majesty, Imp erlal
On September 4, the Iulie court with an amazing fund— sented by court members at Crown P rmcess
Vaughn Memorial Closet raising concept. Montana’s Coronation the 32 Christina
- _ Puse, will host
Ball was held at pulse night On September 11, same weekend. h 1
life. The evening featured . Looking forward, October er annua
the Court held Its h “D'
four contestants, all new drag . is a full and busy month for 5 0W was
annual Divas of D d »
queens, who all competed the Court as well. Coming up of a eca e
Hazzard Show at t C -
and performed like “old . . on October 9th at 9:30 pm at a rossmgs
, Crossmgs. This L - t 1.930
pro’s.’ . . Crossings Lexington will be exmg 0” a -
hillbilly/country ,
The four contestants were . . “Duct Tape Diva’s’, brought pm.
P ‘ Dixon Pi er Peters Inspired event to ou b Stratos here The This show has the
age ’ p ’ featured a Hillbilly y y p '
Larica Andrews, and Illa Laya. evening will see how creative entertainers imperson-
buflet and a show.
The contestants first came drag queens can be with the ating their favorite diva
to the stage and presented The following weekend, simple, yet functional duct in their performances.
themselves in their natural Hi5 MOS'E Imperial Majesty tape. There will also be door ThefollowingWednesday,
gender. Then, they had an Emperor 32 Patrick Thompson prizes andasilent auction. on October 23rd, the
hour to transform themselves and several court members The Monarchs and court Imperial Sovereign Queen
into the drag queen they made an out Of town trip members will represent City Court of the Buckeye
wanted to present themselves to Washington D~C-’S Kentucky at Out of Empire (the Court of
as. Finally, they came out and Coronation on September Town Coronations in Cincinnati) will come
performed a Talent number. 14- This was the first Ollt 0f Cincinnati, Toronto, and down for a “Cincinnati
After all of the contest- Town coronation Walk for Chicago throughout the Invasion Show” at
ants performed to a raucous Emperor Patrick and several month as well. Crossings Lexington. This

 shovlv Wlll ceiebrate the DarknessHalloweenpageantat Cover phOtOSfrom t0p lefi to
new y crowne monarc 5 Pulse Nightlife on Wednesday, ,
of Cincinnati, Emperor 22 October 30th. Contestants battom right
Keith Roberts and Empress will compete in Sp 0 okta cular Iames “SEB” Herndon - Source unknown, Ieff Iones provided
22 Freeda Bangkok. Presentation, Halloween Iim Gray ' Wikimedia Commons
Talent, and Creative Funeral Chely Wright - Wikimedia Commons
' Wear categories. lntereste d Dustin Lance Black - Wikimedia Commons, Earthlina
It wzllfeature contestants ma contact Bayard Rustin - Wikimedia Commons
en termin ersf rom Re ent Em ressy 32 ”3 Barney Frank - Wikimedia Commons
both the Lexington Vai hn for pinform ati o n i or Iohnny Cummings - Wikimedia Commons
and Cincinnati Visitgthe C ourt’s social media Wanda Sykes - Wikimedia Commons, Greg Hernandez
courts. sites on Facebook (group Matthew Shepard - Wikimedia Commons, Gina Von Hoof
name Imperial Court of Tammy Baldwin - Wikimedia Commons
Finally, the month concludes Kentucky) or onlin e at www. Dan Savage - IoshRodriguez on Flickr
with the annual Diva of imp erial courtkentu cky. org. Portia de Rossi - Wikimedia Commons, Angela George
i p; «I , A ‘9 ,_ ‘A ( ‘ a ; ,_ Ellen DeGeneres — Wikimedia Commons, Angela George
:fi- :ii _. , a i' ' 'l 5" j .; :1“ 34v James Baldwin - Wikimedia Commons, Carl Van Vechten
a, a? {T ' ii 2 a. I i ' :5 I kid, % 2? George Takei - Wikimedia Commons, Diane Krauss
‘\ , — ‘ ' ‘ i'lii‘i‘ii; 7-} fix Mb; , ., < ; f Anderson Cooper - Tulane Public Relations on Flickr
ii 3.; i , . i ii“ Ji’fi i %: ,; 7‘7.“ i» Rosie O’Donnell - Wikimedia Commons, David Shankbone
' fl), . a ‘ £3: "i? ’ l9 RuPaul -Wikimedia Commons, David Shankbone
‘ i " m if“ '7 .--' I" ; Mi Iane Lynch-nosillacast on Flickr
,. ‘t __ J ‘; Le; ,;» ‘ g. 132‘? Rachel Maddow- jdlasica on Flickr
_ 1, ‘ " ._ ‘ C i ‘3 [7 I; i; .3“ Harvey Milk- sfplsanfi'anciscohistoricalphotographcollectiononFliclu'
i Aft/2;; grit" £11,} 1/ I #2355 ~ _N‘ i‘i"‘i“°7"’iii": JET Edith Windsor-ennuipoet on Flickr
3 ' Lad ' ' ' Q: i _’ . ~». ~. f Langston Hughes - Wikimedia Commons, Carl Van Vechten
“q \u ~21 {g ,_ ‘; 2‘ 'i 7 5: ‘ v~L Nikky Penney—Wikimedia Commons, Slowking4
‘ ‘ My" " 1' i i ’ " i fit 1 “fl James “SEB” Herndon - Source unknown, Ielf Iones provided
j ,, 1-7: ., '5 Ei/j/
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Net proceeds to benefit the charities of the imperial Court of Kentucky

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Adoptive Parents Soars a
By Andrew Holt
As of July 7, 2013, there are over 7,200 children in foster
care throughout the state of Kentucky. Fayette County alone
needs over 200 additional foster homes to meet the current
need based on the number of children in foster care.
ith the growing the current need based on LGBT discussion group on online at http://chfskygov/
n u m b e r the number 0f children in October16th at 7:00pmand dcbs/dpp/outofhomecare.
of abused, foster care. These children the Senior Bistro Potluck htm.
neglected and dependent in our community need on October 18th at 7:00 pm.
r children entering the foster foster parents to care for These representatives will 61' .
care system, the Cabinet for them, esspecially medically also be available after each LGBT lscusszon _
Health and Family Services fragile children, sibling group. If you are unable to October 16 6‘ 18 at
is struggling to place these groups, and teenagers. In attend and would like more 7PM
children in foster homes. addition to needing more information please contact C III 800 232
Many foster homes are at foster homes, we have chil- 1-800-232-KIDS or the KIDaS 0 859 245
r _. .—
maximum capacity or filled dren waiting to be adopted Fayette County Foster Care 5488
with special needs children. by their forever family. office at 859-245-5488. You
In many cases children are There are currently 257 can also visit our website
being placed hours away kids in the Special Needs
from their homes and Adoption Program (SNAP).
families because we don’t You can View profiles of
have foster homes to care some of these children on
for them. Currently we have the SNAP website at https://
an above average number prd.chfs.ky.gov/SNAP/
of children in out—of—home indexaspx
care and the state is in crisis Eligible Kentucky Foster
mode trying to find homes Parents must be at least 21
to care for these children. years old, in good phys-
As of July 7, 2013,there are ical and mental health, Become a Foster OI' Adoptive Parent
over 7,200 children in foster and be financially stable. (859)245-5488
care throughout the state of To gain further informa-
Kentucky. Fayette County tion, representatives from Kmufififi‘}.
alone needs over 200 addi- Fayette County Foster Care WWW“g
tional foster homes to meet will be speaking at the

 L . t ’
By Jeffery A. Jones, PhD
t I . , .3... 3 "i :2; .. .
'0. -. j. st most notable drag
. ‘h. f 'l -- dperformance was at the
‘5' ’ ' . . 7 a"! "3 ' '
i ,. ,7. = ., . :2 W00 land Auditorium where
“i , g5 : .. he was lowered from the
1m . ceiling in a basket dressed in
“'3. f . -’__.: “'1'“ ' ' r: (( . . . ))
. my, femlnznefrzlls and danced
.«>e3sr;»:..i..$‘=”’ ' ‘ l rc -
M ;. the Passwn Dance of the
‘ ' 3. “ n
.. .3” : _ " -1 Bongo Bangoes.
ames Herndon was born him as James Herndon. He injury by his uncle as a child, Good Sams. He was widely
in Scott County, KY and is more widely known by his he was left overnight there. regarded as the best orderly
was the youngest of John nickname, "Sweet Evening Details are obscure, but in the hospital and usually
and Kate Herndon's eight Breeze," or "Miss Sweets." apparently the boy was basi- trained new orderlies.
children. According to Leigh He often wore make-up, cally left at the hospital. He Eventually moving to Prall
Angelique,local entertainer, occassionally performed became friends with Miss Street, a part of a hundred
drag queen, and friend of the or appeared on Main St. on Lake Johnson, the hospital year old African-American
late Mr. Herndon, James was Saturdays in drag, and was superintendent, who gave neighborhood across from UK
born in 1889, one year prior apparently quite effemi- him a room there. He even- behind Alfalfa's and Bourbon
to Leigh's grandmother. nate. Long before there was tually began delivering the St. Cafe, he filled his home
In his many decades living RuPaul, Lexington's Sweet hospital mail and playing with antiques and kept it
in Lexington, KY he was Evening Breeze was tital- his ukulele for patients. spotlessly clean by all reports.
widely regarded as the city's lating and gaining respect Through his late childhood Considering that Herndon
most colorful character, and from locals. and teen years spent living lived in the era of segrega-
there are numerous stories For most of his long life, and working in the hospital, tion, his job as an orderly
(both true and legendary) Sweets worked at Good he finally learned the profes— gave him a relatively high
about Herndon. In fact, few Samaritan Hospital. Taken sion of orderly, a career that income for African—American
Lexingtonians really know to the hospital for an eye he followed for 40 years at Lexingtonians during the
a LinQ

 early part of this century. play each other in basketball, tales over a legal episode in that if it was a crime to wear I
Stories about Herndon Sweets was the cheerleader. Sweets' life: At some point makeup, then the woman 5;
are numerous, Some of the Every year during the circa 1960, a teenaged Leigh should be charged equally 8 .
authenticated include; Bluegrass Fair, Herndon Angelique, another local to any man. The judge then a
Herndon was considered would hold a large banquet African-American drag threw the case out on the g
in his day to be an excel- for his family coming in queen, was arrested for grounds that the ordinance CZ)
lent cook. During World from Scott County. He also violating Lexington's ordi- unfairly punished one sex >—]
War II he would meet troops regularly sent or would take nance against cross-dressing for behavior accepted for the II
) passing through Lexington gifts back to his family and except on Halloween. One other as well as on particular
I at the train station and give old neighborhood there. story holds that Sweets holidays.
them his homemade cakes. flitirreiwfi ’2 g gar—W 5‘” Leigh Angelique herself
His fruitcake... the irony not * '75 II . 1‘ claims, however, that actu-
being lost here... was consid- , q n a... . s a. } ii”: .591}; “ f (if .3 ally both Sweets and herself
ered his crowning culinary I. " h f . “:53 A ‘ ’ werejailed. While injail they
achievement. . , 1 : 1mg 4‘ i even performed a mini~drag
His most notable drag y A; a . p 1, . show for the curious guards
performance apparently was ‘ , it i . " ~ I Who even went so far as to tip
at the Woodland Auditorium ~‘ ~ ’ :5" .3, ’ the "girls" for their act. Either
Where he was lowered from , ._ 1,. .4. m 45 ; a jailor or other prominent
the ceiling in abasket dressed - g . I "f 3' friend of Sweets spoke to the
in "feminine frills" and j. . . . , V, ' ,1"FJ%% judge on their behalf. Sweets
danced the "Passion Dance ' ' . *4; : t‘ .’ spoke up against jailing men
of the Bongo Bangoes." é i , . I I 1i Aj- 3;. it; 5 for makeup and not women,
Decades before Ziggy i W its .2? f and the case was dismissed.
Stardust and David Bowie E ' V ’ , Eggfip' ' With this judgement,
gave new emphasis to I a i W; ,. ; Lexington's ordinance
gender-bending, Miss Sweets [if '5' ’ ‘ against public drag was
would spend his Saturdays ' i,’ i .. . ., apparently overturned.
visiting with friends and f i a , .. ' On the more risque side,
acquaintances on Main ".115. . “ ' ' h‘ older gay men in town
Street. Upon seeing RuPaul «a»: _ V” .. , i I remember that Sweets
on TV, one elderly woman g: . I.” I . ' ‘ . could be seen on occassion
in Harrodsburg told my I"; “ ‘ ’ frequenting the bathrooms
friend Marc that Ru was an? . of the Phoenix Hotel and
nothing new. She reminen- - ' ' -' Union Station for "tearoom
sced fondly of trips with her ‘ 7 ‘ _ . . trade." His home on Prall
fiance (later husband)long ,» , l . , Street according to these
ago into Lexington to shop 7 l . . _ accounts also served as a
on Saturdays. The couple a l ‘ ’ ’ - ‘ i > ‘ 1 meeting place for gay people
always made a point to stop . and a sometimes sexual
and visit with "Miss Sweets." outlet for a number of other—
As Sweet Evening Breeze, For many years he was a bailed Leigh out of jail and wise closeted UK students.
Herndon might appear in member of historic Pleasant subsequently defended her WhetherSweetseversettled
a range of dress that might Green Baptist Church. Upon in court. When the case was down and found a partner is
include a suit plus lipstick his death, he apparently left brought before the judge, difficult to say. Local legends
and eye-liner. a considerable amount of Sweets supposedly pointed do not mention such a man,
When the doctors and money to the church. to a woman in the court- but his obituary does hold
nurses at Good Sams would There are also conflicting room and told that judge this tantalizing sentence:

 "He is survived by... a host of They relate that he was often LinQ celebrates LGBT History
great—nieces and nephews; deeply hurt and enraged .
close friends, INCLUDING when people would make Month by taklng a 100k baCk at one
HUGH STERLING (emphasis fun of him- of Lexington’s most charismatic and
added), andhis churchfamily." Ifone does research C 1‘ itiZ n I mes Hern-
Perhaps this Hugh Sterling on Lexington’s 011 ageSOUS C e S’ a
was Herndon's partner? gay and/0r don. Herndon’s story is not a new
Throu h the De ression, . . .
g P _ Afrzcan-Amerzcan one, 1n fact, Ieif Jones, the author,
World War II, and desegre communities
gation, Herndon cut a path . . ’ publlshed thls story over 5 years ago
1 d there is very little
as a“ Open Y gay {mm rag information on but once you read It, you Will under-
queen, and pos51bly even individual lives . .
a transgendered person, before the 19505 stand why we had to reprlnt it here
Legend holds. that Herndon There is, however, for LGBT History Month.
was accepted m part because an entire slim file Herndon died on Friday, Royal Sovereign Imperial
he was. a hermaphrodite in the Kentucky Dec. 16, 1983, at the Court of All Kentuckynamed
whose W111 donated hls body Room on none Homestead Nursing Center. its highest honor the James
to UK for sc1ent1fic study. other than the He was thought to be in his Herndon Award. Last year
Nothing I have yet uncov— man that several 90$ andwas survivedbymany the Lexington Men's Chorus
ered, however, substantiates writers have called loving friends and family. also named its small singing
thls donation or supposed Lexington’s most For his achievement of being ensemble Sweet Evening
hermaphroditism. Sweets memorable and himself against the odds, the Breeze in his honor as well.
many friends described
colorful character.
him as sensitive and kind.
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‘ hie! Procwds to benefit :32 charities of 11;: ICK.
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 Ch . t .
an is October 11, 2013.
To celebrate, LinQ invited our
I I: ' readers to share their Coming
es Ian Out Stories with us.
1:? a ByChristyWade We present a small collection
5,; of their stories here.
oming out as lesbian therapy, my sexual orienta- officially come out right after I can have a gay sexual orien—
has been a long tion did not change. graduated seminary because I tation. Where I grew up, the
process in my life. In Ironically, my life changed wanted to livealife ofintegrity. words 'Christian' and 'gay'
fact,Ididn’t officiallytake this as I studied for a degree at a No longer was I willing to hate are not allowed to belong
important step until October very conservative seminary. myself and force my partner together.
2012 at the age of 31. Sure, I had chosen this particular to liveinthe closet. As I assumed, some
I had told close friends and school because of their unre- I decided that I seemed concerned about
others who asked me, but I lenting stance on the sinful- my ‘lifestyle.’ Still, others
_ l h'd h f f h ali wanted to help h d
consgious yf 1 that par; 0 :eflss 110I d-d otmosexu Ly. other LGBTpeople ; ose- Inolt to respon .
myi entity romt epub 1c.I er a , 1 n want to e know that they are urprising y, many more
feltIhad to hidebecauselhad persuaded by the 'liberal gay embraced me and told me
. . loved by God, and . .
been engaged in Christian agenda Ihad been told domi— . that their love Wlll never
. ' I would do this by
ministry throughout my life, nated other seminaries. As I . . change for me, no matter
speaking, teaching, .
learned to read the languages . what. I cannot begin to
From the age . and bloggzng. .
. of Hebrew and Greek in my express just how much that
of 8 until my _ , . ,
, , studies and began reading Before I began bloggmg, I meant and still means to
mid—twenties, I . _ . . .
. , the Bible m its original carefully crafted a message me.
diligently begged . .
. languages, my prev10us mter— to send to members of my
God every night _ . . . .
pretations of the 6 or 7 verses family and friends Via email , ,
to change my gay _ _ Since coming out,
. addressmg homosexuality or Facebook. 1 was too
feelings. . . I feel closer to my
began to unravel. And 1 never scared to do this in person! . _
, family and friends
I constantly read my intended for them to do this. H0h€St1Y> thlS whole because I don’ t
bible, even carrying it in my I started to see things differ- 'coming out' scared me.
_ have a wall up
backpack to read when I ently. To make a long story Most of my family members
_ . _ , around my heart.
finished my work at school. short, it took studying at a and friends attend church Comin out has
I would eventually move to conservative, evangelical and commit themselves to g
. . . . . been one of the best
Lexmgton, KY to enter into seminary to help me embrace the Christian falth- P1118, decisions I have
an ex—gay ministry, hoping just who God created me to they know that I lUSt gr ad— ever made’
to become straight. Still, no be all along. And I’m finally uated seminary, and I knew '
matter how much I prayed, okay with this. that they would probably
read my Bible, and attended I made up my mind to be shocked that a Christian
I LinQ

 The Independence
o H .. May 7, 2013. I got in front
Of SOlltude of the theater full of people
If and began to speak. No, I
BY Jonathan George ‘1‘; can’t really call it speaking.
ey, so since my used to have multiple proudly that audience would soon disap- It was an out of body experi—
H time at this school, gay students, but that had been pear at the end of the school year ence. I was so nervous that I
there have been no over 5 years ago. My school with my graduation. With the went on autopilot. I was but
openly gay students much had since developed the air announcementhould become another witness to my body.
less student leaders. With of fear—the fear to speak out. the first gay student leader that My public coming out, my
that in mind, I wanted to say People had become afraid to any of that student body had short five sentences, brought
that I am gay. (beat) be themselves, in the context ever seen.Icould imagine taking on thunderous applause, a
I say this because I love this of coming out as gay. a huge step with the rest of my standing ovation, and enough
school, and I don’t want to live A few students got together to school towards a future of toler- hugs to paralyze any hope of
in fear here. I’m not afraid, and make a push to create tolerance ance and love. saying the words “thank you.”
I don’t want any of you to be by bringing the Day of Silence As this crazy idea of a public In an instant, I proved to my
afraid of anything either. My to my school, which was the first announcement became more entire school that students
room may be messy, but my public mention of the LGBT fully formed, I began to worry; are strong enough to stand
door is open to talk to anyone, community I had ever heard. what if this is wrong? I quickly out and that it is okay. I have
please take advantage of that. It is after this initial change in scheduledanappointmentwith since talked to most of my
After a week of planning and my school’s atmosphere when my school’s guidance coun- family, which is a different
countless hours of worrying, I took a complete 180 degree selor. Under the strict rules of tale. Things have been a bit
my lips and throat worked tuminhowl felt about my sexu— confidentiality, I uttered the rockier on the home front,
together to form these words. ality. I had always thought that words “I’m gay.” For the first which is normal for a socially
In front of my entire school. it was something I could hide time outside of my mind; an conservative family such as
In May of 2013, I was a and repress, but one morning odd experience to say the least. mine, but I have already seen
senior at a boarding school in I began to think of the prob- I got his opinion to make sure time helping them to realize
North Carolina. Hard work lems that could arise if my sexu— that what I was doing was not the good in my actions.
and determination propelled ality became an issue when I am out of line and would achieve And now that I’m here
me through my last year; my 40 and with two kids. So with the ends I intended. He then reflecting on my actions, all
personality and values landed coming out becoming a much talked with the headmaster, I think about is one of my
me the position of Head of the more viable option, I continued keeping my anonymity, to get literary heroes, Ralph Waldo i
Honor Council. I was a smart along that line of thought. I his approval as well. I had the Emerson: “The great man
kid, was one of three main began thinking of ways to break thumbs up from two school is he who is in the midst of
senior student leaders, and I through the barriers I had oflicials, so thiswasallREALLY the crowd keeps with perfect
had a good reputation with created around my true persona happening. To help me deal sweetness the independ-
most, if not all, students. The single best option that I with this, my churning ball ence of solitude.” Even if the
My school was ‘accepting’ in found was an announcement to of anxiety, I also talked to two “crowd” had told me other-
principle, but not in practice. my school. That next week And, close friends and my English wise, I would have kept “the
The students and teachers were surprisingly, all of that thinking teacher. I will never forget, independence of solitude”
demonstrated socially liberal, happened in the delirium of the when I told my English teacher, and still come out publicly. I
thanks to survey’s by our early morning, so I guess mira— he exclaimed, “good job!” His didn’t need anyone’s permis-
schools newspaper. Despite cles do happeninreal life. support still meantalot. I had a sion or validation. What I
this, my school developed a Butseriouslyneveragainwould very small group of people reas- did was the right thing to do,
quirky tradition of intoler- I have this kind of an audience, suring me and supporting me powered by love and care.
ance. I once talked with my an audience in front of which until the day came thathas to Love doesn’t need validation
advisor about how the school I could make an impact And stand in front of my school. and care has no restrictions.

 p: c, .— W 4 __M
A Couple of I . .; i 4.
o ‘ ‘cfil‘n .
Coming Outs ’ s: . $4 '
_ ‘f ,
By Matt Sullivan , g ’1‘. _ - -

The beckoning was almost a i." 7 ;_, , ‘ I ' ‘_ 4; ‘

whisper and it flowed down from "’3? 4}. “ - ' ,1 ‘ H

the top of the stairs like a ribbon K ' w, \\ "i I I? .

of sufiocating smoke. I knew :3; . , 1, _ _ 4 ‘ i‘ 53

instantly what this was about and ‘ '5; < g“ g; «:1

she was ignorantly going about ( ‘2

this the wrong way. You don’t ,fl , mg: . 5,

force someone to say they’re gay. . _. 1,; -: . . “I
thought extensively I croaked that I needed to with something to effect for fun nowadays. My non-
I on how I’d come out tell him something impor- of, “Yeah, I know. I guessed committal answers were fine
to my father. I was tant and instead of turning that a long time ago.” After with other people present,
nervous, but I’d come out to his head, as I had