xt72z31nk14c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72z31nk14c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1915-01-21 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 17,  January 21, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 17,  January 21, 1915 1915 1915-01-21 2015 true xt72z31nk14c section xt72z31nk14c "•·- ·———~ ·
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kN Muni HIEH Slillllllls  “°”· "’· "· ”°“"°“’ ARRANGEMENTS MAIIE MANY “ES‘“NS*`°“ SIR0ll[II8 NIN IH!
. "; · —"“"
ul     ldllwiu I'. Morrow, of Somerset, for-       Prof. <‘. I'. Weaver, chairman of thc-]      
merly Vnited States District Attorney Icommittae appointed at the Lexington
· I-- and prospective Republican candidate "'*""* ‘mo0tln got the? Southern Interc0l·! ‘·‘;*··
• O
  New Qngg   for Governor of Kentucky, will ad- Henry   Law Soqetyllegiate Athletic Association to select aQ“C;l;1I’l¥}i   Au]:lt” gilt On by `
· dress the State law students Friday, • ldeslgn to be used for a uniform medal, G I11V€I‘Slty lyefs
. nts Members to Dmcuss .
l and Entrance cred January 22nd, at 7:30 0’c\0ck, in! _ _ _ im be awarded the athlete in each col-; at Ben All.
Changed- Judge Cha.lklay’s lecture room, Nat-I Questlon In Ohl0• llege of the association, who has the_ i—*‘
1 S ·—······* ural Science Building. E     |hif.{h€St rlass standing, said S3Lurdgy'TO    
53     Mr. Morrow is one of the boat Ithat a number of designs have been,.) .I, .., + + ; * + ,•, * ,• * *
| ;—..-.
•·'* C uma on speakers in Kentucky. The address At the meeting of me Henry Clay submitted by Lexington jewelers. I., THE PLAYER, •
l At g meeting of tlw ¢;l¤;¤\l umol- Frtday mgm wlll be stl-lctly non. Law Society Monday owning, Officers! The design will be selected when';. •
  V ?°°"t:n•d Rxtmzumtxontuckz hom partisan. All students are cordially for next semester won lnsmlledwtlle meeting of the committee, com-I4, Sir pmncls Chesney __________ •
Y Nh Unc Rh ’ 8 t' invited, They ue: J. T. Good" Pruldem; Iposed of Prof. John L. Hill, ot George`., ________________ Emery Frau". •
"’ “‘° °"‘°° °‘ “°“°'"’ °‘°' ‘ M¤ M- <>— W¤¤¢¤¤*· ¤~·*¤·¤¤ <>* M R. E. Cum vmprmldent- w. p..¤>w¤¢ *’*¤f· *`*···k ¤·· **¤*¤¤v· of ¤¢¤-l• stephen Spettigue ...... . ...... •
n n no ls · · *
’ urday •!t•l'¤¤¤¤» ¢hU'*¤°¤ if sc :1 S[g[B Unlvm-my Rgpublicgn Club, was Mayo, Sccmurx and B. D_ SAND, tml, and Professor Weaver, is held only _____'_______ wllllam Shlmllck •
¤°t h°"°*·°!°’° u’“’d· w°r° put °° ° instrumental in bringing Mr. Morrow Tre l,_ a date to be chosen later. H, Jack Chesney ________ _ ________ •
rodit d li t and important changes Mum , ,, l
“°° °d F fund to muon eu MFG- The unions ot the General Assam-l kl" ··············· L°“i“ M‘cl°'k7 "’
“'°""¥"'°“ ` -——••·•——··- . ‘·• Chrl. wyku ...... •
tame. cram". A mh was um bly which the Society has been con I 3 a ey e am ....
od     an schools up- _ duct"];   be abandoned, and ll   ..... . ....... JIIDE McConnell +
pn. {NQ: T" B __C|·“ An mlb series of literary programs givcn.| @0* Lord Fancourt Babberly Q
Ou 8. n
mimi or- iussv college smdtntel Judge Barker will be invited to ad-     Brassettu ....... John Marg}; Q
•c nos mus s c f ,
dress tho Society at an early date. It Donna Lucia dAlvador·oz ..... O
lm l   TAKES llI’ IHE HGHI
tozghntiourhsdo lllqzrgoegeq wcpgd I A"'*¤89U\¤¤t| for S d0b¢l8 between ‘-·’*"""‘ {O ...., , ______ Kalhgrln. yllclmll •
8 I0 00 I HI ` •
· -——·· ** me law colleges or Stew and Ctncin- Attendance Thu Year! Kitty Verdun. . Rebecca Smith •
in hl h _ _ _ -
usd `nftxwan me know K I, Pet1t10n Clfculatéd P1‘0» MU Univcrniths yvoro completed at Thri Wh t it was at !·|· Amy Spettigue..Alice Gregory •
.°h°°\.` Bum" Bnndmburl Coun C f this meeting This debate is twofold I ce 3 ·* EIB D¢\¤h¤Y O
. ty; Calhoun, Campbell C0\\¤¢¥§ CIW. p0S€S to Get BIISUS 0 One divmdn` 0 ` Last Meeting
t it will be held here · ·I• ............ Adelia Williamson I-
V C t ; P 1 , • •
ML v°"°°°' Owvznw °“;;h; 21; U¤w<>r¤¤ty P€0Pl€· umn 5 and me other an cmcnmu! —— .·•· ·•· ·•· ·• ·•· • 4 4 4. • • 4. 4
’ Vina! S°:·::’N lurs hoo] yTh“e` jé on the same date.       "(`harley’s Aunt" was presented by
me °'° ° °"“ ° · lthe Strollers tn mm u 1
__ . .         At the tryout to be held Monday · Q-—- l . 6 a. c organ n-
gre in. C1A•| T" O d Conga _ 8venlng_ January 25, Six men wlll de, The Show Course iu H|shW¤Y E¤8|·{tion of the University, at the Ben A11
In Cl". A are S an I The student, and faculty of Sum fond tho question here, "R.asolved, nearing of State University, which}'¥`h€&t<*r. Friday night, to an enthus-
Bowltng Green and Jackson Collegiate {
That the Unlted States should equlp was concluded with Frida .8 ro amdastic audience and the Strollers de
and n n Y P 8*
lmututo. Thou schools were admit- University are being a w ere t ey ' di I
I Proms- H i A and maintain a navy equal to that ofl was generally conceded to be the`S€¥"€ CN t 0F DUN-i¤8 0¤ OM 0f the
ted °n uw Nc°mm°;d·ti°;i;h S h I Stand on the quot quest On' cam- any other foreign na.tion;" and three t f I et couductefbést amateur performances that mm
scr Rh¤•¤¤. WM *• me ° °° palgu conducted by the Prousbauon '“°“ *’“°°°” “ °°“'“° V ·
men wlll go to Ciucinauti and take lbeen seen m Lexington for years.
l“'p°°°°r‘ ld Mid Club ot the University and intended to the opposllg Bldg gggingt 8, team { in the interest °f g°°d r°°d°‘   The play is an Engllsh comady with
Fw° °°h°°1°’ Szimguzdh Schvgiz take tt census or the students and fac- there. ‘ TNS °°“”° *8 d°S*8“°d *° help uw ; Nw Scenes laid at Oxford and a synop-
Cogyzon :udb§;e;cux:r‘ school of ulty memberg posmon on the liquor Ten or twelve men are working toicausc of good roads in Kentucky, and l Sis was given in last week'; IDEA,
an an or l' ¤8 »
ke these teams and the prospect for ‘ the workers belleve and advocate . Much of fh€ credit for the success of
` ·· ·· u u M¤.*rnr11-'““ · ~
Mkmm wire num   Cl;S:n?¤&;0 ques on Bgani (mba: T (2:3 able men to oppose Cincinnati is good. Strongly me educating of the pwpleltlw lnluy belong to Herbert Gl-ghg,m_
‘ glu; A, Qmdyu ey H GH Y lng petition S 8118 *4 Fcua It is hoped that The IDEA will have t U im U [ ue must lavejlm stage manager, {or under hh di-
me reduced from CUSS A *° C‘°“° throughout the University and vuvlllllll. I,ll,m,,,,.,,-l,l telling Og ,, gpggf vlc. up ° W D0 M I y l tr~<·¢i<¤¤ Nw vast was whipped into
‘*" °“ t°°hm°°l ¤°°°d°‘ in be student is being requested to line up   wry alle.- Mal-(lll 5 rm- me men of ;lwLg°°d "°”’d buudws b°i°r° they °°" slmlw by long and arduous reheargu,
In www two Gmimce umu W b on Ihe issue: "ARE YOU WET 0Rl(‘ol\eg<> of Law in K. S. U. l'***"‘* g°°d roads- that was so nevvssary to the success
given for two years work in use ru, DRY We the undersigned believe in` ' ' °'°" " `   An excellent indication that me of me play
i¤¤@°|·d °Y 1* *8 h°”'·°t°"°; tw° mms I   l*€0I)l€ 81*% ¤`8·DidlY b6<>0mi¤S mm'9 wd The players were all well versed in
wm be given for two you-s' work in Pr0hibiti0¤ of the U<1\10¤` tr¤f¤¤ in uml     _ {more interested in the cause lies iu   lllgll- llneg and entered into the r°l“ck_
genera] Eupqpgm history and 0¤6·hl1f United States and being ODDOSGG to; Iwo fact that this yours' attendance lng Splrll gf ll,8 enterprise with vlm
¢¥`°d“ mr * h“"’y*’*“` in g°°°"'1 the open ¤&\00¤ in thé State of K€¤·i lis three times as large ts thatiund un individual star is hard to pick.
¤Ci6¤¤6· tucky hereby approve of the work 0f. . l I . ot last year. Fifty-tive counties sentl Lpl, Sundn]an_ as glr paucoun Bal,
ID his PGDUN to the C¤¤¤mi¤t<>¤· Pro' the Prohibition Association of KOH-; !‘81H‘t‘S€l\l¤li\'9S. 43 of Whidl S90! U19i¥'   berly was a, scream at every appear-
f6¤|0¤‘ Rhmids stated that mty'thm° tucky State University in its B\1d98V0|'i At a meeting of the Campaign Com-i road engineers, 10 sent judges, and 261am-,>_ H9 handled lllg llnm wlll} Sklll_
¤6W hilh ¤¤h0°l¤ W°*'° °*°“·'·°d in to aid in eradicating this evil fr0m_mittee Monday, plans for u Student sont magistrates. Thirtyeight demon-{lllp Sklll born Ol many sms, dx,
’ KGDWCKY i¤ 191* and P“““d um county, State and Nation." lhlvuugelistic Campaign which were strutors and lecturers were presant¥l,t»rlpm»es_ Some of wlllch haye tsken
spirit of ¢0·0P9¥`¤u°¤ that is twins The purpose of this campaign is wldiscussed in u Cabinet Meeting of th€‘,8lld [[1058 Dfépafillg to be road 9¤Si·}him even into vaudeville, Those who
built UD b0tW99¤ UW colleges wd um arouse interest in stat.0-wide prohibi-L Young Mens Christian Associationlast   nears, contractors and good road en-Ilwplt llepe las; year wlll remember
sch00lB of G10 SUN- tion and prepare leaders for campaign I November, were fully outlined, and i thusiasts WBTB ¤um6l'0¤S- lthut he aplwared on Keitlrs Circuit
'l`h°|9 PNWN U me m°°m" w°r° work throughout the State. The W0l‘k·the campaign is to begin February 7 Addresses during the course worolal lll,} gen All
Détll T- B- M¤C¤!`*·¤°Y» °t T'““Yl' of tho Prohibition League at Stutcxund continue untll February ll. given by men of national reputation. llgbgwa S]·lli[h_ who took the part Ol
vsnia; Dr. A. L. Rhotcu. OY G°°Y¥°' Ulllvepglgy heretofore has lacked in-l Preparation is now under way and expert mavhinints. practical 1‘0¤d HIGH. Kitty Verdun, carried her pgrt
t0W¤; PNL M- E· M'·"h· °t 8****; torest and enthusiasm but it is to be il some big meetings are forthcoming. and men skilled in the science of engi-   lllmugll us if pluyacllng yyere hel.
Prof. C- G- C\'00k¤» 0f C°¤¤`“l· and P'°’ live issue henceforth. The efforts oflvolmuitteas of all kinds have been up- ueoriug. were replete with information lllllly mulllll, Shg was Clmrmlng of
tensor Rhoads. of SUW9· Kentucky this club ol young men and womcnlpointed and have entered into definite and A great bvlwm. to all DPBBGDL `lllilllllvl`, winsomo und with tt voice
WGSIGYBH wd UUIVWBRY °f Lou" have begun to take on a dehnlte aim work. Secretary Hall urged the m·¢·¢¤s~ ltosolutious of appreciation to the l that (¤qua]|gd all delmmlll,
vill6 WGFG ¤0¥· !‘9P¥'9*¤t°d· and some big things are to be done sity of such work being done. lnresldennt and faculty were drawn andl Kallwl-lm. Mlll-ll€ll_ the Donna
* +   • • dufins the YOBI'. U The bvst Speakers in NIB United adopted at the last- meeting Friday·I(i'Al\'&d0F€Z UI. the [)lU,y, i[l\[,)g|f[9d to
O * • In addition to the vampuisn i’0¤‘ Dl‘0·‘Stat0s will be here. One of those Professor U. V. Terrell, under whose llllr wllyk lllt, llulet graciousness and
*   the man * mbitton which will run for one month I mon is mentioned is this issue ot Tha   leadership the course was prepared,   l·.»l·l-,·rull.€,; of lml,l.l~.,ll_,lmlll,ll that haye
* Wh0 got 80 low down * Sumo tem;] work among the young pw-|lUEA, Readers may expect further announced that the work for next yeariumrkeq hor Sluqolll w0l·k_ although
*   he had to   up to • \)l€.B organizations of the city will be developments of plans next week. would bo in advance ot any heretofore hor work wu, l~,.llll·ll9d by ll deep l.l,ld_
* DO¢ the bottom- ttttomptou. The League is also mak- Chairmen who have this work in orfored, and that an effort would bel 'rllo mm or Alu`- 5 ll ..
·••·•••·•••·•··••·•·•··••· | ' — ”°‘¤“ ‘”¤**
______ mg preparations for u Prohibition Ora- charge oro; Frank Kennedy, com- uxmle to have tho county roud exxgi-Illllwll hy Ally`; l;r,»lll,l·y_ A graceful
QQLLEGE STUDENTS ARE NOT toricul Contest to be hvld in Mafcllnpaign; Karl Zerfosu, Personal Work; nears, county judges und nuagtstratesl llll,;$_ Still lll lllrr ll.(.llS_ She made 8
QDUCATED. THEY ARE |N8TRUCT· '|`h·~ vlvtur in this <‘0ut6¤t will NDFG-IJ. W. Mvlionald, Program; Marvus Q`. nwet at the same time for organiza-Iculllllll Sltwllwurl ml- l¤lm,.lt,y Wylie
E0. ¢DucA1’ION IEGINB SHORT- IIBDL State University in the State hl- Rodwino, Advertising Manager; Clif- tion and cooperative work in the tu-l l,llm_
LY Aprin COMMENQQMENT, - ll pl-ollegluw Pmllibitiuu contest whichimrd Dodson, General Advcrt|shu¢;, and Mwst of good |'08dB lh!'0\lKh0\1l mel Elu Dclohay was done by Adellu
Mlqhlggn Ggrgpyli. will be héld at WHKll0I‘•:>. KY., ill April. J. 'I`. Gelder, Conservation. State, wllllumsoll wlll, ll strong emwtmem

  _¢ _
T H E I D E A 4
2 ...._.,.,.--. 1;;..~.....—.._—.-?.-.---·—--—-—---—-—  —-——·-···—·-—— ——···—··—-i l
· • 9 ·
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusl Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures G0 Where the Gos G0.
1**** IHE ORPHEUM IHEA IRE °"""'°"°°
Me At OPIN 10§dl:izsi:nPl0:
FIRIT-CLAOO IN IVIRY APPOINTMINT J. H. STAMPER. Jr., Own•r and M•n• •r. . . 0 . .
1 l
Lof the part. Her lines were not so ·|· 0 # O O O O O O O ·|• O O A FAREWELL TO A PIPE •
l numerous as those of the other women,   ·|»     4 .—. I     ` y
A D A M   D E jhur sho handled them well. l• COLLEGES 4 wp gn n1.m.» ln mp gathering dunk A
i Perhaps the most accurate portrayal ·|» ·|· O ·I· ·I» O O 0 O Q ·|· O O 4- Op Old friends Just you and I. ‘   I  
l · 2 - ‘—""‘ lA d n h rt l f friendly hand
SUPERIOR VAIIDEVILLE l‘” "‘° °"“‘ "`““ "°"° "’ ”"‘°’Y F'? l m·¤»¤·~· show that M W cpm of fw img'; ;_:r;’;’u‘; lim Kmdm _
Izlm-' who wok the part of Pfam"; the students at Sewanee have this L` ' l l for every Occasion. l
|(`hesney. Tall, commnndlng and com- Y r taken an in Mmeum | C I f t-_  
  lpactly built, he carried the part `Pn p ' \\'¢- sit mid the rulns of castles built,] 0 or as_ guamn'
2 IEW SIIIIWS WEE I ———— _ , , k , M H teed satisfactory.
@hl'0“Kh Without K lll“`h· A recent issue of the News ol the " "‘“ “"“’ E 0 Your K " r°• ulnsist on Arrow pp
3 ' '     ' ° 8 Louis McCloskey, as Jack Chesney. Umve,-Buy of Cincinnau was th,. Mid the ash that falls from your bowl! °
RCqultt€d     credit ln the "\\'0m€n‘s Numb€r"' and the arucltss IQDI   I      
heaviest speaking part of the ¤\¤y· were written and edited by the Uni-l " *" ""‘ "f “ fum"' py"' l enum, Peabody & Co., inc. M•k•r•  
      John Marsh, as Brassett, the butler, versity c0.edB_ y
      had an the Hmm and qngshed dggnm- You have given rest to the weary mind J ‘  Q U
iso necessary to the pam The Vnlverslty of Missouri boasts of And balm to the wounded gon];   &  
E James McConnell, as Charley Wyke· ”· freshmen who lm be"' ln *“"’ “*"!\\’ltl1 n generous pinch of the golden succuwr w SAR"', ‘ co. '
lham, a roysterlng lad. did his work Nona] balloon "*°°“·   weed   W Main St.
l"°“· Mlm unlvt-muy has inaugurated ul P“°"°" "°"'“ "‘ "‘° "°°" "‘“°" "°`”" nv ¤¤¤~ ¢¤¤~w~ ¤~ wr
  I A, ’••
I mm Shmmck as the designing plan whereby their graduates will be we have eaten of sm_mw,S bitter cITY' FINE cANml·
· V Spetugum in his quest for 20::8 secured at intervals to deliver leo-\ b  
*···¤*·¤ *~·¤¤ wd m*“*°¤**· pm Blum to me students. S · R _ 1
  a vetpmn His work was Snappy und} \\ e have drun en of laughters w ne. U • •
. igvkkn run or dun. The Kappa Alpha fraternity house In all that I’ve had you have always DIVCTS nty
HN`- if- All who saw the play were loud in at Sewanee was totally destroyed by shambd
  I,   their praise or the Stroller organiza- m·8_ And ¤“ that WM mlm was mine-  
  tion. Hamilton Lewis, of Louisville, ....._... K R ` I g
  A graduate of Harvard University, ggw Mme. Davenport, Viennese student of You have joined my laugh in my hours   y
  the pprformanpg and prgnguncgd   as €\1gEIllCS, startled tllfi students of the vof mlrtll. .              
  ’ the best amateur performance hg had i University of Illinois, when she in- You have echoed my sob or sigh,
' It ; ever seem not gxggptlng me play gwgnlformed them that their one object in l¥ut now ls the hour when our trails ments to the g ra d u 3 t e 5
e ' .
by the dramatic Club gf Hapvm-d_ lite should be to prepare for marriage. mm: par;} { i d dwg of Kentucky High Schools who
The play will be presented in Louis- -——— Good- ye, 0 r en , goo - .
‘ l r ` W , f O - . .
ville sometime in the early part of °"f°'“ C°"°’·" ‘°' °‘§‘°" immii —s, F, G, 18, are prepared to enter the Fresh
February under the auspices of the fOrd’ Ohio' is trying to ra Se $ ' .#».--..•.•—;- man Clas8_
for an endowment f¤¤d- lle: "Tho dentist told me that I
fraternal organizations of the city, it _, _
was announced Tuesday I had a large cavity that needed filling. Each county In the Sum is
e Harvard wlll not play Michigan next She? "Dld he recommmd any _
Dates have been made tor perform- ' _ _ Slwdal course of study?. entitled to und FREE of tui_
ance at Mt Sterling January 29 year in football. The general opinion
8 * · · ·   . . •
    and Cymhhma February 1 ls that if these two teams should meet The mm'- is the best hgmhmg posh tion, matrlculatlon, laboratory
' ' this fall Mlchlgan would win. ....l..•.._—....
l 1*........ s _ , and other fees, one or more ap- q I
AN **lDLE." ' ° ' P8tl'0IllZ€ 0\ll' AdV8l'tlS€l‘S.
l E. E. JOHNSON VjS|TS HERE.   p0intees_
* "-"" ._..
VS I 8** and "“ml““° Mr. E. E. Johnson, u graduate of DR J D KISER Necessary expenses moderate.
Over lessons antlquate, · El . ° ° °
l the College of Mechanical and ec EYE EAR NOSE lad THROAT I For f H infonnation rd
Being quite efmmmute trlcal Engineering, is in the city. He ’ §pEg|AL|gT u regs
In my mind I “°w debate ls holding a position in one of the Glenn Ground to Order. ing appointees, cgurggg of gtudy'
Things that to the men relate local banks, the company for whom Mcchlhnd Bl-'"dl”9· t fb d I to _
  Reduced 1l·‘orgettlng lessons amiquate). he is working having mmpommy W 0f||c• Pham 032-X R••Id•n¢• 730-X COS 0 Oar , etc., appy
leased some of its men due to the H .. H. S. BARKER,
Christmas comes but once a year.
And at Prices that Count Why does mere man day by day Eu,0p€,,,, wm, l President,
O I mlnln f lbles bray . . .
A1': as theireprzjects new mm ————··•~——·-UDEN S ENTER Patromze Our Advertisers.] L•¤1¤!¢¤¤. Ky-
HIGH SCHOOL ST T - -`--......_.....—....L....  
S ’ GV With merrlment and some dismay? _'"" ` O
    "Away, away, get home," they say, Quite a number of Lexington High     e   S
` ··T)m;•g the place for you to grgy!" {School students, graduating at this FOR PENS AND PENCHS, g y
  time, will be among the new students TABLETS AND FINE  
, Shoes, \
• ii t St t f tl t r beginning Feb- ,
Put hubbys slippers bly the re a a e or ie e m STATIONERY S   C
N k H t Patch your dear papas attire, IFUBPY ISL
ZC WCZT, 3 S, To me kitchen then .-wm, ~——··———— Jounsrows cmnv
Prepare a dinner quite enum; f   "Ma, why can‘t I go bare-  
C _ oo .
PS   rl lllil. {B   we   desire: l mini {Because it makes your feet W E    
’ lYou`re the girl we’ll then admire." grow lm.g€_»» m• .   , ,
I l Jimmy (after hard thought): "Then 309 w°" Mu" 8"°°*     C0•
Prices marked Way downv   ls it that they are afraid did "l`lny' go naked when he was
, H    
look at fhg wgnkows as you Of dinner gotten by the maid, mug? l
O th tu ir _ t r d W wm fade For the benefit ot the unsophisti· ' · •
Pa·$$• r 8 W Hep Q e B ay ’ cated: "Tiny" haq a compressive   AM I    
Or their °°mf°" r°"°gmd°’ stress of about 200 pounds when at- I
t—i lf a little "sufferage" {myd B yu Adgm_ To l
The dear, dear "sa<·red home" invade? »l.•.••-_; , _ `
. · k M . 1* Mi D
C l _ _ Q vw H gw ·¤ 6*; is 0; ** is LCXll'lgIOI1 fllg COIIlp3l'lY l
3V€S, OX `Patromze Our Advert1sers.i'“°'°" ¤¢~··¤¤·> M ¤ ¤·¤¤·*¤   L
` *4}  ,·· `E I,'Yi "   r · `I gr" Id?   ‘_ `V I` `  `       I
& CO•   l‘· `*5" »;*,t"¥·?"xYl·*?    “  ‘•S¤_ E ‘ I
`—¤        i t W ELS}-I & MURR
lnoorponkd _.  ` {Q ` ·;"";’g¤ 7,;% ._»_  _ r   :1.,. _   _  ` ._
l _, ·_\. vé » §·l¥·Ff*_,. mg.  7 · { ·? ., ‘,; L •l   ` ··`$·»
· t' »· »‘ .·~ lz 1 ·>`. f Y ";  l ’
The College Fellows' Sh;p · _;   , ·· ‘_}{;_·y£.·9};Afyl ,    » T 35 .l.. (
———————»————  ‘=*> ` I.
h••r»•l·• %j;‘w|· RY t   ‘ *‘· *    ‘
Manufactunre of #‘ ·*. {__ Wy.: ;’_ gg ‘ » N
HANDMADE °'GA"S `E **6   ‘   Th Ri ht N S ` "
1 ·f   _
.,F35£':‘£.§?,}’PJ:.¥.T l   .1....__e 9 °"’. “"‘”°“ = O
~ —-E--~~—~ - M A . .» i- l _   r
{ ` ’ Y
University Lunch Stand I _ __ _ , _ Q
mm. •¤¤¤..••v•¤y to •¢¤u•¤•• l __   Q; 4 p _ · COLLEGE WORK A SPECIALTY  
and Faculty of Inu Unlv•r•Ity   q; _f dh, 9,., M , L V l  
I  ,’;·`;·*, if • ” .' I O
A.        ·    ’*’ _ _ “* { 124-128 N0l'th Llm€Bt0l\¢ L8Xll\[t0l\, Ky. ·
·l i

•   ·• T H E I D E A I
I —“"""""""”“"*"'“"`"""'“*`—"'I "   "` `” I * PROHIBITION CLUB , ‘*- "· “"¤‘*“ M" "I '*- ”"°‘· *"‘"‘°' Call and get acquainted
- •     Miners, rcturncd Monday from Indian   our advertisers.
J J   I |   J J ‘ ’ Hood, Ky., where they mado u. sulrveyli-—————-——;;——————
The Prohibition l’lub of State llnl- of the mlnws of the Indian f'rM·k Foul R
_____,_ o_o L , _ _ _ LEONA D
——-——······——·—·—·—-·—·—····— ~·— \· rsnty mot Thursday night, January (ompany. 'lhey will now make n do-
,,AGS,,     h,l,,,,,. yu, H`,. Im, r,.,,,,ir,.o ,,h,,H h,. in l., In the Y. M. (K A. rooms. tall map of tho mlncs, brlnxlmz them    
`       l nmrkm milk \Ir. Rnrtln made a report upon the up to date. A! Loohlrd HOQOI ’
' __,_-,- .,,.•., V . ···»nv•·nri·»r1 which was hold at Topeka, ————-—- NON! BITTIR
___ I ,   , .. ,
||~|()M[·] ECONOMICS Ixltnmo, .1mmy I and 2. mr. small ""` “"’*""" "' "'""‘* "*" ““"· °°°8W!I-L 9*0% l’•‘¤¤•‘|•*•r•
` ’ The election of Oft1(`PY`F\ of lll? I\K¥'l·i       was huzzlng wnh npw and progressive prpgpntpd to gn app|•p(·|gf{vp a||d|p[)(·¢e   ;`°"t_`_" 
` _1 J I J L J J K r X -4
cultural Eixptgtior the s;‘:C()rldMH"rI:1‘R ,i'l‘HH' gpvgral of whlph afro U) he put Ill lllf H1Kll 8011001 Hll(1ll0I'1|lIIl Tues W. S.  
t" w" ° “ ° "‘°" bg °“ “Y Th,. ,..,1,.,mr w•·•·kl5 m•·<·vInn of thc imo i»r=¤·1l<#¤&t<>¤I”*¥· (my umm by mv A Senior HMB The Sahita! Gl'0¢¢l'
, mihtkv W H t I illnmv l·lconomlcs l'Iuh was held Mon·l A canvass ls to he made of everylnr Morton Hlgh Comm" Tho may was y
I .1 . 0311 mz on wr:1 FIONFI; asidny Mwnmnnl ,I.h‘_ SIh_Hk·_r on mp; Mmm] '_Unm_(_'p(l wml mp Umv‘_miU_I vory crcclltnhly nctcrl mul the pro- Phone  
l Egan dent all the Othsg; O ierslrlse   { \If'()L{I`lI|Il I.1l1l6‘(| lf) 1N' [Il`¢‘H$'ll1 HJN1 only lll ()[`1lI’l' to Kfllll il l1[]0\l[) of HIP UW'(¥1," vppdg WH] bp ugpd to buy a (`uruun for cor' 8° LI'n°•`°n• lnd vlrghn. Av·°
I Wire' (.0     I. · 9-_H, 1l\l>illll>.< !·U‘SHl0Il \\'l\H lIf‘l(l. and "tlfyu bIP[](I[]]4‘[]{ ()[\ the (‘3mpllB_ th" audlt0r1un]`  
non; reanurer, . . m urgcy; sec- _____
· Tho ofllccrs clcctcd for thc socoml Likewise- u canvass for members ls . ·
, _ H I ,.A .2   _ ll mso rnmpnct- r>»11;m1,my librarian, DEN‘I‘IS’I‘
re ary OTIMH Pi:) onrrpqlmntt nf scim·st¢·r wvrc as follows: Io hc made and the price of member· ammummd wnnday mu, pprmdicalq
  .. -.;.’.n-- * *· ·
I s9(rpmry' gym wwwa u ; l’re~sldcnt, Lois llurtlctt. ship foe la 50 ccnts per year.
I arms G M Gumban . may hc taken from the library the   I T  
I lt;} ' b' ` d tl tu ' Vice--I'r•·sl¢l•·i1I Iillzuhclli Furra. All members dcslrous of entering ammo W mmkq Thpy may ba kept ' • •
as een announcc IH no en- · ·· ·· I
Sccrctary Idllznhctli Pickett. the oratorlcul contest to be held in _ 12] Chea Side
· b t- th I threw- days, after which time a fine of P
. wrmmmem of the mom ers 0 8| (‘orr•·sq»omllng Sccretnry —»— .lessle_ March will pleasc submit their names _ __ 1 , i _h d
Agricultural Society by the young y *"I‘ "'I' 8 (al H ‘ HVKQ · Hours 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Phena 864-X
I di { h H F i Cl b l·‘lor¢·nc+~. ll()fll¢¥S€(TI'€1,8.l'Y, Marie Louise Michot, Tho library is Hhpml Knowing mm
° °’ ° ° ° me ’°°“?m "` ’°r   Etlitor 1\1lI1lI1(`* (‘ramer. l»·m¢··m»¤ nan, Phone 24. work Ut. mmm three works of mmj ` “"‘_‘“L"`”"
has been postponed to February .I. I · I
Th 1 t m b t P tt Assistant l·JdItor—-—Anm·ttc Martin. ,.......•..._.. mmm and mw magzmnp to hp mkpnl
e onterta nmen w 0 a a er- · 4 · -
Son Hu"` 1·m»m·~r Mary llurrlcr. ln. A. MILLIGAN namovao TO Om on an indmdual Cam D0 You Know
on *•..g gg—~ ST. JOSEPH’S HOSPITAL
          -- llywcl Davies, Business Agent for The bfst U noaa ·°° .°°d
’     Y M C A R, A. Milligan. the University car- State {·n{vm·,,it,y_ after gppnding al when it ¢°N•| to U Ph°·°'
      ' · · l pentcr who was burned last Monday} wepk in (-Onfergncp with me may ‘r·Ph? B9 °¤ u’°“f•‘d·
what is probably the bm! recordl The Y. M. <‘. A. law class was or- '“'lm;h¤· has h€’*’¤ removed to St-lmlners and operators in various parts md ·•°
f nt bl uk d H U tl gunizm }.·,.muy_ Jammry no at me y_ .los¤·ph's Hospital and is reported to be of Ohm and wm; vipgmia in an at.
f , . .
or pm a e m p 0 uc on la mq M. (‘. A. building, under the instruc- lh ** hhrhlhs (`mldmon- tempt to settle the pending strike of      
W 1 ' °v°r been mbdb by a' dal"' ww Ib the tlon ol` Judge Lyman (`hulkley and; ——-——-——••-•—————- 1II,IIlN> miners in the Eastern Ohio coal 311 W na • Sh, l
, Blue Grass has been mdg during the Allow-y William Nichols. it will ¢· +·1··¤· + • + ·•· •· ·• ·•· • ·• • ·• • ·•; mms, has returned to Lexington. Mr.
* ·- I The Student’• Pbotogn Int
‘. hm *h'°° m°“*hb by Dbbbbbg R°S° m•»··t cvcry 'I`u•·s¤· *’b—·~i·*g¤—¤
milk, which contains hardly 3% per (_N_t_ml lmmtg afternoon to attend the farmors' wcek, H_ S Hurkw. and Miss Mary Fishen .   _ __r__ _
h cam °f b““°" f"‘· Ib “°'d wh" Jersey l·mrt·sso¤-s uml students or all ue.l"“"`“*S“” lh *’““h"’ *"h"°”hY “‘h**“’   The gathering was larger, ir possible, ;'I`C`¥:? :}-2-T 5,
milk that is so very rich in butter fat Um_Hm_mS um invited to attend. line will address the stockmen, on Jan-; than u5ual_ ·   _   ' 2;- wo mh · I 5
that Wh€Xl IIllX8d thé BVGPBSG 18 still _W_n r_ A___ __v"_ IIMVY 22- Uh Ihr $UbJ€*'[» Hsmhk F€€d·l The time of dancing was shortened ` ' " "`V A _wwmV_VJ
considerably 8»b0V€ the 3% D6? CGD! Patyonizg Our AdvgrtiSgrS_llilg·" lhy thc fuct that the lights were, V
WM"'! ·*‘**——·_‘"*Ar’—r— " ’ ”"'T*"’“" “‘ "’"*”""’ W' ‘ ' TT · through some injury to the wircs, sud- W     S IZ t
Pl   T, ·· ·~ _, l denly extinguished. B      
. ·' I ’ - .4/   g    
‘ ` ‘ I I y wa in t k
». { · •··
AY . - _ I _   yr __ fi , V _ eh . fs soles, when we SEW
_ •   _ I y y `  ___“ ly V ·_* _ _ , oo   then on for the same
' l _ ¤ _ · rl, ; ` Q,   ;g?=;_4   ,_,_   i __ . ‘ , ‘ 4 ’ aj   prnce, Work dong while
,   I -» 1 » ’ ~    igc  i ·1 S as   ' ·*"*’ A.   e I BER SH   ’°“ “'“"·
{ "’ 4 / / f . lim l `    ,\   .   X" /’ ’ .
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, - · __ _ t I —· »» ·  , { » . g,· 4 — ,4i—?,*·§ ‘E?`¤\ Ulllllagll Uulck SMB HBDBIIIIIQ
I l ' •· ` 4 A` r id`. ·` · ' · •
»~ _ "Q Q $; 2 ‘ ?   j, U·R» _, sg NEXY! 113 South Broadway
` ;‘- h `* ‘, lg;. L ‘ ··;f jr   y `,\\  ___ ______
    I { °’   HAIRCUT I5? SW1 I0? ° Kinkcad Coal Co,
~ ‘ V ‘ , exczv1sMun0Av.s. , _ _ _
I :_ - I TuRKIsH,$HowER&PLAIN k Anthracntc and Bitummous
.4 .1,, » a. <•B2X’T`HS°  
‘··~ ‘ "&?‘:;:~;~, _ N, snsmunr usumm•s1t‘LLxIncron.Kv  _
I "`*‘··•·L:____ V  ~ — ~ ' L .
exmgton, - Kentucky
.. ` “ S _ ••••••••••••••• 
• • --__ ‘·  
" i · ·»- ··· ·-·—— ~—··-......,,,,,_ I-· M- LMI- 1Acx uuuu
` · rrr ·**··=•u¤......__,L_ _
· _ · Phoenix H aberdashery
f V . Styles for College Men
Q and
S Makers of English Clothes
g .
I Phmnix H¤t•I Block ' q K
rr   Q

 4 T H E I D E A • "
..;.__.; •...._  .•-—- • -—-—  ·-....1-—•¤••-a t-an ·»~-1 
tthlngs like thls can happen there’s s
    chance .for some of the students to get •
""""'.lt"tt.1'§KtQ"{}'.f&".‘§-’.t3".§l“§'L‘2.‘1E.2l‘;S.‘¥'?tf2t¥.'.!§'tl’l.t"€§.'l`l‘l$?~‘ "°"’ °"‘ °' °"°""'"" Weekly Sermonette
graduates, alumni and faculty of the lnstltutlon. Ao ..As_.. mon who hum to uy th“I
THB IDEA ls the offlclal newspaper of the University. lt ls lssned wlth wh"° IM K°m°°ky m° °°m° °°° °°°`
the vlow of furnlshln; to its subscribers all the college news of Kentucky, ond tn the apple judging contest, the KILL TI"! H°N°R UYUTINT
 atthmz glgsoof items of interest concerning the unlversltlea of doponmom con bout of Home MMI ,_____
___To_;T:;o;;;;_;o_;:ot The o o It I to ;_ __;;__T;é_:: who no boot tho worhh Noord In not What would we thlnk of Jlm Park lf he had made ms teams by under-