xt72z31nhn0x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72z31nhn0x/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1943 journals 2_02 English Lexington, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky fruit notes v.2 n.02. text Kentucky fruit notes v.2 n.02. 1943 1943 2014 true xt72z31nhn0x section xt72z31nhn0x V01. 2 January, 1943 No. 2
W. D. Armstrong, Horticulturist, Editor
_ MAILING LIST NOTICE hiding under trash or in the soil _
1 As stated in the October issue, about the plants in old strawberry
only those who returned the post P¤t€h¤¤· ttm rrlbcmsta mini me next spring ;
E MC' i en a mm tm mc U ° WO new when thev start the cycle over "
` gain I comml measmcsr again. There is usually one gen-
 ` _ _ eration a year but in some seasons e
lt the , Life Cycle and Habiw we have found a small second brood
on on A . . . .
_ j The adult crown borer is a black **5 “"H· _
   , and brown beetle about the size of The crown borer is very restricted ·
. i _ r 2-1 grape seed and cannot ily. Few in its feeding habits and the kind ·
1€t1Ch. ~  . .
yeeee ef  growers have seen the adult since of plants in which 1S can breed. In --
` f` `E  lt is small, plays possum when dis- Kentucky it breeds only in the cul-
nd is ~ .
ems e turbed and feeds only on the under- tivated strawberry. wild straw-
dileih ' Sides Of the leaves. For the most berry, and in a weed called COITUTXOII
ed by Daft, the winter is passed in the ciquefoil (or five finger). Cinque- `»
Ocicty adult stage. Right now great nun}- toil is very common on many farms .
bers of the beetles can be found in the western half ofthe state. j

 t l
1 How Crown Borer Spreads eral hundred yards from the near- l Z
Growers Spread crown bowls to est old patch and they proved to be   ‘
their new patches in several wa ts. imc of Cm“‘n.bOrCrS` The follow-
5 .
One is by placing the UCW patch ing year he picked over 200 crates
Y _ . of berries. Another planting using
next to oi near an old, infested berry I P-, r l' t_ f_ I _ _ ·
patch. The adult crown borers then   K iii D `in B ,l.Om_ HL Sdmc Held
have Only to walk Over to thc new was a total failure from borer
patch and begin egg—laying. The ddmugu
same is true of patches set next to . .
· or near conquefoil. The other com- Fumlgatum of Plants
mon way of getting crown borcr Since considerable labor is in-
is by the use of contaminated plants yolved in digging plants early.
to start new patches. Adults may cleaning them and heeling-in until
be hiding among such plants or if planting time, a search was made for
the plants are dug after March 1 some other way to free berry plants
they may contain crown borer eggs of crown borer. As a result of many
as well. experiments carried on during the
past three years the use of methyl
bromide fumigation has been de-
Cultural Methods of Control veloped and tested extensively under
As a result of studies made in Held condmons
western Kentucky in 1937 and 1938, MCUYYI b1`0mid€ is U 1`0m8¤`k3bl¢‘
certain cultural methods for getting new gas which is being used else-
rid of crown borer were recom- where to solve many difficult in-
mended. It was suggested that grow- sect D1‘0bl€mS. It CHU D€¤€t1`3i€ H
ers set new strawberry patches tightly packed crate of dormant ,
` with plants which had passed state strawberry plants and kill crown i
inspection or had been dug and borcr of all stages without any in-  
carefully cleaned before egg-laying jury to the plants. The fumigation t
began (usually early in March). must be done in a tight chamber  
To keep new plantings from becom- and to be sure of results the dosage t
ing infested after setting it was of gas, temperature, humidity and  
further suggested that new patches treatment period must be carefully Y
be located at least 350 yards from 1`0gUl€1i€d- Al$0» $i¤€€ the gas is t
the nearest borer·infested straw- poisonous tv humzm b€i¤g$ STORY i
berries or conquefoil patch. Grow- care must be exercised in its usc. `
ers were adviseg to destroy Old The dosage found necessary to  
patches and to plck HO patch more kill all stages of crown borcr is 3 i
than two years Smcc Old bcrry pounds of methyl bromide per 1,0000
patches frequently bmcd up Coop cubic feet of space for a 2-hour
mous numbers Of Cmwn b01`°rS· period at temperatures above 65 F,.
Some growers were able to solve and the temperature of the plants
their crown borcr problem by using fumigated must be above 65 F.
these cultural methods of control. Fumigation with this dosage has
In 1937, for example, Mr. Clarence not injured dormant Blakemore or
Seaton of Kevil dug plants early in Premier plants. Work with the
March from an infested patch then Aroma variety has not given uni-
cleaned and washed them to remove form results to date and further
crown borer adults. These plants tests should be made before treat-
WGl'€ used to start an acre of Arotna ment tm them (full be l'CCOY1iIT1CH(il?Ci.
strawberries in a new location sev- Because of its ncarness to the

near- Experiment Station at Lexington, Baiting is economical only on new
to be the Louisville berry growing area patches. The material is applied
ollow- l was selected last spring (1942) for by dropping a half teaspoonful of
crates l a trial of fumigating berry plants bait in the crown of each plant
using   under practical conditions. During A fertilizer horn can be used to ad-
2 field ‘ the third week in March a 50 cubic vantage in applying the bait. The
borer ‘ foot fumigator was taken to Buech- lirst baiting should be made to the
i' gl where over 84,000 Premier entire patch soon after setting, If
" plants were fumigated, enough the patch was started on clean land
plants to set twelve acres of berries. with Clean plants, later baitings at
_ _ ‘ Patches set with these plants are 10·<1aY i¤t€1“Va1S may be made only
IS m`   now growing in the Louisville area. Oh tht? 0¤t$1€1€ fifteen O1` twenty
early ‘ Growers interested in seeing for 10**5- T0 bait an a¢1‘e requires
until   themselves how fumigation affects €1h011t 50 te 100 P0undS of bait.
dg for l berry plants should see these Tire g1`0W€1`$ \’t'h0 have given
P1¤¤tS   patches poison bait a trial and reported good
mah? [ results are Lester Harris of Paducah
lg th€   Crown Bore!. Bait and J. M. Tucker of Buechel.
gctggl   In localities where strawberries ?"é_“’
under ‘ are grown extensively or where THE FERTILIZER SITUATION
L cinquefoil is abundant it is fre- By A. J. OLNEY
§ quently impossible for growers to Head. Department 0fH0rticu1ture
likable   set new patches where they will Since a large part of our nitrogen
else`   remain uninfested, even though supply is needed for munitions, the
it m` they use clean plants at the start. use of nitrogen for fertilizer is re-
late 3 The use of materials to kill adult stricted by order of the \Var Pro-
rmam crown borers migrating into new duction Board.
Cmlvn patches before they could lay their Naturally, fruit growers are con-
jy in- eggs would seem to solve this prob- cerned about the amount of nitro-
gamm lem and fit in well with the use of gen fertilizer that will be available
ambcli fumigated plants, The poison baits to them in 1943. At the time this
iosagc recently developed by the writer is written, no definite statement can
y and have proved effective for this be mad?. lt is €XP€€`t€d that 3P·
`efully pul·poSo_ proximately $4 of the amount pre-
gas is _ Ono good bolt fol- kllllng Cygvlrn viously used will be released. In
great boyol- bootlos was found to be o any event it seems clear that we
usc' commercial material made of 96.5 must dspchd Oh 19ss hitmgsh ish
.ry to pep cont dried, chopped, apple tilizer than usual, for the duration.
Y is 3 lofoso oootod with 3_5 pol- cent Fruit growers are well aware of
lygggg Sodium l=lnoslllooto_ Anolllol- good the fact that nitrogen is an essential
g-boln- ` bolt was prepared by dl-ylng fl·oSll factor in maintaining the degree of
65 F.. apple pomace left after cider mak- \`i§01` h€€€ss¥11`>' [OY seed f1`u1t C1`OPs-
plants lng and coating lt Wltn 2_5 boy cont It is believed that most fruit grow-
65 F. by weight of lead arsenate. Both CFS \\'111 be 211910 te kw}? UP P1`OduC‘
o has proved effective in field tests, kill- tion if three-fourths of the amount
are or ing from 65 to 100 per cent of the of nitlbgeu 101`€1`1>' used csh be Oh`
h the adults present in ten days time. In tained and the fertilizer put where
1 uni- One field experiment at Lexington, it will do the most good.
urther baiting during April, May and June Old trees and those that have a
treat- killed enough adults to reduce the poor record should be eliminated.
gnded, number of infested plants over 80 Trees that made a strong growth
o lllo per cent. last year will not require fertilizer
» as

f this spring and most young and furnish some nitrogen, after these
i non-bearing trees usually can be decay. especially if lcgume hay or i
kept vigorous without the ooo of clippings are used. Newly added i
hltmgen f€I.tlllZ€l._ Trees that have inulches should contain some ani-
boon bearing heavily “rlll heed to mal or poultry manure to furnish
be f€l·tillz€d_ probably lt will be nitrogen until the mulch starts to
advisable to split the application on decal'-
oppio iyoosy using about iinif tho Because conditions are variable.
gmgunf in Maron to aid fi-uit Sgt, and no simple formula can be stated that
the second half about June 1, on the will Pl`0Vld€‘ the best WHY to main-
trees caryylng the heaviest cl·OpS_ i.EIlll fl`Lllt pl.`OdUCtlOll OH lYldlVldllZll
For peaches, tho uso gf foyiiiizoi farms. The fertilizer industry has
probably should be delayed till the pledged itSelf to distribute all fer-
fyosi; poyiod is past and tho oyop is tilizers equitably among consumers.
$31; Whoyo {no amount of nitrogen The use of nitrogen on certain non-
available seems inadequate to main- eSSC1ltial Crops will be eliminated
tain vigor, the pruning should be tv conserve the supply for fruits
moro sovoro than usual. The reduc— and other food crops. It is expected
tion of the top of a tree will reduce that Il`i0St of the Straight nitrogen
its nitrogen requirement but will fertilizer available will be sulphate
also reduce its producing capacity, pf allmulllil dlld p0$SlbiY 50me
hence too severe pruning is not ¤lti`¤li0 of 50d€l·
desirable. On the whole, the situation looks
During the period that f€1.tlhZ€l.S quite favorable for fruit growers in
are limited, special attention should Ke¤t¤¤k>=
be given to soil management prac-
tices. On most soils, clean cultiva- SOME 1942 STRAWBERRY
tion results in excessive erosion and TESTS i
depletion of nitrogen reserves. l_ Lexington Results  
~ Thus, is would seem advisable to _ ‘
seed orchards to a more or less per- C' S' WALTMAN i
manent cover crop and this will During the season of 1942 eight  
help to reduce labor costs. Lespe- varieties of strawberries were  
deza has proven to be an excellent fruited on the Experiment Station  
cover in many orchards for a num- farm at Lexington. Five of these l
ber of years, and it is one of the were comparatively new varieties  
best legumes for this purpose. which have not been grown in this i
Alfalfa, sweet clover and red clover vicinity previously, while the other i
have been used with some success. three, Premier, Blakemore and
The growing of legumes results in Catskill, are considered as standard
the fixing of considerable quanti- varieties. The yl€]d$ lll 24·€l¤8l`t
ties of atmospheric nitrogen in com- crates per acre were as follows:
pounds in the soil, which makes Catskill   _l___________'______ 3428
legumes more important than usual. Blakomoi-o ______________________ 3055
Since legumes are not as effective T€¤¤€$5€€ Shipper
as grasses in preventing erosion, a Prgglggl; -——···--————--·—---—----»----  
mixture ef legumes uml emsses Diosaon Xfjjfjjjjfffj]j[[]j2a9Zv
should be use on steep sites. Where Tennessee Beauty
manure is available, even small (263) ............................ 272.3
amounts placed around the trees T€ll¤€SS€€ S¤pl`€m¢‘
will be beneficial. Mulching mato- (260) ----·-·-----·----·---»-»·· 249-6
rials placed around trees will also CulV€l' --»------·---·e-~--·--·----- 207-7

 these As Catskill was outstanding in ing time is four or five days later
ay or production, and has been for the than Premier.
¤dd€d t past six years, this variety is evi- Culver was quite satisfactory in
¤¤i- t dently a good one to supply near-by plant growth but lower in yields
11`¤iSh   markets. It is not an exceptionally than the other varieties under test.
`l$ to ;_ good plant producer, but in an The fruits were of good quality but
V _ avorago season will form as many, inclined to average somewhat small.
tatlhlet · if net more ments, then Premiere It is not recommended for general
nai; i Because of the way the plant grows, pillggg itlshlhl itflisleghtef tits have
*idual i it is recommended that On good gpproximatelsuae tlieesam rupees
V, has ; rich soils the planting distance be Dresden andycatskm e lme as
_ ‘ not more than two feet between _ . . ' .
l fer   _ I V The thiee varieties which were
mers. t pld“tS· lh l°“_$ foul feel apalh Oh developed by the Tennessee Experi-
non- t soils not so rich a somewhat closer ment Stetmn shewed considerable
nated   Dl8¤ii¤g di$t8¤0€ would bc P1'€f€i`· promise and are being carried on
fruits   able. The fruits are exceptionally in further trial; The fruit gf Ton-
ected   large and attractive in color but nessee Shipper resembles Blake-
rogen Y not iinifoi-m in Shapg and oro a more in several respects and in tests
phate Y little too soft for long-distance ship- Conducted bY the T€¤¤€$$€€‘ SVP
some t ment The quality is not high but tion has been found to possess ex-
; goods and ripening is fouy oi- nva cellent shipping qualities. The ber-
looks g days later than promioi-_ ries average good size throughout
ers in Q the harvesting season and the qual-
t PREMIER and BLAKEMORE con- ns. is seed
l tinue as outstanding varieties for Z1-he fruits ef Tennessee Supreme
{Y i this eeee‘ They eeh be dspsvdsd resemble Premier in several re-
t upon to produce satisfactory yields speetst but the variety possesses
` Of geed qhahty fmlh ehd Blehe` the distinct advantage of being a
more ls favored as e berry perhe` considerably better plant former
ularly suited for storing in frozen- than Premier and the individual
_ food lockers. There is an outstand- plants ere else mere vigorous. The
eight lhg hlhehehee in the plehhfelimhlg fruits appear exceptionally suitable
were ablllty Ol _lhe$e twe Val`letleS· for the frozen-pack method of pres-
anon Blak€m°r‘*‘ ls very Vlgehehs and ervation but are only moderatelv
lhese under suitable conditions is likely nrm end therefore net Wen suited
leslie to fmim too many p1amS' In tests for Shipping. The ripening time is
ethei eevellhg leur Yeal`S¤ best lesults a few days later than Blakemore.
were secured when the plants were Tennessee Beauty is the mest
and set no closer than three feet in rows recent ef these Varieties te he
ldale four feet apart. In contrast, Pre- nemed end mtmduCed_ Being Of
ehart mlm is generally lacklng in Vlgele the Aroma season, it is showing a
Si ahd plahhfelmlhg ahlllty· Best tendency toward heavy production
s results with this variety were ob- end is being tested tntthet. as a
J tained when the plants were set at prospective letet. commercial ship_
7 eighteen or twenty inches in rows ping hem.y_
3 four feet apart.
7 Dresden in its first tests in Cen- H- Westelzn Kentucky S“bSta'
tral Kentucky was somewhat disap- tleh Results
3 pointing. While the yields were W- D- »’}RMSTRONG
3 Very good and the individual plants Vm`l€tY Tests
7 very fruitful, the berries ripened The season was favorable for
unevenly and were soft. Its ripen- heavy production and unusually

 = i tf
{ V;.
— j high yields were had over the entire Tennessee varieties are covered by {X
Western Kentucky area. plant patents and are controlled by U-
Yields of the main varieties tested the University of Tennessee Re- 0;
at Princeton are given below in search Corporation)cooperative dis- l` tj,
i 24-quart crates per acre: tribution methods for Kentucky are t 8]
_ ,.. being worked out. {L
%§r1;€ers2;1e€   `--```--```' 28t Maytime is somewhati gmilar to { gy
(263) __________________,___________ 276 Tennessee Supreme but i not pro- § bt
T€Yl¤€SS€€ SLlDY€m€ 8 duce as heavy. Fairmore is a high·   ir
  ···*·····*·· 26 gualhty, firrn beigyrr but. 1S very ;
ar in co or an as given evi- l
M§§€?£ie‘ti;i;iiii§i;;ii$ii;§i;iii;;;i33 dehee ef hehe diiiihiii te   l
Fairmore ..............l........... 124 Massey, a new berry of the Aroma l 5
Qgigz ------—----·-··4··----··-·-----·   sason, had very attractive fruit but , C;
````````````‘````‘```````'`'' ` was low in yield and needs further S
Both Aroma and Blakemore are t°$tmg‘ t_ it
of course standard varieties over i U
western Kentucky. These yields Mulch Tests   "
are somewhat typical, for Blake- Early and spring mulching trials U
more has usually out yielded were run on 9 varieties. The early F
Aroma, and has shown more resist- mulch was applied in mid-December f
ance to drouth. Its fruit, however, at the rate of 2 tons of baled wheat
is generally smaller than that of straw per acre. The spring mulch C
Aroma. was applied after picking started. Y
The above figures reveal eemnar, An average increase of 24 crates Y
atively high yields for most of the eer here Wee ehtelherl lh the l
varieties Bild shew the HGVV rehhee- December rheleheel plete ever the *
_ see Varieties tn be dcing very well late mulched plots. This increase t
, ih eohipehieoh with others hhiieh le highly hheerteht Slhee there wee *
similar conditions. It might be 8 Protective SUOW covering ove" (
added that these new berries de_ mulched and non-mulched berries t
veloped by the Tennessee Experi- alike during the sub-zero weather *
ment station are the most promising ih Jalluaryi 1942 Had lt llOt b€€ll °
new Varieties in the test and they for this snow covering, serious dam-  
warrant wider commercial trials in age WOllld have OOON dehe te the
the state. The Tennessee Shipper llOll·ml~ll€h€d bOl`l`Y Dl€lllt5· R€COl”d$
is a variety of the Blakemore season shew, hOW€V€l”, that g1`0W€l'S ill
with fruit even firmer and berries west K€¤tllOkY €H¤¤Ot d€D€¤d Oll
slightly larger. This variety is not $¤OW fOl` Wl¤tOl` protection. Tee
bothered with "yellows" as is the OftOll lt l$ absellt-
Blakemore, and if adapted to Ken-
tucky conditions should be ei wel- Methyl Bremide Fumigatien
come new variety. The Tennessee In a fruiting test comparing
Beauty is of the Aroma season, but fumigated and non-fumigated plants
is firmer of fruit, medium to large of the Blakemore and Aroma varie-
in size, bright color and attrac- ties, the fumigated Blakemore
tive in color, and is showing plants produced as well as the non-
much promise as a berry of the fumigated plants. However, with
Aroma season. Tennessee Supreme the Aroma variety the fumigation
is a dark red, high-quality berry seemed to reduce the yield. More
chiefly selected for quick freezing work is needed and is planned with
and home use. Though these three this variety. There were no crown

 bY   borers in either treated or non- velopments. The regular Experi-
by .·  treated plants and the tests were ment Station spray schedules for
RW only to study the ef’fect·of fumiga- apples, peaches, grapes and other
dlS- tion upon the plants, since it has fruits are designed to supply full
BTG  1 already been demonstrated that information for growers, who have
__ fumigation will kill all borers in only small plantings and are faced
` to  S the plants. (Refer to thc crown with no serious insect and disease
WO-  _ borer article, by Dr. P. O. Ritchcf, problems. Each county agent and
·gll· in this issue.) assistant county agent of the state
`€VY i will continue to receive a copy of
EVP · 1942 SPRAY SERVICE each spray letter, and in many
`°“'· Dllflllg 1942 thc Fflllt SDYHY counties the county agent will serve
Xml i Service Program for the state was 35 the Spi—ay-jnf0;—matlOn Clearing
bill ‘ carried on generally by the use of iwugqg
i}`¤·?F Spray Letters and Cards to contact
· fruit growers rather than by the BLAKEMO§[}?R§,'§}_;_A\t’BERRY
· use of Spray Broadcasts. These
written notices seemed very pop- In 1939 P18¤i$ of 1WO >f€110W$·F€·
_- Q _ uiai. among thc gmwai-Sy Wim ap, sistant Blakemore strains were
131., 1 d ,1h ,. f.t.  
arlyv A preciated having them to refer to RPF;avi?S]§1;£“`;a_;i¤Olan;1latii€ 1555
iber i from llmc to lim°· Uiciiber straini ·According to a re-
leat * Thi? l¤S€€l8fY and {HCl-finding cent survey of these men (after
rich , organization was in full operation. three fruiting seasons) they all con-
·1;ed_ 9 Points in the state where spray in- $ld€`l`€d the Y€11O“`$’1`fSiS1a“tfthauis
ates formation was collected and re- tar iu_P€“Ol`C;O *_h$\_;_;1;;;€3fOn°gi;
the ported. were Fulton, Mayfield, Eieduii) ziinemggg and accept (mw
the Paducah Pri¤¤et<>¤~ Henderson yellows—resistant plants when pur-
ease Louisville. Lexington, Ludlow, Chasing Blakemore. Some yellows
was Alexandria and Cold Springs. The can be expected to show up in any
gvep cooperators who sent in the reports Sglalil of P1fél1§¥ éi1gOéL§’€Ti§S€%;d
. . - . . ,- anssiou e . _ -
rl-ies fromithe aboxe sections weie \1tal EBSQ is 3 Weakness Of this Yaiietp.
ther GOES in the Pl`0gl`3m· lt WBS l¤lP0$· and does not spread to other \‘3I'l·
gggri sible for the Spray Service leader tics.
iam- I to visit all the sections regularly and
the these reports helped to present the HINTS AND OBSERVA-
Ords 9 whole state picture. TIONS
; in _ By W. W. MAGILL V
_ gn Plans f°* N4-} _ _ rigid Agent iii Horticulture »
TOO Because of travel restrictions, it
will be necessary in 1943 to depend WILL IT HAPPEN AGAIN`?
l`¤0l‘C and more upon cooperators I ask thc Commercial Sti.Hwb€i.i.y
1 Over the state for reports, from their g1~Owei·—.D0 you plan totlplallt {Ogg
‘ —. · . 1 · al berry acreage iis sprin . _
mg éciiiiins- Thr Sem géml pm Of §t‘§JS,.,uy the ,,.,..,tiO.. Ortoai ram
iaiits lc aymg _l€tt°IS thmugh county for 1943 flashed to his mind. What
. agfmts Wl11 139 l·1S€d alld ll0 SUNG would your answer be'? Before you i
arlel bl`OadQ33t5 arc plgnricd ZlllS\\'Cl` tilt? C]LlCStlOll, let LIS _look O\'G1`
nore ` the record of prices f()llO\\'ll1%\§Ol`ld
non- Mailing Lists War No._1—or the history o eriy
. · t 1917-18-19-20-21. The fol-
wfth Spray $€1`V1€€ 1€l1€l`$ Hlld notices i)(is\?i(i$gOpi·ices are taken from one of
itioii RFQ of value only to fruit growers the pooperative Berry ASSOCIHTIOUS
V10l`€ having special insect and disease ef kcmuckyi
with · , l917—$2.50 1920-55.00
problems, and those who tiy to iqi8_ 300 i921___ 3_qO
`Own _ k€€p up with special seasonal dc- 1§19__ 5:50 1922— 2,40

 i n 5
l *2%
Agricultural Experiment
Station 4
of the Penalty for private use to avoid K
UNIVERSITY or KENTUCKY ¤*¥"*°"* °’ °°°'°¤° ”°°· ·
Thomas Cooper, Director _
? t
§ c
! 5
it t
E i
Q 1
t l
i Due to high war prices on corn, than Belle of Georgia, a heavy
wheat, hogs and beef, many grow- bearer, size equal to Elberta and of
ers in the Kentucky, Missouri and splendid quality for canning and
Tennessee section neglected their prcklrng.
berries for these annual crops, and i
look where the berry prices went to ()RCHAR]) DIICE
in 1919 and 1920. I do not claim to _
be a prophet for what the future Good apple trees are too valuable
holds in StOy€_ I-Igyvgvgr, tO my Way IlO·\V fO1` IUOUSO feed. BObtHll l`IllCC
of reasoning, the spring of 1943 is (either the pme mouse or the
an excellent year to continue plant- ¤}<‘€*d0VY m0¤$¤) QVC 1'€POi't€d Plclk
lng at least gl   Of yguy rtoynqal tlflll l.ll1S   So I suggest yOU look
acreage of strawberries, Such bm-- for the tell-tale runways on top of
yjgg vvill bc ready fgy hgyvcgt in tllC SO1l but -llIl(lCl` tllC COVC1' CFO]?.
  and   Scgms   gogd pl-lccs   yOLl l'lIlCl CVlCl(?llCC of tl'1CS(? 1`OClCl'll$.
can bg had write for our best known control
methods. Keep in rngrd tlraé tlltte
Golden Delicious and rimes o ~
HARDY PEACH VARIETY en trees are their favorite food.
The Kentucky July Heath peach
scored a "Home Run" this year in SPRAYER REPAIR
a test block for hardy peach varie- A b_ I d _ _ .11 wt
ties at the Vincennes, Indiana, Ex- _ .v Wien °YVn.SplaYC1 lvl I
· . · assist rn controlling either apple
pémméntal Fmm’ accordmg to   L' scab or codling moth, You may not
Prurkholder of the Purdue Univer- be able to get mpatt. parts tn April
sity Horticulture Department. This and May Bcttct. be sate instead 0[
peach rrpens two weeks ahead of Sorry; GO Ovcy your Sprayer at
Elberta, rs a creamy-white cling- once and order any needed parts to
stone with a red blush, more hardy put your outfit in No. 1 condition.