xt72z31nhf7q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72z31nhf7q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1976-10-15 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, October 15, 1976, no. 150 text The Green Bean, October 15, 1976, no. 150 1976 1976-10-15 2014 true xt72z31nhf7q section xt72z31nhf7q *1  
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10/15/ 76   N0. 150
15 October ~ "Husic in the Gallery" series — l2~l:00 PN in the
_ Gallery (Eine Plaza, weather permitting) (see note).
10 October ~ Bluegrass Librarians' Association meeting ~ 7:00 PM,
Gallery (see note).
2l~22 October F King Library Press Seminar in Graphic Design (see EE
note). Reception on Thursday at 5 PM in theeSolarium
Special Collections. ‘ .
iv ..1- _ h ' *- . F -_“" ’_ ·‘°)`-~ · ,}__ ..' Q ·. . _`r >  _‘ T? (I,}
22 October — Admin.—Council meeting — 0:30 AM, place to be
' announces; - ‘
30 October ¤ "Preschoolers, parents and books" - workshop at UK
Stuaent Union, 9~llx3O REL
Contributors to this nuwber: Cliff Black, Davie Farrell (Eeitor),
Ed O'Hara, Ann Short.

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Seminar in Graphic Design at King Press: Q
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A 7Seminar in Graphic Design with Hermann Zapf at the Kxng Lie g
brarv Press“ is scheduled for next Thursday and Friday, 21-22 ° §
J • . F
October. The seminar will be conducteu by Hermann Zapf, an {
internationally known calligrapher, typographer and graphic g
designer, who has lectured widely in the US, authored a dozen sa {
books, and iesigned a number of widely known typefaces (including ,
Helior, Michelangelo, Optima, and Palatino). g
The two~day event will consist of a calligraphy workshop (10 AM,
Thursday) ané a graphic design workshop (2PM, Friday)——both to
be hele in the Gallery~—and two lectures; "Typography in the r
computer age" (3 PM Thursiay) ang "Ths typ0qrapher°S aft" i
(illustrated with slidese ll AH Friday)~·both in room ll? Class-
room Building. i
—A reception is scheduled following the Thursday afternoon lecture;
it is being organized by Jean Robinson anc the Staff Organization.
The workshops, lectures and reception are open to the public,
ani library staff members are expecially welcome.
An exhibition of Hr. Zapf”s work is currently on gisplay in the
lobby of King Library South.
Co~sponsors for the seminar are: the King Library Press, the
Department of Art,-the College of Architecture, the Graduate
Seminar Fund, the Kentucky Arts Commission and the National
Eniowment for the Arts. ·
Music in the Gallery series: .
The inaugural concert of the Music in the Gallery series will be
presenteg on Fricay, 15 October, at noon in the Gallery (or in
the King Plaza, if weather permits). Members of the School of
Music will perform three more recitals in the series on 29 Qctober
anc 12 & 19 November, ang a Christmas Concert is scheduleg for
V 10 December in the Reference Room. -~‘..·¤_ —
The recitals are free and open to the public.
Nota Bene: serials costs:
A recent issue of Library journal notes that the average cost of
American serials in 1976 is $22.52, an increase of $2.52 (ori y
1?.9%) over last year°s average. _ . V
Larry Greenwooc recently deliverec a paper on the U.K. Libraries°
instructional program at the College an& University Section of
the Kansas Library Association meeting at Emporia, Kansas.

 SF-.-Nl F ??F§*§   ?*%€1l'{rS;
The University Senate at its October ll meeting actea on the
following items:
l. Re: Election of voting faculty members of the Board of Trustees
Elucidated the requirement that elected faculty members must
have as their primary assignment research and/or teaching. The
requirement will not excluée aepartment of Aivision chairmen
from election to the Board.
2. Re; Procedures for auditing courses
Adopteé the requirement that changes from credit to audit or
—$@ce versa must be accomplished by the last cate to drop a
course without a graae in any given term.
3. Rez Banning discrimination in aemissions
Tables until the next Senate meeting,in order to reeword the
resolution, a statement outlining specific discriminatory
4. Re; Review of graduate programs
Postponed until the next Senate meeting action on proposed
aiditions to the Senate Rules concerning procedures for review
of graduate programs.
n M-?l&. 'sm 1 .‘ U
nl nlm? (ES E 123lM Irl ES.
Copyright law and its implications for libraries will be the topic
of a talk by William James, UR Law Librarian, at the next meeting of
the Bluegrass Librarians Association on Monday, October 18 at 7:00
P.M. in the Gallery of M. I. King Library. The litigation sur?
rounding the Williams & Wilkins case, as well as recent congres—
sional legislation, has great potential impact on the operations
of libraries, especially in the realm of xeroxing.
Mr. James° topic will prove of interest to all librarians regardless
of the type of library in which they work. The meeting is free and
is open to all.
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{WJ?-K ...;»!’l la!. F   I. lf; 5 ll 3; E Will! il E HZ
Director of the University Library. Florida Atlantic University;
Boca Raton, Florida. Salaryw $l8,30A»$28,3O4.
Cataloger. The J. Paul Getty Museum; Malibu, Californai. Position
available immediately. Application Geagline October 29, 1975.
Salary: $l0,000—$ll,O00.
Chief Photo Librarian. The J. Paul Getty Museum; Malibu, California.
Position available immeéiately. Salary: $l?,¤O0.

 Institute Archivist. Massachusetts Institute of Technology?
Cambriége, Massachusetts. Available January 1, 1977. Salary: $16,000+
Archivist Supervisor 2. State Historical Societye Madison,
Wisconsin. Application ceadline October 15, 1976. Salary; start
between $1,253 and $l,€O3 per month.
University Librarian. Tulane University? New Orleans, La.