xt72z31ngr75 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72z31ngr75/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1964 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 35, 1964 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 35, 1964 1964 1964 2012 true xt72z31ngr75 section xt72z31ngr75 Fr Z,
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* “   r-uz KEN I U CK Yaeumuus
V   I   lliiihlighed quarterly by; the gniveirsity og Kentucky onltlée cnngpus of the Uoliveflity at Lt‘;;|\l{i;l|\.
·r . Q CH} €l'S1lIp T}'p€ A ·I\ I S AllH1H· SSOCIIIIIOH 1\\C ll CS Su SCl'1[)tI()l\ to [ tf . UK1\I\\\S. l'|ll )('l" ‘ ' Q ‘ ‘ P ' _*
. ’ . of National Editorial Asgociation, Kenltucky Press Association, American Alumni Council. 0**0**1 BALL bC111"1)111’1‘
i 5 UK 1964-1965
,   1.     \]Oluu-16   Issue 3 Dec.29 Notre Dame ...... Louitr
      jan. 2 l)art111outh .......... Lt·xiii;· A
` 4 0 Cjonfgntg jan. 5 Vaiiderliilt .......... Lexin;
1   il jan. 9 L.S.U. .......... Baton ll. _
- Q ¤ 1965-The Year of Challenge 4 inn. 11 Tulane .......... New ori.
_ | ]1n 16 ltnntssu lxntn
. .... a .     ............ '  
1 ,1 H0m€cOm111g   1 jan. 18 Auhum .............. Lexii.;
`   On         jill].   l:l()l`l(lll .............. (iilllles.
, i· jan. 25 Ccorgia .................... _·\z*
  : \ Alllnllll Award Vvlnner   jan. 30 Florida ................ l.t·ui_;·
Y ' · Fel). l Georgia .............. Lt·ui.·~
  Alumni on the Go 18 . . . . . `
Q V l·eb. 6 Mississippi .......... Levi.;
    i DL Glenwood   Creech   Feb. 8 Miss. State ........ Lei1:.;·
  1 1 Feb 16 \`·1n1lerl>ilt YN
  E Hall of Distinguished Alumni 22 ,»,.i,_20 1,,,,,,,,, _________________, _,,_i.
 1 ~’ · . ,
· About the Camplls   Ft-11.22 Alahaina ..,......... 'l11st.._
 _ Fcb.2T Teiincssec .......... Lt·x;:;
E ,   {116 Faculty   Mar. l Alaliama ..,......... Luiz.;
  i -
‘ About the Alumni 29
 I ~ EXECUTIVE COEIBHTTEE District V—Robert M. Hardy. 102 Hay Ave.,
 . _Frankfort, Ky.
  Mr. \‘Villiam M. Cant, President, Common- D12?   C' De111111111' 611 1:01101
’ » "’€*‘“*‘ *“‘°'“">'~ 100 St- A““ B““‘““g· District v1`1LBi11 it `1-inwnrd Box me W·illin·;
y . Owensboro, Ky. _ _ Creek KW ' 1 ' "’ ` `
y , D1" Glenn U' .D0"0h’ lmms¤·,l~>- itnnnnnnrn 210 izdnnnnnn mi., s, rr. int-
  Mr. B. A. Shively, Vice President, 1:11 Chen- Chen, K,Z_’ ` amply illuygymg {hg g;p[(it·{,»q
  null Road- l-€¤¤¤s¢¤¤» lsv- District nt (Nation-at-Large)—Ewell Hatfield. . ·
. M‘;;wJ;*¤§0;gi¤L;;§lf;;%nT§§;·S¤¤sr· 1555 Less- .11,5 Qtrnnricr si_,t;i,ari8§i.,n_1_w·njt Virggxigg events centering about the Amr A
,~ nenn G. King, Directtir oi Alumni nnnn. D·§;3¤*L§;g·;;t§s,.;‘· “¤~·¤*· M6 “· ss arrival of students. As nm. run
, Alumni House 400 Rose Street Lexington, 11 0 1 1 · ·_
· . ’ ’ ith exides cncrri ii the it
  K1" Teams Exmnr; RIAY, 1967: unl, 1 f t_ Ye`] lt UK
  . . . . . , spec rum o oc not nes a . ·’
n _ _ _ .._ District I—Mr. Douglas \V1ll1ams, Hopkinsville,
 . TE11115 1111111111 11'11’ 196°‘ Ky. _ _ _ zcstful hours of recreation to the ’
 ' District I- L. Berkley Davis, 22 Stone Creek DiSll'i¤f U—Ml’· L>'¤¤ ]€HYl€$~ C0l¤mbl¤y KY-_
 { ’ Park, Owensboro, Ky. Diiiricé 12-Mr. ljoe Igireason, -1000 Druid Hills OUS (-`1lUH£’Tl[-{CS of Ulf! ClU·¥5`T00m-
D'str` t I1-R. R. D.w , Bl fi-ld, K·. oa , ouisvi e. 'y·
lr   1L{—1\;cKliEy rltegilrj jr.,0¤11A1111 LSwingy Lane, Distric; l\é—5}]rs. II"}. L. Bos»;orth,\;701E Fig-
·- ouisvi , r. caste oa , exington, 'y.; r r. . .
Q District IViMrs. Iilmer Cilb, Paris Pike, Lex- Farris, 421 Rose St., Lexington, Ky.
l_.  ington, Ky.; Guy A. Huguelet, jr., 1469 District V—Mr. james B. Allen, Box 537, Win-
  Lakewood Drive, Lexington, Ky. chester, Ky.
 ·. Diirict ;'·-Mrsk Richard Hopkins, 691 Higgins District l\gI—Dr. Emery Clark, jr., Flcmings·
.. ve., aris, ·. b g, .
’  ` Di$¤'l¢t VI-]- Rggtsf Caudill. 530 C0ll€iZ€ Blvd-, Distliict Vl1l—Mr. Richard G. \Vells, jr., Pike-
"   Morehead, Ky. ville, Ky.
, * District VII-Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, 2711 Sem- District VIII-(Kgntucky·-at-Large)-hir, Cecil
1 l¤¤l€ AV€·, Ashland. KY- Bell, R. #1, Georgetown, Ky.; Mr. joe Rup-
; District VIII (Kentucky-at-Largc)—Mrs. Hamp- ert, Burt 471, Ashland, Ky,
2 ton C· Adams. Old Keen Place. Versailles District lx-(Nation-nt-Large) ~ Mr. Ernest
> , Rd., Lexington, Ky.; David H. Pritchett, 520 Steele, 7117 Sheffield Dr., Knoxville, Tenn.
I 1 _Ci{Plli¤l AV€·n F1Q¤¤l And to the
t { · V major contrilm
I   3 9 campus in 196Q
I I ‘“*1l'$5YZQ§.i
c r ~ wi is 11 i e
    1965 · 'I‘he Year Of Cha11engl . a»0¤a ¤iti  ~—
 » ll same time, I c
  { \ of your own t
. · that a Univer:
  ! ’ which will cx
  A   in communica
‘ l   “Let us begin now, and in 1965, plan for  
  ii i the enrollment of 1975; let us plan to
 Q E both teach and house the incoming stu-
;  i dents . . .”——Dr. Oswald.
 “ , \ On the occ
 . o the FACULTY, I challenge you to a complete   [ vm¤*>*¤f1§¤¤
  T self-examination of our academic program and your F , _F°““d€r$
_ I role in it. I call upon you to redefine your objec- A e nm; Of 8 Sem
 ` tives and underscore your faith in the great traditions of I P?-lcd in wl
Z liberal education and scholarship; I ask you to reaflirm will be aékefl
  1 - your interest in and increase your contributions to the — Alummi fa
 · worldls knowledge, I _;g»{   dynamic
  To the TRUSTEES, I challenge you to help us maxi- y `Q · _ mr Umvcrs
  mize our dual roles as both servant and leader of society. _ _` - conferenfiesi
  As we immerse ourselves in every facet of society, we {  ‘   uled durmg
 if   must at the same time play the role of the critic, the _ ‘ I / r Ofilgf lgalr
 { { observer, the evaluator of society. I call upon the Trus- ' , nl 6 mw
    tees to help us remain free while wc serve. \Ve shall V g y across 4
 - · also call upon you to help us, of course, End the neces- » · gk to Sw,
 A Q sary support to pay for the increased costs of an ex- _   Past achl
 _ ` panded enrollment, an expanded faculty, expanded facili-     , ~ A , Qmle Of l
g ties, expanded research, and greatly expanded services. i.   A . ’ , ;_e , ~—       of lh
 , We ask for your continued support and understanding 7 I ’;....   — ·  nzlvemq
l as we come to you with new programs and new demands ‘ — a*- e `" , I   facade
A Q. / I latmg llidusl
 Z on our resources. I V facilities- T
 A To our ALUMNI, I challenge you to a re-examination   for cxa 1
{ of your thinking in regard to the role that the alumni " “ ‘ `   ‘ i mpe
n 4
 T l

   play in University uftuirs I ohallon I I Y 
  _ ·· g€ y0u to ac- · - 1 -.
 pf, dllflhg 1965, thi? reality that the margin necessary itgtixitsfisxhnt Agtchttrd Hnfstadtef has called nnti-int€l_ ’ ‘
  Provide the excellence to go along with growth in action withttth mtmctm hte- Through Stcpptttup tntnn I
 iiiilmbffl'5, will hilV€ to COITIC from alumni and friends out all 6 people cf the $tat€, let us seek to wipe   ·_
 tgtijhe year 1965 is the moment for our alumni to grasp this Tho regrtiietitfmetitt and suspicion Ot the tttc Ot tnn mind   I 
Fgnliallenge, meet 1t, and give the University the boost it on the rolt 0titi1,uy’ wtll bt? a CIUZCHYY better informed   ·
{needs at this jl1llCh1I`¢3 in its history. Common es Ich t 8 Umverstty tn this mPldlY Chahglllg l I
 And to the STUDENTS, I challenge you to make 3 equi cdvticat tdtmd 8 tttcutty and admtntstmttnn better   I
  major (;()ntrll)u[lOIl to tllil lOl2ll lUtCllCClU21l Clllhiltc OI] Our servgplf O ren cr maxtmum services to the People we   ·t
 campus in   l Cll21llCllgC yOU to Hlilxlmilc tllc ()pp()r- for- iii yhgve Eittccpt thesg challenges, the future we Seek   - 
    will COITIC )'OUI` wily tlirougii your contacts Wcrll racer; (Lu ucgilondwttt ·b€ iiiuch ¥TlOI'€ p1‘€di(;t3b]€_   4 I
  (_l]5tmgulSl1€(l VlSlllllg pI'Ol't(’SSOI`S Zlllll Oll`1CI' CIIUHCIII our rese lt tzn   the ucatton Wlth quality; vvctll expand   I
  onalities who will be visitin 1 our -· s. , ttm amnnns and <>PP0rtunities· we’ll Q ‘
in E _ lv Cdmpllb, but at the our Services t th- t expand I '
L"` V €l1fll€, I €h1lll€llg0 YOU to come forth with programs maxi . O IS State and nation? in $h0l't, we’ll   ‘
 of your OWU tllllt will Ulill·€U OUT SlU(l(’IllS l’ as d ddd ici  
1 us 1.1 complex upper division and graduate work. Z
5 I {
.   =

 ` ** a .1;;; 
5 l ——Provide the groundwork for possible reorganization search for quality in education as we open the  
, 3 of the professional colleges and dividing the College of quantity. The challenge posed by these two  
 Q ‘i l Arts and Sciences into three separate schools—science, enormous; it presents, perhaps, even a stormier  
i I l fine arts and letters. history than this country faced in 1862.   =
.V g —Set higher standards for faculty members and at the "\Ve know that by 1970 more than ti million wi  
t 5 l same time strengthen the present program of recruitment will be qualified for and seeking admittance to out  
’   and retention of faculty. In connection with the faculty leges and universities. College enrollments in 1$)f¤i i· ».
E I Q recruitment and retention effort, the University recently be nearly 100 per cent higher than in 1955. Sei ‘
      established a new retirement plan and adopted a 10- flarris, a Harvard economist. estimates that the total
 —   1 month academic year schedule. Other goals of Presi- of financing American higher education will doulil- '
V   l dent Oswald’s program include establishment of a maxi- tween 1963 and 1970. Our problems at the llnii.
 . _   mum teaching load of nine hours per week, and inaugu· of Kentucky roughly parallel those of the national ~.  
  ll `_ ration of the faculty rank of lecturer for those who are By 1975. for example, our enrollments will reaeli l~ _
i   able teachers but who work in areas where research is \\`ith this dramatic increase in numbers of studi-:1
X   not normally conducted. course, will come a corresponding increase in  
  l -—Foster a campus·wide academic atmosphere aimed members. .·\s I have said many times in the p..~·
  l . at sparking the intellectual development of students. months. I came from a state keenly aware of tlii
  ~ S l This would include establishment of an “honors section" for planning; for the state of (Ialifornia—witli tlii-_
, ‘ g in each multi-section course, and assignment of dormi- number of persons moving into the state as well .
 i     tory space so that students having similar interests are tremendous increase in population through higlii:
 ~ Z ’ housed together. rates-we often say that if one is not fifteen years
  While speaking at Spindletop Hall on Founder’s Day in his planning, he is five years behind. Xly plex-
 ‘ of this year, President Oswald quoted Milton Eisenhower is that we make our Centennial Year the greatest
» f on the value of the land-grant university to the state and ning period in our history.
 ` f nation. “Let us begin now, and in 1965, plan for the·
 ‘ \ “If the land-grant idea had not been conceived, if a ments of 1975; let us plan to both teach and lie:.
 Y handful of men with vision and daring spirits had not incoming students. Let us plan now to provide tl.
 . " recognized the crucial needs of the 1860`s and worked of leadership demanded and expected of a state ~
  1 incessantly to meet those needs—I venture to say that sity through expanded programs of research an]
 ·   this nation might have been overtaken and engulfed by ices; let us plan now to expand the original con.
    a tide of history.” the land-grant college, that of service to society—:r
i In defining the role of the University and pointing out problems to be solved are endless—traflic control.  
 z the need for foresighted planning, President Oswald said; zation, slums, use of leisure time, only to name .12
  “. . . It is even fair to say, I think, that the truly To be sure, our planning is already underway I
  American character of the University came with the University of Kentucky. I think we took a slur
 _ " advent of the land-grant college. Now, over a hundred step in ]anuary with the establislunent of a di~t·
 `   years later, we face anew the challenge of the land-grant community college system within our Universit}
i  idea. This is time for higher education to assert its lead- system in fact was proposed on the assumption t
Q ership more vigorously, to bring its resources to bear would become a valuable instrument in helpiuut
  more forcibly on current problems-in order that society serve the most sacred tenet of American educatioii-
 V might truly benefit. We have come to accept the idea osophy-that each individual should be proriiii
    that education is not just for the privileged-—the elite- maximum opportunity to educate himself to the li
 . Q that it should be available to all in the development of his capacity. It is my belief that this system will l.
, Q their talents. But at the same time, we must hold stead- to move toward the Southern Regional Educatieii.
 . , fastly to the concept of academic excellence. We must ideal of “Full Opportunity` with ‘excellence`."
 . l

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T3"I`I1`   Q I . r I — ·a.5;.;—Ii*   I 1    
wm I, . »     ws   Q g  
Uaitimh I I —
  Fingerprints of a mild winter were barely showing . . . I
the loueli countri side saluted in a thousand Autumn I '
J J , _
colors this exciting day . . . a marriage of Spring and I    
Winter brought forth a perfect day 0f warm sunshine Y  
and crisz air . . . noise, con usion, s irited music and I
spectacular football . . . a heart—thumping victory over I · 
Vandi, 22-21 . . . a car ree dance, memories 0 old I 7
times and old riends, and goodbi es until riends meet  
again at a 1965 Centennial euent. f
7 ’ I-

       I b I DLL FIELD    »
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