xt72z31ngq2p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72z31ngq2p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1923-01-jan26-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1923-01-jan26-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1923-01-jan26-ec. 1923 1923-01-jan26-ec. 2011 true xt72z31ngq2p section xt72z31ngq2p 

     Minutes of the Iemlujpr Monthl7 Meeting of the B Ocutive
Tommittee fo- Fri~iP, J ..nupry 26, 1.923.

     The executive 'owmittee of "he Board of O2rusfees ff th3 Uni-
're-sity of Kentucky met in reqguitr monthly session in th3 2rssiaoit1c
office Pt the University ft 11:30 a. m0, 1'riday, Jrnu;_5,ry 26, .923.
The follo.ing persons pssre present: Julge Aichsra C. Stoll,
Superinqendent George Colvi.n, Senstor H.1. Troman, President rspnk
7. iTcfley end Well1ington Petrick, Secretary of the Boerd.

     The minutes of the preiious meeting mare approved as publidh3dr.

     1. ." Iojtrsct with X.-mndaorf Coal and ?eed gompny.
l1Mr. J. J. Ryley, President , nnd  tr. 0iitan, )3critpry o? thle E-
mendorf CO-I -nl ' aed Oom,-;ny, cra~;raed before -she zxecutire Comrnit -
tsa to rmrk-i a statgrient raerdinr  the cosl contract which had been
discussed in the Yolremnbar menatinR of the Boord.  Mr. Rylsy urged
the '..ecutive Zommnrittie to nccds5 to the point 1rhich he h.d brought
up in his communication in rOva.mber.  He was --,dvised by the Commit-
te3 thFt inasmuch as the matter hed been passed on at a full meet-
ing of  t  Bo;'rd in Dec3mb -r thst it w-as not po-- sibl3 for the .x-
scUtive Committe9 to t:-h3 tction. !T t, S sugested to him that
if he wanted a reconsid,3rtion of tha matter that he praptre a
str t-3ment to be praesnt3d to ths Borrd of rust3ees  t its regulsr
qu.- rt3orly mesting in April.

     2.  Rsoort of -,;hs Business Azont.  The report of the Business
(zont wes received and presertead by the3 -'r 9i.ient  Tha report was
Fs 0ol1o0.s:

                                             J&nupry 16, 1923

     Dr Fr.rnk L. .{c&Tey
          University ,2 Eemtuucky
               Lexino.Jtor;, Lentucky

     Dea.r Doctor 'MIcVey:

          Attiched, I.. -n estimrc--e of racei-ts and disburse-
     ments for the year, 1922-.1923.

          In this estimai;9 the State tax e-, mv te is based
     on last year' rseeipts.    ..I o-inion is that the re-
     csipts will be lErser thsn those of last year, but I
     do nht thl ink it -.1se to make a 'i:Lrqer estimasts. T'he
     Binsrhem inheritance tex is not consideraed in meking
     the estimate.

          r:he estim-3 of rseceit!s from Vocational 3&uoation
     Bovrd is reduced from that imade in ths Budqe .



     The estimate of student fees and the estimate of
Practice School is based on last semester's receipts.

     The estimate of government student fees is based on
muniber now in attendance.  From total amount, estimated
oxpense for supplies has been deducted.

     Patterson H1hll receipts and expenditures are not in-

     ito estimate is made on University 33.tension fees.
We have received to December 30 from such, $2701.75.   It
is my opinion that it will take more than all the addition-
al receipts to pay the honoraria.

     The estimate of expenditures is based on the prosent
yearts budget and last ;years expenditures.   IL the
budget is not overspen' and no additional appropriations
have been made or wil1 be made, the exccess off receipts
over expenditures will be Increased to about 420,,000O00

                                 Vory truly

                                 (Signed) Dl. H. ;?eak
                                           Business Agent.

                University of Kentucky

        Statement of Roceipts and Disbursements
        from July 1, 1922, to December 31, 1922,
        and Estimatod Rgcipts and Disbursements
        from January 1, ..923, to J7iae 30, 1923.

                      General AxAd

   July 1, 1922, to December 31, 1922
   State Tax received January 5, 1923
   Bs'timated January 1, 1923, to June 30,
     State Tax
     Vocational Bducation Board
     %enerpl Fiducation Board
     Special Agricultural Appropriation
     Interest on Libert y Boncds
     Interest on Iendowment Bonds
     Studenti Peas - Goneral
     Student Fees - Government Students
     Student Fees - Practice School
     1is cellaneous


240 ,216.20

11 ,833.81




   -'or,';rdC                                          575,636.24
Bxpenci ture s
  July 1, 1922 to December 31, 1922         248.918.00
  Xatimated Jvnuary 1, 1923 to June  0,1923
     Saleries                                228,000.00
     Expense                                  90.000Q00 566518.00

NEStlmetied excess o0 recsipte over
  eX3enditures for 1922-1923 - General                    8,718.24

     3. Retort on Igsurance.   The following report from the Pres-
id-an of the Unrifvrsity on inmurance was presented to the 2=ecutive

                       RiSPOiT 0I IFirSIT32J

          't the December, 1921, meetinz of the 3oard of Trus-
     -oes, the tecutive Cormittee commented on the desirability
     of reeO7iustina th-e9 insurance on the University plant, with
     fs *4bilt thLt be matter was referred to the 2:tecutive
     Co~.:iwtta for f'urther consideration, nd.d to rnport upon
     -cha wisdom of readjustment'.  This question was discussed
     ;ne referred, at the meeting in Urch, 1922, to the :?res-
     iaent for a report.   Letters exchanged with Clem, SO
     heeler, of Chicago, resulted in hiaymond Graves, Velua-
     tion Bnoineer of the Hartford 2ire Insurance, coming
     to the Univ7ersity in Psbru.xry, 1922.

          The problems involrede in this insurance readjust-
    ment are:

          1. Revaluation of the plants
          2. Repairs rend changes to prevent fire.
          3.  coininmeno   on one policy for all buildings an&
                 contents .

     1   T !he qRievasuation of aant.

         A wpluption o-' the plaint for insurpnce purposes hed
     been made in a rough way by the Board, based upon esti-
     mates given by the Superintendent of Buildinprs and Grounds.
     In coinsurpnce, it is necessary for thd insured to have
     v eluo high enough to protect him and, at the same time,
     .be acceptable to the insurance companies in case o- loss.
     r Ehe expense of making such a valuation by one of the ap-
     -praisal concerns would amount to practically four thoustand
     ? o A1ars .


2.  AP_.B i rs and chenr'es to Q2rairont fire

     The chRnzos su~ogTstad b- "71Mr. Gir- ves in his survey a -Tould.
cost the ULn v^-r it7 not IeSs th n 921,000 ted in !Fiition r'-l
quire en ennual rantl of  SCO0 for irs S,.snn  pij.s mrin &.
total cost of -325,000 for "he ohenes in e five s 71,r rprioe.,
Adcin:A to this t,^.e invqnettor7 Pn?. ve'uaclion costs, ,the p .ounmt

3.  Coinsurenco.

     CoinsurnnC9  -     es for a Joint res7onsibility on 'the
nairt of ins'urer end insur^.e..  ha r-s- onsibilitr u:on th.e in-
sured is to zapincePir hi.s. insurancs on  . o 90  value of his
::r-ror- 7 K-le% to frrent fire.  The coirnsurance retes on an
30' bPsis Pre 25, liss ti-sn Te resg-Fular rates on bric: build-
inzs ,;i-h ^.etpl roo fs Fnd 1%, off on contnts.   ihen th  in-     :
suroe-. carries    in-srir ce orn vs U9S the -et; s are  la es
on buildiin-se Pnd 20;. off onl contens.

     A t tha, preseont tirae t".e TUniversi-ty pays f^our - reraiums for
:five yesars Pt the rt--ce of %.6883 tr er ..100 o ' insurn nce. ~The
a-,^.ouant '-id ou- for the9 -reset five * CrS e3--iri- s in 1i5. is
:i2 ,00O 9sclu.^in? t':e ?.x'~erimenti Stec ion.

4.   Conclusion

     The6 conclusions reac&hed in this e::-.A..in-,;io a rn  e  Set down
eos folow~s:,  

     r       the spving b- ;7&An. re-sairs end chenges. in loWvere
reta rould be 9'; 0o the  remiri  o-r About      ' he e:7penses
in rae-7in' such irn, rova.jenfs -oul!. es-ount1 *o  25,000.

     Saconl, the a,.^-raisal can be wE:0 b7i the Sunsrintendent
     o ildings e.nd 2 rounds endtl e coninetent Icontrector as advisor.
:Dhe cost ioul?. b^ a few hundr3d dollere Pnd the result -robebly
serve as a~ce zc bt ,         isaJ Board ra cine.  After ell
t J-e insi'.rence co-nies  e int'reste   in ameiate.inint values
and their eaqr7a  taee. o0-^ insur.rncs.

     Thir^, d^ TT+^t^9^.' =!U~we nrofit b77 che.nqinR its plan of
insurp ncfloe o he coiIleuccLiLCo3 6ss,-.  .he new L3ir.o~ rate,t
wcen rqri- tinz : s done, .- ill be .0. 78 per .100.  ^he coinsiur-
ance preaium on   fres ,t reluee vaould maks an a -roriiate sy-    -
ing over a -ive year oeriod of    7,-500 on buildings and -.,,300
on contents or /c8,300 ..ri Aout the t x- ense of re .ir, and chn'ges
^ aec~stz. in                        fa, ^  vss' rt-ort.As aas the U;:t'.r'ity is
rble, these re3;pairs for the most -art are bein, made end. in con-
seQuere0 the acce.scabilit7y o- University buildings as risks im-
   -~^nS3*otit~:. ;' ek  i9 -l;'tS -.1'".9  



          Rourth. the cncalusion of this rep)ort is:

          (a) To make an appraisal of --lent by. local experts.
          (b) To place the insurance cn a coinsurance basis.
          (c) No recommendation is made as to time of the change,
     since the :remiums .re paid for the five year period ending
     in 1925.   It way be as vell to continue the -resent system
     until that time since the gain would be small.

                                 (Signed) Frank L. '-eVey

     4. Inheritance Tax from the Bingham Lestete.  The follovwing
corresnondence with reference to the inheritance tax on the Bingham.
Nstate was read end. ordsred incorporete& in the minutes:

                                      January 13, 1923

     Dr. Prank L. IcVey
          Universit7 of aentucky
               Lexington, Thqntucky

    )&ear Doctor McVeY:

          Attached hereto is a letter from Mr. G,;&on in regerd
     to the Bingham inheritance tax.   His statement and the
     recent ststement arp-3ering in the ptapers a .Dear to confirm
     the statement of .Ir. Doyle that no tart of this tex wes
     collected by the Auditgr's office in Decgember.

                                      Ver,7 truly yours

                             (Signed) D. H. Peak
                                            Business Agent

                                      Louisville; 17:sntucky
                                            January 11, 1923
    Ur. D. H. Peak, Business Agint
          University of rentucity
               Lexington, Mn-uc k-y.

    IMy &ear Mr. Peak:

          Replyina to your letter of January 8, I beg to adluise
     that some time in Dece-nlber, the Bingham estate paid to the
     Sheriff of .etfferson County e--roximately $l, 200,000 on ae-
     count of inheritance taxes.



     The Sheriff's office infor!ns me that this amount waas
not remitted to the Auditor until the reguler monthly
statement of the Sheriff to the Auditor for December, went
to Frankfort, wuhich was after 7nuary 1.

     This seems to confirm the stetzement of the Audiltor's
office that no part of the Bingham inheritance tax wans in-
cluded in the amount enaritionsd in your letter.

     It is expected that the balance of the Bingham inherit-
ance taxes will be paid to the Sheriff in February.   I do
not know the amount of that balance, but I am under the im-
pression that it is about the same amount as was paid in
Decernb er.

     With best regards, I beg to remain

                                 Very sincerely yours

                       (Signed) Robert G. Gordon

                                 January 23, 1923

Dr. Frank M1. M-cVey
     University of E ntucky
          !-ening -ton, 7ilr dsCel-'

Dear Doctor UTcVey:

     I received a notice this morning from the Phoenix
National Bank and Trust Comnany that the Liberty Bond note
will be due January 29.   This suggests to me that the Uni-
versity has the following indebtedness evidenced by notes:

     Peabody notes secured. by liberty Bonds, '334,000;
IfcsLughlin notes, G4,500; Aiary C. host notes on Smith Hall,
$9,000; balance of indebtedness on purchase of ..;ulligen
property, 0:.4,750; making a total indebtedness of 4P52,250,
principal, not including interest.   I am making this state-
ment in order that you may use it at the meeting of the Ex-
ecutivs Committee, if you so desire.

     I get from nfewspaper reports that the Bingham estate
has paid the following inheritance taxes: $1,216,618 which
has been paid by the Sheriff of Jefferson County to State
Auditor.   According to my calculations, the University is
entitled to 4?53,227.07 of thet amount which should be paid
February 1.   A later newspaper ranort shows that the Sheriff



     of Jefferson County has collected  l1,154,217 from Bingham
     inheritance taxes which will be paid to the Auditor either
     in January or February.   '-ccording to my calculations the
     University is entitled to .50,496.99 or on the whole a
     total of $103, 724.06.  This, I suppose, is the entire
     amount of inheritance tax, althouth from newspaper reports,
     it seems that a considerable sunn, in ad vEalorem taxes is
     still in controversy.

                                      Very truly

                             (Signed) D. H. Peak
                                          Business Agent

     President M1cVey suggested to the committee that decision be
made at this time as to use of the funds from the Bingham estate.
After discussion, motion was made by 1ir, Colvin and seconded by
Mr. Froman that the funds received from the Bingham estate be used
(1) Por the construction of the new wing to the Chemistry.Building;
(2) 2'or repairs to the Old Chemistry Building so as to permit it
to be used as a Law Building; (3) Temporary repairs to the Wornen's
Gymnasium.   Also that Cooli&ge and Shattuck of Boston, M7assa-
chusetts be asked to prepare -,Ins for a Ifew Chemistry Building.
The motion was carried. It vies the fseling of the members present
that plans should be prseparad immediately for presentation at the
meeting of the Board of Truttees in April in order that the build-
inrqs in question might be made availaeb&   for use by September next.

     5. Plans of Alumni for a Drive for Thnds.    The following com-
munication from the Secretary of the Alumni Association vas pre-

                                       January 8, 1923

     President Prank I. .cVgy

          University of 7Centuchy

     Mfy deer President Mc'7ey:

          We have agreed on the necessity for action on the
     Memorial Building.   There are twco courses open: to an-
     nounce now a plan to build with the funds already availa-
     ble or to announce a plan to rcise an additional sum of
     $100,000 or approximately that and start after it now.

          I think we need an excuso for an immediate and an in-
     tensive drive for the further organization of alumni within
     the next six months, especially for the influence that it


might have on the 1924 General Assembly.     We might try
for a total of $140,000 distributed as follows:

Memorial Building.
Patterson Statue ...............
Studenit Zaan Fund ..............
Shdowment Student Essay Prize ..
Bndo . ment Newspaper Prize ......
    (Education Service)
Alumni Records .................
Miscellaneous ..................

110 ,000
   10 gOOO
   2,500 '


     This sum might be increased to $200,000 allowing
$60,000 to go on a stadium, the remainder of the cost to
be provided by the sale of bonds as proposed by backers
of the stadium plan.

     If the University is to spend 0200,000 on a stadium
and at!Ietic field. I think it should bo on p lot of twenty-
five acres, as a minimum, where there would be room for
recreation of all the students.   Ratsing money for a
field and equipment solely for our varsity teams would not
be popular in the State and even among all the alumni, as
I see it.   I think the latter plan might.

     The $140,000 total would mean )56 for each alumnus,
and $200,000 would be $M80 per capita.

                            (Signed) Herbert Graham

                                 January 1, 1923

                AS OF D.B0SMBER 31, 1922

        Securities (market valuation) ....... $57,368.60
        On Deposit, Citizens Union Bank         4,486.90
        On Deposit, Phoenix Bank & Trust Co..   6,014.73
        Unpaid Pledges, 100 Lex. Guarantors . 92,750.00
             43 Bourbon Countians ...........   1,270.00
             458 Mjis. 1919 Drive..      .       4,180.50
             227 Alumni & Ml'isc . .............  3,957.50
             537 Students, ete., 1922 Drive      5,664.10
                  Total.......            .   175,692.33

 /           ~   *Bxpenses of Campaign .1 16,365.45

    *This amount has been paid by check on deposit ini
the Phoenix Bank and Trust Company, Lexington, or the
Citizens Union National Bank, Louisville.



     After discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Colvin and second-
ed by Mr. Froman that the Executive Cemmittee accept tho proposi-
tion of the Alumni Association for t"-ie raising of funds, and that
the Committee pledge its support in such a program.    The motion
was carried.

     6. Application of Kentucky Traction and Terminal Company for
a Y on University Property.   President U~Vey stated to the Com-
mittee that the Kentucky Traction and Terminal Company had made a
request to lease a plot of around on the University farm at the
junction of Rose Street and South Limestone Street for the pur-
pose of constructing a 11Y,' so as to permit them to turn their cars
around at that point.   After discussion, a committee was appoint-
ed, consisting of President MAcVey, Dean Cooper and Senator Froman,
with power to act on the matter.

     7. Dift of *400 by Professor Sax for Lectures.  President
McoVey stated to the Executive Committee that Professor Carol Sax
had given a check for $400, payable to the President of the Un-
iversity, to be expended for lectures during the present year.
A motion was made, seconded, and adopted, expressing appreciation
of the gift.

     8. Record of Stock Judging Team. President McVey brought
to the attention of the Executive Committee the fact that the
stock judging team at the recent International Livestock Exposi-
tion had made an excellent record.   The team was composed of
five men, members of the College of Agriculture, namely, R.EH. Woods;.
C. M. Wade, E, L. Langsford, P. W. I-iller and P. E. Watlington.
The team competed with teams from twenty different states and
countries, and., as a whole, stood eleventh.   In the judging .of
the Separate classes of live stock, they stood first on beef cat-
tle, passing such colleges as Ohio, Indiana, Iowa and Kansas.
They stood seventh on hogs, ninth on sheep and sixteenth on horses..
     A motion was made, seconded and unanimously adopted, authoris-
ing the Presiaent to write a letter to each member of the team, con-
veying the congratulations and best wrishes of the Executive Commit-
tee for the record made.

     9. Sale of Lot on Winslow Street to the C=it  of Lexington.
The following communication from the Secretpry of the Board was



                                          January 25, 1923

    President Frank L. McVey
         University of Kentucky

    My dear Mr. President:

         At the meeting of the 3Bovrd of Trustees in December,
    1921, it was voted that the Board should sell to the City
    of Lexington a lot on Winslow Street, to permit of extend-
    ing Lexington Avenue.   The action of the Board was duly
    reported to the City Attorney, Mr. Townsend.    Although
    his attention was subsequently called to the matter, so
    far as I kInow, nothing has been done.

         Mr. Whipple tells me that he was on an appraising
     committee for the property in question, and that Mr.
     Devereaux objected to the price at which the University
     wantdd to sell the property, saying that it was too low.

          You will recall that, at a previous meeting of the
    Board, a resolution was passed, asking the City of Lexing-
    ton. to extend Lexington Avenue.

          Perhaps you will want to bring this matter to the
     attention of the Executive Committee.

                                           Very truly yours

                                   (Signed)     W. Patrick
                                           Secretary of the Board.

     After discussion, a motion was made, seconded, and adopted,
authorizing that the city authorities be informed that the Uni-
versity will give the lot in question to the City of Lexington, ro-
vid.ed the city will agree to close Adams Street from Harrison Avenue
to Cpllege Street.

     10. Bill for Audit of University Accounts.    A bill for $600
from  arvwSiok, Mitchell and Company, Louisville, Kentucky, for the
audit of the University books was presented, and, on mo-iion, sec-
onded and. adopted, the Business Agent was authorized to pay the ac-



     11. Fraternity Sites on Winslow Street.  A letter from the,
Secretary of the Board regarding fraternity sites on Winslow
Street was presented.   The letter was as follows:

                                       January 26, 1923

     President Frank 1. McVey

          University of Kentucky

     My dear President McVey:

          I am writing to call your attention to the various
     requests of fraternities for building sites on Winslow

          On June 13, 1921, the Kappa Sigma petitioned the
     Board for a building site on the east corner of Lexington
     and Winslow.   The Board told the Fraternity that as soon
     as they were ready to build they would attempt to provide
     a site.

          On May 25, 1922, the Rappa Alpha; petitioned the
     Board for a building site on the northeast corner of
     Lexington and Winslow.   The Board told the Fraternity
     that as soon as they were ready to build a suitable
     site would be provided by the Board.

          On April 4, 1922, the Sigma Chi petitioned the
     Board for a building site on the northeast corner of
     Lexington and WIVinslow.  The Board told the Fraternity
     that as soon as they were ready to build the Board would
     attempt to acquire the site designated provided it could
     be purchased at a reasonable price.

          You will note that all these fraternities want the
     same building site.   I am writing to suggest that the
     matter be cleared up now before any further complica-
     tions arise.

                                       Very truly yours

                                           Wellington, Patrick
                                       Secretary of the Board



     On motion duly seconded the President was authorized to
take this matter up with the various fraternities and designate

     12. Stadium for Athletic Field.   A committee from the
Athletic Council consisting of Dr. W. D. Thxkhouser, Professor
H. E. Curtis, and Superintendent A. 0. Whipple appeared before
the Executive Committee to discuss the question of a stadium
on the athletic field.   Doctor Funkhouser, spokesman for the
committee, stated that the Athletic Council considered that it
is a proper time to begin the erection of a stadium on the
athletic field; that the Alumni and others interested in ath-
letics at the University of Kentucky were in favor of some sort
of program; that the general feeling seemed to be that we ought
to begin the erection of a stadium at the present time; that
the Athletic Council had considered the matter from many angles
and hadrcome to the conclusion that whatever plan might be
worked out would have to be presented to the Executive Committee
or the Board of Trustees for approval; that the Athletic Coun-
cil desired at this time to present the matter to the Executive
Committee and to determine whether or not the Committee thought
it advisable to take up the program and consider it or whether
it would be wise to drop it.   Doctor Funkhouser presented a
tentative sketch which had been drawm by Mr. Whipple showing
what the stadium should be.   Superintendent Whipple presented
figures showing the cost of the stadia that have been erected
in various parts of the country.

     Table showing cost of stadia that have been built at various
educational institutions.
                        Seating        Total           Cost per
     Institution       Capacity        Cost             seat
     Illinois           57,000      42,000,000         $35.00
     Pennsylvania       50,000          750,000         15.00
     Columbia           73,000        3,000,000         41.00
     Tos Angeles        75,000        2,500,000         30.00
     Chicago           125,000        2,500,000         20.00
     Harvard            34,745          200,000          5.60
     Ohio               63,000        1,341,000         21.30
     Huron S. D.         5,500           55,000         10.00
     Washington         40,000          423,000         10.58
     Kansas             15,500          235,000         15,00
     Mfichigan          13,200           55,000          4.17
     Yale Bowl          61,000          400 ,000         4.92
     Tacoma             30,000          175,000           I5.84
     California          8,000           42,000           5.25
     Princeton          41,000          300,000           7.32
     San Disgo          30,000          325,000         10.83



     Doctor -unihouser discussed various plans for the raising of
funds for the erection of a stadium and- further stated that the
Athletic Council would appreciate some sort of statement from the
Executive Committee as to its attitude.

     After discussion a motion was made, seconded, and adopted,
stating (1) That the Executive Committee is in sympathy with the
purpose of the Athletic Council to erect a stadium on the Uni-
versity campus; (2) That President JAcI.ey be asked to consider a
method of raising funds, and that he also be asked to confer with
the E'xecutive Committee of the IMemorial Building Fund to determine
whether or not it is possible or advisable to use the Memorial
Building funds or any partof them for the erection of a stadium.

     13.   Leave of Absence for Mrs. Stout.    A communication was
read from Dean Boyd recommending that leave of absence for MIrs.
F. O. Stout be continued during the second semester of this year
o'ring to tl. continueed illness o  Judge Stout.  On motion duly
seconded the leave of absence on half pay was extended.

     14.   Leave of Absence for Professor A. C. Zembrod.     Some
time ago sebbatical leave of absence for one year on half pay~was
granted to Professor A. C. Zembrod for the year 1923-1924 for pur-
poses of travel in Europe.    A communication from Professor Zembrod
was read indicating that he wished to change the leave of absence
to continue only during the first semester of 1923-1924 on full pay.
On recommendation of Dean Boyd, approved by President McVey, the
leave of absence was changed to read as requested.

     15.   Gift of live Stock to the Experiment Station.     The
following communication from Dean Cooper was read end ordered in-
corporated in the minutes:

                                       January 24, 1923

     President F. L. McVey
          University of R-ntucky

     T.My dear President ITcVey:

          I wish to inform you that the Experiment Station has
     been given a valuable Guernsey bull by 'Mr. St. Amant of
     East Falmouth, Massachusetts.    The bull arrived just the
     other day and is a splendid specimen.     I would suggest
     that the Executive Committee indicate its appreciation of
     this gift to the Experiment Station.

                                       Yours very truly

                             (Signed) Thomas P. Cooper
                                           De.n an! DGector


14- .

     On motion duly seconded it was ordered that a letter be sent
to the donor expressing appreciation of the Executive Committee
for the gift.

     16. Appointments.   The following list of appointments was
presented by President IcVey and on motion duly seconded approved
as recommended--

     Appointment of Mir. A. B. Chandler as coach of the girls"
basketball team at a salary of ' 150 per month to be paid by the
Athletic Association.

     Appointment of Idliss Elizabeth Pruitt as clerk in the depart-
ment of veterinary science at a salary of Ap75 a month, effective
Decenmfer 12, 1922.  This appointment was to fill the vacancy
caused by the resignation of Mliss M.ary Lowe.

     Appointment of fir. John J. IWinn as head cosch of football for
1923 at a salary of $i45,000; $2,400 paid by the University and
$2,600 paid by the Athletic Association.

     Appointment of Hr. William Rodes as assistant football coach
for 1923 at a salary of $1,500 to be paid by the Athletic Associa-

     Appointment of Mtr. B. L. Pribble as assistant football coach
for 1923 at a salary of $1,000 to be paid by the Athletic Asso-

     Appointment of Milr. S. Harney as student assistant in Physiolo-
gy at a salary of $15 per month for the rest of the scholastic
year 1922"1923.

     Appointment of Mr. J-mes H. Martin as assistant chemist in
the department of public service laboratories in the Experiment
Stetion at an initial salary of $2,100 a year, effective at such
time as he reports for duty.

     Appointment of M.4r. A. D. Hall as instructor in drawing at
a salary of $150 a month, effective January 4, for the rest of
the college year.

     Appointment of Cambell M. VVade as assistant county agent in
Fayette County at a salary of $75 a month from February 5 to
June 30, 1923.

     Appointment of W. B. .Woodward as county agent, McCreary
County, at a salary of $133 1/3 a month from January 1, 1923 to
December 31, 1923.



     Appointment of C. E. Houk as county agent, Garrard County,
at a salary of 150 a month from January 5, 1923 to January 4,

     Anpointment of W. H. Rochester as county agent, Mu1ahlenberg
County, at a salary of $166 2/3 a month, from December 1, 1922
to Decomber 31, 1923.

     Appointment of James V. Coleman as assistant county agent,
Fayett  County, at a. salary of $100 a month from February 5,
1923.qR June 30, 1923.

     Appointment of H. Z. Warth as assistant county agent, Crit-
tenden County, at a salary of $125 a month from January 1 to
June 30, 1923.

     Appointment of Miss Margaret Gentry as clerk in the departr
ment of farm economics at a salary of $90 a month, effective
January 1, 1923.

     Appointment of Miss Lena Williams as clerk in the department
of home economics at a salary of $P75 a month, effective January
1, 1923.

     Appointment of J. B. McClure as county agent, Daviess
County, at a salary of *$200 a month from January 1, to December
31, 1923.

     Appointment of 0. R. Carrithers as county agent of Knott
County at a salary of $141 2/3 a month from January 1 to December
31, 1923.

     Appointment of S. W. Anderson as assistant county agent,
Jefferson County, a.t a salary of ?176 2/3 a month from January 1
to December 31, 1923.

     Appointment of H. D. Triplett as assistant county agent,
Nelson County, at a salary of %$o00 a month from January 2 to
June 30, 1923.

     Appointment of F. C. 7i~alker as county agent, Adair County,
at a salary of 0158 1/3 .a month from January 3 to December 31,

     Appointment of Miss Lillian Cole as county home demonstra-
tion agent, Campbell County, at a salary of $'150 a month from
November 21, 1922 to November 20, 1923.



     Appointment of Miss Elizabeth Cornelius as home demonstra-
tion agent, Jefferson County, at a salary (f $166 2/3 a month
from January 1 to December 31, 1923.

     Appointment of Bliss Elizabeth Roberts as home demonstration
agent, Perry County, ata salary of $158.33 1/3 a month from
December 1, 1922 to Iarch 31, 1923.

     Appointment of E. H, Darnaby as assist